Page created by Ken Fletcher




                              of   October

THE ADULT LEARNING EUROPEAN EXHIBITION ............................................... | p.5

EUROPE ................................................................................................................................ | p.6

JOIN THE #ERASMUSDAYS ! ....................................................................................... | p.7

  ALBANIA | International Tourism Fair............................................................................................. | p.8

  BELGIUM WALLONIA | Simplify administrative management thanks
  to professional software........................................................................................................................... | p.9

  BELGIUM FLANDERS | Future Teacher 3.0 .......................................................................... | p.10

  CYPRUS | Ladies First! ......................................................................................................................... | p.11

  CROATIA | Education for a Positive Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum (3P+) ............. | p.12

  CZECH-REPUBLIC | Employee training - nex practices and methods to curb early
  school dropout rates ............................................................................................................................... | p.13

  ESTONIA | Eestimaaehitus ......................................................................................................... | p.14/15

  FINLAND | Soft skills training and recruitment of adult educators .................................. | p.16

  GERMANY | VHS Goes Europe ....................................................................................................... | p.17

  FRANCE | Heritage interpretation & Innovative Practices ............................................. | p.18/19

  GREECE | iDance - support innovative practices in inclusive dance education ... | p.20/21

  ICELAND | I’m not a racist, but... .................................................................................................... | p.22

  IRLAND | AONTAS International Women’s Day Policy Event ............................................. | p.23

  ITALY | Museums Art & Alzheimer’s ........................................................................................| p.24/25


    LATVIA | Values recognised by UNESCO .............................................................................| p.26/27

    LITHUANIA | Senior Volunteers for Migrant Integration ..................................................... | p.28

    MALTA | Clear Leadership ................................................................................................................. | p.29

    LUXEMBOURG | WOW - Code2Confidence .................................................................... | p.30/31

    NETHERLANDS | Reintegration programmes for socially excluded ......................| p.32/33

    NORWAY | VOcational Language for CAre and New Opportunities for migrants
    (VOLCANO)......................................................................................................................................... | p.34/35

    POLAND | We learn lifelong to serve others ......................................................................| p.36/37

    PORTUGAL | Plan Be: Active Senior Volunteers .................................................................... | p.38

    SERBIA | Cultuforma - Online Platform for Teaching/Learning Spanish Culture ........ | p.39

    SLOVAKIA | Heroes of Inclusion and Transformation .................................................... | p.40/41

    SLOVENIA | Improved skills for a modern curriculum ..........................................................| p.42

    SPAIN | CALYPSOS ..............................................................................................................................| p.43

    SWEDEN | The educator’s competencies within flexible learning environments in adult
    education in Sundyberg ................................................................................................................ | p.44/45

    UNITED KINGDOM | Tomorrow’s land .................................................................................... | p.46

                 EUROPEAN EXHIBITION

This exhibition brings together 28 european      Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
projects about adult learning in different       Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
countries across Europe. These projects          Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
aim to ensure the well-being of any
individuals by giving the chance to acquire      The Adult learning European exhibition is
skills and knowledge no matter their social      a unique opportunity to make Erasmus+
backgrounds.                                     project about adult learning visible to
                                                 all citizens, professionals, and policy
Integration of refugees, use of new              makers. Indeed, on the occasion of the
technologies by teachers, transfer of            #ErasmusDays the 10, 11 and 12th of October
knowledge, know-how and expertise on             2019, this exhibition is published online
childbirth education, educational integration      • on the EPALE platform:
of prisoners, emergence of ecological
solutions in construction… Here are just
some samples of the many projects that
                                                   and on #ErasmusDays website:
teachers, trainers, researchers, academics,
volunteers are carrying out all over Europe
to develop sustainable and inclusive skills       • on an compendium
among adult beneficiaries.
                                                  • on A3 posters > Any organisation in
                                                  Europe can easily download, share, print,
For the 2019 #ErasmusDays edition, 28
                                                  display this exhibition and organize its
countries gathered photos along with a
                                                  #ErasmusDays event.
description of one of their national adult
learning projects to create the Adult learning   This exhibition will enable you to learn
European exhibition: Albania, Belgium,           more about Erasmus+ opportunities, find
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia,        European partners to build your project,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,       and get inspiration from good practices.
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,

 Enjoy the reading of this booklet : only high quality
 pictures have been printed full page as the photos were
 initially designed for online publication.

                   FOR ADULT LEARNING
                   PROFESSIONALS IN EUROPE

    Created in 2015, EPALE is a multilingual     projects, exchange articles and resources
    open membership community, with over         around specific topics, to value ideas and
    55.000 European professionals across         seek partners to build a European project.
    Europe: teachers, trainers, researchers,
    academics, volunteers, policy makers         Through these diverse activities,
    and anyone else with a role in informal or   EPALE‘s goals is to encourage social
    vocational adult learning.                   and professional inclusion for all adults,
                                                 throughout their whole life, especially
    Managed by a Central Support Service         disadvantaged groups who need them
    and 37 National Support Services across      most.
    Europe, EPALE is set up around the sharing
    of content related to adult learning,        To learn more about EPALE community,
    including news, blog posts, resources,       please join us on
    and events. It is a tool to acknowledge      https://epale.ec.europa.eu


                                         EPALE networks professionals in the adult
                                         education sector share resources and build
                                         partnerships through the EPALE Partner Search.
                                         Currently, more than 1.500 partner requests
                                         have been published and 2.000 organisations
                                         have been registered on :



Initiated by the French Erasmus+ Agency/          Posters from each participating country in
Education & Training with the aim to be           the Adult learning European Exhibition and
valued within the #ErasmusDays, the Adult         the related compendium are available for
learning European exhibition was made             free downloading on the EPALE platform
possible by the National Support Service of       from September 25 :
28 countries.                                     https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/content/
The #ErasmusDays take place on the 10,
11 and 12th of October all over Europe and
beyond. This celebration is based on a very
simple idea: communicate mobility’s benefits,
international cooperation and Erasmus+
projects results over three specific days in
order to be visible by citizens, professionals,
media and policy makers.

Erasmus+ project holders from all over the
world can organize a physical or digital
event to disseminate their mobility results
and cooperation impacts. It is the best time      • easy to print or to share online, these
of the year to showcase your project, find        posters and compendium can be used to
new European partners, and share your             dress up your event on the 10, 11 or 12th of
international experience on social media          October.
using the hashtag #ErasmusDays.
                                                  • each event organized must be registered
For this special occasion, the actors involved    on www.erasmusdays.eu before October 9th
in adult learning Erasmus+ projects have          to benefit from an international visibility.
access to different communication tools to
                                                  • press, politicians, adult education
highlight the diversity of projects carried out
                                                  professionals and citizens are of course
across Europe.
                                                  invited to join the events organized near
                                                  them for a maximum impact.


  To know more about the
  #ErasmusDays and to see
  what is organized in your
  country during these three
  days, please visit


                         DURING INTERNATIONAL
                         TOURISM FAIR

EPALE was introduced in the “International         organized in two different approaches: in the first
Tourism Fair” that took place in Tirana during     part, the presentation of platform was shared
5-6 of April 2018. The event provided spaces       with participants, focusing on the audience, tools
for workshops and presentation, and on the         and continuous development of the platform it-
second day, the first session in the morning was   self and secondly the crossroad was done with
dedicated to EPALE presentation and showcase.      ten words, which define the platform and its mea-
                                                   ning for users. The audience was very enthusiastic
The audience of around 20 people, was mixed,       and engaged seriously in this activity.
with new and existing users, so the workshop was

                                                                 National Support Services ALBANIA
     NAME OF THE PROJECT                                    National Agency for Vocational Education
    International Tourism Fair                                          and Training & Qualifications
    To improve trainings in tourism, hotel and
    restaurant sector in order to enhance
    better quality of services and relevance of
    this labour market.

    a) Policy level
    b) Providers’ and experts’ level


    • ALBANIA: International tourism Fair with
    Ministry of tourism and environement

                                                                                      Picture ©NSS Albania

Partner :
                         SIMPLIFY ADMINISTRATIVE
                         MANAGEMENT THANKS
                         TO PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE

 Die Eiche VoG is a recognized adult education           compiled in a questionnaire. As second step,
 institution in the German-speaking Community            we organized a mobility for three employees
 of Belgium. The main activities of the association      to Osnabrück (DE) to attend a training course
 are the organization of exercise programs to            and work on the questionnaire together with the
 preserve the longest possible autonomy and              program developers.
 mobility as well as computer courses to avoid           Finally, we succeeded in optimizing the software
 exclusion through the ever faster progressing           for us as an efficient database and administration
 computerization in everyday life.                       program and meanwhile in training all users of
 Our Erasmus + project was about making our              our association. Javis has been implemented
 work easier with professional software. Our goal        successfully and has greatly facilitated
 to simplify the administrative management of our        administrative work since then, making courses,
 courses initially failed due to a variety of factors:   schedules and participants much more effective
 budget, complexity, user-friendliness, design,          and manageable.
 support, time and, last but not least, our own          We are currently sharing our experience in East
 requirements.                                           Belgium with other educational institutions.
 After a long search, we opted for the software          The long-term goal is to make the software
 Javis for our project. First we had to adapt the        available to other educational organizations and
 existing Javis version to our needs. For this           to incorporate their requests and needs into the
 purpose, all problem areas were identified and          development.

                                                          National Support Services Belgium - Ostbelgien
                                                         Jugendbüro der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
   Database and administration of adult
   education associations

   To develop a software for the
   administration of an adult education

   Adult Education organisations


   • BELGIUM: Die Eiche V.o.G.;
                                                                                          Picture ©Shutterstock

Partners :


 The Future Teacher 3.0 as a bridge to accessible           along side the digital journey consists of 19 online
 and customized adult education is an Erasmus +             modules for teachers who use little ICT in their
 project as a cooperation of four partners. Within          classes, 19 online modules for intermediated level
 the project, four outputs are being developed.             and 19 online modules for experienced teachers.
 The Digital Thermometer is a questionnaire,                Getting Savvy with online tools, Collaborative
 based on the European Framework for the Di-                learning Strategies to support online writing and
 gital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu)                 inclusive practices are some of the topics of the
 that consists of a limited number of questions in          online modules. Finally, the project will also pay
 terms of ICT policy and vision, the use of tools           attention to the existing materials and sharing
 and digital learning materials.                            and reusing of those materials by other teachers.
 The questionnaire can be used at all levels of
 education. The Digital Compass is a schematic
 representation of the competences that already
 acquired and the competences that can still be               NAME OF THE PROJECT
 improved. Based on the results of the Digital                Future Teacher 3.0
 Thermometer, the teacher receives an indivi-
 dual learning proposal of online modules. To go
                                                              With our project The future teacher 3.0
                                                              as a bridge for accessible and adapted
                                                              (adult) education we want to prepare the
                                                              teachers of the future. We focus on the IT
                                                              competencies of teachers, so that they use
                                                              IT to improve their lessons.

                                                              TARGET GROUP
                                                              Citizens and refugees


                                                               ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                              • BELGIUM: Toll-net/ POV, a pedagogical
                                                              guidance service;
                                                              • NETHERLANDS: 12Change Learning;
                             Picture ©Future Teacher Team     • NORWAY: Norsk Nettskole, a NGO
                                                              developping a learning management
 National Support Services belgium - flanders                 system for distance education;
 EPOS                                                         • UK: Learning Apps Limited.

Partners :

 CYPRUS                LADIES FIRST!

Adults seem to try to find a balance among three
different aspects/fields in their life: work, per-            NAME OF THE PROJECT
sonal and social life. The most challenging task             Ladies First!
seems to be the effort to find a harmony between
work life and family, especially for women, in the            AIM
current occupational circumstances.                          To empower teachers, trainers and
                                                             counsellors to support women in order to
Ladies first! gives an innovative European dimen-            gain the necessary stability in-between
sion on women’s work life balance by providing               working and personal life, especially in the
consultants and trainers tools to boost women’s              framework of crisis.
confidence and self - planning, from the coaching
and non-formal learning perspectives.                         TARGET GROUP
Innovative methodologies which follows adult                 Women in and outside the labour market,
education principles like the experiential lear-             adult trainers, human resource managers,
ning (learning that takes place through our own              counsellors, coaches
experience) and peer learning (which help be-
neficiaries and learners to play an active role in            WEB
the coaching-teaching-learning process) will be              https://ladiesfirst.fvaweb.eu/
adapted and applied to the specific needs of the
                                                              ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
target groups of users and beneficiaries, in order
to build gender oriented self-confidence.                    • CYPRUS: Center for Social Innovation;
                                                             • GREECE: IASIS NGO & IEKEP;
                                                             • FRANCE: ITG Conseil;
                                                             • BULGARIA: BFE (Business Foundation for
                                                             • PORTUGAL: ISQ (Instituto de Soldadura
                                                             e Qualidade);
                                                             • ITALY: FVA SAS DI LOUIS FERRINI.

                                                                                     National Support Services
                                                                                     Cyprus Ministry of Education
                                                                                     and Culture (MOEC)

                                             Picture © enter for Social Innovation

Partners :

                      PREGNANCY, BIRTH AND
                      POSTPARTUM (3P+)

Education for a Positive Pregnancy, Birth and          students successfully completed the pre-study
Postpartum (3P+) is a two-year project led             and in-person courses.
by Roda - Parents in Action from Croatia with
                                                       This project is forming the basis for the develop-
partners Aperio (Czech Republic) and Indo Anai
                                                       ment of new, innovative and local childbirth edu-
(Slovenia), funded by the Erasmus+ Programme
                                                       cation courses that focus on the health, but also
of the European Union.
                                                       on the social aspects of new parenthood. It is the
This project developed a number of adult lear-         first such program developed for non-healthcare
ning outputs, including a mobile application for       professionals in Croatia and Slovenia.
expectant parents (http://expectingapp.eu/),
                                                       Learning from each other, sharing experiences
a childbirth education course curriculum and a
                                                       and expertise and working together transnatio-
book on pregnancy and childbirth (forthcoming).
                                                       nally, both as project partners but also as training
However, for this exhibit we are presenting the        participants, has been an excellent learning ex-
course for childbirth educators.                       perience for all the project partners.
Childbirth education has a long history in Croatia,
but only within the healthcare system. Pregnancy,
childbirth and postpartum are social more than             NAME OF THE PROJECT
medical events, and for this reason the project           Education for a Positive Pregnancy, Birth
learned from experiences of colleagues from the           and Postpartum (3P+)
Czech Republic to prepare and test a curriculum
for childbirth educators from cities throughout            AIM
Croatia and Slovenia. In May, first cohort of 30          To form the basis for the development
                                                          of new, innovative and local childbirth
                                                          education coursers with the focus
                                                          on health and social aspects of new

                                                          TARGET GROUP
                                                          Childbirth educators, adult education


                                                           ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                       Picture ©Roda
                                                          • CROATIA: Roda - Parents in Action;
 National Support Services CROATIA                        • CZECH REPUBLIC: Aperio;
 Agency for Vocational Education and Training             • SLOVENIA: Indo Anai.
 and Adult Education (ASOO)

Partners :

                       PRACTICES AND METHODS TO CURB
                       EARLY SCHOOL DROPOUT RATES

The project involved visits to three institutions
in European countries where it is possible to            NAME OF THE PROJECT
gain work experience to curb school dropouts.            Employee training - new practices and
Applicants working on this issue and in coo-             methods to curb early school dropout rates
peration with the Regional Authority of the
Central Bohemian Region are building the first            AIM
second-chance school in Kladno. The beneficia-           The aim of the project was to encourage
ry had the opportunity to get acquainted with            young people without qualifications to
the work of teachers and trainers working with           enter further vocational training and to
young people without professional qualifica-             participate actively in society.
tions (dropouts) in other European countries,
as well as with solutions to problems faced by            TARGET GROUP
teachers and trainers working with this target           Young people without qualification
                                                         http://edu caops.eu

                                                          ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
    National Support Services CZECH REPUBLIC
                                                         • CZECH REPUBLIC: EDUCA International,
           Centre for International Cooperation in       o.p.s;
                                 Education (DZS)         • SLOVAKIA: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa
                                    epale@dzs.cz         Šafárika v Košiciach;
                                                         • SWEDEN: Komvux Södervärn Malmö;
                                                         • POLAND: Stowarzyszenie Profilaktyczno-
                                                         Wychowawcze Fenix and Centrum
                                                         Kształcenia i Wychowania OHP -

                                                Picture ©EDUCA International, o.p.s


The goals of our organisation is to promote, coun-         project. Through an innovative teaching process,
sel and teach traditional and ecological solutions         an opportunity is given to professionals, resear-
in construction and part of the general life as well.      chers, teachers, students, schools and the general
We value local traditions as well as the traditions        public, to learn by making connections based on
and experience from other countries and people.            the pure intelligence of simplicity.
We organize local and international trainings in
                                                           “We have had mobility project funded by
order to share that experience.
                                                           Erasmus+ from 2016-2017. In October 2017 a
Our partner organisation Amàco is an educatio-             group of our trainers visited Amàco in Villefon-
nal resource center (France) that aims to make             taine in France to take part of a private trainers
visible, in sensory and poetic ways, the physico-          training. As many of our participants said it was
chemical behavior of the most common natural               the «best and most inspiring training of their life”.
materials, such as sand, water, earth, wood, straw,
The project aims to disseminate knowledge re-                  NAME OF THE PROJECT
garding their application in construction, so as to           Eestimaaehitus, competence center for
promote the emergence of eco-friendly practices.              ecological building
Amàco brings together physicists, engineers, ar-
tists and architects, under the same roof. Magic,              AIM
emotion and creativity are the watchwords of the              To boost organisational, administrative
                                                              and managing skills in planning trainings,
                                                              managing the training centre and
                                                              organising the study program in the
                                                              training centre.

                                                               TARGET GROUP
                                                              Trainers in the field of earth and straw
                                                              building in Estonia


                                                               ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                              • ESTONIA : Eestimaaehitus, Competence
                                                              Center for Traditional and Ecological
                                   Picture: ©Marko Kikas      Building;
                                                              • FRANCE : Amaco.
              National Support Services ESTONIA
                 Estonian Qualifications Authority

Picture ©skanes dansteater

Partners :

Partners :

                       RECRUITMENT OF ADULT

 Soft skills are closely connected with employa-               especially in recognizing soft skills during the
 bility and competence development, both being                 recruitment process.
 important focus areas also in EU 2020 strategy.
                                                               SOSTRA outputs can be adapted to local needs
 EU countries have different methodologies and
                                                               and contexts including translations in six lan-
 approaches on the assessment of soft skills and
                                                               guages. The technical solutions are applicable for
 furthermore on training of teachers.
                                                               average users. This aspect is a conscious criterion
 The SOSTRA project is innovatively intertwining               ensuring the sustainability of the project results.
 digital and competence-based education into
 soft skills development in the field of European
 adult education. By modelling a digital open                      NAME OF THE PROJECT
 badge-driven learning process, the project intro-                Soft skills training and recruitment of adult
 duces new ways to recognize prior competence                     educators
 and a unique opportunity to gain new skills and
 knowledge. Digital badges are electronic micro-                   AIM
 credentials that can be used to identify and pro-                To support adult educators and other
 mote competences.                                                professionals in achieving a better
                                                                  understanding of the needs and
 Competence-based and open badge-driven pro-                      importance of soft skills in their daily
 cess makes educators´personal competence de-                     activities and of their further development.
 velopment more flexible and personalized.
                                                                   TARGET GROUP
 With the help of SOSTRA outputs adult educa-
                                                                  Adult educators, training companies,
 tion institutions can apply innovative methods
                                                                  school-based training centers, training
 in their Human Resource Management activities,                   consultants and HR staff


                                                                   ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                                  • FINLAND: HAMK University of Applied
                                                                  Sciences, School of Professional Teacher
                                                                  • SPAIN: Formacion Para El Desarrollo E
                                                                  Insercion, Sociedad Limitada - Universidad
                                                                  De Cordoba;
                Picture ©HAMK University of Applied Sciences      • ITALY: Fondazione Hallgarten-Franchetti
                                                                  Centro Studi Villa Montesca;
                                                                  • POLAND: Orange Hill;
                 National Support Services finland                • ROMANIA: Centrul Pentru Promovarea
                                                                  Invatarii Permanente Timisoara Asociatia.
     Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI)

Partners :

                        VHS GOES EUROPE

This picture is taken from a scene, in which one              flight and how they felt in the country of arrival.
participant escapes from Palestine to Egypt                   The German participants talked about how they
through an underground tunnel.                                experienced the encounter with so many people
                                                              from diverse backgrounds in their home country.
Since 2015, more and more refugees started
attending courses at German adult education                   The participants developed these personal sto-
centers. For teachers, working with this group                ries into short scenes, for which they also divided
of students meant dealing with very diverse and               the roles amongst themselves. The play premie-
often traumatic backgrounds. In order to adapt to             red in 2016 with more than 150 spectators. It is
these new challenges, the team of VHS decided                 recorded and available on Youtube.
to attend a sensitization training in Iceland. In the
training, we addressed issues regarding migra-
tion, racism, discrimination, culture and diversity.
After the training, we tried to implement the                    NAME OF THE PROJECT
knowledge we had gained in a theatre project                     VHS GOES EUROPE
in Germany. The resulting play Meine Freiheit –
Deine Freiheit invited young students, refugees                   AIM
and citizens to participate. Directed by a drama                 The aim of the project was to raise citizens’
teacher and a psychologist, the participants be-                 awareness of the challenges which
gan to tell their personal stories: about their home             refugees face and to give refugees the
country, about what they experienced during                      opportunity to deal with their trauma

                                                                 TARGET GROUP
             National Support Services GERMANY                   Citizens and refugees
Fédéral Institute for Vocational Education and train

                                                                  ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                                 • GERMANY: VHS goes Europe;
                                                                 • UNITED KINGDOM: BELL teacher
                                                                 • ICELAND: Intercultural Iceland;
                                                                 • ITALY: Koinè Center;
                                                                 • AUSTRIA: Tanja Kaufmann Seminare;
                                                                 • MALTA: ETI Malta – executive training

                    Picture ©Volkshochschule Fichtelgebirge

                        & INNOVATIVE PRACTICES

 This project offered an offbeat discovery of the            During the tour, participants used mirror to ex-
 town of Saintes and its heritage. Starting from the         press their feelings. The interpretive walk conti-
 square in front of Abbaye aux Dames, an iconic              nued under the arch of Germanicus, on the banks
 monument built in the 11th, this guided tour was            of the Charente river. Both young and old people
 lead by local residents who offered visits of their         were encouraged to draw an element of the
 neighborhoods using new methods of discovery.               landscape. The matter was not producing art,
 These methods were inspired by their trips in Eu-           but laying down on the paper its feelings before
 rope made thanks to the Erasmus+ programme.                 sharing it with the group.
 Because social exchange is as important as the
 heritage appreciation of the place we are visi-
 ting, the guides planned a tour of the city off the
 beaten track.
                                                                NAME OF THE PROJECT
 According to the European project manager
                                                                Heritage Interpretation & Innovative
 of the Abbaye, “it is important to be able to
 go beyond the emblematic figure of the guide
 whose approach, not necessarily inclusive, does                 AIM
 not always make it possible to create dialogue
                                                                To rethink access to culture
 with the public.” He also adds: “We wanted to
 imagine new interactions to get out of the classic
                                                                TARGET GROUP
 tour format with the guide, the one who has the
                                                                Adults working in cultural field
 knowledge and the participant – the one who

                                                                 ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                                • FRANCE: Abbaye aux Dames, la Cité
                                                                Musicale (Saintes);
                                                                • GERMANY: Alden Biesen, Stadt;
                                                                • CROATIA: Grad Dubrovnik;
                                                                • DENMARK: Skanderborg Municipality;
                                                                • SPAIN: University of Girona, Island
                                                                Council of Mallorca;
                                                                • ITALY: Veliko Tarnovo Municipality.

                                  Picture © Eugénie Baccot

                  National Support Services FRANCE
     Agence Erasmus+ France / Education & Formation

Picture © Eugénie Baccot

Partners :

                         PRACTICES IN INCLUSIVE
                         DANCE EDUCATION

 The project intended to develop, test, adapt, ex-
 change and adopt innovative practices relating            NAME OF THE PROJECT
 to inclusive dance training for adults with and          iDance - Support innovative practices in
 without disabilities. The partnership developed          inclusive dance education
 new pedagogical approaches and particular
 e-learning tools and open educational resources           AIM
 which are supported from an on-line collaborative        •To review the practice around barriers to
 platform where adults/amateur dancers, profes-           dance training for disabled people;
 sional dancers and teachers with and without             •To put forward practical
 disabilities are able to learn, teach and evaluate       recommendations for overcoming these
 the expected learning outcomes.                          challenges by proposing a framework for
                                                          talent development and training.
 The four partnering institutions devoted their
 efforts to:                                              TARGET GROUP
     1. offer transnational learning opportunities for    Disabled and non-disabled people and the
     disabled adults and dance educators;                 dance community

     2. address the need to support disabled people       WEB
     as artistic leaders;                                 www.idancenetwork.eu
     3. introduce more attractive education and trai-
     ning programmes, in line with individual needs        ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
     and expectations;                                    • GREECE: Ariona Hellas AE;
                                                          • UNITED KINGDOM: Stopgap Dance
     4. respond to the demand for practical profes-       Company;
     sional skills development toolkits;                  • SWEDEN: Skånes Dansteater AB;
     5. use participatory approaches and ICT based        • NETHERLANDS: Stichting Holland Dance
     methodologies;                                       Festival.

     6. introduce a major web resource for profes-
     sional skills development and promotion of Eu-
     ropean disabled dancers;
     7. build on the experience of previous pro-
     grammes and initiatives;
     8. work with a broader range of arts Educators,
     including more nationally significant. organisa-
     tions in the field of dance.

                      National Support Services greece
                    State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)
                                                                                       Picture ©Sacha Grootjans
Picture ©skanes dansteater

Partners :

Partners :

 ICELAND                         I’M NOT A RACIST,

A specific focus of the INAR project was to de-
velop methods and materials to engage hard to            NAME OF THE PROJECT
reach participants with negative attitudes towar-       I’m not a racist, but...
ds minority groups, importantly to provide sup-
port and methodologies for trainers encounte-            AIM
ring defensive, evasive or hostile responses to
                                                        INAR project focuses on everyday racism
the training.                                           and discrimination, that is, to develop
                                                        strategies, methods and materials to
                                                        teach trainers to sensitize adult learners
INAR’s goal was to use cooperative learning ma-         to the problems of everyday racism and to
terial, instruments and tools to create a positive      change behavior in their daily interactions
and interactive learning environment suitable for       with people belonging to ethnic minorities
a diverse group of adults. The project produced         or who have migrant background.
a handbook for trainers with links to an instruc-
tion film for trainers and scenarios with advice        TARGET GROUP
on how to deal with aggressive or hard to reach         People with negative attitudes towards
participants.                                           minority groups


                   National Support Services ICELAND
                                                         ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
               Icelandic Centre for Research (RANNIS)
                                                        • ICELAND: InterCultural Iceland;
                                      epale@rannis.is   • GERMANY: Chancengleich in Europa;
                                                        • SCOTLAND: Coalition for Racial Equality
                                                        and Rights;
Picture ©InterCultural Iceland                          • ROMANI : Centrul Judetean de Resurse si
                                                        Asistenta Educationala.

                       WOMEN’S DAY POLICY EVENT

As the closing event to the 2019 Adult Learners’        Mombeek of the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles
Festival, AONTAS held an International Women’s          in French-speaking Belgium on models of com-
Day Policy Event: the impact of community edu-          munity education and funding from regional, na-
cation on the lives of women at the Richmond            tional and European perspectives.
education and event centre in Dublin, Ireland.
                                                        The event succeeded in highlighting the impor-
The event highlighted the value of community            tance of community education in the lives of wo-
education and fostered discussion around deve-          men, families and communities and generated
loping a sustainable national funding strategy to       engaged discussion between learners, practi-
ensure the continued support of the most vulne-         tioners and policy makers on how we can work
rable people and communities across Ireland.            towards a sustainable national community edu-
                                                        cation funding strategy. A discussion paper was
The day involved a dynamic range of speakers
                                                        also developed.
and discussion sessions, including: a panel dis-
cussion with four female learners, Avril Hannifin
(featured in photo), Maria O’Reilly, Louise Fin-
negan and Njabuliso Angela Moyo who shared                 NAME OF THE PROJECT
their experiences of community education and              Lifelong Learning in Gyula
the extraordinary impact it has had on their lives;
TED Talk-style inputs on benefits and roles of             AIM
community education from wellbeing to inclu-              Highlight the purpose and value of
sion given by Tara Farrell (Longford Women’s              community education for learners.
Link), Eileen Chan-Hu (CRAICNI), Assumpta Kelly
(North Leitrim Women’s Centre), Liz Waters (An             TARGET GROUP
Cosán), Alice McDonnell (Transformative Recove-           Learners, practitioners and policy makers
ry College) and Nora Fahy (Roscommon Women’s
Network); table discussions on developing a na-            WEB
tional funding strategy; and presentations from           https://bit.ly/2ZcWFjS
Liam McCarthy of SHEP, AONTAS CEO Niamh
O’Reilly and Véronique Halbart and Michèle                 ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                          • IRELAND: AONTAS, CRAICNI (Cultivate
                                                          Respect, Appreciate Inclusion in
                                                          Communities in Northern Ireland), North
                                                          Leitrim Women’s Centre, An Cosán,
                                                          Transformative Recovery College,

                                                         National Support Services ireland
                                     Picture © AONTAS


 The museum as an informal learning environ-             collaboration between cultural, social care and
 ment, and art as a complex and transformative           healthcare sectors, thereby building a demen-
 experience, encourage the exploration of new            tia-friendly society.
 communication strategies for people with de-
                                                         Through the implementation of training pro-
 mentia. Get in touch with art allows people with
                                                         grammes, including in-person and on-line trai-
 Alzheimer’s to acquire new communication and
                                                         ning, the project aims to create new opportunities
 interpersonal skills, re-define their own identity,
                                                         for people who work in museums, for geriatric
 find new opportunities to participate in social life.
                                                         professionals and for those living with dementia
 Museums Art & Alzheimer’s is a European project         to develop and disseminate innovative practices.
 aiming to facilitate access to museums and arts         In this way MA&A wants to improve wellbeing of
 for people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of          people with Alzheimer’s and their careers, also
 dementia, their families and their professional         contributing to trigger a change in the social per-
 environment. The project increases cross-sector         ception of the disease.

                                                                             National Support Services ITALY
     NAME OF THE PROJECT                                      National Institute for Documentation, Innovation
     Museums Art & Alzheimer’s                                            and Educational Research (INDIRE)
     Making art accessible to people with
     dementia and their carers.

     Museum educators, geriatric activity
     coordinators, individuals with dementia
     and their carers and family members


     • ITALY: Museo Marino Marini, Euridea;
     • GERMANY: Lehmbruck Museum;
     • IRELAND: Butler Gallery;

                                                                                           Picture ©Corrado Frullani

Picture ©Corrado Frullani.

Partners :

                       BY UNESCO

 The organizations of four European countries -
 Latvia (Ethnic Culture Centre Suiti Foundation),             NAME OF THE PROJECT
 Estonia (Kihnu Cultural Space Foundation), The               The network of UNESCO recognised values
 former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (ICTM
 National Committee of Macedonia) and Georgia                  AIM
 (Georgian Arts and Culture Center) representing              To promote traditions between partners
 different cultural values shared their experience in         organisations recognised by UNESCO
 order to provide better understanding of the best
 ways and methods to channel the knowledge to                 TARGET GROUP
 those who need it - people practising UNESCO                 Adults educators from partners
 included traditions?                                         organisations
 As an exemple, in November 2018, Latvian owner
 and hostess from the farm Berzini in Alsunga                  WEB
 taught Georgian representatives how to bake,                 https://www.suitunovads.lv/lv
 how to make traditional Kurzeme. In Macedonia
 a presentation of intangible cultural heritage, mu-           ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
 sic and dance from the Dolni Polog region was                • LATVIA: Ethnic Culture Centre Suiti
 organised.                                                   Foundation;
                                                              • ESTONIA: Kihnu Cultural Space
                 National Support Services LATVIA
                                                              • GEORGIA: Georgian Arts and Culture
                  Ministry of Education and Science           Center;
                                  pasts@izm.gov.lv            • MACEDONIA: ICTM National Committee
                                                              of Macedonia.

                                                 Picture ©Ethnic Culture Centre Suiti Foundation

Picture ©Ethnic Culture Centre Suiti Foundation

Partners :

Partners :

                          FOR MIGRANT INTEGRATION

     Europe is facing the biggest migrant crisis since            SVMI App and the senior volunteers’ training pro-
     the end of World War II. At the same time, EU                gram to relevant stakeholders and to establish
     countries encounter the challenge of an aging                connections between trained senior volunteers
     population, with the number of elderly people                and migrants as well as representatives of organi-
     growing steadily in relation to the working-age              zations providing services for migrants/refugees.
                                                                  On September 12, 2019 the final international pro-
     However, many of the retired Europeans still have            ject conference “People to People – Promoting
     potential if not to stay in the workforce, then to           Diversity and Voluntarism” has been organized
     contribute to the society in many other ways,                in Vilnius, Lithuania.
     such as active citizenship and volunteering.
     The project achieved several results. It created,
                                                                    NAME OF THE PROJECT
     piloted and translated into all partner languages a
                                                                    Senior Volunteers for Migrant Integration
     Training Program and Material for teaching senior
     volunteers providing support for migrant and re-
     fugee integration http://www.seniors4migrants.
                                                                    SVMI aims to contribute to the successful
                                                                    integration of migrants and refugees into
     It also developed a Social and civic integration               the host societies with the help of seniors
     tool – guide for migrants and refugees in App for-             and to tackle the social exclusion of elderly
     mat accessible at https://app.seniors4migrants.                people through volunteering services to
     eu helping them to acquire basic knowledge and
     understanding about the host country’s socio-
     cultural life;                                                 TARGET GROUP
                                                                    Elderly people and migrants and refugees
     Finally, seminars were held in each partner
     country to demonstrate the practical use of the                WEB

                                                                     ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                                    • LITHUANIA: Soros International House
                                                                    - Medardo Čoboto Trečiojo Amžiaus
                                                                    Universitetas, Third Age University;
                                                                    • GERMANY: IFA Akademie;
                                                                    • FINLAND: Anmiro Oy;
                                                                    • GREECE: DIAN (Training and
                                                                    Management Activities);
                                                                    • FRANCE: GSVO 95 (Générations
                             Picture ©Soros International House
                                                                    Solidaires Val d’Oise 95).
                   National Support Services lithuania
     Education Exchanges Support Foundation (SMPF)
Partner :


Clear Leadership is an Erasmus+ project which              Today’s leaders are asked to be visionary and to
offers persons with leadership role a valuable             act within rapidly changing environments. They
opportunity to reflect on their practices and              are asked to inspire, motivate and empower
understand the rational aspects of leadership.             others to work for their visions and to engage
The course is based on the assumption that lea-            in learning and change processes. At the same
dership is rational; we cannot change others, but          time they have to produce concrete results in the
only ourselves and through this invite others to           benefit of the organisation.
change as well.
The course also makes leaders understand the
power of language and questions. This helps in
leading professional conversations with the pur-
pose of coaching individuals/teams and mana-
ging conflicts.                                              NAME OF THE PROJECT
                                                             Clear Leadership

               National Support Services MALTA                AIM
                Directorate for Research, Lifelong           To help people gain concrete leadership
                                                             tools enabling the manager to create
                      Learning and Employability
                                                             transparency and direction while at the
                                    epale@gov.mt             same time involve individuals, teams and
                                                             groups in meaningful dialogues about
                                                             goals and challenges.

                                                             TARGET GROUP
                                                             Heads of School at Maria Regina College


                                                              ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                             • MALTA: Maria Regina College;
                                                             • DENMARK: In Dialogue (leadership and
                                                             organisational development).

                           Picture ©Maria Regina College


  The project is based on the concept of sharing                       During each meeting, the partners exchanged
  best practices by teaching coding to women                           successful practices, tools and studied real-case
  adult learners and evaluating the impact of these                    scenaris. The partners also worked on surveys.
  activities. There is a need for raising awareness                    The sessions included field visits, and interac-
  about the importance of computer programming                         tions with participants of activities who could
  and tech activities for women. Many initiatives try                  contribute testimonials and personal experiences
  to gain more women for the IT field. Organisa-                       in order to evaluate the impact of the activities.
  tions supporting women empowerment need to
                                                                       The results were capitalised in form of infogra-
  connect at a European level in order to develop
                                                                       phics. All the partners had a strong focus on wo-
  common projects and ideas.
                                                                       men entrepreneurship and this project inspired
  The goal of this project is to learn about the diffe-                another initiative in the field of digital entrepre-
  rent aspects of coding: how studying coding can                      neurship.
  affect women learners? It also aims to demons-
  trate that the concept of coding can lead to a
  broader set of competences, including soft and                          NAME OF THE PROJECT
  hard skills.
                                                                          WOW - Code2Confidence
  The transnational meetings between six partners
  were organised around four pillars:                                       AIM
                                                                           To share and evaluate best practises on
      • learning to learn
                                                                           teaching computer programming to adult
      • creativity                                                         women learners and to develop common
                                                                           practises and ideas among six partner
      • employability                                                      organisations.
      • entrepreneurship
                                                                           TARGET GROUP
                                                                          The project mainly focuses on women
                                                                          adult learners.


                                                                           ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                                          • LUXEMBOURG: WIDE (Woman in Digital
                                                                          • LITHUANIA: Northtown Technology Park;
                 Picture © Ministry of Education, Children and youth      • BELGIUM: Digital Leadership Institute;
                                                                          • UNITED KINGDOM: Go Digital All;
                                                                          • CROATIA: Centre of Technical Culture;
             National Support Services LUXEMBOURG
                                                                          • ROMANIA: Fundatia Professional.
             Ministry of Education, Children and youth,
                          Department of Adult Education
Picture ©Ministry of Education, Children and youth

Partners :

                         FOR SOCIALLY EXCLUDED

  The study visit enable the participants to meet
  and listen to people who are rising above their
                                                                  NAME OF THE PROJECT
  difficulties and taking the lead in their commu-
  nities. During the course of the visit they had a              Staff training in social and vocational
                                                                 reintegration programmes.
  chance to observe the approach Barka takes of
                                                                 Examples from Barka Network in Poland.
  meeting people on an open human level, which
  sometimes might be lost in the ‘professionalisa-                AIM
  tion’ of services.
                                                                 • To understand on how they could improve
  It allows them to experience the inclusion                     the recovery and inclusion of individuals in
  throughout the organization and the equality in                trouble (inclusive the new returned unsuc-
  the interactions between people.                               cessful migrants from Netherlands to Po-
                                                                 • To learn from the unique, respectful ap-
                                                                 proach of Barka Poland towards vulnerable
                                                                 persons, based on equality and inclusion,
                                                                 rather than a client-based approach;
                                                                 • To learn more about the global interconnec-
                                                                 tions of social, human rights and economic
                                                                 justice to ensure that basic human rights,
                                                                 such as freedom, safety, privacy, health care
                                                                 and education are being distributed equally,
                                                                 without prejudice.

                                                                  TARGET GROUP
                                                                 Eastern and Central European migrants
                                                                 - Sitchting Barka employee, interns and
                                                                 volunteers: www.barkanl.org


                                                                  ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                                 • NETHERLANDS: Stichting Barka;
                       Picture ©Daria Ceplin-Duzowska, BarkaNL   • POLAND: Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej
                                                                 • ITALY: Museo Marino Marini;
      National Support Services Netherlands                      • IRELAND: Butler Galery;
                                                                 • LITHUANIA: Zmogiskuju Istekliu
      CINOP, National Agency Erasmus+
                                                                 Stebesenos ir Pletros Biuras;
      epale@cinop.nl                                             GERMANY: Lehmbruck Museum.

Picture © Daria Ceplin-Duzowska, BarkaNL

Partners :

                       CARE AND NEW OPPORTUNITIES
                       FOR MIGRANTS (VOLCANO)

 The context in which this project operates is                 portunities. The overarching purpose was to de-
 that immigrants are often at the risk of being                monstrate that people with lower level language
 excluded from the work force in their new home                skills, given some training, can be employed in
 countries. There are some barriers facing this                this sector.
 group, making finding work hard, such as lan-
 guage and cultural differences. At the same time              During the course of the project, 179 adult lear-
 there’s a growing demand for labor in many sec-               ners took part in the pilot courses and were given
 tors in Europe, one on which is the health sector.            the opportunity to learn sector-specific language
 With a population who’s growing older, there’s                and skills. This was later put to practical use du-
 a need for more employees working with care.                  ring work placements. As a direct result of this,
                                                               over 70 of the participants were given some sort
 The VOLCANO strategic partnership developed                   of employment after the placement.
 courses that combined sector specific language
 learning with practice in health institutions. The
 project was based on existing best practices and
                                                                  NAME OF THE PROJECT
 methodologies and developed this further by ad-
 ding competency and language benchmarking,                       VOcational Language for CAre and New
                                                                  Opportunities for migrants (VOLCANO)
 employer engagement and work experience op-

                                                                  To demonstrate that people with lower
                                                                  level language skills, given some training,
                                                                  can be employed in the health and care


                                                                   ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                                  • NORWAY: Folkeuniversitetet Øst;
                                                                  • UNITED KINGDOM: The Bridges
                                                                  • CROATIA: Ustanova za obrazovanje
                                                                  odraslih Dante;
                           Picture : ©Folkeuniversitetet Øst
                                                                  • ITALY: Associazione Culturale;
                                                                  • GERMANY: Volkshochschule im Landkreis
     National Support Services NORWAY                             Cham Ev.
     Skills Norway

Picture ©Folkeuniversitetet Øst

Partners :

                         TO SERVE OTHERS

 The participants of the project, mainly cultural           During the International Biennial of Theatre
 and educational instructors, took part in the              Meetings Therapy and Theatre organized by
 training course The use of interactive puppet in           the Poleski Art Centre, the participants of the
 adult education, organized by the Theatre Tsvete           mobility conducted classes for therapists from
 in Sofia, Bulgaria.                                        Poland and abroad, working with the disabled,
                                                            addicted and detainees.
 They acquired knowledge of animation work
 using techniques of forum theatre, puppets,                Also during the event Touch Theatre, which
 masks and drama. The project has also moti-                has been an interdisciplinary form of popular
 vated and inspired them to use creative work in            theatre education, methods and techniques of
 environments of people at risk of exclusion.               theatre forum were presented while implemen-
                                                            ting workshops for seniors.
 The results of the projects are shared with other
 instructors at regional, national and international
                                                              NAME OF THE PROJECT
                                                              We learn lifelong to serve others
                                                              Socially engaged theatrical education

                                                              The project focused on exchange of
                                                              experiences in promoting creative activity
                                                              of people at risk of exclusion, due to
                                                              age, disability, dissidence or experience
                                                              of violence and improvement of the
                                                              professional skills of people working with
                                                              these groups.

                                                               TARGET GROUP
                                                              Adult educators working in the field of
                                                              cultural education
                                Picture ©Szymon Łaszewski
     National Support Services poland
     Foundation for the Development of the Education           ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
     System                                                   • POLAND: The Poleski Art Centre;
     epale@frse.org.pl                                        • BULGARIA: Theatre Tsvete in Sofia.

Picture ©Szymon Łaszewski

Partner :

Partners :


 This project, coordinated by the Cascais-Estoril           An innovative dissemination strategy focused on
 Parish Council, was considered a Best Practice             awareness, understanding and action. It used va-
 on Adult Education, using active learning me-              rious tools, such as meetings with stakeholders,
 thodologies for the promotion of senior citizen            webpage, newsletters, social network, media,
 participation at a European level.                         multiplier events and merchandising.

 The project promoted high quality learning op-
 portunities and developed a strategic and inno-
 vative program to engage older people in life-
 long learning.                                               NAME OF THE PROJECT
                                                              Plan Be: Active Senior Volunteers
 Focusing on active aging, the project involved
 volunteer work and community activities based                 AIM
 on diverse themes such as European citizenship,
                                                              To promote the senior citizen participation
 nature and environment, interculturality, social             at a European level.
 inclusion among others.
                                                              TARGET GROUP
 A mixed senior volunteer mobility program was
                                                              Senior citizens
 developed, and four local and one international
 event was organized.

                                                               ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                              • PORTUGAL: Associação Animam
                                                              • ITALY: Sinergia Società Cooperativa
                                                              • FINLAND: Kuusankosken Retkeilijät ry;
                                                              • SLOVENIA: Razvojno Izbrazevalni Center

                                                             National Support Services Portugal
                                                             National Agency for Qualification and Vocational
                                                             Education and Training (ANQEP)
                        Picture ©Active Senior Volunteers

Partners :

                        PLATFORM FOR TEACHING/
                        LEARNING SPANISH CULTURE

Cultuforma is an online course meant to enrich          Cultuforma is a perfect way to make commu-
educators, Spanish language teachers and future         nication possible between teaching staffs from
teachers’ skills. Not such a platform has ever been     different countries in Europe. We firmly believe
created and used in the Balkans with its content.       that intercultural collaboration and exchanges
The aim is to create a course that might help           are necessary for a modern teacher of the 21st
expand both interest and knowledge about the            century. The possibility of creating an online com-
cultural heritage of Spain.                             munity will allow the participants to exchange
                                                        examples of best practice from their classes.
The didactic material is designed by a professio-
nal team of experts from the Republic of Serbia,
Romania and Spain and it should be accessible
to all professionals interested in implementing
knowledge from this course in their classrooms             NAME OF THE PROJECT
around Europe.                                            Cultuforma - Online Platform for Teaching/
                                                          Learning Spanish Culture
The topics from our course are carefully selec-
ted to represent in the best possible way to de-           AIM
monstrate the most important characteristics of           • To improve the skills of educators;
Spanish culture. The most important goal is to            • to create a course about Spanish culture
                                                          and preparing didactic material;
facilitate our educators to convey the world of
                                                          • to design an online platform;
Spanish cultural references in order to transmit          • to make an exchange of knowledge and
the knowledge further.                                    intercultural experience possible among

                                                           TARGET GROUP
                                                          Spanish language teachers, students of the
                                                          faculties of philology, teachers of Spanish


                                                           ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
                                                          • SERBIA: Udruzenje profesora spanskog
                                                          jezika Srbije;
                                      Picture ©Mester     • SPAIN: Mester;
                                                          • ROMANIA: EDUnet.

  National Support Services Serbia
  Foundation Tempus

                       AND TRANSFORMATION

  Human beings who are not free or not able to                    The main project outcome – online PDF book
  express emotions, are manipulable. Our modern                   Among Heroes and Demons – is available in se-
  rationalist culture places the negative feelings                ven language mutations and addressed espe-
  like grief, anger, pain and anxiety under a ta-                 cially to professionals and activists working with
  boo. Positive feelings like curiousness and joy are             other people.
  desired. Tabooing and sanctioning of negative
  feelings lead to an emotional jam, which often
  forms basis for generalisation, prejudice, hatred                  NAME OF THE PROJECT
  or violent actionism.                                              Heroes of Inclusion and Transformation

  HIT is a project for inclusion and transformation                   AIM
  of social relevant shadow themes: the shadow                       The main objective of HIT project is
  sides within ourselves as well as the shadow                       to extend and develop educators’
  (marginalised) people in society. Participants                     competences, and to promote social
  were provided with protected space, in which                       inclusion and empowerment.
  these negative feelings could be expressed and
                                                                      TARGET GROUP
  reintegrated again in a way which makes sense.
  This enabled participants to experience the to-                    Professionals (educators, trainers,
                                                                     counsellors, activists), disadvantaged and
  pics of their target groups within themselves.
                                                                     vulnerable people (homeless, disabled,
                                                                     seniors, prison inmates, LGBTI)
  Project partners and participants were reflec-
  ting and integrating five steps of Hero’s Journey                  WEB
  training (P. Rebillot), their personal experiences
  with this process, cycle of basic feelings (pro-
  cessed by Helga and Manfred Weule), specific
                                                                      ORGANISATION AND PARTNERS
  sociocultural conditions, and their own sets of
                                                                     • SLOVAKIA: Divadlo bez domova /
  methods they use in work with vulnerable and
                                                                     Theatre with no home;
  other interesting people. The main tool used was                   • AUSTRIA: Abenteuer Leben / Adventure
  creativity expressed through art, music, dance,                    Life;
  theatre, writing, rituals etc.                                     • SPAIN: Asociación cultural, social, de
                                                                     salud y bienestar ACUNAGUA / Cultural,
                                                                     social, health and well-being association
                                                                     • SERBIA: Grupa IZAĐI / Group COME
  National Support                                                   OUT;
Services SLOVAKIA                                                    • ICELAND : ReykjavíkurAkademían / The
  State Vocational                                                   Reykjavik Academy;
Education Institute                                                  • CZECH REPUBLIC: Spolek divadelních
       www.siov.sk                                                   ochotníků Alois Jirásek / Theatre of Alois
                                                                     Jirásek Úpice.

                                 Pictures ©HIT Project Partners

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