The cyclops and the mermaid: an epidemiological study of two types of rare malformation

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30 0 Med Genet 1992; 29: 30-35

                             The cyclops and the mermaid: an
                             epidemiological study of two types of rare

                                                                                                                                                  J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.1.30 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from on January 22, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                             Bengt Kallen, Eduardo E Castilla, Paul A L Lancaster, Osvaldo Mutchinick,
                             Lisbeth B Knudsen, Maria Luisa Martinez-Frias, Pierpaolo Mastroiacovo,
                             Elisabeth Robert

                             Abstract                                                  complex depends on which forms are in-
                             Infants with cyclopia or sirenomelia are                  cluded, and also on the frequency with which
                             born at an approximate rate of 1 in                       necropsy is performed on infants dying in the
                             100 000 births. Eight malformation moni-                  neonatal period. However, the two extreme
                             toring systems around the world jointly                   forms, cyclopia and sirenomelia, are easily
Department of                studied the epidemiology of these rare                    recognised and usually clearly defined, but
Embryology,                  malformations: 102 infants with cyclopia,                 both forms are very rare and it is therefore
University of Lund,
Biskopsgatan 7, S-223        96 with sirenomelia, and one with both                    difficult to collect material large enough to
62 Lund, Sweden.             conditions were identified among nearly                   permit detailed epidemiological studies.
B Kalln                      10-1 million births. Maternal age is some-                   We have collected such material by using
ECLAMC/Genetica/             what increased for cyclopia, indicating                   data from eight malformation monitoring sys-
Fiocruz, Rio de              the likely inclusion of some chromoso-                    tems around the world, all members of the
Janeiro, Brazil, and
IMBICE, Casilla 403,         mally abnormal infants which were not                     International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects
1900 La Plata,               identified. About half of the infants are                 Monitoring Systems,7 and we report some
Argentina.                   stillborn. There is a female excess among                 findings on the prevalence at birth, other epi-
E E Castilla
                             infants with cyclopia. Excess twinning                    demiological features, and associated malfor-
AIHf National                occurred for cyclopia and possibly also                   mations.
Perinatal Statistics
Unit, Building A27,          for sirenomelia. An analysis of associated
University of Sydney,        malformations indicates the similarity
Sydney, NSW 2006,            between the two conditions, which is in
Australia.                                                                                    Material and methods
P A L Lancaster              agreement with recent embryological
                             analysis.                                                        Data were collected from the following eight
RYVEMCE,                                                                                      malformation monitoring systems which will
Departamento de
GenCtica, Instituto                                                                           be described very briefly. Australia: a national,
Nacional de Nutrici6n        A recent paper' reported an interpretation of population based monitoring system covering
Salvador Zubiran,
Vasco de Quiroga 15,         cyclopia and symmelia, based on a detailed some 240 000 annual births.8 Denmark: a
Tlalpan, 14000 Mexico        embryological study of human embryos and national, population based registry of congen-
DF, Mexico.
0 Mutchinick                 published reports. The authors pointed out a ital malformations covering approximately
                             number of similarities in the development of 55 000 annual births.9 France, Rhone-Alps-
National Board of            these two lethal conditions. They both arise by Auvergne (RAA): a regional, population based
Health, Amaliegade
13, PO Box 2020,             a failure of lateralisation of rudiments, the monitoring system based on nearly 90 000
DK-1012 Copenhagen,          early brain rudiment, which gets its laterality annual births.'0 Italy, IPIMC: a hospital based
L B Knudsen                  from the influence of the prechordal meso- monitoring system including reports from 147
Hospital Universitario
                             derm,2 and the 'caudal eminence', the caudal hospitals and covering approximately 130 000
San Carlos,                  continuation of the primitive node and there- annual births (about 25% of all Italian
INSALUD, ECEMC,              fore also a basic structure in the development births)." Mexico: a hospital based monitoring
Facultad de Medicina,        of axial mesoderm.'                                              system including 21 hospitals in 11 cities with
Universidad                      Cyclopia is an extreme form of holoprosen-                   an annual birth rate of approximately 50 000.12
Complutense, 280 40
Madrid, Spain.               cephaly, which covers a broad spectrum of South America, ECLAMC: a hospital based
M L Martinez-Frias           conditions from cyclopia to infants who are monitoring system including approximately 70
IPIMC, Servizio              externally normal but have more or less pro- hospitals in all South American countries and
Epidemiologia e
Clinica Difetti
                             nounced disturbance of the pairing of the brain covering a total number of annual births of
Congeniti, Policlinico       hemispheres.4 Similarly, symmelia or sireno- about 215 000."3 Spain, ECEMC: a hospital
Universitario A              melia is an extreme form of a spectrum of based monitoring system including reports
Gemelli, Largo               malformations which have been summarised from 45 hospitals, covering nearly 60 000
Gemelli 8, 00168
Rome, Italy.                 as the caudal regression malformation complex annual births (about 15% of all Spanish
P Mastroiacovo               that spans sirenomelia to kidney agenesis or births).'4 Sweden: a national, population based
Institut Europeen des        even anal atresia.56 The delimitation of holo- registry of congenital malformations covering
G6nomutations, 86            prosencephaly is difficult4 which is reflected in approximately 100 000 annual births.'5
Rue Edmond Locard,           the fact that data on its prevalence at birth vary                From each registry, data were extracted for
F-69005 Lyon, France.
E Robert                     considerably. Similarly, the actual prevalence the two conditions according to the following
                             at birth of the caudal regression malformation definitions. Cyclopia: infants born with one
Correspondence to                                                                             orbit in the middle of the face and with one or
Dr Kallen.
                                                                                              two eyes. Known chromosome anomalies are
Received 18 February 1991.   *The malformation monitoring programmes that participated not included (because in some programmes
Revised version accepted     in this study are all members of the International Clearinghouse
15 April 1991.               for Birth Defects Monitoring Systems.                            they are often registered only as such), but a
The cyclops and the mermaid                                                                                                                                     31

                              Table 1 Number of cases and number of births recorded in each programme (rates per 100 000 births).
                                                                                              Cyclopia                               Sirenomelia
                                                                          No of
                              Programme                Years              births      No                   Rate               No                     Rate
                              Australia              1982-1989           1 945 888     23                  1-2                22                     1-1

                                                                                                                                                                     J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.1.30 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from on January 22, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                              Denmark                1983-1988             328 254      0                   -                  2                     0-6
                              France, RAA            1976-1987             943 579      5                  05                  7                     0-7
                              Italy, IPIMC           1983-1988             824478      11                  1-3                 5                     0-6
                              Mexico                 1978-1988             358 590      8                  2-2                 3                     0-8
                              South America          1967-1989           2 278 771     30                  1-3                32                     1-4
                              Spain                  1976-1989             728368       6*                 0-8                 7*                    10
                              Sweden                 1965-1988           2 258 613     20                  09                 19                     0-8
                              Total                                     10 097 383    103                  1.03               97                     0-96
                              *One infant had both cyclopia and sirenomelia.

                              special study was made of trisomy 13. Sireno-            rate is probably higher (estimated to be 0 99
                              melia: complete or partial fusion of the lower           per 100 000 births).
                              limbs.                                                      Fig 1 compares the recorded numbers of
                                 In general the conditions under study are             cyclopia and sirenomelia in the different pro-
                              easily defined and clear cut. Two infants with a         grammes. It can be seen that the recorded
                              proboscis and without eyes were reported but             differences in rate (table 1) may well be
                              not included because they did not fulfil the             explained by random fluctuations.
                              working definition, even though they actually               Table 2 shows the recorded number of in-
                              may represent the most severe forms. Simi-               fants with trisomy 13, how many of them were
                              larly, an infant with rotated lower limbs, and           described with respect to the malformations
                              therefore with feet facing backwards, was not            present, and how many of these had cyclopia.
                              included. These few borderline cases do not              It can be seen that cyclopia occurred in 2-7%
                              affect the registered rates much. Fewer than             of all trisomy 13 infants where malformations
                              10% of the cases of each type of malformation            were described. As the rate of recorded tri-
                              were karyotyped (nine with cyclopia, six with            somy 13 is about 1 in 17200, it can be esti-
                              sirenomelia).                                            mated that to the rate of cyclopia described
                                 For each infant information was given                 above can be added 0 15 per 100 000 of cyclo-
                              (when available) on date of birth, matemal and           pia recorded as trisomy 13, giving a total of
                              paternal age at birth, parity, sex, birth weight,        1-20 per 100 000.
                              survival (stillborn, liveborn dying in the peri-            Fig 2 shows the time trend: for both malfor-
                              natal period, liveborn surviving the perinatal           mations the rates up to 1974 were higher than
                              period), necropsy, whether cytogenetic invest-
                              igation was performed, and multiple birth, in
                              which case sex and status of co-twin or co-                    401 ®                     Cyclopia

                              triplets. Population data (when available) were
                              also given for these variables.                                                                                   *Sam
                                 Stillbirths were not included in the Spanish
                              material until 1980 and in the South American                                                I,-
                                                                                                                                 /     Aus
                              material until 1978. Stillbirth definition var-                                                                   *   Swe     -

                              ied: in Australia, all stillbirths are registered
                              after the 20th completed week, in Denmark,
                              France, and Sweden after the 28th week, in
                              Italy after 180 days, while in Mexico, Spain,
                              and South America the definition is a birth
                              weight of 500 g or more.
                                                                                             40'                       Sirenomelia

                              PREVALENCE AT BIRTH                                            30'
                              The total number of births which represents
                              the denominator is given in table 1 for each
                              programme. A total of 103 infants with cyclo-                  20-                                                *   Swe
                              pia was identified. This gives a crude rate of
                              1-03 per 100000 births, but as roughly one-
                              third of the identified cases were stillbirths and             10'
                              these were not included in part of the South                                 Spai *FFran,   -
                              American and Spanish programmes (a total of                              . Mex   oItal
                              873 897 births before inclusion of stillbirths),                         /Dk -
                              the rate will be somewhat underestimated. By                         0              1                         2                    3
                                                                                                                      Million births
                              adding 1/3 of cases for those programmes for
                              that period, the true rate can be estimated to be        Figure 1 Diagrams showing number of births in each
                                                                                       programme and number of malformed infants recorded.
                              1-05 per 100 000.                                        Aus = Australia, Dk = Denmark, Fran = France, RAA,
                                 Similarly, there were 97 infants reported             Ital= Italy, IPIMC, Mex = Mexico, R YVEMCE,
                              with sirenomelia, which gives a crude rate of            Sam = South America, ECLAMC, Spa = Spain,
                              0-96 per 100 000 births, but because about               ECEMC, Swe = Sweden. The unbroken line marks the
                                                                                       average rate of the malformation and the broken lines
                              one-third of the cases were stillbirths, the true        the 95% confidence interval.
32                                                                                                                                                               Kallen et al

                             Table 2 Registered infants with trisomy 13 in the programme (not all cases were karyotyped) (rates per 100 000
                                                                                          No                No of                                 No with        No with
                             Programme                                   Years         of births          trisomy 13             Rate          malformations     cyclopia

                                                                                                                                                                                 J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.1.30 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from on January 22, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                             Australia                              1981-1988          1 798 728             161                 90                   144             3
                             Denmark                                1983-1987            328 254              15                 40                    13             0
                             France, RAA                            1976-1988          1 033 600              50                 48                    40             3
                             Italy, IPIMC                           1983-1988            824478               54                 6-5                   54             1
                             Mexico                                 1978-1988            358 590              13                 3-6                   13             0
                             South America                          1967-1989          2 278 771              81                 3-6                   81             0
                             Spain                                  1976-1989            728 368              28                 4-1                   28             1
                             Sweden                                 1973-1988          1 079 683              88                 82                    63             0
                             Total                                                     8 430 472             490                 5-8                  436             8

                             during the period 1975 to 1983 and then the                                      with cyclopia was not known and the co-twin
                             rate increases again. The temporal graph will                                    was a microcephalic male. In one pair with a
                             be sensitive to the periods of participation of                                  female infant with cyclopia, the sex of the co-
                             the different programmes.                                                        twin was not known but it had a congenital hip
                                                                                                              subluxation. There were two unlike sexed and
                                                                                                              one like sexed (female) pair with a normal co-
                             SURVIVAL, NECROPSY, AND CYTOGENETICS                                             twin. In two pairs, no information was avail-
                             As stressed above, the stillbirth rate is high.                                  able on the co-twin. There was one twin with
                             Among infants with cyclopia, 28 were still-                                      sirenomelia of unknown sex and with a normal
                             births and 75 were born alive but died shortly                                   female co-twin and a further two twin pairs
                             after birth. The corresponding numbers for                                       without information on the co-twin.
                             sirenomelia were 35 stillbirths and 62 live-
                             births that died shortly after birth. Necropsy
                             was performed in 68 cases of cyclopia and 57 of
                             sirenomelia. Gytogenetic investigations were MATERNAL AGE
                             performed in only nine cases of cyclopia and Fig 3 shows that there is an apparently
                             six of sirenomelia. It is therefore possible that increased risk for cyclopia with high maternal
                             infants with chromosome anomalies were age. In sirenomelia, deviations from the
                             inadvertently included.                           expected maternal age distribution are small,
                                                                               but there is an indication of increased risk in

                             There is an excess of female births among                                             3,
                             infants with cyclopia, 38 male and 62 female                                                                     Cyclopia
                             infants, and in three cases (one with sirenome-
                             lia) the sex was unknown. There are 15 males
                             and 17 females among the cases of sirenomelia;
                             however, in the majority of cases (65), the sex                                       2-
                             was unknown. Assigning sex in sirenomelic                                        QL

                             infants was based on chromosomal or gonadal                                     -0

                             sex. Among karyotyped trisomy 13 infants
                             with known sex, 158 were males and 160                                                1-
                             females. The sex ratio for trisomy 13 is thus
                             close to 1 0 in our material.
                             TWINNING                                                                              3.
                             There were seven twin pairs among the infants
                             with cyclopia. In one pair, the sex of the infant
                                  20                                                                          (a

Figure 2 Rate of                                                                                                   1-
cyclopia (unbroken line)
and sirenomelia (broken           1-5.          A           IA'%
line) each year during the                     II   %
                                                        I          %V.
observation period, based
on moving three year                       '/A          A~~~~~/%
averages. The ratio          "a 1-0
                                                                                 /                                 o L
between the observed and     0                                                   i ~    "                              15   20          25       30         35   40         45
expected number is                                                                                                                           Maternal age
plotted, the latter
calculated from the               0-5'                                                                       Figure 3 Observed over expected ratio for each
average rate of the                                                                                          maternal age class for (A) cyclopia and (B)
malformation during the                                                                                      sirenomelia. The expected numbers are calculated for
whole period in each                                                                                         each maternal age class from the age distribution of the
programme and the                                                                                            background population after stratification for
number of births each year             65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81                           83 85 87 89      programme and year of birth (95% confidence intervals
in that programme.                                    Year of birth                                          are marked with vertical bars).
The cyclops and the mermaid                                                                                                                    33

                              young and old women. There were 14 women            Table 3 Associated malformations found in infants
                                                                                  with cyclopia or sirenomelia.
                              aged above 35 with cyclopean infants against
                              8 8 expected (X2=3.4, 0l10>p>0 05). The                                                       No of cases with
                              corresponding figures for mothers of sireno-        Type of malformations                  Cyclopia   Sirenomelia
                              melic infants was 10 against 8-4 (X2 = 075,

                                                                                                                                                    J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.1.30 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from on January 22, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                                  Central nervous system
                              NS). Mean matemal age is 30 5 years for             Neural tube defects                       10           7
                              cyclopean and 30 4 years for sirenomelic in-        Iniencephaly                               1           0
                                                                                  Hydrocephalus                             -
                              fants.                                              Cyclopia                                  -            1
                                                                                  Head and neck
                                                                                  Cleft lip/palate                           4           3
                                                                                  Otocephaly                                -            1
                                                                                  Choanal atresia                            1           1
                              ASSOCIATED MALFORMATIONS                            Gastrointestinal system
                              Both conditions studied had associated malfor-      Oesophageal atresia                        2           8
                                                                                  Tracheal agenesis/atresia                  1           1
                              mations which are direct consequences of the        Anal atresia                               5          -

                              primary developmental defect. Cyclopia is           Malrotation of gut
                                                                                  Gall bladder agenesis
                              obligatorily associated with holoprosencephaly      Omphalomesenteric duct                     0           1
                              (and therefore often with microcephaly)             Heart defects
                                                                                  Septal defects (VSD, ASD)                  7           3
                              because it originates in deficient lateralisation   Hypoplastic left heart                     2           0
                              of the early rudiment of the brain. Other           Truncus communis
                                                                                  Single ventricle
                              median defects in the development of the face       Single atrium                              1           0
                              may also arise, like median facial clefts or        Tricuspid atresia/single atrium
                              otocephaly. Sirenomelia is obligatorily associ-     Body wall defects
                              ated with other severe caudal defects in the        Omphalocele                                2           0
                                                                                  Celosomia                                  0           1
                              spine, absent or malformed kidneys, anal atre-      Diaphragmatic hernia                       2           3
                              sia, and absence of external genital organs.        Prune belly
                                                                                  Urogenital system
                                                                                                                             0           1
                              Pulmonary hypoplasia and Potter facial anom-        Kidney malformations                       6          -
                              alies usually occur, related to the kidney mal-     Double uterus-vagina                       3           2
                                                                                  Hypoplastic genital organs                 5          -
                              formations.                                         Limb defects
                                 Postaxial polydactyly is a feature of the most   Polydactyly                                7
                                                                                  Syndactyly                                             0
                              common chromosomal anomaly found with               Talipes                                    3          -

                              cyclopia, trisomy 13.4 Among the 103 cases of       Radial defects
                                                                                  Probable radial defect
                              cyclopia in the present material, 15 had pos-       Transverse arm reduction                   1           2
                              taxial polydactyly and in eight of them this was    Unspecified arm malformation               1           1
                                                                                  Genu recurvatum                            1          -
                              the only malformation outside the cyclopean         Absent 5th toe bilaterally                 1
                              complex. Among the 14 cases with polydactyly        Sirenomelia
                                                                                  Other defects
                              and with known maternal age, seven were over        Simian creases                             1           1
                              35 years (50%); among the 86 cases without          Thoracic vertebral anomalies               0           2
                                                                                  Fusion of ribs                             0           1
                              polydactyly and with known maternal age,            Absent lung lobe                           0           1
                              eight (9%) were aged over 35. This supports         Brachydactyly                              1           0
                              the idea that most cases with cyclopia and          - = obligatory or   impossible malformations.
                              polydactyly have an undetected trisomy. In
                              one infant with a normal karyotype Meckel
                              syndrome was suspected, and other syndromes
                              like pseudotrisomy 13,16 18p-, 7q-, or intersti-    MALFORMATION IN SIBS
                              tial 2p deletion may be included.                   We identified 65 sibs born before a proband
                                 Excluding polydactyly, there were 50 cyclo-      with cyclopia, one of whom had hydrocepha-
                              pean infants with associated malformations.         lus. Of 11 sibs born after a proband with
                              The malformations involved are shown in             cyclopia, none was malformed. We identified
                              table 3. In 10 of them, neural tube defects         41 sibs born before a proband with sirenome-
                              occurred (six anencephaly, three spina bifida,      lia, one of whom had a persistent cloaca. Of 10
                              one encephalocele). Among the 98 sirenomelic        sibs born after the sirenomelia probands, none
                              infants, 55 were 'isolated', in that there were     had a major malformation.
                              no associated malformations. Table 3 shows
                              the malformations recorded among the other
                              43 cases. Among the seven neural tube defects,      Discussion
                              six were low spina bifida and one was a cervical    Both conditions studied in this paper are ex-
                              spina bifida.                                       tremely rare. We found an approximate pre-
                                 It should be noted that one infant had both      valence at birth of 1 in 100 000 for each malfor-
                              cyclopia and sirenomelia and has been tabu-         mation. In order to study the epidemiology of
                              lated under both headings. This infant had          such rare conditions, data were pooled from a
                              sirenomelia with an imperforate anus, cyclopia      number of malformation monitoring pro-
                              with microcephaly, and radial agenesis on the       grammes representing more than 10 million
                              right side (fig 4). Table 3 shows that some of      births.
                              the malformations which are directly associ-           Infants with a known chromosome anomaly
                              ated with one condition also occur with the         were excluded, but most were not studied
                              other, for example, otocephaly and sirenome-        cytogenetically. It has been estimated that
                              lia, and anal atresia or kidney malformations       about 50% of all infants with holoprosence-
                              and cyclopia. Some relatively rare malforma-        phaly have a chromosome anomaly,'7 18 but it
                              tions seem to occur at a high rate in both          has been suggested that this percentage is in
                              groups of infants, for example, oesophageal         fact lower.4 The most common chromosome
                              atresia and radial defects.                         anomaly associated with holoprosencephaly is
34                                                                                                                     Kallen et al

                                                                                 with such rare conditions, moderate changes
                                                                                 with time are difficult to quantify.
                                                                                    Unusually, many of the cyclopean infants
                                                                                 were twins; given 103 such infants, the
                                                                                 expected number of twins would be one or two

                                                                                                                                      J Med Genet: first published as 10.1136/jmg.29.1.30 on 1 January 1992. Downloaded from on January 22, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                                                                 but we found seven pairs. Among 98 sireno-
                                                                                 melic infants three pairs of twins were found.
                                                                                 Cyclopia also occurred in dizygotic (unlike
                                                                                 sexed) twin pairs and the co-twin was normal
                                                                                 except for one pair where it had microcephaly.
                                                                                 In a review of published reports, four such
                                                                                 pairs were found; in three the co-twin was
                                                                                 malformed and only one was normal, but this
                                                                                 may be a result of reporting bias.4
                                                                                    As the disturbance leading to cyclopia oc-
                                                                                 curs in early embryonic life, some other effects
                                                                                 are inevitable, like a severe holoprosencephalic
                                                                                 brain and disturbances of the midface. These
                                                                                 are therefore direct consequences of the cyclo-
                                                                                 pean state. Similarly, sirenomelia is (nearly
                                                                                 always) associated with malformations of the
Figure 4 Photograph of                                                           spine or pelvis, absence of or malformed kid-
infant with both cyclopia                                                        neys (with pulmonary hypoplasia and Potter
and sirenomelia (courtesy                                                        face as a sequence), absence of external genital
of Spanish Collaborative                                                         organs, and anal atresia.
Study of Congenital
Malformations                                                                        The presence of neural tube defects with
(ECEMC), Dr A Garcia                                                             both conditions is expected. The association
Garcia (Residencia                                                               between anencephaly and cyclopia is well
Sanitaria de la S S
Guadalajara).                MI                                                  known and has been regarded as an expression
                                                                                 of the same basic disturbance in the induction
                                                                                 of the neural plate.'9 As the most caudal part of
                            trisomy 13 with an overall prevalence at birth       the spine develops from the caudal eminence,
                            in our material of 1 in 17200, but although           the association between low spina bifida and
                            holoprosencephaly is common in trisomy 13,            sirenomelia is understandable.
                            fewer than 3% of these infants had cyclopia. If          Included in our material is one infant with
                            chromosomally abnormal cyclopean infants              both cyclopia and sirenomelia. In another sire-
                            are also included, the prevalence at birth may        nomelic case, otocephaly was present, a feature
                            increase to 1 2 per 100 000.                          often seen with cyclopia. We also found that
                               We found indirect evidence that undetected         malformations which are an obligatory or com-
                            trisomy 13 cases were included in our material:       mon consequence of one of the malformation
                            in cyclopean infants with postaxial polydac-          types were often also present with the other
                            tyly, a feature of trisomy 13, maternal age was       type. Furthermore, we found an association
                            more often above 35 years than in cyclopean           between both types of malformation and two
                            infants without polydactyly. Inclusion of             relatively rare defects: oesophageal atresia and
                            unidentified trisomy 13 cases can hardly              radial reduction defects. The association
                            explain the female excess among cyclopean             between vertebral, anal, oesophagotracheal,
                            infants, as the sex ratio of trisomy 13 in our        and renal/radial defects has been given the
                            study was close to 10. The problem with               acronym VATER20 or (including heart and
                            inclusion or exclusion of chromosome anomal-          limb defects) VACTERL.21 There is some
                            ies is of less significance in relation to sireno-    evidence22 that cardiac defects do not occur in
                            melia as these infants are usually chromoso-          this complex more often than they occur in any
                            mally normal.                                         multimalformed infant. It has also been sug-
                               Another source of variation in the recorded        gested23 that the VATER-like infants and
                            rate of cyclopean or sirenomelic infants is the       those with the syndrome of caudal regression
                            inclusion/exclusion of stillbirths in the study       (where sirenomelia is the extreme form)
                             and the definition of stillbirths when included.     actually form a continuum. It is therefore of
                            About one-third of all these infants are still-        special interest that both radial defects and
                             born and when stillbirths are not included in         tracheo-oesophageal defects are common not
                             the material, the prevalence at birth will be         only with sirenomelia but also with cyclopia. It
                             underestimated. We estimated that the preval-         should also be noted that the presence of
                             ence at birth of cyclopia is about 1-2 in 100 000     oesophageal atresia and radial defects may in-
                             and of sirenomelia 1 05 per 100 000. We found         dicate that undetected cases of trisomy 18 are
                             no convincing variation in the recorded rates         included in the group studied.
                             between the programmes, which probably in-               This circumstantial epidemiological evid-
                             dicates that a variable inclusion of chromoso-        ence supports the notion of O'Rahilly and
                             mally abnormal cases does not affect the esti-        Muller' that cyclopia and sirenomelia actually
                             mates much.                                           have a similar mode of formation, and one
                               We found some, but not convincing, evid-            could speculate that aetiological or pathogene-
                             ence of a change in the registered rate with          tic factors could be similar for the two con-
                             year of birth; however it should be noted that        ditions. In both conditions there are reasons to
The cyclops and the mermaid                                                                                                                                     35

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