The Effect of Brand Equity and Electronic Word of Mouth (E - WOM) on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in E-commerce Marketplace

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                             Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Research Paper                                                                  E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

 The Effect of Brand Equity and Electronic Word of
  Mouth (E - WOM) on Customer Satisfaction and
        Loyalty in E-commerce Marketplace
                     Adhy Arya Hendrata1, Netti Tinaprilla2, Arief Safari2
                 Master of Management of Faculty of Business Management, IPB University
                              Faculty of Business Management, IPB University
                                      Corresponding Author: Adhy Arya Hendrata

ABSTRACT                                                     Keywords: E-Wom, Brand Equity, Customer
                                                             Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, SEM-PLS
E-commerce in Indonesia is currently
developing rapidly in line with the era of                   INTRODUCTION
globalization. Brand equity and electronic word                       Globalization is the process of entry
of mouth is one aspect that e-commerce really                into the scope of the world (Great
cares about. Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada and                   Dictionary of Indonesian). Globalization is
Bukalapak are competing fiercely to maintain
                                                             one of the keys to creating new marketing
their competitive advantage by creating good
brand equity. Therefore, it is interesting to learn          behaviors. The development of technology
about brand equity in building customer                      in terms of transportation, delivery, and
satisfaction and customer loyalty. The aim of                communication is able to facilitate the
this study is (1) Analyzing brand equity in the              company in conducting its marketing
e-commerce marketplace, (2) Calculating the                  (Kotler and Keller 2012). Consumers also
level of overall consumer satisfaction and                   feel the ease in obtaining products from
loyalty to the four e-commerce marketplaces,(3)              anywhere just by utilizing internet
Identifying the elements of brand equity and                 technology. Globalization led to the
electronic word of mouth that affect brand                   formation of easier activities through the
satisfaction and loyalty to the four e-commerce              internet, so many people took their time to
marketplace companies. The sampling technique
                                                             use the internet.
in research uses non-probability sampling
method with convenience sampling technique.                           Nowadays,      more     and     more
This study used a total sample of 100 people                 businesses are utilizing internet technology
service users of the e-commerce marketplace                  to improve the performance of their
companies Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, and                     marketing systems. In fact, many companies
Bukalapak. Processed using SEM-PLS. Based                    began to set up e-commerce marketplace
on the research results, the elements of brand               businesses that could be used as a medium
equity and electronic word of mouth have a                   to sell goods and services. This is supported
positive influence on consumer satisfaction. In              by data from the Indonesian Central Bureau
the Tokopedia and Shopee brands, there is one                of Statistics (BPS) which states that in the
element of brand equity that has no effect,                  last 10 years, the e-commerce industry
namely brand association and brand awareness.
                                                             increased by 17 percent with the total
Lazada, one element that affects satisfaction,
Bukalapak has a positive effect on satisfaction,             number of units reaching 26.2 million units
namely electronic word of mouth. Consumer                    (BPS 2018). The increasing consumer
satisfaction has a significant positive effect on            interest in e-commerce is seen from the high
consumer loyalty.                                            monthly web visitors or app downloads
                                                             from the appstore and playstore.

                        International Journal of Research and Review (                              308
                                           Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Adhy Arya Hendrata The effect of brand equity and electronic word of mouth (E - WOM) on customer
satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce marketplace.

         As the four largest e-commerce                of mouth to customer satisfaction and
marketplaces in Indonesia, Tokopedia,                  loyalty.
Shopee, Bukalapak, and Lazada need to                          Based on the problem formulation
maintain and manage their brands.                      that has been outlined, the objectives of this
Companies that achieve brand equity will be            study include (1) Analyzing brand equity on
easier to launch brand expansion and gain              the e-commerce marketplace. (2) Calculate
sales of high-value products. Therefore, it is         the overall level of customer satisfaction
necessary to understand the factors of brand           and loyalty to the four e-commerce
equity so that the results can be used as a            marketplace companies, and (3) Identify
material for decision making and marketing             elements of brand equity, and electronic
strategy of the company. With a strong                 word of mouth that affect brand satisfaction
brand equity, consumers who have a                     and loyalty to the four e-commerce
perception will get added value from a                 marketplace companies.
product that will not be obtained from other                   The scope of this research is limited
products.                                              to identifying consumer characteristics,
         In terms of satisfaction and loyalty,         precisely users of e-commerce marketplace
brand equity and e-wom are one of the                  services, which can then be attributed to
important aspects (Solomon et al.2006).                consumer assessment of brand equity to see
Ebrand quality is a set of assets and                  what elements of brand equity have an
liabilities related to a brand, its name, and          influence on customer satisfaction and
symbol that adds or decreases the value                loyalty. The main reason for the selection of
provided by a goods or services to a                   Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, and Bukalapak
company or company customer (Aaker,                    in this study is because the four companies
1997). In addition, Binti et al (2018) added           are popular brands, included in the Top
that, eWOM can be effective in marketing               Ranking Appstore and Top Brand according
but will damage the company's brand that               to the Top Brand Award survey, and have a
has been used, namely if there is a                    large market share and active in conducting
discrepancy by the expectations desired by             promotional activities.
the company. Thus, it raises customer
dissatisfaction due to the user of the service         METHODS
/ product. Thus, satisfaction and loyalty can                  This research was conducted on e-
be generated by good brand equity and e-               commerce Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, and
wom.                                                   Bukalapak online. Data retrieval is
         Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, and                conducted from July to August 2020. The
Bukalapak compete fiercely to maintain                 data used in this study are primary data and
competitive advantage by creating good                 secondary data. Primary data is obtained
brand equity. Therefore it is interesting to           directly from the field. This primary data
learn about brand equity towards the                   was obtained through the dissemination of
establishment of customer satisfaction and             online questionnaires to 100 respondents
customer loyalty. Based on the description,            who are users of e-commerce marketplace
the author is interested in conducting                 companies Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, and
research, among others (1) How the level of            Bukalapak. Meanwhile, secondary data is
customer satisfaction and loyalty to the e-            obtained indirectly through intermediary
commerce marketplace, (2) Elements of                  media. The author uses research from
brand equity (brand awareness, impression              librarians obtained from research, journals,
of quality, and brand association), and                books, articles, print media and the internet.
electronic word of mouth what affects                  The sampling technique used is purposive
customer satisfaction and loyalty to the four          sampling which is a sampling technique
e-commerce marketplace companies, and                  based on criteria that have been formulated
(3) How brand equity and electronic word               first by researchers (Nazir 2005). This is

                     International Journal of Research and Review (                309
                                        Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Adhy Arya Hendrata The effect of brand equity and electronic word of mouth (E - WOM) on customer
satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce marketplace.

done so that respondents can provide the               influenced by their spouse or other family
right data on customer satisfaction and                members. Married consumers are also
loyalty from e-commerce marketplace                    relatively careful and ternecana in making
companies. Respondent criteria are e-                  purchases of a product. In this study,
commerce marketplace consumers who                     because of the spread of age in this study in
have made purchases at Tokopedia, Shopee,              domination is adulthood, and old age.
Lazada, and Bukalapak with the age of more             Therefore, married respondents are more
than 17 years. The minimum age limit of                than unmarried respondents.
respondents is determined so that
respondents can provide better answers. The            Level of Education and Employment
number of respondents planned in the study                    The level of education and work
was as many as 400 people with a division              influences them in making purchases in
of 100 Tokopedia users, 100 Bukalapak                  every ecommerce marketplace. The
users, 100 Shopee users, and 100 Lazada                dominant level of education that is
users). The analysis units in the study are            undergraduate shows that, respondents
individuals.                                           already understand the habit to do online
        The method of analysis used, i.e.              shopping in the ecommerce marketplace, it
Descriptive analysis is to convert a set of            can be a new habit for every respondent in
raw data into a more understandable form               shopping. Another thing from a job with a
in the form of more concise information.               dominant job as an employee, supporting as
Descriptive analysis of research is used to            a level of respondents have a strong
disseminate more details of the results of             purchasing power to do online shopping in
variable research in this study. Lastly using          the ecommerce marketplace.
SEM structural       equation model, SEM
model selection is used because it can                 Resources
explain variables directly or indirectly,                      Sumber the most information about
connect lanten variables with indicator                the existence of tokopedia brand, Shopee,
variables and explain correlations between             Lazada, Bukalapak is social media, and the
latent variables with indicator variables. The         second most spread of all brands through
SEM method is used using the Partial Least             advertising on TV. While other distributions
Square (PLS) approach.                                 through print magazines, radio, and others.
                                                       It can be known by the company that the
RESULTS                                                promotion      has   been      successfully
E-Commerce Respondents Analysis                        remembered by consumers.
        Male respondents dominated the e-              Spend and Frequency of Purchase
commerce brands Tokopedia and Bukalapak                       Most of the respondents were in the
with 58 people and 80 orang. As for female             upper middle income term. The average
respondents dominate by doing online                   expenditure of respondents in making
shopping in ecommerce such as shopee and               purchases in ecommerce marketplaces in
lazada with 74 people and 60sgrespectively.            tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, and Bukalapak
Respondents from all four ecommerce                    brands are Rp 4 907 500.00, Rp 3 915
marketplaces have purchasing dominance in              000.00, Rp 4 405 000.00, and Rp 5 027
each consumer. This shows that, every e-               501.00, respectively. It can be seen that the
commerce has an advantage in every service             pattern in which respondents have a large
and target of each e-commerce.                         expenditure is not necessarily the level of
                                                       purchase will increase. Although, there are
Marital Status                                         some consumers who have average large
       The decision-making process of                  purchases
purchasing a married consumer may be

                     International Journal of Research and Review (                310
                                        Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Adhy Arya Hendrata The effect of brand equity and electronic word of mouth (E - WOM) on customer
satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce marketplace.

Strongest Brand Equity                                 Consumer Loyalty Rate
        Shopee brand became the first                          This study will calculate the loyalty
choice at the top of mind. Top of mind itself          rate of ecommerce respondents of
makes brand value higher for Shopee brand,             Tokopedia, Shopee, Lazada, and Bukalapak
and will strengthen brand equity. Tokopedia            brands using customer loyalty index (CLI)
has the most brand image forming                       calculation. Measurements are made starting
associations. The more brand associations              from calculating the percentage of
you have, the stronger the positive                    assessment of each indicator of questions
impression in consumers' minds of a brand.             about satisfaction based on the respondent's
This will certainly also strengthen the equity         answer. The ecommerce marketplace on the
of the Tokopedia brand. Shopee in the                  Shopee brand has a high loyalty rate of 74.2
impression of quality has the number of                percent. Overall, the level of customer
attributes with the highest average value on           loyalty of ecommerce marketplace services
the perceived quality element. The more the            within the Shopee brand received a positive
number of superior attributes, the more                rating by respondents and placed Shopee in
brand equity the Shopee brand has. The                 the maximum performance category.
impression of quality itself has the highest           Meanwhile, Bukalapak has a consumer
average on the Shopee brand with consumer              loyalty rate of 75. At 16 per cent, this
confidence, and a large selection of                   suggests that loyalty levels are in the highly
products. It can be known based on the                 loyal category – hence the company's
indicators above can be said that the overall          continued performance.
Shopee is superior to Tokopedia, Lazada,
and Bukalapak.                                         Satisfaction and Loyalty Analysis with
                                                       Brand Equity and E-WOM Approach
Level of Customer Satisfaction and                     Tokopedia
Loyalty                                                         The results show four paths have a
Consumer Satisfaction Level                            significant influence, because it qualifies the
        In this study, customer satisfaction           T statistic value as greater than the table T
level will be calculated using Tokopedia,              (1.96 at a real level of 0.05), but there are
Shopee, Lazada, and Bukalapak ecommerce                three variables that do not have an influence
services using Customer Satisfaction Index             that means that the T statistic is smaller than
(CSI). Measurements are carried out starting           the table T. The exogenous variable brand
from calculating the percentage of                     awareness (KM) had a significant effect on
assessment of each indicator of questions              the endogenous variable of consumer
about customer satisfaction based on                   satisfaction (Y1) with a static T value of
respondents' answers. The ecommerce                    2,363. While the exogenous variable brand
marketplace on the Shopee brand has a high             association (AM) is insignificant to the
satisfaction rate of 82.4 percent. Overall, the        endogenous       variable     of     consumer
level of customer satisfaction of ecommerce            satisfaction (Y1) due to the value of T
marketplace services within the Shopee                 statistic under the T table. Exogenous
brand received a positive rating by                    variables are the impression of quality
respondents and placed Shopee in the                   (KK), significantly affect the endogenous
maximum           performance        category.         variables of consumer satisfaction (Y1) with
Meanwhile, Bukalapak has a consumer                    a value of T statistic exceeding T table of
satisfaction rate of 83.84 percent, this               3,954. Ewom variable which has three
indicates that the satisfaction level is in the        indicators namely intensity, valence of
category of very satisfied; therefore the              opinion, content has a positive influence on
company continues to maintain that                     consumer satisfaction (Y1) with a T statistic
performance.                                           value of 4,431. The consumer satisfaction
                                                       variable (Y1) significantly affects the

                     International Journal of Research and Review (                311
                                        Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Adhy Arya Hendrata The effect of brand equity and electronic word of mouth (E - WOM) on customer
satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce marketplace.

consumer loyalty variable (Y2) with a T                      (KM) to consumer satisfaction (Y1) with a
statistic value of 21,854.                                   statistical T value of 1,235.
         It can be explained that previous                            Variable brand association (AM),
respondents who are satisfied will comment                   impression quality (KK), and electronic
on one of the ecommerce spends, having a                     word of mouth have a positive and
relationship when there is an electronic                     significant contribution to consumer
word of mouth when there is a new                            satisfaction (Y1). The contract coefficient is
consumer will make a purchase on the                         2,459, 2,562, 4,736 and the statistical value
ecommerce marketplace. The Brand                             is above 1.96 (table t value at real level
Association (AM) itself has no positive                      0.05). However, the brand awareness
influence, and becomes rejected and has no                   variable (KM) had no significant effect
effect on consumer satisfaction. This is                     because it was below the statistical value of
explained through data from Figure 15 that                   1.96. Therefore for H1 rejected to customer
the T statistic result is 0.447 smaller than                 satisfaction, and explained the contribution
the table T of 1.96 with a real level of 0.05.               of KM is not so great in improving customer
Consumer satisfaction has a positive and                     satisfaction. It can be concluded that
significant influence on consumer loyalty                    customer satisfaction is still maintained, but
with a contract coefficient value of 0.771.                  the company can pay attention to the
This indicates that customer satisfaction                    shortcomings of its consumer brand
affects loyalty in the context if the more                   awareness to better recognize, so that
satisfied the consumer the higher the loyalty                satisfaction will be maintained and can be
level is formed.                                             improved along with the improvement in the
             Tokopedia Coefficient Path Table
                                                             performance of products or services
Variable            Original Sample            Tstatistic    provided. In addition, customer satisfaction
KM - Y1             0.203                      2.363         has a positive and significant influence on
AM - Y1             0.046                      0.447
KK - Y1             0.389                      3.954         consumer loyalty with a contract coefficient
Ewom - Y1           0.365                      4.431         value of 0.726. This indicates that customer
Y1 - Y2             0.771                      21.854
         Source: Primary Data, 2020 (Data processed)
                                                             satisfaction affects loyalty in the form if the
                                                             more satisfied the consumer, the higher the
Shopee                                                       loyalty level is formed.
         The results showed there were four                                 Shopee Coefficient Path Table
pathways having a significant influence, as                  Variable            Original Sample            Tstatistic
                                                             KM - Y1             0.099                      1.235
qualifying for a statistic T value greater than              AM - Y1             0.213                      2.459
the T table (1.96 at a real level of 0.05).                  KK - Y1             0.246                      2.562
                                                             Ewom - Y1           0.440                      4.736
Brand association exogenous variables                        Y1 - Y2             0.762                      22.779
(AM)        significantly    influenced     the                       Source: Primary Data, 2020 (Data processed)
endogenous         variable    of    consumer
satisfaction (Y1) with a statistical T value of              Lazada
2,459. The exogenous variable impression                             The results showed there were two
quality (KK), and Ewom also have a                           paths having a significant influence, as it
significant influence on endogenous                          qualified a statistical T value greater than
variables of consumer satisfaction (Y1) with                 the T table (1.96) at a real level of 0.05).
a static T value of 2,562, and 4,736,                        The exogenous variable brand awareness
respectively. The consumer satisfaction                      (KM) had a significant effect on the
variable (Y1) significantly affects the                      endogenous       variable     of     consumer
consumer loyalty variable (Y2) with a                        satisfaction (Y1) with a statistical T value of
statistical T value of 22,779. One variable                  4,316. Ewom's exogenous variable had a
that is not significant to consumer                          significant effect on consumer satisfaction
satisfaction is the brand awareness variable                 (Y1) with a T statistic value of 3,101.
                                                             Meanwhile, brand association exogenous

                           International Journal of Research and Review (                                312
                                              Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Adhy Arya Hendrata The effect of brand equity and electronic word of mouth (E - WOM) on customer
satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce marketplace.

variables (AM) and quality impressions                       statistical T value was greater than the T
(KK) had no significant effect on consumer                   table (1.96) at a real level of 0.05).
satisfaction (Y1) with t statistics of 1,484,                However, the brand equity element shows
and 1,919, respectively. The consumer                        that, it does not have a positive influence on
satisfaction variable (Y1) significantly                     consumer satisfaction which means T
affects the consumer loyalty variable (Y2)                   statistics are smaller than T tables.
with a T statistic value of 16,404.                          Electronic word of mouth variable has a
        Variable brand awareness (KM), and                   positive influence on satisfaction with a
Ewom have a positive and significant                         statistical T value of 3,762. The endogenous
contribution to consumer satisfaction (Y1).                  variable of consumer satisfaction (Y1)
The contract coefficient values are 4,316,                   significantly influenced consumer loyalty
and 3,101 statistical T values above 1.96                    (Y2) with a statistical T value of 19,808.
respectively (table t values at a real level of              Variable exogenous equity brands of the
0.05). According to respondents the                          three elements have no effect on consumer
performance of lazada brand equity element                   satisfaction with statistical T values below
has been good on the element of brand                        the T table.
awareness, and electronic word of mouth,                              Variable electronic word of mouth
but it does not have an element of either                    has a positive contribution of 3,762 and
brand association and a sense of quality.                    significant to consumer satisfaction (Y1).
Explained by the data from Figure 17                         According to the results of data processing,
because both indicators are: 1.484 (KM) and                  against variables: 1,702 (KM), 0.696 (AM),
1.919 (KK) < T – table. Therefore, both                      1,768 (KK) < T - table 1 can be explained
variables have no influence on consumer                      that the results are not significant to
satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction has a                    consumer satisfaction, so the performance
positive and significant influence on                        of the equity element of the Bukalapak
consumer loyalty with a coefficient of                       brand has not been good in accordance with
contract value of 0.765. This shows that                     consumer expectations. Companies can
customer satisfaction affects loyalty in the                 improve, and pay attention to those
context if the more satisfied the consumer,                  variables. This can be supported from the
the higher the level of loyalty formed. The                  brand's own equity analysis that, bukalapak
performance of the Lazada brand has met                      became the weakest brand compared to the
the expectations of respondents as a whole.                  three ecommerce marketplace companies.
This will cause complacency, but with                        Based on Chinho et al (2013) also explained
respondents' awareness of brand awareness,                   that consumers show or feel dissatisfied
and electronic word of mouth. Variables that                 with one of the products and will do a
do not have an effect such as brand                          search for comments from outside, by
associations, and the impression of quality                  reading comments online can help
will have an influence on future                             consumers to be more confident in the
performance in the company.                                  desire to buy.

               Lazada Coefficient Path Table                              Table Path Coefficient Bukalapak
Variable            Original Sample            Tstatistic    Variable            Original Sample            Tstatistic
KM - Y1             0.329                      4.316         KM - Y1             0.133                      1.702
AM - Y1             0.135                      1.484         AM - Y1             0.090                      0.696
KK - Y1             0.201                      1.919         KK - Y1             0.261                      1.768
Ewom - Y1           0.349                      3.101         Ewom - Y1           0.402                      3.762
Y1 - Y2             0.760                      16.404        Y1 - Y2             0.761                      19.808
         Source: Primary Data, 2020 (Data processed)                  Source: Primary Data, 2020 (Data processed)

Bukalapak                                                    Managerial Implications
        The results showed the two paths                            Managerial implications that can be
had a significant influence, as the qualifying               formulated to increase the satisfaction and

                           International Journal of Research and Review (                                313
                                              Vol.8; Issue: 4; April 2021
Adhy Arya Hendrata The effect of brand equity and electronic word of mouth (E - WOM) on customer
satisfaction and loyalty in e-commerce marketplace.

loyalty of e-commerce consumers,         first         Lazada brand has eight brand image
starting     from      Tokopedia,     namely           forming      associations.    Shopee,     and
improvements          in maintaining and               Bukalapak, meanwhile, have seven and six
improving brand awareness, the impression              brand      image     forming     associations,
of quality and brand associations are not              respectively. On the element of quality
ignored, maintaining service with actors -             impression Shopee brand has the number of
paleku distributors of existing services, by           attributes with the highest average value.
creating security and convenience in                   The highest brand satisfaction and loyalty is
conducting online transactions in           e-         owned by Bukalapak, and followed by
commerce and repairs to errors that                    Shopee, Lazada, finally Tokopedia. Based
occur, and complaints such as stock without            on the results of SEM analysis, brand equity
notice by sellers that have not been updated.          elements, and electronic word of mouth
Furthermore, Second, Shopee, which is                  have a positive influence on consumer
effective Promosi still done through digital           satisfaction. In tokopedia brand, and Shopee
marketing, in addition, on the design,                 there is one element of brand equity that has
promotion of bonuses, product information,             no effect, namely brand association, and
and the appearance of the website does not             brand awareness. Lazada one element that
affect the brand image itself, but other               affects satisfaction, Bukalapak has a
associations such as product choices are               positive influence on satisfaction, namely
many, affordable product prices, service               electronic word of mouth. Customer
image, area of reach, and trust in the brand           satisfaction has a significant positive
that becomes associating the brand of the              influence on consumer loyalty. The advice
company in order to attract new potential              given by this research can further develop a
consumers.                                             different research model by using the
         Third, namely Lazada, need to do              addition of variables such as purchasing
a call center and seller call center to know           decisions and consumer satisfaction. In
the shortcomings that exist in consumers or            addition, by utilizing electronic word of
partners who become partners Lazada, then              mouth to be able to review the influence on
improve in terms of function in the                    purchasing decisions, aims to get the
appearance and design itself and memper                emotional side of consumer behavior
easy users in understanding the information            towards products or services from the
provided with simpler things.          Lastly,         ecommerce marketplace. The research was
bukalapak, need to develop to get feedback             conducted on a wide scale as prospective
from bukalapak consumers themselves. E -               respondents had experience buying on the
wom become one of the variables that can               research objects studied.
interact directly with the satisfaction and
loyalty bukalapak. Seller center can be                Acknowledgement: None
useful to prepare promotions for Bukalapak
companies, and be an effective way to                  Conflict of Interest: None
provide product introduction to consumers.
Loyal consumers become lucky for                       Source of Funding: None
Bukalapak to get satisfied consumers and
become new loyal consumers.                            REFERENCES
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