THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -

Page created by Paul Frazier
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
 Saint Joseph · Saint Juan Diego
Saint Padre Pio · Saint Scholastica

    June 13, 2021
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
Saint Joseph Parish                                                           ADMINISTRATIVE
342 Dorseyville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15215                                        STAFF
412-963-8885 | Fax: 412-963-1945
                                                             Rosemarie Haas              Saint Juan Diego Parish
Saint Juan Diego Parish                            
201 9th Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15215                         412-784-8700
412-784-8700 | Fax: 412-781-1101
                                                             LaVerne Manes                Safe Environment Coordinator
Saint Padre Pio Parish                             
450 Walnut Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15238                      412-781-0186 x11
                                                             Lori McKinniss                 Business Manager/Bookkeeper
Saint Scholastica Parish
309 Brilliant Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15215
                                                             412-963-8885 x303
Phone: 412-781-0186 | Fax: 412-781-4316
                                                             Kathi Sterling                 Saint Joseph Parish
                        CLERGY                               412-963-8885 x306
Fr. Dale DeNinno                   Pastor/Administrator      Debbie VanDemark            Saint Scholastica Parish
412-963-8885 x 304                                 
Fr. Michael Decewicz               Parochial Vicar           412-781-0186
412-784-8700                                                 Marilyn Welsh               Saint Padre Pio Parish
Fr. William Siple                  Parochial Vicar           412-828-4066
Deacon Robert Wertz, Jr.
412-784-8700                                                           SAINT JOSEPH PRESCHOOL
Fr. Dozie Egbe                     In Residence
                                                             Nancy Whistler                 Director
Fr. Hyeong Cheol Lee               In Residence              412-963-8885 x302
Fr. John Mark Ogu                  In Residence
                                                             Terri Weir                     Administrative Assistant
               FAITH FORMATION &                             412-963-8885 x302
                YOUTH MINISTRY
Sara Octave                    Director of Faith Formation
                                                                      FACILITIES MAINTENANCE                                        George Cavlovich               Saint Joseph Parish
412-963-8885 x301
                                                             Jerry Auen, Scott Auen,        Saint Juan Diego Parish
Andrew Bechman                 Adult Faith Formation         Franco Ferraro                             and Henry Sacco
412-781-0186 x18
                                                             Todd Daigneau                  Saint Padre Pio Parish
Meredith Troyan              Coordinator of Youth Ministry                          Bruce Hassing                  Saint Scholastica Parish
412-781-0186 x20                                             and Calvin Brookins

                                                                          Website: www.LAVCatholic.or g
                 MUSIC MINISTRY                                  Diocesan Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-888-808-1235
Virginia Ambrose                                                          PA Child Line: 1-800-932-0313
412-781-0186 x17                                              To watch our weekend Mass and other devotions online go to
Thomas Octave                                             Subscribe to Flocknote to receive updates by text or email:
412-867-5032                                                             Text “LAVRC” to the number “84576”
                                                                           OR go to
David Volcheck                                                               Follow us on Facebook at:
412-651-2067                                                          Lower Allegheny Valley Catholic Community
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
SAINT JOSEPH PARISH                                               SAINT PADRE PIO PARISH
SATURDAY            June 12—11 Sunday in Ordinary Time            SUNDAY               June 13—11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
 4:00 pm            † Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kizior (Joseph Kizior)    Saint Francis of Assisi Church
SUNDAY              June 13—11th Sunday in Ordinary Time           8:00 am             † John J. Jesih (Grace Jesih & Family)
 9:00 am            † Alexander Fallon (Family)                   Saint Edward Church
11:00 am            † Carmen Fusca (Antoinette Riga-White)        10:00 am             † Pamela Miele (Family)
MONDAY              June 14—Weekday in Ordinary Time              THURSDAY             June 17—Weekday in Ordinary Time
 8:00 am            † Annette Pontier (Sam & Susan Pontier)       Saint Edward Church
TUESDAY             June 15—Weekday in Ordinary Time               9:00 am          † George Wachter (Sis Wachter )
 8:00 am            No Intention                                  FRIDAY               June 18—Weekday in Ordinary Time
WEDNESDAY           June 16—Weekday in Ordinary Time              Saint Edward Church
 8:00 am            No Intention                                   9:00 am          The people of Saint Padre Pio Parish
THURSDAY            June 17—Weekday in Ordinary Time              SATURDAY             June 19—Weekday in Ordinary Time
 8:00 am            No Intention                                  Saint Edward Church
                                                                   9:00 am          † Joe Wachter (Daughters)
FRIDAY              June 18—Weekday in Ordinary Time
 8:00 am            The people of Saint Joseph Parish             SUNDAY               June 20—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                                                  Saint Francis of Assisi Church
SATURDAY            June 19—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time           8:00 am             † Kevin Milan (Family)
 4:00 pm            † Jeff Marmarella (Family)
                                                                  Saint Edward Church
SUNDAY              June 20—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time          10:00 am             † Audrey Friel (Jack Friel)
 9:00 am            † Dr. F. Bryan Kennedy (The Kennedy Family)
11:00 am            † Charles VanDyke (Cathy & Ed Onderick)

                                                                             SAINT SCHOLASTICA PARISH
             SAINT JUAN DIEGO PARISH                              SATURDAY            June 12—11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                                   th                              5:00 pm            † Mary Jo Romano (Robert & Joanne Saunders)
SATURDAY           June 12—11 Sunday in Ordinary Time
Madonna Church                                                    SUNDAY              June 13—11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
 4:30 pm           † Sylvia Kelly (Mary & Jim)                     9:30 am            † Jean Eckert (Husband)
SUNDAY             June 13—11th Sunday in Ordinary Time           12:00 Noon          † Josephine & Arthur Bonessa (Family)
Saint Mary Church                                                 MONDAY              June 14—Weekday in Ordinary Time
11:30 am          † Berniece (Hoover) Fleissner                   10:00 am            The people of Saint Scholastica Parish
                  (The Price & Fleissner Families)
                                                                  TUESDAY             June 15—Weekday in Ordinary Time
MONDAY             June 14—Weekday in Ordinary Time               10:00 am            † Helen Kennedy (Family)
Madonna Church
10:00 am           † Joann Subasic (Husband, Bob, & Family)       WEDNESDAY           June 16—Weekday in Ordinary Time
                                                                  10:00 am            † Peg DiPasquale (The Saunders Family)
TUESDAY            June 15—Weekday in Ordinary Time
Madonna Church                                                    THURSDAY            June 17—Weekday in Ordinary Time
 9:00 am           † Anthony Bruno (Cousin, Mary Ann)             10:00 am            † Stanley Marsico, birthday (Tish Marsico)
WEDNESDAY          June 16—Weekday in Ordinary Time               FRIDAY              June 18—Weekday in Ordinary Time
Madonna Church                                                    10:00 am            † William C. Bellin (Lena Cucio)
 9:00 am           † Mary Tomanio                                 SATURDAY            June 19—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
                   (Christian Mothers and Rosary Society)          5:00 pm            † William Saunders, birthday (Lonie Brice)
SATURDAY           June 19—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time           SUNDAY              June 20—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Madonna Church                                                     9:30 am            † Dolores Rueger
 4:30 pm           † John & Virginia Sacco (Family)                                   (Mr. & Mrs. Gerard E. Werries & Family)
SUNDAY             June 20—12th Sunday in Ordinary Time           12:00 Noon          The people of Saint Scholastica Parish
Saint Mary Church
11:30 am          † Raffaele Russano
                  (Parents, Mr. & Mrs. Raffaele Russano)

                                                                             TABERNACLE VIGIL CANDLE
                                                                                              Week of June 13
                     REST IN PEACE                                Saint Scholastica: For the students and faculty of CDTCA
                                                                                     (Kathleen McAndrews)
Saint Pio:         Sandra L. Mulley  May 26, 2021
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
 8:00 am     Saint Joseph Church               Fr. Mike Decewicz                 SACRAMENTS and MORE
             Monday through Friday
 9:00 am     Madonna of Jerusalem Church       Fr. Dale DeNinno        Baptisms: Celebrated during any of the weekend liturgies or
             Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday                                after the last Sunday liturgy (11:00am at Saint Joseph, 11:30am
             Saint Edward Church                                       at Saint Mary, 12:00pm at Saint Scholastica). First time parents
             Thursday, Friday, Saturday                                must complete a baptism preparation class. Contact the parish
10:00 am     Saint Scholastica Church          Fr. Bill Siple
                                                                       office of the appropriate church for details.
             Monday through Friday                                     Weddings: Celebrated at 2:00pm on Saturdays. Contact the
                                                                       parish office of the appropriate church at least six months before
SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES—JUNE 19                                          the desired date.
 4:00 pm     Saint Joseph Church               Fr. Bill Siple
                                                                       Funerals: Offered at 10:00am, Monday through Saturday.
 4:30 pm     Madonna of Jerusalem Church       Fr. Dale DeNinno
                                                                       Anointing of the Sick: Please contact the appropriate parish
 5:00 pm     Saint Scholastica Church          Fr. Mike Decewicz
SUNDAY MASSES—JUNE 20                                                  Sacrament of Reconciliation: See the bulletin schedule for
 8:00 am     Saint Francis of Assisi Church    Fr. Mike Decewicz       times and locations.
 9:00 am     Saint Joseph Church               Fr. Bill Siple          Mass Intentions: Offered at each Mass for deceased loved
 9:30 am     Saint Scholastica Church          Fr. Dale DeNinno        ones or for other special intentions. Please call the parish office
10:00 am     Saint Edward Church               Fr. Mike Decewicz       to schedule.
11:00 am     Saint Joseph Church               Fr. Bill Siple          Family Faith Formation: Offered for grades K-8 on Sunday
11:00 am     Saint John Cantius Church         Fr. Lee (Korean Mass)   afternoons and Wednesday evenings at Saint Joseph Church,
11:30 am     Saint Mary Church                 Fr. Dale DeNinno        September through April. Contact the Faith Formation Office at
                                                                       412-963-8885 for details or to register.
12:00 noon   Saint Scholastica Church          Fr. Mike Decewicz
                                                                       Volunteer Opportunities: All parishioners are encouraged
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                                            to contribute their time and talents to the church. We have
Every Saturday                                                         opportunities to serve at Mass as lectors, Extraordinary
 9:30-10:00 am   Saint Edward Church                                   Ministers of Communion, ushers, music ministers and altar
                                                                       servers. Please contact the parish office for information on all
11:30-12:00 noon Saint Joseph Church                                   our volunteer opportunities. All staff and volunteers in the
 3:30-4:00 pm    Madonna of Jerusalem Church                           Diocese of Pittsburgh are required to obtain clearances and
Every Thursday                                                         training to comply with the Safe Environment Policy. See
 6:30-7:00 pm       Saint Scholastica Church                  or contact the parish office for details.
                                                                       Membership: To register at one of the Lower Allegheny Valley
                                                                       Catholic parishes, update your contact information, or let us
       SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK                                 know if you or a family member is homebound or has moved to
Sunday—June 13                                                         a nursing home, please use the form at the end of this bulletin or
Ezekiel 17:22-24 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Mark 4:26-34                     contact the appropriate parish office.
Monday—June 14
2 Corinthians 6:1-10                   Matthew 5:38-42
Tuesday—June 15
2 Corinthians 8:1-9                    Matthew 5:43-48
Wednesday—June 16
2 Corinthians 9:6-11                   Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Thursday—June 17                                                                            Collection for June 5 & 6:
2 Corinthians 11:1-11                  Matthew 6:7-15
                                                                               Saint Joseph Parish:                     $10,256
Friday—June 18                                                                  Needed each week:                       $10,500
2 Corinthians 11:18, 21-30             Matthew 6:19-23
                                                                            Saint Juan Diego Parish:                    $3,935
Saturday—June 19                                                               Needed each week:                        $7,550
2 Corinthians 12:1-10                  Matthew 6:24-34
Sunday—June 20                                                               Saint Padre Pio Parish:                    $3,435
Job 38:1, 8-11     2 Corinthians 5:14-17 Mark 4:35-41                          Needed each week:                        $6,950
                                                                            Saint Scholastica Parish:                   $6,506
                                                                               Needed each week:                        $7,950
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
Dear Parishioners,                                          --------------------------------------
   We've come a long way since the initiation of the
                                                               FOR PURPOSES OF PLANNING FOR THE
Lower Allegheny Valley grouping of parishes in
                                                                     “NEW PARISH” SOCIAL
October of 2018, but it has not been without a few
bumps in the road. Nonetheless, we have persevered
                                                                        Please return this form in the mail to
and with mutual encouragement we have arrived at a
                                                                 342 Dorseyville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15215
time and place where now we can speak of Christ the
                                                                        or place it in a sealed envelope
King Parish, compr ised of the six chur ches of Saint
                                                                         marked “New Parish Social”
Edward in Blawnox, Saint Francis of Assisi in Harmar,
                                                                      and drop it in the collection basket
Saint Joseph in O'Hara, Madonna of Jerusalem & Saint
                                                                     at Mass no later than June 27, 2021.
Mary in Sharpsburg, and Saint Scholastica in
                                                            Yes, I/we will be in attendance at the Prayer Service
    While we will always honor the various patron           and Social to mark the official beginning of Christ the
saints of the individual churches, going forward we         King Parish to be held on Thur sday evening - July
will now speak of a new and much larger parish              1, 2021, starting at 7:00 pm in Saint Joseph Church.
community of faith under the title of Christ the King.
Like so many other changes, it will take some time            Family Name ____________________________
getting accustomed to the new name. But the name
comes easily to the lips and is easier still to remember.     Number in Attendance _____________________
    I believe that Bishop Zubik has honored our new
parish community in deciding upon such a prominent          --------------------------------------
and powerful sacred name by which we will be known.
Without discounting the other four names that were on
our list of five that were presented for the Bishop’s       Residence in Retirement: With the agr eement of Fr .
consideration (Saint John the A postle, Christ the          Dale DeNinno and the permission of Bishop David
Servant, Saint Dominic and Saint Bruno), the name           Zubik, Father Mike Decewicz will take up residence in
chosen for us recognizes who Jesus Christ is and His        the former rectory of Saint Francis of Assisi Church in
centrality in our lives. John, Dominic and Bruno would      Harmar. In retirement he will dedicate his time and
                                                            energy to the work of the Addiction Recovery Ministry
certainly have seen themselves as Servants of Christ
                                                            and use the facilities of the church and social hall to
and honored Him as King.
                                                            extend spiritual and educational support, along with
    One of the things that changes with the                 AA meetings for those who are working on sobriety.
establishment of a “new parish with a new name” is          FYI: This arrangement will NOT interfere with the
our banking. Beginning on July 1, 2021 Christ the           Sunday morning 8:00 o'clock Mass in Saint Francis of
King Parish will use the ser vices of Fir st                Assisi Church. That will continue.
Commonwealth. Everyone will also have to get into           Parish Share Program donations ser ve to suppor t
the new habit of making your regular parish donation        the administrative work of the Diocese of Pittsburgh
checks payable to: Christ the King Parish. It will          and help in their charitable outreach to those in need.
probably take some time to break the old habit and          As you know, when a parish exceeds their yearly
begin a new one.                                            assessed goal, the extra money is available for projects
   Dear sisters and brothers, may God look kindly           at the local scene. For example, a new sidewalk was
upon us as we move forward together in faith, hope          recently installed behind Saint Scholastica Church
and love.                                                   which will make access to the offices much easier and
                                                            safer. The cost of the sidewalk was paid for with
                                                            excess Parish Share Program donations that were
                                                            contributed in 2020. Thank you to everyone who so
                                                            generously shares of their treasure.
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
                             PARISH NEWS
Missionary Cooperation Plan for 2021: The second
collection for the Sisters of Charity and their mission work
in Ecuador and South Korea will be taken this weekend,
June 12-13. The Sisters of Charity were founded by Saint
Elizabeth Ann Seton. Their motherhouse is located in                        Heavenly Father,
Greensburg.                                                             our hearts are open to you
Coming Back to Mass: Following the advice of local,              as we discover the mystery of your love
state and federal guidelines as provided by the Center for                 at work in our lives.
Disease Control (CDC), Bishop Zubik has directed that our            Help us to rediscover each day
churches may be open at 100% capacity. In addition,
effective immediately, wearing masks indoors is no longer              the power of that same love
required in church for those who have been fully vaccinated.   through the sacred gift of our Catholic faith.
Please God, keep us healthy and safe as we return to worship
and the celebration of Mass.
                                                                              Jesus our Lord,
Virtual Parish Assembly: The diocese has r equir ed that
                                                                 in baptism we connect our lives with you
parish groupings present information relevant to the merger
of parishes. A thorough and creative virtual parish assembly                    as disciples.
has been prepared and is available for your viewing at:                Help us to reconnect each day It is 43 minutes in length and is well                    and allow our faith life
worth your time. With music, pictorial imagery and the
spoken word, you are given the opportunity to rediscover …     to be nourished by your Word and Sacrament
to reconnect … and to recommit to all that it will mean                      through the prayer
for four parishes to come together as ONE.                           of our weekly attendance at Mass.
The Men's Shelter is in need of sever al items for their
evening meal on Saturday, June 26. Please help the homeless                     Holy Spirit,
by providing a portion of their meal. Sign up today at                                           breathe into us faith, hope and love
Saint Francis of Assisi Church: As we join together in                    as we commit ourselves
our new parish, we are interested in learning more about the           to a new and bold Pentecost.
history of Saint Francis Parish. If any parishioners have             Help us to recommit each day
documents that might shed light on this history, please
                                                                    through our energy and resources
A Memorial Mass will be held for J oe Zabor owski on               to the life of our parish community.
Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 10:30 am in Saint Mary Church.
All are welcome.                                                             Give us the grace
                                                                               to rediscover,
                                                                                to reconnect
                                                                              and to recommit
                                                                       to all that is good and holy.
                                                                      You are God forever and ever.
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
Around the Diocese . . .
        CHRIST THE KING PARISH                                                Widowed, Divorced, Separated? The loss of a
                                                                              spouse through death, divorce, or separation is a
                                                                              traumatic    experience.     The      Beginning
               CAMP HELPING HAND                                              Experience© Pittsburgh Lay Apostolate will
                                                                              host a 1-day seminar, Coping with Life
                             GRADES 5-8                                       Alone—In the Beginning Program, intended to
                                                                              help widowed, divorced, or separated men and
                          JULY 6-9 * 9AM-2PM                                  women work through their grief and begin to
                                                                              move forward on their life journey. Join us
                                                                              Saturday, July 10, from 8:45am–4:00pm. Fee
                  SAINT JOSEPH CHURCH PAVILION                                is $30.00 (lunch included). Location: Martina
                                                                              Spiritual Renewal Center, 5244 Clarwin Ave,
                342 Dorseyville Road Pittsburgh, PA 15215                     West View, PA 15229. Register by July 1 at
        We will work with local organizations to help those in need.          call to Rob at 412-584-5575 or Mary at 412-
                   *Baking cookies for Family House.                          523-2405.
                 *Planting flowers at the Veterans Place                      Bethany Retreat Center in Fr enchville, PA,
                     *Cleaning up Church grounds                              is a quiet and peaceful place to rest, renew and
                                                                              be recreated for those seeking a deeper
                     *Helping Parishioners in need                            relationship with God. Bethany offers a wide
                                                                              variety of directed retreats that include:
               Register by June 28th * $25 Registration Fee                   Centering Prayer, Health and Wellness, Grief
                       Please return registration to:                         Recovery and more. They also offer Personal
                                                                              Retreats where you can get away from the
                              Meredith Troyan                                 cares of everyday life and focus on your faith
                309 Brilliant Avenue Aspinwall, PA 15215                      journey. To learn more visit their website at
                    Or email                    or call 814-263-
                                                                              4855. “God is Spoken Here.”
        ********************************************                          Walking with Moms in Need is a time of
Child’s Name____________________________________________                      service in which Catholic parishes and
                                                                              communities support local pregnancy centers
Child’s Grade____________                                                     and offer resources to pregnant and parenting
                                                                              women in need. For more information go to
Parent Name_____________________________________________            

Parent Phone Number______________________________________
Parent Email Address______________________________________

                                  Membership Form                                                     Check One:
                                                                                                          New Registration

Address:                                                                                                  Change of Address

                                                                                                          Moving out of Parish

                                                                                                          Requesting Envelopes
City:                                                                  Zip:

Phone:                                          Email:
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
                                                                        412-218-5410 
                                                                  Facebook: Addiction Recovery Ministry Pittsburgh

                                                              Dear Friends,
Members of our community who ar e in need of shor t                   As I prepare to begin my retirement from parochial
-term assistance can contact the LAV Saint Vincent de         ministry, I want to take this opportunity to express my
Paul Society at            gratitude to all of you for your support and prayers, not just
or 412-254-4446.                                              for me, but also for the Addiction Recovery Ministry.
The Aspinwall Homeless Ministry is not currently                      Although I am retiring from parochial ministry, I
accepting donations of clothing. However, they are very       will continue my work with the Addiction Recovery
much in need of non-perishable food items such as             Ministry. I am so grateful for this opportunity to befriend
powdered or shelf-stable milk; soup (both condensed           and minister to those suffering with a substance abuse
and ready to serve, especially beef or vegetable); and        disorder, those in recovery, and their loved ones and friends.
jelly or jam. Please leave donations in plastic bags in the   This ministry allows me to “give back” what I have received
gray bins at the Saint Scholastica church entrance.           during my own struggle with alcohol and subsequent
Donations of Giant Eagle gift cards are gratefully            recovery.
accepted. They can be brought to the Saint Scholastica                Upon retirement, I will be residing at the St. Francis
parish office.                                                of Assisi rectory in Harmar and Addiction Recovery
The St. Vincent de Paul food pantry is r equesting            Ministry will assume the St. Francis site as its center. There
donations of paper towels, tissues, and small packages        will be 12-step meetings, grief support, ongoing
of cookies. Donations can be placed in the following          opportunities for spiritual enrichment and continuing
Church entrances:                                             education.
Saint Edward Church and Saint Francis Church                           I want to take this opportunity to thank Father Dale
Saint Joseph Church (Please leave donations in the            for his heartfelt support, encouragement, and prayers. Also
drawer in the vestibule.)                                     “The Campaign for The Church Alive” for their grants,
Saint Scholastica Church (Please put donations in the         which have made this ministry possible.
red collection bin.)                                                  May we always continue to pray for each other.
Clothing Donations: The St. Vincent DePaul Society is                                 Peace,
accepting donations at the clothing collection bin in the
back parking lot of Saint Francis Church.                                             Father Michael
The LAV parishes provide a hot meal for the
women’s shelter at Bethlehem Haven on the first               A.R.M. is collaborating with the Light of Life Rescue
Sunday of each month and the men’s shelter at                 Mission to pr ovide a monthly bagged lunch for their
Community House on the fourth Saturday of each
                                                              guests. Items needed for the Light of Life lunches include
month. For details on how you can participate in this
ministry, go to            juice boxes or individual powder packets, small bags of
                                                              chips, tuna salad/chicken salad/ham salad with crackers in a
Stamp Out Hunger is occur r ing vir tually this year .        box, fruit cups, big bags of candy or candy bars.
To donate, go to
staouhun202/. Click on “Donate Now” and “Select a             Please drop donations at the John Paul I Center or contact
Pantry” to donate to St. Vincent de Paul of Sharpsburg.       Rosemarie at 412-784-8700.
The post office currently has plans to do a food drive in     The OTHER Serenity Prayer: God, gr ant me the
the fall. Thank you for your support!                         serenity to stop beating myself up for not doing things
Remember to check those expiration dates! All of              perfectly, the courage to forgive myself because I’m
our local charities greatly appreciate your donations of      working on doing better, and the wisdom to know that you
non-perishable foods. Before you donate, please take a        already love me just the way I am.
moment to check the expiration dates. Charities cannot
accept expired food items.
THE CATHOLIC PARISHES of - Saint Joseph Saint Juan Diego Saint Padre Pio Saint Scholastica -
The Gloria                                          First Reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth           Thus says the Lord GOD:
peace to people of good will.                       I, too, will take from the crest of the cedar,
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you,              from its topmost branches tear off a tender shoot,
we glorify you, we give you thanks for your         and plant it on a high and lofty mountain;
great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God             on the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it.
almighty Father.                                    It shall put forth branches and bear fruit,
                                                        and become a majestic cedar.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only-begotten Son, Lord
                                                    Birds of every kind shall dwell beneath it,
God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you
                                                        every winged thing in the shade of its boughs.
take away the sins of the world, have mercy
                                                    And all the trees of the field shall know
on us. You take away the sins of the world,
                                                        that I, the LORD,
receive our prayer. You are seated at the right
                                                    bring low the high tree,
hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
                                                        lift high the lowly tree,
For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are       wither up the green tree,
the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus            and make the withered tree bloom.
Christ, with the Holy Spirit in the glory of        As I, the LORD, have spoken, so will I do.
God the Father.
                                                    Responsorial Psalm
                                                    Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.
                                                    Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:6-10
The Nicene Creed                                    Brothers and sisters:
I believe in one God, the Father almighty,          We are always courageous,
maker of heaven and earth, of all things            although we know that while we are at home in the body
visible and invisible.                              we are away from the Lord,
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only        for we walk by faith, not by sight.
Begotten Son of God, born of the Father             Yet we are courageous,
before all ages. God from God, Light from           and we would rather leave the body and go home to the Lord.
Light, true God from true God, begotten, not        Therefore, we aspire to please him,
made, consubstantial with the Father; through       whether we are at home or away.
him all things were made. For us men and for        For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
our salvation he came down from heaven,             so that each may receive recompense,
                                                    according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil.
[Bow] and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate
      of the Virgin Mary, and became man.           Gospel: Mark 4:26-34
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius         Jesus said to the crowds:
Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and       “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to
rose again on the third day in accordance with      scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and
the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is      through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its
seated at the right hand of the Father. He will     own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full
come again in glory to judge the living and         grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once,
the dead and his kingdom will have no end.          for the harvest has come.”
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver   He said, “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, or what
of life, who proceeds from the Father and the       parable can we use for it? It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown
Son, who with the Father and the Son is             in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. But once it is
adored and glorified, who has spoken through        sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large
the prophets.                                       branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” With many
                                                    such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to understand
I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic
                                                    it. Without parables he did not speak to them, but to his own disciples he
Church. I confess one Baptism for the
                                                    explained everything in private.
forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the
resurrection of the dead and the life of the
world to come.
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