The Effect of Sports on the Phenomenon of Baby Blues Syndrome (Postpartum Blues) in Postpartum Mothers - Atlantis Press

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Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45
                        5th International Conference on Sport Science and Health (ICSSH 2021)

  The Effect of Sports on the Phenomenon of
  Baby Blues Syndrome (Postpartum Blues) in
             Postpartum Mothers
      Ema Novita Deniati                               2nd Annisaa                              3rd Selvia Agnesfadia
    Faculty of Sport Science,                      Faculty of Medicine                          Faculty of Medicine
   Universitas Negeri Malang                     Sebelas Maret University                     Sebelas Maret University
            Malang,                                     Surakarta                                     Surakarta

     Abstract—1) Purpose: baby blues syndrome often             phase postpartum depression often occurs. This phase
occurs in postpartum mothers. The prevalence of baby            lasts from the third to tenth day after delivery. The
blues syndrome worldwide according to WHO is around             last phase is the letting go phase which takes place
3% to 8%. In Asia, cases of baby blues syndrome are             after 10 days of delivery where at this phase the
still very high. In Indonesia, it will increase to 70-80% in    mother will accept new responsibilities and roles as a
2020. The incidence of baby blues syndrome can be               mother for the baby she is born with. If in this phase
prevented and overcome by intervention in the form of
exercise; 2) Methods: this study uses literature studies        the mother cannot go through the psychological
from articles indexed by google scholars and pubmed             adaptation process properly, then a mother has a high
with the keywords sports, baby blues, postpartum,               probability of experiencing Baby Blues Syndrome.
depression in order to obtain 10 quantitative research
articles; 3) Results: several research articles stated that         WHO (2018) noted the prevalence of postpartum
exercise was able to overcome postpartum depression or          blues in general in the world population is 3-8% with
baby blues syndrome with an intervention time of about          50% of cases occurring in productive ages, namely
4-8 months as measured using the EPDS questionnaire;            20-50 years. WHO also states that this postpartum
4) Conclusion: exercise with light to moderate intensity        blues disorder affects about 20% of women and 12%
can prevent symptoms of depression and is safe for
                                                                of men at some time in life [3]. The incidence of baby
mothers and babies.
                                                                blues or postpartum blues in Asia is quite high and
                                                                varies between 26-85%, while in Indonesia the
   Keywords— Exercise,        Baby    Blues,   Postpartum,
Psychological, Mother                                           incidence of baby blues or postpartum blues is
                                                                between 50-70% of postpartum women [1]. In
                                                                Indonesia, the incidence rate will increase in 2020 to
                   I. INTRODUCTION                              around 70-80% of postpartum mothers experiencing
    The postpartum period in the mother starts from             baby blues syndrome and around 10-13% of them
the birth of the placenta until the uterus returns to its       continue to have postnatal depression [4]–[7].
pre-pregnancy condition. The puerperal period lasts                 Baby blues syndrome is a mild emotional stability
for about 6 weeks, i.e. the delivery of the placenta to         disorder in the mother as a result of the adjustment
42 days after delivery [1]. After giving birth, the             process for the birth of the baby which takes place
mother will undergo several adaptation phases such as           within a few hours to about two weeks with the peak
the taking in phase, taking hold phase, and letting go          of instability occurring on days 3-5 [8]. Emotional
phase [2]. The taking-in phase is a dependency phase            instability in postpartum mothers who experience
that takes place on the first and second day after              baby blues syndrome triggers mothers to be irritable,
delivery. Mothers will focus on themselves, tend to be          feel excessively worried, feel unable to perform their
passive in their surroundings and increase appetite.            duties as a good mother, and at a severe level of
Furthermore, the taking hold phase is where the                 disturbance can make the mother indifferent and even
mother feels worried because she is unable to take              abuse their biological child. [9]. The phenomenon of
care of the baby and is easily irritated so that in this        Baby Blues Syndrome can be caused by tiredness of

                       Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press International B.V.
 This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -   66
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45

taking care of the baby, fatigue during the delivery          [11]. In addition, the positive effect of regular physical
process, hormonal changes that go up and down                 activity in relieving depressive disorders was
quickly, excessive anxiety and worries about not              explained using several mechanisms [12]. Exercise
being able to take care of the baby alone [10].               increases the concentration of neurotransmitters such
                                                              as 5HT, dopamine, and noradrenaline. In addition,
    Baby Blues Syndrome as a mild emotional                   physical activity increases the secretion of BDNF (a
disorder can be prevented and minimized the risk with         neurotic factor produced in the brain), the
physical activity. Interventions in the form of exercise      concentration of which is low in people with
function to restore health conditions, accelerate             depression [13]. A meta-analysis conducted by
healing, restore, improve muscle tension after                McCurdy et al. showed that light or moderate physical
pregnancy, especially in the muscles of the back,             activity effectively reduced depressive disorder
pelvic floor, and abdomen and prevent complications           symptoms in women in the postpartum period [14].
                   Articles identified by keyword (n: 2610)
                            PubMed            : 110
                           Google Cendekia : 2500

             Articles filtered by title                              Exclude by abstract (n: 120)
                     (n: 230)                                        a. Does not answer research
           PubMed              : 80                                  questions
           Google Cendekia : 150                                     b. Not a research article

           Complete articles that are                                Exclude by full text (n: 19)
           assessed for eligibility                                  Type of sport, time, research design,
           (n: 48)                                                   respondents,       data      collection,
                                                                     research results

           Articles            include
           quantitative research and
           types     of   non-therapy
           physical exercise (n: 10)

                                                    and PubMed. The literature in this study is an article
                   II. METHOD                       on the results of primary quantitative research
                                                    conducted from 2011 to 2021 which contains research
A. Data Source                                      on the effect of exercise on postpartum mothers who
   This study uses a literature study method taken  experience the baby blues syndrome. This study uses
from scientific databases indexed by Google Scholar several keywords to search for relevant literature such

Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45

as exercise, baby blues syndrome, postpartum blues,          levels associated with the psychological condition of
mothers giving birth, postpartum, and postpartum             the mother after giving birth [16]. The sports concept
mothers. Next, a list of related articles will appear        in the form of Low, Moderate to Virgous Physical
which will be further selected.                              Activity was chosen as an intervention in the study
                                                             (n=5). The concept is the provision of physical
B. Data Extraction                                           exercise with different intensity levels based on
    The search and data extraction strategy in this          international physical activity guidelines which are
study used the PRISMA flow chart (figure 1) [15].            categorized into low intensity with Metabolic
The total search results of research articles based on       Equivalent (MET)
Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45

ideation [26]. EPDS can be used after one month                 In 2019, there were 3 studies from Indonesia,
postpartum to 8 months postpartum to detect the             Norway and Brazil. The results of research in
presence of postpartum depression in the mother.            Indonesia by Jehan Puspasari and Dian Fitria showed
                                                            that there was an effect between qigong exercise
                                                            intervention and prevention of postpartum depression
3.1.3. Characteristics of Pregnant Women                    symptoms in adolescent mothers with a p value of
Who Received Intervention                                   0.000. In a study in Norway stated that there was no
    This research is a research that requires a long        difference in EPDS between the group given the
time. This is because this study does not only focus on     exercise 2.96 and the control group 3.48 (p=0.55). So
postnatal events but also on maternal prenatal              there was no effect between exercise during
activities. There are 8 studies involving the prenatal      pregnancy and postpartum depression. And the results
period and 2 other studies only examining the               of a study in Brazil by Carolina de Vargas Nunes
postnatal period of the mother. Pregnant women who          stated that there was no significant difference in the
are respondents are women who check their pregnancy         mean score for postpartum depression between the
and postnatal conditions in the same place. They were       intervention group and the control group. There was
then given an intervention at a gestation period            also no significant difference in the rate of postpartum
between 14-36 weeks. In addition, women who are
                                                            depression between the intervention group and the
respondents in the study are women who do not have
contraindications such as hypertension, diabetes, and       control group.
obesity because they can be confounding variables.          However, a recent study in 2020 and 2021 stated that
Mother's compliance in doing sports exercises that          women with light activity only had lower
have been determined also affects.                          psychological distress during pregnancy than those
                                                            who did not do physical activity, low physical activity
B. DISCUSSION                                               during pregnancy had a 2.3 times chance of
    In this study, the article used is a research article   experiencing depression. postpartum and were 3.15
that discusses the effect of exercise on the incidence      times more likely to experience postpartum blues in
of postpartum depression or baby blues syndrome. In         obese, hypertensive, and diabetic mothers, and
Kristian's research in 2011 stated that there was no        women in the intervention group were less likely to
significant difference in EPDS scores between women         report anxiety or depression on the EQ5D and had a
who did regular exercise and women in the control           lower mean EPDS score (6.1 ± 1.9 vs. 6.8 ± 2.4, p <
group with 3 times of data collection so that the EPDS      0.010).
scores were 10 (p=0.46), 13 (p=0.25), and 10
(p=0.03). Furthermore, in 2012, research by Amanda
J Daley stated that there is a relationship between
exercise and postnatal depression so that exercise is
effective for treating postnatal depression.
    Research conducted by Zewditu Demissie, (2013)
stated that there was no significant relationship
between total MVPA during pregnancy and
symptoms of postpartum depression. However, there
was a decrease in postpartum depression symptoms
found in pregnant women who did MVPA exercises
at 17-22 weeks of gestation. While research by Parvin
Bahadoran, (2014) showed that 74.7% (n = 68)
subjects had light physical activity and 25.3% (n =
23) had moderate and heavy physical activity. The
results of this study stated that there was no
significant difference between the two groups of
physical activity. The mean score of maternal well-
being in the light physical activity group was lower
than in the moderate and strenuous activity group.

Table 1. Analysis of previous research articles

                                                       Date of                        Research                                 Method of Data           Respondents           Number of
     No      Author                  Title                           Country                            Sports Type                                                                                         Research Results
                                                     Publication                       Design                                    Collection               Criteria           Respondents

     1    Kristian     M.    Does      Exercise      2011          Norway          Randomized         Group       training   EPDS                     Pregnant woman         855       were    There was no significant difference in
          Songoygard,        during Pregnancy                                      controlled trial   sessions with a        Questionnaire after      having prenatal        randomized        EPDS scores between women who did
          Signe        N     Prevent Postnatal                                                        physiotherapist        3 months of giving       care         at        to intervention   regular exercise and women in the control
          Stafne, Kari       Depression?                                                              once a week and        birth                    Trondheim  and         and     control   group. The scores obtained are 10
          Anne           I                                                                            self-training     at                            Stavanger              groups            (p=0.46), 13 (p=0.25), and 10 (p=0.03)
          Evensen, Kjell                                                                              home           twice                            Hospitals              (receiving
          A Salvesen,                                                                                 weekly for 12                                                          regular ANC)
          Torstein Vik,                                                                               weeks
          Siv Morkved
     2    Amanda        J    The Effectiveness       2012          English         Randomized         Sports     training    EPDS questionnaire       Women with a           208               This study states that there is a relationship
          Daley,     Kate    of Exercise as a                                      controlled trial   accompanied by         after 6 months of        clinical definition                      between      exercise      and       postnatal
          Jolly, Debbie      Treatment      for                                                       an instructor for 6    delivery and IPAQ        of       postpartum                      depression. Exercise is effective for treating
          J        Sharp,    Postnatal                                                                months                 during practice          clinical                                 postnatal depression.
          Katrina      M     Depression: Study                                                                                                        depression based
          Turner, Ruth       Protocol                                                                                                                 on the ICD-10
          V Blamey, at                                                                                                                                diagnosis         of
          all                                                                                                                                         depression.
     3    Zewditu            Physical     Activity   2013          North           Prospective        Moderate-to-           EPDS questionnaire       Women attending        652               There was no significant relationship
          Demissie,          Durung Pregnancy                      Carolina,       cohort             Vigorous Physical      assessment               prenatal        and                      between total MVPA during pregnancy and
          Anna      Maria    and      Postpartum                   United State    research           Activity (MVPA)        conducted for 3          postnatal                                postpartum      depression    symptoms.
          Siega-Riz,         Depressive                                                                                      months postpartum        checkups at the                          However, there was a decrease in
          Kelly        R.    Symptoms                                                                                                                 University        of                     postpartum depression symptoms found in
          Evenson,                                                                                                                                    North      Carolina                      pregnant women who did MVPA exercises
          Amy          H.                                                                                                                             clinic during 2001                       at 17-22 weeks of gestation.
          Herring,                                                                                                                                    - 2005
          Nancy Dole,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45

          Bradley      N.
     4    Parvin             Association             2014          Dezfoul, Iran   Historical         Light, moderate,       A             3-stage    iranian, can read      91                The results showed that 74.7% (n = 68)
          Bahadoran,         Between Physical                                      cohort             heavy    physical      questionnaire, the       and           write,                     subjects had light physical activity and
          Fatemeh            Activity 3-12 Months                                  research           exercise               first     is    about    breastfeeding, 3-                        25.3% (n = 23) had moderate and heavy
          Tirkesh,           After Delivery and                                                                              demographic              12         months                        physical activity. There was no significant
          Hamid Reza         Postpartum     Well-                                                                            characteristics, the     postpartum,                              difference between the two groups
          Oreizi             being                                                                                           second is about the      singleton birth                          regarding physical activity. The mean score
                                                                                                                             standard of physical                                              of maternal well-being in the light physical
                                                                                                                             activity, the third is                                            activity group was lower than in the
                                                                                                                             about the intensity                                               moderate and strenuous activity group.
                                                                                                                             of physical activity
     5    Jehan              Efektivitas Qigong      2019          Indonesia       Quasi              Qigong Exercise        Demographic              Teenage mothers        27                The results showed that there was an effect
          Puspasari,         Exercise    Selama                                    experiment                                questionnaire and        aged 16-19 years                         between qigong exercise intervention and
          Dian Fitria        Kehamilan    dalam                                    with purposive                            EPDS questionnaire       who are pregnant                         prevention of postpartum depression

Pencegahan Gejala                       sampling                                  (Edinburgh               in    the      third                    symptoms in adolescent mothers with a p
                           Depresi Postpartum                      technique                                 Postnatal                trimester                               value of 0.000.
                           pada Ibu Remaja                                                                   Depression Scale)
     6   Kirsti  Krohn     Effects            of   2019   Norway   Single-center,      Group exercise in     To            assess     Age      31.2±4.1      91               The results showed that there was no
         Garnaes, A.       Supervisied                             parallel group,     3 times per week      psychological well-      years,         BMI                      difference in EPDS between the group
         S.      Helvik,   Exercise    Training                    and                 until     delivery.   being, we used the       34.5±4.2 kg/m2,                         given the 2.96 exercise and the control
         Signe        N    durung Pregnancy                        randomized          Each session is       PGWBI                    with            46                      group 3.48 (p=0.55). So that no effect was
         Stafne,    Siv    on     Psychological                    controlled trials   divided into 35       (Psychological           respondents      in                     found between exercise during pregnancy
         Morkved, Kjell    well-being among                                            minutes of light      General Well-Being       the       exercise                      and postpartum depression.
         Salvesen,         Overweight       and                                        exercise              Index) at weeks 12-      group and 45
         Oyvind            Obese       Women:                                          (walking/running)     18 of gestation, late    respondents      in
         Salvesen,         Secondary                                                   and 25 minutes of     pregnancy (weeks         the control group
         Trine Moholdt     Analyses of the                                             resistance            34-37)     and      3
                           ETIP-Trial,        a                                        training.             months postpartum.
                           Randomised                                                                        Assessment         of
                           Controlled Trial                                                                  postpartum
                                                                                                             depression      using
                                                                                                             the            EPDS
     7   Carolina    de    Efficacy of Regular     2019   Brazil   Randomized          Physical exercise     EPDS                     Mothers enrolled       639      which   There is no significant difference in the
         Vargas Nunes      Exercise     During                     clinical   trial    includes aerobic      Questionnaire       3    in the longitudinal    were divided     mean scores for postpartum depression
         Coll, Marlos      Pregnancy on the                        with      birth     and     resistance    months postpartum        analysis      study,   into 71 blocks   between the intervention group (4.8) and
         Rodrigues,        Prevention        of                    cohort   study      training for 16                                living and born in     where 1 block    the control group (5.4 ) (95% CI, 1.3–0.1).
         Alan     Stein,   Postpartum                              design              weeks     with   3                             the      city     of   consisted of 9   There was also no significant difference in
         Bruna             Depression                                                  workouts       (60                             Pelotas,               respondents      rates of postpartum depression between
         Goncalves                                                                     minutes/session)                               gestational     age    (3               the intervention group (6.3%) and the
         Cordeiro da                                                                   per week                                       16-20 weeks, no        intervention     control group (9.3%) (ratio, 0.65; 95% CI,
         Silva, Diego                                                                                                                 congenital             groups and 6     0.33 to 1.28). Instrumental variable analysis
         Garcia                                                                                                                       disease, age > 18      control          indicated that non-adherence may have
         Bassani, etc                                                                                                                 years                  groups)          weakened the effect obtained in the main
                                                                                                                                                                              analysis in which adherence to the protocol,
                                                                                                                                                                              defined as engaging in at least 70% of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45

                                                                                                                                                                              exercise sessions, was low (40.4%).
     8   Ryoko             Association        of   2020   Japan    National birth      Different intensity   Prenatal                 Pregnant woman,        92.743           Women with only light activity had lower
         Susukida,         Prenatal                                cohort study        of daily physical     psychological            Japanese                                psychological distress during pregnancy
         Kentaro           Psychological                                               activity      (low,   distress         was     nationality,  and                       than those who did not do physical activity.
         Usuda,    Kei     Distress        and                                         medium, high)         assessed using the       participating   in                      However, women with a combination of
         Hamazaki,         Postpartum                                                                        Kessler                  JECS from 2011                          light, moderate, and vigorous activity had a
         Akiko             Depression      with                                                              Psychological            to 2016                                 higher likelihood of psychological distress
         Tsuchida,         Varying     Physical                                                              Distress       Scale                                             during     pregnancy     and     postpartum
         Kenta             Activity   Intensity:                                                             questionnaire.                                                   depression. Therefore, it is necessary to
         Matsumura,        Japan Environment                                                                 Activity       during                                            have a certain physical exercise program
         Daisuke Nishi,    and       Children’s                                                              pregnancy        was                                             with optimal intensity for pregnant women
         Hidekuni          Study (JECS)                                                                      assessed using the                                               to prevent and treat psychological stress
         Inadera                                                                                             International                                                    and postpartum depression.
                                                                                                             Physical      Activity

(IPAQ). Postpartum
                                                                                                             depression      was
                                                                                                             assessed using the
                                                                                                             EPDS 1 month after
     9    Yamuna Ana,      Is Physical Activity     2021   India   Cohort study       Physical exercise      Pre-test, validated     Pregnant women        1405   The results showed that low physical
          Melissa          in        Pregnancy                                        with       different   Physical     Activity   with a gestational           activity during pregnancy has a 2.3 times
          Glenda Lewis,    Associated        with                                     intensity     levels   Level         (PAL)     age of 14 – 36               chance      of   experiencing    postpartum
          Onno     C.P.    Prenatal          and                                      based             on   questionnaire and       weeks who come               depression and has a 3.15 times greater
          van Schayck,     Postnatal                                                  international          EPDS questionnaire      to   a    general            likelihood of experiencing postpartum blues
          Giridhara R.     Depressive                                                 physical    activity   during the postnatal    hospital                     in obese, hypertensive, and diabetic
          Babu             Symptoms?:                                                 guidelines             period                                               mothers.
                           Results          from
                           MAASTHI       Cohort
                           Study in South India
     10   Araceli          Effectiveness       of   2021   Spain   Randomized,        The intervention       One            month    Pregnant women        320    Women in the intervention group were less
          Navas, Maria     Moderate Intensity                      parallel,    and   group (moderate        postpartum      were    with a gestational           likely to report anxiety or depression on the
          del    Carmen    Aerobic        Water                    centralized        aquatic    aerobic     recorded        sleep   age     of    14-20          EQ5D (11.5% vs 22.7%; p < 0.05) and had
          Carrascova,      Exercise      during                    controlled         exercise) and the      quality (MOS sleep),    weeks, have a                a lower mean EPDS score (6.1 ± 1.9 vs 6, 8
          Catalina         Pregnancy          on                   study. Where       control group (an      quality of life (EQ-    low      risk    of          ± 2.4, p < 0.010). The two groups had no
          Artigues,        Quality of Life and                     there is an        ANC examination        5D), and depression     complications,               significant differences in other outcomes,
          Silvia Ortas,    Postpartum                              intervention       as usual)              or anxiety (EPDS).      and come from                maternal adverse events, and indicators of
          Elena            Depression: A Multi                     group and a                                                       five primary care            newborn status.
          Portells, Aina   Center,                                 control group                                                     centers in the               So it can be said that moderate-intensity
          Soler, Aina M    Randomized                                                                                                obstetric unit area          aquatic exercise during pregnancy reduces
          Yanez, Miquel    Controlled Trial                                                                                          of Son Llatzer               postpartum       anxiety    and   depressive
          Bennasar-                                                                                                                  Hospital                     symptoms in mothers and is safe for
          Veny, Alfonso                                                                                                              (Mallorca, Spain)            mothers and babies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45

Advances in Health Sciences Research, volume 45

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