The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope

Page created by Kirk Armstrong
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
                                Carlos M. Gutiérrez
                         (on behalf of the consortium members)

Iain Steele (PI NRT Project)     Carlos M. Gutiérrez (PI-IAC)     Francisco J. de Cos
Chris Copperwheat                Rafael Rebolo
Helen Jermak                     Johan Knapen
Eamonn Harvey                    Miguel Torres
Adrian McGrath                   Asier Oria
                                 Juan J. Sanabria

                                                      RIA 2018, Madrid, Octubre 2018
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
  In a nutshell:
• International collaboration to build in 5
  years time the largest ( 4 m) entirely
  robotic telescope in the world with a
  extremely quick response (on target in
  30 s)

• Sited at ORM in La Palma

• Based on the success of the LT
                                              2m     4m
• Partners:
                                              Estimated cost
 LJMU (UK)      IAC (Spain)    UO (Spain)
                                                  20 M€
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope

1. Entirely robotic operation.

2. Large aperture ( 4 m).

3. Quick response (on target 30 s).

4. Instrumentation (focused on spectroscopy R=100, R~2000).

5. Standarization.
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope

• The Liverpool Telescope is a robotic 2 m
  alt-az telescope (owner LJMU) in operation
  at ORM (La Palma) since 2004.

• Not 'remote controlled'      –    operated
  autonomously  without            night-time

• Software decides what and how to observe
  and is responsible for safe operation of
  telescope throughout the night

• Flexible nature of LT observing modes
  makes it ideal for time domain astronomy
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
Liverpool Telescope

Credits: I. Steele
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope

•   ~ 40 papers/year (average 36 citations)
•   14 publications in Nature/Science (average 86 citations)
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
NRT opportunity
• Around 2020’s there will be an advent of many new major facilities having a
   'time domain' component: new era of time domain science
• Much of the science from these discovery facilities will be obtained from
   support from follow-up facilities.

                     2026                                           DR2 2018
                                                                    DR3 2021

The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
NRT scientific case: Variability across the
  spectrum                 Copperwheat et al. (2015)

• X-ray: LOFT is a ESA M3 candidate (launch ~2025). Wide Field Monitor: X-ray
   transient detections and triggers
• Optical: Gaia catalogues DR2 (2018), DR3 (2021): 1 billion of stars with
   accurate positions and distances. Millions of variables and binaries.
   Statistically complete samples, rare subclases . . .
• Radio: SKA science operations 2020 (phase 1), 2024 (phase 2). Pulsars, radio-
   bursts, synchrotron emission from jets, coherent emission from flare stars, . . .
• High energies: Cherenkov Telescope Array begins construction ~2018
     -Northern site: AGN, GRBs, clusters
     -Southern site: Galactic centre, SNR, pulsars, . . .
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
NRT transient science
   Copperwheat et al. (2015)

 Response time                 Transient phenomena
 < 1 min after trigger         •   GRB afterglows
                               •   Fast radio phenomena
                               •   Neutrino events
                               •   High energy transients (CTA)
 < 1 hour after trigger        • Early time SNe
 ~hours                        • Novae
                               • SNe
 ~days                         • GW
                               • Tidal disruption events
The 4 meter New Robotic Telescope
NRT scientific case: I. GW counterparts
• Already first detection
• ALIGO full sensitivity 2022. Key issues for
   detection of GW electromagnetic counterparts:

• Expected discovery rate 10 – 100 transients per
• Extremely difficult location (uncertainty ~a few
• Prompt emission from merger rapidly fades

Identification and follow-up requirements

• Wide FoV search capability.
• Rapid response.
                                                     Soares-Santos et al. and DES
• Efficient spectroscopic classification of large    collaboration
  numbers of candidates.
NRT scientific case: II. Exoplanets

Gaia:                                              NGTS 12 x20 cm telescopes in Paranal
• operational lifetime of 5 years (catalogues      TESS NASA mission (2018)
                                                   PLATO ESA M3 misión (~2026)
   DR2 2018; DR3 2021)
• >1 billion of stars with accurate positions
   and distances, but little photometry and
   very little spectroscopy

Follow-up with NRT, some examples:
• Planetary formation and evolution
• Atmospheres
• Rings, moons, binary planets
• Jupiters, Neptunes, super-Earths, Earths)
• Stellar systems rather than individual objects       Transit light-curves from WASP,
                                                       TRAPPIST, and RISE on the LT
NRT scientific case: III. GRBs
• Scientific interest: first stars, structure/evolution of universe...
• Detected by space-based facilities (now: Swift, future: SVOM,. . .), follow-up
   by ground based telescopes.
• Key point: fast fading afterglows (current facilities ~1 min, NRT~30 s)
• Important LT science highlight, but much still to do in post-Swift era (esp.
   short GRBs)
Follow-up requirements:
• Extremely rapid response (more
   important than aperture).
• Instrumental capability – photometry
   multiband, spectroscopy (perhaps better
   suited for 8 m telescopes), polarimetry...
   high time resolution (EMCCD) spectra of
   fast spikes would be useful
                                                    MASTER Global Robotic Net telescopes.V. Lipunov

                                 GTC 10.4 m

Vernin & Muñoz-Tuñón 1995, PASP, 107, 265)    García-Lorenzo et al. , 2010, MNRAS 405,
                                              2683–2696, (data from 2001 to 2008)

   Mean = 0.76” ( < 0.3” 7%)
   Median = 0.64” (0.54” in summer)
   Stdev. = 0.17”                             García-Gil, Muñoz-Tuñón & Varela, PASP, 122 , 1109 (2010)
 New Astronomy Reviews, 509-513, 42 (1998),
             F. J. Díaz-Castro
  N       E        S         W      N

NRT project: timeline
2014 – 2016
• Feasibility study, development of science case (Copperwheat et al. 2015).
•   Forming consortium.
2017 – 2018
• Funding.
• Complete consortium.
• Conceptual design.
2019 – 2020
• Preliminary design.
2021 – 2022
• Detailed design.
• Construction of the telescope and first light instrumentation.
• Integration, first light and commissioning.
NRT design
 General considerations

• A 4 m aperture diameter, robotic mode, 30 s on target
• A Ritchey–Chretien design
• Fast slewing requirement means a very lightweight structure
• Light materials (carbon fibre?)
• Rapid response necessitates fully-open enclosure, like the LT's clamshell.
• FoV ~ 15' diameter
• Full optical and near IR ranges
• Focal stations for five instruments
• Image elongation no greater than 0.2'' in ten minutes
• Optimal image quality at times of median seeing (~0.7'') in La Palma
NRT slewing
                 Copperwheat et al. (2015)

      LT               NRT
NRT possible primary mirror configurations

MONOLITHIC                     HEX-6

   HEX-18                      CIR-4

    CIR-6                      CIR-18
NRT primary mirror design design
• Much of the mass of a telescope is concentrated in the primary mirror
  (MONOLITHIC ~5,500 kg)

• That can be largely reduced by constructing it out of hexagonal
  segments (the segments can be much thinner)
   HEX-6 ~2,700 kg                  HEX-18 ~900 kg                HEX-36

  HEX-6 same segment size as used in the 10.4 m GTC, i. e.
  •    mirror support structure for segments of this size already designed
  •    recoating tank for segments of this size already exists at the observatory
NRT instrumentation
Use the experience gained with LT:
• simple, versatile and robust instruments
• quick changes
• diversity
First light instruments
• optical and infrared intermediate resolution spectrograph (R < 10,000)
• high cadence imager, polarimetry...

Use of new detector technologies to properly exploit the rapid reaction
capability of the telescope:

•   EM (electron multiplying) CCDs now fairly common.
•   CMOS detectors. Very fast. QE now improving
•   MKIDS: Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors
•   ...
NRT spectroscopy
                             texp=1800 sec observations

 Copperwheat et al. (2015)
NRT spectroscopy

                            texp=180 s

Copperwheat et al. (2015)
Future of LT
• Keep LT running as a complement of LT2
• Requires simplification of LT operations, reduction
   in operational costs.
• A proposal to replace all current instruments
   by a single prime focus imager FOV ~2 x 2 sq. deg.
   for surveys, gravitational wave counterpart
• Cost ~10% of overall project budget

 There are two initiatives to dedicate 5 % of the total observing time to educational

 -UK: National School’s Observatory (NSO)

 -Spain Proyecto Educativo con Telescopios Robóticos (PETeR)

 They provide astronomical teaching resources and a very easy interface to allow
 teachers and students to request astronomical observations with LT, guiding
 through the whole process.

             Some examples

NRT will implement
and improve similar
Summary NRT

1.   Key astronomical facility (power:  4 m and quick response: 30 s) for the new
     era of time domain astronomy.
2.   Current partners (LJMU, IAC and UO) with huge experience building and
     operating large telescopes and instrumentation.
3.   Opportunity to develop and implement new technologies in control,
     detectors, light materials, etc.
4.   Sited at ORM with superb atmospheric conditions.
5. Standard for a future generation of large robotic telescopes.
6. Open to educational programmes.
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