The Banking Experience Reimagined

Page created by Todd Fuller
The Banking Experience Reimagined
The Banking Experience
The Banking Experience Reimagined
To compete in a digital world at a time         Business of Experience. It entails the rewiring   commodities and seek out the lowest-cost
when global events have accelerated             of the customer-facing functions of the           providers rather than trusted advisors for
the shift in customer expectations and          organization: marketing, commerce, sales          their financial health.
habits, banks must focus on personal and        and service. The Business of Experience is
emotional connections with customers to         an approach that allows organizations to          COVID-19 has accelerated change in
strengthen their trust and grow.                become customer-obsessed and to reignite          banking, and customer behavior and
                                                growth.                                           demands have shifted rapidly. Digital
Banking customers are re-examining their                                                          engagement during the pandemic
relationship with money, their financial        Here, we identify four opportunity areas for      increased—50 percent of consumers now
resilience and their relationships with         reinventing the banking experience. Each is       interact with their bank through a mobile app
institutions after a year in which global       significant and important. Combined, they         or website at least once a week, compared
events massively accelerated change and         represent a reimagination of banking as we        with just 32 percent two years ago.1 Branch
shifted customer expectations and habits.       know it.                                          transactions have significantly reduced.

Today, businesses, society and individuals      1. Credit Where It’s Due                          All of this has forced those who have been
need banks to step forward as full partners     2. Pay It Forward: Embracing The                  reluctant to digitize—customers and banks
and align purpose with profit. This presents       Shifting Payments Paradigm                     alike—to embrace digital for its convenience,
banks with an opportunity to emerge from        3. Banking with Purpose: Values-Based             availability and accessibility.
a global crisis as heroes, or at least valued      Growth
partners—a far cry from their personas          4. Banking On Personality: Investing In           Now, a year on, with customer behavior
during the 2008 global recession.                  Empathy                                        shifted, new digital-first habits established,
                                                                                                  and new ways of working adopted, things
Momentum for change has been building for
years, but the conditions are now perfect for
                                                The waves                                         will not revert to pre-pandemic norms. The
                                                                                                  rapid uptake of digital wallets and non-
an ambitious and fundamental rewriting of       of change                                         cash payment over the past 12 months, for
old rules. Banks’ compass for success should                                                      example, has resulted in new ways of paying
orient around how their customers and           Banking today is a macro-environment              that will remain popular well into the future
employees are experiencing their brand.         where customer and employee expectations          as new payment paradigms emerge.
                                                are rising even faster than profits. Many
Now is the time for us to step up and           banks, which have accelerated their digital       Today, banks must find more empathetic,
reimagine the banking experience. This          transformation, removing the human touch          personalized and engaging ways of
requires organizing the whole business          from many interactions, are now facing the        operating and servicing customers.
around the delivery of exceptional              danger that customers will perceive them as
experiences, which is what we call the

The Banking Experience Reimagined
To sustain relevance and profit, they must        segments and how they use money,
reconnect meaningfully with the minds,            however, banks can develop new credit
hearts and wallets of customers. They can         products and risk frameworks that can
begin by reimagining how their purpose and        responsibly provide more people access
personality come to life in their products,       to credit and, in doing so, reimagine these
services and operating models—especially          customers’ credit experiences.
their credit and payment products.
                                                  Banks have also not always been in the
                                                  forefront of reducing the friction and waste
Time to rethink                                   of time that many people experience around
                                                  payments. They have not provided sufficient
credit and payments                               new propositions in the payments domain to
                                                  show a commitment to providing new value
                                                  to their customers—whether it be the end
Obtaining traditional credit can be a draining,
                                                  consumers or the merchants who depend on
confusing process for customers. Even in
                                                  payments for their commercial health.
segments with all the necessary financial
history and means to obtain credit (those
                                                  Digital disruptors and non-banks have
who anticipate a “yes”), customers can face
                                                  been actively innovating with new formats
challenges, including:
                                                  and propositions, going after payment
                                                  “replacement revenue” in the form of value-
•   Antiquated, confusing application and
                                                  added services and experiences. However,
    decisioning processes
                                                  no single player in the ecosystem of issuers,
•   Complicated terms and conditions
                                                  wallet providers, payment facilitators and
•   Burdensome duplicative documentation
                                                  retailers has delivered a holistic solution for
•   Unclear credit criteria
                                                  enabling a frictionless connected-commerce
•   “One-size-fits-all” products
                                                  experience. This is an opportunity for banks
                                                  to step in and provide this kind of experience
For mid-market borrowers with responsible
                                                  for consumers, small businesses and
financial behavior but limited credit history,
                                                  merchants alike.
or those who are adversely affected by
risk models, rejection helps shape their
perception that traditional banks are not
their ally. By deeply understanding these

The Banking Experience Reimagined
and personality
Banks that aim to be more than a utility need     interaction, internal and external, and be
to face up to some challenging facts:             sustained over time. To be experienced,
                                                  it should be woven into the core of a
•   While money is essential and powers           company’s business model and operations.
    people’s lifestyles, people rarely find
    banking and banks relevant, let alone         In an increasingly digital world, where
    exciting.                                     people are left seeking more empathetic,
•   Those who stand for nothing increasingly      human connections, banks have become
    stand alone.                                  functionally complete yet emotionally
                                                  detached. The resulting vicious cycle—where
Banks need to connect more authentically          banks are seen as largely homogenous,
and emotionally with the communities              offering similar products and services—
and individuals they serve; functional            leaves them heading into a commodity and
competence isn’t enough to drive human            margin trap.
connection and loyalty.
                                                  Banks have a unique opportunity to align
Yet banks’ traditional reticence about many       value and values, by focusing on consumers’
issues has made it hard for customers and         and communities’ financial well-being in a
employees to tell if their bank really cares      win-win relationship that delivers long-term
about or stands for anything. This matters,       trust, relevance and profits.
as across every sector, the pressure is on for
all organizations to take a stand on topics       Our opportunity areas highlight where banks
ranging from the environment to social            can reinvent the banking experience for the
justice, and to ensure their operations benefit   next era.
all stakeholders, not just shareholders.

Purpose should not merely be claimed,
however. It should be experienced. To feel
authentic, purpose should pervade every

The Banking Experience Reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

                                  Credit Where It’s Due

                                  Banks are falling short when     In a world in which customer expectations
                                                                   of having their needs meet instantly are
                                  it comes to meeting customer     constantly rising, the credit experiences
                                  expectations around product      provided by most banks are falling
                                                                   desperately short.
                                  variety and accessibility. By
                                  addressing these needs, banks    Klarna and Affirm have set the standard for
                                                                   streamlining short-term credit in the form
                                  can reimagine their credit       of “buy now, pay later” loans. Yet most
                                  products, models and corporate   legacy banks find themselves stuck with
                                  culture to deliver the next-     outdated data and risk models, and credit
                                                                   propositions and products that don’t align
                                  generation credit experience.    with what people need and expect.

The Banking Experience Reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

In short, the credit experience is              In the US alone, 45 million people are          Slowly but surely these segments are
antiquated. And for customers, obtaining        considered “credit invisible.”1 This means      beginning to attract the attention of
credit—especially for homes, autos              they lack enough information to generate        new entrants and incumbents alike. The
or businesses—can be a draining and             a FICO score, which is required to obtain       foundation is in place for a fundamental
confusing process. Even in credit               credit. Globally, meanwhile, roughly 1.7        shift of power away from banks, which
segments which have all the necessary           billion adults with a net worth of $10,000      were previously the only option for this
financial history and means, making             to $100,000—dubbed “the neglected               segment, and toward consumers, who are
a “yes” likely, customers face many             middle”—lack financial products and             now able to find dignified financing from
challenges.                                     services that adequately meet their             progressive institutions like Capital One or
                                                needs.2                                         fintech disrupters like Kabbage.
Terms and conditions are often difficult
to understand. The process can be drawn         These neglected-middle3 customers—
out with seemingly endless requests for         also known as “thin-file” or “no-file”
additional documents. There are lengthy         customers—are not simply high-cost, high-
processing times, with little indication of     risk credit seekers. Rather, they represent a
when a decision will be rendered. Credit        pool of diverse potential borrowers, many
decisions are made by faceless, nameless        of whom exhibit financially responsible
individuals. And despite the needs of each      behaviors.
borrower being unique in a number of
relevant ways, credit products are often        This group includes, among others,
one-size-fits-all.                              immigrants and foreign workers who often
                                                lack the local financial data needed to
Further, a substantial portion of the           obtain credit4, women5, and Centennials—
population is overlooked by traditional         the generation born after 1997 who have
lenders—despite the fact they have sound        not yet developed a credit history.
money habits.
                                                The credit needs of these segments are
For a variety of reasons, these are             varied yet vast—they encompass personal
individuals and small business owners who       credit cards, unsecured personal loans,
may possess a bank account but have a           home financing, auto financing, point-
thin or non-existent credit file. Many adults   of-sale financing and other short-term
are unable to obtain personal credit due        and long-term instruments. Small- and
to a lack of a robust banking and credit        medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face
history.                                        similar challenges in acquiring financing.

The Banking Experience Reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

Financial institutions should also take to
heart the idea that serving these segments
can be good for both business and society.
Consider, for example, the US Paycheck
Protection Program (PPP) which, under
the new administration, is likely to focus
more on businesses led by women and
minorities. Banks that focus on them now
will be positioned to win in the future.

To close the gaps in credit provision, what
is needed is nothing less than a rethink
of banks’ value proposition as well as
the end-to-end customer journey—from
application to the decisioning process to
the reinforcement of loyalty.                  Information gathered by lenders will be
                                               even more valuable over the long term. As
Several promising developments in credit       they use greater quantities and varieties
innovation—the use of alternative data,        of data—spurred by API infrastructures,
                                                                                              Braviant Holdings looks beyond credit
new risk analysis techniques and credit        regulatory evolution and shifting
                                                                                              scores to provide lending options to those
products, and greater automation—can,          consumer sentiments—lenders’ ability to
                                                                                              who might otherwise be shut out.6 Using
and have already started to, provide the       find new areas of growth will only increase.
                                                                                              automation, machine learning and alternative
cornerstone for the solution. UK-based
                                                                                              data sources, like cash flow, the lender has
OakNorth Bank, for example, leverages          Developing solutions for thin-file and no-
                                                                                              built models to predict both willingness and
alternative data to keep non-performing        file customers is possible. Lessons learned
                                                                                              ability to pay, providing their customers a
loans at an incredible rate: just two          from such pursuits may ultimately provide
                                                                                              path to better credit scores.
defaults in four years of lending a net of     new approaches for traditional audiences
€3 billion ($3.6 billion) to individuals and   as well, as we pivot to the next-generation
SMBs.                                          credit experience.

The Banking Experience Reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due


Building a next-generation credit experience,   Shift your organizational mindset and           Leverage technology and existing and
especially for neglected segments, requires     encourage new behaviors that leverage           alternative data to reinvent credit models
thinking about new products, services and       new tools and processes that extend the         and processes
underwriting decision-making to leverage        reach of credit.
existing and alternative data and new                                                           •   How can we ensure the scale and
technologies. The challenge can be broken       •   How can we empower employees to                 efficiency of new credit models, and
down into three parts:                              match the creativity of the new tools and       apply them to traditional segments?
                                                    processes?                                  •   How can we leverage open banking
Understand neglected segments,                  •   How can we train them and build the             as well as new, robust data sources to
scrutinize their experience of seeking              skills they need to make better credit          update risk models, boost predictiveness
credit, and use the findings to create new          decisions?                                      and improve services?
products and services.                          •   How can we set appropriate incentives
                                                    for employees to think differently about
•   What does human-centered research tell          credit?
    us about the traits, behaviors and pain
    points of neglected segments?
•   How can we develop new products,
    services and models for underserved
    borrower segments?
•   How can we create seamless experiences
    that are transparent, inclusive and

The Banking Experience Reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

To address this challenge and pave the way
to next-generation credit, banks can:

1. Create new credit-related
products and services

Banks need to acquire both a qualitative and   Amazon Lending, for example, is described
quantitative understanding of underserved      as offering “working capital loans designed
borrower segments to design new credit         with your business needs in mind.”
products that reduce, transfer or share risk   Meanwhile Prosper, a fintech that connects
and deliver a better customer experience.      people looking to borrow money with
                                               individuals and institutions looking to invest
By identifying and understanding customers’    in consumer credit, has facilitated more than
beliefs and behavior patterns relating to      $12 billion in loans to more than 770,000
money, banks can use their new products        people.7
and services to more effectively establish
credit profiles for underserved segments.      Even “buy now, pay later” (BNPL)
                                               arrangements—such as those championed
From special-purpose loans that customers      by online lenders like Klarna—should
truly value, for needs such as medical         be considered when factoring in credit
emergencies, auto emergencies or vacation      decisions. Currently, many BNPL providers
planning, to supply-chain loans attached       do not help customers build credit history.
to small sales for businesses, the range of    Yet the potential of using this information
options is limited only by the creativity of   could be differentiating for traditional players
solutions.                                     aiming to attract new customer groups while
                                               managing risk.

The Banking Experience Reimagined
Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

                                  2. Shift the
                                  decisioning mindset

                                  By implementing a more informed decision-             about whether it is possible to give
                                  making process, lenders can transition                credit to exploring ways to make it
                                  from a hard “yes or no” decision based on             possible. Building a culture of ideation,
                                  a traditional scoring mechanism to a more             experimentation and learning will help
                                  nuanced “yes, but/no, but” framework.                 identify behaviors that can be replicated
                                                                                        and scaled across the organization.
                                  Banks should encourage employees to adopt
                                  a new mindset, creating a corporate culture       •   Train employees, building new skills that
                                  that facilitates a new customer experience,           will provide the tool set for them to ideate
                                  after the appropriate tools are in place.             and operate differently. Skills such as
                                                                                        design thinking will allow employees to
                                  From credit decision makers to relationship           gain a deep understanding of customer
                                  managers—and, even, chatbot coders—the                needs and mindsets, and design and
                                  principle of supporting applicants through            execute new experiences based on
                                  the whole process with a mindset of “yes”             empathy.
                                  will require creativity, flexibility and other
                                  skills that help transition from a rigid credit   •   Set incentives to reward innovation,
                                  process to a new credit experience that               and incorporate performance metrics
                                  increases new-borrower conversion and                 that measure the progress towards an
                                  retention.                                            “always yes” mindset. Explore new ways
                                                                                        of encouraging the search for customer
                                  This can be achieved in many ways:                    needs and pain points in the credit
                                                                                        process and how to solve them.
                                  •   Encourage creative thinking by loan
                                      officers, relationship managers and
                                      other employees to challenge current
                                      paradigms and shift from thinking

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

3. Rethink credit
decisioning frameworks to
increase reach and access

Lenders need to leverage years of data         •   Updating existing risk models through
aggregation differently. This will reveal          alternative scoring methods to
patterns that fundamentally change the             complement traditional credit decisions.
structure and accuracy of risk models for          In a reality where historical information—
both underserved segments and traditional          the main assumption of current risk
customers.                                         models—is failing to predict the future,
                                                   many banks are finding other types of
Extracting meaningful information with a           predictors, such as social or lifestyle data,
different perspective can expand the reach         to be increasingly relevant.9
of credit and allow access to segments that
currently are not served.                      •   Leveraging bias testing frameworks to
                                                   understand where new or future risk
This can be done through a variety of means:       models may unnecessarily and adversely
                                                   affect protected groups. These methods
•   More widespread use of new analytical          can leverage qualitative and empirical
    techniques—such as association tests           dimensions including biases in trust,
    based on natural language processing,          fairness, model, data or operations,
    or other empirical testing frameworks—         revealing practical opportunities to
    to extract meaningful information from         expand service.
    existing and new data sources.

•   Enriching scoring through data
    augmentation, given consumers’ rapidly
    expanding options to access credit. This
    will provide the robust models necessary
    to play in a world where customers will
    have more and more credit alternatives.8

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

                                  4. Reinvent credit                                Providing financial education to potential
                                                                                    customers is a proven way to bolster
                                  processes to ensure                               relationships and improve creditworthiness.
                                                                                    By leveraging digital channels to deliver
                                  scale and efficiency                              education at scale, banks have an opportunity
                                                                                    to influence behavior, convert new borrowers
                                                                                    and create new data stream.10
                                  Automated digital workflows with built-in
                                  controls can enable the provision of credit to
                                  underserved segments at scale, with a cost to
                                  serve that is attractive to incumbents. These
                                                                                    Mosabi is a digital platform which blends
                                  workflows can be created through:
                                                                                    fintech and edtech to provide emerging-
                                                                                    market citizens with the skills and services to
                                  •   Straight-through processing design
                                                                                    better manage their businesses and money.
                                      principles and segmentation of credit lines
                                                                                    Rather than viewing financial education as
                                      (by type or amount).
                                                                                    a nice-to-have that is offered only after the
                                  •   Intelligent automation that enables
                                                                                    provision of credit, Mosabi flips this around.
                                      automated processing and human
                                                                                    Its solution uses data generated by e-learning
                                      intervention for exceptions-handling only.
                                                                                    to drive decisions for financial institutions
                                                                                    and help match potential customers with the
                                  We have identified four enablers that can be
                                                                                    financial products and services they need.11
                                  harnessed to achieve this:

                                  Deliver financial education to support
                                  business development, data collection
                                  and the communities you are looking to

                                  In the current COVID-19 environment, it
                                  has become clear that technology can
                                  play a major role in the democratization of
                                  education. The case for financial education
                                  and digital literacy will be no different.

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

Partner with external data providers to                                                             an individual or business is a good credit risk.
boost predictiveness.                              Inspiration:                                     Social data from social networks, internet
                                                                                                    service providers and telecommunications
Access to alternative data will become             The Australian government recently               companies have the potential to be analyzed
essential to the value chain of next-generation    enabled real-time economic data monitoring       and used to create the 21st century version of
credit products.                                   across the country to visualize how the          this risk assessment practice, quantifying the
                                                   economy is performing and take action            qualitative elements of risk analysis that have
The expansion of APIs has enabled partners         in areas that need immediate support.12 It       thus far been elusive.
to gain an early foothold into valuable pools      worked closely with the financial sector to
of alternative data—Experian leveraging Plaid,     help financial institutions use this data to     As customers become more comfortable with
for example. This is just the beginning; we        assess and respond appropriately to the          data sharing between third parties and scaled
are likely to witness an expansion of such         needs of SMEs nationwide.                        community-based lending becomes better
partnerships in the near future, such as:                                                           documented, direct or partnership offerings
                                                                                                    are on the horizon.
•   Telecommunications providers (for              Turn to social.
    example, data about financial transactions                                                      Change the corporate culture.
    done via mobile phone serves as an             As social media continues to maintain its hold
    indicator of cash flow).                       on our daily lives and interactions, lending     Along with a change in bank employees’
•   Utilities (whether and how often bills are     instruments will need to account for and         mindset, new behaviors and values will be key
    paid, as a proxy for willingness and ability   integrate social data in a meaningful way.       to driving and sustaining the changes that will
    to repay).                                     In consumer insurance, Friendsurance has         shape an improved credit experience.
•   Wholesale suppliers (payment histories for     long shown the efficacy of socially structured
    small businesses, as a proxy for revenue       financial instruments at scale.                  Initiatives that empower employees, build
    estimation).                                                                                    skills that enable creative thinking, and
•   Retailers (data about customer purchases,      By creating pooled insurance deductibles         strengthen employees’ ability to work with
    which can help to estimate income levels).     among friends, fraud can be substantially        technology, will be key to the delivery and
•   Government agencies (demographic and           reduced. Similarly, lending circles have long    scaling of a new credit experience. By
    census data, which can indicate default        leveraged the notion that social capital can     nurturing a corporate culture that is more
    risk).                                         build credit histories among those who would     empathetic, lenders will ensure that, once
•   Financial institutions’ own, previously        otherwise struggle to pay back loans.            new tools and methods are in place, credit is
    overlooked data (paper records that have                                                        given where it’s due.
    not been digitized).                           Historically, community lenders have taken
                                                   a similar approach, knocking on proverbial
                                                   doors to understand whether peers believe

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Credit Where It’s Due

Inspiration:                                     Practices such as instant credit decisions,
                                                 data augmentation and shared-responsibility
Nubank, Brazil’s biggest digital bank, has a     or socially-backed loans have the potential
culture articulated by mission statements        to improve financial inclusion and bottom
such as “We are hungry and challenge the         lines. But they also have the potential to be
status quo” and “We want our customers           misused.
to love us fanatically.”13 The bank, which
grew from 5.9 million clients in late 2018 to    Traditional lenders will need to tread a fine
25 million by June 2020, is recognized for       line between making it easy to get credit
empowering all employees to be customer-         and too easy to get into debt; between using
focused—to consider the customer from            data to make better decisions and using
product development all the way through to       information that’s too private; and between
the provision of customer services.              leveraging the community and putting the
                                                 community at risk.

                                                 By accounting for these risks and starting
A Final Thought                                  with underserved borrower segments,
                                                 lenders can achieve growth and develop
                                                 a proving ground for alternative data and
Lenders of the future have an opportunity        risk models. Using this experience, they
to deliver a seamless credit experience in       can apply their learnings more broadly to
which customers feel able to put their best      establish efficient next-generation credit
foot forward without any missteps. And they      models.
can be confident of having the insights they
need since customers have shown more
willingness to share the alternative data that
will drive this transition.14

Caution will be needed, however, as
all involved will need to contribute to a
responsible future.

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward

                           Pay It Forward: Embracing
                           the Shifting Payments Paradigm

                           A new payments paradigm is        Payments are evolving to the point where
                                                             a new paradigm is emerging. Payments
                           emerging where payment is         used to be the final obstacle to taking
                           no longer the final obstacle to   possession of a product or service;
                           obtaining an item purchase.       now they are becoming an enabler
                                                             of a seamless, connected commerce
                           Rather, it’s an enabler of a      experience.
                           more integrated commerce
                           experience in which customers     Traditional payment form factors such
                                                             as cash, check or plastic are becoming
                           themselves become part of the     obsolete. Payment transactions are
                           payments infrastructure. To       increasingly independent of a physical
                           stay relevant, banks must drive   checkout counter or online checkout
                                                             page, and money is increasingly not the
                           this shift and adapt commerce     medium of exchange at all—instead, data
                           experiences accordingly.          is becoming the key instrument of trade
                                                             in a modern barter economy.

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward

In the future, consumers themselves            If banks are to continue to play a valuable   Simultaneously, banks should use
will be the form factor—completing             and central role in the payments domain,      data in smart ways to surface insights
a transaction with the blink of an eye         they should focus on ruthlessly removing      and knowledge, and partner with the
or the touch of a finger, so a payment         all unnecessary friction and automating       consumer to nudge them into smarter
may occur at almost the same time a            the mundane and repetitive experiences        and better spending behaviors that
purchase is desired. Payment options           that waste time and mental bandwidth.         allow them to control and optimize a
will be flexible, simple and tailored to the                                                 personalized commerce experience.
transaction at hand.

Imagine a time when a longstanding
relationship with a bank will not be
needed to ensure access to financing
because the consumer will be in control
and able to select the financial institution
of their choice on a per transaction
basis. Banks are vying for the consumer’s
attention at point of purchase, but the
time and place where payments occur
are rapidly shifting, as retailers and
brands proactively send products to
customers to try out and sample before a
payment occurs.

The payments infrastructure will no
longer be just a cumbersome conduit
for payment authentication. Instead,
it will facilitate greater transparency
and traceability through a frictionless
commerce experience.

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward

A seamless and connected commerce               able to leverage and integrate the many new
experience will be a reality in the near        innovations to deliver a holistic solution that
future as digital innovations keep coming,      enables a connected commerce experience.
heightening consumers’ perceptions around
the art of the possible and driving the         Solution
expectation that all things digital should be
seamless and connected.                         Consumers are clamoring for a fluid,
                                                seamless and connected commerce
For now, however, the payments                  experience and will gravitate to businesses
infrastructure largely consists of fragmented   that enable this future state. New entrants
legacy systems designed for plastic cards       are harnessing technologies to meet this
and real-time bank payments, resulting in       demand, but their advancements are
a lot of friction. Everyday annoyances that     singular, independent solutions that simply
have plagued payments for decades are still     lay the foundation.
prevalent, and some of the new innovations
introduced have unintended consequences.        The opportunity exists for any player in the
                                                payments ecosystem to lead the charge
Subscription plans with automatic recurring     in assembling these building blocks into a
payments provide welcome respite from           cohesive, frictionless, integrated commerce
going through the motions of paying the         experience.
same bill every month, for example. Yet
keeping track of all instances where the        If banks want to be the leaders driving this
card is on file, being aware of how much is     change, they must step up and embrace the
actually being spent on recurring payments      new paradigm. If they don’t and do nothing,
and making changes—such as cancelling the       they will inevitably be pushed aside—forced
service—remains an onerous exercise.            to watch from the sidelines as non-banks
                                                capitalize on what the future has to offer.
No single player in the payments
ecosystem—issuing banks, processors,            There are four enablers to reduce friction
acquirers, networks, wallet providers,          and, in turn, create a more fluid, seamless,
payment facilitators and retailers—has been     and connected commerce experience.

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward

1. Liberate Point-of-sale
Typically, point-of-sale is a prescribed          Opportunity lies in removing the physical         personalize the in-store experience and
moment at the end of the commerce                 checkout counter or online checkout page          deepen the relationship with the customer.
journey. Increasingly, point-of-sale will occur   by using handheld devices and AI-enabled          This reduces the risk of customers leaving a
before or during the shopping journey—with        sensors and simplifying online checkout to        handful of items behind and exiting without
or without a store associate and regardless       one click.                                        making a purchase because the checkout
of the device they are using to shop.                                                               line is too long.
                                                  To make the shopping experience more fluid,
A fixed physical checkout area can create         some retailers provide handheld point-of-sale
long lines and, like a digital checkout,          devices so that shoppers can register their       Inspiration:
introduces a moment for consumers to leave        purchases as they fill their basket. Apart from
the store before making their final purchase.     eliminating queueing, this has the advantage      Gap began to roll out handheld devices to
Both interrupt the shopping experience            of minimizing any time lag between the            its in-store sales associates in 2018 to better
by establishing a gate or barrier to taking       decision to purchase and the actual payment       serve customers not just at checkout but
possession of a product or receiving a            transaction.                                      with better information, such as price checks
service.                                                                                            and inventory availability.1
                                                  Equipping store associates with point-of-
                                                  sale devices allows the retailer to further

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward

Where a self-service shopping experience         Some online retailers have been able to
is preferred, some retailers have begun to       simplify the checkout to a mere one-click
integrate payments into the entry-point of       process by pushing the payment transaction
the store. This has the benefit of giving the    into the background. In-app purchases
retailer an introduction to its customer early   are as simple as a fingerprint, relying on
in the commerce experience, opening an           auto-fill integrations for the shipping and
opportunity to activate loyalty programs or      payment credential information stored on
personalized recommendations before the          the shopper’s phone. Linked devices such as
moment of payment.                               e-readers or connected cards require only a
                                                 one-time set-up for the first payment.
Some grocery stores have in-aisle scanners
that also dispense digital coupons. Other        Banks should consider ways to support
“smart” stores enabled by AI sensors and         retailers, helping to drive the evolution of
cameras are combining the payment and the        seamless checkout rather than scrambling to
shopping experience to eliminate the need        keep up.
to scan items at the checkout.

Inspiration:                                     Inspiration:

Amazon offers “Just Walk Out Technology”         Amazon’s Kindle e-reader automatically
to retailers to enable them to provide the       enables one-click ordering after the payment
Amazon Go store concept in their own             method and shipping address have been
locations. It also provides “Dash Carts” with    added during the first order. Future orders
AI and sensors installed in the shopping cart,   are then placed merely by clicking “Buy
to provide the same experience without the       now with 1-Click” on any product page.
retailer needing to modify its store.2           The order is then automatically charged to
                                                 the payment method and shipped to the
                                                 address associated with the initial once-click

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward

2. Provide Diverse
and Instantaneous                              Inspiration:

Financing Options                              Affirm provides consumers with immediate,       American Express provides an alternative
                                               transparent installment loans. This is not a    payment option at point-of-sale by allowing
                                               new credit option—loans must be repaid in       customers enrolled in Membership Rewards
A good place to start connecting the           installments over a set period of time, with    to use accumulated points to instantly
commerce experience is by providing            all terms outlined and agreed to upfront at     pay for purchases when checking out at
a variety of immediate credit options—         the point-of-sale. But by being transparent     participating retailers. To date, Amex has
installment payments, for example—to           ahead of the purchase about exactly what        partnered with 14 retailers.5 On average, the
consumers when they want and need them,        customers will pay each month, Affirm has       value per point is approximately $0.70, but
instead of a credit line disassociated from    created an experience that has no surprises.4   depends on the arrangement with each
the purchase.                                                                                  retailer.

Whether online or in-store, a consumer no
longer needs to have a credit card at the
ready. Nor do consumers have to apply
for credit long before they have a need.
A number of retailers, by partnering with
fintechs or e-commerce platforms like
Shopify are able to extend instant credit to
shoppers, even in some instances sending
products to customers without first securing
full payment.

Developing and offering holistic financing
options that go beyond credit and debit
cards is a good way for banks to avoid

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward

3. Eliminate the Need
to Present Traditional
Payment Credentials

The use of on-file payment credentials               A single authenticated on-file payment
in-app, online or in-store enhances the              credential can affect payment to multiple
commerce experience by making payments               online and brick-and-mortar retailers across
seamless after the credentials have been             different payment channels and to different
provided for the first time. Specifically, on-file   physical locations. All relevant purchase
payment credentials help enable recurring            information is stored in one place and
payments for subscription services or for            payment happens in the background as a
buy-now-pay-later financing options.                 seamless response to the customer’s desire
                                                     to make a purchase.
For consumers, on-file payment credentials
allow the payment to fade into the                   An unintended consequence of a frictionless
background—an important component                    experience is invisible or unnoticed fraud. As
of a convenient payment experience. For              the number of stored payment credentials
example, being able to quickly exit a taxi at        increases, security and authentication
the airport without having to think about            become ever more important.
the payment reassures the consumer that
nothing will hinder the mad dash to the              To ensure that a seamless payment does not
airport security line. Similarly, eliminating        compromise the security of the transaction,
the mundane task of actively paying bills by         banks should spearhead the development
ensuring monthly payment deadlines are               of technology that is tied to a consumer’s
met automatically gives consumers peace of           identity—for example, biometric behavioral
mind.                                                authorizations, integrations across platforms
                                                     for single sign on, or gestures. Consumers
Devices enabled by the Internet of Things            have come to expect this of their banks.
(IoT)—such as smart parking meters, smart
refrigerators and voice-activated assistants—
extend the capabilities of payment
credentials on-file.
Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward


Bank of America, through its virtual
assistant Erica, can tell customers what
subscription services are tied to their
cards. They can use its budgeting and
spending tools to discover where recurring
transactions are taking place and take back
control of their expenses.6

The Groceries by Mastercard app, the first
to be integrated into a refrigerator, connects
consumers to leading grocers so they can
order groceries direct. It learns the family’s
shopping habits and makes personalized
suggestions on items and brands.7

4. Make The Digital                              Today’s e-Wallet is housed in a consumer’s
                                                 mobile phone, with apps from Apple Pay to
                                                                                                   Since e-Wallet apps are agnostic with regard
                                                                                                   to payment type, banks have an opportunity
Wallet Truly Integrated                          Google Pay enabling consumers to securely         to vie for the top of the integrated wallet.
                                                 store credit card data and transact.              Providing customers with more targeted
And Flawlessly Operable                                                                            rewards that surprise and delight, offering
                                                 In the not-too-distant future, AI may be          more financing options and, subsequently,
                                                 leveraged to automatically optimize a             creating a more personalized experience at
The digital wallet—or e-Wallet—is the
                                                 consumer’s e-Wallet. It will take into account    every transaction are all ways they can earn
backbone of the connected commerce
                                                 the maximization of rewards, interest             top position.
experience when truly integrated and
                                                 payments, fees and other benefits, like free
flawlessly operable. If the next-generation
                                                 shipping, to establish a waterfall of preferred
point-of-sale bypasses the idea of a checkout
                                                 payment types that potentially changes with
line, then the integrated wallet is the
                                                 each transaction.
common denominator between all points of

Experience Reimagination
Banking - Pay It Forward


Apple Pay offers an easy, secure and
private way to pay in-store, online or within
apps, using an iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch
or Mac rather than a physical card or cash.
Any credit, debit or pre-paid card may be
uploaded to the e-Wallet. Apple Pay can
also be used to send and receive money in
the Messages app with Apple Cash. Every
transaction requires authentication with Face
ID, Touch ID or a passcode.8

Capital One Shopping—formerly Wikibuy—
is a free browser tool that makes it easy for    A Final Thought
consumers to save time and money while
shopping online. It does this by automatically
searching for online coupons, better prices      The ambition for payments needs to be to         Fintechs have been at the forefront of
and rewards at over 30,000 online retailers.     be frictionless and integrated in the broader    technological advancements in the
Capital One purchased the technology so          customer experience. As such, the payment        payments space. Yet no player in the
it could better serve its existing customers.    experience should not be divorced from the       ecosystem—issuing banks, processors,
By anticipating and solving users’ needs         broader commerce experience and should           acquirers, networks, wallet providers,
before, during and after point-of-purchase,      not just mark the end of a transaction. Also,    payment facilitators or retailers—has been
it’s building customer loyalty to its checking   payments can no longer be specific to just       able to remove the friction and fully integrate
accounts and cards. It is also gathering rich    one channel or payments form factor.             the infrastructure that would support a
data on non-customers’ shopping behavior—                                                         seamless, connected commerce experience.
information it can potentially leverage to       There is technology that is helping to evolve    There is still an opportunity for banks to step
proactively attract new customers.9              the payments infrastructure, yet many of         up and be the ones who drive this shift in the
                                                 today’s innovations are one-off solutions that   payments paradigm.
                                                 only set the stage for what is to come.

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth

                           Banking with Purpose:
                           Values-Based Growth

                           Customers and employees          To most people, banks are by default neutral
                                                            and impartial. This is a double negative. It
                           expect the organizations         makes them bland and boring from both
                           they deal with to stand for      an employee and customer experience
                                                            standpoint. It also means they are perceived
                           something beyond selling         as indifferent financial enablers of evils
                           a product or service, with       ranging from environmental harm to social
                           relationships built on shared
                           values and empathy. For banks,   Purpose has been the corporate buzzword
                           this means truly standing for    for some time. There has been plenty of talk
                                                            about purpose and business responsibility,
                           something or standing aside.     but it has been outpaced by demands from
                           Now is the time to reframe       customers, employees, regulators and
                                                            investors—spurred by a new generation of
                           purpose.                         social activists—that companies scale up
                                                            their corporate social responsibility (CSR)
                                                            policies and initiatives and, generally, abandon
                                                            traditional practices designed to advance only
                                                            their own interests.

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth

COVID-19 has accelerated this, pressure-          On the employee side, one in three
testing the talk beyond CSR in healthcare         employees worldwide strongly agrees that
systems, governments and also banking.            the mission or purpose of their organization
As banks were called to the frontline of          makes them feel their job is important.3
supporting economic life upended by the
crisis, many stepped up by forgoing fees to       As the recession brings additional financial
provide advice and access to government-          pressure and banks need to improve
sponsored assistance programs—especially          profitability, it will be tempting for banks
those for small businesses.                       to revert to business as usual. This means
                                                  the purpose momentum built during the
Historically, very few companies have             pandemic might dissipate quickly.
managed authentically to live up to
their stated purpose—their expensive              Committing to an enduring purpose-driven
communication campaigns are often                 approach will require bold leadership and, at
perceived by customers and employees as           least in the short term, economic trade-offs.
shallow or, worse, as purpose-washing. This       It also means navigating an uncertain political
dissonance can erode trust in any industry;       landscape and balancing the interests of
in banking, which people and businesses           customers and shareholders. This is more
depend on to safeguard their livelihood, this     challenging for traditional banks, which need
erosion is even more problematic.                 to manage the transition from their legacy
                                                  model, than it is for newcomers, many of
In the summer of 2020, according to our           which have designed their business model
Global Banking Consumer Study1, 29 percent        around helping customers manage their
of customers trusted their bank to look after     finances more effectively.
their long-term financial wellbeing, down from
43 percent two years before. This is a critical   Building on our Purpose-Driven Banking
finding, not least because our Purpose-Driven     Survey, we believe that banks now have a
Banking Survey revealed that the most trusted     unique opportunity to reframe purpose from a
banks achieve revenue growth that is on           branding exercise to a strategic asset, to drive
average one-third greater than that of their      enduring business value.4

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth


Purpose should not be claimed, it should be      ecosystem toward more equitable and
revealed and experienced. To feel authentic,     sustainable value-creation opportunities.
it should pervade every internal and external
interaction and be sustained over time. To       Banks also have a unique opportunity to
be experienced, it needs to be woven into        align value and values. They can do this by
the core of a company’s culture, business        focusing on customers’ financial well-being
model and operations. In the US, 89 percent      in a win-win relationship that delivers long-
of consumers surveyed agreed that the most       term profits through increased retention
important way for a company to articulate        and long-term customer value. This value
its purpose is from within, operating in a way   is driven by increased trust, which makes it
that benefits society and the environment.5      easier for banks to cross-sell advisory and
                                                 other products, and by more entrenched
Banks can become hyper-relevant by               relationships with customers whose financial
embracing their meta-purpose—being the           status improves steadily.
infrastructure for systemic values-driven
growth. Banks are uniquely positioned to         The challenge is to build experiences that
influence the direction of capital in their      bring purpose to life.

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth


Banks can build experiences that
bring purpose to life by capitalizing
on opportunities in four areas of their

How Can Banks Build Experiences
that Bring Purpose to Life?

Connect the front-end (product, services,
communications) to the back end
(operating model, governance, data) to
create fundamentally differentiated value
propositions for all stakeholders.

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth

1. Customers: Re-establish the role of the
banker as a trusted financial wellness
partner for customers and communities.

Historically, the bank—along with a place    There are 2.2 billion people worldwide whose
of worship and a market—was a pillar of      net worth in 2019 was between $10,000 and
town, and the banker was a key figure        $1 million.7 Those above $1 million typically
in a community’s local economy. With         have access to financial advice, but this
increasingly diverse communities served by   group does not. As a result, many consumers
large and often impersonal, homogenous       from this “neglected middle”—especially
bank networks, this connection with local    the younger ones—don’t see the value of
communities has been lost for the next       having a relationship with a bank and turn to
generation of customers.                     neobanks to minimize friction.

Low-income communities in particular         Relying on predatory strategies with
lack safe and reliable access to personal    these segments is not sustainable. Some
and small-business banking services. As      5 percent of banks’ retail revenue is at
of May 2019, 21 percent of Americans         risk as regulators and digital competitors
were “underbanked,” meaning they             act to help consumers avoid the cost of
need to use alternative (often predatory)    bad decisions, our analysis shows.8 The
financial services to make ends meet. It     real opportunity lies in re-establishing a
is a phenomenon that is twice to three       trusted partner relationship by proactively
times as likely to affect Hispanic and       helping customers avoid the fees that these
Black communities compared to white          decisions result in and, generally, become
communities.                                 better at managing their finances. This is
                                             a long-term play that will require banks to
This disengagement from the bank is          invest in these relationships in the short term.
also problematic among mid-market

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth

In the past few years, banks’ response has      •   Optimize branch formats to ensure
been to start reimagining their branch              maximum accessibility (with a virtual
concepts into “lifestyle spaces,” offering          branch combined with a service kiosk, for
convivial perks such as co-working/coffee           example, or a “bank on wheels” that can
spaces. COVID-19 has put a stop to these            rotate across neighborhoods).
efforts, however, raising questions about
their future business case.                     Embracing long-term strategies to co-
                                                develop wealth locally.
We can reinvent the role of the banker as a
trusted financial wellness partner by:          This involves empowering customers to
                                                build up their wealth, something that will also
                                                                                                  •   Adapt payment form factors to support
Anchoring local relevance not on a              benefit the banks that serve them, as they
                                                                                                      local ecosystems—from mobile-based
physical space but on personal intimacy.        graduate to become higher-value customers
                                                                                                      money transfers such as M-Pesa in
                                                with better prospects of contributing long-
                                                                                                      Africa—to local currencies based
This is enabled by the right blend of digital   term profits.
                                                                                                      on distributed ledgers that support
and physical.
                                                                                                      the constant flow of cash within
                                                •   Develop affordable banking offerings
                                                                                                      communities, as with the Bristol Pound.
•   Combine the convenience of digital              leveraging digital-only models, as Banco
    channels for everyday efficiencies              Santander, with its Superdigital platform,
    with meaningful human touchpoints               has done in Chile, Mexico and Brazil.10
    supporting key “moments that matter”
    in the consumer’s life, where advice and    •   Develop credit access programs.
                                                                                                  American Express has a “Designed for
    education are best delivered in-person          Open up access to financing to
                                                                                                  Small Business” mantra and, with its seven-
    (face to face or remotely).                     otherwise excluded consumers and
                                                                                                  year-old Shop Small campaign, it has
                                                    small- and medium-sized businesses
                                                                                                  demonstrated a long-term commitment to
•   Engage customers on tailored “financial         (SMBs) by building new approaches
                                                                                                  SMBs that is now deeply associated with
    wellness” learning paths by combining           to underwriting, leveraging new data
                                                                                                  the brand and perceived as authentic.11 In
    rich immersive digital experiences              sources and the power of artificial
                                                                                                  response to COVID-19, Amex committed
    and community connections, taking               intelligence, and equipping customers
                                                                                                  $200 million to Shop Small and $1 billion to
    inspiration from fintech players such as        with the financial literacy and nudging
                                                                                                  an action plan to promote racial, ethnic and
    Ellevest, a membership-based financial          mechanisms to pay back in time.
                                                                                                  gender equity for colleagues, customers and
    coaching app for women.9

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth

                           2. Products: Differentiate                        We can help customers put their money to
                                                                             work in alignment with their values by:
                           offerings with purpose.
                                                                             Recognizing consumers’ unique sets
                                                                             of values
                           Until now, competitive rates and
                           convenience have been the leading criteria        •   Articulate transparent investment
                           in customers’ choice of banking services              principles, explaining how the bank’s
                           providers. But soon, neither will be a                funds are used and allocated and
                           sufficient differentiator.                            clarifying trade-offs, using plain language
                                                                                 and relatable examples.
                           Some eight in 10 consumers say purpose is
                           at least as important to them as customer         •   Allow customers to prioritize the
                           experience, according to our Business of              dimensions that matter the most to them
                           Experience study.13 And when it comes to              (local community support, environmental
                           their banking habits, consumers are growing           impact and so on) by selecting from a
                           increasingly uncomfortable as they suspect            set of differentiated, modular product
                           their money might be working against their            offerings.
                           own values.
                                                                             Innovating with “win-win” offerings
                           Mighty Deposits in the US and Moralscore
                                           14                           15

                           in France are among the growing resources         •   Harness the power of community
                           now emerging to help customers analyze                banking by offering customers the
                           corporate practices that conflict with their          opportunity to invest in their community,
                           set of priority concerns and values.                  taking inspiration from successful
                                                                                 initiatives like immigrant saving groups.17
                           As this accelerates, customers are adding             Envision new models, such as adapting
                           ethical considerations to the value they              micro-credit to the developed world
                           expect from banking products. Some 57                 through crowdfunding-type platforms.
                           percent of consumers would want advice                The Italian banking group Intesa
                           and tips from their bank or insurer on how            Sanpaolo’s For Funding18 crowdfunding
                           to act more sustainably, our 2020 Global              initiative is one example.
                           Banking Consumer Survey found.16

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth

•   Develop targeted savings products,
    including savings accounts and CDs,          Inspiration:
    taking inspiration from green deposits,
    that enable companies to contribute          Triodos, a Netherlands-based bank with
    towards projects that benefit the            over 720,000 customers in five EU countries,
    environment.19                               is a pioneer of a new approach to banking.
                                                 It commits to lending money deposited by
Developing tools that help consumers             consumers (through certificates of deposit,
align their spending behavior with their         checking and savings accounts) exclusively
values                                           to positive-impact projects, and provides
                                                 transparent visibility into the companies and
•   Offer checking accounts that help track      organizations where it is invested.21
    carbon footprints, as well as offer a
    credit card that prevents customers from     New players emerging in this dynamic
    overspending their carbon budget—as          market segment include Ando, which
    Mastercard did with its DO Black card20—     launched in the US in January 2021 and offers
    or reward them with carbon offsets.          best-in-class mobile banking services paired
                                                 with transparency of initiatives supported
•   Offer preferential mortgage rates for        through their deposits.22
    energy-efficient properties, like Barclays
    has done with its Green Home Mortgage
    in the UK.

Experience Reimagination
Banking with Purpose:
Values-Based Growth

3. Talent: make banking a dream job
again, super-charged with purpose
and diverse perspectives.

Banking is no longer the dream job for top        Until now, inclusion and diversity policies
university graduates; tech is. This is because    have failed to penetrate most organizations
there is a crisis of purpose. Banking jobs used   and meaningfully transform banking culture.
to have huge prestige, earning bankers social     Companies and regulators may have set
currency in addition to financial rewards. But    quotas around diversity, but minorities and
since the financial crisis of 2008, both seem     women are still starkly underrepresented and
to have diminished.                               experience higher-than-average turnover
This talent appeal crisis is even more
problematic at a time when banking is under       In the US, the boards of directors of the
pressure to reinvent itself and needs top         largest financial institutions are comprised
talent to do that.                                of only 29 percent women and 17 percent
                                                  minorities, compared with the population
In order to become the systemic                   make-up of over 50 percent women and
infrastructure of more responsible capitalism,    40 percent minorities. Further, less than 1
banking needs to broaden its approaches           percent of megabank spending is devoted to
and skillsets to include non-traditional          diverse asset managers and suppliers.23
disciplines such as behavioral science and
environmental sciences. The new emerging          We can make banking the dream job again
roles that require these skills and outlooks      by crafting purpose from within, co-creating
don’t have a pipeline of senior talent ready      jobs of tomorrow and investing in diversity as
to step in. In this respect, diversity is the     a core differentiator.
answer. Diverse teams are proven to solve
problems more creatively and to reach better
outcomes, starting with the ability to attract
a more diverse customer base.

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