The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours

Page created by Dana Holland
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours
The Bay of Naples
  Join us in Italy, October 11–18, 2021.

Naples, Italy’s second city and gateway to the South, may
have the most beautiful natural setting in Europe—and the
biggest heart.
Mount Vesuvius, the sleeping volcano whose eruption
buried thriving cities (Pompeii and Herculaneum), luxury
villas, and agricultural estates alike, still looms as a
backdrop to modern life, now threatening, now benign. Its
volcanic soil is the secret to the most flavorful tomatoes,
fragrant lemons, and superb wine-producing grapes.

       / / +1-347-868-6345
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours
The Bay of

                                                      FOR THE ROMANS, A TRIP TO A SEASIDE VILLA NEAR GREEK-
                                                      speaking Neapolis was the ultimate vacation. The thermal emissions
                                                      on the northwest side of the Bay created the ultimate spa.
                                                      But the same geology had its sinister side too. Lake Avernus was considered the
                                                      entrance to the Underworld. Before undertaking his journey to find his father in the
                                                      afterlife, Virgil tells us, Aeneas consulted the Sibyl at nearby Cumae, founded by Greeks
                                                      centuries before Rome began to enjoy the area’s many attractions.
                                                      Enclosing the Bay on the south is the Sorrento Peninsula, of legendary and unique
                                                      natural beauty and our luxurious base for the first part of the week, before moving to
                                                      Naples itself.

The Bay of Naples                                     And the food? It’s everything you’ve always loved about Italian food. What do you
The itinerary extends from Capo Miseno, on the        expect from the birthplace of pizza? The freshest buffalo mozzarella, the reddest San
northwest, to the tip of the Sorrento Peninsula, on   Marzano tomatoes, the richest sauces for the best spaghetti you ever tasted, of course,
the southeast.                                        but wait till you taste what the gourmet chefs around the Bay do with the local seafood.

“When you pick us up that first day I can
just relax, turn it all over to you, and just
go with the flow.”

                                                      What’s included?
                   —Barbara A., Los Angeles
                                                      Everything. Once the tour begins, you can go the whole week without opening your
                                                      wallet except for your personal insurance (highly recommended), extras, snacks (which
                                                      we doubt you’ll want), and maybe some souvenir coral, olive oil, canned tomatoes, or
                                                      The tour price of US$6900 per person (supplement for single room US$950) includes 7
                                                      nights bed and breakfast, at least one multicourse Italian meal a day (including wine) as
                                                      well as other meals and snacks as described in the itinerary; all activities and transport as
                                                      described; airport/train station transfers as described; and tips. Plus the undivided
                                                      attention of Elizabeth Bartman and Maureen Fant, Elifant’s principals, who plan and lead
                                                      the tour themselves.
                                                      The following program accurately reflects the tour at this writing. Details of some meals
                                                      and activities are still being worked out. If circumstances should impose a minor change,
                                                      rest assured that Plan B will be great too.
     Maureen Fant and Elizabeth Bartman,              Most travel is by private medium-size tour bus. Within cities, we use smaller vans or taxis
             Elifant’s principals                     where we can’t walk.

                                                      Travel note
                                                      Our gateway city is Naples. You should plan to be there by mid-morning on Monday,
                                                      October 11. We’ll pick you up at Naples Stazione Centrale (75 minutes from Rome) or
                                                      Capodichino airport (NAP) and take you to Vico Equense, where the tour begins. It ends
                                                      in Naples. We can also arrange a car and driver directly from FCO to the hotel (about
                                                      170 miles).
                                                                                                                                                      Copyright June 2020

PREVIOUS PAGE: A view of Mount Vesuvius
from Sorrento, across the Bay.
PICTURED ABOVE: Pizza on the Sorrento
Peninsula (left); Roman wall painting of a
glass fruit bowl in the villa at Oplontis (right) / / +1-347-868-6345                  2
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours
The Bay of Naples
    D AY S
                                                  Monday, October 11                                         LIFE IN A ROMAN VILLA
                                                  It’s about a 45-minute drive south from Naples to our luxury seaside hotel on the Sorrento
                                                  Peninsula overlooking the Bay. We begin to get acquainted over excellent pizza in the town of
                                                  Vico Equense, but first we make a trip to the kitchen for a demonstration of how it’s made.
“To travel is to live”                            After lunch, we visit the early imperial villa of Oplontis, excavated over the last several
     —Hans Christian Andersen                     decades. Its exquisite wall paintings, gardens, and enormous pool give a vivid picture of how
                                                  the rich and famous cosseted themselves at home with art and nature.
                                                  In October, it may still be warm enough for a late-afternoon dip in the Bay off the hotel’s dock
                                                  (and if not, there’s the spa pool). We meet again in the early evening for an aperitivo and
                                                  illustrated introduction to the week’s adventures. Dinner is in the hotel’s Michelin-starred
                                                  Overnight: Vico Equense L, S, D

“The best two weeks of
                                                  Tuesday, October 12                               THE SORRENTO PENINSULA
eating of my life.”
                                                  Few places on earth dare compete with the peninsula for views and natural beauty. Our first
          —Bob D., Los Angeles                    destination is Positano, where we snub the teeming tourists on our way to the site of a recently
                                                  excavated (and hard-to-visit) Roman villa beneath the main piazza. Its thrilling frescoes look as
                                                  fresh as the day, nearly 2000 years ago, that they were painted. A small museum and
                                                  conservation laboratory provide examples of how archaeologists reconstruct the past.
                                                  Our gourmet seafood lunch, with sweeping views of the Bay, is even farther out the peninsula, in
                                                  the very last village. On the way back, we stop in picturesque Sorrento, the peninsula’s main
                                                  town. Because of its (relative) size, number of hotels, and transport connections, Sorrento is too
“O what an account I could give you of the        easily dismissed as “touristic.” Rather, it has managed to preserve a delightfully retro
Bay of Naples … there is enough in this Port of   atmosphere, with shops for traditional crafts (such as embroidery and inlaid wood objects) as
Naples to fill a quire of Paper — but it looks    well as such other famous local specialties as lemons and walnuts. The views are spectacular,
like a dream.”                                    notably that from the fabulous Parco dei Principi Hotel, designed by the modernist architect Gio
                             —John Keats, 1820    Ponti. We may also visit Sorrento’s small archaeological museum if it has reopened after a long
                                                  Overnight: Vico Equense B, L

                                                  Wednesday, October 13            ANCIENT FOODWAYS, MODERN PRODUCTION
                                                  What were the ancients eating just before the volcano ended their lives? Among the finds
                                                  displayed in the fascinating new antiquarium on the site of an ancient villa rustica (large
                                                  farmhouse) at Boscoreale are numerous foodstuffs preserved by the eruption. Next comes a trip
                                                  into more recent food history and tradition, a visit to the town of Gragnano to learn how the first
                                                  industrial pasta was made and why the best factory-made pasta is still so good. Lunch at the
Meal key:                                         pastificio provides the proof.
B = Breakfast                                     Before returning for our afternoon swim (or spa or siesta), we stop at a magnificent, but little
L = Lunch                                         visited, ancient villa at Stabiae, whose architecture and decorations epitomize Roman luxury.
D = Dinner                                        Aperitivi and dinner will be at an elegant Michelin two-star restaurant in a striking historic
S = Snack or tasting                              building nearby.
                                                  Overnight: Vico Equense. B, L, D

PICTURED ABOVE: a Vesuvian snack of
bruschetta al pomodoro and mozzarella (left);
mosaic dog guarding the entrance of a
private house in Pompeii (center); atrium of / / +1-347-868-6345                  3
the Villa di San Marco, Stabiae (right)
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours
The Bay of Naples
      D AY S
                                                     Thursday, October 14               FOOD AND DRINK IN POMPEII
A few famous Neapolitans:
                                                     No visit to the Bay of Naples would be complete without a day at Pompeii. We skip the basic
Enrico Caruso, tenor
                                                     tour and focus instead on ancient cooking, dining, and food supply. Within the network of
Sophia Loren, actress
                                                     streets in this once bustling Roman town, we see how bakers, take-out food purveyors,
Antonio De Curtis (Totò), actor
                                                     vintners, and others fed a hungry urban populace. Afterwards we experience Pompeian haute
Armando Diaz, World War I general
                                                     cuisine over lunch prepared by a young archaeo-chef who riffs deliciously on ancient dishes
Salvo D’Acquisto, World War II hero
                                                     and ingredients.
Massimo Troisi, actor
Vittorio De Sica, actor and director                 After lunch we head to our seafront Naples hotel, our base for the rest of the week.
Roberto Saviano, writer                              Overnight: Naples           B, L
Eduardo De Filippo, actor and playwright

                                                     Friday, October 15         THE DARK SIDE OF VESUVIUS; ELEGANT HERCULANEUM
                                                     Some Old World wines survived the 19th-century phylloxera blight, and some of them still
                                                     grow on the less-known north slope of Vesuvius, near the town of Somma Vesuviana. But
                                                     before we visit the vineyard, we tour the remains of an ancient villa and winery nearby.
                                                     Normally closed to the public, the site’s showy architecture evokes today’s starchitect-
                                                     designed wineries. This ancient soil is the ideal terroir for contemporary wines, and we’ll
“I wish Elifant Tours went                           taste some over a light lunch at a neighboring winery.
everywhere. I would never travel any
                                                     Herculaneum, the afternoon’s destination, is often paired with Pompeii, but the two sites are
other way again.”
                                                     very different in their character, history, and archaeology. Wealthier than Pompeii,
                      —Patty H., Boston              Herculaneum has buildings with richer decoration of marble and mosaic. Vesuvius delivered
                                                     death in a different way too. The newly excavated area of the sea wall has revealed poignant
                                                     evidence of the people’s doomed attempts to flee.
                                                     Dinner will be full immersion in Neapolitan tradition.
“… a dense black cloud was coming up behind
                                                     Overnight: Naples            B, L, D
us, spreading over the earth like a flood …”
                                —Pliny the Younger
      describing the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE

                                                       Questions about the tour or destination?
                                                       Send us an email or give us a ring

PICTURED ABOVE: Taking pasta to be dried
slowly in Gragnano (left); sunset from the slopes
of Vesuvius (right)                         / / +1-347-868-6345              4
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours
The Bay of Naples
    D AY S
                                                      Saturday, October 16               NAPLES ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM
                                                      The National Archaeological Museum is world-renowned as the repository of the major
                                                      finds from the towns destroyed by Vesuvius and is one of the most important collections
“The world is a book and those who do
                                                      of antiquities anywhere. It will reward a leisurely morning amid wall paintings and
not travel read only one page.”
                                                      domestic objects, many from the houses we saw at Pompeii, Herculaneum, and Stabiae,
                     —Augustine of Hippo
                                                      but also important sculptures brought to Naples from Rome.
                                                      Lunch will be a short walk from the museum. The rest of the afternoon is free for
                                                      wandering, shopping, or more sightseeing on your own. We’ll meet up again for a
                                                      festive traditional dinner.
                                                      Overnight: Naples           B, L, D

“I wish Elifant Tours went                            Sunday, October 17 CAMPI FLEGREI
everywhere. I would never travel any                  The unique volcanic landscape that lies on the other side of Naples known as the Campi
other way again.”                                     Flegrei (Phlegraean, or Flaming, Fields) endowed many places with religious and mythic
                                                      significance in antiquity. Cumae was a Greek colony from early times, but its enduring
                     —Patty H., Boston
                                                      fame was secured by the Cumaean sibyl who proclaimed her history-changing oracles
                                                      from a cave that is visitable today. Pozzuoli (ancient Puteoli), ancient Italy’s main port
                                                      before the rise of Rome and Ostia, has some important ruins and some curious seismic
                                                      activity. At Baia (Baiae), an Aragonese castle houses a spectacular collection of ancient
“One of the very nicest things about life
                                                      sculpture. If time permits, we’ll visit the thermal complex that helped earn the town its
is the way we must regularly stop
                                                      epithet “naughty Baiae.”
whatever it is we are doing and devote
our attention to eating.”                             Our final meal together is a full-dress Neapolitan Sunday lunch.
                        —Luciano Pavarotti            The remains of the Roman naval base at Misenum, overlooking the Gulf of Pozzuoli
                                                      against the dramatic backdrop of a setting sun, is our last stop of the day and of the
                                                      tour. But farewell drinks, snacks, or pizza in or near the hotel are an option for the
                                                      Overnight: Naples           B, L

                                                      Monday, October 18          DEPARTURE
                                                      Individual transfers to Capodichino airport (NAP) or Stazione Centrale, Naples.

PICTURED ABOVE: The sea wall of Herculaneum (left);
fishermen selling their catch in Pozzuoli (right). / / +1-347-868-6345               5
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours

Elifant Archaeo-Culinary                         Everyone receives plenty of individual                       Every site visit is an
                                                 attention before and during the trip,
Tours are unique, small-                         whether it’s about travel advice, food                       adventure in living
group trips for sophisticated                    allergies, or more in-depth discussion of the
                                                 places we’ve seen and foods we’ve eaten.                     the past. Every meal
travelers who delight in
learning about the ancient                                                                                    is an event.
                                                 No elephants in the room
world while indulging in the                     “Elifant” stands for Elizabeth (Bartman) and
culinary present.                                (Maureen) Fant, Elifant’s principals.
                                                 Liz, an archaeologist with a lively interest in
                                                 cookery, is a past president of the                          Destinations so far
Each archaeo-culinarySM tour concentrates
on a circumscribed area of Italy, the route      Archaeological Institute of America and a                    Emilia-Romagna
defined by the archaeological remains. We        prominent scholar of ancient Roman                           Bay of Naples
may choose the sites because they’re too         sculpture. Maureen, an award-winning food                    Basilicata + Puglia
important to miss or because we have             writer, studied classical archaeology before                 Sardinia
extraordinary access to interesting sites        moving to Rome and becoming an expert in                     Western Sicily
closed to the public.                            Italian cuisine.                                             Eastern Sicily
We build a food-related itinerary around the     Both Liz and Maureen call on their personal
                                                                                                              Southern Etruria
archaeological route. Through fabulous           connections in the worlds of archaeology
                                                                                                              Abruzzo, Molise, Campania
meals and visits with chefs and niche            and food for access to special people and
producers, we learn about contemporary           places, but curate and lead the tours
                                                 themselves to give their guests all the                      Contact us
and traditional local food, while the ancient
ruins provide a historical backdrop to how       convivial pleasures of traveling with friends.               Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours LLC
this food culture evolved. Informal talks over   Tour participants speak of Maureen and Liz’s                 15 West 81st Street, apt. 5A
evening aperitivi often supplement topics        knack for explaining their subjects without                  New York, NY 10024
addressed during the tour. Menus are             being either too scholarly or too simple.
carefully planned to highlight local
                                                 Great company                                      
specialties and traditions.
                                                 If you’ve read this far, you’ll understand that    
                                                 Elifant tours are special tours for special                  Skype: elifanttours
Don’t worry about a thing
                                                 people. Group size ranges from 6 to 12, and
The comfort level is high. Hotels range from     includes couples, friends, and a good many
very comfortable to downright luxurious,         solo travelers. Our meals are like dinner
restaurants from rustic trattorias to cutting-   parties with an absolutely fantastic mix of
edge elegant, and travel (except in city         guests—often taking their first group tour.
centers) is by private bus. Every hotel choice
involves finding the right balance of charm,     And no one ever feels left out. Liz and
location, and comfort. The days are full, but    Maureen jointly lead and guide every Elifant
the activity level is moderate. Participants     tour and are always available to chat, have a
should be able to walk up to half a mile at a    coffee, or talk in greater depth about the
time—extraordinary strength or stamina not       day’s subjects.

     PICTURED ABOVE: Detail from the Villa of
     the Mysteries, Pompeii (left).
     Detail from the mosaic pavement in the
     Otranto cathedral (right).           / / +1-347-868-6345                   6
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours

Costs                                             Tour cancellation                                      Health and insurance
The 8-day tour—as per the above                   Tours are costed on the basis of a minimum             All participants should be in good health
description, including 7 nights bed and           number of passengers traveling together. If            and able to keep up with an active group.
breakfast; meals and other food (including        this minimum is not reached, we shall either           You are personally responsible for your own
wine), activities, and transport as described;    cancel the tour and offer a refund in full or,         health and medical treatment. You must
tips; and airport transfers—will cost             subject to clients’ agreement, operate the             confirm to Elifant that you carry adequate
US$6900 per person. An additional charge          tour at the necessary supplement.                      travel and medical insurance, including
of US$950 is made for a private room.                                                                    medical evacuation. The tour leader, in
                                                  Alterations to the tour                                conjunction with the appropriate medical
Reservations and payments
                                                  We will do our utmost to provide the tour              advice, if applicable, has the right to
To reserve space, complete the online                                                                    disqualify any client at any time during the
                                                  described in the published material, but
reservation form or send the information in                                                              course of the tour, if considered necessary
                                                  retain the right to modify or cancel any tour,
an email to You will                                                              for the medical well-being or safety of the
                                                  accommodation, or arrangement due to
then receive an invoice for a deposit of                                                                 individual, or if, in the tour leader’s opinion,
                                                  unforeseen circumstances amounting to
US$3000 per person per tour. We accept                                                                   the client’s actions are materially affecting
                                                  Force Majeure. In such circumstances we
payment, only in U.S. dollars, by personal                                                               the enjoyment of the tour for the remainder
                                                  will inform you as soon as possible, and
check drawn on a U.S. bank, wire transfer, or                                                            of the group. Any decision with regard to
                                                  should the change be such that it alters the (including credit cards). You are                                                             any reimbursement for any part of the tour
                                                  nature of the tour, we shall give you the
responsible for any bank or service charges                                                              not completed will be made by Elifant.
                                                  choice of an alternative tour or a full refund
related to the payment method you choose.
                                                  of all money paid. As we will absorb all
When you submit your deposit, you are                                                                    Baggage and personal effects
                                                  financial loss consequent upon cancellation
bound to the terms and conditions outlined                                                               These remain your responsibility and risk at
                                                  due to Force Majeure, we shall not cancel
below.                                                                                                   all times. Elifant will accept no liability for
                                                  any tour for reason of political tension or
                                                                                                         loss, damage, or misdirection of your
Cancellation and refunds                          natural disaster unless the U.S. Department
                                                                                                         baggage or effects.
Your deposit is refundable for 30 days after      of State so recommends.
the date on your booking form, up to 120          We reserve the right to make, without                  Airport transfers
days before the start of the tour. You will be    notice, minor alterations to the published             Please book your flights early to avoid
billed for the balance, due 90 days before        program that do not change the nature of               disappointment. To arrange for your airport
the start date. After that date, all payments,    the tour or the value supplied.                        transfers, Elifant will need your arrival and
including the deposit, become                                                                            departure information at least 60 days
                                                  If we have to cancel at any time, Elifant is
nonrefundable. Cancellations will be                                                                     before the start date of the tour. Clients
                                                  not responsible for any monies paid to
effective once they are received in writing                                                              failing to provide such information by then
                                                  others for travel in conjunction with this
and confirmed by Elifant. An administrative                                                              will be subject to a surcharge of $50 per
                                                  tour, notably any airline cancellation penalty
charge of $100 will apply to all                                                                         person or be responsible for their own
                                                  incurred by the purchase of a
cancellations. If you need to cancel after                                                               transfers.
                                                  nonrefundable air ticket.
your payment becomes nonrefundable,
you may, with Elifant’s approval, transfer        Surcharges
your booking to a third party who satisfies                                                              As a condition of participation, each
                                                  Our prices are based at the euro–US dollar
the conditions of the tour (we will retain a                                                             passenger will be required to sign a Release
                                                  exchange rate as of June 16, 2020. We
$100 administrative fee). If we are forced to                                                            of Liability, which will be distributed at the
                                                  reserve the right to impose a surcharge to
cancel the tour, you will receive a full refund                                                          start of the tour.
                                                  reflect increases in the exchange rate. If the
without further obligation on our part.           increase exceeds 5% of the tour price, we              Elifant is not responsible for the
Partial or full refunds cannot be made to         will offer you the option to cancel, with a full       performance of the services provided by
participants who for any reason do not            refund of all monies paid, provided we are             carriers, hotels, and agents, and is not liable
participate in some part of the program or        notified within seven days of the surcharge’s          for any damage or compensation payable
complete the tour, or whose start on the          being imposed.                                         to any participant in respect to loss or injury
tour is delayed. For this reason, we highly                                                              sustained by the participant, regardless of
recommend that participants carry personal                                                               its cause.
travel insurance.

PICTURED ABOVE: Detail of a wall
painting from the Villa of Livia at Prima
Porta, Rome                               / / +1-347-868-6345                   7
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours
       HOW TO BOOK

Ready to reserve?
To book, visit our website to complete a             Simply indicate your preference on the
booking form online. Or just email us at             booking form and we will send you an                               invoice.
To complete your booking, we request a               We’ll bill you for the balance of the tour,
deposit of $3000 per person per tour.                due 90 days before departure.
Payment may be by check in US dollars                Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions
drawn on a US bank, by bank transfer, or by          on page 7.
credit card (through

And next …

Italy’s other island region
April 4–11, 2022

 .       has all the requisites of paradise: ancient mysteries, a spectacular coastline,
rugged mountains, sparkling beaches with pristine water, pink flamingoes, and fragrant
herbs. A true crossroads of civilizations, the island lies in the geographic center of the
Mediterranean, an hour's flight from Rome. …

Across the Rubicon, along the Po
October 17–24, 2022

Beneath the porticoed streets of some of Italy’s most gracious, and livable, cities—
Bologna, Parma, Modena, Ferrara, Ravenna—lie tantalizing remains left by numerous
ancient peoples. Some say the food is the best in Italy. With such products as the real
prosciutto (ham) di Parma, parmigiano-reggiano cheese, and balsamic vinegar, to say
nothing of the original Bolognese ragù, its cuisine is certainly one of the most influential
in the world.

                                             / / +1-347-868-6345   8
The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours The Bay of Naples - Elifant Archaeo-Culinary Tours
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