Page created by Sylvia Garcia


      Oxford Town Hall, OX1 1BX
        Exhibitors: 14:30-17:30


                                                                      PAGE   EMPLOYER                     PAGE   EMPLOYER
                                                                        5    2020 Delivery                  36   Frontier Economics
                                                                        6    A T Kearney                    37   FTI Consulting LLP
                                                                        7    Advancy Ltd                    38   Helios
                                                                        8    American Express               39   Huron Life Sciences
                                                                        9    AMR International              40   Innovia Technology
                                                                        10   Analysys Mason                 41   Integration Management
                                                                        11   Atheneum Partners                   Consulting
                                                                        12   Aurora Energy Research         42   IQVIA
                                                                        13   Bain & Company                 43   Javelin Group
                                                                        14   Boston Consulting Group        44   L.E.K. Consulting
                                                                        15   BTS                            45   Marakon
                                                                                                            46   Navigant
    TRANSACTIONS WERE MADE IN 2018. COULD YOU                           16   Capgemini Invent
                                                                                                            47   NERA Economic Consulting
    HELP US INCREASE THE AMOUNT WE HANDLE?                              17   Capital One
                                                                                                            48   Newton Europe
                                                                        18   Carnall Farrar
                                                                        19   Cartesian                      49   NMG Consulting
                                                                        20   CBPartners                     50   OC&C Strategy Consultants
                                                                        22   Charles River Associates       51   Oliver Wyman
                       Graduate and undergraduate                       23   Chartwell Consulting Ltd       52   Oxbow Partners
                       opportunities                                    24   CIL Management Consultants     53   PA Consulting
                       Nottingham and London                            25   Compass Lexecon                54   Pearson Ham
                       Graduate starting salaries from                  26   Cornerstone Research           55   Plural Strategy
                       £32,000 - £40,000 plus £5k sign-on bonus
                                                                        27   Corporate Value Associates     56   PwC
                       We look at credit the way tech companies         28   Deloitte                       57   QuantSpark
                       look at everything – it’s all about finding
                       creative ways to make people’s lives easier.     29   Economic Insight Limited       58   RBB Economics
                       Join us, and you’ll help to make finance         30   Eden McCallum (not             59   Roland Berger Ltd
                       simpler and more human.
                                                                             exhibiting)                    60   Solon Strategy LLP
                       Welcome to Capital One                           31   Efficio Ltd                    61   Strategy&
                                 32   EY-Parthenon                   62   Teneo
                                                                        34   Elixirr                        63   TWS Partners Limited
                                                                        35   Fairgrove Partners             64   ZS Associates

2                                                                                                                                            1
Recruiting                  Entry                                                                          Recruiting                  Entry
                                                 Internships                                           Entry                                                Internships                                           Entry
                                                                  Postdoc      Recruiting    route:                                                                          Postdoc      Recruiting    route:
                                    Offer        to postdoc                                            route:                                  Offer        to postdoc                                            route:
               EMPLOYER          internships   researchers or
                                                                researchers   recent PhD    Graduate
                                                                                                       Direct           EMPLOYER            internships   researchers or
                                                                                                                                                                           researchers   recent PhD    Graduate
                                                                 with work     graduates    Training                                                                        with work     graduates    Training
                                                PhD students                                           Entry                                               PhD students                                           Entry
                                                                experience                  Scheme                                                                         experience                  Scheme

    2020 Delivery                                                                                         Huron Life Sciences                                                                           
    A T Kearney                                                                                           Innovia Technology                                                                            
    Advancy Ltd                                                                                           Integration Management
                                                                                                                Consulting                                                                                    
    American Express                                                                               
                                                                                                                IQVIA                                                                                         
    AMR International                                                                              
                                                                                                                Javelin Group                                                                                 
    Analysys Mason                                                                                 
                                                                                                                L.E.K. Consulting                                                                             
    Atheneum Partners                                                                              
                                                                                                                Marakon                                                                                       
    Aurora Energy Research                                                                         
                                                                                                                Navigant                                                                                      
    Bain & Company                                                                                 
                                                                                                                NERA Economic Consulting                                                                      
    Boston Consulting Group                                                                        
                                                                                                                Newton Europe                                                                                 
    BTS                                                                                            
                                                                                                                NMG Consulting                                                                                
    Capgemini Invent                                                                               
                                                                                                                OC&C Strategy Consultants                                                                     
    Capital One                                                                                    
                                                                                                                Oliver Wyman                                                                                  
    Carnall Farrar                                                                                 
                                                                                                                Oxbow Partners                                                                                
    Cartesian                                                                                      
                                                                                                                PA Consulting                                                                                 
    CBPartners                                                                                     
                                                                                                                Pearson Ham                                                                                   
    Charles River Associates                                                                       
                                                                                                                Plural Strategy                                                                               
    Chartwell Consulting Ltd                                                                       
                                                                                                                PwC                                                                                           
    CIL Management Consultants                                                                     
                                                                                                                QuantSpark                                                                                    
    Compass Lexecon                                                                                
                                                                                                                RBB Economics                                                                                 
    Cornerstone Research                                                                           
                                                                                                                Roland Berger Ltd                                                                             
    Corporate Value Associates                                                                     
                                                                                                                Solon Strategy LLP                                                                            
    Deloitte                                                                                       
                                                                                                                Strategy&                                                                                     
    Economic Insight Limited                                                                       
                                                                                                                Teneo                                                                                         
    Eden McCallum                                                                                  
                                                                                                                TWS Partners Limited                                                                          
    Efficio Ltd                                                                                    
                                                                                                                ZS Associates                                                                                 
    Elixirr                                                                                        
    EY-Parthenon                                                                                   
    Fairgrove Partners                                                                             
    Frontier Economics                                                                             
    FTI Consulting LLP                                                                             
    Helios                                                                                         

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3
THE MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY FAIR                                                                                 2020 Delivery

    This event, organised by the Careers Service, offers you the                         2020 Delivery is the UK’s leading public service management consultancy.
    opportunity to meet a wide range of employers in the Consultancy                     2020 Delivery exists to improve the public services of the UK. Our mission
    sector.                                                                              is to help CEOs and senior leaders improve public services and deliver lasting
                                                                                         positive change for service users, patients and taxpayers. What sets us apart is
    You will be able to meet a number of major recruiters keen to attract                our collaborative approach, ground-breaking tools and solutions, and passion
    students and graduates to their organisation, compare different organisations        for improving public services. We work mostly in healthcare, with some work
    and find out about graduate and work experience opportunities.                       in education, central government and more, to deliver a range of services
                                                                                         including strategy, operational improvement, and digital transformation. From
                                                                                         day one, you’ll be a pivotal part of our dynamic, growing team, working together
                                  Talks at the fair                                      with senior decision-makers and front-line staff to solve some of the biggest
                                                                                         challenges facing public services.
    13:30-14:15     |   Disability @ the Management Consultancy Fair.
    13:30-14:30     |   Researchers @ the Management Consultancy Fair.                                       
    13:30-14:30     |   Alumni @ the Management Consultancy Fair.
    14:00-14:30     |   Routes into Consulting.                                             LOCATIONS: England - London                    apply’ page:
                                                                                                                                            to-apply/. Our application process involves
                                                                                          VACANCIES: Junior Consultant - 10                a problem-solving test and completing
                                                                                         positions.                                         an online application which are both blind
                        Get your CV checked at our CV clinic                             Anticipated cohort starting dates: January or      reviewed. Applications close on Sunday 27th
                                                                                         April 2020 for recent graduates; September         October 2019. First round interviews take
    Get one-to-one feedback from visiting recruiters!                                    2020 or January 2021 for finalists.                place in early to mid-November with second
                                                                                         Interns - 2-4 positions.                           round interviews shortly thereafter.
    Just bring your CV and turn up! Appointments are given on a first-come,
    first-served basis.                                                                   INTERNSHIPS: Our 8-week internship                 TRAINING: Junior consultants learn
                                                                                         programme (July-August 2020) is open to            through substantial client-facing project
                                                                                         penultimate year students.                         roles, supported by our two-year Junior
                                                                                                                                            Consultant Development Programme which
                                                                                           RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We welcome                includes a range of formal training, on-
                                                                                         candidates from any background. We are             project mentoring, self-directed learning
                                        Top tips                                         looking for exceptional problem solvers,           and peer support.
                                                                                         with excellent people and analytical skills.
    Use this booklet to plan your Fair tactics:                                          Applicants should be motivated team-players          DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: 2020
                                                                                         who share our genuine passion for delivering       Delivery is an equal opportunities employer
    • Check who is attending and read their booklet entry before you speak to them.
                                                                                         better experiences and outcomes for public         and we value diversity. We are proud to
    • Plan some questions to ask e.g. what are the pros and cons of their work?          service users. Applicants for our Junior           partner with upReach, a charity working
        Or, what tips can they give you to increase your chances of being selected for   Consultant role should be in their final year of   to improve social mobility by creating
        work experience or employment?                                                   university, or recently graduated. We can offer    conditions for undergraduates from less
                                                                                         visa sponsorship to successful international       advantaged backgrounds to access and
    • Be keen and attentive – first impressions count!                                                                                      sustain top graduate jobs.
                                                                                         candidates who are currently studying under a
    • Talk to as many people as you can.                                                 valid Tier 4 General student visa.                    EMAIL:
    • Remember to record who you spoke to and key points of your                          APPLICATION PROCESS: Please apply
        conversations.                                                                   online via our recruiting tool on our ‘How to

4                                                                                                                                                                                         5


                                                                                           GROU            S’

                                           A T Kearney                                     MEM
                                                                                                       P                                                    Advancy Ltd


                                                                                                YO        R
                                                                                                   F OXFO

    Founded in 1926, A.T. Kearney is a leading global management consulting firm with                                Advancy is an international boutique strategy consultancy, headquartered in
    more than 3,600 people working in more than 40 countries. We work with more                                      Paris. We support large international corporations in tackling the challenges of
    than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500, as well as with the most influential                              development, growth and competitiveness.The London office is based in St
    governmental and non-profit organisations.We work collaboratively with our clients                               James’s Square, opened in 2016, and has been growing at speed, delivering results
    to ensure they compete more effectively in their marketplace and pride ourselves                                 for our UK Private Equity and corporate clients. We are excited to expand our
    on delivering consistently successful outcomes. Our client approach is simple: we                                London-based team to consolidate our position across the following capabilities
    understand the challenge, identify the solution, and see the project through to                                  and sectors:
    completion. Our strength comes from the depth of our expertise, and the diversity
                                                                                                                     Capabilities: Strategy & Innovation, Private Equity, Marketing & Sales, Operations/
    of our team. A.T. Kearney is committed to building an inclusive culture, striving to
                                                                                                                     Restructuring/Organisation, Supply chain/Distribution.
    provide the best staff to our clients, and the best support to our staff.We remain
    committed to the values established by our founder Thomas Kearney. Above all we                                  Sectors: Industrials, Retail, Consumer goods & Luxury, Travel & Leisure.
    endorse the core principles of integrity, honesty, and ‘the essential rightness of the
    advice we give’.                                                                                                                          

                                                                                             LOCATIONS: England - London                     APPLICATION PROCESS: The
                                                                                                                                                                      recruitment process involves 4 interviews,
                                                                                                                       VACANCIES: Advancy has a flexible
       LOCATIONS: England - London                     Forum, hosted at locations across the globe,                                                                  all of which involve competency-based
                                                                                                                     hiring policy and recruits Interns and Junior
                                                        where they can immerse themselves in firm                                                                     questions followed by a case study. The
     VACANCIES: We are looking to recruit                                                                           Consultants all year round.
                                                        culture, build relationships with global peers                                                                first and second interviews will be with
    Business Analysts and Senior Business               and strengthen core consulting skills in a                     INTERNSHIPS: Advancy offers                   Managers, the third with a Principal, and the
    Analysts. There is no fixed quota.                  collaborative environment.                                   competitively paid, off-cycle Internships and    final round is with the head of the London
                                                                                                                     requires a commitment of 3-6 months. You         office.
      RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We consider                  DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: A.T.
    applications from students with predicted                                                                        are immediately integrated on end-to-end
                                                        Kearney has long recognised the value                                                                           TRAINING: Advancy’s teams need to
    or actual 2:1 in all degree disciplines from                                                                     projects and will receive assistance from your
                                                        that diversity brings to our business and                                                                     be agile and efficient, which is why they
    business, engineering to liberal arts. Applicants                                                                immediate superior, who will guide you and
                                                        the clients we serve. Our goal is to create                                                                   are often relatively small. As such, our
    should have a strong academic record, be a                                                                       teach you the fundamentals of consulting.
                                                        a climate of opportunity, innovation, and                                                                     Consultants are exposed to a high level of
    team contributor, have excellent problem-                                                                        Your daily tasks consist of:                     responsibility from the outset, and a steep
                                                        success within A.T. Kearney that capitalises
    solving abilities, exceptional communication        on the professional and personal diversity                   • Assisting with data collection,                learning curve. You will receive hands-on
    skills, strong quantitative skills, and personal    of our workforce. For these reasons, we                      • Performing the necessary quantitative          training and be required to interact directly
    maturity.                                           recruit, hire, train, promote, develop, and                  analyses,                                        with your Senior Consultant, Manager, and
                                                        provide other conditions of employment                       • Helping on client deliverables.                Partner in charge of the project. In addition
     APPLICATION PROCESS: You can submit
                                                        without regard to a person’s race, colour,                                                                    to this accelerated responsibility, you will
    your application by applying online. All you                                                                       RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We review
                                                        religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual                                                                   also have much greater client exposure.
    need to do is fill in the online form and upload                                                                 applications from both undergraduates
    your CV and Cover letter.                           orientation, gender identity or expression,                                                                     CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:
                                                                                                                     and postgraduates. Figure-orientated and
                                                        veteran status, marital status, disability,                                                                   Jessica Hughes
      TRAINING: A.T. Kearney offers                                                                                 analytical, you value professionalism, rigor,
                                                        or genetic information consistent with
    individualised training to enhance your                                                                          team spirit, and entrepreneurship.                  EMAIL:
                                                        applicable laws. This includes providing
    knowledge around key consulting and firm            reasonable accommodation for disabilities,                   Relevant skills include: Data collection,
    topics uncovering the building blocks of the                                                                     Analytics, Insight, Lean/ops, Pricing, Due
                                                                                                                                                                         PHONE: +44 (0)20 3978 8500
                                                        or religious beliefs and practices.
    consulting process, enhanced analytics skills                                                                    diligence, Post-merger integration.
    and how to make an impact. New joiners are             EMAIL:
    also invited to attend a Global Experience
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
American Express                                                                        AMR International

    Why American Express?                                                                  AMR International is a boutique strategy consulting firm. We have conducted
    There’s a difference between having a job and making a difference.                     2000+ projects, in more than 40 countries. Our focus is on three specialist sectors
                                                                                           – Technology, Information and Events: Technology – We help our clients capture
    American Express has been making a difference in people’s lives for over 160
                                                                                           sources of value in smart industrials, life sciences, software, and media. Information
    years, backing them in moments big and small, granting access, tools, and
                                                                                           – We serve the world’s leading information providers, as data transforms the global
    resources to take on their biggest challenges and reap the greatest rewards.
                                                                                           economy. Events – We are the leading adviser to the events industry. AMR’s mission
    We’ve also made a difference in the lives of our people, providing a culture of        is to act as a guide to its transformation.
    learning and collaboration, and helping them with what they need to succeed and
    thrive. We have their backs as they grow their skills, conquer new challenges,         At AMR, we are proud of our people. We draw strength from their diverse
    or even take time to spend with their family or community. And when they’re            heritage and impressive array of linguistic skills. We operate a global staffing pool
    ready to take on a new career path, we’re right there with them, giving them the       from our offices in London, New York and Paris. Our small company size means
    guidance and momentum into the best future they envision.                              that every consultant is encouraged and trained to be a highly productive team
                                                                                           member. You will work hard, but in return, you can expect to benefit from rapid
    Because we believe that the best way to back our customers is to back our people.
                                                                                           personal development, swift advancement opportunities, early responsibility, and
    The powerful backing of American Express.                                              the opportunity to help shape the direction of the firm. AMR also believes in the
    Don’t make a difference without it.                                                    importance of a sustainable work-life balance. We operate out of our offices, with
    Don’t live life without it.                                                            occasional travel to the client site for presentations. Employees are rewarded with
                                                                                           regular office socials, as well as an annual company get-together.
    American Express is a global service company, providing customers with
    exceptional access to products, insights and experiences that enrich lives and build
    business success. We employ more than 50,000 people across four continents and                           
    are proud to be recognised as one of the best places to work. Each day, American
    Express makes it easier, safer and more rewarding for consumers and businesses to       LOCATIONS: England - London; North              will possess high levels of intellectual
    purchase the things they need and for merchants to sell their goods and services.      America                                           curiosity, strong analytical abilities,
    An engine of commerce, American Express provides innovative payment, travel              VACANCIES: AMR is a boutique firm.             excellent communication skills and will have
    and expense management solutions for individuals and businesses of all sizes. Most     Vacancies vary but we typically aim to recruit    demonstrated leadership. Previous relevant
    of all, we help our customers realize their dreams and aspirations through industry-   two to six Junior Consultants per year. The       experience, strong quantitative skills and
                                                                                           role involves supporting a project team           languages (especially French) are a plus.
    leading benefits, access to unique experiences, business-building insights, and
                                                                                           during strategy assignments and acquisition          TRAINING: New joiners receive a week’s
    global customer care. We enable our customers to do and achieve more.
                                                                                           advisory work, through primary and secondary      induction in our London offices. Training
                                                                                           research, strategic analysis and report           sessions include slide design and report
                                          production. We also recruit for internships and   writing, issue analysis, market sizing and
                                                                                           senior positions.                                 forecasting and an introduction to deals. This
                                                                                             INTERNSHIPS: AMR is recruiting for             is complemented with additional sessions
       LOCATION: England - London                 EMAIL:        summer internships. During your internship        throughout the year, as well as our annual
                                                                                           you will gain exposure to a range of project      company get-together in the Mediterranean.
                                                                                           work at AMR International, which will provide     CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS: Barbara
                                                                                           you with a thorough understanding of growth       McInnes
                                                                                           strategy, corporate M&A and the private              EMAIL:
                                                                                           equity industry.                                     PHONE: 0044 (0)20 7534 3600
                                                                                             RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We recruit
                                                                                           from any degree discipline. Ideal candidates
8                                                                                                                                                                                             9
Analysys Mason                                                                                          Atheneum Partners

     Analysys Mason is a global strategy consultancy and research firm specialising in                        Atheneum is a leading market-place for industry experts providing faster insights and
     telecoms, media and technology (TMT).                                                                    better data to renowned investment firms, well known corporations and distinguished
                                                                                                              professional service firms. Our mission is to accelerate the decision making of our
     Since 1985, we have worked with the main players in the TMT market, becoming                             clients by connecting them to the world’s top professionals and industry leaders.
     an influential and recognised entity in the industry. Our work has an impact not only                    Founded in 2010, Atheneum currently employs around 250 professionals in 10 global
     on our clients’ strategies, but also on local governments and regulators who we                          offices and is rapidly growing as one of the world’s leading global insight platforms to
     advise on key industry developments.                                                                     strategy consulting firms, investment houses & global corporations.
     We give strategic advice and produce quality analysis for mobile and fixed
     operators, internet players, regulators, financial institutions, cable or satellite                                             
     companies, content and media players, government, lawyers, postal industry
     stakeholders, satellite companies and vendors.                                                              LOCATION: England - London                            involves a telephone interview, a face to face
                                                                                                                VACANCIES: Associate position - approximately          interview and a case study based assessment.
                                                                                                              5 vacancies. As an Associate, you will be                  DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: Atheneum is a
                                                                                                              researching, engaging, and connecting industry            strong supporter of diversity - we currently have
                                                                                                              experts with our clients. In order to empower             employees from over 55 different nationalities
      LOCATIONS: England - Nationwide, Europe,           Scientific or Business courses. Numerate            our clients’ business decisions, you are expected         globally. Our swap program encourages globalization
     Asia                                                 graduates from other disciplines will also be       to evaluate their specific needs, identify their          and enables employees to experience different
                                                          considered.                                         knowledge gaps, and find the best industry experts.       cultures worldwide. We not only believe in working
        VACANCIES: Associate Consultant (4+)             • Numerical, analytical and problem-solving         The role is fast-paced and involves communication,        to empower our client’s initiatives, but also those of
     You will be joining our global pool of strategy      skills.                                             recruiting, negotiation, and sales, along with multi-     the community at large. Charitable giving is of great
     Consultants. While being located in one of           • Ability to think critically.                      tasking across a variety of running projects.             importance to us, which is why we are extremely
     our 17 international offices, you will work on       • Good communication skills (orally and in            INTERNSHIPS: Atheneum does offer internship            proud to partner with Children for a Better World .
     projects internationally as our teams work in        writing).                                           positions. This opportunity also give the chance of       With the help of our Atheneum experts, we are able
     partnership across the world.                        • Fluent in English.                                a long-term development within the company. The           to support the charity’s mission and commitment
     After an initial three-week off-site training, you                                                       professional development opportunities include:           to foster children’s skills through targeted education
                                                           APPLICATION PROCESS: Online numerical                                                                       and leisure programs, thus providing them with an
     will join your team where you will have a direct     reasoning assessment followed by 2 face-to-         • Two weeks of comprehensive business on-
                                                                                                              boarding training; • Continued on-the-job training        opportunity to nurture their growth and future
     involvement in the delivery of client strategic      face interviews.
                                                                                                              & sector education: introduction to our clients’          success. We also collaborate with One Tree Planted
     projects. You will often work with Partners and
                                                          The face-to-face interviews include several                                                                   to help tackle deforestation.
     Managers directly and receive hands-on training.                                                         businesses.
                                                          case studies and a presentation.                                                                                TRAINING: • Two weeks of comprehensive
     The activities include:                                                                                     RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: Profiles that we are
                                                                                                                                                                        business on-boarding training; • Monthly
     • Conducting high-quality research on projects.        DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: We remain               looking for: • This is an entry level role: ideally 0-3
                                                                                                                                                                        performance bonuses; • Clear career path –
     • Quantitative and qualitative analysis on various   committed to fair work practices, aligning to       years of relevant work experience; • Undergraduate
                                                                                                                                                                        promotions are based on performance not time/
     projects.                                            our commitment to provide a respectful and          degree required (no specific subjects required, 2.1
                                                                                                                                                                        tenure; • Continued on-the-job training & sector
     • Providing your critical analysis and making        dignified environment, with equal opportunities     or higher); • General understanding of business
                                                                                                                                                                        education: introduction to our clients’ businesses
     actionable recommendations.                          for all individuals be that employee, worker,       concepts; • Goal oriented, driven, and highly
                                                                                                                                                                        - private equity, consulting, corporate; • Swap
     • Communicating main findings through written,       client, job applicant or other associated person.   motivated to succeed & take on challenges; • Quick
                                                                                                                                                                        program for the best in class - an opportunity to
     graphical and oral presentations.                                                                        learner and critical thinker with key focus to add
                                                            TRAINING: 3-week initial residential training                                                              take part in the International Office Swap Program
     • Developing strong working relations with team                                                          value to our clients; • Strong communication skills:
                                                          and 30+ ongoing training courses up to Partner                                                                and work in one of our offices in New York, London,
     members and developing a depth of knowledge                                                              both written and on the phone; • Fluency in English
                                                          level.                                                                                                        Santiago de Chile, Shanghai or Seoul.
     in the sector.                                                                                           is essential (fluency in German, French Italian,
                                                                                                              Spanish, Russian is a plus).                                 CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS: Jemima Hill
                                                             CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS: Gael Tanner
     RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: Bachelor or                                                                                                                                    EMAIL:
                                                                                                                APPLICATION PROCESS: We are currently
     Master, ideally in Engineering, Mathematics,            EMAIL:            recruiting on a rolling basis. The recruitment process       PHONE: 02073408604
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                               11


                                                                                                                                                                                            GROU            S’

                                  Aurora Energy Research                                                                                  Bain & Company                                    MEM


                                                                                                                                                                                                 YO        R
                                                                                                                                                                                                    F OXFO

     Aurora Energy Research is a dynamic and fast-growing energy analytics company.                   Bain & Company is one of the world’s leading management consulting firms. We
     We provide optimisation solutions and data-driven analytics on European and global               work with top executives to help them make better decisions, convert those
     energy markets that helps our clients navigate the global energy transformation.                 decisions to actions and deliver the sustainable success they desire. For 40 years,
                                                                                                      we’ve been passionate about achieving better results for our clients—results that
     Founded in 2013 by a group of University of Oxford economists, Aurora is now                     go beyond financial and are uniquely tailored, pragmatic, holistic and enduring. This
     a thriving, rapidly-growing company of over 90 staff with offices in Oxford,                     is all part of why Bain is consistently ranked as one of the best firms to work for—
     Berlin and Sydney. Demand for our services – spanning subscription research and                  currently ranking #2 on Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work in the UK.
     consultancy – is immense, in the UK, Europe and beyond. We currently serve over
     200 of Europe’s most influential energy sector participants, and we expect to grow
     beyond 150 staff over the next 18 months.                                                                              

                                                                                                         LOCATIONS: England - London                     alongside your international colleagues. In
                                                                                                             addition, you will be assigned a mentor to
                                                                                                       VACANCIES: Associate Consultant: No fixed         help guide you through your career as well
                                                                                                      quota.                                              as receive ongoing coaching, both informal
        LOCATIONS: England - Oxfordshire                 CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:                  You will be responsible for solving business        and formal, from senior case members and
                                                         Charlotte Whiteley                           problems and helping the team work on our           peer group sessions to ensure that you
       INTERNSHIPS: Internships come up as and
                                                                                                      clients’ critical issues. In addition, you will     continually develop your skills. Bain is a
     when the teams have a need, this tends to              EMAIL:
                                                                                                      learn how to develop and implement practical        meritocracy – your progression is driven
     be over the summer. If we have any available
                                                            PHONE: +44 (0)1865 952700                solutions to drive tangible financial results for   purely by your performance, not by your
     internships then they will be visible on our
                                                                                                      your clients.                                       tenure.
     careers page.
      APPLICATION PROCESS: For all                                                                     RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: Bain people                  DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: Diversity is
     applications please visit our careers page and                                                   are dynamic, entrepreneurial and thrive on          key to our mission of building extraordinary
     apply for the role directly via the link at the                                                  early responsibility. We look for exceptional       teams that deliver unparalleled results for
     bottom of each PDF job description                                                               graduates and postgraduates from any degree         our firm and our clients. We’re committed
                                                                                                      discipline who demonstrate strong analytical        to making Bain a place where everyone
       TRAINING: There are individual training                                                       and communication skills, initiative, leadership    can thrive. To help us succeed, we have
     plans set out for each area of the business, this                                                and teamwork.                                       a number of internal affinity groups, our
     will be discussed and planned out dependent                                                                                                          True North Scholarship and an ongoing
     on the position.                                                                                  APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications close           partnership with Rare Recruitment. You
                                                                                                      on the 24th October.                                can find out more on our website or by
                                                                                                      Once you have applied, you will receive a           contacting the email below.
                                                                                                      link to an online test which will need to be         CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:
                                                                                                      completed by 28th October.                          Emma Blakeman
                                                                                                      Interviews consist of two rounds, with first
                                                                                                                                                           EMAIL:
                                                                                                      rounds held in mid-November and final rounds
                                                                                                      held in early December.
                                                                                                        TRAINING: Throughout your career at Bain,
                                                                                                      we offer excellent training. Your first year
                                                                                                      starts with two weeks of detailed training in
                                                                                                      your office and a further two-week global
                                                                                                      training programme, where you will train

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13


                                                                                          GROU            S’

                               Boston Consulting Group                                    MEM
                                                                                                      P                                                             BTS


                                                                                               YO        R
                                                                                                  F OXFO

     Boston Consulting Group partners with leaders in business and society to tackle                                BTS is a global professional services firm headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden,
     their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. BCG                                  with some 700 professionals in 32 offices located on 6 continents.
     was the pioneer in business strategy when it was founded in 1963. Today, we                                    Sitting at the intersection of consulting and training, we have a front row seat to
     help clients with total transformation—inspiring complex change, enabling                                      our clients’ business goals, strategic priorities and culture. We have seen leadership
     organizations to grow, building competitive advantage, and driving bottom-line                                 development and strategy implementation initiatives that boom with great impact
     impact.To succeed, organizations must blend digital and human capabilities. Our                                and many others that bust. Through that experience, we have defined the success
     diverse, global teams bring deep industry and functional expertise and a range                                 factors and a new approach that helps companies and their leaders achieve great
     of perspectives to spark change. BCG delivers solutions through leading-edge                                   performance and execution.
     management consulting along with technology and design, corporate and digital
     ventures—and business purpose. We work in a uniquely collaborative model across                                We work in small teams to develop customized business simulations and other
     the firm and throughout all levels of the client organization, generating results that                         learning solutions and then we facilitate learning journeys directly with our clients
     allow our clients to thrive.                                                                                   in a workshop setting that incorporates humour, fun and competition.
                                                                                                                    BTSers are team players, leaders and entrepreneurs.
                                                                                       We hire the person not the position. We believe that if you find the right people
                                                                                                                    and give them freedom and responsibility, they will achieve great things.
      LOCATIONS: England - London, Europe,            You will work in close-knit teams on a wide
     North America, South America, Asia, Africa,       variety of projects in different industries.
                                                       From the first day, you will be interacting
                                                       with senior clients and your input will add
      VACANCIES: Associate and Senior                 tangible value. Throughout your time at                         LOCATION: England - London                    Applications and hiring are rolling throughout
     Associate - no set quotas.                        BCG, you will be mentored, stretched and                                                                       the year, with a focus on September start.
                                                       intellectually challenged.
                                                                                                                     VACANCIES:
      INTERNSHIPS: Summer Associate:                                                                               Business Analyst - Strategy Execution (2-10)      Applications are to the specific office - for
     Penultimate year students only.                     DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: BCG is                                                                             UK roles this will be London.
                                                                                                                    Consultant - Strategy Execution (2-10)
       WORK EXPERIENCE: Insight Programme: an         committed to supporting a diverse and                                                                          The process has 4 steps:
                                                       inclusive workforce so that we can deliver                   Senior Consultant - Strategy Execution (2-10)
     interactive case workshop where you will gain                                                                                                                    1. Application (CV and cover letter via our
     insight into life as a consultant and learn how   extraordinary value and be agents of change                  Business Simulation Developer - Excel (2-10)      website)
     to approach and solve business challenges.        – for our clients, our people and society. In                 RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We accept                 2. Interview & short assignment,
                                                       London, we run a number of initiatives in
       RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: Associate:                                                                            applications from undergraduates and              3. Case study presentation,
                                                       line with our global D&I strategy, including
     All undergraduate and masters students.                                                                        postgraduates.
                                                       Women@BCG, Pride@BCG, Family@BCG                                                                               4. Final culture and aptitude interview.
     Senior Associate: All PhD, MDs and Postdocs.      and the London Black Network. We also                        We hire the person and not the position.
                                                                                                                                                                      We do not routinely offer an internship
     Minimum 2:1.                                      work extensively with Rare Recruitment to                    We do not necessarily look for a specific         program.
       APPLICATION PROCESS: CV and cover              promote diverse hiring and social mobility.                  subject area, Mathematics, Engineering,
                                                                                                                    economics and finance, and business areas can     Unfortunately we cannot sponsor visas.
     letter submitted through our online form.            EMAIL:
     Applications for full time positions open on 11                                                                often be useful.                                   CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:
     September and close on 24 October.                                                                               APPLICATION PROCESS: We hire into our          Kat Duffy
      TRAINING: Our international training                                                                         Consultant and our Simulations Development           EMAIL:
     programme will help you develop a                                                                              tracks for our Strategic Alignment and
                                                                                                                    Business Acumen practice at all levels: entry        PHONE: 02393162686
     comprehensive toolkit of business and
     management skills.                                                                                             level Business Analyst to Senior Consultant,
                                                                                                                    dependent on experience and expertise.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                     15


                                                                                                                                                                                        GROU            S’

                                     Capgemini Invent                                                                                    Capital One                                    MEM


                                                                                                                                                                                             YO        R
                                                                                                                                                                                                F OXFO

     A global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation,               We’re a finance company with a tech mindset and one of the UK’s leading credit
     Capgemini is at the forefront of innovation to address the entire breadth of clients’        card providers. We look at finance the way tech companies look at everything –
     opportunities in the evolving world of cloud, digital and platforms. Building on its         it’s all about finding creative ways to make people’s lives easier. So that’s exactly
     strong 50-year heritage and deep industry-specific expertise, Capgemini enables              what we’re doing. We’re on a mission to make finance simpler, more creative and
     organisations to realise their business ambitions through an array of services from          more human. We’re #11 in Glassdoor’s ‘Best Places to Work In The UK’ list and we
     strategy to operations. Capgemini is driven by the conviction that the business              got this recognition by practising what we preach. We offer a flexible, supportive
     value of technology comes from and through people. It is a multicultural company             work environment and as a graduate you can expect challenging and interesting
     of over 200,000 team members in more than 40 countries.                                      work with purpose, the opportunity to make a real impact to our customers
                                                                                                  alongside like-minded, smart and driven people, just like you.
        LOCATIONS: England - London                APPLICATION PROCESS:
                                                   • Submit your application form online,          LOCATIONS: England - London, East                 For our Strategy Analyst role we will be
       RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: Minimum              upload your CV and answer our screening        Midlands                                            doing some first round interviews on
     qualification needed – Bachelor’s Degree or   questions.                                                                                         campus otherwise you’ll be invited to do
     equivalent of for any graduate role.          • Take our situational strengths assessment.    VACANCIES: Strategy Analysts - 15                 a case study interview then assessment
     Academics forms part of our overall hiring    • Take part in our digital interview.          graduate / 10 intern roles.                         centre including individual and group
     decision but we don’t screen out purely       • Attend an assessment centre in our             INTERNSHIPS: Our 10-week summer                  interviews. Applications close 10th
     on the basis of academic performance.         London office for an interview, a group        internship programme offers you the                 November.
     We will assess your suitability for a role    exercise and some short micro-exercises.
     using a number of tools including strengths                                                  opportunity to get a taste of life working            TRAINING: Whichever scheme you join,
     and critical reasoning assessments, video      EMAIL:        as a Strategy Analyst. This means real-life         our training programme will help propel
     interviewing and assessment centres.          com                                            work and real responsibility to deliver on a        you straight into action. We’ll help you
                                                                                                  project during your internship. You’ll be fully     hit the ground running through a tailored
                                                                                                  supported with training and development             programme of development to help you
                                                                                                  throughout, a dedicated manager and mentor          excel in your career.
                                                                                                  to help you develop and if you do well you’ll be
                                                                                                  offered one of our full time graduate roles.          DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: We’re
                                                                                                                                                      a member of Inclusive Companies and
                                                                                                    RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We welcome                 we’ve signed up to the Women in Finance
                                                                                                  applications from all disciplines - you just need   Charter to help address gender imbalance
                                                                                                  to show us that you’ve got excellent analytical     in our industry. We were also one of the
                                                                                                  and numerical skills, a curious mindset and can     main sponsors of the Nottinghamshire
                                                                                                  solve business problems creatively through our      Pride event for the past 2 years and have
                                                                                                  application process.                                several internal networks focused on LGBT,
                                                                                                    APPLICATION PROCESS: Our intern and              mental health and female groups to support
                                                                                                  graduate application process is the same and        associates across our organisation.
                                                                                                  so if you’re offered a graduate role after an        CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS: Olwen
                                                                                                  internship, you won’t need to reapply. You’ll be    Watson
                                                                                                  asked to complete an online assessment and a
                                                                                                  video interview.                                       EMAIL:
                                                                                                                                                         PHONE: 07766070901

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                17
Carnall Farrar                                                                                            Cartesian

     CF is passionate about healthcare. Our award-winning management consultancy                       Cartesian provides consulting services for the telecommunications and digital
     and analytics business focuses 100% on improving health and care. We offer                        media industries. We support clients from across the globe at our offices in the
     clients extensive knowledge of the NHS as well as international insights, gained                  UK, US, and France. Our clients include internet providers, TV broadcasters, and
     working with healthcare systems across six continents.                                            content studios.
     CF is a fast-paced, stimulating environment, where everyone’s ideas and                           At Cartesian’s strategy practice, we combine strategic, commercial, and technical
     contributions are sought and respected, and where self-starters can accelerate                    skillsets to support clients aiming to grow and transform. Recent projects have
     their learning and make an impact on the lives of citizens.                                       included fibre network planning, edge computing, and credential sharing.
                                                                                                       Join us to be part of a bright, dynamic team based in central London where you
                                                                        will develop a deep understanding of the industry sectors that are shaping our
                                                                                                       world. You will be rewarded for delivering smart, clear and fast results. And we will
        LOCATIONS: England - London                   protect your ability to enjoy a good work-life balance.
       VACANCIES: As an analyst you will
     develop skills in analytics, problem solving,     Graduate applications will open on 30
                                                       September and close on 01 November.                                
     organisational development, as well as project
     management. You will play an integral role in       TRAINING: Our training programme
     our problem-solving processes, structuring        starts with a week-long residential                LOCATION: England - London                          TRAINING: Onboarding plus 5-day annual
     and carrying out analysis, synthesising           induction training programme where you                                                                training allowance. Ongoing ad-hoc training
                                                                                                          VACANCIES:
     information and researching independently.        will develop skills in project management,                                                            as needed on projects.
     Your day to day work will be highly variable.                                                     1-3 Analysts
                                                       communication, problem solving and                                                                       DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: You will
     You’ll play a critical part in the delivery       team working, as well as developing your        1-4 Interns
                                                                                                                                                             be assigned a buddy and a mentor. Buddies
     of client projects, as well as business           knowledge of the NHS and public sector.           INTERNSHIPS: During our 8-week                     are junior staff members that provide
     development and other corporate services. We      As well as on-the-job learning, you’ll have     internship you will get a chance to: take part        regular 1-to-1 support, ensuring you
     have 8 Graduate Analyst vacancies available       access to an extensive range of in-house        in project work by researching, analysing data        always feel welcome and comfortable in
     for 2020.                                         and external training opportunities. To         and producing deliverables for a client project;      your role. Mentors are more senior and are
       RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We are looking           support learning and development, all CF        develop your own personal project (on a real-         responsible for ensuring that new-hires get
     to recruit individuals who are passionate about   employees are assigned a senior member          world topic) and present findings to senior           all the opportunities and training required
     improving healthcare, hard working and eager      of staff (Partner, Principal or Manager), as    stakeholders at Cartesian; and, join in regular       to maximise their career progression and
     to learn. You will have achieved, or predicted    a ‘development sponsor’. This is in addition    social activities with the team.                      personal development. Cartesian is an equal
     to achieve a 2:1 in your undergraduate            to a day-to-day line manager who will be                                                              opportunity employer and will not tolerate
                                                       one of the senior team members on your
                                                                                                         RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We accept                    discrimination against any person.
     degree. We are looking for excellent academic
                                                       project. You will also be given a peer buddy    applicants from any degree discipline,
     performance, leadership potential and relevant
                                                                                                       graduated or expecting to graduate with a              CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:
     work experience.                                  who will be your go to person and will be
                                                                                                       minimum of 2:1 or equivalent. Candidates              Tim Jacks
                                                       able to help you with any issues/questions
       APPLICATION PROCESS: Please send               that you have in your first year on the team.   must have strong analytical and interpersonal            EMAIL:
     your CV and Cover Letter to recruitment@                                                          skills, fluency in English, and eligibility to work to apply or if there are any     CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:                     in the UK.
     further questions. Please refer to the FAQ        Annabelle Williams
                                                                                                         APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications will
     section on our website to read about what            EMAIL:        be screened based on CV and cover letter,
     we would like to read in your CV and cover
                                                                                                       please send these to londonrecruiting@
     letter. Please note that you must have the           PHONE: 02037707535
                                                                                              For application closing dates
     right to work in the UK to be considered in our
     application process.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                         19

     CBPartners is a global consultancy committed to providing unparalleled strategic
     support to pharmaceutical companies, biopharmaceutical companies, medical
     device companies, and government health authorities. The firm has four practice
     areas: Value, Access & Pricing; Portfolio Optimisation; Commercial Planning;
     Government Policy Advisory.
     The firm is headquartered in New York City, with a US regional office in San
     Francisco, California & European regional headquarters in London, England.


      LOCATIONS: England - London, North              RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: The Analyst
     America                                          position is for students in their final year of
      VACANCIES: Analysts are exposed to a
     wide variety of engagements at CBPartners.       Intern positions are for penultimate year
     Key responsibilities include:                    students.
     • Performing fundamental secondary research       APPLICATION PROCESS: Application
     across several therapeutic areas
     • Managing collection of internal and external
                                                      deadline is 31 October.
                                                       DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: Women at
                                                                                                          We are looking for the next generation
                                                                                                            of healthcare’s thought leaders.
     data sources
                                                      CBPartners, CBPride
     • Analyzing and synthesizing key findings
     into client deliverables, including PowerPoint    CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:
     presentations, Excel-based dashboards            Sam Foner
     and databases, and Word communication
                                                         EMAIL:               Inspired by innovation?                    CBPartners is a strategy
                                                                                                                                                   consultancy focused on
     • Supporting engagement teams to provide
     guidance to clients.
                                                         PHONE: +16466040604                           Driven by entrepreneurialism?              addressing healthcare
                                                                                                                                                   challenges from three main
                                                                                                                                                   offices located in New York
      INTERNSHIPS: Interns are exposed to a                                                            If you are passionate about tackling the   City, San Francisco, and
     wide variety of engagements at CBPartners.                                                         healthcare industry’s most challenging     London. We provide incisive
     Key responsibilities include:                                                                      issues, then CBPartners may be your        strategic guidance to Fortune
     • Performing fundamental secondary research                                                        home.                                      500 mul�na�onal bio /
     across several therapeutic areas.                                                                                                             pharmaceu�cal companies
     • Managing collection of internal and external                                                                                                on a variety of commercial,
     data sources.                                                                                                                                 clinical, and policy issues
     • Analysing and synthesising key findings
                                                                                                                      spanning +90 countries.
     into client deliverables, including PowerPoint
     presentations, Excel-based dashboards
     and databases, and Word communication
     • Supporting engagement teams to provide
     guidance to clients.
                                                                                                             For more information, visit:
20                                                                                                                                                                                 21
Charles River Associates                                                                       Chartwell Consulting Ltd

     Charles River Associates is a leading global consulting firm that offers economic,             Chartwell Consulting is a growing firm that delivers breakthrough improvements
     financial, and strategic expertise to major law firms, corporations, accounting                in operational performance in the manufacturing, industrial, and technical services
     firms, and governments around the world. With proven skills in complex cases                   sectors. We help our clients to excel by gaining a deep technical understanding of
     and exceptional strength in analytics, CRA consultants have provided astute                    their process, which enables us to find and recover more potential than anyone
     guidance to clients in thousands of successful engagements. We offer litigation                thought possible. We will typically deliver between 20% and 50% improvement
     and regulatory support, business strategy and planning, market and demand                      within a three to nine-month project. We place great value on ensuring that
     forecasting, policy analysis, and risk management consulting. Our success stems                everyone develops as fast as they can. From the outset, you will be leading a client
     from the outstanding capabilities of our consultants, many of whom are recognised              team to deliver major improvements in a matter of weeks. Day-to-day, you could
     as experts in their respective fields; our close relationships with a select group of          be guiding your team to the solution of a tough technical problem, analysing a
     respected academic and industry experts; and from a corporate philosophy that                  process to uncover hidden potential, or out on a production line getting a deeper
     stresses interdisciplinary collaboration and responsive service.                               understanding of what the real problems are. Within a couple of years, you will be
                                                                                                    working alongside CEOs and top-level management as a peer, advising them on
                                                                                                    key business issues. Our work is widespread with opportunities to travel all over
                                                                                                    the world from any of our offices.

        LOCATIONS: England - London, South East      APPLICATION PROCESS: Please submit
                                                     your resume, cover letter, and transcript
      VACANCIES: Analyst, Associate, and
                                                     (unofficial) via our careers website.
     Consulting Associate positions in multiple
     practice areas and locations. Check out our       TRAINING: You will have the unique           LOCATIONS: England - London, Europe,             CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:
     website for more information.                   opportunity to learn from, and work            North America                                     Dan Orford
                                                     alongside, some of the most respected           VACANCIES: Graduates will enter as an            EMAIL:
       INTERNSHIPS: Our Summer Internship
                                                     scholars, specialists, and industry experts    Associate Consultant.                   
     programme mirrors the junior experience,
                                                     in the world. Our training programmes
     giving you an understanding of our business                                                     APPLICATION PROCESS: Please email your             PHONE: 07557559206
                                                     include a week long orientation focused
     and the type of work we do at CRA.                                                             CV to
                                                     on technical skills, consulting skills and
     Throughout the 10 week programme, which                                                        and attend our presentation evening on the
                                                     networking. Quarterly Tech Labs taught by
     is open to penultimate year students, interns                                                  24th October 2019.
                                                     in-house experts cover technical tools. You
     work closely with senior and junior staff on
                                                     can participate in Graduate School Seminars,    RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: We are looking
     project teams across a variety of industries,
                                                     featuring small group Q&A with top             for scientifically minded, bright and motivated
     and apply economic, financial and business
                                                     admissions officers, to learn about graduate   final year students.
     principles to solve real-world problems.
                                                     school opportunities.
       RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: Successful                                                              TRAINING: We invest a great deal in
                                                      CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS:                    developing our people at the fastest possible
     candidates will need to have a minimum
                                                     Stacey Cornell                                 rate: our success is based on your success,
     2:1 bachelors degree; they may also have
     a Masters or PhD degree, and 1-2 years             EMAIL:                     after all. We offer an intensive initial hands-
     of work experience. We are looking for                                                         on training period, after which training is
     applicants who have focused study in                                                           delivered both on the job and through weekly
     economics, sciences, mathematics, statistics,                                                  sessions to enhance your skills. We are a fast-
     engineering, or another quantitative                                                           growing company with an entrepreneurial
     discipline.                                                                                    culture, so by joining now, you will have the
                                                                                                    opportunity to take a key role in Chartwell’s
                                                                                                    continuing exciting development.

22                                                                                                                                                                                          23


                                                                                           GROU            S’

                         CIL Management Consultants                                        MEM
                                                                                                       P                                              Compass Lexecon


                                                                                                YO        R
                                                                                                   F OXFO

     CIL is a consulting firm with a market-leading position within our niche. Most of                               One of the world’s leading economic consulting firms, Compass Lexecon
     our engagements involve an M&A element, primarily to advise private equity firms                                specializes in the economic analysis of competition, regulatory, litigation and policy
     who are looking to invest in high growth businesses in the UK and Europe. We also                               matters. We advise leading corporations, governments, and other public-sector
     provide strategy consulting to a variety of companies, from global blue chips to the                            entities in high profile mergers, government investigations, and private litigation.
     UK’s most successful smaller businesses. We work across a wide range of sectors,                                Our EMEA team includes more than 170 economists. Many hold PhDs from
     including healthcare, IT, financial services, energy, manufacturing, leisure, business                          leading economics departments in Europe and the U.S., and several hold academic
     services and many others. Although we work in structured project teams, we are                                  positions at prestigious European universities.
     socially very equal, lively and inclusive. There are no corner offices, no private
     fiefdoms, no cliques – we work in open-plan offices and are not political. We think
     ‘a culture’ is something larger firms have to invent.                                                                             

                                                                                                                      LOCATIONS: England - London, Europe,              APPLICATION PROCESS: Apply online
                                                                                     Asia                                              via
                                                                                                                                                                       Summer internship, Research Analyst and
                                                     supportive learning environment (including
                                                                                                                      VACANCIES: There is no fixed intake per
        LOCATIONS: England - South West                                                                                                                               Analyst applications for the London office
                                                     structured training modules to take you                         year.
                                                                                                                                                                       close on 31 January.
      VACANCIES: Graduate Analyst - London          from analyst to partner and financial                           Research Analyst positions are available
     office, April 2020, September 2020 and April    support to study for relevant qualifications).                  after your BA in Economics or in another            TRAINING: Rn addition to significant
     2021 start dates.                                                                                               quantitative subject (one- or two-year fixed-     on-the-job training, you can benefit from
     Graduate Analyst - Frome office, April 2020,
                                                       DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: We have                             term positions).                                  a wide range of learning and development
     September 2020 and April 2021 start dates.      a dedicated diversity, equity and inclusion                                                                       opportunities such as: Workshops, Targeted
                                                     team and are committed to recruiting                            Analyst positions after your MPhil in
                                                                                                                                                                       skills training, Seminars, Secondments,
      INTERNSHIPS: 8 week summer internships        talent from across the full spectrum of                         Economics.
                                                                                                                                                                       Conferences, Mentor programme
     offered in our London and Frome offices for     backgrounds and identities and giving                           Economist positions after your DPhil in
     penultimate year students.                      the necessary support for that talent to                        Economics.                                          DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: We have a
                                                     flourish in their career at CIL. We have a                                                                        number of Diversity Ambassador Networks
       RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: 2.1 or higher                                                                           INTERNSHIPS: Internships are offered            in conjunction with FTI Consulting LLP, our
                                                     partnership with UpReach – a phenomenal                         during, in-between, or after your economics
     undergraduate degree predicted or achieved                                                                                                                        parent company. They include a Women’s
                                                     charity that helps disadvantaged students                       degree.
     in any discipline. Applications accepted from                                                                                                                     Network, BAME, LGBTQ and Mind & Body).
                                                     from across the UK achieve their career
     undergraduates and postgraduates.
                                                     potential. CIL is committed to attracting and                    RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: First-rate                 EMAIL: London.Recruiting@
       APPLICATION PROCESS: To apply, please        developing female consultants and offers                        economics BA (PPE or E&M), MPhil, or DPhil
     visit our website at    extensive networking opportunities, access                      with excellent analytical skills and preferably
     join-us (opens in early September - early       to mentoring support and the potential                          with a focus on microeconomics, industrial
     January). You will have to select which role,   for flexible working. We run an insight day                     organisation or econometrics. For the Research
     intake and office you are applying for and      specifically for potential female applicants                    Analyst position, candidates with first-rate
     upload your CV and a covering letter. It is a   every Autumn in our London office.                              BA in other quantitative subjects are also
     rolling recruitment process but we advise you                                                                   considered.
                                                        EMAIL:
     to apply early.
                                                        PHONE: 02038392700
       TRAINING: Rapid, meritocratic progression,
     with exposure to investors and management
     teams right from the start and a high quality
     training programme delivered within a hugely

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                                 Cornerstone Research                                        MEM
                                                                                                         P                                    Corporate Value Associates                                    MEM




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     Cornerstone Research is a consulting firm specializing in the analysis of complex                                 CVA is a global strategy boutique, with offices across Europe, the Asia-Pacific
     financial, economic, accounting, and marketing issues. In recent years, Cornerstone                               region, and in the US. We provide highly bespoke advice rather than ‘off-the-
     Research has become a leading finance and economics consulting firm with more                                     shelf’ consulting to large corporates – often household names – at their national,
     than 750 full-time staff members across eight offices.                                                            regional, and global levels. Although a boutique, we work in many industry
     Cornerstone Research has continued to expand its European capabilities through                                    verticals, with a current focus on energy, automotive, financial services, 3M
     the opening of the London office in 2014. The London office is our first                                          (mining, metals, and materials), as well as a number of crossover areas such as new
     overseas office and is the newest of the eight offices. It has a focus in Antitrust,                              mobility and digital innovation. We are a vibrant close-knit community, working in
     International Arbitration, and Finance.                                                                           small teams offering exceptional exposure to partners and senior client teams from
     Our range of experience allows us to provide clients with a unique breadth of                                     day one, on projects both in Europe and further afield. Our UK office is based in
     perspective and expertise. For example, in securities projects, we analyze stock                                  Soho, London.
     prices, derivatives, and debt instruments. We assess high-profile mergers and
     acquisitions, insider trading allegations and share repurchase transactions. In
     antitrust and intellectual property cases we look at industry structure, the nature                                               
     of purchase decisions, and the commercial value of innovation and technology.
                                                                                                                          LOCATIONS: England - London                    APPLICATION PROCESS: Continuous
                                                                                                                                                                        applications accepted. However, deadline
                                                                                   VACANCIES: Graduate applications
                                                                                                                                                                        for milkround applications will be Thursday
                                                                                                                       accepted on a rolling basis; with no fixed
                                                                                                                                                                        31st October 2019 for Graduate
                                                                                                                       quota per year.
      LOCATIONS: England - London, North              analysts to interact closely not only                                                                            applications and Friday 17th January, 2020
     America                                           with senior consultants and academic                             INTERNSHIPS: Interns are also accepted         for Internship applications. Please provide
                                                       experts, but also with clients. Analysts also                   on a rolling basis, depending on buiness needs   your CV & cover letter via www.corporate-
      VACANCIES: Summer Analyst, Analyst,
                                                       participate actively in the development                         across our offices.                    
                                                       of Cornerstone Research’s recruiting and
      INTERNSHIPS: Summer Analyst and                                                                                   RECRUITMENT CRITERIA: Any degree               CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS: Amelia
                                                       training efforts.
     Summer Associate opportunities.                                                                                   discipline, minimum 2.1. An outstanding          Bradley
                                                        RECRUITMENT CRITERIA:                                         academic record, have good commercial
        WORK EXPERIENCE: Analyst/Summer               Undergraduates and Post-Graduates.                                                                                  EMAIL:
     Analyst: As an Analyst, you will play a central                                                                   awareness, be able to demonstrate
                                                        APPLICATION PROCESS: CV, Resume,                              quantitative skills, and have exceptional
     role at Cornerstone Research. You will work
     in case teams that range in size but typically    Transcript must apply through: https://ug-                      extra-curricular achievements. Fluent French
     include an academic or industry expert, senior                                                / German is an advantage but not essential.
     consultants, and analysts. Within a case team,     TRAINING: Comprehensive training,
     you will make important contributions during      mentorship programme, leadership and
     all phases of a project—from developing case      development.
     strategy to conducting complex analyses to         DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION: Diversity
     preparing experts for testimony. Casework         Recruitment.
     has both quantitative and qualitative             CONTACT FOR APPLICATIONS: Kathryn
     elements, involving such key responsibilities     Maybury
     as: Developing financial and economic models,
     Examining market and industry behavior,              EMAIL:
     Presenting findings to colleagues and clients.
     Our small size provides opportunities for

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