Original Article Preventive effect of celecoxib in sorafenib-related hand-foot syndrome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients, a single-center ...
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Am J Cancer Res 2020;10(5):1467-1476 www.ajcr.us /ISSN:2156-6976/ajcr0110825 Original Article Preventive effect of celecoxib in sorafenib-related hand-foot syndrome in hepatocellular carcinoma patients, a single-center, open-label, randomized, controlled clinical phase III trial Jian-Cong Chen1,2*, Jun-Cheng Wang1,3*, Yang-Xun Pan1,3*, Min-Jiang Yi1,3, Jin-Bin Chen1,3, Xiao-Hui Wang1,3, Yi-Zhen Fu1,3, Yao-Jun Zhang1,3, Li Xu1,3, Min-Shan Chen1,3, Rong-Xin Zhang3,4, Zhong-Guo Zhou1,3 1 Department of Liver Surgery, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, P. R. China; 2Department of Pancreato-Biliary Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, P. R. China; 3Sun Yat- sen University Cancer Center, State Key Laboratory of Oncology in South China, Collaborative Innovation Center for Cancer Medicine, Guangzhou, P. R. China; 4Department of Colorectal Cancer, Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center, Guangzhou, P. R. China. *Equal contributors. Received March 13, 2020; Accepted April 4, 2020; Epub May 1, 2020; Published May 15, 2020 Abstract: Skin toxicity, especially hand-foot syndrome (HFS), is one of the most common sorafenib-induced ad- verse events (AEs) in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients, leading to treatment interruption and failure. Mucocutaneous inflammation may cause HFS; therefore, we investigated whether celecoxib can alleviate HFS, improve patients’ quality of life and increase survival when administered in conjunction with active therapy. Our randomized, open-label study prospectively enrolled 116 advanced HCC patients receiving sorafenib as targeted therapy from July 2015 to July 2016. All patients were randomly assigned (1:1) via a computer-generated sequence to receive sorafenib with or without celecoxib. Sorafenib-related AEs were recorded, Survival was compared be- tween the two groups. Compared to the Sorafenib group, the SoraCele group had lower incidence rates of ≥ grade 2 and grade 3 HFS (63.8% vs 29.3%, P < 0.001; 19.0% vs 3.4%, P = 0.008, respectively), hair loss, rash and ab- dominal pain. Kaplan-Meier analysis revealed a lower risk of ≥ grade 2 HFS (HR, 0.384; P = 0.002) and a lower dose reduction/interruption rate (46.6% to 15.5%, P < 0.001) in the SoraCele group. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis demonstrated that celecoxib was the only independent predictive factor of developing ≥ grade 2 HFS (HR, 0.414; P = 0.004). Longer progression-free survival (PFS) was also observed in the SoraCele group (P = 0.039), al- though overall survival was not prolonged (P = 0.305). These results suggest that sorafenib + Celecoxib administra- tion alleviated sorafenib-related skin toxicity. Longer PFS was achieved in clinical practice, although overall survival was not prolonged (ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02961998). Keywords: Hand-foot syndrome, celecoxib, sorafenib, hepatocellular carcinoma Introduction The oral multi-kinase small-molecule inhibitor sorafenib remains the first-line targeted therapy Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common for unresectable, locally advanced or metastat- fatal malignant tumor, and even with the ic HCC according to the NCCN guidelines pub- increase in screening during health examina- lished in the last decade [6]. However, sorafenib tions, most patients are diagnosed with HCC in requires long-term medication administration advanced stages [1, 2]. The overall survival and causes a series of side effects, including rate has improved in recent decades, although hand-foot syndrome (HFS), limb swelling, rash, the prognosis remains poor [3, 4]. Up to 70% of peeling, and pain. The incidence rate of HFS patients are in the intermediate to terminal ranges from 21% to 51%, seriously affecting stages at diagnosis, limiting their treatment patients’ quality of life [7]. In addition, these options and resulting in a poor median overall side effects appear to be dose-related. When survival rate [5]. severe HFS occurs, the dosage of sorafenib
Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome Figure 1. Consort flow diagram. treatment must be reduced or sorafenib treat- Materials and methods ment is interrupted, which could seriously af- fect survival. Patient recruitment HFS is also known as palmoplantar erythro- The study was designed as a single-center, dysesthesia and has long been known to be a open-label, randomized, prospective clinical common, dose-dependent side effect associ- trial (Figure 1) and aimed to explore the ability ated with some chemotherapeutical agents [8]. of celecoxib to prevent HFS induced by so- Despite the unknown mechanism underlying rafenib. Patients were randomly assigned (1:1) HFS, people consider it to be a type of dermato- to receive either sorafenib (sorafenib group) or logic inflammation. A retrospective study by sorafenib plus celecoxib (SoraCoxib group). Gressett et al. [9] and a prospective random- Randomization was performed via a computer- ized trial by Zhang et al. [10] both confirmed generated randomization sequence, and we that combining capecitabine with celecoxib, a calculated that the sample size of this study selective COX-2 inhibitor, can significantly re- should be 110 patients at least to enable the duce capecitabine-related HFS in colorectal detection of hazard rates with 90% power (b = cancer patients. Because no relevant clinical 0.01) and a two-sided significance level of a = evidence has been presented regarding the 0.05, while 116 were enrolled finally. use of celecoxib to prevent HFS in HCC patients, we designed this prospective randomized con- This study was conducted in accordance with trolled study to explore the preventive effect of the ethical standards of the 1964 Declaration celecoxib on sorafenib-related HFS, the influ- of Helsinki and the laws and regulations of ence of the addition of celecoxib on HCC China. This study was approved by the appropri- patients’ quality of life, and the synergistic anti- ate ethics committee of Sun Yat-sen University tumor effect of the combination of celecoxib Cancer Center. Full written informed consent and sorafenib in patients with HCC. This study was obtained from all patients before their par- aimed to improve treatment, quality of life and ticipation in the study. The trial was registered tumor control in patients with advanced HCC. at Clinical Trials.gov: NCT02961998. 1468 Am J Cancer Res 2020;10(5):1467-1476
Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome Figure 2. Treatment and dose adjustment strategy for different grades of hand-foot syndrome. Patients diagnosed with unresectable or ad- cy ablation in patients with advanced HCC. 6. vanced HCC and treated with sorafenib at Sun sorafenib treatment was consented. Yat-Sen University Cancer Center between July 2015 and July 2016 were prospectively col- The exclusion criteria were as follows: 1. child- lected and randomly assigned to a treatment Pugh Grade C, with massive ascites and a his- group. The inclusion/exclusion criteria are de- tory of hepatic encephalopathy; 2. poor general scribed below. condition or cachexia; 3. tendency to hemor- rhage, including a history of peptic ulcers or The inclusion criteria were as follows: 1. a diag- gastrointestinal bleeding; and 4. other contra- nosis of HCC according to the 7th edition of the indications for celecoxib or allergy to celecoxib. American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) [11] primary liver cancer diagnosis and treat- The patients were administered sorafenib ment guidelines; 2. a Karnofsky Performance (Nexavar Bayer Health Care AG, Leverkusen, Germany) at 400 mg twice daily as a basic Status (KPS) score ≥ 70 points; 3. age between treatment. The patients were randomly divided 18 and 70 years; 4. Child-Pugh class A or B into the following two groups: the sorafenib (class B patients had scores no greater than 7 group (treated only with sorafenib) and the points). In addition, the baseline laboratory SoraCoxib group (both medicines initiated at tests had to meet the following criteria: a white the same time). The dose of celecoxib (Pfizer blood cell (WBC) count ≥ 1.5 × 109/L, a platelet Pharmaceuticals LLC, Puerto Rico) was based count ≥ 50 × 109/L, a hemoglobin level ≥ 80 on a limited number of case reports, usually g/L, serum aspartate transaminase (AST) and starting with 200 mg bid [12, 13]. The dose of alanine transaminase (ALT) levels ≤ 2 × the sorafenib in both groups was reduced when upper limit of normal (ULN), a serum creatinine severe complications occurred. ≤ 1.5 × ULN, an international normalized ratio (INR) < 1.5 or a prothrombin time < the ULN + 4 Follow-up and statistical analyses seconds, an albumin level ≥ 30 g/L, and a total bilirubin level ≤ 34 mmol/L; and 5. failure of After the initiation of sorafenib treatment, pa- first-line therapy with surgery and radiofrequen- tients were evaluated monthly. Adverse events 1469 Am J Cancer Res 2020;10(5):1467-1476
Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome Table 1. Patient baseline characteristics in the two groups tacted by phone every 3 months Sorafenib Sorafenib/ to determine their survival sta- group celecoxib P value tus. (n = 58) group (n = 58) HFS is usually worse during the Age 57.4±11.1 51.3±11.7 0.004a first 6 weeks of treatment with Gender (M/F) 52/6 56/2 0.272b targeted therapy than thereaf- HBsAg 89.1% 100.0% 0.083b ter. With sorafenib, HFS usually ALT 51.6±68.5 72.2±101.4 0.229a appears within 2 months. Once AST 53.0±50.2 71.0±99.5 0.241a the early signs of HFS appeared, TBIL 14.3±7.1 15.1±5.4 0.509a we recommended that our pa- ALB 41.0±4.4 41.7±4.9 0.551a tients limit the use of hot water AFP (< 400/> 400) 39/16 29/17 0.401b and try to cool their hands and Child-Pugh (A) 100.0% 100.0% 1.000b feet, avoid activities that cause Nodules in liver 0.349b force or rubbing on the hands None 17 (29.3%) 14 (26.4%) or feet and avoid contact with 1 14 (24.1%) 7 (13.2%) harsh chemicals. Other treat- ments are shown in Figure 2. 2 2 (3.4%) 4 (7.5%) Multiple 25 (43.1%) 28 (52.8%) The baseline characteristics we- MVI 0.038b re examined via frequency dis- None 18 (60.0%) 10 (33.3%) tributions; continuous data are 1 12 (340.0%) 20 (66.7%) presented as the medians un- PVTT 0.639c less otherwise indicated. Kapl- None 41 (70.7%) 33 (62.3%) an-Meier analysis curves were 1 13 (22.4%) 15 (28.3%) generated to estimate the differ- ence in the probability of devel- 2 4 (6.9%) 5 (9.4%) oping at least grade 2 HFS in the HVTT/IVCTT 0.587c two groups, with the endpoint None 51 (87.9%) 46 (86.8%) calculated from the initial date of HVTT 5 (8.6%) 3 (5.7%) sorafenib therapy to the date of IVCTT 2 (3.4%) 4 (7.5%) the occurrence of at least grade Metastasis 0.406b 2 HFS or the date of the last fol- None 37 (63.8%) 33 (61.1%) low-up. Overall survival (OS) and Lung 16 (27.6%) 12 (22.2%) progression-free survival (PFS) Other 5 (8.6%) 9 (16.7%) were calculated from the initial Previous treatment 0.108c date of sorafenib therapy to the None 1 (1.7%) 7 (12.1%) date of death from any cause or TACE 16 (27.6%) 16 (27.6%) disease progression, or the date of the last follow-up. Surgery 12 (20.7%) 13 (22.4%) TACE + Surgery 29 (50.0%) 22 (37.0%) The results were compared by Length of sorafenib treatment 427.0 263.5 0.103d student’s ttests or χ2 tests. Su- Values in bold indicate significance. aT-test. bχ2 test. cContinuity correction. rvival outcomes were calcula- d Mann-Whitney U test. MVI: microvascular invasion; PVTT: portal vein tumor ted with the Kaplan-Meier me- thrombus (1: branch portal vein; 2 trunk portal vein); HVTT: hepatic vein tumor thrombosis; IVCTT: inferior vena cava tumor thrombosis. thod and compared by log-rank tests. Any factors that were sta- tistically significant at P less than (AEs) were recorded according to the Nation- 0.10 in the univariate analysis were candidates al Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria for entry into a multivariable Cox proportional (CTCAE v3.0) [14]. Laboratory tests, including hazards model. All P values were 2-sided, with liver and kidney function tests, blood cell values less than 0.05 considered significant. counts, and contrast CT or MRI scans were per- The statistical package used to perform analy- formed every 2 to 3 months. After the interrup- ses was SPSS statistical software (version tion of sorafenib treatment, patients were con- 23.0; SPSS Company, Chicago, IL). 1470 Am J Cancer Res 2020;10(5):1467-1476
Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome Table 2. Sorafenib-related adverse events in previous trials and the current study SHARP (%) Asia-Pacific (%) Current study, number, (%) Adverse events All Grade 2-3 All Grade 2-3 All Grade 2-3 Overall number of incidents 80 52 98 47.7 310 (19.1) 19 (1.2) Constitutional symptoms Fatigue 22 4 20.1 3.4 13 (11.2) - Weight loss 9 2 - - 15 (12.9) - Dermatologic events - Alopecia 14 - 24.8 - 20 (17.2) - Hand-foot syndrome 21 8 45 10.7 75 (64.7) 13 (11.2) Rash 16 1 20.1 0.7 22 (16.4) - Gastrointestinal events Anorexia 14
Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome Table 3. Adverse event frequency comparison between sorafenib In addition to the reduction in with or without celecoxib the severity of HFS in patients Sorafenib Sorafenib/ using sorafenib and celeco- Adverse events group celecoxib P value xib, we also witnessed signi- (n = 58) group (n = 58) ficantly decreased rates of Constitutional events grade 1 hair loss (8.6% vs Fever 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1.000c 25.9%, P = 0.014), grade 1 Fatigue 11 (19.0%) 2 (3.4%) 0.008c rash (5.2% vs 27.6%, P = Weight loss 10 (17.2%) 5 (8.5%) 0.166c 0.001) and unspecified abdo- Dermatologic events minal pain (12.1% vs 29.3%, Alopecia (Hair loss) P = 0.022) in the SoraCele ≥ Grade 1 15 (25.9%) 5 (8.6%) 0.014b group compared to those in ≥ Grade 2 2 (3.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.476c the control group. The inci- Hand-foot syndrome dence rates of other AEs were ≥ Grade 1 42 (72.4%) 33 (68.8%) 0.680b nearly the same in the two ≥ Grade 2 37 (63.8%) 17 (29.3%) < 0.001b groups. More details can be ≥ Grade 3 11 (19.0%) 2 (3.4%) 0.008b found in Table 3. Rash Administration of celecoxib ≥ Grade 1 16 (27.6%) 3 (5.2%) 0.001b was the only factor that re- ≥ Grade 2 3 (5.2%) 1 (1.7%) 0.611c duced the incidence of grade Gastrointestinal events 2 or above HFS Anorexia 12 (20.7%) 6 (10.3%) 0.124b Diarrhea We performed a Kaplan-Meier ≥ Grade 1 37 (63.8%) 26 (50.0%) 0.144b analysis to compare the prob- ≥ Grade 2 11 (19.0%) 11 (19.0%) 1.000b ability of developing at least ≥ Grade 3 0 (0.0%) 2 (3.4%) 0.476c grade 2 HFS in the two gro- Nausea 0 (0.0%) 2 (3.4%) 0.476c ups and found a hazard ratio Vomiting 1 (1.7%) 1 (1.7%) 1.000c of 0.384 (P = 0.002, SoraCe- Voice change 7 (12.1%) 2 (3.4%) 0.165c le group vs sorafenib group, Hypertension Figure 3) and a lower do- ≥ Grade 1 16 (27.6%) 9 (15.5%) 0.114b se reduction/interruption rate ≥ Grade 2 6 (10.3%) 1 (1.7%) 0.119c in the SoraCele group than ≥ Grade 3 3 (5.2%) 1 (1.7%) 0.611c in the control group (15.5% Abdominal pain, unspecified 17 (29.3%) 7 (12.1%) 0.022b vs 46.6%, P < 0.001, Table 3). ECOG performance status score 0.283c Univariate Cox proportional 1 50 (86.2%) 55 (94.8%) hazards regression analysis 2 3 (5.2%) 1 (1.7%) indicated that gender and the Dose reduction/interruption 27 (46.6%) 9 (15.5%) < 0.001b combined administration of Bone marrow suppression celecoxib may be the factors Leucopenia 0.077c affecting the incidence rate of Grade 1 7 (12.1%) 7 (12.1%) grade 2 or above HFS (HR, Grade 2 3 (5.2%) 8 (13.8%) 2.652; P = 0.012, and HR, Grade 3 0 (0.0) 1 (1.7%) 0.384; P = 0.002, respective- Thrombocytopenia 0.108c ly). Further multivariate analy- Grade 1 5 (8.6%) 11 (19.0%) sis showed that celecoxib ad- Grade 2 8 (13.8%) 6 (10.3%) ministration was the only fac- Grade 3 6 (10.3%) 3 (5.2%) tor that reduced the incidence Grade 4 0 (0.0%) 1 (1.7%) of grade 2 or above HFS (HR, Liver dysfunction 0.414; P = 0.004) (Table 4). ALT 32 (55.2%) 31 (53.4%) 0.852b AST 41 (70.7%) 32 (55.2%) 0.609a The addition of celecoxib re- TBIL 22 (37.9%) 17 (29.3%) 0.326a sulted in a PFS benefit ALB 25 (43.1%) 17 (29.3%) 0.122b Values with statistical significance are in bold. aT-test. bχ2 test. cContinuity correc- The Kaplan-Meier method and tion. ECOG: The Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group. log-rank test were employed to 1472 Am J Cancer Res 2020;10(5):1467-1476
Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome quality of life (QoL). HFS, diar- rhea, abdominal pain and hy- pertension are the most fre- quently reported sorafenib-re- lated adverse effects [18]. Our study found a slightly higher incidence of adverse effects than those reported in the SHARP and Asia-Pacific trials. More detailed AE recording and longer follow-up time are advantages of our study. The mechanisms underlying HFS and other skin muco- sal reactions remain unknown [19]. Most clinicians believe that these skin toxicities result from inflammation, which can Figure 3. The probability of developing at least grade 2 HFS between the two be either directly or indirectly groups. The data were stratified according to treatment, and compared with triggered by medications. Our the sorafenib group, the SoraCele group had a significantly lower probability present study indicated that of developing at least grade 2 HFS, with a HR of 0.384 (P = 0.002). the combination of sorafenib with celecoxib can significantly determine if patients benefited from the addi- decrease the frequency of grade 2 HFS from tion of celecoxib (Figure 4). The PFS was longer 63.8% to 29.3% and the frequency of grade 3 in the SoraCele group than in the sorafenib HFS from 19.0% to 3.4%. Interestingly, in addi- group (HR, 0.611; P = 0.039), but no prolonga- tion to a reduced incidence of HFS, we also tion of OS was detected (HR, 0.810; P = 0.393). observed a significant decrease in the inci- dences of hair loss, skin rash and abdominal Discussion pain in patients receiving celecoxib and so- rafenib compared with those in patients receiv- Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is one of the ing only sorafenib; this might have a substantial most common malignant tumors in China, with effect on patients’ QoL. These improvements in a very poor prognosis. Its morbidity and mortal- skin toxicity provide substantial support for the ity rates are among the highest for malignant idea that COX2 inhibitors can play a vital role in tumors. Sorafenib has been recommended as regulating medication-related inflammatory the standard treatment for intermediate to cytokine production [20, 21] and may improve advanced stage HCC in the last decade. our understanding of the mechanisms underly- However, sorafenib requires long-term medica- ing HFS and other skin mucosal reactions. tion administration and causes a series of side effects, which lead to treatment interruption The prevention and management of HFS is and failure. Our prospective randomized con- important in clinical practice. Until now, no ef- trolled study was designed to explore whether fective method has been found to prevent or celecoxib can help prevent and manage these reverse sorafenib-related skin toxicity. Recent complications in HCC patients. research has shown that 10% urea-based cream [22], hydrocolloid dressings containing Sorafenib is an oral multi-kinase inhibitor that ceramide [23], topical heparin-containing oint- targets tyrosine, and it exerts strong antiangio- ment [24], and Vitamin E 300 mg/day [25] may genic effects and suppresses tumor prolifera- be effective in controlling HFS symptoms. The tion in various types of solid-tumor cancers, mainstay strategy for the management of HFS including renal cell carcinoma [15] and thyroid is still dose reduction or drug interruption [26]. cancer [16]. Although it is generally considered HFS is not life threatening, and most symptoms to be a safe option for chemotherapy [17], can be managed through dose reduction or sorafenib-related toxicity can lead to reduced treatment failure [27]. Our Kaplan-Meier analy- 1473 Am J Cancer Res 2020;10(5):1467-1476
Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome Table 4. Potential risk factors affecting the development of hand-foot syndrome determined by Cox proportional hazards regressio Univariate Multivariate Clinical factors HR (95% CI) P value HR (95% CI) P value Gender 2.652 (1.236-5.692) 0.012 2.111 (0.973-4.579) 0.059 Age 1.003 (0.980-1.027) 0.795 NA Length of sorafenib treatment 1.000 (0.999-1.000) 0.928 NA Administration of celecoxib 0.384 (0.212-0.696) 0.002 0.414 (0.226-0.757) 0.004 Figure 4. PFS was significantly longer in the SoraCele group (A. HR, 0.611; P = 0.039), but no OS benefit was de- tected (B. HR, 0.810; P = 0.393). sis demonstrated a lower probability of devel- HFS may be related to biochemical variation oping grade 2 or above HFS in the SoraCele between individual patients. group than in the sorafenib group, thus leading to a lower rate of dose reduction/interruption. Sorafenib exerts antitumor activity against HCC and was demonstrated to prolong OS in the Risk factors for HFS induced by multi-kinase SHARP and Asia-Pacific trials [17, 31]. Cycloo- inhibitors such as sorafenib have been report- xygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor is recommended ed to be older age, female sex, low glomerular as a treatment option for several cancer types, filtration rate (GFR) (< 30 mL/min/1.73 m2), including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) poor performance status (ECOG performance [32], colorectal cancer [33], prostate cancer status score of 2 or above), and metastasis [34], and esophageal cancer [35]. The results [28-30]. In this study, we investigated all poten- of our study revealed a longer PFS in the tial risk factors for HFS, including gender, age, SoraCele group than in the control group, sug- length of sorafenib treatment, and the addition gesting that celecoxib may have a synergistic of celecoxib. In multivariate analysis, we found effect with sorafenib, stabilizing tumor progres- that gender may be a predictor for sorafenib- sion in HCC patients. However, no prolongation related HFS, but the combined administration of OS was observed in the long term, suggest- of celecoxib was the only independent predic- ing that the possible benefits of celecoxib are tor of the development of grade 2 or above nullified by confounders and a future study HFS. Remarkably, the length of sorafenib treat- should be designed to verify this finding. ment had no relationship with the development Moreover, we are reporting a higher PFS and of HFS, suggesting that the development of OS for each group, much higher than that 1474 Am J Cancer Res 2020;10(5):1467-1476
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Celecoxib prevent hand-foot syndrome Table S1. Dosage after sorafenib interruption or reduction Dosage after dose interruption or reduction Patient numbers of dose reduction/interruption normal reduction interruption Sorafenib group (n = 27) Dose interruption subgroup (n = 12) 2 8 2 Dose reduction subgroup (n = 15) 6 9 SoraCele group (n = 9) Dose interruption subgroup (n = 3) 1 1 1 Dose reduction subgroup (n = 6) 3 3 1
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