The Diabetes Dictionary - National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

Page created by Marion Graves
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse

The Diabetes

          U.S. Department
          of Health and
          Human Services
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH      National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
The Diabetes
Some terms listed have many meanings; only those meanings that relate to
diabetes are included. Words that appear in bold italic are listed elsewhere
in the dictionary.
Information in this dictionary is not a substitute for a visit to your doctor.
Talk with a health professional if you have a problem with your diabetes.

 The U.S. Government does not endorse or favor any specific commercial
 product or company. Trade, proprietary, or company names appearing in
 this document are used only because they are considered necessary in the
 context of the information provided. If a product is not mentioned, the
 omission does not mean or imply that the product is unsatisfactory.

           U.S. Department
           of Health and
           Human Services
NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH            National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
Pronunciation Guide
This pronunciation guide uses letters and letter combinations, rather than
phonetic symbols, to stand for the various sounds in the English language.

Vowels                                             o      hot, cot
a    cat, bat                                      oh     coat, home
ah   father                                        oo     food, rude
air  pear, hair                                    or     tore, soar, for
ar   park                                          oi     soil, boy
ay   say, came, weigh                              ou     now, couch
aw   saw, bought                                   u      put, foot
e    bet, set                                      uh     about, sum, china
  eh (used at the end of a syllable or when        ur     hurt, alert
     standing alone)                               yoo    use
     examples:                                     yoor   cure
     meadow (MEH-doh)
     enemy (EH-nuh-mee)                            Consonants
     but                                           b   bat, job
                                                   ch  chop, itch
     diet (DY-et)
                                                   d   dig, bed
ee     feet, neat                                  f   fur, tough, calf
i      sit, igloo                                  g   grape, big
  ih   (used at the end of a syllable or when      h   happy
       standing alone)                             j   joke, nudge
       examples:                                   k   kite, car, tack
       chicken (CHIH-ken)                          l   lip, sell
       miracle (MIHR-ih-kuhl)                      m   move, jam
       but                                         n   not, knee
       picnic (PIK-nik)                            ng  ring
                                                   p   play, hop
ihr near, here                                     r   rain, fur
y     fire, idol                                   s   set, tips
  eye (used at the beginning of a syllable or      ss  bus, guess, fence
      when standing alone)                         sh  shy, fish
      examples:                                    t   toy, boat
      iron (EYE-urn)                               th  breath
      chloride (KLOR-eyed)                         v   vine, have
      but                                          w   walk, where
      silent (SY-luhnt)                            y   yes
                                                   z   zip, jazz, has
                                                   zh  measure
acanthosis nigricans (ak-an-                acesulfame potassium (AY-see-
   THOH-siss) (NIG-rih-kanz): a                SUHL-faym) (poh-TASS-ee-
   skin condition characterized                uhm): a dietary sweetener
   by darkened skin patches;                   with no calories and no
   common in people whose body                 nutritional value. Also known
   is not responding correctly to              as acesulfame-K. (Brand name:
   the insulin they make in their              Sunett.)
   pancreas, a condition called
   insulin resistance. This skin            Actoplus Met (AK-toh-pluhss)
   condition is also seen in people            (met): the brand name of an
   who have prediabetes or type 2              oral medicine used to treat
   diabetes.                                   type 2 diabetes; a combination of
                                               pioglitazone and metformin.
acarbose (A-kahr-bohss): an oral
   medicine used to treat type 2            Actos (AK-tohss): see pioglitazone.
   diabetes. Acarbose slows down            acute (uh-KYOOT): describes
   the digestion of foods high                 something that happens
   in carbohydrate, such as rice,              suddenly and for a short time.
   bread, milk, and fruit. The                 Opposite of chronic, or long-
   result is a slower and lower                lasting.
   rise in blood glucose throughout
   the day, especially right after          acute renal failure (uh-KYOOT)
   meals. Acarbose belongs to the              (REE-nuhl) (FAYL-yoor):
   class of medicines called alpha-            sudden and temporary loss of
   glucosidase inhibitors. (Brand              kidney function. See chronic
   name: Precose.)                             kidney disease.

ACE inhibitor (ayss) (in-HIB-ih-tur):       adhesive capsulitis (ad-HEE-siv)
  an oral medicine that lowers                (KAP-soo-LY-tiss): a condition
  blood pressure. ACE stands                  of the shoulder associated with
  for angiotensin-converting                  diabetes that results in pain and
  enzyme. For people with diabetes,           loss of the ability to move the
  especially those who have protein           shoulder in all directions.
  (albumin) in the urine, it also           adult-onset diabetes (uh-DUHLT-
  helps slow down kidney damage.              AWN-set) (DY-uh-BEE-teez):
                                              former term for type 2 diabetes.

AGEs (AY-JEE-EEZ): stands                  alpha cell (AL-fuh) (sel): a type
  for advanced glycosylation end              of cell in the pancreas. Alpha
  products. AGEs are produced                 cells make and release a hormone
  in the body when glucose links              called glucagon. The body
  with protein. They play a role in           sends a signal to the alpha cells
  damaging blood vessels, which can           to make glucagon when blood
  lead to diabetes complications.             glucose falls too low. Then
                                              glucagon reaches the liver, where
albumin (al-BYOO-min): the main               it tells the liver to release glucose
   protein in blood. Over several             into the blood for energy.
   years, people who are developing
   diabetic kidney disease leak            alpha-glucosidase inhibitor
   small amounts of albumin                   (AL-fuh-gloo-KOH-sih-dayss)
   into the urine, a condition                (in-HIB-ih-tur): a class of oral
   called microalbuminuria. As                medicine for type 2 diabetes that
   kidney disease progresses,                 slows down the digestion of
   more albumin leaks into                    foods high in carbohydrate, such
   the urine, a condition called              as rice, bread, milk, and fruit.
   macroalbuminuria or proteinuria.           The result is a slower and lower
   As the amount of albumin in                rise in blood glucose after meals.
   the urine increases, the kidneys’          (Generic names/Brand names:
   ability to filter the blood                acarbose/Precose; miglitol/Glyset.)
                                           alternative site testing: using
albuminuria (al-BYOO-min-YOO­                 areas of the body other than
   ree-uh): a condition in which              the fingertips for blood glucose
   the urine has more than normal             monitoring.
   amounts of a protein called
                                           Amaryl (AM-uh-ril): see
   albumin. Albuminuria may be
   a sign of nephropathy, or kidney
   disease. See albumin.                   amputate (AM-pyoo-tayt): to cut
                                             a part, such as a foot, from the

amylin (AM-ih-lin): a hormone             antibodies (AN-tee-BOD-eez):
  formed by beta cells in the                proteins made by the body to
  pancreas. Amylin regulates the             protect itself from foreign
  timing of glucose release into             substances such as bacteria
  the bloodstream after eating               or viruses. People get type 1
  by slowing the emptying of the             diabetes when their bodies make
  stomach.                                   antibodies that destroy the
                                             body’s own insulin-making beta
amylin mimetic (AM-ih-lin) (mih­             cells.
  MET-ik): a type of injectable
  medicine for diabetes that mimics       A1C (AY-WUHN-SEE): a test that
  the effect of the hormone                 measures a person’s average
  amylin. This medicine helps               blood glucose level over the past
  food move more slowly through             2 to 3 months. Hemoglobin is
  the stomach and helps keep                the part of a red blood cell that
  the liver from releasing stored           carries oxygen to the cells and
  glucose. (Generic name/Brand              sometimes joins with the glucose
  name: pramlintide acetate/                in the bloodstream. Also called
  Symlin.)                                  hemoglobin A1C or glycosylated
                                            hemoglobin, the test shows the
amyotrophy (uh-my-OT-roh-fee):              amount of glucose that sticks
  a type of neuropathy resulting in         to the red blood cell, which is
  pain, weakness, or wasting in             proportional to the amount of
  the muscles.                              glucose in the blood. Results are
anemia (uh-NEE-mee-uh): a                   given as a percentage or as an
  condition in which the number             average glucose value, called an
  of red blood cells is less than           estimated average glucose.
  normal, resulting in less oxygen        Apidra (uh-PEE-druh): see insulin
  carried to the body’s cells.              glulisine.
  Anemia can cause extreme
  fatigue.                                ARB (arb): an oral medicine that
                                            lowers blood pressure. ARB
angiopathy (AN-jee-OP-uh-thee):             stands for angiotensin receptor
  any disease of the blood vessels          blocker. For people with
  (arteries, capillaries, veins) or         diabetes, especially those who
  lymphatic vessels.                        have protein (albumin) in the
                                            urine, it also helps slow down
                                            kidney damage.
arteriosclerosis (ar-TIHR­                     athlete’s foot (ATH-leets) (fut):
   ee-oh-sklur-OH-siss): see                      a fungal infection of the skin
   atherosclerosis.                               on the foot, also called tinea
                                                  pedis. The fungus is common in
artery (AR-tur-ee): a large blood                 people with diabetes, the elderly,
   vessel that carries blood with                 and people with an impaired
   oxygen from the heart to all                   immune system. The skin may
   parts of the body.                             peel, crack, bleed, or cause pain.
aspartame (ASS-par-taym): a                       Some people have no symptoms
   dietary sweetener with almost no               and do not know they have an
   calories and no nutritional value.             infection. The affected skin is
                                                  also more vulnerable to bacteria
atherosclerosis (ATH-ur-oh-sklur­                 that cause cellulitis.
   OH-siss): clogging, narrowing,
   and hardening of the body’s                  Common Types of Athlete’s Foot
   large blood vessels, also called
   arteries. Atherosclerosis can lead           • moccasin, which affects the
   to coronary heart disease, heart               soles of the feet
   attacks, peripheral arterial disease,        • interdigital, which affects the
   strokes, and transient ischemic                skin between the toes
   attacks. It can also damage the
                                                • inflammatory or blistering,
   arteries that go to the kidneys.
                                                  which affects the soles and
                                                  sides of the feet

                                               autoimmune disease (AW-toh-
                                                  ih-MYOON) (dih-ZEEZ): a
                                                  disorder of the body’s immune
                                                  system in which the immune
                                                  system mistakenly attacks and
A healthy blood vessel                            destroys body tissue it believes to
                                                  be foreign.

A narrowed blood vessel

autonomic neuropathy (AW-toh­               background retinopathy (BAK­
   NOM-ik) (noo-ROP-uh-thee): a                ground) (RET-ih-NOP-uh-thee):
   type of neuropathy affecting the            a type of damage to the retina
   lungs, heart, stomach, intestines,          of the eye marked by bleeding,
   bladder, or genitals.                       fluid accumulation, and
                                               abnormal dilation of the blood
Avandamet (uh-VAN-duh-met): the                vessels. Background retinopathy
  brand name of an oral medicine               is an early stage of diabetic
  used to treat type 2 diabetes; a             retinopathy. Also called simple
  combination of rosiglitazone and             or nonproliferative retinopathy.
                                            basal rate (BAY-suhl) (rayt): a
Avandaryl (uh-VAN-duh-ril): the                continuous supply of low levels
  brand name of an oral medicine               of longer-acting insulin, as used
  used to treat type 2 diabetes; a             in insulin pumps.
  combination of rosiglitazone and
  glimepiride.                              beta cell (BAY-tuh) (sel): a cell
                                               that makes insulin. Beta cells
Avandia (uh-VAN-dee-uh): see                   are located in the islets of the
  rosiglitazone.                               pancreas.
                                            biguanide (by-GWAH-nyd): a
                                               class of oral medicine used to
                                               treat type 2 diabetes that lowers
                                               blood glucose by reducing the
                                               amount of glucose produced by
                                               the liver. This type of medicine
                                               also helps treat insulin resistance,
                                               a condition in which the body
                                               doesn’t use insulin the way it
                                               should. (Generic names/Brand
                                               names: metformin/Glucophage,
                                               Glucophage XR, Riomet.)

blood glucose (bluhd) (GLOO­                blood glucose monitoring (bluhd)
   kohss): the main sugar found in             (GLOO-kohss) (MON-ih-TUR­
   the blood and the body’s main               ing): checking blood glucose levels
   source of energy. Also called               by using a blood glucose meter
   blood sugar.                                or blood glucose test strips that
                                               change color when touched by a
blood glucose level (bluhd)
                                               blood sample in order to manage
   (GLOO-kohss) (LEV-uhl): the
   amount of glucose in a given
   amount of blood. In the United           blood pressure: the force of blood
   States, blood glucose levels are            exerted on the inside walls of
   noted in milligrams per deciliter,          blood vessels. Blood pressure is
   or mg/dL.                                   expressed as two numbers. For
                                               example, a blood pressure result
blood glucose meter (bluhd)
                                               of 120/80 is said as “120 over
   (GLOO-kohss) (MEE-tur): a
                                               80.” The first number is the
   small, portable machine used
                                               systolic pressure, or the pressure
   by people with diabetes to check
                                               when the heart pushes blood into
   their blood glucose levels. After
                                               the arteries. The second number
   pricking the skin with a lancet,
                                               is the diastolic pressure, or the
   one places a drop of blood on a
                                               pressure when the heart rests.
   test strip in the machine. The
   meter then displays the blood            blood sugar: see blood glucose.
   glucose reading.
                                            blood sugar level: see blood glucose
                                            blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (bluhd)
                                               (yoo-REE-uh) (NY-troh-jen): a
                                               waste product in the blood that
                                               comes from the breakdown of
                                               protein. The kidneys filter blood
                                               to remove urea. As kidney
                                               function decreases, the BUN
                                               level increases.

Blood glucose meter
blood vessels (bluhd) (VESS-uhlz):                        borderline diabetes (BOR-dur-
   tubes that carry blood to and                             lyn) (DY-uh-BEE-teez): a
   from all parts of the body. The                           former term for type 2 diabetes
   three main types of blood vessels                         or prediabetes.
   are arteries, capillaries, and veins.
                                                          brittle diabetes (BRIH-tuhl)
BMI: see body mass index.                                    (DY-uh-BEE-teez): a term used
                                                             when a person’s blood glucose
 To find BMI: Multiply body weight in pounds                 level moves often from low to
 by 703. Divide that number by height in
 inches. Divide that number by height in inches              high and from high to low.
 again. Find the resulting number below.
                                                          BUN (BEE-YOO-EN): see blood
                                                            urea nitrogen.
                                                          bunion (BUHN-yuhn): a bulge
                                                            on the first joint of the big toe,
                                                            caused by the swelling of a fluid
                                                            sac under the skin. This spot can
    18 and    19 to 24 is    25 to 29 is    30 and
   below is    normal.      overweight.    above is         become red, sore, and infected.
 underweight.                               obese.
                                                          Byetta (by-YAY-tuh): see exenatide.

body mass index (BMI): a measure
  used to evaluate body weight
  relative to a person’s height.
  BMI is used to find out if a
  person is underweight, normal
  weight, overweight, or obese.
body tissue: a group of cells in the
  body that performs a specific
bolus (BOH-luhss): an extra
   amount of insulin taken to cover
   an expected rise in blood glucose,
   often related to a meal or snack.

callus (KAL-uhss): a small area             capillary (KAP-ih-lair-ee): the
   of skin, usually on the foot, that          smallest of the body’s blood
   has become thick and hard from              vessels. Oxygen and glucose pass
   rubbing or pressure.                        through capillary walls and enter
                                               the cells. Waste products such
calorie: a unit representing the               as carbon dioxide pass back from
   energy provided by food.                    the cells into the blood through
   Carbohydrate, fat, protein, and             capillaries.
   alcohol provide calories in the
   diet. Carbohydrate and protein           capsaicin (kap-SAY-ih-sin): an
   have 4 calories per gram, fat has           ingredient in hot peppers that
   9 calories per gram, and alcohol            can be found in ointment form
   has 7 calories per gram.                    for use on the skin to relieve
                                               pain from diabetic neuropathy.
Candida (KAN-did-uh): a fungus
  that is normally found in the             carbohydrate (KAR-boh-HY­
  body but commonly becomes                    drayt): one of the three main
  overgrown in people with                     nutrients in food. Foods that
  diabetes. Overgrowth is due to               provide carbohydrate are
  increased sugar in the body and              starches, vegetables, fruits, dairy
  a weakened immune system. Use                products, and sugars.
  of antibiotics or birth control
  pills also increases the risk of
  candida overgrowth. Candida
  overgrowth can lead to infection,
  causing itching, skin lesions, or
  rash. Some common areas of
  infection are in or around the
  mouth, armpits, groin, vagina,
  and nails.
  continuous ambulatory peritoneal
  dialysis under dialysis.
                                            Sources of carbohydrate

carbohydrate counting (KAR-boh­              celiac disease (SEE-lee-ak) (dih-
   HY-drayt) (KOUN-ting): a                     ZEEZ): the inability to digest
   method of meal planning for                  and absorb proteins called gluten
   people with diabetes based on                found in wheat, rye, and barley.
   counting the number of grams of              Celiac disease causes damage to
   carbohydrate in food.                        the lining of the small intestine
                                                and prevents absorption of
cardiologist (KAR-dee-OL-oh-jist):              nutrients. Also called celiac
   a doctor who treats people who               sprue, gluten intolerance, and
   have heart problems.                         nontropical sprue.
cardiovascular disease (KAR-dee­             cellulitis (SEL-yoo-LY-tiss): a skin
   oh-VASS-kyoo-lur) (dih-ZEEZ):                infection caused by bacteria
   disease of the heart and blood               that gets into the skin through a
   vessels (arteries, capillaries, and          wound. Cellulitis may develop
   veins).                                      from skin problems such as
carpal tunnel syndrome (KAR­                    ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, or a
   puhl) (TUHN-uhl) (SIN­                       fungal infection like athlete’s foot.
   drohm): a common form of                     People with diabetes, peripheral
   neuropathy occurring with                    arterial disease, or a weakened
   diabetes. Symptoms of carpal                 immune system may develop
   tunnel syndrome include                      cellulitis. If not treated with
   nighttime hand tingling and pain             antibiotics, the infection can
   and numbness and weakness                    spread to the blood or lymph
   in the hand and wrist that                   nodes and cause death.
   sometimes radiates up the arm.            cerebral vascular disease (seh­
   Carpal tunnel syndrome often                 REE-bruhl) (VASS-kyoo-lur)
   affects both wrists and occurs               (dih-ZEEZ): damage to blood
   more often in women than men.                vessels in the brain. Vessels
cataract (KAT-uh-rakt): clouding                can burst and bleed or become
   of the lens of the eye.                      clogged with fatty deposits. A
                                                stroke results when blood flow
CCPD: see continuous cycling                    is interrupted and brain cells
  peritoneal dialysis under dialysis.           die or are damaged.
CDE: see certified diabetes educator.

certified diabetes educator (CDE)          cholesterol (koh-LESS-tur-ol): a
   (SER-tih-fyd) (DY-uh-BEE­                  type of fat produced by the
   teez) (EH-juh-KAY-tur): a                  liver and found in the blood.
   health care professional with              Cholesterol is also found in some
   expertise in diabetes education            foods. The body uses cholesterol
   who has met eligibility                    to make hormones and build cell
   requirements and successfully              walls.
   completed a certification exam.
                                           chronic (KRON-ik): describes
   See diabetes educator.
                                              something that is long-lasting.
CGMS: see continuous glucose                  Opposite of acute.
  monitoring system.
                                           chronic kidney disease (CKD)
Charcot’s foot (SHAHR-kohz)                   (KRON-ik) (KID-nee) (dih-
  (fut): a condition resulting from           ZEEZ): any condition that
  nerve damage in which the joints            causes reduced kidney function
  and soft tissue in the foot are             over a period of time. CKD
  destroyed.                                  is present when a patient’s
                                              glomerular filtration rate remains
cheiroarthropathy (KY-roh-ar­                 below 60 milliliters per minute
   THROP-uh-thee): see limited                for more than 3 months. CKD
   joint mobility.                            may develop over many years
cheiropathy (ky-ROP-uh-thee):                 and lead to end-stage renal
   see limited joint mobility.                disease.

chlorpropamide (klor-PROH­                 circulation (SUR-kyoo-LAY­
   puh-myd): an oral medicine                 shuhn): the flow of blood
   used to treat type 2 diabetes.             through the body’s blood vessels
   Chlorpropamide lowers blood                and heart.
   glucose levels by helping the           CKD: see chronic kidney disease.
   pancreas make more insulin
   and by helping the body better          claudication (CLAW-dih-KAY­
   use the insulin it makes.                  shuhn): see intermittent
   Chlorpropamide belongs to                  claudication.
   the class of medicines called
   sulfonylureas. (Brand name:

coma (KOH-muh): a sleeplike                   constipation (KON-stih-PAY­
  state in which a person is not                 shuhn): a condition in which
  conscious. A coma may be                       the stool becomes hard and dry.
  caused by hyperglycemia (high                  A person who is constipated
  blood glucose) or hypoglycemia                 usually has fewer than three
  (low blood glucose) in people with             bowel movements in a week.
  diabetes.                                      Bowel movements may be
combination diabetes pill (KOM­
  bih-NAY-shuhn) (DY-uh-BEE­                  continuous ambulatory peritoneal
  teez) (pil): a pill that includes              dialysis (kon-TIN-yoo-uhss)
  two different medicines.                       (AM-byoo-luh-TOR-ee) (PAIR­
                                                 ih-toh-NEE-uhl) (dy-AL-ih­
combination therapy: the use of                  siss): see continuous ambulatory
  different medicines together to                peritoneal dialysis under dialysis.
  manage blood glucose levels.
                                              continuous cycling peritoneal
complications (KOM-plih-KAY­                     dialysis (kon-TIN-yoo-uhss)
  shuhnz): harmful effects of                    (SY-kling) (PAIR-ih-toh­
  diabetes such as damage to the                 NEE-uhl) (dy-AL-ih-siss): see
  eyes, heart, blood vessels, nervous            continuous cycling peritoneal
  system, teeth and gums, feet and               dialysis under dialysis.
  skin, or kidneys. Studies show
  that keeping blood glucose, blood           continuous glucose monitoring
  pressure, and LDL cholesterol                  system (CGMS) (kon-TIN-yoo­
  levels close to normal can help                uhss) (GLOO-kohss) (MON-ih­
  prevent or delay these problems.               TUR-ing) (SISS-tuhm): a small
                                                 sensor inserted below the skin
congenital defects (kon-JEN-ih­                  that measures blood glucose levels
   tuhl) (DEE-fekts): problems                   approximately 12 times an hour.
   or conditions that are present
   at birth.                                  continuous subcutaneous insulin
                                                 injection (kon-TIN-yoo-uhss)
congestive heart failure (kon-JESS­              (SUHB-kyoo-TAY-nee-uhss)
   tiv) (hart) (FAYL-yoor): the                  (IN-suh-lin) (in-JEK-shuhn):
   type of heart failure in which loss           see insulin pump.
   of the heart’s pumping power
   causes fluid to build up in the

conventional therapy: a term                  C-reactive protein (SEE-ree-AK­
   used in clinical trials where                 tiv) (PROH-teen): a substance
   one group receives treatment                  produced in the liver in response
   for diabetes in which A1C and                 to injury or inflammation.
   blood glucose levels are kept at              Elevated levels of C-reactive
   levels based on current practice              protein are associated with a
   guidelines. However, the goal                 higher risk of heart attack and
   is not to keep blood glucose                  stroke.
   levels as close to normal as
                                              creatinine (kree-AT-ih-neen): a
   possible, as is done in intensive
                                                 waste product from meat
   therapy. Conventional therapy
                                                 protein in the diet and from
   includes use of medication, meal
                                                 the muscles of the body.
   planning, and exercise, along
                                                 Creatinine is removed from the
   with regular visits to health care
                                                 body by the kidneys; as kidney
                                                 disease progresses, the level of
coronary artery disease (KOR­                    creatinine in the blood increases.
   uh-nair-ee) (AR-tur-ee) (dih-
                                              creatinine clearance (kree-AT-ih­
   ZEEZ): see coronary heart
                                                 neen) (KLIHR-ants): a test
                                                 that measures how efficiently
coronary heart disease (KOR-uh­                  the kidneys remove creatinine
   nair-ee) (hart) (dih-ZEEZ):                   and other wastes from the
   heart disease caused by                       blood. Low creatinine clearance
   narrowing of the arteries that                indicates impaired kidney
   supply blood to the heart. If the             function.
   blood supply is cut off, the result
                                              CSII (continuous subcutaneous
   is a heart attack.
                                                insulin injection) (SEE-ESS­
C-peptide (SEE-PEP-tyd): a                      EYE-EYE): see insulin pump.
  substance the pancreas releases
  into the bloodstream in equal
  amounts to insulin. A test of
  C-peptide levels shows how
  much insulin the body is making.

dawn phenomenon (dawn) (fuh­                 diabetes (DY-uh-BEE-teez): a
  NOM-uh-non): the early-                       condition characterized by
  morning (4 a.m. to 8 a.m.) rise in            hyperglycemia (high blood glucose)
  blood glucose.                                resulting from the body’s
                                                inability to use blood glucose
DCCT: see Diabetes Control and                  for energy. In type 1 diabetes,
  Complications Trial.                          the pancreas no longer makes
debridement (day-breed-MAW):                    insulin; therefore, blood glucose
   removal of dead or infected tissue           cannot enter the cells to be used
   from a wound. Debridement                    for energy. In type 2 diabetes,
   can be done with enzymes;                    either the pancreas does not
   mechanically, such as in a                   make enough insulin or the body
   whirlpool; or through surgery.               is unable to use insulin correctly.
                                                Also called diabetes mellitus.
dehydration (dee-hy-DRAY­
   shuhn): the loss of too much              Diabetes Control and
   body fluid through frequent                  Complications Trial (DCCT)
   urinating, sweating, diarrhea, or            (DY-uh-BEE-teez) (kon-
   vomiting.                                    TROHL) (and) (KOM-plih­
                                                KAY-shuhnz) (TRY-uhl): a
dermopathy (dur-MOP-uh-thee):                   study by the National Institute
   disease of the skin.                         of Diabetes and Digestive and
dextrose (DEKS-trohss): simple                  Kidney Diseases conducted
   sugar found in blood that serves             from 1983 to 1993 in people
   as the body’s main source of                 with type 1 diabetes. The study
   energy. Also called glucose.                 showed that intensive therapy
                                                compared with conventional
DiaBeta (dy-uh-BAY-tuh): see                    therapy significantly helped
   glyburide.                                   prevent or delay diabetic
                                                retinopathy, kidney disease, and
                                                nerve disease. Intensive therapy
                                                included multiple daily injections
                                                of insulin or the use of an insulin
                                                pump with multiple blood glucose
                                                readings each day.

diabetes educator (DY-uh-BEE-                Diabetes Prevention Program
   teez) (EH-juh-KAY-tur): a                    (DPP) (DY-uh-BEE-teez) (pree-
   health care professional who                 VEN-shuhn) (PROH-gram): a
   teaches people who have                      study by the National Institute
   diabetes how to manage their                 of Diabetes and Digestive and
   condition. Some diabetes                     Kidney Diseases conducted from
   educators are certified diabetes             1998 to 2001 in people at high
   educators (CDEs). Diabetes                   risk for type 2 diabetes. All study
   educators are found in hospitals,            participants had impaired glucose
   physician offices, managed care              tolerance, also called prediabetes,
   organizations, home health care,             and were overweight. The study
   and other settings.                          showed that people who lost
                                                5 to 7 percent of their body
diabetes insipidus (DY-uh-BEE-                  weight through a low-fat, low-
   teez) (in-SIH-puh-duhss): a                  calorie diet and moderate
   condition characterized by                   physical activity—usually walking
   frequent and heavy urination,                for 30 minutes 5 days a week—
   excessive thirst, and an overall             reduced their risk of getting
   feeling of weakness. This                    type 2 diabetes by 58 percent.
   condition may be caused by a                 Participants who received
   defect in the pituitary gland or             treatment with the oral diabetes
   the kidney. In diabetes insipidus,           drug metformin reduced their
   blood glucose levels are normal.             risk of getting type 2 diabetes by
diabetes mellitus (DY-uh-BEE-                   31 percent.
   teez) (MEH-luh-tuhss): see                diabetes self-management (DY-uh-
   diabetes.                                    BEE-teez) (self-MAN-uhj-
                                                ment): see self-management.

diabetic diarrhea (DY-uh-BET-ik)            diabetic nephropathy (DY-uh­
   (DY-uh-REE-uh): loose stools,               BET-ik) (neh-FROP-uh-thee):
   fecal incontinence, or both that            see nephropathy.
   result from an overgrowth of
   bacteria in the small intestine          diabetic neuropathy (DY-uh­
   and diabetic neuropathy in the              BET-ik) (noo-ROP-uh-thee):
   intestines. This nerve damage               see neuropathy.
   can also result in constipation.         diabetic retinopathy (DY-uh­
diabetic eye disease (DY-uh­                   BET-ik) (RET-ih-NOP-uh-thee):
   BET-ik) (eye) (dih-ZEEZ): see               damage to the small blood vessels
   diabetic retinopathy.                       in the retina. Loss of vision may
                                               result. Also called diabetic eye
diabetic gastropathy (DY-uh­                   disease.
   BET-ik) (gass-TROP-uh-thee):
   see gastropathy.                         diabetogenic (DY-uh-BET-oh­
                                               JEN-ik): causing diabetes. For
diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)                    example, some drugs cause blood
   (DY-uh-BET-ik) (KEE-toh-ASS­                glucose levels to rise, resulting in
   ih-DOH-siss): an emergency                  diabetes.
   condition in which extremely
   high blood glucose levels, along         diabetologist (DY-uh-beh-TOL-uh­
   with a severe lack of insulin,              jist): a doctor who specializes
   result in the breakdown of                  in treating people who have
   body fat for energy and an                  diabetes.
   accumulation of ketones in               Diabinese (dy-AB-ih-neez): see
   the blood and urine. Signs of               chlorpropamide.
   DKA are nausea and vomiting,
   stomach pain, fruity breath odor,        diagnosis (DY-ag-NOH-siss): the
   and rapid breathing. Untreated              determination of a disease from
   DKA can lead to coma and                    its signs and symptoms.
diabetic myelopathy (DY-uh­
   BET-ik) (MY-uh-LOP-uh-thee):
   damage to the spinal cord found
   in some people with diabetes.

dialysis (dy-AL-ih-siss): the                n   peritoneal dialysis (PAIR-ih­
   process of cleaning wastes from               toh-NEE-uhl) (dy-AL-ih-siss):
   the blood artificially. This job              cleaning of the blood by using
   is normally done by the kidneys.              the lining of the abdominal
   If the kidneys fail, the blood                cavity, or belly, as a filter. A
   must be cleaned artificially                  cleansing liquid, called dialysis
   with special equipment. The                   solution, is drained from a
   two major forms of dialysis                   bag into the abdomen. Fluid
   are hemodialysis and peritoneal               and wastes flow through
   dialysis.                                     the lining of the abdominal
                                                 cavity and remain “trapped”
   n   hemodialysis (HEE-moh­                    in the dialysis solution. The
       dy-AL-ih-siss): the use of a              solution is then drained from
       machine to clean wastes from              the abdomen, removing the
       the blood after the kidneys               extra fluid and wastes from
       have failed. The blood travels            the body. The two main
       through tubes to a dialyzer, a            types of peritoneal dialysis
       machine that removes wastes               are continuous ambulatory
       and extra fluid. The cleaned              peritoneal dialysis and
       blood then flows through                  continuous cycling peritoneal
       another set of tubes back into            dialysis.
       the body.
                                                 • continuous ambulatory
                                                   peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
                                                   (kon-TIN-yoo-uhss) (AM-
                                                   (dy-AL-ih-siss): a form
                                                   of peritoneal dialysis that
                                                   needs no machine. With
                                                   CAPD, the blood is always
                                                   being cleaned. The dialysis
                                                   solution passes from a
                                                   plastic bag through
Hemodialysis                                       a catheter and into the
                                                   abdomen. The dialysis
                                                   solution stays in the
                                                   abdomen with the catheter
                                                   sealed. After several hours,
       the person using CAPD                diastolic pressure (DY-uh-
       drains the solution back into           STOL-ik) (PRESH-ur):
       a disposable bag. Then the              the blood pressure when the
       person refills the abdomen              heart rests.
       with fresh solution through
                                            dietitian (DY-uh-TISH-uhn): a
       the same catheter to begin
                                               health care professional who
       the cleaning process again.
                                               advises people about meal
     • continuous cycling                      planning, weight control,
       peritoneal dialysis (CCPD)              and diabetes management. A
       (kon-TIN-yoo-uhss) (SY­                 registered dietitian (RD) has
       kling) (PAIR-ih-toh-NEE­                met certain requirements.
       uhl) (dy-AL-ih-siss): a form
                                            dilated eye exam (DY-lay-ted) (eye)
       of peritoneal dialysis that
                                               (ek-ZAM): a test done by an
       uses a machine. This
                                               eye care specialist in which the
       machine automatically fills
                                               pupil—the black center—of the
       and drains the dialysis
                                               eye is temporarily enlarged with
       solution from the abdomen.
                                               eyedrops to allow the specialist
       A typical CCPD schedule
                                               to see the inside of the eye more
       involves three to five
       exchanges during the
       night while the person
       sleeps. During the day,
       the person using CCPD
       performs one exchange,
       draining the dialysis                Dilated eye
       solution after an entire day.
dialysis solution (dy-AL-ih-siss)
   (suh-LOO-shuhn): a cleansing
   liquid used in the two major
   forms of dialysis—hemodialysis           Undilated eye
   and peritoneal dialysis. Dialysis
   solution contains dextrose, a
   sugar, and other chemicals
   similar to those in the body.
   Dextrose draws wastes and extra
   fluid from the body into the
   dialysis solution.
dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor             Duetact (DOO-uh-tak): the brand
   (dy-PEP-tih-dil) (PEP-tih-dayss-            name of an oral medicine
   FOR) (in-HIB-ih-tur): see                   used to treat type 2 diabetes; a
   DPP-4 inhibitor.                            combination of pioglitazone
                                               and glimepiride.
DKA: see diabetic ketoacidosis.
                                             Dupuytren’s contracture (doo-
D-phenylalanine derivative (DEE­
                                               pwee-TRENZ) (kon-TRAK­
  FEN-il-AL-uh-neen) (duh-RIV­
                                               chur): a condition associated
  uh-tiv): a type of oral medicine
                                               with diabetes in which the fingers
  for type 2 diabetes that lowers
                                               and the palm of the hand thicken
  blood glucose levels by helping the
                                               and shorten, causing the fingers
  pancreas make more insulin right
                                               to curve inward.
  after meals. (Generic name/
  Brand name: nateglinide/Starlix.)          duration: in referring to insulin,
                                               the length of time during
DPP: see Diabetes Prevention
                                               which insulin keeps lowering
                                               blood glucose levels. Duration
DPP-4 inhibitor (DEE-PEE-PEE­                  may also refer to the length of
  FOR) (in-HIB-ih-tur): a class of             time a person has had diabetes,
  oral medicine used to treat type 2           which determines a person’s
  diabetes that lowers blood glucose           risk of developing diabetes
  by helping the body make more                complications.
  insulin when it’s needed. This
  type of medicine also helps keep
  the liver from putting stored
  blood glucose into the blood.
  (Generic name/Brand name:
  sitagliptin phosphate/Januvia.)

eAG: see estimated average glucose.        enzyme (EN-zym): protein made
                                              by the body that brings about a
edema (eh-DEE-muh): swelling                  chemical reaction—for example,
   caused by too much fluid in the            the enzymes produced by the gut
   body.                                      to aid digestion.
electromyography (EMG) (ee-LEK­            erectile dysfunction (ee-REK-tyl)
   troh-my-OG-ruh-fee): a test                (diss-FUHNK-shuhn): the
   used to detect nerve function.             inability to get or maintain an
   Electromyography measures the              erection for satisfactory sexual
   electrical activity generated by           intercourse. Also called impotence.
                                           ESRD: see end-stage renal disease.
EMG: see electromyography.
                                           estimated average glucose (ESS­
endocrine gland (EN-doh-krin)                 tuh-may-ted) (AV-ur-ij) (GLOO­
  (gland): a group of specialized             kohss): also called eAG or
  cells that releases hormones                average glucose; another way to
  into the blood. For example,                report the results of an A1C test.
  the islets in the pancreas, which           The A1C test measures average
  secrete insulin, are endocrine              glucose levels over the past 2 to
  glands.                                     3 months. In the past, results
endocrinologist (EN-doh-krih­                 were reported as a percentage.
  NOL-uh-jist): a doctor who                  Results reported as an eAG are
  treats people who have endocrine            given as mg/dL, the same units
  gland problems such as diabetes.            used for self-monitoring of blood
                                              glucose with a blood glucose
end-stage renal disease (ESRD)                meter. For example, results of
  (END-STAYJ) (REE-nuhl) (dih-                an A1C test can be reported as
  ZEEZ): total and permanent                  an eAG of 126 mg/dL, which is
  kidney failure. When the                    equal to 6 percent.
  kidneys fail, the body retains
  fluid. Harmful wastes build              euglycemia (YOO-gly-SEE­
  up. A person with ESRD needs                mee-uh): a normal level of
  treatment to replace the work of            glucose in the blood.
  the failed kidneys.

exchange lists: one of several             fasting blood glucose test (FASS-
   approaches for diabetes meal               ting) (bluhd) (GLOO-kohss)
   planning. Foods are categorized            (test): a check of a person’s
   into three groups based on                 blood glucose level after the
   their nutritional content. Lists           person has not eaten for 8 to
   provide the serving sizes for              12 hours—usually overnight.
   carbohydrates, meat and meat               This test is used to diagnose
   substitutes, and fats. These               prediabetes and diabetes; it is
   lists allow for substitution for           also used to see whether people
   different groups to keep the               with diabetes are keeping blood
   nutritional content fixed.                 glucose levels on target.
exenatide (eks-EN-uh-tyd): an              fat: 1. one of the three main
   injectable medicine for diabetes           nutrients in food. Foods
   that mimics the effect of                  that provide fat are butter,
   incretin hormones, a type of               margarine, salad dressing, oil,
   gastrointestinal hormone. This             nuts, meat, poultry, fish, and
   medicine helps food move more              some dairy products. 2. excess
   slowly through the stomach                 calories are stored as body fat,
   and helps keep the liver from              providing the body with a reserve
   releasing stored glucose. (Brand           supply of energy and other
   name: Byetta.)                             functions.

                                           Sources of fat

fluorescein angiography (flor-ESS­            GAD65 (GAD-SIKS-tee-FYV): see
   ee-in) (AN-jee-OG-ruh-fee): a                islet cell autoantibodies.
   test to examine blood vessels in
                                              gangrene (GANG-green): the
   the eye that is done by injecting
                                                 death of body tissue, most often
   dye into an arm vein and then
                                                 caused by a lack of blood flow
   taking photos as the dye goes
                                                 and infection. Gangrene can
   through the eye’s blood vessels.
                                                 lead to amputation.
focal neuropathy (FOH-kuhl)
                                              gastrointestinal (GASS-troh-in­
   (noo-ROP-uh-thee): a type of
                                                 TESS-tin-uhl): related to the
   neuropathy in which a single
                                                 stomach and intestines.
   nerve or a group of nerves is
   affected, producing sudden                 gastroparesis (GASS-troh-puh­
   weakness or pain.                             REE-siss): a form of neuropathy
                                                 that affects the stomach.
fructosamine test (frook-TOHSS­
                                                 Digestion of food may be
   uh-meen) (test): measures
                                                 incomplete or delayed, resulting
   the number of blood glucose
                                                 in nausea, vomiting, or bloating,
   molecules linked to protein
                                                 making blood glucose control
   molecules in the blood. The
   test provides information about
   a person’s average blood glucose           gastropathy (gass-TROP-uh-thee):
   level for the previous 3 weeks.               a form of neuropathy that affects
                                                 the stomach. Symptoms may
fructose (FROOK-tohss): a sugar
                                                 include nausea, discomfort, a
   that occurs naturally in fruits and
                                                 feeling of fullness, and vomiting.
   honey. Fructose has 4 calories
                                                 The stomach may be delayed in
   per gram.
                                                 emptying, called gastroparesis.
                                              GDM: see gestational diabetes

gestational diabetes mellitus               glimepiride (gly-MEP-ih-ryd): an
   (GDM) (jess-TAY-shuhn-uhl)                  oral medicine used to treat
   (DY-uh-BEE-teez) (MEH-luh­                  type 2 diabetes. Glimepiride
   tuhss): a type of diabetes that             lowers blood glucose by helping
   develops only during pregnancy              the pancreas make more
   and usually disappears upon                 insulin and by helping the body
   delivery but increases the                  better use the insulin it makes.
   mother’s risk of developing                 Glimepiride belongs to the class
   diabetes later in life. GDM is              of medicines called sulfonylureas.
   managed with meal planning,                 (Brand name: Amaryl.)
   physical activity, and, in some
   cases, medication.                       glipizide (GLIP-ih-zyd): an oral
                                               medicine used to treat type 2
GFR: see glomerular filtration rate.           diabetes. Glipizide lowers blood
                                               glucose by helping the pancreas
gingivitis (JIN-jih-VY-tiss):
                                               make more insulin and by
   a condition of the gums
                                               helping the body better use
   characterized by inflammation
                                               the insulin it makes. Glipizide
   and bleeding.
                                               belongs to the class of medicines
gland: a group of cells that secrete           called sulfonylureas. (Brand
   substances. Endocrine glands                names: Glucotrol, Glucotrol XL.)
   secrete hormones. Exocrine
                                            glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
   glands secrete salt, enzymes, and
                                               (gloh-MAIR-yoo-lur) (fil-TRAY­
                                               shuhn) (rayt): the rate at which
glaucoma (glaw-KOH-muh): an                    the kidneys filter wastes and extra
   increase in fluid pressure inside           fluid from the blood, measured
   the eye that may lead to vision             in milliliters per minute.
                                            glomeruli (gloh-MAIR-yoo-ly):
                                               plural of glomerulus.
                                            glomerulus (gloh-MAIR-yoo-luhss):
                                               a tiny set of looping blood vessels
                                               where the blood is filtered in the

glucagon (GLOO-kuh-gon): a                  glucose tolerance test (GLOO­
   hormone produced by the alpha               kohss) (TOL-ur-uhnss) (test):
   cells in the pancreas. Glucagon             see oral glucose tolerance test.
   raises blood glucose. An
                                            Glucotrol, Glucotrol XL (GLOO­
   injectable form of glucagon,
                                              kuh-trohl): see glipizide.
   available by prescription,
   may be used to treat severe              Glucovance (GLOO-koh-vanss):
   hypoglycemia.                              the brand name of an oral
                                              medicine used to treat type 2
Glucophage, Glucophage XR
                                              diabetes; a combination of
  (GLOO-koh-fahj): see
                                              glyburide and metformin.
                                            glyburide (GLY-buh-ryd): an oral
glucose (GLOO-kohss): one of the
                                               medicine used to treat type 2
   simplest forms of sugar.
                                               diabetes. Glyburide lowers blood
glucose gel (GLOO-kohss) (jel):                glucose by helping the pancreas
   pure glucose in gel form used for           make more insulin and by
   treating hypoglycemia.                      helping the body better use the
                                               insulin it makes. Glyburide
glucose tablets (GLOO-kohss)                   belongs to the class of medicines
   (TAB-lets): chewable tablets                called sulfonylureas. (Brand
   made of pure glucose used for               names: DiaBeta, Glynase
   treating hypoglycemia.                      PresTab, Micronase.)
                                            glycemic index (gly-SEE-mik)
                                               (IN-deks): a ranking of a
                                               carbohydrate-containing food,
                                               based on the food’s effect on
                                               blood glucose compared with a
                                               standard reference food.
                                            glycemic load (gly-SEE-mik) (lohd):
                                               a ranking of a carbohydrate-
                                               containing food, based on the
                                               food’s glycemic index and the
                                               amount of carbohydrate in a
Glucose tablets                                typical serving.

glycogen (GLY-koh-jen): the form            HDL cholesterol (AYCH-DEE-EL)
   of glucose found in the liver and          (koh-LESS-tur-ol): stands
   muscles; the main source of                for high-density lipoprotein
   stored fuel in the body.                   cholesterol, which is a fat found
                                              in the blood that takes extra
glycosuria (GLY-koh-SYOO­                     cholesterol from the blood to the
   ree-uh): the presence of glucose           liver for removal. Sometimes
   in the urine.                              called “good” cholesterol.
glycosylated hemoglobin (GLY-koh­           heart attack: a condition in which
   SY-lay-ted) (HEE-moh-GLOH­                  the blood vessels to the heart
   bin): see A1C.                              become totally or partially
Glynase PresTab (GLY-nayz)                     blocked by fatty deposits.
   (PRESS-TAB): see glyburide.                 When the blood supply is cut
                                               off or reduced, oxygen and
Glyset (GLY-set): see miglitol.                other needed supplies can’t get
gram: a unit of weight in the                  through. Then heart muscle can
   metric system. An ounce equals              die. Also called a myocardial
   28 grams. In some meal plans                infarction.
   for people with diabetes, the            heart failure: a chronic condition
   suggested amounts of food are               in which the heart cannot pump
   given in grams.                             blood properly.
                                            hemodialysis (HEE-moh-dy-AL-ih­
                                              siss): see dialysis.
                                            hemoglobin A1C test (HEE-moh­
                                              GLOH-bin) (AY-WUHN-SEE)
                                              (test): see A1C.
                                            heredity (huh-RED-ih-tee): the
                                               passing of a trait from parent
                                               to child.
                                            HHNS: see hyperosmolar
One slice of bread has
15 grams of carbohydrate.                     hyperglycemic nonketotic

high blood glucose (hy) (bluhd)               Humalog (YOO-muh-lawg): see
   (GLOO-kohss): see                            insulin lispro.
                                              Humalog Mix 50/50 (YOO-muh­
high blood pressure: see                        lawg) (mix): see pre-mixed
   hypertension.                                insulin.
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol          Humalog Mix 75/25 (YOO-muh­
   (HY-DEN-sih-tee) (LIP-oh­                    lawg) (mix): see pre-mixed
   PROH-teen) (koh-LESS-tur-ol):                insulin.
   see HDL cholesterol.
                                              human leukocyte antigens (HLA)
HLA: see human leukocyte antigens.              (HYOO-man) (LOO-koh-syt)
                                                (AN-tih-jens): proteins located
home glucose monitor (hohm)                     on the surface of the cell that
  (GLOO-kohss) (MON-ih-tur):                    help the immune system identify
  see blood glucose meter.                      the cell either as one belonging
honeymoon phase: temporary                      to the body or as one from
  remission of hyperglycemia that               outside the body. Some patterns
  occurs in some people newly                   of these proteins may mean
  diagnosed with type 1 diabetes,               increased risk of developing
  when some insulin secretion                   type 1 diabetes.
  resumes for a short time—for                Humulin (YOO-myoo-lin):
  example, a few months—before                  see pre-mixed insulin.
  stopping again.
                                              Humulin 70/30 (YOO-myoo-lin):
hormone: a chemical produced                    see pre-mixed insulin.
   in one part of the body and
   released into the blood to trigger         Humulin N (YOO-myoo-lin):
   or regulate particular functions             see NPH insulin.
   of the body. For example,
                                              Humulin R (YOO-myoo-lin):
   insulin is a hormone made in
                                                see regular insulin.
   the pancreas that tells other cells
   when to use glucose for energy.
   Synthetic hormones, made for
   use as medicines, can be the
   same or different from those
   made in the body.

hyperglycemia (HY-pur-gly­                   hypertension (HY-pur-TEN­
  SEE-mee-uh): higher than                     shuhn): a condition present
  normal blood glucose. Fasting                when blood flows through the
  hyperglycemia is blood glucose               blood vessels with a force greater
  above a desirable level after                than normal. Also called high
  a person has fasted for at                   blood pressure. Hypertension
  least 8 hours. Postprandial                  can strain the heart, damage
  hyperglycemia is blood glucose               blood vessels, and increase the
  above a desirable level 1 to                 risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney
  2 hours after a person has eaten.            problems, and death.
hyperinsulinemia (HY-pur-IN-suh­
  lin-EE-mee-uh): a condition
  in which the level of insulin in
  the blood is higher than normal.
  Caused by overproduction of
  insulin by the body. Related to
  insulin resistance.
hyperlipidemia (HY-pur-LIP-ih­
  DEE-mee-uh): higher than
  normal fat and cholesterol levels
  in the blood.                              Checking blood pressure
hyperosmolar hyperglycemic
  nonketotic syndrome (HHNS)                 hypoglycemia (HY-poh-gly­
  (HY-pur-oz-MOH-lur)                          SEE-mee-uh): also called
  (HY-pur-gly-SEE-mik) (non­                   low blood glucose, a condition
  kee-TOT-ik) (SIN-drohm): an                  that occurs when one’s blood
  emergency condition in which                 glucose is lower than normal,
  one’s blood glucose level is very            usually below 70 mg/dL. Signs
  high and ketones are not present             include hunger, nervousness,
  in the blood or urine. If HHNS               shakiness, perspiration,
  is not treated, it can lead to coma          dizziness or light-headedness,
  or death.                                    sleepiness, and confusion. If
                                               left untreated, hypoglycemia
                                               may lead to unconsciousness.
                                               Hypoglycemia is treated by

  consuming a carbohydrate-rich          IA-2A (EYE-AY-TOO-AY): see
  food such as glucose tablets or           islet cell autoantibodies.
  juice. Hypoglycemia may also
                                         IAA (EYE-AY-AY): see islet cell
  be treated with an injection
  of glucagon if the person is
  unconscious or unable to               ICA512 (EYE-SEE-AY-FYV­
  swallow. Also called an insulin          WUHN-TOO): see islet cell
  reaction.                                autoantibodies.
hypoglycemia unawareness                 ICA (EYE-SEE-AY): see islet cell
  (HY-poh-gly-SEE-mee-uh)                  autoantibodies.
  (uhn-uh-WAIR-ness): a state
  in which a person does not feel        IDDM (EYE-DEE-DEE-EM):
  or recognize the symptoms                see insulin-dependent diabetes
  of hypoglycemia. People who              mellitus.
  have frequent episodes of              IFG (EYE-EF-JEE): see impaired
  hypoglycemia may no longer               fasting glucose.
  experience hypoglycemia’s
  typical warning signs.                 IGT (EYE-JEE-TEE): see impaired
                                           glucose tolerance.
hypotension (HY-poh-TEN­
  shuhn): low blood pressure or a        immune system (ih-MYOON)
  sudden drop in blood pressure.           (SISS-tuhm): the body’s system
  Hypotension may occur when               for protecting itself from viruses
  a person rises quickly from a            and bacteria or any foreign
  sitting or reclining position,           substances.
  causing dizziness or fainting.
                                         immunosuppressant (IM-yoo-noh­
                                           soo-PRESS-uhnt): a drug given
                                           to stop the natural responses
                                           of the body’s immune system.
                                           Immunosuppressants are given
                                           to prevent organ rejection in
                                           people who have received organ
                                           transplants and to patients with
                                           autoimmune diseases.

impaired fasting glucose (IFG)               impotence (IM-puh-tenss): see
  (im-PAIRD) (FASS-ting)                       erectile dysfunction.
  (GLOO-kohss): a condition in
                                             incidence (IN-sih-denss): a
  which a fasting blood glucose test
                                                measure of how often a disease
  shows a level of glucose higher
                                                occurs; the number of new cases
  than normal but not high enough
                                                of a disease among a certain
  for a diagnosis of diabetes. IFG,
                                                group of people for a certain
  also called prediabetes, is a level
                                                period of time.
  of 100 to 125 mg/dL. People with
  prediabetes are at increased risk          incontinence (in-KON-tih-nenss):
  for developing type 2 diabetes,               loss of bladder or bowel control;
  heart disease, and stroke.                    the accidental loss of urine or
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)
  (im-PAIRD) (GLOO-kohss)                    incretin mimetic (IN-krit-in) (mih-
  (TOL-ur-uhnss): a condition                   MET-ik): a type of injectable
  in which blood glucose levels are             medicine for diabetes that mimics
  higher than normal but are not                the effect of incretin hormones, a
  high enough for a diagnosis                   type of gastrointestinal hormone.
  of diabetes. IGT, also called                 This medicine helps food
  prediabetes, is a level of 140 to             move more slowly through the
  199 mg/dL 2 hours after the start             stomach and helps keep the liver
  of an oral glucose tolerance test.            from releasing stored glucose.
  People with prediabetes are at                (Generic name/Brand name:
  increased risk for developing                 exenatide/Byetta.)
  type 2 diabetes, heart disease,
  and stroke. Other names for                inhaled insulin (in-HAYLD)
  IGT that are no longer used                   (IN-suh-lin): a type of insulin
  are “borderline,” “subclinical,”              under development taken with
  “chemical,” or “latent” diabetes.             a special device that enables
                                                the user to breathe in insulin
implantable insulin pump                        through the mouth.
  (im-PLANT-uh-buhl) (IN-suh-
  lin) (puhmp): a small pump                 injection (in-JEK-shuhn): inserting
  placed inside the body to deliver             liquid medication or nutrients
  insulin in response to remote-                into the body with a syringe.
  control commands from the user.

injection site rotation (in-JEK­             insulin detemir (IN-suh-lin) (DET­
   shuhn) (syt) (roh-TAY-shuhn):                ih-mihr): a long-acting insulin
   changing the places on the                   with an onset of 1 hour, no peak,
   body where insulin is injected.              and a duration of 20 to 26 hours.
   Rotation prevents the formation              (Brand name: Levemir.)
   of lipodystrophies.
                                             insulin glargine (IN-suh-lin)
injection sites (in-JEK-shuhn)                  (GLAR-jeen): a type of long-
   (syts): places on the body where             acting insulin with an onset of
   insulin is injected.                         1 hour, no peak, and a duration
                                                of 20 to 26 hours. (Brand name:
insulin (IN-suh-lin): a hormone                 Lantus.)
   that helps the body use glucose
   for energy. The beta cells of the         insulin glulisine (IN-suh-lin)
   pancreas make insulin. When                  (gloo-LY-seen): a type of
   the body cannot make enough                  rapid-acting insulin with an onset
   insulin, insulin must be taken by            of 15 minutes, a peak at 30 to
   injection or other means.                    90 minutes, and a duration of 3 to
                                                5 hours. (Brand name: Apidra.)
insulin adjustment (IN-suh-lin)
   (uh-JUHST-ment): a change in              insulin infuser (IN-suh-lin)
   the amount of insulin a person               (in-FYOO-zur): a device for
   with diabetes takes based on                 taking insulin in which a small
   factors such as meal planning,               tube is inserted just below the
   physical activity, and blood                 skin and remains in place for
   glucose levels.                              several days. Insulin is injected
                                                into the end of the tube.
insulin aspart (IN-suh-lin) (ASS­
   part): a rapid-acting insulin with        insulin lispro (IN-suh-lin) (LISS­
   an onset of 15 minutes, a peak at            proh): a type of rapid-acting
   30 to 90 minutes, and a duration             insulin with an onset of
   of 3 to 5 hours. (Brand name:                15 minutes, a peak at 30 to
   NovoLog.)                                    90 minutes, and a duration of 3 to
                                                5 hours. (Brand name: Humalog.)
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
   (IDDM) (IN-suh-lin-duh­
   PEN-dent) (DY-uh-BEE-teez)
   (MEH-luh-tuhss): former term
   for type 1 diabetes.

insulinoma (IN-suh-lih-NOH­                 insulin reaction (IN-suh-lin) (ree­
   muh): a tumor of the beta                   AK-shuhn): when the level of
   cells in the pancreas. An                   glucose in the blood is too low
   insulinoma may cause the body               (below 70 mg/dL). Also called
   to make extra insulin, leading to           hypoglycemia.
                                            insulin receptors (IN-suh-lin) (ree­
insulin pen (IN-suh-lin) (pen): a              SEP-turz): areas on the outer
   device for injecting insulin that           part of a cell that allow the cell
   looks like a fountain pen and               to bind with insulin in the blood.
   holds replaceable cartridges                When the cell and insulin bind,
   of insulin. Also available in               the cell can take glucose from the
   disposable form.                            blood and use it for energy.
insulin pump (IN-suh-lin) (puhmp):          insulin resistance (IN-suh-lin)
   an insulin-delivering device                (ree-ZISS-tuhnss): the body’s
   about the size of a deck of cards           inability to respond to and use
   that can be worn on a belt or               the insulin it produces. Insulin
   kept in a pocket. An insulin                resistance may be linked to
   pump connects to narrow,                    obesity, hypertension, and high
   flexible plastic tubing that ends           levels of fat in the blood.
   with a needle inserted just under
                                            insulin shock (IN-suh-lin) (shok):
   the skin. Users set the pump
                                               see hypoglycemia.
   to give a steady trickle or basal
   amount of insulin continuously           intensive therapy: a treatment for
   throughout the day. Pumps                   diabetes in which blood glucose
   release bolus doses of insulin at           is kept as close to normal as
   meals and at times when blood               possible. Optimal blood glucose
   glucose is too high, based on               levels are reached through
   doses set by the user.                      frequent injections of insulin
                                               or use of an insulin pump,
                                               meal planning, adjustment of
                                               medicines, and physical activity.
                                               People undergoing intensive
                                               therapy work closely with their
                                               health care team.

intermediate-acting insulin                  islets (EYE-lets): groups of cells
   (IN-tur-MEE-dee-uht-AKT-ing)                  located in the pancreas that
   (IN-suh-lin): a type of insulin               make hormones that help the
   with an onset of 1 to 3 hours, a              body break down and use food.
   peak at 8 hours, and a duration of            For example, alpha cells make
   12 to 16 hours. See NPH insulin.              glucagon and beta cells make
                                                 insulin. Also called islets of
intermittent claudication (IN-tur­               Langerhans.
   MIT-ent) (CLAW-dih-KAY­
   shuhn): pain that comes and               islets of Langerhans (EYE-lets)
   goes in the muscles of the leg.               (uhv) (LAHNG-ur-hahnz):
   This pain results from a lack                 see islets.
   of blood supply to the legs and
                                             islet transplantation (EYE-let)
   usually happens when walking or
                                                 moving the islets from a donor
intramuscular injection (IN-truh­                pancreas into a person whose
   MUHSS-kyoo-lur) (in-JEK­                      pancreas has stopped producing
   shuhn): inserting liquid                      insulin. Beta cells in the islets
   medication into a muscle with a               make the insulin that the body
   syringe. Glucagon may be given                needs for using blood glucose.
   by intramuscular or subcutaneous
   injection for hypoglycemia.
islet cell autoantibodies (ICAs)
    (EYE-let) (sel) (AW-toh-AN-tih­
    bod-eez): proteins found in the
    blood of people newly diagnosed
    with type 1 diabetes. They are
    also found in people who may
    be developing type 1 diabetes.
    The presence of ICAs indicates
    the body’s immune system has
    been damaging beta cells in the
    pancreas. The antibodies that
    are routinely tested for include
    IAA, IA-2A, ICA512, and GAD65
    (also called GAD or GADA).

Janumet (JAN-yoo-met): the                   ketoacidosis (KEE-toh-ASS­
   brand name of an oral medicine               ih-DOH-siss): see diabetic
   used to treat type 2 diabetes;               ketoacidosis.
   a combination of sitagliptin
                                             ketone (KEE-tohn): a chemical
   phosphate and metformin.
                                                produced when there is a shortage
Januvia (juh-NOO-vee-uh): see                   of insulin in the blood and the
   sitagliptin phosphate.                       body breaks down body fat for
                                                energy. High levels of ketones can
jet injector (jet) (in-JEK-tur): a              lead to diabetic ketoacidosis and
    device that uses high pressure              coma. Sometimes referred to as
    instead of a needle to propel               ketone bodies.
    insulin through the skin and into
    the body.                                ketonuria (KEE-toh-NYOO-ree-uh):
                                                a condition occurring when ketones
juvenile diabetes (JOO-vuh-nyl)                 are present in the urine, a warning
   (DY-uh-BEE-teez): former                     sign of diabetic ketoacidosis.
   term for insulin-dependent
   diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or               ketosis (kee-TOH-siss): a ketone
   type 1 diabetes.                             buildup in the body that may lead
                                                to diabetic ketoacidosis. Signs of
                                                ketosis are nausea, vomiting, and
                                                stomach pain.

kidney: one of the two bean-shaped           lactic acidosis (LAK-tik) (ASS-ih­
   organs that filter wastes from the           DOH-siss): a serious condition
   blood. The kidneys are located               in which there is a buildup of
   near the middle of the back, one             lactic acid in the body. Lactic
   on each side of the spine. They              acidosis can result from diabetic
   create urine, which is delivered             ketoacidosis, liver disease, or
   to the bladder.                              kidney disease.
                                             LADA (LAH-DUH): see latent
                                               autoimmune diabetes in adults.
                                             lancet (LAN-set): a spring-loaded
                                                device used to prick the skin
                                                with a small needle to obtain a
                                                drop of blood for blood glucose
                                             Lantus (LAN-tuhss): see insulin
                                             laser treatment: a type of therapy
                                                that uses a strong beam of light
Kidneys                                         to treat a damaged area. The
                                                beam of light is called a laser.
kidney disease: see nephropathy.                A laser is sometimes used to
                                                seal blood vessels in the eye of
kidney failure: loss of kidney                  a person with diabetes. See
   function. See acute renal failure,           photocoagulation.
   chronic kidney disease, and end-
   stage renal disease.
Kussmaul breathing (KOOS-moul)
  (BREE-thing): the rapid, deep,
  and labored breathing of people
  who have diabetic ketoacidosis.

latent autoimmune diabetes in                Levemir (LEV-uh-mihr): see
   adults (LADA) (LAY-tent)                    insulin detemir.
   (AW-toh-ih-MYOON) (DY-uh­
   BEE-teez) (in) (uh-DUHLTS):               limited joint mobility: a condition
   a type of diabetes, usually first            in which the joints swell and the
   diagnosed after age 30, in which             skin of the hand becomes thick,
   people show signs of both type 1             tight, and waxy, making the
   diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Most           joints less able to move. It may
   people with LADA still produce               affect the fingers and arms as
   their own insulin when first                 well as other joints in the body.
   diagnosed and do not require              lipid (LIP-id): a term for fat in
   insulin injections. Some experts             the body. Lipids can be broken
   believe that LADA is a slowly                down by the body and used for
   developing kind of type 1                    energy.
   diabetes because patients have
   antibodies against the insulin-           lipid profile (LIP-id) (PROH-fyl):
   producing beta cells in the                  a blood test that measures total
   pancreas. Several years after                cholesterol, triglycerides, and HDL
   diagnosis, people with LADA                  cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is
   must take insulin to control blood           then calculated from the results.
   glucose levels.                              A lipid profile is one measure of
                                                a person’s risk of cardiovascular
LDL cholesterol (EL-DEE-EL)                     disease.
  (koh-LESS-tur-ol): stands
  for low-density lipoprotein                lipoatrophy (LIP-oh-AT-roh­
  cholesterol; a fat found in the               fee): loss of fat under the
  blood that takes cholesterol                  skin resulting in small dents.
  around the body to where it is                Lipoatrophy may be caused by
  needed for cell repair and also               repeated injections of insulin in
  deposits it on the inside of artery           the same spot.
  walls. Sometimes called “bad”

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