The DAC Digest Assessment & Accountability Updates - Wisconsin Department of ...

Page created by Wade Kramer
The DAC Digest Assessment & Accountability Updates - Wisconsin Department of ...
The DAC Digest
                                                   Assessment & Accountability Updates
                                                                                         April 13, 2022

Test Data Availability
ACCESS for ELLs data will be available in the WIDA AMS on April 29.

ACT with writing
Testing to Date
Approximately 85% of students have tested so far. Thank you for your continued support testing the ACT
this year!

Final ACT Test Window
Any students who did not take the ACT in Test Window 1 or 2, will need to test during the final ACT test
window (Test Window 3). Tuesday, April 12 was the final ACT paper standard time testing date, but
schools can still schedule online testing through April 21. Please see the 2022 ACT Schedule of Events for
all Test Window 3 accommodated and online testing dates. Instructions on how to switch students from
paper testing to online testing are outlined in the Switching from Paper to Online Testing document.

Entering Not Test Codes
Students who did not take the ACT during any of the three testing windows, will need to be marked as
“not tested” in PAnext. Please follow the instructions outlined in the ACT Administration Supplement -
Entering Not Tested Codes to complete this process.
Student Scores
Students will receive their ACT scores 3-8 weeks after testing. Scores will be mailed to students and will
also be available in each student’s MyACT account. Approximately one week after student scores are
released, scores will be posted to Online Reporting (Success.ACT) for schools and districts.
The DAC Digest Assessment & Accountability Updates - Wisconsin Department of ...
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Aspire Testing Progress
We are off to a great start! Week one of Aspire testing was a success, and many schools and districts are
testing this week. Testing must be completed by May 4.

Tip - Updates to Student Profiles
Any changes made to a student’s PNP/profile must be made prior to the student being enrolled into a test
session. If you need to make changes to a student’s profile (e.g., updating PNP) you must remove that
student from any test sessions prior to making any changes. Any updates made to a student’s profile while
still enrolled in a test session will not be applied. Once a student is removed from a test session and profile
changes have been made, you can add the student back into their test sessions and reprint the student’s
authorization tickets. A new authorization ticket must be printed any time a student is added to a test

Transfer Student Requests
Test Coordinators should be actively reviewing and approving student transfer requests in a timely
fashion. Please log in to the Aspire portal to confirm you do not have any open transfer requests pending.
Transfer requests will be found under Setup>Work Requests. Instructions on how to approve transfer
requests can be found on page 47 of the Aspire Test Coordinator Manual.

Technology Tips
Please review the Technology Tips for Test Day document. These technology tips will help ensure testing
is smooth or address any errors on test day.

DLM Test Window Now Open
The DLM test window opened on March 21 and districts are doing a great job testing all students. After
two full weeks of testing, around 48% of testlets have been completed. All testing needs to be completed
by April 29.

Collection of Student Writing Samples for Dynamic Learning Maps Alternate Assessments
The DLM® Alternate Assessment Consortium (DLM) is seeking districts to collect and submit evidence of
student writing samples from the English Language Arts portion of the DLM alternate assessment during
the spring 2022 testing window. Writing samples can be submitted through Educator Portal. Samples will
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be used to support evidence of quality of the assessment system and inform future assessment
development. If you have any questions, please contact Mike Peacy.

DLM Test Administration Monitoring
DACs are able to log into Educator Portal and download a DLM Test Administration Monitoring Report in
order to track the number of testlets required and completed. Directions on how to use the Report
function can be found in the Educator Portal User Guide.

Test Preparation
Test Administrator and Test Coordinator Checklists are provided to help troubleshoot any testing
problems that may occur.

Rater Forms
Students that have been rostered to Social Studies need to have a completed rater form. The rater forms
can be found on the DLM Resources webpage.

Forward Exam
Forward Exam Test Window Now Open
The Forward Exam Test Window opened March 21. Districts are doing a great job testing students.
Within the first three weeks of the test window, 90% of districts started testing and 41% of all testing has
been completed. All testing must be completed by April 29.

Updated iPadOS 15.4 Guidance
For districts who updated to iPadOS 15.4 or 15.4.1, DRC has provided further guidance in addition to the
previously communicated workaround. Please refer to the DRC communication that was sent to DACs
and DTCs on April 12, regarding the updated guidance and previously communicated workaround
instructions. If you did not receive this communication and your district has iPads that have updated to
iPadOS 15.4 or 15.4.1, please contact the DRC Help Desk immediately. If your school has not yet updated
to iPadOS 15.4 or 15.4.1, please wait to perform this update until after Forward testing is completed.

Social Studies Standard Setting Educator Involvement Opportunity - Deadline April 14
This is the final week for Wisconsin educators to apply to participate in the Forward Exam Virtual
Standard Setting in Social Studies. The Standard Setting process is used to establish cut scores that
separate students into four achievement levels (Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced) and will
focus on achievement standards for Social Studies in grades 4, 8, and 10. Fifteen applicants will be
selected for each grade level for a total of 45 educators. We are looking for a diverse group of educators
from all over Wisconsin (including English learner (EL) and special education teachers). More information
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is available on the Forward Exam Educator Involvement webpage. Applications and resumes must be
submitted by April 14.

Shut Down Background Apps
Please ensure all apps running in the background are stopped prior to testing. These apps include but are
not limited to:
    • Automatic Operating System Updates
    • Intelligent personal assistant (IPA) software (e.g., Siri, Cortana)
    • Collaboration tools - e.g., Zoom, MS Teams, Google Chat, Google Meet
    • Microsoft Game Bar
    • Other Background Processes - e.g., virtual keyboards, grammar tools (e.g., Grammarly), classroom
        monitoring tools

See the NAEP webpage for calendar dates, information, and resources.

Reading Readiness
Reading Readiness Reimbursement
District Assessment Coordinators should have submitted the reimbursement request for Reading
Readiness for their district by the April 8 deadline. If your district has not yet submitted, please do so as
soon as possible. Districts should expect to receive reimbursements by early June. More information can
be found on the Reading Readiness Reimbursement webpage.

Accountability Updates
Spring Demographic Snapshot May 24
DPI will conduct the WISEdata Spring Demographic Snapshot Tuesday, May 24. Please take this
opportunity to review your student data to ensure your enrollment and demographic values are up-to-
date and accurate for the snapshot. These data will be used to make sure that demographics associated
with, and reported for, assessment results are as accurate and timely as possible. For more information on
the snapshot, including data elements and resources, please read this snapshot announcement from the
DPI Customer Service team. If you have any questions in preparation for the snapshot, please submit a
help ticket.
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Update from the Career and Technical Education Team - Perkins Accountability Profile Reports
The DPI Career and Technical Education (CTE) Team will be releasing secure Perkins Accountability
Profile Reports to Perkins Fiscal Agents through Kiteworks on April 12. Perkins V funding requires that
state and local performance indicators are established to measure and expand access and equity to CTE
programs. Wisconsin has eight Performance Indicators of which three include proficient scores on the
ACT in ELA, Mathematics, and Science for students identified as Concentrators. Perkins Accountability
Profile Reports represent data collected from the 2020-21 school year and certified on the December
2021 Snapshot. Please visit the CTE Data webpage to review the Perkins V Performance Indicators and
target rates. Please contact Jessie Sloan, DPI CTE Data Consultant, with any Perkins Accountability data

Assessment and Accountability COVID-19 Related Updates
For assessment and accountability COVID-19 Updates please visit:
    • COVID-19 – Assessment Updates and Resources

Important Dates to Remember
Be sure to refer to each specific assessment calendar for a complete list of key dates.
Date                   Event                                                                  Assessment
 March 21 - April 29 Forward Exam Test Window                                                   Forward

 March 21 - April 29 DLM Test Window                                                             DLM

 April 4 – May 4       Aspire Test Window                                                        Aspire

 April 13              Return ACT standard time test materials (April 12 test date)               ACT

 April 12-15, 18-22    Test Window 3 - Paper Accommodated Testing                                 ACT

                       Test Window 3 - Online Standard and Online Accommodated
 April 12-14, 19-21                                                                               ACT

 April 21              Purge test window 3 test content                                           ACT

                       Return ACT paper accommodated and online testing test materials
 April 25                                                                                         ACT
                       for Window 3

 April 29              Digital Data and Reports Available in WIDA AMS                           ACCESS

 May 9                 Post-Reporting Data Validation Window opens                              ACCESS
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Date                     Event                                                                           Assessment
 May 12                   Paper score reports delivered                                                    ACCESS

 May 23                   Post-Reporting Data Validation Window closes                                     ACCESS

 June 7                   Final data available in WIDA AMS                                                 ACCESS

                                          This publication is available from:
                                       Division of Student and School Success
                                        Office of Educational Accountability
                                                   (608) 267-1072
                               April 2022 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, creed,
age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status or parental status, sexual orientation, or ability and provides
                    equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.
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