The Emerging Trend of Niche Tourism: Impact Analysis - IBIMA Publishing

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IBIMA Publishing
Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies
Vol. 2021 (2021), Article ID 134710, 9 pages, ISSN : 2165-7009
DOI : 10.5171/2021.134710

Research Article

             The Emerging Trend of Niche Tourism:
                       Impact Analysis
                                          Corina Larisa BUNGHEZ

                          Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Bucharest, Romania

Received date: 7 September 2020 ; Accepted date: 25 January 2021; Published date: 24 May 2021

Academic Editor : Alexandra Cristina Dinu

Copyright © 2021. Corina Larisa BUNGHEZ. Distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International CC-BY 4.0


  This research paper addresses the current tourism global market shift towards a niche
  tourism approach and focuses on some of the most significant tourism forms in this growing
  sector, analyzing both the current development and future evolution of these tourism
  trends, also taking into account the current global pandemic situation. The enormous
  versatility and potential of the selected niches are assessed, and the impact that these
  activities will have on mainstream tourism is highlighted, both economically and socially, as
  this trend continues to expand and integrate itself in the tourism global marketplace. The
  niche sectors analyzed in this research paper will fundamentally transform the tourism
  industry in the near future and, inevitably, alter the consumer experience by bringing more
  services and experiences into the mainstream tourism sector.

  Keywords: Niche Tourism, Future Trends, Economic Impact

Introduction                                                newer discipline, ecology. Hutchinson is
                                                            considered to be the first who used the
Mass tourism is an important part of our                    term niche, referring to a region in a vast
daily lives; niche tourism is also growing at               area that is characterized by environmental
a rapid pace. Started as an expensive and                   factors which disturb the welfare of species
elitist concept, targeting sophisticated                    (Hutchinson, 1957). In this sense, niche
travelers, who were enthusiastically                        tourism can be linked to the particular
interested in pursuing a diverse range of                   natural and anthropogenic resources of a
activities, niche tourism is now readily                    region, to the characteristic lifestyle of the
accessible to most people, being one of the                 tourists that engage in this type of activity
fastest growing sectors within the domain                   and to their social status and their financial
of tourism.                                                 resources, etc. The niche tourism market,
                                                            which is characterized by its name, targets
The term niche tourism has been borrowed                    a small number of consumers when
mostly from the term niche marketing,                       compared to mass tourism, but, at the same
which has adopted the concept from a                        time, it is a constant tourism market. Niche

Cite this Article as : Corina Larisa BUNGHEZ (2021), “ The Emerging Trend of Niche Tourism: Impact
Analysis", Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies, Vol. 2021 (2021), Article ID 134710, DOI :
Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies                        2

tourism is more identified with what                  customers. The relation between supply
tourists are doing than their number in a             and demand is well taken into
particular destination, at a particular time.         consideration because tourists are in a
                                                      never-ending search for a more satisfying
Any discussion of niche tourism needs to              experience during their holidays (C.T.,
be considered against the other extreme of            2010). In a world in which monotony is
mass tourism. The rise of mass tourism,               becoming more pronounced due to
fueled by the growth in the aviation sector           globalization, niche tourism is defined by
in the 1950s and 1960s, also gave rise to             its diversity and by new ways in which it
the backpacker tourist who later became               can     differentiate   itself from    the
the highly specialized and sophisticated              competition. Niche tourism doesn’t have
middle-class traveler of the developed                the negative implications that mass
world (Lew, 2008).                                    tourism has gotten along with its
                                                      expansion, namely the negative impact on
Over time, the transition from mass                   the environment and the degradation of
tourism to niche tourism has been a slow              socio-cultural relations.
and cumbersome process that necessitated
a large amount of material and human                  If mass tourism is a standardized product
resources in order to develop the much                aimed at a large segment of the market,
needed new and specialized infrastructure.            niche tourism is situated at the opposite
The development of this infrastructure in             end of the tourism spectrum, being
the past decades has allowed people to                heterogeneous by nature and based on a
reach destinations all over the world in              larger demand for a more exclusive, unique
record time. Keeping with the accelerated             and distinctive product.
technological advancement, tourism will
continue to expand its digitalization                 The consumer is actively involved in the
process. There are more and more                      formation of a specific niche through its
applications for niche services nowadays,             own consumerist practices. Because of this,
that are extremely personalized. These                in order to escape from the competition of
special applications perfectly know their             mass tourism, the producer is no longer the
target consumers and offer them                       sole identifier of adequate niche markets,
suggestions based on their budget, their              because these niches are formed and
family structure and their traveling and              developed by both producers and
browsing habits. On the other hand, for               consumers, who act in a symbiotic mode in
destination managers and traveling                    order to mutually benefit by it (Richards,
planners, who want to use tourism as a                2011).
mechanism for economic growth, focusing
on    niche    tourism    offers   greater            Over time, the different types of niche
opportunities    because this attracts                tourism have been presented in specialty
consumers that are willing to spend more              literature in a random fashion. There are,
money.                                                however, some authors that have
                                                      categorized them based on different
In order to position niche tourism                    criteria.
products, Novelli considers the notion of an
increasingly experienced group of tourists            In order to better analyze the impact that
demanding specialist holidays to meet their           certain types of niche tourism have over
specific desires (Novelli, 2005). The                 mass tourism, the classification made by
presence of activities, tourist attractions,          Alex Papathanassis in his book, The Long
settlements, food services and other                  Tail of Tourism, will be utilized
facilities make up the fundamental                    (Paapathanassis, 2011). Tourism niches
components of niche tourism regarding                 are built on persisting social trends such
mixed destinations, being aware of                    as:
consumer needs and wants. The focal point
of the niche tourism market is the focus on                •    Sustainability (e.g. Eco-, Inclusive-
the demands and the expectations of the                         , Agro-tourism)


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      •    Experience-economy (e.g. Space-,           and uses natural resources in a conscious,
           Sport- & Extreme-, Military-, Film-        reserved manner, while contributing
           , Dive-tourism)                            through voluntary work or funds that are
      •    Self-development & individuality           directed to the preservation of the area and
           (e.g.    Cultural-,  Educational-          the economic welfare of the local
           tourism)                                   community (Ziffer, 1989).
      •    Hedonism & voyeurism (e.g.
           Armchair-, Drug-, Sex-, Dark-              Ecotourism has two specific components:
           tourism)                                   specialized operations and non-specialized
      •    Consumerism (e.g. Shopping-                operations. The non-specialized ones
           tourism)                                   include all common elements characteristic
      •    Conscious living (e.g. Health- &           to all forms of tourism: tourist guides,
           Medical, Religious-, Wellness-             adequate clothing, tourism agencies, hotels
           tourism)                                   and transportation. The specialized ones
                                                      are those which refer to the specific
Consumer experience in tourism is defined             activities of ecotourism: eco cabins and
as a conglomerate of personal reactions               hotels in urban or more secluded areas
and emotions associated with tourism                  (resorts), protected areas, eco thematic
activities (Sugathan & Ranjan, 2019). The             attractions, services in other inaccessible
creation of memorable experiences is                  areas by interesting means and local tour
necessary in order to attract new                     operators (natives).
consumers and to keep the ones you
already     have   loyal.  All   of   the             There are independent groups successfully
aforementioned tourism forms satisfy this             promoted       as  ecotourism    products:
requirement.                                          aboriginal/indigenous tourism (related to
                                                      cultural tourism), ornithology, celestial
The impact of these forms of tourism is               ecotourism (aurora borealis, astronomical
presented and analyzed in the following               observations, astrophotography), hiking
sections of the article, focusing on one form         and nature observation, landscapes
of tourism in each of the categories                  photographing, outdoor education and
presented.                                            research, etc. (Weaver, 2008).

Ecotourism                                            Ecotourism attractions are primarily based
                                                      on biodiversity and natural habitats that
Ecotourism is considered to be a niche                are, for the most part, unaffected by human
segment that targets a small category of              activities. Thus, taking place in relatively
tourists, when compared to mass tourism.              isolated places, the current pandemic crisis
Nevertheless, ecotourism is the sector with           will not impact this sector as severely as
the biggest growth in all the niche tourism           others. On the contrary, people will tend to
markets.                                              visit more isolated places and ecotourism
                                                      could benefit by this crisis. These zones
The consequence of broadly defining the               require a specific conduct, in order to
borders of what constitutes to be                     properly preserve and protect the tourism
ecotourism is the cause behind the                    destinations so that they may keep their
difficulty of properly measuring and                  natural qualities and their sense of
assessing the market share and the size of            wilderness.
this segment. Even so, estimates tell us that
ecotourism makes up for roughly 20% of                Ecotourism could indirectly compete with
the tourism global market.                            two tourist segments in terms of content
                                                      and characteristics of the tourism product.
The eco tourist is the individual who visits          These are cultural tourism and adventure
the less developed areas with an                      tourism and they form, together with the
appreciative, participatory and selfless              ecotourism, what we call alternative
attitude. This type of tourist interacts in a         tourism (Papathanassis, 2011).
noninvasive way with local flora and fauna


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It is estimated that the future development           It is expected that the number of space
of ecotourism in terms of application will            travelers will grow somewhere to a million
depend on several factors, such as: revenue           per year when the price of a ticket will be
growth; increasing the education level;               under $ 10,000. According to research, rich
increased leisure time; population growth;            and adventurous young people seem to
easier, cheaper, faster and safer access to           form the most suitable target market due
ecotourism destinations; greater care for             to their care-free rebellious character and
the natural environment and people’s                  the low comfort level that they are willing
feeling of alienation from it because of              to accept in order to be among the first
increasing      urbanization     and    the           passengers in space (Crouch, et al., 2008).
development of technological elements.                A study made by Futron Corporation in
                                                      2002 made the prediction that by 2021, the
Beyond all these elements, there is a                 suborbital flight market will reach 15.000
necessity for properly trained people to              passengers/annually, bringing in revenue
educate the general tourists regarding the            of about 700 million dollars (Futron, 2002).
importance of nature conservation. Also,              We are in 2021 and this approximation is
practicing ecotourism in these areas brings           totally unattainable in the current global
significant financial benefits that can be            context. But it can be safely assumed that
directed to further develop and maintain              the number is not unachievable and we
the natural parks and protected areas                 may see this happen in a few years.
within the zone. Thus, ecotourism is a                Another study made in 2006, in which 783
viable alternative for sustainable economic           high income Australian respondents
growth in these communities.                          participated, showed that those who were
                                                      mostly interested in space travel were
Space Tourism                                         thrill-seeking young men (Devinney, et al.,
Space tourism is an industry with
extraordinary potential, but at present is            The economic potential of the development
limited by the conditions in which it can be          of space tourism is extraordinary. This type
done, because the prices are huge. Until the          of tourism will bring massive economic and
year 2019, the cost of a trip to the                  social benefits in the future, because it can
International Space Station aboard the                be estimated that it will undoubtedly
Russian Soyuz spacecraft was 30 million               surpass aviation on Earth.
dollars/flight. At present, the collaboration
between NASA and SpaceX will inevitably               The progress of the space tourism sector
lead to a commercial development. Axiom               would generate, alongside the indirect
Space has already started the selling of              technological and scientific advancements,
tickets aboard the SpaceX capsule, at the             an important direct economic component
price of 55 million dollars/ticket. The trip          that will lead to the exponential growth of
will last 10 days and will be directed to a           this sector. Because space tourism has the
privately funded orbital space station.               potential of becoming its own branch in the
Further technological advancement will                tourism industry, the effects of this
massively lower the prices for space travel,          economic development will be significant,
starting with the amount of $200,000 that             both for the companies and industries
Virgin Galactic assigned in the beginning.            involved in the process, and for the
Space travel will become more accessible              evolution of our society as a whole. In this
to a greater number of people, especially in          type of endeavor, the investor’s primary
relation to the results of a market analysis,         concern is the return of the investment and
which has found that potential consumers              the generation of profit. In order to do so,
are very price sensitive (Goehlich, 2005). A          every process involved will be thoroughly
study shows that at least 10 million people           made as efficient as possible. Space
from around the world would be willing to             activities will therefore become a massive
spend a year's salary for space travel                economic generator and the launch costs
(Smith, 2001).                                        will dramatically plummet, which will lead


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to an acceleration in the             further         motivated by the inherent characteristics
development of this industry.                         of cultural sites and, at the other end of the
                                                      spectrum, there are people who
Space tourism will become an activity that            accidentally visit such venues but are not
will include a very large number of people            truly interested in the sites’ inherent
(both operators, and beneficiaries) and will          cultural and heritage assets (Morrison,
generate important commercial profits in              2013).
the next few decades. It is imperative that
we recognize and realize the fact that, in            Cultural tourism includes, besides visiting
the near future, space tourism may become             historical sites, the opportunity to learn
as common as other forms of tourism.                  more about past human achievements. As a
However, since the reality of space tourism           part of domestic tourism, these visits are a
is still quite far away, it may be safely             great source of admiration, national pride
assumed that the current Covid pandemic               and learning about ancestors.
will not influence this branch of niche
tourism. Because of the sensational                   The complexity of cultural tourism is
experiences offered to the consumer, space            further generated by customer motivation
tourism will become a major sector of the             diversity, induced by differences in
entire tourism industry, transforming this            education levels, tourism experience,
niche branch of tourism into one of the               quality of life and quality of the tourism
most important tourism activities of                  products being offered (Davidson, 1993).
humanity.                                             Also, cultural tourism has been identified
                                                      as one of the most rapidly growing areas of
Cultural Tourism                                      global tourism demand (Richards, 2005).

Cultural tourism is the most dynamic                  Cultural tourism is an important
contemporary form of tourism, being                   instrument      for     economic       growth,
interested in the lifestyle and traditions of         generated by attracting visitors from
particular communities or regions, built or           outside the local host destinations. These
natural heritage, artistic performances and           visitors are partially or generally motivated
products, cultural hubs and landscapes.               by an interest in historical, artistic and
                                                      scientific components, or by information
The first appearance of cultural tourism as           regarding the lifestyle, the realities and the
a research topic has its origins at the               traditions of a particular community,
beginnings of the 20th century, but only in           region, group or institution. This kind of
2002 did the International Council on                 voyage focuses on the study of the cultural
Monuments and Sites publish a formal                  landscape, and this includes visual and
definition regarding this form of tourism:            theatrical arts, values, traditions, events
cultural and cognitive-cultural tourism is            and lifestyle. Cultural tourism is especially
the form of tourism that is focused on the            interesting for suppliers because, as a rule
cultural environment and that includes                of thumb, people that focus strongly on
historical and cultural landmarks within a            cultural attractions spend more money
destination, and the values, arts, crafts,            than regular tourists. Also, they show a
traditions, habits and lifestyle of the local         tendency toward staying longer at the
populace.                                             destinations, which, in turn, brings even
                                                      more revenue (Richards, 2007).
Cultural tourism is defined by the World
Tourism Organization (WTO 2012 Report)                Because cultural tourism isprimarily
as “journeys whose primary or secondary               focused on the visiting of cultural venues or
purpose is the visiting of sites and the              museums and experiencing artistic
participation in events that represent a              products and performances, the current
cultural and historical component which is            global pandemic has affected, to some
part of a communities’ cultural heritage”.            extent, this important tourism sector. But
There     are    serious    cultural  and             people will always be interested in the
heritage/historical tourists who are                  lifestyles and traditions of different


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cultures, and as soon as the Covid                    or cultural documentations are more
pandemic loses momentum, we will                      focused on consumers aged 40 and older.
definitely see a resurgence in cultural               Nevertheless, the younger generation
tourism demand.                                       should not be neglected since new
                                                      developments will enhance the experience
Armchair Tourism                                      of watching TV, increasingly attracting
                                                      younger viewers (Papathanassis, 2011).
The one thing that history has taught us is
that people are most innovative in difficult          Many tourist boards are nowadays using
times. This also applies to the travel                more and more virtual content in order to
industry, where professionals and brands              attract customers and to encourage future
are doing their best to keep the interest in          visits. These can come in the form of digital
traveling at a high level, despite the current        events, which provide enriching cultural
global Covid pandemic situation. This has             content and livestreaming video talks using
resulted in the surprisingly successful               live content from experts, partners and
overnight growth of armchair tourism. This            notable individuals. Tourist boards will
adaptation happened because tourism is                also use dedicated web pages on which
going through one of its darkest periods in           they will promote virtual experiences.
a long time, and tourism specialists find             Museums, safaris, or other interesting
themselves in the impossibility to change             venues can therefore be experienced while
this situation. Indeed, this isn’t the greatest       enjoying the comfort of your own home.
of times for classic travels, but, in the
meantime, we can opt for virtual travel. If,          There are destinations and travel brands
until more recently, the trend of virtual             which can keep the magic and inspiration
tourism was relatively ignored, because               of traveling alive even if it is virtually, from
people preferred real experiences, more               the armchair. Many travel brands and
and more people are now glad that the                 destinations are working on the premise
technology that enables this type of                  that if the travel consumer can’t come to us,
tourism has advanced so much that it can              we will go to the travel consumer. There
now facilitate easy and comfortable access            are digital platforms where a plethora of
for many willing tourists.                            extraordinary destinations can be accessed
                                                      and visited by virtual means. Over 2500
Because lately, due to the current global             museums all over the world are providing
pandemic, tourism has been mostly                     virtual tours for those who are interested.
relegated to rescheduling holiday plans or            During these tours, tourists can enjoy
postponing them, the phenomena of                     rooms, shows and events, in which they
armchair tourism is currently growing at a            can participate virtually.
rapid pace, enabling us to travel all over
the world, virtually.                                 Also, the exponential evolution of
                                                      technology has another benefit. Even if
If tourism is not seen as a physical change           virtual reality is, at present, only capable of
of the hereabouts but rather as a change of           recreating, to a limited degree, the
ones’ psychological state of recreation,              destination that is being visited, we now
education, adventure, or other purposes               have another tool at our disposal:
associated with tourism, armchair-tourism             augmented reality. This changes the way in
can also be included (Mazanec, et al., 2002).         which a visitor can explore a destination in
                                                      real time. Augmented reality is the
Armchair-tourism has three main parts:                technology that gives the visitor
books, television and the internet. Until the         information that can be superimposed over
emergence of the internet, books were the             the real time landscapes or streets, using a
armchair-tourism media because they                   digital device. This technology is being
were the best information source for life             used in order to animate history and to
there. Nevertheless, new media has slowly             bring back life into exhibits found in the
overtaken the time spent on reading.                  most important museums and venues of
Armchair-tourism such as travel magazines             the world. Having all these means at our


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disposal, we can therefore travel anywhere,           environmental impact is almost non-
anytime and we are no longer dependent                existent, this not being the usual norm with
on the caprices of weather or the                     tourism activities. This happens because,
uncertainty found in difficult times, such as         neither accidentally nor by design, wildlife
the one we are experiencing nowadays.                 killing or vegetation being destroyed by
                                                      tourists do not occur. There is also a socio-
Shopping Tourism                                      cultural impact: a shopping mall is visited
                                                      by locals as well as national or
As studies have shown, shopping is one of             international tourists, and as such, it is
the most sought out activities no matter              seen as a positive attraction since access is
where tourists go (Timothy, 2003). This               not limited to neither of the two groups
activity gained traction with the                     (Swarbrooke, 2002).
development of theme parks, of malls and
designer shops. Visiting a theme park or              The Covid situation has temporarily shifted
going shopping in another country and                 this type of tourism to a more domestic
even inside the borders of your own                   focused approach. People are now more
country has become, for many tourists, a              inclined to go shopping in local tourism
purpose in itself. Bill Bryson, an American           destinations. But shopping has become a
travel and humor book author said that in             life-dictating activity for many people, and
the past, people used to build civilizations,         even in the current difficult pandemic
but now they build shopping malls.                    context, everybody goes shopping and we
Another American author, Erma Bombeck,                have become dependent on it.
affirms that the chances of entering into a
store to buy a loaf of bread and exiting with         Wellness Tourism
just a loaf of bread are three billion to one.
These aspects emphasize the worldwide                 In our fast-paced society, we tend to often
consensus that, in our society, humans are            forget about ourselves. Because of this,
unable to function without constantly                 health issues can arise due to stress,
going shopping.                                       exhaustion and living a sedentary life. All
                                                      these problems can be fixed by escaping
When trying to define this special tourism            into wellness centers. For more and more
sector, only one facet can be defined                 people, wellness is no longer a trend or a
clearly, namely that this kind of tourism             necessity, but has become a lifestyle.
includes the purchase of goods, the most
typical being clothes, shoes, leather goods           The wellness industry has grown
and luxury foodstuff (Friedrich, 2006).               substantially in the last years, at a global
                                                      level. The numbers are continually growing
The main advantage a tour operator could              and the market value of the wellness
enjoy is the fact that shopping tourism has           industry has reached 580 billion Euros.
a positive economic impact on the                     Lots of hotels, airports and corporations
destinations     and     limited    negative          have understood the importance of
environmental and socio-cultural effects.             wellness, and thus provide some kind of
Meaning local life, natural environment and           wellness services to both guests and staff.
cultural sites are not going to be disturbed
nor destroyed since many traditional malls,           The wellness world is a global economy
factory outlets, and markets do already               made out of multiple components: beauty
exist. To be more precise, economically,              and care, fitness, nutrition and alternative
this implies: more secure jobs, as the malls          medicine. A popular perception regarding
will have a continuous number of visitors;            the importance of healthy diets, fitness and
tax income will increase due to the value-            other health practices has been developed
added tax (VAT) of more sales; shopping               into whole new business sectors. As the
tourism does not seem as seasonal as other            healthy lifestyle movement gains more and
tourism products; in addition, foreign                more traction, auxiliary markets, ranging
tourists will increase the balance of                 from food and beverage to hospitality, start
payments (Papathanassis, 2011). Also, the             offering more products that reflect the


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values of the health-conscious consumers.             There is enormous potential with all of the
This is another example of the multiplier             emerging      niche    tourism     products
effect of tourism. Additionally, the Covid            presented in this paper. All of them
situation is the perfect incentive for                arguably represent what one may
healthier lifestyle choices. Thus, people are         designate as a megatrend, either at present
becoming more aware of the importance of              or in the near future. Additionally, each of
overall health management and are more                the selected products has incredible
readily willing to pay for these kinds of             versatility because they don’t target a
services.                                             particular “special” group of consumers,
                                                      but instead, they appeal to a larger
Wellness tourism is defined in the specialty          proportion of the population. In other
literature as traveling associated with the           words, the niches examined are not
practice of maintaining or improving                  mutually exclusive in terms of their target
personal states of being.                             market. The phenomena of tourism
                                                      globalization by developing infrastructure
From 2015 until 2017, the wellness                    and thus new destinations, and the
tourism market has grown annually by a                technological     advances    in     human
margin of 6,5 %. Until 2022, GWI                      transportation, with the usage of the mega-
anticipates that this market value will               ship or the implementation of large-scale
reach 919 billion dollars – representing              commercial space travel, will transform
18% of global tourism – with over a billion           these megatrends into tourism behemoths,
wellness-oriented travels all over the globe          and will result in the creation of new
(GWI, 2018).                                          specialized holiday niches that will
                                                      generate huge profits and further
Today, wellness tourism is much more than             expansion. The examples presented show a
just the destination or the activities – it is        promising outlook for each of the niches
an extension of the traveler’s lifestyle and          examined, as the current global pandemic
values. The wellness tourism sector is a              cannot but temporarily slow the inevitable
large spectrum one, and offers are divided            growth of these tourism sectors.
between many categories: fitness, healthy
nutrition,      therapeutic        treatments         There are three main aspects of the
(massages, beauty procedures). But every              tourism industry that can be synthesized
one of them is centered around enhancing              from this paper. Firstly, the tourism sector
the tourist state of being and state of mind.         is in a constant, ever-growing direction,
                                                      with more and more people willing to
Further opportunities are given to current            spend money in tourism activities.
trends, such as the alternative forms of              Secondly, the mainstream holiday package
medical therapies from Asia. However,                 isn’t as stable as it used to be, and it can be
these trends have to be recognized early              said that the current crisis in the world is a
enough and then must be implemented                   major influencing factor. Thirdly, there are
through serious, high-quality products.               some tourism niches that have great appeal
Beside the competitive criteria, such as              and show incredible potential for the near
price, or the kind and quality of services            future.
provided,     the    importance   of    the
attractiveness of the surrounding area as a           However, there are three more tour
choice     criterion    should   not     be           operating aspects that have to be taken
underestimated (Papathanassis, 2011).                 into    consideration   when     making
                                                      assertions: the capacity risk, the
Specialists estimate that, if the consumers’          consumers’ perceived risk and the
appetite for wellness services maintains its          unknown reaction of the large tourism
rate of growth, the wellness global tourism           groups.
industry will reach one trillion dollars in
the shortest of time.                                 Higher profits can be generated when
                                                      entering and developing niche markets.
Conclusions                                           Because of this, there are many


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Corina Larisa BUNGHEZ , Journal of Marketing Research and Case Studies, DOI : 10.5171/2021.134710
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