The CARE Dataset for Affective Response Detection

Page created by Ronnie Wade
The CARE Dataset for Affective Response Detection
The CARE Dataset for Affective Response Detection

                                                                 Jane A. Yu                                   Alon Y. Halevy
                                                                  Meta AI                                        Meta AI

                                                               Abstract                          Towards this end, a key technical problem is to
                                                                                                 predict the affective response that a user may have
                                             Social media plays an increasing role in our
                                                                                                 when they see a post. Some affective responses
                                             communication with friends and family, and
                                             our consumption of information and entertain-       can be described by emotions (e.g., angry, joyful),
arXiv:2201.11895v1 [cs.LG] 28 Jan 2022

                                             ment. Hence, to design effective ranking func-      and others may be described more as experiences
                                             tions for posts on social media, it would be use-   (e.g., entertained, inspired). Predicting affective
                                             ful to predict the affective response to a post     response differs from emotion detection in that the
                                             (e.g., whether the user is likely to be humored,    latter focuses on the emotions expressed by the pub-
                                             inspired, angered, informed). Similar to work       lisher of the post (referred to as the publisher affect
                                             on emotion recognition (which focuses on the        in Chen et al. (2014)) and not on the viewer of the
                                             affect of the publisher of the post), the tra-
                                                                                                 content. While the publisher’s emotion may be rel-
                                             ditional approach to recognizing affective re-
                                             sponse would involve an expensive investment        evant to the affective response, it only provides a
                                             in human annotation of training data.               partial signal.
                                             We introduce CAREdb , a dataset of 230k so-            Current approaches to predicting affective re-
                                             cial media posts annotated according to 7 af-       sponse require obtaining training data from human
                                             fective responses using the Common Affective        annotators who try to classify content into classes
                                             Response Expression (CARE) method. The              of a given taxonomy. However, obtaining enough
                                             CARE method is a means of leveraging the sig-       training data can be expensive, and moreover, due
                                             nal that is present in comments that are posted     to the subjective nature of the problem, achieving
                                             in response to a post, providing high-precision
                                                                                                 consensus among annotators can be challenging.
                                             evidence about the affective response of the
                                             readers to the post without human annotation.          This paper introduces the Common Affective
                                             Unlike human annotation, the annotation pro-        Response Expression method (CARE for short), a
                                             cess we describe here can be iterated upon to       means of obtaining labels for affective response in
                                             expand the coverage of the method, particu-         an unsupervised way from the comments written in
                                             larly for new affective responses. We present       response to online posts. CARE uses patterns and
                                             experiments that demonstrate that the CARE
                                                                                                 a keyword-affect mapping to identify expressions
                                             annotations compare favorably with crowd-
                                             sourced annotations. Finally, we use CAREdb         in comments that provide high-precision evidence
                                             to train competitive BERT-based models for          about the affective response of the readers to the
                                             predicting affective response as well as emo-       post. For example, the expression “What a hilar-
                                             tion detection, demonstrating the utility of the    ious story” may indicate that a post is humorous
                                             dataset for related tasks.                          and “This is so cute” may indicate that a post is
                                                                                                 adorable. We seed the system with a small number
                                         1   Introduction                                        of high-precision patterns and mappings. We then
                                         Social media and other online media platforms           iteratively expand on the initial set by considering
                                         have become a common means of both interacting          frequent patterns and keywords in unlabeled com-
                                         and connecting with others as well as finding inter-    ments on posts labeled by the previous iteration.
                                         esting, informing, and entertaining content. Users         Using CARE, we create the largest dataset to
                                         of those platforms depend on the ranking systems        date for affective response, CAREdb , which con-
                                         of the recommendation systems to show them in-          tains 230k posts annotated according to 7 affec-
                                         formation they will be most interested in and to        tive responses. We validate the effectiveness of
                                         safeguard them against unfavorable experiences.         CARE by comparing the CARE annotations with
The CARE Dataset for Affective Response Detection
crowd-sourced annotations. Our experiments show            based approach and the ML-approach, the classes
that there is a high degree of agreement between           of emotions predicted in these works are usually
the annotators and the labels proposed by CARE             non-extendable or require additional labeled data.
(e.g., in 90% of the cases, at least two out of three         While there are some commonalities between
annotators agree with all the CARE labels). Fur-           works in emotion detection and affective response
thermore, we show that the CARE patterns/lexicon           detection, the problems are distinct enough that
have greater accuracy than applying SOTA emo-              we cannot simply apply emotion recognition tech-
tion recognition techniques to the comments. Us-           niques to our setting. Emotion recognition focuses
ing CAREdb , we train CARE - BERT, a BERT-based            on the publisher affect (the affect of the person
model that can predict affective response without          writing the text). The publisher affect may pro-
relying on comments. CARE - BERT provides strong           vide a signal about the affective response of the
baseline performance for the task of predicting af-        reader, but there is no simple mapping from one
fective response, on par with the SOTA models for          to the other. For example, being ‘angered’ is an
emotion recognition. Furthermore, we show that             affective response that does not only result from
CARE - BERT can be used for transfer learning to a         reading an angry post – it can result from a mul-
different emotion-recognition task, achieving sim-         titude of different publisher affects (e.g. excited,
ilar performance to Demszky et al. (2020) which            angry, sympathetic, embarrassed, or arrogant). For
relied on manually-labeled training data.                  some affective responses, such as being ‘grateful’
                                                           or feeling ‘connected’ to a community, the corre-
2     Related work                                         sponding publisher affect is highly unclear.

We first situate our work with respect to previous         2.2   Affective response detection
research on related tasks.                                 There have been some works that address affective
                                                           response in limited settings, such as understanding
2.1    Emotion detection in text
                                                           reader responses to online news (Katz et al., 2007;
Approaches to emotion detection can be broadly             Strapparava and Mihalcea, 2007; Lin et al., 2008;
categorized into three groups: lexicon-based, ma-          Lei et al., 2014). In contrast, our goal is to address
chine learning, and hybrid approaches which com-           the breadth of content on social media. There are
bine ideas from the first two. The lexicon-based           works which use Facebook reactions as a proxy
approach typically leverages lexical resources such        for affective response, but these are constrained
as lexicons, bags of words, or ontologies and of-          by the pre-defined set of reactions (Clos et al.,
ten uses several grammatical and logical rules to          2017; Raad et al., 2018; Pool and Nissim, 2016;
guide emotion prediction (Tao, 2004; Ma et al.,            Graziani et al., 2019; Krebs et al., 2017). The work
2005; Asghar et al., 2017). Though these rule-             described in Rao et al. (2014) and Bao et al. (2012)
based methods are fast and interpretable, they are         attempts to associate emotions with topics, but a
often not as robust and flexible because they rely         single topic can have a large variety of affective
on the presence of keywords existing in the lex-           responses when seen on social media, and therefore
icon (Alswaidan and Menai, 2020; Acheampong                their model does not apply to our case. Some works
et al., 2020). Additionally, the scope of emotions         in the computer vision community study affective
predicted by these works is usually fairly small,          response to images (Chen et al., 2014; Jou et al.,
ranging from two to five, and most datasets uti-           2014); as they note, most of the work in the vision
lized are usually smaller than 10k (making it un-          community also focuses on publisher affect.
clear if they extrapolate well). Among the ML
approaches, many SOTA works employ deep learn-             2.3   Methods for unsupervised labeling
ing methods such as LSTM, RNN, DNN (Demszky                A major bottleneck in developing models for emo-
et al., 2020; Felbo et al., 2017; Barbieri et al., 2018;   tion and affective response detection is the need for
Huang et al., 2019a; Baziotis et al., 2017; Huang          large amounts of training data. As an alternative
et al., 2019b). However, while many of the deep            to manually-labeled data, many works utilize meta-
learning models have shown significant improve-            data such as hashtags, emoticons, and Facebook
ment over prior techniques, the results are highly         reactions as pseudo-labels (Wang et al., 2012; Sut-
uninterpretable and typically require prohibitively        tles and Ide, 2013; Hasan et al., 2014; Mohammad
large human-labeled datasets. In both the lexicon-         and Kiritchenko, 2015). However, these can be
The CARE Dataset for Affective Response Detection
highly noisy and limited in scope. For example,             The CARE lexicon is a dictionary which maps
there exist only seven Facebook reactions, and they      a word or phrase to a particular affect. The CARE
do not necessarily correspond to distinct affective      lexicon contains 163 indicators for the 7 classes
responses. Additionally, for abstract concepts like      we consider (123 of which were identified in the
emotions, hashtagged content may only capture a          expansion process described in the next section).
superficial interpretation of the concept. For exam-     We also considered using other lexicons (Strappar-
ple, #inspiring on Instagram will give many photos       ava and Valitutti, 2004; Poria et al., 2014; Staiano
featuring selfies or obvious inspirational quotes,       and Guerini, 2014; Esuli and Sebastiani, 2006; Mo-
which do not sufficiently represent inspiration. The     hammad et al., 2013), but we found that they were
work we present here extracts labels from free-form      lacking enough application context to be useful in
text in comments rather than metadata. The work          our setting. Table 1 shows the affects in the CARE
done in Sintsova and Pu (2016) is similar to our         lexicon and corresponding definitions and exam-
work in that it pseudo-labels tweets and extends         ple comments that would fall under each affect (or
its lexicon, but the classifier itself is a keyword,     class). The classes excited, angered, saddened, and
rule-based approach and is heavily reliant on the        scared were chosen since they are often proposed
capacity of these lexicons. In contrast, our work        as the four basic emotions (Wang et al., 2011; Jack
leverages the high precision of CARE and uses            et al., 2014; Gu et al., 2016; Zheng et al., 2016).
these results to train a model, which is not con-        The classes adoring, amused, and approving were
strained by the lexicon size in its predictions. Our     established because they are particularly important
method also employs bootstrapping to expand the          in the context of social media for identifying posi-
set of patterns and lexicon, similar to Agichtein and    tive content that users enjoy. Overall, a qualitative
Gravano (2000) and Jones et al. (1999) but focuses       inspection indicated that these seven have minimal
on extracting affect rather than relation tuples.        conceptual overlap and sufficiently broad coverage.
                                                         We note, however, that one of the benefits of the
3     The CARE Method                                    method we describe is that it is relatively easy to
                                                         build a model for a new class of interest compared
We start with a formal description in Section 3.1        to the process of human annotation.
of the major components of CARE: CARE pat-                  Contrary to the CARE lexicon, CARE patterns
terns, regular expressions used to extract informa-      are not class-specific and leverage common struc-
tion from the comments of a post, and the CARE           ture present in comments for affective response ex-
lexicon, a keyword-affect dictionary used to map         traction. There is an unlimited number of possible
the comment to an affect. Section 3.2 describes          CARE patterns, but some are much more prevalent
how we use these components at the comment-level         than others. Below we describe six CARE patterns
to predict affective responses to a social media post,   which were initially given to the system manually.
and in turn, how to use the predictions to expand        In total, there are 23 patterns and the remaining 17
the CARE patterns and lexicon.                           were discovered using the expansion method. In
                                                         the same spirit as Hearst Patterns (Hearst, 1992),
3.1   CARE patterns and the CARE lexicon
                                                         CARE patterns are tailored to extract specific re-
Before we proceed, we discuss two aspects of affec-      lationships. CARE patterns rely on two sets of
tive responses. First, there is no formal definition     sub-patterns:
of what qualifies as an affective response. In prac-
tice, we use affective responses to understand the          • Exaggerators {E}: words that intensify or ex-
experience that the user has when seeing a piece              aggerate a statement, e.g., so, very, or really.
of content, and these responses may be both emo-            • Indicators {I}: words (up to 3) that exist in
tional and cognitive. Second, the response a user             the CARE lexicon, which maps the indicator
may have to a particular piece of content is clearly          to a particular class. For example, ‘funny’ in
a very personal one. Our goal here is to predict              “This is so funny” would map to amused.
whether a piece of content is generally likely to
elicit a particular affective response. In practice,        We present the six CARE patterns below that
if the recommendation system has models of user          were used to seed the system: (The symbol ∗
interests and behavior, these would need to be com-      (resp. + ) indicates that zero (resp. one) or more
bined with the affect predictions.                       matches are required.)
The CARE Dataset for Affective Response Detection
AR          Definition                                                          Example comment                   Size
  Adoring     Finding someone or something cute, adorable, or attractive.         He is the cutest thing ever.      36
  Amused      Finding something funny, entertaining, or interesting.              That was soooo funny.             30
  Approving   Expressing support, praise, admiration, or pride.                   This is really fantastic!         102
  Excited     Expressing joy, zeal, eagerness, or looking forward to something.   Really looking forward to this!   41
  Angered     Expressing anger, revulsion, or annoyance.                          I’m so frustrated to see this.    26
  Saddened    Expressing sadness, sympathy, or disappointment.                    So sad from reading this.         34
  Scared      Expressing worry, concern, stress, anxiety, or fear.                Extremely worried about finals.    2

Table 1: Definition of affective responses (AR), examples of comments which would map to each affective re-
sponse, and the number of posts (in thousands) per class in CAREdb . The portion of each example which would
match a CARE pattern in a reg-ex search is italicized.

   • Demonstrative Pronouns:                                      Given the reg-ex matches, we use the lexicon
     {this|that|those|these}{is|are}*{E}∗ {I}+                to map the indicators to the publisher affect of the
     Example: This is so amazing!                             comment (e.g., excited). Because the publisher af-
                                                              fect of the comments indicate the affective response
   • Subjective Self Pronouns:                                of a post, we obtain a post-level affective response
     {i|we}{am|is|are|have|has}*{E}∗ {I}+                     label by aggregating the comment-level labels and
     Example: I am really inspired by this recipe.            filtering out labels that have a support smaller than
                                                              t. Specifically, post p would be labeled with the
   • Subjective Non-self Pronouns:
                                                              affective response a if at least t of the comments in
     {he|she|they}{is|are|have|has}*{E}∗ {I}+
                                                              response to p were labeled with a. In our experi-
     Example: They really make me mad.
                                                              ments, we used a value of t = 5, after qualitative
   • Collective Nouns:                                        inspection of CAREdb , discussed in Section 4.
     {some people|humans|society}{E}+ {I}+
     Example: Some people are so dumb.                        Expanding       CARE        patterns/lexicon: We
                                                              seeded our patterns and lexicon with a small
   • Leading Exaggerators: {E}+ {I}+                          intuitive set and then expanded them by looking
     Example: So sad to see this still happens.               at common n-grams that appear across posts with
                                                              the same label (steps A, B1, and B2 of Figure 1,
   • Exclamatory Interrogatives:                              Algorithm 1). At a high level, for a given affect a,
     {what a|how}{E}+ {I}+                                    consider the set, comm(a), of all the comments
     Example: What a beautiful baby!                          on posts that were labeled a, but did not match
                                                              any CARE pattern. From these comments, we
3.2    Labeling posts                                         extract new keywords (e.g. ‘dope’ for approving
The pipeline for labeling posts is shown in steps 1–          as in ‘This is so dope.’) for the CARE lexicon
3 of Figure 1 and described in detail in Algorithm 1          by taking the most frequent n-grams in comm(a)
in the Appendix. We begin with reg-ex matching                but infrequently in comm(b), where b includes
of CARE patterns and individual sentences of the              all classes except a. On the other hand, the most
comments. We truncate the front half of a sentence            common n-grams co-occuring with multiple
if it contains words like ‘but’ or ‘however’ because          classes were converted to regular expressions and
the latter half usually indicates their predominant           then added as new CARE patterns (see Table 5
sentiment. We also reject indicators that contain             for a few examples). We added CARE patterns
negation words such as ‘never’, ‘not’, or ‘cannot’            according to their frequency and stopped when we
(although one could theoretically map this to the             had sufficient data to train our models. After two
opposite affective response using Plutchik’s Wheel            expansion rounds, the set of patterns and indicators
of Emotions (Plutchik, 1980)). Note that contrary             increased from 6 to 23 and 40 to 163, respectively.
to traditional rule-based or machine-learning meth-           Counting the possible combinations of patterns
ods, we do not strip stop words like ‘this’ and ‘very’        and indicators, there are roughly 3500 distinct
because it is often crucial to the regular expression         expressions. When considering the possible 23
matching, and this specificity has a direct impact            CARE patterns, 163 CARE lexicon indicators, and
on the precision of the pipeline.                             37 exaggerators, there are a total of 130k possible
Figure 1: Overview of the CARE Method (pseudo-code in Appendix, Algorithm 1). The top part of the figure
shows the process of labeling a post, while the bottom features how we expand the set of patterns and lexicon. In
step (1), we apply CARE patterns to the comment and extract the indicator. In step (2), we map each comment to
the corresponding affective response using the CARE lexicon. Step (3) aggregates the comment-level labels for a
post-level label. In step (A) we collect all comments of all posts corresponding to a particular affective response
and analyze its most frequent n-grams. N-grams common to multiple classes are added to the CARE patterns (B1)
while frequent n-grams specific to a class are added to the lexicon (B2). This process can then be repeated.

instantiations of a matching comment.                      (resp. 8k) were assigned two (resp. three) labels.
                                                           Note that the distribution of examples per class in
4   Evaluating CAREdb                                      CAREdb is not reflective of the distribution in the
In this section we apply our method to social me-          original data, because CARE matches classes with
dia posts and validate these annotations using hu-         different frequencies. The CAREdb dataset features
man evaluation (Section 4.1). Section 4.2 discusses        the id and text of the post as well as
class-wise error analysis, and in Section 4.3, we ex-      the annotations using CARE.
plore the alternative possibility of creating CAREdb
using a SOTA publisher-affect classifier (Demszky          4.1   Human evaluation
et al., 2020) to label the comments.
                                                           In our next experiment, we evaluate the labels pre-
CAREdb : Our experiments use a dataset that is             dicted by CARE with the help of human annotators
created from Reddit posts and comments in the              using Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT), restricting database that were created between            to those who qualify as AMT Masters and having
2011 and 2019. We create our dataset, CAREdb , as          lifetime approval rating greater than 80%. The
follows. We used CARE patterns and the CARE                dataset for annotation was created as follows. We
lexicon to annotate 34 million comments from               sub-sampled a set of 6000 posts from CAREdb , en-
24 million distinct posts. After filtering with a          suring that we have at least 700 samples from each
threshold of t = 5, we obtained annotations for            class and asked annotators to label the affective re-
400k posts (the total number of posts that have            sponse of each post. Annotators were encouraged
at least 5 comments was 150 million). The low              to select as many as appropriate and also permitted
recall is expected given the specificity of CARE           to choose ‘None of the above’ as shown in Figure 4.
patterns/lexicon. We also filtered out posts that          In addition to the post, we also showed annotators
have less than 10 characters, resulting in a total of      up to 10 sampled comments from the post in order
230k posts in CAREdb . Table 1 shows the break-            to provide more context. Every post was shown
down of cardinality per affective response. 195k of        to three of the 91 distinct annotators. For quality
the posts were assigned a single label, whereas 26k        control, we also verified that there no individual
annotator provided answers that disagreed with the
CARE labels more than 50% of the time on more
than 100 posts.
   Table 2 shows that the rate of agreement be-
tween the annotators and the labels proposed by
the CARE method is pretty high. For example,
94% of posts had at least one label proposed by
CARE that was confirmed by 2 or more annotators,
and 90% had all the labels confirmed. The last
column measures the agreement among annotators
on labels that were not suggested by CARE, which
was 53% when confirmed by 2 or more annotators.
We expected this value to be reasonably large be-
cause the CARE patterns/lexicon were designed to
generate a highly precise set of labels, rather than
                                                           Figure 2: Precision versus recall of each class using
highly comprehensive ones. However, the value
                                                           varying thresholds (t = 0 to 9). Ground truth labels uti-
is still much smaller relative to the agreement rate       lized are those which have at least 2 out of 3 annotator
for the CARE labels. On average, each annotation           agreement. For clarity, only odd values of t are labeled.
answer contained around 1.8 labels per post (with
a standard deviation of 0.9). We note that ‘None of
the above’ was chosen less than 0.2% of the time.          ables us to encode a large number of instantiated
Table 6 and Figure 5 present annotator agreement           patterns parsimoniously, but some pair combina-
statistics and label prevalence, respectively, bro-        tions provide a much weaker signal than others,
ken down by class. Figure 6 shows the Spearman             particularly for the class amused (see Figure 9).
correlation between each class and a hierarchical          Hence, for future iterations of CARE, we have im-
clustering.                                                plemented a mechanism to exclude certain pattern
                                                           and keyword combinations and a means for using
      # Agree   Any CARE      All CARE     Other           different thresholds for each class.
        ≥1           98           96         82               Alternatively, another mechanism for accomo-
        ≥2           94           90         53            dating these class-wise discrepancies in perfor-
        =3           80           76         24            mance is by tuning for each class an optimal thresh-
                                                           old t (i.e., the number of matched comments we
Table 2: The rate of agreement between the annotators
                                                           need to see in order to reliably predict a label). Fig-
and the labels proposed by CARE. The first column
specifies the number of annotators to be used for con-     ure 2 shows how the precision and recall of each
sensus. The rest of the columns shows for all posts, the   class varies according to different threshold val-
average rate of intersection of the human labels with at   ues. To achieve precision and recall greater than
least one CARE label, all CARE labels, and any label       0.7, a threshold of 1 actually seems viable for most
that is not a CARE label.                                  classes, while for amused and excited a threshold of
                                                           at least 3 is needed. In fact, for most of the classes,
                                                           using thresholds larger than 3 has negligible impact
4.2   Error Analysis                                       on the precision score, but does reduce the recall.
Evaluating CARE in the previous sections (Fig-
ure 6, Table 3) revealed that the accuracy of CARE         4.3   Can we leverage emotion classification?
varies by class and in particular, is lower for            Given the potential shortcomings of certain (pat-
amused and excited. To better understand if cer-           tern, keyword) instantiations, a natural question to
tain pattern or indicator matches are at fault here,       ask is whether other SOTA publisher affect classifi-
(i.e., more erroneous than others), we investigate         cation techniques could be used instead of CARE
the precision and recall at the pattern and lexicon        patterns and the CARE lexicon, which together la-
level.                                                     bel the publisher affect of comments (steps 1 and
   Recall that instantiating a match for a comment         2 of Figure 1). As we explained earlier, there is a
involves choosing a (pattern, keyword) combina-            difference between predicting publisher affect and
tion. Separating the lexicon from the patterns en-         predicting affective response. The differences vary
depending on the class considered, and the topic               AR            GoEmotion label          % agree
deserves a full investigation in itself. Section C           Amused             Amusement               79.8
presents initial experiments that indicate that affec-      Approving      Admiration, approval         89.3
                                                             Excited                Joy                 81.3
tive response and publisher affect labels intersect          Angered     Anger, Annoyance, Disgust      93.3
44% of the time.                                            Saddened      Disappointment, sadness       90.9
    Here we show that using CARE patterns and the             Scared         Fear, nervousness          84.9
CARE lexicon performs well compared to using
                                                         Table 3: CARE to GoEmotions mapping. The last col-
SOTA emotion classifiers. Let us define CAREG ,
                                                         umn summarizes the rate at which a human-annotated
a modified version of CARE where steps 1 and             comment in GoEmotions is also labeled the equivalent
2 are replaced with labels using the GoEmotions          class using steps 1 and 2 of CARE, if a label is present.
classifer, a BERT-based model trained using the          The average across all datapoints was 87.3%.
GoEmotions dataset (Demszky et al., 2020). Af-
ter applying the GoEmotions classifier to all com-
ments of the posts with human annotations in             In section 5.2, we describe how CARE - BERT can
CAREdb (Section 4.1), we convert the predicted           be further fine-tuned for related tasks like emotion
GoEmotions labels using the mapping between the          detection.
two taxonomies shown in Table 3. As a sanity
                                                         5.1   Creating and evaluating CARE-BERT
check, we conducted an analysis applying steps 1
and 2 of CARE to the comments in the GoEmo-              We train CARE - BERT with the CARE labels in
tions dataset (see Section D), which shows that the      CAREdb , using the pre-trained model bert-base-
rate of agreement among the labels in the mapping        uncased in the Huggingface library (Wolf et al.,
is high (87.3% overall). We then aggregate and           2020). We use a max length of 512 and we add
filter post labels according to a threshold t.           a dropout layer with a rate of 0.3 and a dense
    CAREG (Table 8) shows a relative decrease of         layer to allow for multi-label classification. We
12.9% and 18.0% in the rate of annotator agreement       used an Adam optimizer with a learning rate of
with any and all labels, respectively, compared to       5e-5, a batch size of 16, and 5 epochs. We used a
that of CARE. These decreases hold even when             train/validation/test split of 80/10/10%. See Sec-
partitioning on each individual class. The compara-      tion H for other settings we explored and Table 9
tively lower performance of CAREG is most likely         for the results of a binary model (positive vs. nega-
due to the low F1-scores (
AR        Precision   Recall   F1
         Adoring       0.78       0.67    0.72
         Amused        0.73       0.55    0.63
        Approving      0.81       0.74    0.77
         Excited       0.70       0.50    0.59
         Angered       0.75       0.65    0.70
        Saddened       0.84       0.71    0.77
          Scared       0.67       0.29    0.41
        micro-avg      0.78       0.65    0.71
        macro-avg      0.76       0.59    0.66
          stdev        0.06       0.16    0.13

  Table 4: Accuracy of CARE - BERT using CAREdb .

sponse, as considered in this work. Our experiment
explores transfer learning to predict the labels in      Figure 3: The F1-score of each model using varying
                                                         training set sizes of the ISEAR dataset. The light blue
the ISEAR dataset using an additional drop-out
                                                         line refers to using CARE - BERT, but with freezing all
layer of 0.3 and a dense layer.                          parameters except in the last layer. The dark blue
    Our experiments follow closely to that of Dem-       refers to the same but without any freezing. Lastly,
szky et al. (2020) and use different training set        the purple line refers to the same architecture as CARE -
sizes (500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 6000). To ac-          BERT (no freezing) but trained on GoEmotions instead

count for the potential noisy performance in low         of CAREdb , and the red line is trained only on the
                                                         ISEAR dataset using a bert-base-uncased model with
samples, we do 10 different train-test splits. We
                                                         the same hyperparameters.
plot the average and standard deviation in the F1-
scores across these 10 splits in Figure 3. We com-
pare four different fine-tuning setups: the first two    reliable unsupervised labeling.
are trained using CARE - BERT and then fine-tuned
on the benchmark dataset, one with no parameter          6   Conclusion
freezing (no_freeze), and one with all layers but the    We described a method for extracting training data
last two frozen (freeze). The third setup is similar     for models that predicts the affective response to a
to CARE - BERT (no_freeze) but is trained on GoE-        post on social media. CARE is an efficient, accu-
motions rather than CAREdb . The last setup is the       rate, and scalable way of collecting unsupervised
bert-base-uncased model trained only on ISEAR,           labels and can be extended to new classes. Using
where all setups use the same architecture and hy-       CARE, we created CAREdb , a large dataset which
perparameters as discussed in Section 5.                 can be used for affective response detection and
    Our values differ slightly from that cited in Dem-   other related tasks, as demonstrated by the compet-
szky et al. (2020) due to the small differences in       itive performance of CARE - BERT to similar BERT-
architecture and hyperparameters. However, the           based models in emotion detection. The CARE
overall results corroborate that of Demszky et al.       patterns, lexicon, CAREdb , and CARE - BERT are
(2020) in that models with additional pre-training       made available on github.
perform better than the baseline (no additional pre-        There are two main cases in which CARE does
training) for limited sample sizes. From Figure 3,       not provide as much benefit: (1) when there does
it is apparent that CARE - BERT and the model built      not exist a set of common phrases that are indica-
from GoEmotions perform essentially on par in            tive of an affect, and (2) when an indicator maps to
these transfer learning experiments in spite of the      multiple affects. In the latter case, there is still par-
fact that CARE - BERT does not utilize human anno-       tial information that can be gleaned from the labels.
tations. It is also worth noting that GoEmotions         In addition to developing methods for the above
and the ISEAR dataset address the same task (emo-        cases, future work also includes incorporating emo-
tion detection) while CARE - BERT predicts affective     jis, negations, and punctuation, and extending to
response. The comparable performance of CARE -           new classes. Finally, we also plan to investigate the
BERT with the GoEmotions models demonstrates             use of CARE for predicting the affective response
the utility of CARE - BERT for other tasks with lim-     to images as well as multi-modal content such as
ited data and the promise of CARE as a means of          memes.
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A    Details on expanding CARE patterns                    Figure 4 shows the interface used for crowd-
                                                           sourcing human annotations for evaluating CARE
Algorithm 1 presents pseudo-code for the process           patterns. To better understand annotation results
of labeling posts and expanding CARE patterns              for each class, we present Table 6, which shows an-
and the CARE lexicon. Table 5 presents example             notator agreement statistics broken down by class.
results from the expansion process.                        We also computed Fleiss’ kappa for each class,
                                                           where a value between 0.41-0.60 is generally con-
           n-gram        frequency      class              sidered moderate agreement and a value between
           adorable        9000       Adoring              0.61-0.80 is substantial agreement. As can be seen,
           gorgeous        8422       Adoring              classes such as adoring have high average anno-
           fantastic       7796      Approving             tator support and Fleiss’ kappa while others like
          interesting      5742       Amused
        sorry for your     5202      Saddened              amused have low average annotator support and
           brilliant       4205      Approving             Fleiss’ kappa, an observation that aligns with the
             fake          2568       Angered
         sorry to hear     2323      Saddened
                                                           findings in Section 4.2.
          why i hate       1125       Angered
                                                                     AR         % w/        Avg     Fleiss’
          i feel like      293         pattern                                 support    support   kappa
          you are a        207         pattern
          this is the      173         pattern                     Adoring       99.2       2.8      0.78
        this made me       110         pattern                     Amused        93.2       2.1      0.43
           he is so        102         pattern                    Approving      98.8       2.8      0.51
                                                                   Excited       83.6       2.1      0.58
Table 5: Examples of n-grams resulting from                        Angered       99.4       2.8      0.59
                                                                  Saddened       99.6       2.9      0.61
GetNgrams in Algorithm 1 and steps B1 and B2 of                     Scared       98.8       2.6      0.64
Figure 1. The n-grams above the middle line are added              Average       96.1       2.6      0.59
to the lexicon under the specific class listed while the
n-grams below are used for further expansion of CARE       Table 6: The percent of CARE-labeled examples (max-
patterns after translating to reg-ex format manually.      imum of 100) with agreement from at least one labeler
                                                           by class and of those examples, the average number of
                                                           annotator agreement (maximum of 3). The third col-
                                                           umn shows the Fleiss’ kappa, which was computed for
B    Annotation details                                    class a based on the presence and absence of label a by
                                                           each annotator for a given post. The bottom row is the
                                                           average over all classes.

Figure 4: Interface for crowd-sourcing process using       Figure 5: Prevalence of class labels according to an-
Amazon Mechanical Turk. Three distinct annotators          notations from AMT on which at least two annotators
were used to annotate each post. Annotators were told      agree upon (blue) and according to CARE (orange).
an affective response is an emotion or cognitive re-       The prevalence of approving was much higher from
sponse to the post and the definitions and examples in     AMT, likely due to a large perceived overlap in the def-
Table 1 were shown to them.                                initions of approving and other classes such excited.
AR        GoEmotions     CAREdb     Average
                                                                Amused          63            54         59
                                                               Approving        8             47         28
                                                                Excited         52            24         38
                                                                Angered          4            74         39
                                                               Saddened         60            62         61
                                                                 Scared         44            34         39
                                                                Average         39            49         44

                                                           Table 7: Rate of intersection between affective re-
                                                           sponse and publisher affect labels. The first column
                                                           denotes the class. The second column denotes the per-
                                                           cent of the time an annotated label in GoEmotions ex-
                                                           ists in the set of predicted labels by CARE - BERT when
Figure 6: Pairwise Spearman correlation between each       applied to the GoEmotions dataset. The third column
pair of classes, computed using the degree of annota-      denotes the percent of the time an annotated label in
tor support for each class given a post. The dendro-       CARE - BERT exists in the set of predicted labels by the
gram represents a hierarchical clustering of the data,     GoEmotions classifier when applied to CAREdb . The
correctly capturing the distinction between positive and   last column is the row-wise average.
negative classes.

C    Affective response and publisher affect               D    Evaluating publisher affect labels of
The GoEmotions dataset and classifier target the
publisher affect (of comments), whereas CARE -
BERT and CARE target the affective response (of            The GoEmotions dataset (Demszky et al., 2020) is
posts). In an effort to study the correlation be-          a collection of 58k Reddit comments labeled ac-
tween affective response and publisher affect, we          cording to the publisher affect from a taxonomy
compare the following sets of labels: 1) human an-         of 28 emotions. There exists a natural mapping
notations of GoEmotion and the predicted affective         from 6 of our classes to those of GoEmotions (the
responses using CARE - BERT applied to GoEmo-              exception being adoring) based on the definitions
tions and 2) CARE labels for posts in CAREdb and           alone. Hence, applying CARE patterns/lexicon to
the predicted publisher affects using the GoEmo-           the GoEmotions dataset presents another way of
tions classifier applied to CAREdb . Specifically,         validating the quality of steps 1 and 2 of CARE.
for every annotated label (i.e., not from a classifier)    The number of examples in GoEmotions with la-
we count the percentage of the time where there            bels belonging to these 6 classes was 21.0k and the
is intersection with the set of predicted labels (i.e.,    number of comments that were labeled by CARE
from a classifier).                                        patterns/lexicon was 1259. Table 3 compares the
   The results of these experiments are shown in           human annotations in the GoEmotions dataset with
Table 7, broken down according to the class of the         the labels that CARE patterns/lexicon assigned to
annotated label. Overall, the percentage of affec-         the comments and shows that they have a high de-
tive response and publisher affect label agreement         gree of agreement.
(44%) is moderate but seems to indicate that the              While the low recall is certainly a limitation of
affective response detection and emotion detection         CARE patterns and lexicon when applied to a spe-
are not necessarily the same problem, in particular        cific small dataset, we emphasize that the primary
for scared and approving. The classes approving,           intention of CARE patterns is to generate a la-
excited, and angered have a large variance between         beled dataset in an unsupervised manner so one
the two datasets, where the first (Table 7, second         can start training classifiers for that affective re-
column) uses comments and the second (Table 7,             sponse. Given the abundance of freely available
third column) uses posts. This could be due to the         unlabeled data (e.g., on Reddit, Twitter), recall is
classification errors (either by GoEmotions or by          not a problem in practice. In the next section and
CARE - BERT ) or due to the type of the text (com-         in Section 4.3, however, we discuss how existing
ment or post). More research and data collection           emotion classifiers, such as the GoEmotions classi-
is needed to understand the relationship between           fier (Demszky et al., 2020) can also be leveraged
affective response and publisher affect.                   in the CARE method.
E    CARE and CAREG evaluation details

    Threshold   Any CAREG      All CAREG      Other
      t=1            95             34          25
      t=2            91             61          42
      t=3            87             71          51
      t=4            81             73          57
      t=5            73             67          62
      t=6            58             56          70
      t=7            47             45          76
      t=8            38             37          81
      t=9            30             29          84
     t = 10          24             23          88
       max           89             89          60
     CARE            93             89          54
    ensemble         94             83          49
                                                           Figure 7: The two-dimensional projection (using MDS)
Table 8: The rate of intersection between labels agreed    of sentence embeddings of comments suggests that the
upon by at least two annotators and the labels proposed    CARE-based predictions correspond to similarity in
by CAREG . The first column indicates the threshold t      the embedding space. Colors correspond to the labels
used in CAREG . Using annotations agreed upon by at        given by CARE labeling, which were not given to the
least two annotators, the rest of the columns show the     embedding model or the MDS.
rate of agreement with at least one predicted label, all
predicted labels, and any human-annotated label that
was not predicted. The row labeled ‘max’ refers to         other emotion classifiers, one could potentially in-
choosing the comment-level label with the highest fre-     clude those as well.
quency for each post. For context, the results for CARE
using t = 5 are shown in the penultimate row. The last     F   Multi-dimensional scaling pairwise
row presents results from combining the CARE pattern
labels and the GoEmotion labels using t = 4.
                                                           We visualize the degree of overlap between
CAREG refers to the CARE method where steps                the sentence embeddings (using Sentence-Bert
1 and 2 of Figure 1 use the GoEmotions classifier          (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019)) of 100 com-
instead of CARE patterns. To evaluate how CARE             ments in CAREdb for each class. We then use
and CAREG compares, we use the same human-                 multi-dimensional scaling or MDS (Cox and Cox,
labeled dataset described in Section 4.1 and applied       2008) to map the embeddings to the same two-
the GoEmotions classifier to all the comments be-          dimensional space using euclidean distance as the
longing to these posts (72k comments). We then             similarity metric, as shown in Figure 7 and Fig-
mapped the predicted GoEmotion labels to CARE              ure 8. Note that the MDS process does not use
pattern labels using the mapping in Table 3. GoE-          the class labels. As can be seen, there is substan-
motion and CARE labels not in the mapping are              tial overlap between amused and other classes as
excluded from this analysis.                               well as between excited and approving. Given that
   The same metrics for ≥ 2 annotator agreement            the average number of human annotations per post
in Table 2 are shown in Table 8 for multiple thresh-       was 1.8 (Section 4.1), it is likely that a portion of
olds and for all classes, excluding adoring. CARE          this overlap can attributed to the multi-label nature
labels consistently demonstrate higher agreement           of the problem as well as the moderate correla-
with human annotations than those of CAREG . The           tion between certain classes such as excited and
last row of Table 8 shows results for an emsembling        approving (Figure 6). See Figure 8 for plots of
approach where steps 1 and 2 use labels from both          multi-dimensional scaling for every pair of classes,
CARE patterns in addition to the labels from the           as referenced in Section 4.2.
GoEmotions classifier, where the former uses t = 5
and the latter uses t = 4 in step 3 (optimal values        G    Pattern match analysis
for each approach, respectively). This ensembling
approach does reasonably well and can be used to           To investigate why higher thresholds would be
include classes in the GoEmotions taxonomy that            needed for certain classes, we analyze the CARE
do not exist in the taxonomy of Table 1. Given             patterns and lexicon at the class level.
H    Modeling details
                                                           We began with the hyper-parameter settings in
                                                           Demszky et al. (2020) and explored other hyper-
                                                           parameter settings (batch sizes [16, 32, 64],
                                                           max length [64, 256, 512], drop out rate [0.3,
                                                           0.5, 0.7], epochs [2-10]) but found minimal im-
                                                           provements in the F1-score, as computed by the
                                                           scikit-learn package in python. Running
                                                           this on two Tesla P100-SXM2-16GB GPUs took
                                                           roughly 19 hours. We also experimented with
                                                           higher thresholds for the parameter t (see Sec-
                                                           tion 3.2) but saw marginal improvements, if any.
                                                              We developed two versions of CARE - BERT: one
                                                           using the classes in Table 1, and a simpler one
                                                           using only the classes POSITIVE, and NEGATIVE.
                                                           The first four rows in Table 1 are considered pos-
Figure 9: Scatter plot of the total frequency of a match   itive while the last three are negative, the results
versus its false positive rate. Ground truth labels used   of which are featured in Table 9. Naturally, the
here are those from AMT and agreed upon by at least        two-class model that blurs the differences between
2 annotators. For clarity, a match is shown only if its    classes with the same valence has higher results.
total count was 10 or more and if it belongs to one of
the three classes (adoring, amused, and excited). Only
                                                                      AR       Precision   Recall   F1
those which contain the keywords ‘sweet’ (adoring),
‘funny’ (amused), and ‘happy’ (excited) are labeled.                Positive      0.95      0.95    0.94
                                                                    Negative      0.77      0.77    0.78
                                                                   micro-avg      0.89      0.91    0.90
                                                                   macro-avg      0.86      0.86    0.86
   Let us define a match as a tuple containing the                   stdev        0.10      0.13    0.11
pattern name and the word or phrase which maps
the comment to an affect according to the CARE             Table 9: Accuracy of CARE - BERT for the two-class
                                                           case: POSITIVE versus NEGATIVE. Note that amused,
lexicon. We could also consider exaggerators in
                                                           excited, adoring, and approving were mapped to posi-
our analysis but here we assume a negligible ef-           tive and angered, saddened, and scared were mapped to
fect on differentiating reliability. We previously         negative.
assumed that each instantiated match should have
the same weight of 1, but this may not be appropri-
ate considering that some patterns or words may
be more reliable.
   As can be seen in Figure 9, there are some cases
in which the keyword in general seems to have a
high false positive rate (e.g., happy) and in other
cases it appears the erroneous combination of a
particular pattern and keyword can lead to high
false positive rates. For example, while the match
‘(so very, funny)’ has a low false positive rate of
0.2, ‘(I, funny)’ has a much higher false positive
rate of 0.57, which intuitively makes since ‘I’m
funny’ does not indicate being amused. We also
investigated whether individual patterns are prone
to higher false positive rates, which does not seem
to be the case. For future iterations of CARE, one
could also use the true positive rate as the weight of
a match to obtain a weighted sum when aggregating
over comments to label a post.
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