The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...

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The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
The Department of
                          Animal & Dairy Science
Newsletter                                                                     Winter 2021

 Internationally                                                 (better cooling, timed AI,.
                                                                 sexed semen) than risk
 recognized:                                                     lower production with
                                                                 more heat-tolerant bulls.
 Ignacy Misztal                                                  His studies in heat stress
                                                                 were widely replicated
 Over the last 30 years,                                         around the world and
                                                                 applied at the commercial
 Distinguished Research
                                                                 level in Australia.
 Professor and D.W. Brooks
 Professor Ignacy Misztal has     Distinguished Research
                                    Professor and D.W.           Continued on next page.
 been one of the principal
 scientists providing key            Brooks Professor
 developments in genetic
                                       Ignacy Misztal                In this issue
                                                                 •Distinguished Research Professor
 evaluation methodology and                                      and D.W. Brooks Professor Ignacy
 computational strategies        deteriorating heat              Misztal
 that improve livestock          tolerance of Holsteins was      •From the Department Head
 production and                  an artifact of intensive        •Professor Rom dhane Rekaya
 sustainability. Misztal came    selection in locations          •Associate Professor C. Robert
 to UGA in 1996 as an            under mild climates. He         Dove
 associate professor. At that    developed an entirely new       •Beef Extension Specialist Jason
 time the beef group at ADS      type of genetic model that

 (Drs. Benyshek and              relies on weather               •Student Spotlight

 Bertrand) was at a forefront    information for public             Department Info
 of beef genetic evaluation in   weather stations, allowing
 the U.S., with over 10 breeds   the use of records of
 evaluated, and one of Dr.                                       Department of
                                 millions of cows. The
 Misztal’s responsibilities      hypothesis turned true,         Animal & Dairy
 was to contribute to that       and his methods could           Science
 effort.                         identify heat tolerant sires,   E.L. Rhodes Center
 Listening to dairy farmer       which were also superior        425 River Road
 complaints about poor           for fertility and productive    Athens, GA 30602
 fertility and production in     life. However, the industry     706-542-1852
 the summertime, he              found it more profitable to
 wondered whether                improve management
The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
Professor Ignacy Misztal
In the 2000s many                 revolution in animal breeding,   Misztal exploited the fact that
commercial pig operations         with DNA information used to     DNA is inherited in large
found that the genetic trend at   select better animals. Initial   blocks, and genomic
nucleus farms did not transfer    strategies for the “genomic”     prediction does not act on
to commercial operations, and     evaluations were complicated     single nucleotides (3 billion of
serious problems emerged like     and involved many steps.         them) but on the blocks.
excessive piglet mortality and    Because the genomic              Based on the idea of blocks
poor sow survival. Dr. Misztal    information can be used to       (from 5000 in chicken to
developed new models for          create “genomic                  15,000 in Holsteins), the lab
joint purebred-crossbred          relationships” Dr. Misztal       of Dr. Misztal made the
analyzes, found that poor sow     came with an idea to merge       genomic evaluations with
survival is due to a generally    pedigree and genomic             millions of genotyped animals
declining fitness as opposed to   relationships, with all          easy. The software at UGA
specific reasons. He also         computations finished in a       called BLUPF90 that contains
found that heat stress            single-step. A single step-      all the above ideas runs
influences pigs, more at the      methodology was both             genetic evaluations of major
commercial than nucleus level     simpler and more accurate        institutions in Holsteins,
because of different              and is now the standard          Angus, broiler chickens
management, and selection of      method in the field. Another     (Cobb_Vantress), and pigs
“winter” and “summer” boars       challenge in the field was how   (PIC, Smithfield, ...).
is economically beneficial.       to deal with a large number of
                                  genotyped animals (three
Over 10 years ago inexpensive
genotyping created a              million in Holsteins now). Dr.   Continued on next page.

                                          Watch video.

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
Professor Ignacy Misztal

                                                    Shogo Tsuruta, Jorge Hidalgo, Andre Garcia,
                                                 Ignacy Misztal, Rostam Arpallahi, Sungbong Jang,
Misztal derives lots of ideas during                           Taylor MacWhorter
extensive traveling (49 US states and over                  David Lee, VP of Research
40 countries), where formal and informal            Matias Bermann, May Jay Hollifield, Daniela
discussions with fellow scientists lead to         Lourenco, Natalia Galore, Fiona Luise Guinan
many ideas that otherwise could take years
to develop on their own. He taught short       Dr. Misztal received many awards including
courses on six continents, and course          the Lush Award in Animal Breeding from
participants often become excellent            ADSA, the Journal of Dairy Science Most
collaborators/students/postdocs. He is very    Cited Award, the Rockefeller Prentice
aware of overloading, as creativity research   Research Award in Animal Breeding from
shows that many great ideas come when          the ASAS, the Beef Improvement
seemingly doing nothing.                       Federation’s Pioneer Award, and the
The success of Ignacy Misztal comes            National Association of Animal Breeders’
through many talented people who work in       (NAAB) Research Award. He also received
his lab. This includes Drs. Shogo Tsuruta      three D.W. Brooks Awards for excellence in
and Yutaka Masuda, both research               research, in global programs, and
scientists, Dr. Lourenco, now associate        Distinguished Professorship.
professor at UGA, and four graduate            In 2020 Misztal was awarded the
students (Matias, Bermann, Jorge Hidalgo,      Distinguished Research Professor title.
May Kay Hollifield, and Yvette Stein). His     Misztal’s research has attracted over $10
closest international collaborators are Drs.   million in extramural funding from both
Andres Legarra (France) and Ignacio            private and public sources and he published
Aguilar (Uruguay).                             256 refereed papers.

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
From the Department Head
On February 11, we held this year's   with our bidders and buyers. But,       supported us in improving our
Focus on Genetically-Enhanced         we are planning on face-to-face for     cattle, and especially Ogeechee
EPD's sale in the Dan Daniel          2022 so we can catch up then.           Angus, Gardiner Angus and Select
Conference Room. The                  Many thanks go to Patsie and            Sires who have donated semen
Department of Animal and Dairy        Carroll Cannon for managing the         from several high-quality bulls for
Science raised $5,500 for our         sale , and to Brooklyn Graham of        our use. The continued support of
Block and Bridle Scholarship          LiveAuctions TV for taking great        so many beef producers is
Fund from the sale of our Lot 1       videos of the cattle and for            tremendous, and is making it
heifer whose embryo was donated       conducting the online auction. I        possible for us to have high quality
to us by Rocking W Angus. The         want to thank Kip McMillan, Chad        cattle for teaching and research.
heifer was donated back to ADS so     Westmoreland, Caleb Williams,           Next year, we plan on selling 2
she was a definite win-win. Our 50    and everyone at the Eatonton Beef       heifers to benefit Block and Bridle.
Angus, Hereford and SimAngus          Research Farm for raising an            One heifer will have proceeds go
bulls averaged a little over $2,300   excellent set of cattle. I also want    directly to the club, and the
with some buyers getting really       to thank Lawton Stewart and             second heifer's proceeds will go to
good bulls at a price they should     Dean Pringle for all of their hard      the scholarship fund. Once COVID
be thrilled with. Our 10 open         work on organizing this sale and        is a little more under control, we
commercial Angus and Angus-           David Gazda from the Angus              plan on having our students
cross heifers averaged $1245. This    Association for his sale say service.   involved in more aspects of our
sale was 100% online and remote       Finally, I want to thank the Angus,     beef program. Thanks to
which unfortunately meant we          Hereford, and Simmental                 EVERY ONE who helped with our
didn’t get to host our annual sale    breeders in Georgia, Alabama and        sale.
luncheon or get to shake hands        South Carolina who have

                                         Francis Fluharty,
                                         Animal and Dairy Science
                                         Department Head

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
NEWS                              mineral research and
                                  helping with the swine
                                                               teaching Swine Production,
                                                               Animal Nutrition, and
                                  youth events. In 2003, in    Metabolism, and
Associate Professor               response to budget cuts      Introduction to Animal
                                  and retirements, Dove was    Science at the
C. Robert Dove                    moved to the Athens          undergraduate level and
                                  campus to continue his       Mineral Nutrition at the
Robert Dove is a native of                                     graduate level. Dove also
                                  mineral research and
Missouri who grew up on a         extension activities. Over   mentors 3-6 undergraduate
multi-enterprise farm that        time, he became the only     research students each year
included row crops, hay,          swine extension specialist   with students completing
cattle, swine, and chickens.                                   projects on suckling
                                  in the state and now
Dove was very active in 4-H                                    pressure in sows, the
and FFA while in high                                          determination of teat
school and developed his                                       selection by piglets, and iron
passion for pigs after                                         supplementation of neonatal
receiving a gilt from an FFA                                   piglets. Dove has served as
gilt chain project. He                                         the undergraduate
showed pigs throughout                                         coordinator for the
high school.                                                   Department of Animal and
Dove attended the                                              Dairy Science since 2010
University of Missouri for                                     and represents the
his undergraduate degree                                       department on several
and worked both in the                Associate Professor      College and University
analytical lab and the swine            C. Robert Dove         committees.
research lab while                                             In 2019, Dove was inducted
completing his degree. He         handles all swine
                                                               into the UGA Teaching
continued his post-graduate       extension duties. Dove       Academy and works closely
work at Missouri, receiving       continues to do research     with Faculty Learning
his M.S. degree before            focused on trace minerals    Communities and the
moving to Ames, Iowa to           with current projects        Center for Teaching and
complete his Ph.D. at Iowa        evaluating manganese and
                                                               Learning, recently
State.                            iodine levels in sow and     completing a yearlong
                                  nursery diets.               program as a Senior
Shortly after graduation,
Robert accepted a position        After his move to Athens,    Teaching Fellow. Robert
at the UGA Coastal Plains         Robert Dove became           Dove is constantly trying
Experiment Station as a           heavily involved in the      new and innovative teaching
swine researcher with a           teaching program,            methods to increase student
small extension                   teaching the Animal          engagement and active
appointment. He spent the         Practicum class for the      learning.
first 15 years of his career in   next 14 years. He is
Tifton conducting trace           currently responsible for

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
Professor Romdhane Rekaya

A colleague of Romdhane Rekaya recently
stated “Dr. Rekaya is a well-known national
and international animal breeder and
quantitative geneticists and his research
contributions are highly valued by the
global research community. Dr. Rekaya’s
diverse expertise allowed him to play a
leading role in several areas of research
ranging from animal breeding and genetics               Professor Romdhane Rekaya
to precision agriculture. Without a doubt he
is one of the top theoretical and              Shortly after, he was moved to an assistant
computational quantitative geneticists, and    researcher position with the responsibility
applied Bayesian statistician in our field.”   to manage the breeding and genetics group
Rekaya is originally from the North African    database and to carry out research in the
country of Tunisia. He completed his           field of national and international genetic
undergraduate studies in agricultural          evaluation of dairy cattle.
engineering with a specialization in animal    Dr. Rekaya joined the University of Georgia
and forage production. He was awarded a        in September 2001. He is currently a full
postgraduate fellowship by the                 rank professor at the Department of Animal
Mediterranean Institute of Advanced            and Dairy Science, a member of the
Agricultural Studies in Zaragoza (Spain)       Institute of Bioinformatics, and an adjunct
where he received his Master of Science        faculty at the Department of Statistics. His
degree in Animal Breeding and Genetics.        primary research activities are centered on
Through an assistantship offered by the        the theoretical aspects of quantitative
Spanish International Cooperation Agency,      genetics, statistical genomics and
he finished his PhD studies in Animal          bioinformatics. Dr. Rekaya is well-
Breeding and Genetics at the Polytechnic       recognized nationally and internationally
University of Madrid (Spain).                  for his research in the field of livestock and
Upon the completion of his PhD, he joined      poultry genetic improvement. His diverse
the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a       expertise allowed him to play a leading role
research associate working primarily in the    in several areas of research ranging from
development of a system for the prediction     animal breeding and genetics to precision
of marbling score using ultrasound imaging     agriculture.
and neural networks.

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
Professor Romdhane Rekaya
His research portfolio             unprecedented opportunity to    has an active collaboration
includes the development of        further enhance genomic         with several biologically
theoretical and computational      selection and better            oriented scientists. Through
tools for the joint analysis of    understand the genetic basis    such efforts, several
continuous and discrete            of economically important       interesting questions were
responses, analysis of noisy       traits. To deal with the        tackled, including feed
(misclassified) discrete data in   overwhelming amount of          efficiency in beef cattle and
the field of animal breeding       molecular data, Rekaya and      meat-type chickens, heat
and genetics and human             his students have developed a   stress, nutrigenomics, and
medicine, feed efficiency in       method based on the fixation    horn fly abundance in cattle.
cattle and poultry, and the        index to prioritize the most    The latter is a billion-dollar
genetic aspects of horn fly        relevant genetic markers        problem for the cattle
abundance in beef cattle.          resulting in a substantial      industry and Rekaya is at the
                                   reduction in the number of      forefront of it. In
Even before the adoption of
                                   SNPs needed for the             collaboration with engineers,
genomic selection by the
                                   implementation of genomic       computer scientists,
livestock industry, Rekaya
was developing advanced            selection and often an          microbiologists, and animal
methods to use molecular           increase in prediction          and poultry scientists, he is
                                   accuracy. The method is         heavily involved in developing
information in genetic
                                   equally applicable to plant     machine-based phenotyping
evaluations and to
                                   breeding and disease marker     applications and artificial
incorporate SNP markers in
animal breeding and human          detection in humans.            intelligence tools for the
                                                                   implementation of precision
disease diagnostics                On top of his work in the
                                                                   agriculture in livestock and
applications. Availability of      development of quantitative
high-density SNP marker            and computational tools for
panels and whole genome            genomics and animal
sequence data provided an          breeding applications, Rekaya

                                                Professor Romdhane Rekaya
                                                Teaching in Nairobi, Kenya

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
Professor Romdhane Rekaya
Precision or ‘smart’ agriculture is the
future and we urgently need to train the
next generation of scientists to lead the
effort in this front. Thus, Dr. Rekaya was
involved in the development of the
College of Agriculture and
Environmental Science data science
certificate and he co-taught one course
(AESC 8150) in that program.
Additionally, Dr. Rekaya has developed
several software programs for the
prediction of SNP co-expression
associations (SNPxGE2), detection of
differentially expressed genes (LSOSS),              Professor Romdhane Rekaya
and the identification of epistatic
interactions in case-control studies           Dr. Rekaya is a frequent reviewer for
(ANTEPISEEKER). Both the                       national and international granting
AntEpiSeeker and SNPxGE2 have been             agencies including USDA NIFA,
cited extensively in the literature.           International Foundation for Science
Dr. Rekaya is a prolific writer. In fact, he   (IFS), and the French National Research
has published 159 refereed journal             Agency (ANR). He serves on several
articles, 6 book chapters, and over 200        committees at the department, college,
proceedings and abstracts. He has              and university levels.
trained 21 graduate students (8 MS and         Dr. Romdhane Rekaya’s research has
13 PhD students), most of them are             resulted in many significant
industry leaders or faculty members in         breakthroughs and his future work will
major US research universities. Rekaya         also provide additional insights that will
is the instructor of four graduate courses     influence our future direction. He is one
in support of graduate programs for the        of the best scientists in the world in his
Department of Animal and Dairy                 area, and he is highly effective in
Science and the College of Agriculture         teaching and mentoring at the graduate
and Environmental Science data science         level. His national and international
certificate. He has also taught seven          reputation has brought distinction to
international courses in North America,        both himself, and UGA.
Europe, and Africa.

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
Beef Extension Specialist
Jason Duggin
Jason Duggin is the Department of Animal
and Dairy Science (ADS) Beef Extension
Specialist in Northwest GA. There, he
supervises the Georgia Bull Evaluation and
Georgia Heifer Development (HERD)
Since growing up in Manchester, TN,
Duggin has been heavily involved with 4-H               Beef Extension Specialist
and FFA primarily in beef cattle evaluation                  Jason Duggin
and livestock judging. Duggin received his
Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree in        Jason Duggin assists with the bull
Animal Science from Oklahoma State              evaluation program that develops
University. At OSU, Duggin was in the top       approximately 230 bulls annually across the
ten in beef cattle judging at North American    Calhoun and Tifton locations where Duggin
and American Royal Contests. Duggin has         is also supporting in an interim role.
used his skills in beef cattle evaluation and   Similarly, the HERD program in Calhoun
selection, to serve as a judge at over 140      annually develops roughly 125 heifers
youth shows across the country. He has          during a 6-month timeframe that includes
served on the national level through the        reproductive analysis and subsequent
National 4-H Livestock Judging contest          breeding using Fixed Timed AI. Duggin has
management committee and as an official         the opportunity to work with a large
for the National Western Collegiate             number of Georgia beef cattle producers
Livestock Judging Contest and Carload           through these programs.
Judging Contest for three years where he        Jason Duggin works in cooperation with the
also served as beef committee chair.            Northwest Georgia Research and Education
Duggin has been with ADS since 2013. He         Center based in Gordon and Floyd Counties
was drawn to his position of Beef Extension     where he supports applied research and the
Specialist because it is solely committed to    Extension live animal programs. Currently,
beef cattle. He was impressed with the          a 5-year project is ongoing using the
support of the beef cattle industry by the      CowManager® monitoring system. The
Georgia Cattlemen’s Association and UGA         system is being used to better understand
Extension. The icing on the cake for Duggin     how animals differ in behavior across
to join ADS was the resources available at      genetic lines and management types. It is
the UGA’s Northwest Georgia Research and        used to monitor cattle for research purposes
Education Center.

The Department of Animal & Dairy Science - Animal & Dairy ...
Beef Extension Specialist Jason Duggin
as well as to gain a better
understanding of cattle in
daily management
practices. Working with
Post-Doctorate Research
Associate, Dr. Jeferson
Lourenco, Duggin
evaluated the behavioral
differences of calves with
different genetic types pre-
and post-weaning. The
system shows some
promise in its ability to
demonstrate differences in
cattle for research purposes
(see figures 1 and 2). The
system is currently
collecting data on Professor
Dean Pringle’s research
investigating feed efficiency
and marbling EPDs in
Angus cattle.

                                2020 Fort Worth Stock Show

Beef Extension Specialist Jason Duggin
Duggin also oversees the          purposes.                       and the Bovine Emergency
Georgia Master Cattleman          Some of Duggin’s other roles    Response Program for first
program. This 8-week course                                       responders in 2019 and
                                  include serving as one of the
is delivered bi-annually in       Beef Quality Assurance          anticipated in spring of
Georgia rotating through its                                      2020.
                                  (BQA) coordinators for
four districts. Since 2014, the
                                  Georgia; assisting with youth   Jason Duggin writes popular
Master Cattleman program          livestock programming;          press for the Angus Journal’s
has graduated over 500            serving as a resource to UGA    Advisor column, Georgia
participants. Duggin serves       County Extension Agents;        Cattlemen’s Magazine, and
in a co-coordinator capacity      supporting the Georgia          previously wrote a monthly
with the Georgia Beef
                                  Cattlemen’s Association, its    regional update for
Challenge program. This live      local chapters, and             Progressive Cattlemen’s
animal program allows             producers. Duggin also          Magazine for just shy of 4
Georgia producers to ship         supports educational            years.
feeder cattle to Iowa State’s     programming in Georgia and      Jason and his wife Katie
Tri-County Steer Futurity
                                  the southeast co-
program that captures                                             have two sons, Lowry (12)
                                  coordinating events such as     and Henry (11), and reside in
feedlot performance and
                                  the Stockmanship and
carcass merit for producer                                        Calhoun, GA.
                                  Stewardship series for the
education and marketing           Southeast Region in 2018

Student Spotlight

             L-R Jorge Hidalgo, Yvette Steyn, Mary Kate Hollifield, Matias Bermann

Jorge Hidalgo, A PhD student from                  May Kay Hollifield, a MS student from
Mexico, showed that genetic selection has          NC, has just completed a study on
an undesirable impact of reducing the              persistence of genomic evaluation over
genetic variation and increasing antagonism        generations. Now she researches genetics of
between production and fertility traits. He        fertility in pigs.
also found that, thanks to the genomic
                                                   Matias Bermann, a PhD student from
information, that in Angus the genomic
                                                   Argentina, works on theoretical problems of
predictions in beef do not change much over
                                                   how to make the genomic evaluation more
a year even with new data. Jorge does a
                                                   accurate and unbiased. His work directly
wonderful work while taking care of 3 kids.
                                                   responded to questions from Zoetis, a major
Yvette Stein, a PhD student from South             provider of genomic evaluations in dairy,
Africa, was working on multibreed genomic          and Cobb-Vantress, one of the two leading
evaluations and on analyzes of data of pigs        broiler companies in the world.
from commercial farms, where pigs are
removed from pens sequentially, bigger pigs
first. Now she has a project on increasing
diversity of Holsteins, where few bulls
dominate the breed.

Student Spotlight

                 Ashley Ling

 Ashley Ling grew up in Canton, GA and
 spent most of her free time in middle and
 high school horseback riding. Ling is a
 fourth year PhD student in the area of
 quantitative genetics/genomics.
 Ling had always gravitated towards
 genetics, and after taking Introduction to
 Genetics of Livestock Improvement with Dr.
                                                               Samet Soyalp
 Keith Bertrand, she became fascinated with
 how genetic principles could be used to
 benefit producers by breeding them a          Samet Soyalp is a first-year Master’s
 healthier, better-producing animal. Her       student from Turkey. Soyalp’s field is
 research work is focused in enhancing the     zootecnica which is the study of cattle and
 use of SNP marker information in livestock    poultry breeding, feeding, and farm
 selection. Ling is using several marker       management. The Turkish government
 prioritizing techniques to increase the       granted Soyalp a scholarship to study
 accuracy of genomics selection in presence    poultry breeding and genetics in the U.S.
 of high-density genotypes or sequence data.
                                               Soyalp will be testing a new method,
                                               developed by Dr. Rekaya’s group, for the
                                               implementation of genomic selection in the
                                               presence of crossbred individuals using
                                               chicken data.

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