THE BIRDIE - Palm Lake Resort

Page created by Ashley Diaz
THE BIRDIE - Palm Lake Resort

      And so                      Meet                         Here’s
    it begins…                  our people                    the plan
Excitement mounts as the       We’ve got some stellar        Check out the full
clubhouse is demolished       team members and club      masterplan for The Springs
  for full construction to    members and we’d love       by Palm Lake Group – is
commence in just weeks.      you to meet them, inside…    your new address here?
THE BIRDIE - Palm Lake Resort
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GOLFING JUNIOR
    Pictured: She’s a beauty… Pelican Waters Golf Course
    is about to undergo a rebirth of sorts, with a view to                                                                                                                        MARIA IS
    being back, better than ever before, in time for the                                                                                                                          VICTORIOUS                             What is your name? Kaia
    2022 Queensland Open.                                                                                                                                                                                                How old are you? 10
                                                                                                                                                                                  Maria Schlotterbach is the             Why did you start playing

                                                                                                                                           news                                   2021 Ladies Match Play                 golf? My Dad inspired me after
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         he showed me his golf clubs.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Winner. Congratulations to

                                                                                                                                           briefs                                 Maria and well done to all
                                                                                                                                                                                  who competed in this
                                                                                                                                                                                  great event
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         How long have you been
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         playing golf? 2.5 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Why do you continue to play
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         golf? It’s fun and competitive
    How quickly is time flying by?! It’s interesting to reflect on   I urge you to stay with us through the upcoming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         What do you like the most
    this somewhat strange period of time, since the beginning        development stage as you will soon be enjoying the best
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         about golf? Improving my
    of the global pandemic. Initially we re-opened, post-            that golf has to offer on the Sunshine Coast, as our brand
                                                                                                                                      CONGRATS DYLAN!                                                                    distance
    COVID, allowing groups of just two, with only one person         new clubhouse and golfing facilities will be second to
    per cart. There were no rakes in bunkers and foam noodles        none. Memberships in the future will stay affordable, with                                                                                          What is your favourite golf
    in the cups. Greens staff were reduced to only four with         a number of different options available. The course will still   A massive congratulations must go to                                               club? Sand wedge and Driver
    a whole new golf operations team installed, ready to see         be operating to offer corporate days, social golf (including     Pelican Waters Golf Club’s Associate                                               What do you enjoy the most
    what the future was to offer. Fourteen months later, we          groups) and tournament golf.                                     Professional Dylan Gardner on his                                                  about Junior Clinics at Pelican
    now have 820 members, have hosted the Queensland                                                                                  first win as a professional, taking out                                            Waters? The competitions
    Open, completed key honour board events, enjoy a great           Thank you all for your understanding throughout COVID,           the Victoria Park Associate Pro-Am by                                              If you had to describe the
    volunteer base and a lot of other improvements have been         the Queensland Open season and also an above-average             three shots on June 7, with rounds                                                 Junior Golf Clinics at Pelican
    seen right across the course.                                    wet season. On the whole, the past 12 months have been           of 65 and 58 for a 7-under par total.                                              Waters in one word, what
                                                                     great for golf and I can’t wait for Pelican Waters Golf Club’s   Read more about Dylan on Page 5.                                                   would that be? Fun
    We have really come a long way in just over a year and           next chapter. Happy golfing!
    with the development start date just the around the corner
    now, it’s an exciting time for all. We have brought forward      Dale Williamson
    our Club Championships for 2021, as well as the Medal of         Head of Golf
    Medal championship and the new Black, Blue and Red Tee           Pelican Waters Golf Club                                         CONSTRUCTION                       What a difference a few weeks make… These two images were shot just two
                                                                                                                                                                         weeks apart, as we went to press with this newsletter. They show how the
    Challenge Championship event. The winner of both the                                                                              HEATS UP
    Men’s and Women’s Club Championships will be offered                                                                                                                 clubhouse is changing in the lead-up to major construction commencing in August.
    an ambassador membership for the next 12 months. It
    will be interesting to see if Justin Morley can win the Club         CONTACT US
    Championship for the third year running. Good luck to all
    those competing.
                                                                         Find us at: 40 Mahogany Drive, Pelican Waters
                                                                         QLD, 4551. Phone: (07) 5437 5000
    We’ve seen a fantastic response to the uptake of the nine-
    hole, 18-tee memberships. The seven-day option is now
    full and with plenty of spots during the rest of the week,           Trading hours:
    all members should enjoy their full golfing fix throughout           Pro Shop: 6am-6pm, seven days a week
    the development phase. There will be challenging times               Driving Range: 7am-5pm, six days a week
    ahead - working in and around the construction and                   (Thursdays, 10am to 5pm)
    civil crews will be interesting to say the least. Plenty of          Teaching Pros: Tony Meyer 0424 994 933 and                     Pictured: June 12 construction update.                     Pictured: June 28 construction update.
    patience will be needed from all. Regular notifications will         Grant Field 0417 916 811
    be sent out, so keep your email inbox handy.

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THE BIRDIE - Palm Lake Resort
We’re staying
    on course
                                                                                                                                 miss and plenty he is looking forward to in the future. In
                                                                                                                                 particular, Dic longs for the planned improvements to the         next Queensland Open – I was only today talking about
                                                                                                                                 clubhouse, both in terms of structure and socialisation.          how fortunate we are to have the luxury of seeing these
                                                                                                                                 Considering his home is just a few hundred metres from            excellent golfers on the course,” says Dic. “The new
                                                                                                                                 the clubhouse, Dic has a particularly vested interest.            financial structure for members seems to be very popular
                                                                                                                                                                                                   and numbers have far exceeded what used to be a target
    RICHARD ‘DIC’ DAVIES HAS SEEN A                                                                                              “I am looking forward to the return of a club where I             a long time ago.”
    LOT OF CHANGE IN HIS 14 YEARS AS A                                                                                           can proudly take visitors, friends and family for a meal,”
                                                                                                                                 says Dic. “The acoustics in the old clubhouse meant you           With any change there is a degree of excitement, and
                                                                                                                                 couldn’t hear much more than the person next to you,              Dic is pleased to see the Palm Lake Group taking steps
    CLUB, BUT PERHAPS NONE AS GROUND-                                                                                            and I am intrigued about the ambience and quality of the          to not only preserve the club’s stellar reputation and high
    BREAKING – LITERALLY – AS WHAT THE                                                                                           intended dining options. My wish is that the club will            standard, but enhance it.
    PALM LAKE GROUP WILL DELIVER. HE                                                                                             maintain a high-quality dining experience, and the facilities
    CAN’T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS                                                                                               will allow for better socialising.”                               “It’s quite an exciting time at the moment – partly because
    NEXT.                                                                                                                                                                                          Palm Lake has succeeded in softening the worries of
                                                                                                                                 As is expected with a club of Pelican Waters’ size, Dic           people who think the golf is going to deteriorate as a
                                                                                                                                 admits that previous changes in management have                   result of the homes coming on their last two favourite
    Hailing from Wales, Dic Davies is no stranger to                                                                             created some hesitancy among long-time members. But,              holes, and not really knowing what’s going to happen,”
    spectacular golf courses. And while he admits our flat,                                                                      he says, the Palm Lake Group has gone a long way to               says Dic. “It seems to me that, in a year’s time, we will
    sunny greens can’t compare to the world-famous courses       “Hosting events like the Queensland Open, not to                ameliorate these feelings, and there is a general feeling of      have a good, strong playable course. We are very excited
    of his native United Kingdom, Dic is sure that, in this      mention the many social events that have been held in the       support for the approach they have taken.                         about the new opportunities.”
    corner of the world, Pelican Waters is unbeatable.           clubhouse, has brought a lot of kudos to the club,” says
                                                                 Dic.                                                            “It is nice to see the investment being put in ahead of the
    “It’s a very, very good course – one of the top two I’ve
    been a member at, and the other one was one of the           “We are recognised and have a reputation for organising
    oldest courses in the south of England,” says Dic. “I’ve     things well among the other clubs in the area. It’s pleasing

                                                                                                                                 meet our team
    played a number of world-famous courses, like Spyglass       to see the approach the Palm Lake Group has taken so far
    Hill at Pebble Beach, but in terms of the ones I’ve played   and there is a general feeling of support within the club for
    in Australia, there is only a handful that would compete.”   this new direction.”

    Like many other members of Pelican Waters Golf Club,         For Dic, the scenic, well-maintained course has always          DYLAN GARDNER | ASSOCIATE PROFESSIONAL
    Dic doesn’t just play golf on the course – he lives on it.   come second to the people who make up Pelican Waters
    When he and his wife moved out to Australia from Wales       Golf Club. In his opinion, the best thing that has happened
    14 years ago, they were looking for a place with access to   during his time is the formation of the Veterans committee      What’s your handicap? +4
    a golf course. He got all that, and so much more, when he    (for male player over 55 and female players over 50) of         What age were you when you first picked up a club and
    bought his home on the 14th hole.                            which he is one of the original members.                        what do you remember of your first attempts/games
                                                                                                                                 and those early years? I started playing at 9 years of            Kuala Lumpur - an extremely challenging course that has
    “Quite a lot of people live locally, so you can always       “The concept has definitely made my golf so much                age at Kilcoy Golf Club. Every day I would walk to the golf       hosted a number of European and Asian Tour Events.
    expect a lot of drop ins to the clubhouse during the         more enjoyable,” says Dic. “We get to go around to              course from school and play till dark.                            What is it about golf that you enjoy most? The best
    evenings and when the club hosts events,” says Dic.          other courses for friendly competitions, and it provides a      What do you love about Pelican Waters Golf Course?                things that golf has given me are the friendships I have
                                                                 backbone to so much social activity. If it weren’t there, it    I love that the golf course provides a new challenge each         made locally and abroad.
    “The club has always had a strong social side with the       would be sorely missed – it’s these little things that make     and every day, with a number of different strategies that         What’s a great tip for people just starting to play golf?
    various weekly events regularly garnering well over 60       Pelican Waters a community.                                     can be used to play each hole.                                    Enjoy the game. The more you play, the better you will get.
    people, and occasions like Melbourne Cup, Christmas in                                                                       Which is your favourite PWGC hole and why? My
    July and special golf days always well attended.”            “At perhaps the other end of the scale, I am very pleased       favourite hole is the par 4 third (formerly the 12th) because I   What’s your long-term goal for golf? The end goal is to
                                                                 with the wealth of young talent that has come along with        had a hole in one there in 2018.                                  be an international touring professional, however I really
    Many of Dic’s favourite memories from the past 14 years      the welcoming of top coaching staff like Grant Field. We        Outside Queensland and/or Australia, where have                   enjoy coaching the juniors of Pelican Waters Golf Club and
    were made during these social events. He says the social     are attracting really wonderful young golfers along to the      you played golf? Which courses have been the most                 look forward to doing more with them in the future.
    committee – which he was on for a time – has always          course, and the opportunity to play with them is a real joy     memorable for you, and why? I have played golf                    Any other interesting golf-related facts that we should
    worked hard to ensure there is plenty for members to         – they are spectacularly good.”                                 competitively all over Australia at courses such as Royal         know about you?
    enjoy, and he is looking forward to seeing how Palm Lake                                                                     Melbourne and Lake Karrinyup in Perth. I have also played         • Hole in ones: 5
    Group will continue investing in not only the course and     But for all the fond memories Dic has of the ‘old’ Pelican      internationally in New Zealand and Malaysia. One course           • Lowest round: -12 at Woodford Golf Club
    clubhouse, but also the culture.                             Waters Golf Club, there are certain aspects he won’t            that stood out to me was Saujana Golf & Country Club in           • Lowest round at PWGC: -10

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THE BIRDIE - Palm Lake Resort
Development report
    We are getting close! Demolition of the old clubhouse
    is almost complete (FYI, the reason why we didn’t just
                                                                   saws and the movement of trucks around the construction
                                                                   site. We hope we can continue to work in and around the
                                                                                                                                  Palm Lake
    knock down the whole building is so we could protect the
    structural integrity of the buggy basement below). You will
    start to see it really turnaround in the construction phase.
                                                                   golf, so we all can enjoy watching the new clubhouse and
                                                                   pro-shop coming together over the next nine months.
                                                                   Fingers crossed for no rain!
    Earthworks for the new extension of the building will begin
    in the coming weeks.                                           The approved works are due to start in August with tree
                                                                   clearing and golf course reshaping by Greg Norman Design.
    It has been a big process to shell-out the old clubhouse and   New fairways, tees, greens and bunkers are all in the
    we thank you for your patience with the noise of concrete      works, including the new range.
                                                                                                                                  On June 28, Pelican Waters Golf Club hosted the
                                                                                                                                  Palm Lake Associate Pro-Am, proudly supporting the
                                                                                                                                  development fund. During the event, the PGA Associates

    course report
                                                                                                                                  joined the Pelican Waters Vets for their home day before
                                                                                                                                  competing alongside sponsors in the afternoon.

                                                                                                                                  Congratulations to Jindalee Associate James Macklin
                                                                                                                                  who won the event with a 36-hole total of 7-under par.
    BY TROY MUIR                                                                                                                  Member and sponsor of the day, Paul Rickard, took out
                                                                                                                                  the amateur competition in the afternoon with 51 points in
                                                                                                                                  the shambles format that was played.
                                                                                                                                  The Associates competed for one of the highest prize
    During the month of June, the bunker on the right-hand         Design reshaped the bunker tongue and back of the              purses they will play for all year whilst raising a substantial
    side of the third hole was selected to have capillary          bunker for aesthetic appearances.                              amount for the Pelican Waters Development Fund.
    concrete installed. This bunker was very discoloured due
    to silt contamination.                                         Even though 56mm of rainfall was recorded during the           We would like to thank our sponsors, veterans and the
                                                                   month, the concreter was able to pour the first section of     PGA Associates who competed in and supported the
    The bunker was shelled out and new drainage installed          the cart path on the second hole. The next sections will be    event, as well as the American Hotdog Company for
    prior to having a 50mm layer of porous concrete (capillary     laid over the next month followed by backfilling the edges     catering:
    concrete) placed over the entire base of the bunker.           so turf can be placed to tidy up the area. Our amazing club
                                                                                                                                  • Palm Lake Resort
    This layer drains readily and seals off the subsoil from       volunteers have also been busy clearing selected areas
    contaminating the clean sand that was then added. Prior        on the course to speed up play, as well as an entire list of   • Zarraffas Coffee
    to the capillary concrete being installed, Greg Norman         other random tasks.
                                                                                                                                  • Mister Minit
                                                                                                                                  • Rise Sports Management
                                                                                                                                  • Ord Minnett
                                                                                                                                  • The American Hotdog Co.
                                                                                                                                  • Energy Resources
                                                                                                                                  • Pelican Waters Resort
                                                                                                                                  • Hello World Travel
                                                                                                                                  • Insider Finance
                                                                                                                                  • Preferred Plaster
                                                                                                                                  • Caloundra Removals
                                                                                                                                  • Coca-Cola
                                                                                                                                  • Greg Norman Design
    Pictured: Bunker before.                                       Pictured: Bunker after.
                                                                                                                                  • Qld Vehicle Movement

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THE BIRDIE - Palm Lake Resort
Around the
                                                                     last Pelican Run until spring. It was a glamorous afternoon    On June 12, was the Men’s Foursomes. While some may             were no match for the rest of the ladies.
                                                                     with a bit of chill in the air with some fantastic scores      say it’s the greatest event on the calendar, others despise     Gross Winners: Karen Furlong and Dot Smith (169),
                                                                     coming through. With 22.95, Atomu Watanabe and his             the day and tend to have nightmares for many nights after.      Net Winners Gaye Small and Jane Poulter (149).

    grounds                                                          bandits came in first place scoring themselves $40 each in
                                                                     Club Credit, while a notable shot by the one and only Shae
                                                                     Wools-Cobb saw him nail a hole in one on the short course
                                                                                                                                    Christopher Crabtree and James Barnes (118) were Gross
                                                                                                                                    Winners with Graham Robinson and George Liebenberg
                                                                                                                                    (142) Net Winners.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Junior Pennants: We were able to field two teams in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Glasshouse Mountains Zone Junior Pennants this year.
                                                                     9th hole.                                                                                                                      Both teams performed well and had loads of fun, while
    AS WE WIND DOWN TO THE END OF AN ERA                                                                                                                                                            representing the club in great fashion. It was an exciting
                                                                                                                                    On June 15, the Ladies Mid Monthly Medal wasn’t
    WITH THE ORIGINAL 18 HOLES, SOME PHE-                            June’s Black, Blue and Red Tee Challenge saw that very         your ordinary Tuesday at the course. A rare mid-winter          final week of competition, with three teams all within range
    NOMENAL GOLF IS BEING PLAYED.                                    familiar strong south-westerly wind blowing and causing        storm rolled through before the ladies could tee off. With      to claim the victory. Wantima were leading the competition
                                                                     havoc amongst golfers of all abilities, however rising star    rain coming in sideways, lightning and the temperature          standings on 19 points, followed by Team 2 from Pelican
    The first weekend of May was set to be a Black, Blue and Red     Sam Vincent was able to prove his skills posting a gross 6     plummeting, some ladies abandoned their post and called         on 17.5 and Beerwah on 17. A strong result from Wantima
    Tee Challenge, however a monsoonal rain event (300mm in          under 66 to take the cake.                                     it a day. However, Dot Smith and Karen Furlong were the         saw them stay fixed on top of the standings for the zone
    a weekend) made it a wash out. Many were going into the          Black Tee Challenge: Sam Vincent (Net Winner 66), Richard      first two ladies out and zoomed through the first nine in 80    win, while both Pelican teams tied for third place. A special
    weekend bosting that it was their time to shine, yet nothing     Hoskin (Net Runner Up 69).                                     minutes. They were able to get in just before the storm hit     mention goes to Riley Bell, who went the whole pennants
    seemed to shine that weekend.                                    Blue Tee Challenge: Charles Thomas (Net Winner 68), Paul       and as Dot was the first to put her card through, she sat       season undefeated with a record of 4-0.
                                                                     Bell (Net Runner Up 69).                                       at the top of the leaderboard all day, fending of Jeanette
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Men’s Pennants: This consists of an A Grade Division, B
    May’s Mid-Monthly Medal: David Hannah had a lights out           Red Tee Challenge: Lorraine Brydson (Net Winner 69),           Bambury by countback.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Grade and a Masters Division. Pelican played host for week
    day, shooting an impressive 75 off the stick giving him an 69    Ruby Kavanagh (Net Runner Up 71).                              Div 1: Dot Smith (Nett Winner 71), Jeanette Bambury (Nett
                                                                                                                                                                                                    2 of the competition, where A Grade won 7-0 and B Grade
    net to take out top honors in A Grade.                                                                                          Runner Up 71). Div 2: Linda Stirling (Nett Winner 72), Maria
                                                                                                                                                                                                    won 6-1 victories, while the Masters had a bye. Follow the
    A Grade: David Hannah (Net Winner 68), Jarod Butler (Net         On June 5, the Men’s 4 Ball Best Ball had a great              Schlotterbach (Nett Runner Up 72).
                                                                                                                                                                                                    teams by checking results online at
    Runner Up 69). B Grade: Tonny Jorgensen (Net Winner 72),         competitive draw, with many matches going right to the
    Mark McEwan (Net Runner Up 72). Div 3: Michael Dimitriou         death. The final saw father and son duo Craig and Jansz        On June 17, a glorious winter’s day on the Sunshine Coast       Women’s Nett Pennant update: With one game still to
    (Winner), Ian Harris Nett (Runner Up).                           take on the likes of Mark Stewart and Derek Dixon. The         saw the club host our Ladies Open day, where ladies from        play (Maleny, July 15), Pelican Waters is currently in second
                                                                     Jansz duo were just too much Jansz for the likes of Mark       all over the region came to see if they could tame the course   place on 40 points. Caloundra have an unassailable lead (54
    May 21 saw us play host to the Queensland Senior Order of        and Derek and came away with the honour board title.           and leave with victory. It was fantastic to have three of our   points) and can’t be beaten, but Pelican can finish second if
    Merritt where 80 men and 15 ladies battled it out to fight for                                                                  own members place in multiple divisions.                        they score well at Maleny and keep their noses in front of
    Valued Order of Merritt points.                                  On June 9, the Men’s Mid Monthly Medal was a great             Div 1: Rhianna Lewis (Gross Winner 71), Margo Solomon           Caboolture (37 points) and Bribie (35 points).
    Men’s QSOOM: Ray Griffith, Bribie Island GC (Men’s               day for Barry Berner, who put his head down and produced       (Net Winner 70). Div 2: Myra Dickson (Gross Winner 93),
    Stableford Winner 39), Anthony Baker, Keperra Country GC         his best round of the year (a playing partner protesting in    Jeanette Bambury (Net Winner 71). Div 3: Ann Hancock            Events abroad: Blaike Perkins is continuing his brilliant form
    (Men’s Stableford Runner Up 38).                                 the beer garden that he should be in A Grade!).                (Gross Winner 100), Carol Yancey (Net Winner 70).               with his first maiden win at the NT Masters in Darwin. See
    Ladies QSOOM: Jennifer Somers, Redcliffe GC (Ladies              A Grade: Corey Wallyn, Maleny Golf Course (Net Winner                                                                
    Stableford Winner 35), Laurence Bargibant, Arundel Hills GC      70), John Small (Net Runner Up 71). B Grade: Nick Dreyer       On June 22, we saw the Ladies Foursomes. Some said it           Charlie Dann, Shae Wools and Joost ter Veld have been
    (Ladies Stableford Runner up 35).                                (Net Winner 73), Bruce Robinson (Net Runner Up 75).            was 36 holes of fun and other said it was torture. Two ladies   out competing on the Pro-am series, with a couple of
                                                                     C Grade: Barry Berner (Net Winner 67), Alan Cleverley (Net     who seem to be claiming foursomes’ titles all over South-       good results for the boys. You can follow them via the PGA
    Following the QSOOM event, we had a clear course for the         Runner Up 70).                                                 East QLD were Dot Smith and Karen Furlong, who together         Australia website

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Go the Noons!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pictured left: An invitational game
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              was played on June 24 with Pacific
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Harbour and the Pelican Waters
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Men’s Vets. An epic milestone was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              reached with all the Noon family
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              playing - Neville and Eddie (both in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              their 80s) and their two sons, Steve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              and Peter (both over 55). The Noon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              family have been members of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Pelican Waters Golf Club for many,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              many years, and big supporters of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              junior golf. It was great to see all
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the family enjoying a game of golf
    Women’s Weekday Matchplay Pennant                                Caloundra Challenge Bowl                                                                                                                                 together.
    Pictured above: Division 3 were pipped into third position at    Pictured above: Congratulations to the “Pelican Girls” Karen
    the last game of a very long season of games postponed due       Furlong, Dot Smith, Helen Milledge and Carol McLeod, who
    to course closed due to weather.                                 won the Caloundra Challenge Bowl in early June.

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THE BIRDIE - Palm Lake Resort
All illustrations are artist
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            impression and depict
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      proposed development only.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Masterplan is subject to
                                                                                                                                                                 WORKSHOP & GOLF SIMULATOR                                                                                                 change without notice.

                                                                           DRIVING RANGE                                                                  SALES INFORMATION CENTRE

                                                                                                                                         CAR PARKING

     plan                                                              SHORT GAME AREA/
                                                                         CAR PARKING

                                                                                        RESORT ENTRY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    UNDERCOVER BOWLS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COUNTRY CLUB

                                                                                                                                            SHORT GAME AREA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              TENNIS COURTS
     COURSE, THE SPRINGS BY PALM LAKE                                  PRO SHOP & MINI GOLF

     GROUP WILL BE OUR COMPANY’S MOST                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GOLF CAR PATH

     HISTORY.                                                               PELICAN WATERS GOLF
                                                                           CLUB AND EVENT CENTRE

     From a design perspective, The Springs will take its
     inspiration from Palm Springs and will be quite the
                                                                        PELICAN WATERS GOLF RESORT
     holiday-everyday destination when complete. This                        ACCOMMODATION
     masterplan shows a bird’s eye view of The Springs and
     how it’s been strategically designed to benefit from its
     location among key facilities, as well as the gorgeous
                                                                                                                                                                                                  GREG NORMAN DESIGNED GOLF COURSE
                                                                                                           MAHOGANY DRIVE

     natural Sunshine Coast environment.

     Palm Lake Group has been creating over-50s
     communities since 1977 and, nowadays, 11,000 people
     call a Palm Lake Group address home. There’s no doubt
     The Springs will be a coveted address on the Sunshine
     Coast and – will it be your new address too?
                                                                All illustrations are artist impression and depict proposed development only. Masterplan is subject to change without notice.

                                                                                                                                                                                        greg’s headed                                                     golf club evolve, the area evolve, the community evolve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          over a long period of time. I’m very passionate about it.”
                                                                       •      Three bridges to be built - one on
                                                                              Mahogany Drive and two internal
                                                                                                                                                                                        back home
                                                                                                                                                                                             The Springs – by Palm Lake Group                             The big question is, will Greg choose the Sunshine Coast,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and potentially The Springs by Palm Lake Group, for this
           GROUP, AND WHAT THE PROJECT WILL                            •      More than 2200m of revetment and 		                                                                                                                                         next stage of his life?
           COMPRISE OF:                                                       retaining walls                                                                                           All eyes are on Greg Norman as he sells his Florida abode
                                                                                                                                                                                        with a view to moving back home, to the land Down Under.          “Obviously, Queensland is my home state. I’d love to think
                                                                       •      More than 3000m of sewer pipes, with
                                                                                                                                                                                        Talking to Nine News from Florida about his impending             I would end up back there.”
           • Around 50,000 cubic metres of translocated wetlands              three pump stations and rising main
           • Walking trails and boardwalks                             •      More than 2500m of water main                                                                             move, Greg, 66, mentioned the work he’s doing to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          While we have a club filled with members who’d love to
           • An extension of Mahogany Drive                            •      More than 25,000sqm of roadway                                                                            reconfigure our Pelican Waters Golf Course as part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          think Greg would call our course his own again, there are
                                                                                                                                                                                        major $70 million redevelopment of this golfing precinct.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          two locals in particular who we know would rejoice in
                                                                                                                                                                                        “It’s a labour of love, quite honestly,” he says. “I’ve spent a   Greg’s return: his parents, who live nearby. We cross our
                                                                                                                                                                                        lot of time at Pelican Waters, seeing that thing evolve, the      fingers to see where the Shark resurfaces...

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11
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