The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ...

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The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ...
February 2021

The English Aggie

  Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree?
    Editor | Manager | Author | Marketer | Freelancer | Entrepreneur | Etc.
The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ...
Career Feature: Editor                                                                                    Career Feature: Manager

                                        Not Every Editor                                                                                            A Strong Foundation
                                        Lives in New York City                                                                                      For Fernando
                                                                                                                                                    Rodriguez ‘16, an
                                                                                                                                                    English degree
                                                                                                                                                                                            in education. He returned to
                                                                                                                                                                                            Laredo, Texas where he taught at
                                                                                                                                                                                            a high school for one year as an
                                                                                                                                                                                            English teacher. Then, his wife was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    through a decision and understand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    all the context, and then people can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    question things that you might not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    be thinking of.”
                                        Former student Marissa Madsen, Class of ‘13, talks about her career as                                      prepared him for a wide                 stationed in South Korea where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    To get to his current position,
                                                                                                                                                                                            they both lived for two years.
                                        a Senior Medical Editor in Houston, Texas, and how the Professional                                         range of career paths                                                           Rodriguez had to learn how to
                                        Writing Certificate got her to where she is today.                                                          since graduating. He                    While abroad, Rodriguez worked
                                                                                                                                                                                            as a freelance editor while working
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    leverage his English education
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    along with the skills, knowledge,
                                        and accuracy. This kind of work is     with teaching her many of the skills
                                                                                                                                                    spoke with us about                     towards another degree in web           and career experience he
                                        considered “quality review” in the     necessary to succeed as an editor.     5 Myths of                    how current students                    design. Even in an industry that        picked up along the way. In all
                                                                                                                                                                                            seems far away from his English         of his positions, the ability to
                                                                               “I strongly recommend it,” Madsen
                                                                                                                       Being an                     can leverage their                      degree, Rodriguez continued to          communicate clearly and influence
                                        “A lot of people in academic           said, speaking about her experience                                  own English skills to                   find similarities between what he       others through writing has been a
Sitting with her three 15-pound
                                        publishing will move to the            with the Professional Writing            Editor                      transition into any                     learned at Texas A&M and the work       constant.
furry “coworkers,” Floki, Odin
                                        regulatory side of pharmaceuticals.
                                        It’s more of a technical position,
                                                                               Certificate. “I think my technical
                                                                               editing class, and my technical                                      industry and not be
                                                                                                                                                                                            he was doing in web design.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “I think what’s cool about the             “There’s
and Juniper, Marissa Madsen
prepares for her work day and
                                        which was very fitting for me,         writing class have been 2 of the top   1. You have to live in
                                                                                                                                                    limited to a single path.
                                                                                                                                                                                            “Coding is similar in a sense
                                                                                                                                                                                            because when you’re learning a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    English major is that it crosses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    into so many areas. The best thing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a strong
                                        because I was never much for           3 most important classes I took at     New York
pulls up her latest project. As a       fluff,” Madsen said. “There’s a lot                                                                                                                 language, you understand the            that you learn is writing, and how
                                                                               Texas A&M.”                                                          Fernando Rodriguez ‘16 knows
Senior Medical Editor at Syneos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             now you go
                                        more technical skill involved with                                                                                                                  basics of picking up language, and      to communicate with people.
Health in Houston, Texas, Madsen                                               Madsen encourages graduating                                         a thing or two about thinking           how to write and that fundamental       Being able to write in different
                                        making things neat and concise.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               build the
is used to fast-paced, high energy                                             English majors to look into medical                                  quick on your feet and making           understanding of how to organize        styles about different things is
days where she edits and reviews        According to Madsen, being an          editing as a career. Many times,       Editng job are everywhere,    the best of your situation. Since       yourself to get something done,”        an underrated skill. In the tech
multiple documents. As a Class of       editor requires a meticulous           medical editing opportunities do       even Houston, TX.             graduating with a bachelor’s
                                                                                                                                                    degree in English, Rodriguez has
                                                                                                                                                                                            Rodriguez said.                         industry, I guess what I’ve learned        house.”
‘13 Aggie, the former English major     attention to detail, a rule-oriented   not require a medical background                                                                                                                     is that there’s a lot of people that
and Professional Writing Certificate    mindset, and a love for fixing         or moving to a large city like New                                   experienced multiple different          Rodriguez and his wife eventually
                                                                                                                      2. You don’t get paid                                                                                         just don’t know how to write
recipient regularly uses the skills     things.                                York City. Medical editors also                                      career fields, including education,     moved back to the United States
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    effectively,” Rodriguez said.
she learned during her time at                                                 earn more than you might expect;       enough                        freelance editing, and web design.      where they now live in Washington.
                                        “My joke has always been that I                                                                             Currently, he works as a Program        Rodriguez started to work for           For many graduating students, life
Texas A&M in her job today.                                                    according to GlassDoor, medical
                                        want to fix the clock, not build                                                                            Manager at Amazon where he uses         Amazon, first as a temporary            after college feels daunting and
                                                                               editors in Houston with a couple
At the beginning of her career,         it,” Madsen said. “Also, with my                                                                            his writing skills on a regular basis   Recruiting Coordinator, and later as    uncontrollable, especially if they
                                                                               years of experience can make           Average salary for medical
Madsen started working as an            job, it’s important to be able to do                                                                        in a seemingly unconventional           a full-time Program Manager. In his     don’t have a job offer in hand when
                                                                               an average of $69,000 a year. In       editors in Houston
unpaid editorial intern for a           things that I can do, but because                                                                           industry.                               current role, Rodriguez works with      they walk across the graduation
                                                                               addition, the career has mobility      (GlassDoor)
nonprofit organization with two         we’re a contract company, I have to                                                                                                                 members of the military community       stage. According to Rodriguez,
                                                                               and long-term career opportunities.                                  Originally from Laredo, Texas,
academic journals. She soon             be fast. This is definitely a quick-                                                                                                                to prepare them for new roles at        students have more control than
                                                                               Madsen’s current job has also                                        Rodriguez was a member of the
became Editorial Coordinator of         paced job.”                                                                   3. It requires years                                                  Amazon.                                 they think.
                                                                               afforded her the flexibility of                                      Corps of Cadets at Texas A&M,
those two journals after being
                                                                               working from home, even before         of experience
promoted to a full-time position.                                                                                                                   and played baritone and tuba for        “I currently manage a job               “You make your own value and
                                                                               the COVID-19 pandemic.                 You don’t
She eventually moved to a                                                                                                                           the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band. He       placement program that helps            your own skills. Put your ego aside,
different academic publication             “I personally have                  “This is the kind of job that I can
                                                                                                                      have to have
                                                                                                                      medical                       majored in English with a focus in      service members transition to the       cut out the noise, do what you want
in Texas A&M’s Political Science              always really                    have a wonderful career in over the    experience to                 rhetoric and creative writing, and      private sector after leaving the        to do and make sure that you’re
                                                                                                                      be a medical                  worked at the University Writing        military,” Rodriguez said. With this    secure doing it,” Rodriguez said.
Department. After a few years, she          enjoyed ripping                    next few decades,” Madsen said.
                                                                                                                      editor                        Center.                                 position, Rodriguez continues to        “There’s a strong foundation, now
made the jump to medical editing
for Syneos Health, a contract                 other papers                     While there are numerous perks in                                                                            use his English degree to fit in with   you go build the house.”
                                                                                                                                                    Speaking about his experiences at
research organization (also known            to shreds, so if                  Madsen’s current career, she also
                                                                                                                      4. Editing is boring          A&M, Rodriguez said, “I think I’m
                                                                                                                                                                                            Amazon and its “Writing Culture.”
                                                                               genuinely enjoys the work she does.
as a clinical research organization).       you’re like that, I                                                                                     ahead because of the leadership         According to Rodriguez, the
                                                                               “I enjoy trying to make a document      “This is definitely
“I realized that in academic                recommend my                       neat, and making sure that an            a quick-paced
                                                                                                                                                    opportunities that were afforded        “Writing Culture” started when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Fernando Rodriguez
                                                                                                                                                    to me through the Corps, through        Jeff Bezos asked for the notes to a
publishing, I was pigeon-holed in                 job.”                        element of a document, like                    job.”
                                                                                                                                                    my experience working at the            top business leader’s presentation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ‘16 has entered many
this situation where, with just a                                                                                                     - Marissa                                                                                                                             different career fields
bachelor’s degree, I could only go                                             a phrase used periodically, is                         Madsen ‘13    University Writing Center, and          in lieu of a PowerPoint. The idea
                                                                               consistent.” Madsen said. “And                                                                                                                                                               with his English degree,
so far in my career. So, I had been                                                                                                                 studying what I wanted to study.”       behind this request is that the notes
                                                                               then there are sometimes style                                                                                                                                                               and currently works at
trying to get into medical editing,”    To prepare for her future career                                                                                                                    contain a more comprehensive
                                                                               or formatting issues in these          5. Editing jobs are           The start of Rodriguez’s many                                                                                           Amazon as a Program
Madsen said.                            while at Texas A&M, Madsen                                                                                                                          review of all the important
                                                                               200-page documents that require        hard to find                  career paths began when he met                                                                                          Manager.
                                        worked as an undergraduate                                                                                                                          information needed to make a
At her current position, Madsen                                                troubleshooting or a phone call to a   There are a lot of            his wife at Texas A&M, also a           decision.
                                        research scholar in the Department                                            opportunities for technical   member of the Corps of Cadets,
works on the regulatory side of         of English and in the Glasscock        coworker to see what went wrong.
pharmaceuticals. Working with                                                  It’s fast and I’m always learning      writers and                   who planned to join the Army            “Pretty much, it’s compiling what’s
                                        Center, which she says provided                                               editors is                    after graduating. As a military-        important for the audience that
her team of writers, Madsen will        her with valuable insight              something new. And I personally        various
review the documents they send                                                 have always really enjoyed ripping                                   husband, Rodriguez had to be            you’re speaking to,” Rodriguez
                                        into the academic publishing                                                  industries
her, essentially fact checking and                                             other papers to shreds, so if you’re                                 ready to move where his wife was        said. “When you put everything
                                        world. Madsen also credits the                                                                              stationed. To him, few careers          on paper, when everything’s
reviewing them for consistency          Professional Writing Certificate       like that, I recommend my job.”
                                                                                                                                                    were more portable than working         organized, it’s quicker to get

pg 2 | The English Aggie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   February 2021 | pg 3
The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ...
Career Feature: Marketer, Freelancer, and Entreprenuer

A Story-Filled Career:
Not So Fiction After All
Savanna Polasek ‘18 discusses her journey to becoming a Marketing and
Communications Specialist, Freelance Writer, and Entrepreneur after graduating
with an English degree from Texas A&M.
One statewide non-profit, 81           which is something I think you          enhanced her already rigorous
program locations, 9 different         have to do anywhere, not just in        and impactful writing course
social media accounts, and a           marketing.”                             load. One of the classes she took
memoir-writing business on the                                                 at Texas A&M inspired her to start
side—all components that make up       She also pursued multiple               her own business called Memoir
the daily life of Savanna Polasek,     extracurricular experiences that        Ink, in which Polasek transforms
a former English student who           gave her various perspectives on        interviews with clients into
graduated from Texas A&M in 2018.      writing about diverse topics for        memoirs.
In her current role as a Marketing     different audiences. According to
and Communications Specialist at       Polasek, one of her most valuable       “[Memoir Ink] was inspired by my
Upbring, a nonprofit dedicated to      experiences was interning for the       creative nonfiction class that I took
breaking the cycle of child abuse      Texas A&M Foundation as a writer        with Dr. Susan Stabile, which was
in Texas, Polasek gets to do what      for Spirit Magazine.                    one of my greatest classes at A&M.
she’s always wanted to do: write.                                              That’s when I first learned about
                                       “The experience just opened a           creative nonfiction. I became really
                                       whole new world of nonprofits and       interested in memoirs and people
                                       philanthropy to me. Before, I was       telling their stories,” Polasek said.
    “I knew that there                 mostly writing essays and creative                                                                                               “I create a content calendar each       on LinkedIn Learning, and she          information. Finally, saving and
  were stories as a very                                                                                                                        Polasek’s work-from-
                                       things, so learning about writing for   As a Marketing and                                               home desk features      month, and I decide what’s going        suggested courses on SkillShare        keeping (safely) all of your work
  little kid, and I loved              the web and for print and infusing      Communications Specialist with                                   artwork from co-        to go across all those channels,”       for more design-oriented training.     is essential.
   them. Then, I found                 my creativity into those pieces         Upbring, Polasek continues to                                    workers, letters from   Polasek said, describing one of her     Joining associations such as the
   out that somebody                   while still making sense was a great    bring stories to life for the nonprofit                          former classmates,      main responsibilities. “A big part is   Public Relations Society of America    “You need more than a flash drive
      was writing the                  learning experience,” Polasek said.     and its multiple programs that                                   and other inspiration   thinking about messaging and how        and the American Marketing             - put it on your Google Drive, and
    stories, and then,                                                         empower children, families, and                                  for her writing.        different content would relate to our   Association is another great way       if it’s on your TAMU Google Drive,
                                       Along with her internship, Polasek      communities. She specializes in                                                          audiences.”                             to become involved in the field’s      get it onto your personal account
     I wanted to be a                  also joined The Eckleburg Project,      external communications for the                                                                                                  community.                             because that’s going to expire
           writer.”                    an undergraduate literary journal       nonprofit, overseeing the content                                                        In addition to content management,                                             one day, and your flash drive
                                       at Texas A&M University, as a           posted to Upbring’s 9 social media                                                       Polasek also incorporates the           For aspiring freelance writers,        might get wet - I’m speaking from
                                       Screener to review submissions for      accounts, monitoring the news,                                                           passion she has for discovering and     Polasek highly recommended             experience,” Polasek said. “Even
“I knew that there were stories as     publication, and eventually served      creating press releases, supporting                                                      telling peoples’ stories in her work.   Writer’s Market, an annual             if your writing from freshman
a very little kid, and I loved them.   as Prose Editor for the organization.   media and public relations,                                                                                                      publication that explains what         year was really rough, having
Then, I found out that somebody                                                writing articles, and running the                                                        “My favorite part of the job is         writers should do and how much to      an idea to go back to is really
was writing the stories, and then,     “I think it really helped being a       organization’s blog.                                                                     interviewing the people that our        expect to be paid for certain pieces   helpful.”
I wanted to be a writer,” Polasek      Screener for The Eckleburg Project                                                                                               programs are helping or the people      in certain publications, like The
said.                                  to see other students’ work. I                                                                                                   working in those programs,”             New Yorker or Time magazine.           According to Polasek, anything
                                       was already kind of seeing other                                                                                                 Polasek said. “Being able to                                                   that students can use to
To pursue her dream, Polasek           students’ work in creative writing                                                                                               interview, for example, foster moms     Speaking about the Writer’s Market     demonstrate their skills will make
completed the creative writing         classes, but just to see even a                                                                                                  and ask why they foster, and ask        publication, Polasek said, “I think    them more marketable when the
track during her time as an English    greater diversity and all those                                                                                                  people aging out of foster care         that it’s the most valuable thing I    time comes to start the job search.
major at Texas A&M. She said the       perspectives was good for me                                                                                                     about their journey and how they’re     found after graduating.”
coursework she took trained her in     creatively. It was also good to see                                                                                              progressing is really impactful.”                                              “All of these things will give you
valuable skills that she still uses    what we wanted to publish and to                                                                                                                                         For all writers looking to enter       an advantage and just show
today.                                 know that sometimes a work isn’t                                                                                                 For current English students            the workforce, Polasek highly          that you know how to do things.
                                       selected because of other reasons,”                                                                                              looking to enter the Marketing          recommended networking now             Because even though you know
“In the creative writing track, I      Polasek said. “Now that I’m                                                                                                      & Communications field,                 with current classmates and            what you can do, it helps make
learned how to read like a writer                                                                                        Savanna Polasek ‘18
                                       submitting my own work, I don’t                                                                                                  Polasek recommended pursuing            student organization members to        a better case for you to HR if
and so many writing tricks, like                                                                                         currently runs her
                                       take the rejections very personally                                                                                              volunteering opportunities              form friendships that can support      you have those things as well,”
how to engage the audience and                                                                                           own writing business
                                       because they might have a theme in                                                                                               and additional certifications to        you later on in the job search.        Polasek said.
keep them interested. Also, all                                                                                          and manages
                                       mind, or they’re not accepting my                                                                                                demonstrate valuable competencies       Making use of the Association
liberal arts classes usually involve                                                                                     the marketing
                                       specific kind of work yet.”                                                                                                      to potential employers. For her         of Former Students’ resources to
defending a point or articulating                                                                                        communications for
                                                                                                                                                                        work, Polasek completed the             network with Aggies in your career
an idea and expressing yourself,                                                                                         Upbring, a state-
                                       Polasek’s extracurricular activities                                                                                             content strategy certification          field can also provide useful career
                                                                                                                         wide non-profit
pg 4 | The English Aggie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          February 2021 | pg 5
The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ...
at Texas A&M was working at             “Really any resources or networks      “Be patient. There is not a level of
 Career Feature: Author                                                                                                                                          the literary journal, Callaloo. The
                                                                                                                                                                 journal was founded and edited by
                                                                                                                                                                                                         that A&M or the Department can
                                                                                                                                                                                                         provide, I would say seek them out.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                patience that you need to acquire—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                you just need as much patience as
                                                                                                                                                                 Dr. Charles Henry Rowell, a former      Reach out to your professors, and      possible,” Dr. Bancroft said. “Have
How to                                                                                                                                                           professor of English at Texas A&M.      ask them because they likely know      patience with yourself and patience

Publish A Book
                                                                                                                                                                                                         if you don’t,” Dr. Bancroft said.      with the process because it takes
                                                                                                                                                                 “It had a huge impact on me. I had      “A&M was such a great place to         time. Be kind to yourself throughout
                                                                                                                                                                 a much stronger idea of what it         start out for me. There was always     the process because you’re going
                                                                                                                                                                 was like behind the scenes in the       something happening or something       to get a lot of rejections—that’s
                                                                                                                                                                 publishing world, and Callaloo,         to learn about, whether it was a       just the nature of it. The key is to
Dr. Christian Bancroft, Class of ‘09 (they/them),                                                                                                                being such a respected and              prize for a paper or a collection of   not lose faith. Really have faith in
                                                                                                                                                                 renowned journal, you get to see        poems that they were advertising.      the book that you have, and faith
talks about the publishing process and the journey                                                                                                               these incredible writers from all       The professors themselves and          in yourself as a writer. If you’re
they took to become a published author.                                                                                                                          over,” Dr. Bancroft said.               the faculty—they know so much. I       determined enough, and if you stick
                                                                                                                                             Dr. Bancroft’s                                              would really utilize those resources   with it then, I think you have a very
Complex, enigmatic, byzantine—         After graduating from Texas A&M                                                                       book, Queering      The experience at the literary          because there’s so much available.”    good chance of getting that work
all words used to describe the         University, Dr. Bancroft got their                                                                    Modernist           journal introduced Dr. Bancroft to                                             published.”
publication process. From the          Master’s in creative writing from                                                                     Translation: The    the world of publishing, making it      Getting a book published also
outside, it is hard to understand,     the University of Texas, with a                                                                       Poetics of Race,    much less intimidating when the         takes a substantial amount of          To read this article and more of Dr.
and on the inside, it can be           focus on poetry. Later, Dr. Bancroft                                                                  Gender, and         time came for them to publish their     determination. From Dr. Bancroft’s     Bancroft’s poems, visit our English
daunting to navigate. Dr. Christian    earned their doctorate in literature                                                                  Queerness was       own book. It also provided insight      experience, patience and               Aggie blog: http://englishaggie.
Bancroft, a former Texas A&M           from the University of Houston.                                                                       published in July   as to what would be going through       kindness—with yourself and with
English student who graduated          They currently live and work                                                                          2020.               an editor’s mind reading through        your work—are key to any aspiring
in 2009, successfully undertook        in Pennsylvania as an English                                                                                             the manuscripts or reading samples      author seeking to be published.
the challenge and published their      teacher and as a poet. During their                                                                                       during the publication process.
first book, Queering Modernist         doctorate program, the work they
Translation: The Poetics of Race,      did on their dissertation eventually                                                                                      Dr. Bancroft said, “It can make you
Gender, and Queerness. In the          turned into their first book,                                                                                             a better writer because as an editor        Excerpt from
book, Dr. Bancroft explores three      published in July 2020.                                                                                                   or from an editorial perspective,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             A Ghost Has No Fantasies by Dr. Christian Bancroft
translations from Ezra Pound,                                                                                                                                    you can see what you like or what
Langston Hughes, and Hilda             “I really enjoyed the work that I did                                                                                     pops out to you. You need stuff to          [Note: The poems in this submission are from a longer manuscript,
Doolittle (H.D.) through the lens of   on my dissertation, and I really had                                                                                      pop out to you and illuminate you           A Ghost Has No Fantasies, and are engaged with bringing to light
queer theory.                          a lot of fun with it. The people on                                                                                       in some regard when you’re reading          and the reframing of the persecution of gay men and lesbians
                                       my committee thought that it was                                                                                          after several hours. I think that’s         during the Holocaust. These poems are found texts, taken from
While Queering Modernist               really strong, and so I tried to see                                                                                      something that writers really need          memoirs, first-hand accounts, and archival documents that
Translation is a critical book         what I could do to get it published,”                                                                                     to learn and understand when they           catalogue the persecution of queer men and women during the
based on research, Dr. Bancroft        Dr. Bancroft said. While their                                                                                            start out—their piece is very likely        Holocaust.
specialized in the creative writing    first book was a critical book, Dr.                                                                                       not the first piece that [the editor]
track within their English major       Bancroft is currently working on                                                                                          is reading for the day. They’re
and was specifically interested in     three poetry books and hopes to                                                                                           probably not looking at it with fresh                 Comrade
poetry during their time at Texas      initiate the publishing process for     looks different. For authors of          Dr. Christian                            eyes, and so you have to keep their                             Pierre Seel
A&M. From the beginning, they          them soon.                              their first, second, or even third       Bancroft, former                         attention for the whole thing.”
always knew that they wanted to                                                poetry book, the manuscripts are         student from Texas                                                                             During machine gunning,
be a published author.                 While the publication process is        usually sent out to contests or          A&M University, is                                                                             			                        a blond
                                       complex, it also differs between        open reading submission periods,         now a published                                                                                was killed       at my  side:
“Even back then, I was really
determined to be a writer and to
                                       different genres and styles of
                                       writing. For a book to be published,
                                                                               where it starts off in the slush pile.
                                                                               If the book is chosen after a couple
                                                                                                                        author, poet, and                              “If you’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       I took him
publish my work,” Dr. Bancroft         an author must query publishers         of readers, it will move on to the
                                                                                                                        English teacher.
                                                                                                                                                                      determined                                                  by the shoulders,
said. “I had great mentors at A&M,     with a letter that describes the book   next stage, and the process will                                                  enough, and if you                                    I talked		       to him,
and it really helped me get a better
idea of the publishing world and
                                       and why they think it is a good fit
                                       for the publisher. If the publisher
                                                                               repeat for however many stages
                                                                               that particular publisher has. The
                                                                                                                                                                  stick with it, then                                  			                       I hugged him:

get a foothold into that.”             is interested, they will request a      book will eventually end up in front                                               I think you have a                                   I loved
                                       sample. Once the author sends           of a judge or a series of judges who                                               very good chance                                              for three days
                                       them sample pages, the publisher
                                       will decide if they are interested
                                                                               will narrow down the list. For more
                                                                               commercial fiction or nonfiction
                                                                                                                                                                 of getting that work                                  		and nights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       with that dead man
                                                                                                                                                                      published. ”
   “The key is to not                  in seeing the whole book. For a         books, the author has the option to                                                                                                     			next to me:
                                       critical book, such as the one Dr.      query an agent to advocate for them
   lose faith. Really                  Bancroft just published, the book       and their book on their behalf with                                                                                                     after three days
   have faith in the                   will go through a peer review
                                       process by two or three experts in
                                                                                                                                                                 In addition to working at a literary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       		                  he was starting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       				 to ice
     book that you                     the field. These experts send notes     “It’s complex,” Dr. Bancroft said,                                                journal during their time at Texas                    				over:
    have, and faith                    and feedback about the book to the
                                       editor, who then decides whether or
                                                                               speaking about the publication
                                                                               process. “I feel like, fortunately,
                                                                                                                                                                 A&M, Dr. Bancroft also formed
                                                                                                                                                                 valuable connections with Texas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 those three days left
    in yourself as a                   not it should be sent to a board for    because of my editorial experience                                                A&M faculty, who served as                            		                 with an inexpressible
        writer.”                       review.                                 at Texas A&M and afterwards, I had
                                                                               a glimpse into what it looked like.”
                                                                                                                                                                 mentors to them throughout their
                                                                                                                                                                 education, and provided them with

                                       For a book of poetry, fiction,                                                                                            inspiration and insight.
                                       or any other more commercial,           According to Dr. Bancroft, one of
                                       mainstream book, the process            their most valuable experiences
pg 6 | The English Aggie                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   February 2021 | pg 7
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        This publication is brought to you by:
        Texas A&M Department of English

        Editor: Sarah Roberts ‘21
The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ... The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ... The English Aggie February 2021 - Career Feature Edition: What Can You Do With An English Degree? - Texas ...
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