The effect of provenance of historical timber on tree-ring based temperature reconstructions in the Western Central Alps
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iForest Research Article doi: 10.3832/ifor3412-013 vol. 13, pp. 351-359 Biogeosciences and Forestry The effect of provenance of historical timber on tree-ring based temperature reconstructions in the Western Central Alps Dana FC Riechelmann (1-2), Millennial-length tree-ring width chronologies are used to reconstruct temper- ature and place recent warming into historical context. The Simplon valley in Claudia Hartl (2), the Western Central Alps is an ideal region for such a study as it provides his- Jan Esper (2) torical timber back to medieval times which can be combined with tempera- ture sensitive living larch trees. However, the exact provenance of the histori- cal timber is unknown, but might origin from different elevations which poten- tially biases derived temperature reconstructions. To study the effect of eleva- tion on tree growth and climate sensitivity, approximately 250 trees at three elevational levels (1500, 1700, and 2000 m a.s.l.) were sampled. Results indi- cate that the overall growth rate decreases with increasing elevation. Signifi- cant correlations between tree-ring width and summer temperature are recorded at tree sites ≥ 1700 m a.s.l. The comparison of the growth patterns between living trees and historical timber from Simplon Village (1476 m a.s.l.) reveals a most likely origin of the historical samples between 1700 and 2000 m a.s.l. When combining the data from the living trees at the different eleva- tional levels with the historical timber, to produce three separate chronologies spanning the past 1200 years, substantial low frequency differences are recorded after RCS detrending the data. This finding demonstrates that the origin of samples in combined (living + historical) chronologies has a strong in- fluence on long-term summer temperature reconstructions. It is thus impor- tant to analyse the growth characteristics of historical timber, and estimate their provenance in comparison to living trees, when producing millennial length chronologies. Keywords: Elevational Transect, European Larch, Climate Response, Summer Temperature, Dendrochronology Introduction wood is available from historical buildings constructions the living trees, used for cali- Annually resolved climate reconstructions in villages built during medieval times bration in the most recent time, originate spanning the last millennium are needed (Büntgen et al. 2005, 2006, 2011b, Riechel- from high elevations (> 1500 m a.s.l. – Bünt- to relate the recent warming to warm peri- mann et al. 2013) as well as subfossil wood gen et al. 2005; > 1800 m a.s.l. – Carrer & ods in the past such as the Medieval Cli- from lakes, peat bogs, and glacier fore- Urbinati 2006; > 1900 m a.s.l. – Büntgen et mate Anomaly or the Roman Warm Period fields (Nicolussi et al. 2009, Corona et al. al. 2006), up to the Alpine treeline (Nico- (Ljungqvist 2010, Büntgen et al. 2011b, Es- 2010). Furthermore, in the European Alps lussi et al. 2009). However, for the histori- per et al. 2014). To reach millennial long cli- tree growth is controlled by summer tem- cal timber used in such studies to extend mate reconstructions using tree-rings, liv- perature at high elevations (Babst et al. the chronologies back in time, the eleva- ing trees have to be combined with histori- 2012), and two centuries of instrumental tion and ecological site factors of the origi- cal and/or subfossil wood (Büntgen et al. climate data (Böhm et al. 2001) are avail- nal tree growing sites are frequently not 2005, Nicolussi et al. 2009, Corona et al. able for calibration, which are ideal prereq- known. All these studies cover wider re- 2010, Esper et al. 2012). For such a purpose, uisites to reconstruct millennial long past gions within the Alps, and Büntgen et al. the European Alps are an ideal region to temperature variability. (2005) and Nicolussi et al. (2009) also com- generate long tree-ring chronologies, as In the existing millennial long climate re- bined different tree species. Due to the wide spatial distribution of the sampling sites in these studies the tree-ring data are (1) Institute for Geosciences, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Johann-Joachim- calibrated with gridded climate data (Bünt- Becher-Weg 21, D-55128 Mainz (Germany); (2) Department of Geography, Johannes Guten- gen et al. 2005, Frank & Esper 2005, Carrer berg University Mainz, Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 21, D-55128 Mainz (Germany) & Urbinati 2006, Nicolussi et al. 2009, Corona et al. 2010), which also cover wider @ Dana Riechelmann ( regions compared to single meteorological station data. The living trees in the afore- Received: Mar 24, 2020 - Accepted: Jun 29, 2020 mentioned studies, origin from an ecologi- cal homogeneous stand in comparison to Citation: Riechelmann DFC, Hartl C, Esper J (2020). The effect of provenance of historical the wider range of locations from where timber on tree-ring based temperature reconstructions in the Western Central Alps. iForest the historical samples likely origin. This 13: 351-359. – doi: 10.3832/ifor3412-013 [online 2020-08-25] could result in a biased reconstruction due to potentially less climate sensitivity in the Communicated by: Giorgio Alberti historical timber in comparison to high ele- vation living trees. Tegel et al. (2010) there- © SISEF 351 iForest 13: 351-359
Riechelmann DFC et al. - iForest 13: 351-359 iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry Fig. 1 - Investigation area and study design. Loca- tion of Switzerland in Europe (a), the Simplon region in southern Switzerland (b) and nearby meteorological station Grächen indicated by the star (c, modified from Google Earth™) and a sketch showing the sampling design along elevational transect around Simplon Village (d). fore concluded that the origin of recent + historical tree chronologies, and how slopes close to Simplon Village (Fig. 1c). material should mirror heterogeneity of these combinations effect potential tem- The larch trees were sampled at three ele- the historical timber. This would probably perature reconstructions over the last mil- vational levels, with the medium montane not result in the strongest climate signal in lennium, is uncertain. We therefore sam- (MEDI) level at 1500 m a.s.l. representing the tree-ring width (TRW) but to a relative- pled living larch trees in Simplon valley approximately the elevation of the histori- ly equal signal-to-noise ratio throughout along an elevational transect including cal buildings. The alti montane (ALTI) level time. both slopes of the valley at 1500, 1700, and at 1700 m a.s.l., and the subalpine (SUB) Considering the above-mentioned facts, 2000 m a.s.l. and studied their growth char- level at 2000 m a.s.l. representing the local the Simplon region in the Western Central acteristics and climate sensitivity. Data tree line (Fig. 1d). Two cores per tree were Alps is an ideal region to develop a millen- from historical timber were combined with sampled at breast height perpendicular to nial long summer temperature reconstruc- these living trees from different elevations the slope, including all tree age classes (Es- tion because of the availability of historic to produce different composite chronolo- per et al. 2009, Speer 2010, Nehrbass-Ahles larch timber dating back to medieval times. gies as well as summer temperature recon- et al. 2014). However, at the MEDI and ALTI The location of the buildings is at relatively structions. The differences among these levels older age classes from 201-300 and > high elevations (> 1470 m a.s.l.) and the chronologies and the effects on the sum- 300 years are underrepresented, whereas surrounding valley is covered with larch mer temperature reconstructions were as- at the SUB level all age classes (≤ 100, 101- forests, representing the most probably sessed. 200, 201-300, > 300 years) are included source of the historical timber back to me- (Tab. 1). Furthermore, at the MEDI and ALTI dieval times. It is, however, unclear wheth- Material and methods sampling levels, all trees within a radius of er the historical timber can be combined The study site is located in Simplon valley approximately 20 m were sampled includ- with the most temperature sensitive living in southern Switzerland in the Western ing dominant, subdominant, and supressed trees from high elevational sites above Central Alps (Fig. 1a, b). During several field individuals (Tab. 1). At the SUB level, we 2000 m a.s.l. The effect of combining the campaigns from 2010 to 2012, approxi- considered a larger radius of approxi- historical timber with living trees from dif- mately 250 larch trees (Larix decidua Mill.) mately 200 m and included more dominant ferent elevations, to form composite living were sampled (Tab. 1) on both valley trees, in response to reduced forest den- sity near tree line. However, also at these sampling sites subdominant and suppress- Tab. 1 - Site descriptions and chronology characteristics. Tree status and age classes ed trees were sampled (Tab. 1). are given in numbers of trees or samples in case of the historical timber. (GLK): Gleich- The historical timber (HIST) consist of 126 läufigkeits values. samples from several buildings in Simplon Village at 1476 m a.s.l. (see Riechelmann et Sampling site al. 2013 for details). This data set with 126 Medium Alti series is updated in this study by 24 addi- Characteristics Class / Type Subalpine Historic montane montane tional TRW series, which were sampled (SUB) (HIS) from a wooden floor taken out of one (MEDI) (ALTI) Number of series - 128 106 266 150 house (D. Nievergelt, personal communica- tion), to a data set of 150 series in total. Period (AD) >5 series 1865 - 2011 1684 - 2011 1495 - 2010 738 - 1922 These additional 24 samples including 18 Mean segment - 100 127 203 176 discs from deal boards and six disks of length (yrs) wood beams. For these samples, it is not GLK - 0.64 0.64 0.63 0.59 possible to reconstruct the sampling. The Mean Rbar (Index chronology) 0.36 0.45 0.35 0.41 age class distribution of the historical tim- Mean EPS (Index chronology) 0.98 0.97 0.91 0.94 ber includes 70 series from 101-200 years, Tree status dominant 32 22 102 - 15 series from 201-300 years, and 25 series > 300 years. Forty series of the historical tim- subdominant 25 19 17 - ber were younger than 100 years. How- suppressed 7 12 11 - ever, these ages are probably biased due Age classes ≤ 100 years 35 17 27 40 to processing of beams and boards includ- 101-200 years 29 31 36 70 ing bark and pith losses. The cores of the 201-300 years 0 1 33 15 living trees were cut perpendicular to the wood fibre using a microtome (Gärtner & > 300 years 0 5 34 25 Nievergelt 2010) to create a plane surface 352 iForest 13: 351-359
Tree origin affects long-term temperature reconstructions for an optimal visibility of the tree-rings. from AD 1971-1996 and precipitation data tion). This is also visible in the age class dis- iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry The 24 additional historical samples are from AD 1961-2011. However, a comparison tribution, revealing that no tree > 200 years disks and were thus sanded. TRW was mea- of the summer (June, July, August) tem- is included in the MEDI chronology, and sured using a LINTAB TM measuring table peratures between Grächen and Simplon only six trees > 200 years in the ALTI chro- equipped with TSAP-WinTM software (both Village shows that the absolute values are nology. In the SUB chronology all four age RINNTECH®, Heidelberg, Germany) at a pre- quite similar. The temperature variations classes are fairly equally distributed (Tab. cision of 0.01 mm. Cross dating of the TRW and patterns are also similar with other sta- 1). At the two lower levels the older trees series of the different elevational sites and tion records from south-western Switzer- are missing. The HIST chronology shows a historical timber was performed visually land (Riechelmann et al. 2016 – Fig. 2). This mean segment length of 176 years, which and verified statistically using COFECHA coherency indicates that the temperature lies between ALTI and SUB chronologies software (Holmes 1983). COFECHA also data from Grächen are likely reliable to test and an age class distribution more similar provides the mean segment length in years the climate sensitivity of trees from Sim- to the SUB chronology. However, due to of all four chronologies. The Gleichläufig- plon valley. Annual precipitation correlates older trees being bigger, such trees were keits values (GLK) of the four chronologies significantly between Grächen and Simplon preferred as construction wood, which re- was calculated using R ver. 3.5.3 (R Core Village (r = 0.79, p < 0.001), even though sults in this relatively high mean segment Team 2018) and the package dplR (Bunn et annual sums are quite different (1247 mm length and also the age class distribution al. 2020). Missing rings, which resulted in Simplon Village and 613 mm in Grächen, with the most series being 101-200 years most probably from larch budmoth (Zeia- both calculated from AD 1961-2009). As old of the HIST chronology. phera diniana Gn.) outbreaks (Weber 1997, precipitation sums and patterns change Median TRW as well as maximum TRW Rolland et al. 2001, Esper et al. 2007, Bal- rapidly within this high mountain environ- decreases with increasing elevation. TRW tensweiler et al. 2008, Büntgen et al. 2009, ment, e.g., towards the dry Rhône valley varies between 0.1 and 2.2 mm for the HIST Hartl-Meier et al. 2017, Cerrato et al. 2019), ~15 km north of Simplon Village, we de- data, which shows a maximum TRW be- were inserted with a value of 0.01 mm. cided to use the single station data near to tween the ALTI and SUB level. The median Three different chronologies represent- the sampling site. TRW of the HIST data is 0.6 mm and lies as ing different elevational levels (MEDI, ALTI, All correlations between the chronolo- well between the ALTI and SUB data (Fig. SUB) and the historical timber (HIST) were gies and instrumental climate data were 2a). developed. Tree-ring age trends were re- calculated using Pearson correlation coeffi- The age-aligned growth curves show a moved by calculating residuals from (i) in- cients (r) and significance levels at p < 0.05, decreasing juvenile growth with increasing dividually fitted 150-year splines and (ii) us- p < 0.01, and p < 0.001 were considered. elevation (Fig. 2b). The MEDI growth curve ing RCS detrending, both after power Summer temperature (JJA) reconstruc- shows the steepest juvenile growth fol- transformation (Cook & Peters 1997) of the tions of the three combined (living + his- lowed by a strong decrease around 90 data. Chronology variance was stabilised toric) chronologies were performed by years cambial age, which coincides with a (Frank et al. 2007) using a 300-year spline scaling the z-transformed TRW-values to lowering in the replication (Fig. 2b). This within the software ARSTAN (Cook 1985). the instrumental summer (June, July, Au- strong lowering in replication is probably Chronologies were built using the robust gust) temperature values of the last 100 due to forest management at this low ele- mean and truncated at a minimum sample years (AD 1910-2009). vational site related to first increasing den- replication < 5 series. ARSTAN also pro- sity of the forest which results in growth vides mean expressed population signal Results reduction and suppression of the trees, (EPS) and mean Rbar for the detrended in- and afterwards a clearing of the forest dex chronologies as well as the cambial Chronology characteristics leading to an increased growth of the re- age aligned growth curves. Mean EPS is lowest in the SUB chronol- maining trees, which are now the oldest at For calculating the climate responses of ogy with 0.91 and highest in the MEDI this site (M. Gerold, personal communica- the differently detrended elevational chro- chronology with 0.98 (Tab. 1), however, all tion). The smoothest growth curve is the nologies, monthly temperature and precip- mean EPS values are above the threshold one of the SUB data, which also shows the itation data of the meteorological station of 0.85 (Wigley et al. 1984). The GLK is low- most gradual decrease in age structure in Grächen were used. Grächen is located est in the HIST chronology with 0.59 and (Fig. 2b). However, the SUB growth curve 15 km west of Simplon Village (Fig. 1c) at highest in the MEDI and ALTI chronologies is above the ALTI and MEDI growth curves 1605 m a.s.l. This meteorological station with 0.64. The mean Rbar is lowest in the after 50 and 70 years, respectively, which is was used because it is the nearest to the SUB chronology with 0.35 and highest in due to the above-mentioned forest man- sampling sites providing long (AD 1864- the ALTI chronology with 0.45 (Tab. 1). agement. For the juvenile growth of the 2009) and almost continuous data sets Mean segment length increases with in- first 50 years, the HIST growth curve lies (only the years AD 1887-1890 are missing) creasing elevation from 100 to 203 years, between the MEDI and ALTI growth curves for temperature and precipitation. There is which is most probably due to more in- (Fig. 2b). a meteorological station in Simplon Village, tense forest management in the lower ele- The covariance between the four chro- which only provides temperature data vations (M. Gerold, personal communica- nologies (ALTI, MEDI, SUB, HIST) for both Fig. 2 - Growth charac- teristics of the histori- cal timber and the three elevational chro- nologies. (a) Boxplots of the TRW of all mea- sured tree-ring width and (b) average growth rates of the cambial age aligned ring width data with the respective series replication (> 5 series). iForest 13: 351-359 353
Riechelmann DFC et al. - iForest 13: 351-359 detrending methods was analysed by Pear- iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry Tab. 2 - Pearson’s correlation coefficients among the four chronologies for the two son correlation coefficients with the short- different detrendings (RCS, 150-year spline). The common period (AD) and the num - est common period with 58 years (AD 1922- ber of data (N) are also given. (**): p
Tree origin affects long-term temperature reconstructions iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry Fig. 4 - Climate re- sponse of the RCS (cir- cles) and 150-year spline (triangles) detrended chronologies with in- strumental data from the meteorological sta- tion Grächen with May to August (MJJA) tem- peratures (a), June to August (JJA) tempera- tures (b), April to Au- gust (AMJJA) precipita- tion (c), and April pre- cipitation (d). Filled symbols indicate signi- ficant correlation coef- ficients with p < 0.05. Fig. 5 - Combined chronologies (> 5 series) of the different living tree sites (MEDI, ALTI, SUB) with the his- torical timber detrend- ed with 150-year splines (a) and with RCS de- trending (b), 60-year smoothing is shown in bold for all chronolo- gies. Replication of the three chronologies is shown in (c). iForest 13: 351-359 355
Riechelmann DFC et al. - iForest 13: 351-359 iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry Fig. 6 - Reconstructed summer (June, July, August) temperatures for the three combined, RCS detrended chronolo- gies (MEDIHIST, ALTI- HIST, SUBHIST) and instrumental data. Sixty- year smoothing is shown in bold for all data series. RCS detrended chronologies, compared to patterns. In the MEDI and ALTI chronolo- data from three different elevations with the 150-year spline detrended chronolo- gies, average tree age is < 200 years, instrumental data from the meteorological gies. There is no significant (p-value < 0.05) whereas in the SUB and HIST chronologies station in Grächen at 1605 m a.s.l. Whereas correlation for the MEDI chronologies to all age classes are present and mean tree temperature is decreasing systematically summer temperatures (Fig. 4a, Fig. 4b). age exceeds 170 years (Tab. 1). There is still with increasing elevation, the changes The strongest climate response occurs for an ongoing debate about climate signal from year-to-year should be fairly similar, the RCS detrended SUB chronology with age effects, and if any, which age class is as described above for the summer tem- June-July-August (JJA) temperatures with r best responding to climate. Some studies perature of different meteorological sta- = 0.57 (Fig. 4b). The response to spring and indicate a stronger climate sensitivity of tions in south-western Switzerland. For summer precipitation (AMJJA) is decreas- younger trees, but other work indicated similar year-to-year variations, the correla- ing with increasing elevation, however the stronger signals of older trees (Konter et tions remain robust despite different abso- only significant correlation (p > 0.05) ap- al. 2016, and references therein). However, lute temperatures. Furthermore, larch bud- pears for the RCS detrended MEDI chronol- these studies are from different locations moth outbreaks could have an influence on ogy with r = 0.19 (Fig. 4c). The response to and also dealing with different tree spe- the climate growth relationships, due to a April precipitation increases with increas- cies. Konter et al. (2017) analysed climate strong growth decline during and subse- ing elevation and is significant for the ALTI signal age effects in larch trees from high quent to mass outbreaks (Esper et al. 2007, and SUB chronologies (r = 0.20 and r = 0.22, elevational sites (2200 m a.s.l.) in the Zer- Baltensweiler et al. 2008, Cerrato et al. respectively for the ALTI chronology and r matt region, about 30 km south-west of 2019), which are not corresponding to low =0.29 and r = 0.26, respectively for the SUB the Simplon valley. These trees showed temperatures. Hartl-Meier et al. (2016, chronology) without a distinct difference slightly higher temperature signals in older 2017) analysed larch trees from Simplon between the two detrending methods (Fig. trees. Transferring these results to our valley for the effects of mass outbreaks 4d). study site in Simplon valley translates into and showed that trees at all elevational lev- a stronger summer temperature response els analysed here are equally affected. As a Discussion with increasing elevation as tree age in- consequence, the correlations reported The analyses of the growth patterns of creases with altitude. However, this effect here are likely weakened, particularly when the four different larch chronologies show is not very pronounced and does not larch budmoth mass outbreaks occurred in that highest median and maximum TRW change the results shown in Fig. 4a and Fig. warm years (Esper et al. 2007), but these are observed in the MEDI chronology in 4b. effects are likely similar among the sam- 1500 m a.s.l. and these parameters de- The distribution of age classes at the dif- pling sites and elevational levels. crease with increasing elevation (Fig. 2a). ferent elevational levels are affected by Despite all potential biases on the climate This change is in line with several other forest management, which is more intense growth relationship, the RCS detrended studies from Alpine regions analysing tree at the lower MEDI and ALTI levels. Trees SUB chronology shows a higher correlation growth along elevational transects (Moser older than 200 years are therefore rare or with JJA than with MJJA (Fig. 4a, Fig. 4b), et al. 2009, Affolter et al. 2010, Hartl-Meier entirely missing at these two levels. An- which is due to reduction of growing sea- et al. 2014a, 2014b). These studies observ- other issue influencing the climate-growth son length in the higher elevations (Savva ed the optimum growth elevation of larch relationship could be that supressed trees et al. 2006, Moser et al. 2009). The MEDI trees at 1600 m a.s.l. (Moser et al. 2009), of do not strongly respond to climate. Su- chronology does not show any distinct cor- several alpine conifers at 1300 m a.s.l. (Af- pressed trees are a minority in all three relation to climate parameters, except for folter et al. 2010), and of Norway spruce at chronologies, though effects of suppres- weaker correlation with May temperatures 1200 m a.s.l. (Hartl-Meier et al. 2014b). Be- sion are visible in the MEDI chronology. (Fig. 3a, Fig. 3b). AMJJA precipitation re- low these elevations, tree growth is con- The oldest trees at this level showed su- sponses of the RCS detrended MEDI trolled by precipitation and above it is con- pressed growth approximately 90 years chronology (Sidor et al. 2015 – Fig. 4c), indi- trolled by temperature, which results in an ago, which could bias the climate response cating that this site is located near the opti- increase of correlation to summer temper- during this period. These trees reveal a mum conditions for larch growth (Moser et ature with elevation (Savva et al. 2006, Af- growth release after forest clearing (M. al. 2009, Affolter et al. 2010, Hartl-Meier et folter et al. 2010, Babst et al. 2012, Hartl- Gerold, personal communication). How- al. 2014b). The positive correlations of the Meier et al. 2014a, 2014b, Sidor et al. 2015), ever, such potential bias does not strongly ALTI and SUB chronologies with April pre- in line with the findings of this study (Fig. affect the overall conclusion of this study, cipitation (Fig. 4d) could be explained by 4a, Fig. 4b). The optimum growth level as the MEDI chronology is located near the higher precipitation in April filling up the varies among different tree species. How- optimum growth level of the larch trees reservoir in the soil after snow melt and be- ever, the increasing summer temperature where climate signal has been reported to fore the growing season, which has a posi- response of the larch trees at higher eleva- be insignificant elsewhere (Moser et al. tive influence on subsequent growth dur- tions could be biased by several factors. On 2009, Affolter et al. 2010). ing the summer months. In conclusion, the one hand, climate signal age effects Further biases of climate-growth assess- these results show that the historical tim- (Esper et al. 2008) could bias the response ments could arise from correlation TRW ber, which was potentially provenanced 356 iForest 13: 351-359
Tree origin affects long-term temperature reconstructions between 1700 and 2000 m a.s.l. does not mate Anomaly and Little Ice Age. However, vation. The response to summer (JJA) tem- iForest – Biogeosciences and Forestry have the strongest response to summer the difference between the three chronol- peratures increases with elevation, and the temperature, as contained in the SUB chro- ogies and reconstructions show how im- weak correlations to climate of the MEDI nology, but a weaker signal in the range of portant the most recent part of the chro- chronology at 1500 m a.s.l. indicate near r ≈ 0.4 with JJA temperatures considering nology is, and how changes in the living- optimum tree growth. The comparison of the RCS detrended chronology. However, tree data influence the reconstruction of tree growth parameters of the historical the climate growth response of the histori- absolute summer temperatures, ampli- timber (HIST) with the three elevational cal timber could also be biased, due to the tudes, and the timing of maximum and chronologies allows a provenancing of his- unknown position of the measured series minimum temperatures (e.g., around AD torical timbers suggesting its origin be- in the tree trunk (Esper et al. 2020b). 1250, in the late 17 th, 19th, and 20th century – tween 1700 and 2000 m a.s.l. This conclu- The combination of the three living-tree Fig. 5b, Fig. 6). Therefore, these results sion is supported by the similarity of me- chronologies (MEDI, ALTI, SUB) with the could be transferred to other mountainous dian and maximum TRW of the HIST chro- HIST chronology reveals only small differ- regions where living and historic and/or nology, which are between the data of the ences, particularly in the most recent 400 subfossil wood should be combined to mil- ALTI and SUB chronologies, as well as the years, when considering the spline de- lennial long chronologies. juvenile growth which is closest to the ju- trended data (Fig. 5a). Detrending the Differences in RCS detrended combined venile part of the growth curve of the ALTI chronologies using RCS, however, results chronologies, integrating samples from liv- chronology. Therefore, the response to JJA in quite different chronologies (Fig. 5b). In ing and subfossil wood, were also reported temperature of the historical timber is the 20th century the combined SUBHIST from Sweden, when assessing the effects most likely smaller than recorded for the chronology shows a strong increase in of including living trees from lake shores or high-elevation SUB chronology from 2000 TRW-index, whereas the two other com- inland sites in combined chronologies (Düt- m a.s.l., but more closely reflects the val- bined chronologies show only slightly in- horn et al. 2013). It is therefore recom- ues obtained to the ALTI chronology at creasing values and a distinct lower TRW- mended to check TRW growth patterns of 1700 m a.s.l. index. The difference appears to be in line the historical or relict wood in comparison The combination of different elevational with the stronger summer temperature to the living trees to evaluate which living- chronologies (MEDI, ALTI, SUB) with the sensitivity of the SUB chronology. Further- tree site best represents the growth pat- HIST chronology does not show strong dif- more, the amplitudes of chronology vari- tern of the historical timber (Tegel et al. ferences when detrending the data using ance are different, e.g., between the late 2010, Düthorn et al. 2013). 150-year splines. However, RCS detrending 13th and 14th century, even though this pe- Other tree-ring proxies such as Maximum the data results in quite strong differences riod is completely covered by historical tim- Latewood Density (MXD) or stable oxygen in amplitudes, trends and the timing of ber. Reconstructing absolute temperatures and carbon isotopes could also be used maximum and minimum TRW-index values, from these RCS detrended chronologies it when comparing and combining living particularly in the 20th century and in the results in substantially different summer trees with historical timber, as these pa- late 17th and 19th century. These differences temperatures for example the maximum rameters could be potentially less sensitive in the RCS detrended chronology have a around AD 1250 with 14.6 °C reconstructed to elevational effects. For stable oxygen significant effect on the absolute summer from the SUBHIST chronology in compari- and carbon isotopes the effect of site con- temperatures reconstructed. Therefore, son to 15.5 °C reconstructed from the ALTI- ditions should generally be less important provenancing of historical or subfossil HIST chronology (Fig. 6). However, the as well as showing higher climate sensi- wood is important to generate robust SUBHIST chronology does not continuous- tivity in comparison to TRW (Treydte et al. chronologies, integrating and combining ly show in the highest TRW-index value, as 2001, Hartl-Meier et al. 2015). MXD data data from living trees and historical or sub- around AD 900 the ALTIHIST and around provide even stronger correlations with fossil wood, for the purpose of recon- AD 1880 the MEDIHIST chronologies show summer temperature in cold, high eleva- structing past climate variability over the highest values, respectively (Fig. 5b). The tion or high latitude, environments (Frank past centuries in mountainous regions. JJA temperature reconstructions show a & Esper 2005, Büntgen et al. 2011a, Esper et fairly different picture. The reconstruction al. 2012, 2014, 2020a) and are also less af- Acknowledgments from the SUBHIST chronology shows most fected by micro-site conditions than TRW D. R. and C. H. are grateful to the German times the lowest temperatures until the data (Düthorn et al. 2016). Büntgen et al. Research Foundation (DFG; RI 2136/2-1; RI 1950th. Then the SUBHIST reconstruction (2006) did not detect a strong difference in2136/2-2; HA 8048/1-1). D. R. was also sup- shows the highest temperatures after AD average MXD values between recent and ported by funding of the Johannes Guten- 1980 and follows most the instrumental historic wood from the Alpine region as berg University Mainz. J. E. was supported data (Fig. 6). The ALTIHIST reconstruction well as between the RCS curves of the by the German Research Foundation proj- show highest temperatures back in time MXD data. The results of Düthorn et al. ects “Inst 247/665-1 FUGG” and “ES 161/9- from AD 1660. In the last 300 years the (2016) and Büntgen et al. (2006) indicate 1”. We thank the forest district Simplon- MEDIHIST reconstruction show higher tem- less micro site effects on the MXD data, po-South and especially M. Gerold for the per- peratures during most time of this interval tentially supporting the development of mission to sample larch trees in Simplon (Fig. 6). These results are very important, millennial long chronologies with less ef- valley. Thanks to F. Babst, F. Cimander, E. because such millennial long chronologies fort of provenancing, compared to TRW. Düthorn, A. Görnitz, S. Holzkämper, L. Klip- are aimed at comparing the recent warm- However, this has to be verified and more pel, M. Kochbeck, K. Koenig, D. Nievergelt, ing with pre-industrial warm phases. For research is needed in analysing potential el- K. Perkovic, S. Reifenberg, L. Schneider, example, the SUBHIST reconstruction evation effects on MXD and stable oxygen and J. Sonnberg who helped with tree sam- shows similar temperatures in the most re- and carbon isotope data. pling, sample preparation, and TRW mea- cent time and the maximum around AD surements. Further thanks go to M. Veicht 1250. In comparison to this the ALTIHIST re- Conclusion for graphical editing. We thank two anony- construction shows higher temperatures Changing tree growth and climate re- mous reviewers for their constructive com- around AD 1250 than in the most recent sponse along an elevational transect were ments on the manuscript. time (Fig. 6). analysed in this study from larch trees in The RSC detrending preserves low-fre- Simplon valley (Switzerland) at 1500 m References quency variations beyond than the mean (MEDI), 1700 m (ALTI), and 2000 m (SUB) Affolter P, Büntgen U, Esper J, Rigling A, Weber segment length (Cook et al. 1995), which is a.s.l. Our results show a decreasing median P, Luterbacher J, Frank D (2010). Inner Alpine important for the assessment of long-term and maximum tree growth, as well as conifer response to 20th century drought climate anomalies such as the Medieval Cli- lower juvenile growth with increasing ele- swings. European Journal of Forest Research iForest 13: 351-359 357
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