The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...

Page created by Derek Molina
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
The Atoll
Photo By: Rik Soderlund

            Friday 15th May 2020 – Thursday 28th May 2020                   $2.00 per issue

                                                                            The Cocos (Keeling) Islands
                                                                            comprises of 27 coral islands
                                                                            forming two atolls—situated
                                                                            2768km north-west of Perth and
                                                                            3685km due west of Darwin —
                                                                            and is an isolated speck in the
                                                                            Indian Ocean.

                                                                              You can subscribe to The Atoll
                                                                               electronically by contacting:

Photos by: Kelly Edwards

                                                                                     In this edition
                                                                                    Isi Kandungan

                                                                            Cocos (K) Islands News
                                                                            Berita Pulu Cocos (K)

                                                                            Public Notices
                                                                            Notis-notis Umum

                                        Lighting up the                     Kemainan

                                           streets in
                                                                            Cocos Moment
                                      preparation for Hari                  Saat Cocos

                                                                            Community Events
                                        Photos by: High Click Photography                                 20
                                                                            Acara Masyarakat

                                        15/05/2020       Page 1
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News    Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling)              Rainfall Stats

                                                                  Monthly Statistic up to 30th

                                                                    Latest 2020 Statistics:

                                                                     LATEST WEATHER

                                                                  Emergency Contact List

                                                              AFP                9162 6600
                                                              VHF                Ch20

                                                              IOTHS WI Clinic 9162 6655
                                                              IOTHS HI Clinic 9162 7609
                                                                                 VHF Ch24

                                                              DFES HI            9162 7788
                                                              DFES WI            9162 7777

                                                              VMRS               VHF Ch20

                                                              Shire HI           9162 6649
                                                              Shire WI           9162 6740

                                                              Watercorp          9162 6722

                                                                          Thumbs Up


                                                                 Feel free to email your
                                                               thumbs up to the Shire for

                               15/05/2020      Page 2
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News        Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling)

                                      FROM THE CEO’S DESK - 15 MAY 2020

WELCOME GLEN AND KATHY: After an exhaustive and                     the lifestyle of seeing and doing new things. We like every
robust recruitment process, we were delighted to appoint Glen       opportunity to return to Queensland to see our family and
Brigg to the position of Manager Works and Services. Glen and       spend time with our grandson. We decide to move to Cocos
                                                                    Keeling Islands for a change in lifestyle and the challenge of
his wife Kathy arrived on Cocos on Friday last week and are in
                                                                    the position.
quarantine in House 16. A word from Glen...
                                                                    Glen can be contacted via email on
Kathy and I originally come from a small country town, Tambo
in Central Queensland. We have two grown up boys, Nick and          SELAMAT DATANG GLEN DAN KATHY: Setelah proses
Jesse who are married and live and work in Toowoomba                pelantikan pekerja yang lengkap, kami dengan senang hati
Queensland. Our eldest son Nick and daughter in-law Rachel          melantik Glen Brigg sebagai Pengurus Kerja dan Services.
have a son Jaxon which is our only grandchild. While in             Glen dan isterinya Kathy tiba di Cocos pada hari Jumaat
Queensland Kathy worked for the Shire of Tambo operating the        minggu lalu dan berada dalam quarantine di Rumah 16.
swimming pool and I worked in the oil and gas fields in the         Sepatah kata dari Glen ...
Australian deserts. Deciding to leave the oil and gas industry I    Kathy dan saya berasal dari sebuah daerah kecil, Tambo di
took up the role as Manager of Works for Tambo Shire Council        Central Queensland. Kami mempunyai dua anak lelaki
which was amalgamated into Blackall Regional Council. Kathy         dewasa, Nick dan Jesse yang sudah berkahwin dan tinggal
and I decided to leave Queensland when offered our first            dan bekerja di Toowoomba Queensland. Anak lelaki sulung
Western Australian position at the Shire of Lake Grace.             kami, Nick dan menantu perempuan kami, Rachel,
The Shire of Lake Grace position finished and we returned to        mempunyai anak lelaki Jaxon yang merupakan satu-satunya
Queensland for 12 months. We liked living and working in            cucu kami. Semasa di Queensland, Kathy bekerja di Shire of
Western Australia and decided to return and took up the role as     Tambo yang mengurus kolam renang dan saya bekerja di
Manager of Works for the Shire of Broomhill Tambellup. Kathy        bagian minyak dan gas di padang pasir Australia.
took up the role as Leading Hand Park and Gardens and later         Memutuskan untuk meninggalkan industri minyak dan gas
took a role in finance in administration for the Shire of           saya mengambil tugas sebagai Pengurus Kerja untuk Shire
Broomehill Tambellup. During the 10 years at Broomehill             Tambo yang digabungkan menjadi Konsel Wilayah Blackall.
Tambellup I did a 50/50 split role as the Manager Works for         Kathy dan saya memutuskan untuk meninggalkan Queensland
Shire of Broomehill Tambellup and Shire of Cranbrook. Later I       ketika ditawarkan kerja di Australia Barat untuk pertama kali di
took up a split role with the Shire of Katanning as Manager of      Shire of Lake Grace.
Engineering. Katanning offered a range of large projects after it   Kerjaan di Shire of Lake Grace selesai dan kami kembali ke
was identified as a Supertown and funded 70million dollars in       Queensland selama 12 bulan. Kami suka tinggal dan bekerja
capital projects by the state government. Kathy and I then          di Australia Barat dan memutuskan untuk kembali dan
moved to Dowerin where I took up the role as Manager of             mengambil kerjaan sebagai Pengurus Kerja untuk Shire of
Works and Kathy took up a role in finance for the Shire of          Broomhill Tambellup. Kathy mengambil kerjaan sebagai
Dowerin.                                                            Leading Hand Parks dan Gardens dan kemudian mengambil
Kathy and I enjoy living and working in smaller communities         kerjaan dalam bidang keuangan dalam administration untuk
and find small communities very welcoming and friendly. Kathy       Shire of Broomehill Tambellup. Selama 10 tahun di Broomehill
and I have toured Australia on a Goldwing motorcycle and love       Tambellup saya melakukan kerjaan dibagi 50/50 sebagai
                                                                    Pengurus Kerja untuk Shire of Broomehill Tambellup dan
                                                                    Shire of Cranbrook. Kemudian saya mengambil kerjaan
                                                                    terbagi dengan Shire of Katanning sebagai Pengurus
                                                                    Engineering. Katanning menawarkan bermacam projek besar
                                                                    setelah dikenal pasti sebagai Supertown dan membiayai
                                                                    projek modal 70 juta dolar oleh kerajaan negeri. Kathy dan
                                                                    saya kemudian berpindah ke Dowerin di mana saya
                                                                    mengambil kerjaan sebagai Pengurus Kerja dan Kathy
                                                                    mengambil kerjaan dalam bidang keuangan untuk Shire of

                                                     15/05/2020        Page 3
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)       Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

                                     FROM THE CEO’S DESK - 15 May 2020

Kathy dan saya sukak tinggal dan bekerja di masyarakat yang        by way of recent approval by Assistant Minister Nola Marino,
lebih kecil dan mendapati masyarakat kecil sangat baik. Kathy      MP for the lease. The only remaining step before the lease
dan saya telah berkeliling Australia dengan menaiki motosikal      can be executed is securing the over-water area from the
Goldwing dan menyukai gaya hidup melihat dan melakukan             Commonwealth. We thank Assistant Minister Nola Marino and
perkara baru. Kami menyukai setiap peluang untuk kembali ke        her team for giving this matter their time, attention and
Queensland untuk melihat keluarga kami dan menghabiskan            support, particularly during this busy period. For a detailed
masa dengan cucu kami. Kami memutuskan untuk pindah ke
                                                                   understanding of the process we have followed, please see
Pulu Cocos Keeling untuk perubahan gaya hidup dan cabaran
                                                                   the agenda item to Council and all attachments presented at
kerjaan ini.
Glen boleh dihubungi melalui e -mel di                             the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 25 March 2020, or contact                                              me with any questions.
                                                                   CADANGAN RESORT PULU TIKUS: Untuk memastikan
IAN AND DI EVANS: Many people have asked about whether             masyarat kami sentiasa dikasi berita mengenai kemajuan
                                                                   dengan penyewaan sebahagian dari Pulu Tikus untuk
Ian and Di will be coming back to Cocos to say farewell. We
                                                                   cadangan pembangunan pembangunan dari Cocos Boronia
can confirm that absolutely – as soon as travel restrictions are   Resorts, satu lagi kejayaan telah dicapai dengan persetujuan
eased, Ian and Di will come back to see everyone and let us        baru-baru ini oleh Assistant Minister Nola Marino, MP untuk
have a party for them. Ian is also very keen to ensure Glen        sewaan. Satu-satunya langkah yang tersisa sebelum
gets a good hand over and that the vast knowledge he has           penyewaan dapat dilaksanakan adalah mendapatkan
accumulated over the years is transferred to Glen. This is very    kawasan perairan dari Komanwel. Kami berterima kasih
generous of Ian who, as always, is motivated by doing the best     kepada Assistant Minister Nola Marino dan timnya karena
he can for the community and the Shire. We hope to see Ian         telah memberikan waktu, perhatian, dan sokongan mereka,
and Di here soon so we can acknowledge them in person for          terutamanya dimasa yang sibuk ini.
                                                                    Untuk pemahaman terperinci mengenai proses yang telah
their enormous contributions to Cocos.
                                                                   kami lalui, sila lihat item agenda kepada Konsel dan semua
IAN DAN DI EVANS: Banyak orang bertanya mengenai                   lampiran yang dibentangkan dalam Mitingan Biasa Konsel
apakah Ian dan Di akan kembali ke Cocos untuk                      pada 25 March 2020, atau hubungi saya dengan sebarang
mengucapkan selamat tinggal. Kami dapat mengesahkannya -           pertanyaan.
sebaik sahaja pembatasan perjalanan dilonggarkan, Ian dan Di
akan kembali menemui semua orang dan kami akan                     WILLIAM KEELING CRESCENT: Thank you to everyone
mengadakan jamuan untuk mereka. Ian juga sangat berminat           who has taken an interest in planning for the foreshore of
untuk memastikan Glen mendapat penyerahan yang baik dan            William Keeling Crescent. At this stage, based on input, we
bahawa pengetahuan luas yang dia kumpulkan selama                  are focusing on the natural environment, so looking at trees
bertahun-tahun dipindahkan ke Glen. Ian sangat murah hati          for shade and soil stabilisation, with very little built
yang, seperti biasa, termotivasi dengan melakukan yang             infrastructure. We have received some great input from longer
terbaik          untuk                                             term residents regarding the types of trees that do well in this
masyarakat dan Shire.                                              environment, so many thanks for those positive contributions.
Kami berharap dapat                                                It is important to the Shire that we get a good understanding
bertemu Ian dan Di di                                              of community views and knowledge to inform any plans,
sini tidak lama lagi                                               noting of course that the views within the community are
supaya kami dapat beri                                             diverse and offer many different and interesting perspectives.
penghargaan mereka                                                 The draft landscape plan will be available by Monday 18 May
secara peribadi kerana                                             2020 for further public comment before being considered by
s u m b an g a n b e s a r                                         Council.
mereka kepada Cocos.                                               WILLIAM KEELING CRESCENT: Terima kasih kepada
                                                                   semua orang yang telah berminat merancang untuk pantai
DIRECTION ISLAND RESORT PROPOSAL: In order to keep                 William Keeling Crescent. Pada masa ini, berdasarkan input,
our community updated on progress with the lease for a             kami memfokuskan diri pada lingkungan semula jadi,
portion of Direction Island for the proposed resort development    sehingga melihat pohon untuk teduhan dan penstabilan
                                                                   tanah, dengan infrastruktur dibina yang sangat sedikit. Kami
from Cocos Boronia Resorts, another milestone has been
                                                                   telah menerima banyak input daripada penduduk yang sudah
                                                    15/05/2020         Page 4
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Quote of the Day                           Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)     Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

“There are no limits to what
you can accomplish, except                                      FROM THE CEO’S DESK - 15 MAY 2020
the limits you place on your
        own thinking”                     lama mengenai jenis pokok yang baik di persekitaran ini, terima kasih banyak atas sumbangan
                                          yang positif. Adalah penting bagi Shire agar kita mendapat pemahaman yang baik mengenai
           -Brian Tracy                   pandangan dan pengetahuan masyarakat untuk memberitahu sebarang rancangan, dengan
                                          memperhatikan bahawa pandangan dalam masyarakat adalah pelbagai dan menawarkan banyak
      Thought for the Day                 perspektif yang berbeza dan menarik. Draf rancangan landskap akan tersedia pada hari Senin 18
                                          May 2020 untuk komen selanjutnya sebelum dipertimbangkan oleh Konsel.

                                                                                           From the Shire Councillors and
Speak in such a way that
  others love to listen to                                                                     staff, we wish everyone
you. Listen in such a way
that others love to speak
          to you.

       Jokes of the Week

A man walks into a shop and sees a
cute little dog. He asks the shopkeeper
“Does your dog bite?” The shopkeeper
says, “No, my dog does not bite.” The
man tries to pet the dog and the dog
                                                 Things end but memories lasts forever...
bites him. “Ouch!” He says, “I thought
you said your dog does not bite!” The
shopkeeper replies, “That is not my

Teacher: "If I gave you 2 cats and
another 2 cats and another 2, how
many would you have?"
J o h n n y :         " S e v e n . "
Teacher: "No, listen carefully... If I
gave you two cats, and another two
cats and another two, how many would
y o u              h a v e ? "
J o h n n y :         " S e v e n . "
Teacher: "Let me put it to you
differently. If I gave you two apples,
and another two apples and another
two, how many would you have?"
J o h n n y :            " S i x . "
Teacher: "Good. Now if I gave you two
cats, and another two cats and another
two, how many would you have?"
J o h n n y :         " S e v e n ! "
Teacher: "Johnny, where in the heck
do you get seven from?!"
Johnny: "Because I've already got a
freaking cat!"

Two little boys w ere know n
troublemakers, stealing everything
they could get their hands, even from
the church. One day a priest stopped
one of the boys and asked, "Where is
God?" The boy shrugged and the
priest repeated, "Where is God?" The
boy ran out of the cathedral crying to
his home where he hid in a closet.
Eventually his brother found him and
asked, "What's wrong?" The crying
boy replied, "We're in trouble now!
God is missing and they think we took

                                                                 15/05/2020      Page 5
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)    Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

Some of Ian’s achievement during
his tenure with the Shire.
Beberapa pencapaian Ian selama
masa jabatannya dengan Shire.

                                             15/05/2020       Page 6
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Did You Know???                  Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)   Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

There was an outbreak of
influenza in 1889 that
caused the death of 7
people on Cocos.

    Cocos Malay Words                           CASUAL POOL – OUTDOOR AND INDOOR STAFF

      Lebaran - Hari Raya   Are you passionate about serving the Community? If so, you may be interested to know
       festivals             that the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands is creating a casual pool for people interested in
      Salam salamam -       general working for the Shire on an as required basis until June 2021. Individuals in Casual
       Seeking forgiveness   pool team will be used to meet operational requirements for projects as well as the potential
      Sedekah - Charity/
                             to backfill for permanent staff during periods of leave. Individuals interested in being
      Lampu kelap kelip -   considered for this opportunity should submit an application addressing the following
       Fairy lights          selection criteria:
      Selamatan -
       Ceremony              Selection Criteria:
      Malam Takbir - Eve    •   Demonstrate a commitment to Occupational Health and Safety
       of Eid
                             •   Demonstrate reliability and commitment to our organisational values of
      Eid - Hari Raya
      Kembang api -                 Service, Accountability, Support, Respect, Integrity and Achievement
       Sparkles              •   Be able to be flexible
      Ziarah Kubur -        •   Demonstrate confidence & safety using equipment and machinery or computers
       Grave visit           •   Capable of working in a team environment
                             •   Be self-motivated and able to work unsupervised
                             •   Desirable - A current ‘C’ class licence
This exciting opportunity offers a chance to work for a Shire that is focused on quality customer service and takes pride
in delivering services of a high standard with its team of approximately 35 employees.

Most of all we want people who join our team to share our passion for the community we all live in and love.

The positions will be paid in accordance with the Local Government Industry Award 2010 depending on the
requirements of the position being filled.

Your application must include the following:
1. A cover letter clearly demonstrating your suitability for the position based on the selection criteria above;
2. A resume with your personal contact details, a summary of your work history, education, training, a copy of your
qualifications and a minimum of 2 contactable referees.

Additional information about the role can be obtained by contacting the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Governance
and Risk Coordinator, Ibrahim Macrae.

Applications addressed to the Chief Executive Officer must reach the Home Island Shire Office no later than 4.00pm
on Wednesday 27 May 2020. Applications can be mailed, hand delivered or emailed to

Applicants may be subject to a pre-employment medical, including drug screening. The Shire of Cocos Keeling Islands
is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and is committed to a fair recruitment process in selecting the best
applicant for the position.

Andrea Selvey
Chief Executive Officer

                                                   15/05/2020       Page 7
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)    Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

                                  KASUAL POOL – PEKERJA LUAR DAN DALAM

Apakah Anda bersemangat melayani Masyarakat? Jika demikian, Anda mungkin tertarik untuk mengetahui bahwa
Konsel Pulu Cocos (Keeling) membuat kumpulan kasual orang-orang yang berminat untuk bekerja secara umum di
Konsel pada tahap yang diperlukan sehingga Jun 2021. Seseorang dalam tim kumpulan kasual akan diperlukan untuk
memenuhi keperluan operasi utk projek serta kemungkinan untuk mengisi semula pekerja tetap semasa cuti.
Seseorang yang berminat dipertimbangkan untuk peluang ini harus mengemukakan permohonan yang memenuhi
kriteria pemilihan berikut:

Kriteria Pemilihan:
•      Menunjukkan komitmen terhadap Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Pekerjaan
•      Menunjukkan kebolehpercayaan dan komitmen terhadap nilai organisasi kami
            Servis, Akauntabiliti, Sokongan, Hormat, Integriti dan Pencapaian
•      Dapat bersikap fleksibel
•      Menunjukkan keyakinan & keselamatan menggunakan peralatan dan mesin atau komputer
•      Mampu bekerja dalam persekitaran tim
•      Bermotivasi diri dan dapat bekerja tanpa pengawasan
•      Diinginkan - Lesen ‘C’ class terkini

Peluang menarik ini memberi peluang untuk bekerja di Konsel yang memfokuskan pada servis pelanggan yang
berkualiti dan berbangga dapat memberikan servis dengan standard yang tinggi dengan tim-nya yang terdiri daripada
kira-kira 35 pekerja.

Yang paling penting kami mahukan orang yang ikut tim kami berkongsi semangat kami untuk masyarakat
yang kami semua tinggal dan sayangi.

Kerjaan ini akan dibayar sesuai dengan Industri Award Kerajaan Tempatan 2010 bergantung pada syarat kerjaan yang

Cara buat permohonan
Permohonan anda mesti termasuk yang berikut:
1. Surat lamaran dengan jelas menunjukkan kesesuaian anda untuk kerjaan ini berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan di atas;
2. Resume dengan keterangan hubungan peribadi anda, ringkasan sejarah kerja, pendidikan, latihan, salinan
kelayakan anda dan minimum 2 referee yang dapat dihubungi.

Keterangan tambahan mengenai kerjaan tersebut dapat diperoleh dengan menghubungi Ibrahim Macrae, Governance
and Risk Coordinator, di Konsel Pulu Cocos (Keeling).

Permohonan yang ditujukan kepada Chief Executive Officer mesti sampai ke ofis Konsel Home Island selewat-
lewatnya pada jam 4.00 petang pada hari Rabu 27 Mei 2020. Permohonan boleh dipos, dihantar dengan tangan atau e
-mel ke

Pemohon boleh dikenakan pemereksaan medikal, termasuk pemeriksaan obat-obat terlarang. Konsel Pulu Cocos
(Keeling) adalah majikan Peluang Pekerjaan yang Sama dan komited untuk proses pengambilan pekerja yang adil
dalam memilih pemohon terbaik untuk kerjaan tersebut.

Andrea Selvey

                                                 15/05/2020       Page 8
The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)     Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

                         Public Notice for Change of Council Meeting Date
                  Local Government Act 1995 (as Amended) – section 5.25 (g)
            Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 – regulation 12 (2)

Public Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands will be amending the time for
its May 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting.
Please be advised that the Ordinary Council Meeting will be held at the Home Island Council
Chambers on 20 May 2020 at 12:15pm, instead of the previously advertised time of 1pm.
Further enquiries please contact Andrea Selvey, Chief Executive Officer on 9162 6649 or email during normal business hours.

Andrea Selvey

                           Notis Umum untuk Pertukaran Mitingan Konsel
                  Local Government Act 1995 (as Amended) – section 5.25 (g)
            Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 – regulation 12 (2)

Dengan ini notis umum di maklumkan yang Konsel Pulu Cocos (Keeling) akan merubah jam untuk
Mitingan bulan May 2020.
Tolong ambil perhatian yang Mitingan Konsel akan diadakan di Home Island Council Chambers pada
20 May 2020 pada jam 12:15 tengah hari, daripada yang di abetais sebelom nya jam 1 petang.
Untuk maklumat lebih lanjut sila hubungi Andrea Selvey, Chief Executive Officer di nomor 9162 6649
atau e-mel masa time kerja.

Andrea Selvey
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The Atoll - Cocos Keeling ...
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)    Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

                            15/05/2020      Page 10
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)    Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)

    “Hari Raya Pagi”

    Family Photo Shoot
The Shire will be holding a Family Photo session for Hari Raya

The photo session will be held at Sandy Point between
       8.00am – 9.30am Sunday 24 May 2020

If you would like a family photo come down and see Shaniyah.

        West Island families can email Ossie or Fatin, to arrange a time on WI.

                       Selamat Hari Raya!

                                      15/05/2020      Page 11
Cocos (Keeling) Islands News (cont’d)    Berita Pulu Cocos (Keeling) (seterusnya)


       Why not celebrate Hari Raya differently this year.
Cook your favourite Hari Raya dish and have dinner at the front
of your house. You can see your neighbours and the people on
      your street, while still observing social distancing.

              Sunday 24 May 2020 from 7.30pm

Send photos of your street to our Facebook page or email
             it to

                  SELAMAT HARI RAYA!
                                      15/05/2020      Page 12
Public Notices    Notis-notis Umum

   Consumer Protection and WA Scamnet warn that COVID-19 coronavirus scams are becoming a problem –
                                                   even for the IOT!
ScamNet is urging everyone in the IOT to be particularly careful during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Reporting
of scams has revealed that scammers are willing to take advantage of pandemics, such as COVID-19 coronavirus, hoping that
you have let your guard down.
Common COVID-19 scams include:
•     Phishing scams – where scammers pretend to be calling for the Government, or they leave messages claiming to be
      from the Australian Taxation Office, myGov or Services Australia and ask for your personal or financial information. Or call
      or leave fake messages pretending to be from financial institutions, such as banks or credit societies, well known retailers
      or insurance providers saying they can give you money provided you give them your personal or financial information
      (which they use later, pretending to be you).
•     Superannuation scam – where the scammers hope to steal your superannuation by offering unnecessary services that
      involve moving or accessing your super fund.
•     Online shopping scams – where scammers set up fake websites claiming to sell products that don’t exist, such as cures
      for COVID-19, or products that are currently in high demand such as face masks and hand sanitiser. All at prices too good
      to be true, and of course once you pay your money is lost.

Read more about COVID-19 and other scams by visiting

You can also call 1300 304 054 or email for further information or assistance.
Services provided by Consumer Protection to the Indian Ocean Territories are fully funded by the Australian Government through
the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development’s Territories Division.

Perlindungan Pengguna dan WA Scamnet memberi amaran bahawa penipuan coronavirus COVID-19 menjadi
                                  masalah - bahkan untuk IOT!
ScamNet menyokong semua orang di IOT untuk berhati-hati semasa pandemic coronavirus COVID-19. Laporan penipuan telah
menunjukkan bahawa penipu bersedia memanfaatkan pandemic, seperti coronavirus COVID-19, dengan harapan anda tidak
Penipuan COVID-19 yang biasa termasok:
•      Penipuan pancingan data - di mana penipu berpura-pura meminta Kerajaan, atau mereka meninggalkan pesan yang
       mengaku berasal dari Australian Taxation Office, myGov atau Services Australia dan meminta maklumat peribadi atau
       kewangan anda. Atau telipon atau tinggalkan pesan palsu yang berpura-pura berasal dari institusi keuangan, seperti bank
       atau syarikat kredit, kede terkenal atau penyedia insurans terkenal yang mengatakan bahawa mereka boleh memberi
       anda uang dengan syarat anda memberikan maklumat peribadi atau kewangan anda (yang mereka gunakan kemudian,
       berpura-pura menjadi anda).
•      Penipuan superannuation - di mana penipu berharap untuk mencuri superannuation anda dengan menawarkan servis
       yang tidak perlu yang melibatkan pemindahan atau akses super anda.
•      Penipuan membeli online - di mana penipu membuat laman web palsu yang menuntut menjual produk yang tidak ada,
       seperti ubat untuk COVID-19, atau produk yang kini di perlukan seperti tutupan muka dan pembersih tangan. Semua
       pada harga terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan, dan tentu saja setelah anda membayar uang anda akan hilang.

Baca lebih lanjut mengenai COVID-19 dan penipuan lain dengan melayari

Anda juga boleh menghubungi 1300 304 054 atau e-mel untuk maklumat atau bantuan lebih lanjut.
Serbis yang disediakan oleh Consumer Protection ke Indian Ocean Territories dibayarkan sepenohnya oleh Australian
Government melalui Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development’s Territories Division.

                                                    15/05/2020       Page 13
Public Notices (cont’d)      Noti-notis Umum (seterusnya)

                           “LAWA's IOTs Service is fully funded by the Australian Government”
Dealing with Police III – searches by police
These are short articles about legal issues that may interest you. They are not legal advice. You should always get individual
legal advice for your situation.
This is the third article about dealing with police.
Police can search you, where you live, your property or your vehicle in certain circumstances. They can do so where:
1.       You have given them your consent (permission) to do so. You can withdraw your permission at any time, but they still may
         have the power to continue the search, even without your consent.
2.       They have a proper search warrant.
3.       Without a search warrant, or your consent, in certain circumstances.
This article deals with where the police can do searches without a search warrant, or your consent.
Searches without a search warrant or consent
Police can search you in the following circumstances:
•    If you have been arrested.
•    If you are committing an offence.
•    To enforce a prohibited behaviour order (which is an order to stop you doing anti-social behaviours).
•    To look for proceeds of crime (money on you).
•    To ensure the safety of a public place eg an airport.
•    To protect a young or an intoxicated person.
•    To search for something connected to a crime (eg a knife used to stab someone).
There are 2 types of personal searches – a basic search, or a strip search.
A basic search can be something like patting you down, or using an electronic wand. The police can ask you to remove outer
clothes (eg a coat) and shoes, but not inner clothes. The searcher can be the opposite sex to you.
A strip search involves removal of any item of clothing, including underwear, and searching your external body, including your
private parts. It must be done by an officer of the same sex as you, or a doctor. It cannot be done unless the police reasonably
think it is necessary in the circumstances. An example might be where someone has told the police that they have just seen you
hiding some ecstasy tablets down your underpants.
What should the police do when searching you?
They should:
•    Tell you who they are.
•    Give the reason for the search.
•    Ask if you agree to the search.
•    Tell you they can still search you if you don’t consent, and that it’s an offence to obstruct the search.
•    Tell you why they need to remove any of your clothes and let you to dress again as soon as possible.
•    Have someone of the same sex as you (or a doctor) conduct the search if it is a strip search.
Police can search your vehicle:
•    To protect anyone in or near your vehicle.
•    To look for a suspect in your vehicle.
•    To look for anything connected with an offence (eg a knife, or house-breaking tools).
•    To prevent harm to your vehicle or anyone else’s vehicle (eg you have a homemade bomb in your car that you can
•    To look for a victim of a crime.
•    If you are under arrest for a serious crime.
•    To look for proceeds of crime (eg you have hidden $5,000 from a drug deal).
•    To protect a public place (eg you are doing burnouts in a public park).
Police can search where you are living:
•    If you are under arrest for a serious offence.
•    If they think family violence has happened or is going to happen (eg you are threatening to punch your partner).
•    To look for a suspect or someone who has possession of something connected with an offence (eg someone who has
     $5,000 from a drug deal).

                                                   15/05/2020        Page 14
Public Notices (cont’d)     Noti-notis Umum (seterusnya)

What should the police do when searching where you live?
They should:
•    Tell you who they are.
•    Tell you they intend to enter your place.
•    Tell you the legal basis for the search (eg, under a search warrant).
•    Ask if you consent.
•    If you were not home during the search, leave a notice that your place has been searched, and a copy of any search
Can the police use force when carrying out a search?
The Police can use reasonable force against a person or object when searching. So, for eg, if they reasonably suspect you are
hiding illicit drugs in a locked jewellery box, and you won’t give them the key, they can force it open.
If you think that they have used unreasonable force, you may make a complaint to the Australian Federal Police, or to the
Commonwealth Ombudsman.
What should you do when the police want to do a search?
•    You can ask them why they want to do a search.
•    You can choose to agree or not agree – but be aware that they can search anyway in the circumstances above.
•    You should not argue, be obstructive, or be abusive. You may be charged with an offence if you hinder them or commit
     another offence such as disorderly conduct. You can complain later if the Police did something wrong.

Annie Gray and Legal Aid WA website

                           "Serbis LAWA’s IOTs dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh Kerajaan Australia"

Berurusan dengan Polis III - permeriksaan oleh Polis
Ini adalah berita ringkas mengenai isu-isu undang-undang yang mungkin menarik minat anda. Ini bukan nasihat undang-undang.
Anda harus selalu mendapatkan nasihat undang-undang masing-masing untuk keadaan anda.
Ini adalah artikel ketiga mengenai berurusan dengan polis.
Polis boleh memeriksa anda, di mana anda tinggal, harta benda atau kenderaan anda dalam keadaan tertentu. Mereka boleh
melakukannya di mana:
•    Anda telah memberikan persetujuan (izin) untuk melakukannya. Anda boleh menarik balik izin anda pada bila-bila masa,
     tetapi mereka masih mempunyai kuasa untuk meneruskan pencarian, walaupun tanpa persetujuan anda.
•     Mereka mempunyai surat pencarian yang betul.
•     Tanpa surat pencarian, atau izin anda, dalam keadaan tertentu.
Artikel ini berurusan di mana polis boleh melakukan carian tanpa surat carian, atau persetujuan anda.
Pencarian tanpa surat atau persetujuan carian
Polis boleh periksa anda dalam keadaan berikut:
•    Sekiranya anda telah ditangkap.
•    Sekiranya anda melakukan kesalahan.
•    Untuk menguatkuasakan perintah tingkah laku terlarang (yang merupakan perintah untuk menghentikan anda melakukan
     tingkah laku anti-sosial).
•    Untuk mencari hasil kejahatan (duit untuk anda).
•     Untuk memastikan keselamatan tempat awam seperti lapangan terbang.
•    Untuk melindungi orang muda atau orang yang mabuk.
•    Untuk mencari sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan kejahatan (misalnya pisau yang digunakan untuk menikam seseorang).
Terdapat 2 jenis periksaan peribadi - periksaan biasa, atau periksaan seluruh badan.
Periksaan biasa boleh seperti menepuk tangan di badan anda, atau menggunakan wand elektronik. Polis boleh meminta anda
menanggalkan pakaian luar (misalnya coat) dan sepatu, tetapi bukan pakaian dalam. Orang yang buat periksaan boleh
berlainan jantina dengan anda.
Pencarian seluruh badan melibatkan membukak pakaian, termasuk seluar dalam, dan periksa luar badan anda, termasuk
bahagian peribadi anda. Ia mesti dilakukan oleh pegawai jantina yang sama dengan anda, atau doktor. Ia tidak dapat dilakukan
melainkan pihak polis menganggapnya perlu dalam keadaan seperti itu. Contohnya ialah di mana seseorang telah memberitahu
                                                   15/05/2020     Page 15
Public Notices (cont’d)      Noti-notis Umum (seterusnya)

polis bahawa mereka baru saja melihat anda menyembunyikan beberapa tablet ekstasi di seluar dalam anda.
Apa yang harus polis lakukan semasa periksa anda?
Mereka harus:
•     Beritahu anda siapa mereka.
•     Beri alasan untuk periksaan.
•     Tanya sama ada anda bersetuju dengan periksaan tersebut.
•     Beritahu anda bahawa mereka masih boleh periksa anda jika anda tidak bersetuju, dan itu adalah kesalahan untuk
      menghalang periksaan.
•     Beritahu anda mengapa mereka perlu membukak pakaian anda dan membiarkan anda berpakaian secepat mungkin.
•     Mintalah seseorang jantina yang sama seperti anda (atau doktor) untuk melakukan periksaan jika itu adalah periksaan
      seluruh badan.
Polis boleh periksa kereta anda:
•     Untuk melindungi sesiapa sahaja di dalam atau berhampiran kereta anda.
•     Untuk mencari suspek di kereta anda.
•     Untuk mencari apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan (contohnya pisau, atau bekakas untuk masok rumah orang).
•     Untuk mengelakkan kerosakan pada kereta anda atau kereta orang lain (contohnya, anda mempunyai bom buatan sendiri di
      dalam kereta yang boleh anda ledakkan).
•     Untuk mencari mangsa kesalahan.
•     Sekiranya anda ditahan kerana kesalahan yang serius.
•     Untuk mencari hasil kesalahan (contohnya anda telah menyembunyikan $5,000 dari jualan dadah).
•     Untuk melindungi tempat awam (contohnya anda melakukan burnout di taman awam).
Polis boleh periksa tempat tinggal anda:
•    Sekiranya anda ditahan kerana kesalahan yang serius.
•    Sekiranya mereka menganggap keganasan keluarga telah berlaku atau akan berlaku (contonhnya anda mengancam akan
     memukul pasangan anda).
•    Untuk mencari orang yang di curigai atau seseorang yang memiliki sesuatu yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan (contohnya
     seseorang yang mempunyai $5,000 dari jualan dadah).
Apa yang harus polis lakukan semasa periksa tempat tinggal anda?
Mereka harus:
•    Beritahu anda siapa mereka.
•    Beritahu anda bahawa mereka bermaksud memasuki tempat anda.
•    Beritahu anda undang-undang untuk pencarian (misalnya, di bawah surat pencarian).
•    Tanya sama ada anda bersetuju.
•    Sekiranya anda tidak berada di rumah semasa pencarian, tinggalkan notis bahawa tempat anda telah diperiksa, dan salinan
     surat pencarian apa pun.
Bolehkah polis menggunakan kekerasan semasa melakukan pencarian?
Polis boleh menggunakan kekuatan yang pantas terhadap seseorang atau objek ketika membuat pencarian. Oleh itu, misalnya,
jika mereka mencurigai anda menyembunyikan obat terlarang di dalam kotak barang kemas yang terkunci, dan anda tidak akan
memberikan kunci itu, mereka boleh memaksa membukanya.
Sekiranya anda berpendapat bahawa mereka telah menggunakan kekuatan yang tidak masuk akal, anda boleh membuat aduan
kepada Australian Federal Police, atau kepada Commonwealth Ombudsman.
Apa yang harus anda lakukan semasa polis mahu melakukan pencarian?
•    Anda boleh bertanya kepada mereka mengapa mereka mahu melakukan pencarian.
•    Anda boleh memilih untuk setuju atau tidak - tetapi sedar bahawa mereka boleh mencari dalam keadaan di atas.
•    Anda tidak boleh membantah, menghalangi, atau kasar. Anda mungkin akan didenda dengan kesalahan sekiranya
     menghalang mereka atau melakukan kesalahan lain seperti tingkah laku yang tidak teratur. Anda boleh mengadu kemudian
     sekiranya Polis melakukan kesalahan.

Annie Gray dan Legal Aid WA website

                                                  15/05/2020        Page 16
Games Page   Halaman Kemainan

                                          Brain Teasers

                                1.   Your parents have six sons
                                     including you and each son has
                                     one sister. How many people
                                     are in the family?
                                2.   I come in different shapes and
                                     sizes. Parts of me are curved,
                                     other parts are straight. You can
                                     put me anywhere you like, but
                                     there is only one right place for
                                     me. What am I?
                                3.   When can you add two to eleven
                                     and get one as the correct
                                4.   Can you think of a common
                                     word that contains double C,
                                     double S and double L? Can
                                     you think of a second one?
                                5.   Without it, I am dead. If I am not,
                                     then I am behind. What am I?
                                         Answers on next page
    15/05/2020   Page 17
Games Page (cont’d)   Halaman Kemainan (seterusnya)

Around The World

  Sudoku Corner

                                                                        Brain Teasers Answers
                                                                  1. Nine. Two parents, six sons, and
                                                                  one daughter. All of them have one
                                                                  sister (not six sisters).
                                                                  2. A jigsaw puzzle piece
                                                                  3. When you add two hours to eleven
                                                                  o’clock, you get one o’clock.
                                                                  4. Unsuccessfully.
                                                                  5. Ahead

                          15/05/2020     Page 18
A Cocos Moment

                                           Winner of our ASDD Quiz. Congratulations Lanif!

                                                                         Birthdays & Anniversaries

                                          Wish to send loved ones special messages on their birthdays and anniversaries?
                                                       Drop an email to Azia Bulka at

                 The next edition of The Atoll will be produced on:                                            All items/materials must be received by:
                        Edisi The Atoll selanjutnya akan                                                       Semua majalah mesti diterima sebelom:
                                 dikeluarkan pada:
                     Friday 29th May 2020                                                              3pm,Tuesday 26th May 2020

                                                         Have Your Say                                                                         Advertisement Rates
                                            Letters to the Editor will either be accepted or rejected by the Editor. Items need to be:
                                                                                                                                                 Please contact the
                                                                     • Accurate and/or factual
                                                                                                                                               Cocos Keeling Islands
                                                                     • Not defamatory or inflammatory
                                                                                                                                             Community Resource Centre
                                                    Please take into consideration our format when preparing your items/materials to
                                                                                                                                               for a full rate schedule.
                                                    make the most of the spaces available.
                                                    The Atoll publication staffs reserves the right to edit the formatting of articles
                                                    submitted for publication.
                                                                                                                                                 Translation fees apply
                                                    To ensure a timely distribution of the newsletter, we request that all items/materials
                                                    be forwarded before 3pm, 2 days prior to its distribution date. Please contact the
                                                    Cocos CRC for deadlines.and advertising rates.                                           Materials should preferably be
                                                                                                                                                       emailed to:
Disclaimer: The views expressed in articles in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the editors or other volunteers who
work to produce The Atoll. The editor has the right to withhold, edit or abbreviate items as considered necessary. No responsibility is
accepted for any statement of opinion, any error or omissions.

                                                                        15/05/2020              Page 19
Community Events    Acara Masyarakat

                  2020 COCOS ISLANDS
                  COMMUNITY EVENTS
     If you would like to include your community event, please contact the
                               CRC with your details.

              20 JUNE                      3 NOVEMBER                     POSTPONED

           WI Market Day                  Melbourne Cup                Administrators Ball
         Cocos Islands CRC                 Cocos Club                    Cocos Islands

              24 JUNE                      4 NOVEMBER

       Shire Council Meeting           Shire Council Meeting
       CRC Conference Room           CRC Conference Room, WI

              22 JULY
                                           9 DECEMBER
        Shire Council Meeting
                                       Shire Council Meeting
        Council Chambers, HI
                                       Council Chambers, HI

            26 AUGUST
                                          12 DECEMBER
        Shire Council Meeting
      CRC Conference Room, WI             WI Market Day
                                        Cocos Islands CRC

          19 SEPTEMBER
                                          13 DECEMBER
           WI Market Day
         Cocos Islands CRC             Kids Christmas Party
                                            Cocos Club

          23 SEPTEMBER
                                          31 DECEMBER
        Shire Council Meeting
        Council Chambers, HI              New Years Eve
                                           Cocos Club

          26 SEPTEMBER

          AFL Grand Final
          Cocos Club, WI

                       This is a FREE service for our Community.
         P | 9162 7707 E | W |

Proudly supported by:

                                       15/05/2020     Page 20
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