The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers

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The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
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                           Edition 8

                           The Christmas
                           National Support Office   1800 888 479
The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
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December 2014 - Edition 8
The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
                                                            Calendar 2014

Our Mission                                    December
The mission of Master Grocers Australia/       Wednesday 10      RSA Wangaratta   Wangaratta RSL
Liquor Retailers Australia is to deliver the                                      Club, VIC
best possible industry specific business
                                               Tuesday 16        RSA Shepparton   The Aussie
support services to independent grocery,
                                                                                  Hotel, VIC
liquor and associate store members.

                                              Wednesday 17       RSA Malvern     MGA Head
                                                                                  Office, VIC
                                               Wednesday 17        RSA Echuca     The Harvest
MGA National                                                                      Hotel, VIC

Support Office                                 Thursday 25        Christmas Day   National

Suite 5, 1 Milton Parade,                      Friday 26           Boxing Day     National
Malvern, Victoria, 3144
P: 03 9824 4111 • F: 03 9824 4022

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Freecall: 1800 888 479

Retailer Directors
Rodney Allen (President) – Victoria
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Andrew Bray – New South Wales
Michael Daly – Victoria
Gino Divitini – Western Australia
Grant Hinchcliffe – Tasmania
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Steve Miller – Victoria
Chris dos Santos – South Australia                  
Debbie Smith – Queensland
Chief Executive Officer
Jos de Bruin
03 9824 4111

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Media Sales
Steve Sellars
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The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers

 05      CEO Welcome
 06      Coles v ACCC: finding the balance between fair trading
         and competition                                          24   National Online Training Courses

 07      Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise
                                                                  26   Introduction of the Unique Student Identifier (USI)

 08      Small business the casualty of misguided 'competition'
                                                                  26   FWC Bullying jurisdiction results

 10      MGA/LRA Industry Business Breakfast and AGM              26   Traffic Management – Loading and Unloading

 12      Farewell Russell Markham CEO Foodland                    27   Training Snippets

 12      Foodland announces appointment of new CEO                27   What should you have in your First Aid Kit?

 12      New Franchising Code to apply from 1 January 2015        28   Involve employees in hazard identification

                                                                  Store Promotion
 13      Foodland In Focus 2014

 16      The Spudshed in WA                                       29   This Christmas focus on excellent Customer Service
                                                                       and Engagement

 Legal and HR Services                                            30   Great store promotion on Facebook

 18      Enjoying the staff Christmas celebrations

 19      Christmas and New Year Trading 2014/2015

 19      Workplace stress – a management issue

 19      Using a “probationary period” for new employees

 21      Managing work performance

 22      Security for your employees

December 2014 - Edition 8
The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
CEO Welcome                             5

CEO Welcome
                                  The release of the Terms of       proposed introduction of an       the development of a
                                  Reference for the review and      “effects test” by the Harper      mandatory Supermarket and
                                  an independent Panel of four      Panel, is certainly a reform we   Liquor Retail Industry Code of
                                  highly experienced, skilled and   have asked for.                   Conduct. The “enforceable”
                                  capable Australians, led by                                         Code will be adaptable and
                                  Professor Ian Harper, to form     As members will no doubt have     and will contain various market
                                  the Harper Competition Policy     seen, Coles and Woolworths        behavioural expectations.
                                  Review Panel, took place in       executives have recently          If any part of the code is
                                  March 2014.                       been very active in lobbying      contravened, as judged by the
                                                                    against our law to try to         ACCC, then penalties will apply.
                                  The objective of the review is    make politicians disregard
                                  to reset competition policies     the recommendation by the         All response submissions were
                                  and laws (assess their fitness    Harper Panel to introduce         lodged with the Competition
                                  for purpose), so that they are    an “effects test” into section    Policy Review secretariat on
                                  relevant and workable as an       46 of the Competition and         17 November.
First and foremost on behalf      economic instrument, to create    Consumer Act (CCA). Their
of MGA’s Board of Directors,      robust competition, provide       agitation strongly suggests       The Harper Competition Policy
the LRA Committee and MGA/        incentive to take commercial      that they fear their market       Review Panel has now ceased
LRA’s dedicated staff, we wish    risks, stimulate innovation,      power and dominance will be       all consultation and is now
all members and industry          encourage investment and          compromised – they will be        working on developing and
stakeholders the very best        facilitate small and large        prevented from behaving in        delivering to the government,
of trading for the lead up to     business prosperity, now and      anti-competitive ways.            the final Harper Competition
Christmas. This is the time to    20 years into the future.                                           Policy Review Panel's report
entice customers to spend                                           Contained within the Harper       which is expected to be
money, for their Christmas        The outcome, is to develop a      report are also state based       released in late March 2015.
celebrations, in your store.      strong and vibrant Australian     recommendations that MGA/
                                  economy, engaging small and       LRA does not agree with,          You can view MGA/LRA’s
Members around the country        large business, based upon a      such as deregulation of           response document on the
certainly report better sales     fair competitive playing field.   trading hours and relaxation      website
results, since we, as an                                            of planning and zoning laws.
industry, were collectively       As far as MGA/LRA was                                               I would like to take this
                                                                    Deregulation serves only to       opportunity to thank all
able to persuade the ceasing      concerned, it was all about       assist the duopoly to further
of unfair and anti-competitive    giving the ACCC the powers it                                       our members and industry
                                                                    increase their market share       stakeholders from around
petrol shopper dockets, back      requires to properly adjudicate   and power at the cost of
in January 2014. The repeal of    and reign in anti-competitive                                       Australia, for your continuous
                                                                    small business. If sustainable    support and encouragement
the carbon tax by the Coalition   behaviours and a misuse of        competition for the long term
earlier this year, has also       market power by Coles                                               of MGA/LRA; to represent your
                                                                    benefit of the consumer is the    family’s and our industry’s best
provided much needed margin       and Woolworths.                   aim, then the market power of
relief, as a consequence of the                                                                       interests at a state and federal
                                                                    Coles and Woolworths must         level. We are your “employer
large energy and refrigerant      MGA/LRA made an extensive
                                                                    be reined in to allow others to   industry association” and we
gas cost savings, that are now    submission to the Harper
                                                                    have a fair go.                   are here to be of service to
flowing through into stores.      Competition Policy Review
                                  Panel, as did many of our         Professor Ian Harper, on          your needs.
This calendar year MGA/LRA        members and industry              behalf of the Panel, has asked
has been heavily focused on       stakeholders.                                                       Best wishes for a brilliant
                                                                    for feedback concerning           Christmas trading period and a
driving toward Competition                                          their report. MGA/LRA has
Policy and Law reform.            On 22 September, the Harper                                         great start to 2015!
                                                                    worked diligently to develop
                                  Panel released its 300 page
The Minister for Small                                              a comprehensive response          Until the next edition in
                                  Draft report to the public.
Business and Competition                                            submission, to the Harper         February 2015 – Good Trading,
Matters, Hon Bruce Billson        There is no doubt the Harper      Competition Policy Review
                                  Panel listened to all our         Panel’s report.                   Jos de Bruin
MP, stood by his pre-election
                                  members’ grievances and                                             CEO, Master Grocers
commitment to initiate a                                            MGA/LRA has made further
                                  opportunities to improve                                            Australia/Liquor Retailers
“root and branch” review of                                         recommendations including
                                  the Australian economy. The                                         Australia
Competition Policy and Laws.

The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
6        Industry News

Coles v ACCC: finding the                                             Competition is seen as being by its nature a brutal process, but
                                                                      we are not prepared to accept brutality and destruction in other

balance between fair trading
                                                                      spheres of social interaction. Nor should we in the context of
                                                                      market dynamics.

and competition                                                       Fairness and competition

                                                                      Small Business Minister Bruce Billson MP proposes to extend
In the space of just six months, the Australian Competition and       unfair contract protections to small business (explicitly
Consumer Commission has launched two major cases against              acknowledging the need to recognise an “ethical norm of
supermarket giant Coles for alleged unconscionable conduct            fairness” in business dealings). This sits along with the proposed
against its suppliers.                                                code of conduct governing contractual relations between
                                                                      supermarkets and suppliers and includes a proposed requirement
The cases involve allegations of various forms of unfair treatment    of “good faith”.
of suppliers, including harsh and oppressive tactics directed at
extracting supplier rebates for claimed supply chain savings,         The ACCC’s recent enforcement actions reflect its annual
pursuit of payments to cover “profit gaps”, payments to cover         statement of enforcement priorities and demonstrates
“waste” beyond the supplier’s control and penalties for short or      commitment to exploring the bounds of the prohibition on
late deliveries.                                                      “unconscionability” as it applies to business-to-businesss
                                                                      transactions in the legislation. In its media release accompanying
These actions are to be applauded. That is not intended as            the latest Coles action, ACCC Chairman, Rod Sims, said:
a comment on their likely success. Coles has said that it will
vigorously defend the allegations and it goes without saying          “The ACCC has commenced these proceedings because it
that the ultimate outcomes are highly uncertain. It should also       considers the alleged conduct was contrary to the prevailing
be acknowledged that since the conduct alleged in these cases         business and social values which underpin business standards
took place, Coles has been party to drafting of a code of conduct     that apply to dealings with suppliers.”
relating to retailer-supplier relations, and has developed its own
supplier charter.                                                     But clearly there is still much work to be done, including tackling
                                                                      the big questions - such as what is “fairness”? In interpreting
The ACCC’s cases do not involve allegations that Coles acted          the unconscionability laws, the courts speak of “conduct against
anti-competitively or, more specifically, that the conduct involved   conscience”; conduct assessed against “moral and normative
a misuse of market power. This is significant. Much of the debate     standards, broadly cast”. But how are those standards defined?
surrounding the retail grocery sector in recent years has been        They need to be given more content, no matter how daunting
focused on its competitiveness.                                       that task may seem.

Competition at any cost?                                              The ACCC cases against Coles will not address all of the concerns
                                                                      that surround supermarkets in this country. But in bringing this
Yet the “experts” keep telling us that the market is workably         litigation the ACCC is making a substantial contribution
competitive and that consumers are benefiting – pointing to           to an informed debate about what value should imbue
staples such as milk and bread prices. The ACCC reached this          business dealings.
conclusion in its 2008 inquiry into the sector and the recently
released Harper Review appears to share this view.                    Whose responsibility?

We are concerned about the threat from competition to other           Should, for instance, government be responsible for fostering
interests that we value, like income equality, environmental          and protecting fairness in business dealings, or should we expect
sustainability and opportunities for domestic employment. Less        our business leaders to also take some responsibility? This
tangibly, but as importantly, there is a sense that unbridled         expectation would recognise businesses not just as economic but
competition threatens our traditional attachment to the land, the     as social and political actors in our society and place expectations
iconic image of the ‘Aussie battler" and our cultural ethos of a      on them accordingly.
“fair go”.
                                                                      These are questions actively being explored by our political
This general tension is played out vividly in the context of          leaders and those who are in the position to influence directly
supermarkets. Consumer patronage of chains at the expense of          the nature of the policies, law and enforcement action that
smaller retail outlets has risen over the last decade, due to lower   impact on our lives. We should support them in this endeavour
prices on a wider range of products, shopping convenience and         - by continuing to engage in the discourse and ensure our
flexible hours. But consumers have a “love/hate” relationship         voices are heard in a debate, the outcomes of which will have
with Coles and Woolworths. They feel resentful and distrustful of     fundamental and long term implications for how we feel about
the very shops that they patronise, often because they see the        being Australian.
chains as undermining the character and amenity of
                                                                      Source: Caron Beaton-Wells, The Conversation, 21 October,
their communities.                                          

December 2014 - Edition 8
The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
Industry News                                7
Australian Small Business and
Family Enterprise Ombudsman
Mark Brennan is the current       Government services and
Australian Small Business         programmes, including general
Commissioner and commenced        business advice.
on 2 January 2013. The
                                                                               Looking for something new
Commissioner is an advocate       The Commonwealth                             in the supermarket aisle?
for small business interests to   Government aims to
the Australian Government.        avoid duplicating existing
The Commissioner’s position is    Commonwealth/state services,
not underpinned by                and in this regard it should be
any legislation.                  noted that New South Wales,
                                  Victoria, Western Australia
At the 2013 election the          and South Australia have state
Government announced              small business commissioners.
it would transform the
Commissioner into a Small         The Commonwealth intends
Business and Family Enterprise    that anyone should be
Ombudsman – with                  able to approach the Small
‘real power’.                     Business and Family Enterprise
                                  Ombudsman in relation
The advocacy role will be         to issues concerning small
continued and expanded, as        businesses and:
the Ombudsman will be a
Commonwealth-wide advocate
                                  • Commonwealth
for small businesses and
                                    Government entities (which
family enterprises.
                                    cannot be dealt with by
The Ombudsman will also             existing Commonwealth
be a contributor to the             entities);
development of small business
friendly Commonwealth             • International or interstate
laws and regulations; and           trade and commerce
a concierge for dispute             (which cannot be dealt with
resolution. In addition the         by other entities); and
Ombudsman will seamlessly
link with the Government’s        • Dealings with corporations
single business initiative          (which cannot be dealt with
– to help small businesses          by existing Commonwealth/
easily find out about other         State entities).

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                                                           mgaa ad august 2014.indd 1                                                   8/26/2014 2:22:34 PM
The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
8        Industry News

Small business the casualty of misguided 'competition' policy
                                                                       opinions in the letters page of     and responsibility of the
                                                                       the Australian Financial Review.    Commonwealth public
                                                                                                           service, but as a so-called
                                                                       The background to this              independent entity.
                                                                       exchange casts light on the
                                                                       way the different leaderships       This difference in structure is
                                                                       of the Australian Competition       more than a technicality. Public
                                                                       and Consumer Commission             servants are officials on the
                                                                       (ACCC) may approach their           public payroll, working for and
                                                                       responsibilities.                   under the direct control of an
                                                                                                           elected member of parliament
                                                                       Attempts by successive              — a Cabinet minister chosen
                                                                       Australian governments to           by the Prime Minister to be
                                                                       shape competition policy go         responsible for a particular
                                                                       back a long way. They have          area of government policy.
                                                                       hardly ever been satisfactory,
                                                                       in part because for many years      By contrast, so-called
Opinion piece by Colin Teese –       price war.                        governments could never quite       independent agencies —
News Weekly                                                            decide which side they wanted       including the ACCC — are
                                     At that point the handful         to protect more — business          staffed by publicly-paid
Exponents of free market             of survivors — or just one        or consumers.                       officials. By deliberate choice,
economics talk endlessly about       survivor — normally enjoy a                                           these officials operate outside
competition, as if it were the       stronger place in the market      In part that problem remains.       direct ministerial control. The
driving force of capitalism.         and are able to recover           But a further overlay of            fiction is that, by virtue of this
It isn’t.                            anything lost in a price war by   confusion now exists, because       advantage, they will be isolated
                                     raising consumer prices.          the idea of competition has         from “political influences” —
On the basis of their                                                  now been totally subsumed           as if any officials administering
fundamental premise, anything        Advocates of “cut-throat”         under free market ideology.         government policy can or
less than unbridled price            competition, usually without                                          should be immunised against
competition, resulting in a race     a strong business background,     This makes it harder than ever
                                                                       to set policy. On the one hand,     such influences.
to the bottom, will supposedly       skip over these considerations.
short-change consumers.              Practising businessmen can        ideology dictates that free         In practice, because of their
                                     be counted on for a more          markets need no regulation.         nominal independence, these
A race to the bottom on price,       balanced attitude to the matter   On the other are the pressing       officials are subject to more
however, will likely bring with it   of competition. And certainly     demands of common sense             pernicious influences — that is
a drop in quality standards, and     big business is wary about too    in favour of some kind of           to say, special interest groups
that becomes a self-serving          much competition — at least       regulatory framework.               within society, including
process. The more competition        with its big rivals.                                                  those with whom they might
impacts on price, the more                                             But what kind of framework
                                                                       is the question? Over the           sympathise or even have had a
competing businesses will be         Those formulating our policies                                        previous working relationship.
under pressure to sacrifice          have never been prepared          years the framework has been
quality and/or service in order      to take account of the fact       redefined and refashioned.          Interestingly, the recent
to stay price-competitive and        that the tentacles of anti-       The Hawke/Keating Labor             exchange of views, in the pages
still be profitable.                 competitive practices can         governments of 1983-1996,           of the Australian Financial
                                     reach beyond consumer             wholeheartedly committed            Review during August 2014,
That’s on the consumer side.         protection and into the heart     as they were to free market         between the present and past
On the business side, any race       of business competitiveness       ideology, engaged a champion        leadership groups from within
to the bottom on price will          itself. That is one of the        ideologue, Fred Hilmer, to          the ACCC, brings this problem
result in some perfectly sound       inevitable consequences of        fashion a new strategy. In          into clear focus.
(though smaller) businesses          imperfect markets.                1995 the new approach was
falling casualty to the price war,                                     crystallised in the setting up of   It concerns Section 46 of the
and not necessarily because          Against this background I         the ACCC.                           Competition and Consumer
of inefficiencies. Survivor(s)       was pleasantly surprised to                                           Act. The present leadership
will not always be the most          find an important element         In line with the practice           of the ACCC has proposed
efficient businesses — they          of the problems associated        already in place, and prevailing    amending the existing
may merely be those big              with competition policy being     ever since, the ACCC was            provisions. As presently
enough to survive a short-term       aired in a recent exchange of     created, not as a government        worded, these prohibit use of
                                                                       agency within the framework

December 2014 - Edition 8
The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
Industry News                                9
market power by big business        as it is delivering a short-term   The current leadership is           to harm small business — the
for anti-competitive purposes.      gain to consumers.                 apparently concerned that           reverse is never possible.
                                                                       loopholes in s46 of the Act,
The change proposed is              In its response to that idea,      as currently framed, could          Ironically, only a couple of
intended to provide greater         the present ACCC leadership        legitimise unfair competition       months after this exchange
specificity to the existing         spokesmen, Jill Walker and         by big business in the name of      between former and present
language. Additionally, it places   Roger Featherston, point           “competition”. The response         leadership of the ACCC, a
a more onerous responsibility       out that the narrow and            from Samuel and King seems          specific instance has emerged
on big business.                    oversimplified interpretation      to suggest that this is precisely   involving the alleged behaviour
                                    of what constitutes legitimate     the kind of behaviour that          of a major supermarket chain
As proposed, the redrafting         competition, as favoured by                                            and its alleged misuse of
                                                                       should be tolerated.
of s46 would read as follows:       Samuel and King, carries with it                                       market power. It is currently
“A corporation which has a          important shortcomings.            On the basis of that                being investigated by the ACCC.
substantial degree of market                                           interpretation, the amendment
power shall not engage in           The courts have made clear,        proposed by the current             Speaking as a consumer with
conduct that has the purpose,       for example, that a competitive    leadership seems timely             a clear appreciation of how
or has or is likely to have         advantage gained by superior       and appropriate.                    unfair competitive business
the effect, of substantially        research or innovation would                                           practices might harm both
lessening competition in that       be considered legitimate, but      By contrast, Samuel and King        business and consumer
or any other market.”               that damaging a competitor by      want the power to deal with         interests, I hope that the
                                    less legitimate means might        big business when it seeks          changes in s46 of the present
The proposed amendment has          be unacceptable.                   to harm small competitors           legislation being advanced by
drawn objections from two                                              with questionable practices,        the current leadership of the
former ACCC commissioners,          Walker and Featherston are at      while hiding behind the shield      ACCC proceed into law.
Graeme Samuel and Stephen           pains to distinguish between       of legitimate competition.
King (AFR August 12, 2014).         the competitive process (which     Behind this lies the perfectly      We all stand to benefit
Samuel and King want the            can be either legitimate or        valid assumption that in such       from that.
present s46 to remain. That         otherwise) and the position        a contest big business always       Source: Colin Teese, News Weekly, 8
is, they want no restrictions       of an individual                   has the capacity and incentive      November,
on big business power, so long      competitive business.

The Christmas Issue - December Edition 8 2014 - National Support Office 1800 888 479 - MGA Independent Retailers
10         Industry News

MGA/LRA Industry Business                                           required) of Coles and Woolworths packaged liquor stores had
                                                                    been stopped, as their liquor license applications must now come

Breakfast and AGM
                                                                    with a planning permit.

                                                                    The final speaker for the morning was Peter Anderson, former
On November 19, MGA/LRA held its annual prestigious Industry        Chief Executive of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and
Business Breakfast at Leonda Receptions in Hawthorn, Victoria.      Industry. Peter is one of four members of the Harper Competition
                                                                    Policy Review Panel which is reviewing the fitness for purpose
120 members, industry stakeholders and suppliers attended the       of the Competition and Consumer Act with respect to it being
breakfast to be inspired by three insightful keynote speakers, as   a suitable economic tool that drives prosperity and economic
well as to network with fellow industry colleagues.                 productivity for Australia and all Australians.

Industry colleagues included representatives from all               On November 17, MGA/LRA, as well as many industry
independent supermarket and liquor brands including, IGA,           stakeholders, lodged response submissions to the Harper
FoodWorks, Ritchies, SPAR, Cellarbrations, The Bottle O and         Competition Policy Review panel’s report, that was released on
Duncans. Key industry stakeholders; Metcash, FoodWorks and          2 September.
Australian Liquor Marketers were also in attendance.
                                                                    Peter spoke passionately about doing what is “right for Australia”,
The MC of the breakfast was Michael Reddrop, who is also a          not what is right for large or small businesses. The Panels
FoodWorks retailer. He did a superb job to keep the morning’s       recommendations will be completely independent and based
proceedings running smoothly, delighting the audience with          upon the vast amount of facts, evidence and information they
his wit. He made mention that every state and territory (except     have been gathering from submissions, public forums, meetings
NT), was represented in the room, testimony to the reputation       and various forms of communications since March 2014. This
this event has built over the years as the premier industry         is a very challenging task, particularly to envision what the next
business breakfast event.                                           20 years may look like in Australia, given the incredible speed in
                                                                    development and accessibility to technology. MGA/LRA has been
The first speaker was Dean Pearson, who is the Head of Industry     advocating exhaustively for Competition Law reform on behalf
Analysis for National Australia Bank. Dean, gave the audience       members and more specifically the introduction of an effects
a brief, informative and high level overview of the current         test into section 46 – Misuse of Market Power into the
performance of the Australian economy, showing various key          Competition Act.
economic performance indicators and trends that the audience,
found very useful.                                                  Peter was extremely well received by all those in attendance, as
                                                                    the future of the independent supermarket and liquor sector
The Victorian Treasurer, Hon Michael O’Brien MP, was our            depends greatly upon the final Harper report delivering
second speaker for the morning and spoke passionately               strong recommendations to the government for Competition
about the impending Victorian state election and a variety of       Law reform.
infrastructure initiatives that the state Coalition wish to drive
into the state economy if they win the election. The Treasurer      We would like to take this opportunity to thank our guest
spoke about the great value that small businesses such as           speakers and all our industry colleagues for putting the morning
independent supermarkets and liquor stores provide to the           aside to attend this very important industry business breakfast.
local and state communities. He highlighted that payroll tax had
been reduced, liquor license fees had been increased for the        Thank you to our corporate partners; NAB, Visa and LEDified for
large Coles and Woolworths big box liquor stores and that the       sponsoring this event.
liberal development (previously no local council planning permit

120 Industry stakeholders attended                                                   The Prime Minister's video message

December 2014 - Edition 8
Industry News                                  11

                                                                             Tom O'Connell – SPAR Canberra, George Kovits – LRA President, Tony
Peter Anderson – Harper Competition Policy Review Panelist, Jos de Bruin –   Bongiovanni – Cellarbrations Gisborne, Angelo Gianetta – Cellarbrations
MGA/LRA President                                                            Strathmore

Michael Reddrop – MC                    Dean Pearson – Head of Industry      Hon Michael O'Brien MP – Victorian      Peter Anderson – Harper Competition
                                        Analysis at NAB                      Treasurer                               Policy Review Panel

Ritchies Supa IGA table                                                      MGA/LRA Corporate Partners

MGA/LRA Corporate Partners and members                                       ALM and IBA table

MGA/LRA Corporate Partners and members                                       MGA/LRA Corporate Partners and members

12         Industry News

Farewell Russell Markham CEO                                        Foodland SA announces
Foodland South Australia                                            appointment of new CEO
                                  Russell Markham, CEO of                                              The Foodland Board of
                                  Foodland for over eight years,                                       Directors wishes to advise
                                  completed his last day with the                                      that after an extensive review
                                  Foodland Supermarket Group,                                          process and interviewing
                                  at the Foodland in Focus                                             dozens of potential applicants
                                  industry event, held at the                                          they are pleased to announce
                                  Adelaide Hilton on                                                   that Con Sciacca has been
                                  14 November.                                                         appointed to the position
                                                                                                       of Foodland Chief
                                     Russell, reporting to the                                         Executive Officer.
                                     Foodland Group Board,
                                     dedicated his entire tenure                                     Con Sciacca brings a wealth
                                     at Foodland to enhancing                                        of experience in both retail
                                     the prosperity of each and     and wholesale. Foodland are confident that he will successfully
                                     every Foodland retailer and    manage the group into what will be a very competitive
the Foodland group itself. Russell enabled the exponential sales    marketplace.
and South Australian (SA) market share growth in every year
of his service. Russell built an exceptional team of promotional    Through this process undertaken by the board it has reinforced
and marketing staff at Foodland who also focussed purely            that Foodland is a strong brand and commands a great deal of
on delivering exceptional shopping experiences to Foodland          respect and standing in the industry.
customers all over SA. Russell initiated strong and heavily
                                                                    Current Foodland Chief Executive, Russell Markham, leaves with
community focused initiatives and state-wide promotions.
                                                                    over eight years of service.
Foodland is heavily involved in local communities and has
become a major contributor to a variety of worthwhile SA            Photo: Linkedin
community organisations including; the Little Heroes Foundation,
SA Cancer Council, Tress for Life and the Flinders Medical
Research Foundation. In 2014 there was $100,000 in total
                                                                    New Franchising Code to apply
donated to these organisations.

The strength of the Foodland brand is second to none in SA with
                                                                    from 1 January 2015
independent consumer surveys revealing the Foodland Brand as        ACCC powers strengthened
having the highest recall of any brand in SA.
                                                                    From 1 January 2015, the current Franchising Code of Conduct
This is testimony to the very hard work by the entire Foodland      will be repealed and replaced with a new Code. This will apply to
team led by Russell. Foodland retailers have consistently           all franchise systems operating in Australia.
supported local and national suppliers, processors and
                                                                    Whilst many provisions of the current Code will remain, some of
manufacturers often giving small suppliers a “first go” in the
                                                                    the changes to the new Franchising Code will bring include:
supermarket industry.

In more recent years Russell took a great interest in Government    • Introducing an obligation for parties to act in good faith in
relations, dedicating many hours in particularly opposing the         their dealings with one another
market dominance of Coles and Woolworths. Russell was a
champion for the independent supermarket retailer!                  • Introducing financial penalties and infringement notices for
                                                                      serious breaches of the Code
                                  Russell now retires, after
                                  over 40 years in the grocery      • Requiring franchisors to provide prospective franchisees with
                                  industry, to spend more time        a short information sheet outlining the risks and rewards of
                                  with his partner Cathy and          franchising
                                  his grand daughter, as well as
                                  pursuing his love of the sea –    • Requiring franchisors to provide greater transparency in the
                                  surfing, yachting and fishing.      use of, and accounting for, marketing funds.
                                  Best wishes to Russell and his
                                  family from all of us                 The new Franchising Code and the Minister’s explanatory
                                  in the independent                    statement, which helps explain how the Code is intended to
                                  supermarket sector!                   operate, are available on the Comlaw website.

December 2014 - Edition 8
Industry News                           13
Foodland In Focus 2014                                                                                  An announcement was also
                                                                                                        made that 2015 Foodland
                                                                                                        Conference will be held in
On 14 November, the South Australian Foodland Group held
                                                                                                        Darwin 9 to 13 April.
its annual one day industry event, “Foodland in Focus”, at the
Adelaide Hilton Hotel.                                                                                  Russell Markham (left) on his
                                                                                                        last day as CEO of Foodland
The event was enormous. 372 retailers, staff, wholesalers and
                                                                                                        performed his last official duty
industry suppliers attended this prestigious event.
                                                                                                        for Foodland by presenting to
Once again the Foodland management, staff and board are                                                 four local SA charities a total
to be commended for organising a highly professional and                                                $100,000 that was raised
engaging industry event involving all members of the SA Foodland                                        through various Foodland
independent supermarket network.                                                                        Promotional programs
                                                                                                        conducted during the course of
                                   Roger Drake (left), Chairman                                         the year.
                                   of Foodland, emphasised
                                   the need for retailers to be                                         Recipients included; Little
                                   positive and assertive in their                                      Heroes Foundation, SA
                                   businesses. Roger said, “It's                                        Cancer Council, Trees for Life
                                   too easy to be distracted and                                        and, Flinders medical
                                   discouraged from focussing                                           research Foundation.
                                   on your own business with
                                                                      The final session for the day was “The Panel” of three retailers
                                   all the negative news about
                                                                      and one Foodland management member for John Lees to
                                   new competitors coming to SA
                                                                      interview. Questions included many of the negative statements
                                   and the continuous growth of
                                                                      that are being made in the community concerning competition
                                   Coles and Woolworths market
                                                                      and regulatory challenges.
                                                                      The Panel members (bottom photos) included; John Sandercock –
Roger encouraged all Foodland retailers to focus on their
                                                                      Foodland Ardrossan, Joseph Romeo – Romeos Retail Group, Bob
strengths and doing what is important in their businesses, “Focus
                                                                      Soang – GM Drakes Supermarkets and Stuart Harrod – Category
on your customer and deliver on their shopping experience
                                                                      Promotions Manager.
expectations and you give them a reason to keep coming back to
your store!”.                                                         Each panel member, a business leader in their own right, was
                                                                      given the opportunity to answer the questions or make comment
                                  During the day there were
                                                                      on statements for the benefit of the audience.
                                  a number of professional,
                                  insightful and highly
                                  motivational speakers
                                  addressing the opportunity to
                                  dispel a negative environment
                                  and creating a positive
                                  culture for staff and
                                  importantly customers.

                                  Keynote speakers included;
                                  Vinh Giang – SA 2013
                                  Entrepreneur of the Year, Keith
                                  Thomas – CEO Port Adelaide
                                  Football Club, Andrew Fagan
                                  – CEO Adelaide Football Club
                                  and John Lees – sales and
                                  marketing specialist.

                                  Foodland management
                                  including; Michel Reis (top left)
                                  – Business manager and Narita
                                  Perrotta (bottom left)– Office
manager, also made important presentations highlighting the
Foodland Group’s very strong sales and SA market share driven by
a comprehensive promotional and marketing campaign.


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December     2014 - Edition 8
 lights. Lighting audit conducted using LEDified quoting software. If the LEDified lighting savings proposal does not show a 50% cost savings on lighting costs (including maintenance savings) then a
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Corporate Partner Advertising              15
J.C.’s Quality Foods announces two new products
Exciting new healthy choices in J.C.’s Yoghurt Topper Mix and           “We are confident the attractive packaging, health benefits and
Apple & Strawberry Fruit Pieces.                                        taste will ensure this product is a winner with users truly able to
                                                                        enjoy it guilt free.”
Leading nut and dried fruit company, J.C.’s Quality Foods, has
revealed two new multiple-use healthy products. They are part of        Another innovative new product is J.C.’s new Apple & Strawberry
the company’s snack-sized retail offering, which is championed by       Fruit Pieces pack, which is a 100 per cent fruit derived
J.C.’s 40/45g Snack Pack varieties that are sold in more than 1000      ‘confectionery’ snack with no added sugar.
outlets around Australia.
                                                                        The bite-sized jelly-like pieces are free from artificial colours,
J.C.’s Yoghurt Topper Antioxidant Mix is a source of dietary fibre,     flavours, preservatives or sulphites and come in an attractive
vitamin E and antioxidants and will take advantage of Australia’s       25g pack.
yoghurt boom. This 40g pack is a delicious mix of slivered
almonds, sultanas, dried cranberries and blueberries.                   “Perfect for school lunches and after-school snacks, parents can
                                                                        at last be confident they are giving their children a healthy, sweet
The grab-and-go pack can be easily torn and poured on to fresh          snack without any nasties.
yoghurt and breakfast cereal and also eaten direct from the pack
as a handy snack. It fits neatly into lunch boxes, handbags, desk       “The Apple & Strawberry Fruit Pieces are equally suitable for a
drawers and the glove box.                                              sweet-toothed adult as the snacks pack a real flavour punch and
                                                                        can be enjoyed without the manufactured ingredients that come
Louis Cannatelli, general sales manager of J.C.’s Quality Foods,        with ‘normal’ confectionery.
said there’s no longer any excuse to eat junk food snacks because
the Yoghurt Topper tastes delicious, provides the ideal single          “Following on from our very successful five Snack Pack varieties
serve portion and has a nine month minimum shelf life.                  that include the Original Delicious Energy Mix, Healthy Mix,
                                                                        Outback Mix and Jackaroo Mix, we are confident we have another
“There’s nothing quite like this on the market. The product is          winning formula with these two new products. We are always
so versatile that retailers can display them in various in-store        innovating and pride ourselves on quality, value, freshness and
locations such as the dairy cabinet, snack aisle, at the checkout, in   the ability to take our products to the market quickly,”
the fresh fruit section, in the deli and even in the cooking aisle.     Cannatelli said.

16         Industry News

The Spudshed in WA                                                          Introducing Jalna’s new range of
The supermarket war is heating up as independent retailer
Spudshed prepares to open its biggest store, which will operate             pot set fruit yoghourt made with
around the clock at Innaloo.

Owner Tony Galati said the 24/7 shop would offer a wider range
                                                                            all natural ingredients
of fresh produce, meat and groceries than any of the other five
Spudsheds, and would employ a record number of people, with
more than 140 staff. He anticipated it would drive down grocery
prices at the Coles and Woolworths stores next door at Innaloo's
main shopping centre.

The fight for customers is expected to intensify when German
discount retailer Aldi opens on the other side of the shopping
centre, in the upcoming Innaloo Megaplex development.

"We create competition, and (Coles and Woolworths) will
probably drop their prices, so for people in the Innaloo area,
prices will come down," Mr Galati said.

"We are looking at putting a few more stores around Perth, giving
people cheaper access to food, and as we find the new locations,
we will announce them."
                                                                                                The team at Jalna, makers of Australia’s
"A lot of people are doing it tough, and we are selling good food                               favourite pot set yoghourt, has launched
at virtually wholesale prices to the public."                                                   the new Pure Yoghourt with Fruit range,
                                                                                                with a real fruit layer below the traditional
Mr Galati said he expected the Innaloo store would be busy                  pot set Sweet & Creamy Greek yoghourt recipe that
around the clock, especially as local restaurants and cafes sought          Australians love.
fresh produce before opening their shops.
                                                                            It has taken the Jalna team more than two years of research,
Marketing Focus director Barry Urquhart agreed the supermarket              trialling and tasting to create four varieties of a pure fruit
giants in Innaloo would reduce prices on fresh produce when                 yoghourt that is set naturally in the pot so it doesn’t need any
Spudshed opened. But he said reductions would be localised to               artificial additives, sweeteners and preservatives or added
the area. "The most loyal shoppers at Spudshed's Innaloo store              cane sugar.
will be the managers from Coles and Woolworths, because they
will check the prices six times a day and match accordingly," Mr            Jalna is already well established in households, and the new snack
Urquhart said.                                                              size Pure Yoghourt with Fruit range extends the product offering
                                                                            to the office fridge as well as school lunch boxes.
He said Spudshed and Aldi, which plans to open about 70 stores
in WA, would eat into the duopoly's market share.                           Jalna’s brand manager, Kristy Vandenberghe said “The new
                                                                            product range was created for on-the-go convenience,
Last year, the multimillionaire farmer took on the supermarket              giving consumers even more ways to enjoy Jalna yoghourt.
duopoly in the liquor market, opening what has been billed one              The generous layer of real fruit adds a natural sweetness to
of the biggest WA bottle shops.                                             our traditional pot set yoghourt recipe, which is perfect for
Source: Kim Macdonald, The West Australian, 7 November,
                                                                            consumers looking for snack sized pure products that don’t
                                                                            compromise on taste.”

                                                                            Jalna’s pot set natural yoghourts have been made with care and
                                                                            craftsmanship for more than 30 years.

                                                                            Jalna Dairy Foods Pty Ltd, 31 Commercial Drive, Thomastown
                                                                            VIC 3074 P: (03) 9466 4444 |

                                                                            Jalna Pure Yoghurt with Fruit (RRP $2.79 for 200g)

                                                                            METCASH order numbers:
                                                                            Blueberry: 114210
                                                                            Mango: 114257
                                                                            Passionfruit: 114443
Picture: Simon Santi/The West Australian                                    Raspberry: 114477

December 2014 - Edition 8
18         Legal andRepresentation
            Industry  HR

                                      Enjoying the staff Christmas
                                                                          Once again we remind
                                                                          members about you and
                                                                          your staff enjoying your
                                                                          Christmas celebrations.

                                                                           An employer who organises
                                                                           Christmas celebrations
                                                                           needs to be aware of the
                                                                           responsibility for the well-being
                                                                           and safety of employees during
                                      these celebrations. It is essential to make sure that employees
                                      abide by appropriate standards of behaviour and safety in order
                                      to avoid any employer liability in case things go wrong.

                                      Sexual harassment is one of the most common problems that
                                      arises out of the staff Christmas party. If an incident of sexual
                                      harassment occurs whether at the worksite or off site, if it is
                                      work-related then the employer can be held responsible. Make
                                      sure that a copy of the company policy on sexual harassment is
                                      well-known to all employees.

                                      Over indulgence in alcohol is generally the cause of Christmas
                                      workplace problems. Sometimes disagreements occur due
                                      to excessive drinking and they have been known to end up in
                                      physical fights.

                                      Here are some tips to assist employers to manage their Christmas

                                      • Tell your employees, in writing, that you want everyone
                                        to have a good time and that you expect them to behave
                                        responsibly. Warn employees that they should exercise
                                        caution in regard to the consumption of alcohol. Consider
                                        making cab vouchers available for staff to get home from the
                                        party or call for volunteer drivers amongst staff who don’t
                                        drink alcohol.

                                      • Do not allow anyone from your company to serve alcohol to
                                        staff, and advise bartenders not to serve anyone who
                                        seems intoxicated.

                                      • Make sure there are plenty of soft drinks available, and make
                                        sure that food is served.

                                      • Do not make the function compulsory, and don’t insist that
                                        staff have an alcoholic drink as part of their “networking
                                        obligations”. This could be seen as part of the job
                                        requirements and the employer may be liable if there is any
                                        accident on the way home.

                                      Providing your employees with a few simple reminders will
                                      ensure that everyone has a good time during their festive

December 2014 - Edition 8
Legal andRepresentation
                                                                                           Industry  HR                              19
Christmas and New Year Trading Using a “probationary period”
2014/2015                      for new employees
Members are reminded of the public holidays over the                                                      There is nothing in the Fair
Christmas/New Year period 2014/2015. Some states have trading                                             Work Act which refers to a
restrictions and members should check our bulletin available on                                           “probationary period”. When
our website.                                                                                              a new person is employed it
                                                                                                          is common to suggest there
                                                                                                          will be a “probation period”
                                                                                                          but it is really a time for the
                                                                                                          employee to assess whether
                                                                                                          they like or feel comfortable
                                                                                                          with the work and for the
                                                                                                          employer to see whether the
                                                                                                          employee is suitable for the
                                                                                                          position that is to be done.

                                                                      For a business of 14 employees or less (including casuals
                                                                      employed on a regular and systematic basis), the “probation

Workplace stress – a
                                                                      period” for an employee can be up to 12 months. For a business
                                                                      with 15 or more employees, the probation period is up to
                                                                      6 months. Depending on the size of your business, once an
management issue                                                      employee’s service reaches the relevant period, s/he will be
                                                                      protected by unfair dismissal laws.
Workplace stress can be a significant health and safety issue for     The “probation period” is an excellent means of assessing an
employers. It is in the best interests of the store to be aware of    employee’s suitability to the role you have placed them in. This is
the causes and signs of stress and to take all the necessary steps    not to say that records should not be kept of discussions, verbal
to eliminate it from the workplace.                                   cautions and formal meetings undertaken during the probation
Work related stress can be the result of many factors. It can be      period. Any issues raised with employees should always be
the result of conflict in the workplace with bosses or other staff.   documented because it is never certain as to what may happen
In many cases employees claim “bullying” is the cause of their        down the track.
stress but some staff simply become distressed by their working       Do not hesitate to act once you detect there is a problem with an
environment and this situation then rebounds on the employer.         employee’s performance. If you allow the problem to continue
There are many symptoms of stress and they include; decline           without attempting to remedy it, then it could, and probably
in work performance, increased sick days, increased aggression        will, become more problematic. Once the initial period of
and displays of anxiety. Employers are often surprised when the       employment has been completed and no action has been taken,
performance of a long serving, hard-working employee                  then the termination process is more difficult.
suddenly declines.                                                    When monitoring an employees work during the initial period
In order to avoid claims for workers compensation, it is              of employment an employer should provide feedback on work
recommended that members be aware of how to avoid any stress          performance and indicate if any problems exist. If you decide
in the workplace. It is important to have the highest standards of    during the first few months of employment that you wish to end
workplace safety.                                                     the employment relationship you should advise the employee
                                                                      that he or she is not suitable and provide a letter to that effect. If
Encourage staff to discuss any issues of concern openly with their    the employee is a full time or part time employee and you decide
managers and take any steps necessary to resolve issues. Ensure       to terminate the employment contract before the expiry of the
that each person is properly trained for a particular job and         “probation period” you will be required to pay the employee a
whilst you can promote a friendly atmosphere in the workplace,        week’s notice or have the employee work out the notice.
make sure that the levels of friendliness are not offensive to any
individual employee.                                                  You should be alert not to terminate employment at any
                                                                      time even during the “probation period” on the grounds of
It is most important to have a safe and healthy work environment      discrimination, illness, workers compensation, for being a union
and an “open door” policy where employees feel free to consult        member or because of any legal claim being brought against you.
with the boss will often assist an employee who might otherwise       You should always contact MGA before any decision to
feel stressed.                                                        terminate employment.


December 2014 - Edition 8
Legal andRepresentation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Industry  HR                                                                                                                                                                  21
Managing work performance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and allowing them a chance to rectify their behaviour. This often
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         results in causing unnecessary tension and often an otherwise
Every employer wants their employees to perform to the                                                                                                                                                                                                   potentially good employee will be lost to the business.
best of their ability. They want them to complete their tasks                                                                                                                                                                                            In both scenarios, the risk of receiving an unfair dismissal
to a satisfactory standard and contribute to the success of                                                                                                                                                                                              application is high.
the business. Unfortunately, employees don’t always fulfil
the employer’s expectations and there is then a need to let                                                                                                                                                                                              It is recommended that employers adopt best practice methods
the employee know that that their standard of work requires                                                                                                                                                                                              for the performance management of employees in a timely and
improvement. Managing your employees is one of the toughest                                                                                                                                                                                              efficient manner. It is helpful to employers and their businesses
tasks associated with operating a business.                                                                                                                                                                                                              if managers and employees work together to facilitate better

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         performance outcomes, grounded by a workplace culture which
The industrial landscape is already difficult for employers with                                                                                                                                                                                         facilitates support and communication. This will inevitably lead to
rising wages, a rigid General Retail Industry Award, and increasing                                                                                                                                                                                      a happier workplace with greater productivity levels.
competition. Attending to the performance management process

is not easy, especially when there are so many other business                                                                                                                                                                                            The purpose of the performance management process should
priorities, but addressing workplace problems as soon as they                                                                                                                                                                                            never be to facilitate the termination of an employee, or to
arise, no matter how time consuming, will be beneficial in the                                                                                                                                                                                           "performance manage" an employee out of the business. Rather,

longer term. Conversely, if your fail to address a problem and                                                                                                                                                                                           the process should seek to identify and resolve any
you allow workplace problems to persist and fester, there can be                                                                                                                                                                                         performance concerns.
significant costs to your business.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Employers need to be aware of the need for sound recruitment
Problematic employers fall into one of two categories                                                                                                                                                                                                    procedures, including providing proper job descriptions and
which happen to be on either side of the performance                                                                                                                                                                                                     reference checking. After a proper induction process wherein the
management spectrum:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     employee has been given guidance on how to do the job, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         may find you need to give the employee further directions of how
Firstly, some employers allow the performance issues of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         you want work performed. Sometimes this approach works out
their employees to persist and remain ongoing without any                                                                                                                                                                                                well, but sometimes the employee is simply not suited to your
intervention. These employers reach a breaking point where they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         workplace and further action needs to be taken. It is far easier to
finally become exhausted with the employee’s performance and                                                                                                                                                                                             deal with a potential problem immediately rather than letting the
want them out of the business immediately. Often the employee
is unaware of the issue and there have been no documented
discussions or warnings given. Termination of employment then
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         matter fester and become unmanageable.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Importantly, it is essential that a paper trail is kept of discussions
becomes more complex and often creates a long term, laborious                                                                                                                                                                                            and meetings relating to the identified issues.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       colour colour
process to follow.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The objective of performance managing employees is to assist
Secondly, some employers are heavy handed at the first site of                                                                                                                                                                                           both the employer and the employee to achieve an harmonious
poor performance and prefer to immediately issue warnings or                                                                                                                                                                                                            your   your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         working relationship where all parties can benefit.
termination without first discussing the issue with the employee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      summer summer

        colour                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         colour
     250ml is the perfect size pack for single serve cold drink. A target market with different
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Any references to maximum retail prices on packaging or promotional material are references to maximum retail prices only. The customer is always free to sell below.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ©2014 The Coca-Cola Company. ‘Coca-Cola’ and the Dynamic Ribbon device are registered trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company.                                             #colouryoursummer

     needs to the 600ml PET shopper. $2 maximum retail price for the perfect small change
      pack. In November, Coca-Cola & Coke Zero will transition to randomised coloured cans
      for 3 months limited edition. $10 million though the line campaign, including impactful
     point of sale material to engage your shoppers. Ensure you are ranging these great lines
                   so you don’t miss out. No changes to EAN’s or Metcash codes.

        Any references to maximum retail prices onAnypackaging     or promotional material are references to maximum retail
                                                       references to maximum retail prices on packaging or promotional material are references         to maximum retail prices only. The customer is always free to sell below.
     prices only. The customer is always free to sell below. ©2014 The Coca-Cola Company. ‘Coca-Cola’ andAny
                                                   ©2014 The trade
                           ic Ribbon device are registered    Coca-Cola Company.
                                                                      marks   of ‘Coca-Cola’
                                                                                  The Coca-Colaand the Dynamic
                                                                                                               Ribbon device are registered
                                                                                                                                        references to maximum retail prices on packaging or promotional material are references to maximum retail prices only. The customer is always free to sell below.
                                                                                                                                                   trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company.
                                                                                                                                     ©2014 The Coca-Cola Company. ‘Coca-Cola’ and the Dynamic Ribbon device are registered trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company.                                                                                       #colouryoursummer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Any references to maximum retail prices on packaging or promotional material are references to maximum retail prices only. The customer is always free to sell below.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ©2014 The Coca-Cola Company. ‘Coca-Cola’ and the Dynamic Ribbon device are registered trade marks of The Coca-Cola Company.

22         Legal andRepresentation
            Industry  HR

Security for your employees
Unfortunately we live in increasingly violent times and it is
therefore appropriate for members to be vigilant when it comes
to protecting themselves and the employees against potential
threats to their security.

Armed hold ups, staff working late or alone and money handling
are amongst the risks that employers and employees face every
day. It is recommended that members have risk measures in
place to protect against dangerous situations and to know what
to do in an emergency.

Prevention strategies against an armed hold up

Every store should have a written policy in place for dealing with
armed robbery. It should be dealt with at induction and should be    During an armed robbery
placed in the tea room to remind staff how they should respond
in an emergency. Review your policies on an annual basis -don’t      It is vital that your employees do everything to take care of their
just rely on an induction program that was used several              own safety during any incident of violence in the workplace.
years earlier.                                                       Obviously they should be trained to know how to react if an
                                                                     incident of violence occurs.
In late trading areas where there is only one store, a suggested
strategy is to provide free coffee to taxi drivers and police as a   Direct your employees as follows:
means of providing more human activity around the area. Keep
your store brightly lit and the windows free of advertisements.      • Try to stay calm
Also keep the outside area brightly lit as a sound preventative
measure. Have signs around your store that say minimal cash is       • Follow the instructions of the offender exactly
held on site and also that you use time delay safes. Roster your
more experienced staff to work at night and where possible avoid     • Do not stare at the offender
having only one person close the store late at night. Assess your
area and keep in contact with the local police on a regular basis.   • Do not pursue the offender

Avoid having items on the counters that could be used as a           • Keep your hands still and keep them where the offender can
weapon. Make sure that your employees are knowledgeable                see them
about how to address customer aggression and that they are able
to detect signs of potential customer violence.                      • Do not take any action against the offender
It is also suggested that retailers:                                 • If possible make a mental note of anything that might identify
                                                                       the offender(s). Such things as height, hair colour, accent,
• Never publically discuss the transfer of money from one place        clothing, scars, tattoos which may assist with identification.
  to another
                                                                     • As soon as the offender has left, the employee should then
• Try to minimise the amount of money that is held at the store        sound the alarm. If it is possible and you are able to do so
                                                                       with caution, try to see if the offender leaves in a vehicle and
• Be alert to anyone who might be lurking around the store             if it is possible note the colour and make of the vehicle.

• Keep the store well lit and make sure that all exits are secure    • Wait for the police and in the meantime do not touch
                                                                       anything that the offender may have handled
• Train staff to know want to do in an emergency situation
                                                                     • Encourage any witnesses to the incident to remain.
• Have your cameras on at all times and check them regularly.
  They should be placed internally and externally at both front      During an armed hold up, under no circumstances should an
  and rear entrances.                                                employee attempt to retaliate against the offender. Advise
                                                                     employees to comply with all requests by a potential attacker.
• It is also recommended that you also have mirrors in place.        If there are any demands for money then the employee should
                                                                     simply hand the money over. There should be no attempts to
                                                                     be heroic. It is simply not wise to fight an offender at any time.
                                                                     Retailers should impress this on their employees during training.

December 2014 - Edition 8
You can also read