Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates

Page created by Jessica Williamson
Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates
Thatchfield Home Owners Association

                                                                                           Volume 4 | Issue 1 | February 2021

                                                                                          In this Issue:

                             From the                                                     From the Acting Estate
                                                                                          Manager’s Desk                      1

                             Acting Estate                                                From the Editor’s Desk              4

                             Manager’s Desk
                                                                                          From the Board Chairman             4

                                                                                          Curro Thatchfield
                                                                                          Matric Results 2020                 5
Neglecting Covid-19 Regulations             when walking around the Estate as
when walking around the Estate              it is still important to RESPECT and
Thatchfield Homeowners Association          PROTECT your fellow-residents. This
                                                                                            My fellow parents, this behaviour
(THOA) management would like to             should be extended to the helpers or
                                                                                         from our children is unacceptable and it
comment on a very concerning issue          nannies who have a tendency of sitting
                                                                                         is getting out of hand, hence URGENT
that has been observed and reported         in groups around the Estate when
                                                                                         INTERVENTION from parents is
to the office daily for the past few        they are supervising children as they
                                                                                         needed. We plead with parents to
months. It is truly disturbing that there   play. They need to always put on their
                                                                                         seriously talk to your children to STOP
are some Thatchfield residents who are      masks and observe social distancing
                                                                                         playing in the MIDDLE OF THE
still not taking Covid-19 seriously and     because they are putting their own
                                                                                         ROAD and to STOP DISRESPECTING
are not adhering to the regulations.        lives, the children’s lives and the entire
                                                                                         other residents’ properties. Some
In Thatchfield, like anywhere else          Thatchfield community at risk. Should
                                                                                         children may not be aware of the
around the country, we are staying with     residents not comply please report
                                                                                         dangers and possible consequences of
residents who have been either infected     them to the relevant authorities so that
                                                                                         their actions hence they continue to
or affected by the Covid-19 virus in        they may be held accountable for such
                                                                                         misbehave, so parents need to discuss
a severe manner. Many people are            breaches. Let us work together as a
                                                                                         such possible consequences with their
still infected and struggling to recover    community and protect lives.
                                                                                         children. Parents should also talk to
from the virus, many are still in                                                             their helpers/nannies to ensure they
hospital, some are in quarantine                                                              offer full supervision at all times
in their homes here in Thatchfield,                                                           when the little ones are playing.
some have passed-on due to the                                                                   In each complex on a daily basis,
virus, and most people have lost                                                              there is always a group of children
someone close to them due to this                                                             playing soccer/ball in the middle
virus.                                                                                        of the streets, kicking the ball
   It is very disheartening that                                                              against residents’ garage doors/
daily, one witnesses residents                                                                car windows/ house windows,
walking around the estate without                                                             damaging neighbours’ gardens,
masks and sometimes sitting/                                                                  riding bicycles/skateboards without
standing in groups without putting                                                            helmets, running up and down
masks on or observing any social                                                              and crossing streets without any
                                            Parents should take
distancing. It becomes even more                                                         adult supervision. Sometimes they do
disappointing when they insult anyone
                                            responsibility for their
                                                                                         not even move out of the way when a
who reminds them of the need to put         children’s behaviour around                  car approaches. Some of the teenagers
on a mask, especially when security         the Estate                                   have worsened this behaviour by
request them to put on a mask. Each         Thatchfield parents/residents, we have       vandalizing empty properties, jumping
resident has a right to walk around         a serious challenge at hand which            over boundary walls, trespassing,
peacefully and safely without fear of       cannot be taken lightly. Children are        spray-painting road signs, smoking
meeting or passing some residents           misbehaving around the Estate and we         dagga, drinking alcohol, and urinating
who intentionally decide to breach the      plead for your intervention as parents.      at the corners of our streets and in
Covid-19 regulations and put other          We have raised this matter in different      the driveways. Most of these children
residents lives at risk by not wearing a    platforms: in residents’ WhatsApp            do not even wear masks and this also
mask.                                       groups, telegram, letters, notices at the    raises many concerns. These children
   We are pleading with ALL                 gates, and in different newsletters but      put their own lives at risk, and they
Thatchfield residents to observe the        the incidents still continue.                also risk the lives of fellow residents.
Covid-19 regulations at all times, even                                                  In the past few months, we have had

Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates
Thatchfield Newsletter February 2021 Issue

 accidents where kids were hit by cars       to inform the South African Police          chasing and threatening residents who
 within the Estate, which is extremely       Services (SAPS) to come and address         are walking or jogging; or they chase
 traumatic.                                  the matter on their behalf and hold         children playing in their driveways.
   Parents, we plead with you once           accountable the culprits in question.          Also of concern is the issue of
 again, let us stand united in this          Residents, you are urged to RESPECT         residents who walk their dogs around
 matter and discipline our children          and be CONSIDERATE so we can all            the Estate without a leash. No resident
 so that peace may continue to reign         enjoy peace in the Estate.                  is allowed to walk a dog without
 in Thatchfield Estate. Your urgent                                                      a leash in the Estate. Currently, the
 intervention and cooperation will be        A plea about walking dangerous              THOA management is considering
 highly appreciated on this matter.          dogs around the Estate                      gazetting extra measures regarding the
                                                                                         walking of dangerous dogs especially
 Noise pollution                             The THOA management is raising
                                                                                         pitbulls etc. Once that discussion is
                                             this matter with all the sensitivity and
                                                                                         concluded then all residents will be
 The security report from December           seriousness it deserves. All Thatchfield
                                                                                         informed accordingly. The need for
 2020 up to this month is dominated          residents are aware that Thatchfield
                                                                                         harsher measures has come about
 by noise pollution reports (all sorts       Estate is a ‘pet friendly estate’, so
                                                                                         after a few incidents of people being
 of noise: loud music, loud speaking,        pets are permitted. However, rules
                                                                                         attacked by these dogs in the Estate.
 shouting, noisy equipment/cars, dogs        pertaining to owning a pet are still
                                                                                         Should any pet be a threat to a fellow
 barking non-stop etc.). Thatchfield         applicable and must be adhered to
                                                                                         resident then the resident has a right
 residents are reminded that noise           at all times. The THOA office has
                                                                                         to hold the pet-owner accountable
 pollution is unacceptable and illegal.      observed that not all pet owners are
                                                                                         (not the THOA office). The THOA
 One can also refer to the Environment       taking care of their pets as they should.
                                                                                         office will not be held accountable
 Conservation Act 73 of 1989 and             Sometimes the office is phoned because
                                                                                         for any Thatchfield resident’s pet. The
 municipal by-laws which protect             of constant barking, only for security
                                                                                         office tries to stay clear of disputes
 residents from intolerable noise            to get there and find a pet locked-in
                                                                                         between neighbours, and we urge
 pollution. Noise is not acceptable at       alone without any water or food and
                                                                                         residents to try to resolve issues with
 any time of the day or night. In some       the owners away on holiday. We also
                                                                                         their neighbours peacefully. To all
 incidents residents argue that it is fine   receive complaints daily regarding stray
                                                                                         pet owners, you are reminded to be
 making noise during the day, and some       pets. Some residents expect the THOA
                                                                                         accountable and take full responsibility
 say they are entitled to entertainment      office to keep their pets for them when
                                                                                         for your pet so that it does not become
 or fun and celebrations on their            they are found. Unfortunately, the office
                                                                                         a nuisance or a threat to fellow
 properties - that is all true. However,     does not have the facilities nor staff
                                                                                         residents. You are welcome to refer
 the fun/entertainment/celebration of        members with the expertise to keep
                                                                                         to the municipal by-laws and THOA
 one resident should not affect or steal     those pets.
                                                                                         Rules Of Conduct on this matter.
 the peace of the next resident because         Some of the pets that are found are
 they are also entintled to a peaceful       sick and require medical attention          Operating a business in the
 stay within their property.                 when they are picked-up from
    The THOA Office has observed                                                         Estate is not allowed
                                             Thatchfield streets; the question that
 that whenever there is noise pollution,     then arises is: Who should incur the        THOA management would like to
 security is informed but in some            medical costs for treating the pet?         remind all residents that when they
 cases the residents DISRESPECT and          There is also the danger that the sick      purchased a property in Thatchfield
 CHASE security away when they               pets may infect whoever has to pick         they were made aware that this is a
 request them to reduce the amount of        them up.                                    residential estate, not a commercial/
 noise. We urge residents that when their       The other concern is about pet           industrial estate. In the past year
 peace is disturbed in whatever manner,      owners who constantly leave their           we have received many complaints
 they try to address the matter with the     gates open, which allows their pets         regarding some residents who were
 resident who is disturbing their peace;     (especially dogs) to sneak out and roam     conducting businesses such as spaza
 if that fails residents have every right    the streets. Some of the dogs end up        shops (selling sweets, cigarettes etc.)

Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates
Thatchfield Newsletter February 2021 Issue

and some fixing cars in front of their         Fiber installation update                    are requested to cooperate, respect and
garages. We spoke to the residents                                                          adhere to these rules accordingly.
in question and those operations
                                                                                            THOA Office Operating Hours:
were closed down. The THOA office,
                                                                                            ❙ Monday – Thursday, 07:00am –
however, still receives complaints from
                                                                                              16:00pm: (Residents will ONLY be
residents about businesses. In some
                                                                                              assisted until 15:00pm everyday.
incidents, residents are bringing their
                                                                                              The THOA office will reserve the
big business trucks into the Estate and
                                                                                              last hour to sanitise the office in
are parking them in shared driveways,
                                                                                              preparation for the following day).
blocking or damaging the driveway.
                                                                                            ❙ Fridays - 07:00am – 13:00pm:
There is no business that is allowed
                                                                                              (Residents will ONLY be assisted
within the Estate. Again be reminded:
                                                                                              until 12:00pm. The THOA office
Thatchfield is a residential estate, not
                                                                                              will reserve the last hour to sanitise
an industrial estate.
                                                                                              the office in preparation for the
Policy on sharing of camera                                                                   following day).
                                                                                            ❙ Saturdays, Sundays and Public
footage and occurrence book
                                                                                              Holidays, THOA office is closed.
                                                                                            NB: For ACCESS CONTROL
The THOA Office has been receiving                                                          SERVICES like access cards and
requests from residents for either             There have been lot of queries               finger-prints for new residents, you will
camera footage, occurrence book                regarding the completion of fiber            strictly be assisted on an appointment
copies or contact details of another           around the Estate. Thatchfield residents     basis only. Make an appointment 24
resident. THOA management would                have been looking forward to having          hours before proceeding to the THOA
like to inform residents that THOA             fiber within the Estate for many years       office. Contact Ms Lizette De Wet at:
personnel are not allowed to share             now, so each delay tested residents’ or for any
this information with any resident             patience. It is also sad that the more       other ACCESS CONTROL SERVICES
or service provider or supplier. The           the delays on the installation of fiber in   for Domestic Workers/ Gardeners/
THOA office can only share this type           Thatchfield Estate, the more the anger       Contractors/Service Providers etc.,
of information with a request from             directed to the THOA staff even though       please call 012 661 1952 to enquire.
either the South African Police Services       there is no link between them and the
or a Court Order. A formal written             fiber companies. The fiber companies         Sports facilities are now open, but there
request should be forwarded to the             are independent service providers.           are rules that need to be adhered to if
management, clearly stating the reasons           On a happy note, the good news            anyone wishes to use them:
for such a request.                            is that the installation of fiber has        ❙ All Covid-19 Regulation rules to be
                                               been completed in Thatchfield Hills,           observed.
Respecting each other’s                        Close and Gardens. The Openserve             ❙ Only limited numbers can be allowed
properties and parking areas                   technical team indicated that they are         to book per day.
                                               currently busy with a few touch-ups          ❙ Walking, jogging, exercising is
The THOA office has received a lot of                                                         allowed.
                                               in Thatchfield Glen, Cresent, Manor,
complaints regarding this matter. There                                                     ❙ No Access will be granted if NO
                                               Riverview and Thatchview and these
are residents who have been reported                                                          PRIOR BOOKING is made before
                                               will be completed by the end of March
for parking their cars (or allowing their                                                     arrival at the THOA office gate.
                                               2021. Now the responsibility lies with
visitors to park their cars) either in their                                                ❙ No matches or group games allowed
                                               each resident to choose their preferred
neighbour’s driveways, sidewalks, lawn,                                                       at the soccer/rugby field.
                                               service provider and connect fiber
gardens and sometimes even in front                                                         ❙ Only four people allowed per session
                                               to their homes thereafter. I would
of their neighbour’s garages without                                                          at the tennis and basketball court.
                                               have wished for this news on fiber
any permission or prior arrangement
                                               to be presented to you by our Estate
with the owner of that property. This                                                       Contact numbers for Sports Facility
                                               Manager, Mr Mossie Mostert, because
behaviour is unacceptable, and it is not                                                    Bookings is Control-room at
                                               he worked so hard in following-up
neighbourly at all. It is very important                                                    073 697 1990 or THOA Office at
                                               and pushing the fiber companies to
for neighbours to RESPECT each other,                                                       (012) 661 1952.
                                               meet their deadlines. Should you wish
should a neighbour expect visitors who
                                               to follow-up on the fiber installation
require parking space other than their
                                               progress you are welcome to contact
property as a host, then they should
                                               Mr Michael Ncube on: 081 578 6221.
approach their neighbour and have
their consent regarding parking space,         Announcements: THOA Office
and if their request is refused then they
                                               and Sport facilities
should accept it peacefully and make
another plan. Once again, should a             We would like to inform residents that
resident experience this situation they        after the President’s announcement of
must address it with their neighbour;          Lockdown Level 1, the THOA Board
the THOA office tries not to interfere         of Directors has decided to re-open
with neighbourly disputes especially           the THOA offices. However, strict
regarding the parking areas on private         rules of operation and safety when
properties. Let us follow the values of        rendering services to residents will be      Thatchfield Acting Estate Manager
neighbourliness and respect.                   implemented. Therefore, our residents        (Ms Vuyo Mbeki)

Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates
Thatchfield Newsletter February 2021 Issue

                                   From the Editor’s Desk
                                   Compliments of the new year! In this first issue for 2021, we carry a lot of valuable
                                   information around Covid 19, fibre, and other matters of general concern to us as
                                   For contributions to the newsletter, please email me at:
                                   (Attention Alison Ziki). You can also Whatsapp me at 0820844839 to set up an
                                   interview if you have a story to share. We encourage residents to share their special
                                   events like weddings and other achievements with the community through this platform.

 Maintenance of gardens and driveways
                          Greetings          gardening and always willing to go the     we encourage everyone else who has
                          Thatchfield        extra-mile when it comes to gardening.     neglected theirs to start taking care of
                          residents. I          It is that time of the year once        their gardens.
                          am Godfrey         again when God blesses us with rain          My team and I would like to say
                          Simbini, Site      to make our environment look green         there is no other perfect time than right
                          Supervisor for     and beautiful. As we celebrate the         now, so let us work together and keep
                          SSG Gardening      rainy weather, let us remember that        the Estate green. I thank you.
                          Services. My       our gardens, lawns, plants, and
                          team and I         trees are growing rapidly so they
                          are working        need some maintenance and
                          in the Estate.     caring for. I would like to urge
 Mr Simbini               I started          Thatchfield residents to take
                          working in         good care of their gardens by
 Thatchfield in 2014. When I started         cutting their grass and taking
 I used to work for a company called         care of the sidewalks, spraying
 Servest Gardening Services as a             weeds on their driveways, and
 supervisor for Thatchfield. In February     pruning their plants and trees.
 2019, I was then employed by SSG and        We send our appreciation to all
 continued to work in Thatchfield as a       residents who are consistent with
 supervisor. I am very passionate about      taking care of their gardens and

   From the Board Chairman
                         Good News!           accumulated leave to rest and recover     the river opposite our office have
                                              fully. He really appreciated the boxes    been delivered. The track will be laid
                          The best news
                                              of get-well cards and gifts sent to him   down during this winter. We also plan
                          this year is
                                              by Thatchfield residents , and we are     to install more cameras along our
                          that our estate
                                              all looking forward to having him         perimeters which will enable us to cut
                          manager, Mossie
                                              back at Thatchfield in the near future.   down on foot patrols, with a resultant
                          Mostert, is well
                                                                                        saving in our monthly guarding cost.
                          on his way to       Definitely not the time to let
                          recovering from                                               Levies
                                              our guard down!
                             Mossie           Speaking to Mossie about his              We have honoured our undertaking
                          contracted          experience with COVID makes one           to our members to keep our levy
                          COVID during        realize how ignorant some people are      increases as low as possible, with a
   December and ended up being in             when they walk around Thatchfield         2% increase as from the first of March
   hospital on a ventilator for 17 days!      without wearing masks and without         this year. We thank all our members
   He was nursed back to health by            keeping the necessary social distance     who have kept up to date with their
   amazing healthcare workers, some           apart. We all still need to adhere to     levy payments during these difficult
   of whom live in Thatchfield, who are       strict COVID protocols if we are to       times.
   the true heroes in our fight against       avoid a third wave. No parties please!
   this pandemic! If any of you has a                                                   A.G.M.
   neighbour who is a healthcare worker       Projects for 2021                         As we have close to 2500 members
   please acknowledge them by taking                                                    we will only be able to hold our next
                                              We have purchased over a hundred
   them flowers or a small gift as a token                                              AGM when permitted to do so in
                                              trees which will be planted in the
   of appreciation.                                                                     terms of COVID regulations.
                                              streets of Thatchfield in the coming
     In true Mossie spirit, he wanted to
                                              weeks.                                    Stay Safe and Stay Well!
   return to work a few days after he
                                                 The paving bricks for a jogging/
   got home from hospital and it took                                                   Charles Lloys Ellis.
                                              walking track on the west bank of
   some convincing to get him to take his

Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates
Thatchfield Newsletter February 2021 Issue

Curro Thatchfield Matric Results 2020

Message from Danie van Schalkwyk, Executive                          throw into this mix the number of A-averages we attained per
Head: High School                                                    grade last year, I am really excited as to the prospects we face
                                                                     for our matric groups to come. Curro Thatchfield is destined
Through all the strife and uncertainty of last year, our Class       for great academic results.
of 2020 rallied and showed immense amounts of courage                  There is of course a group of people I always pause to
and resilience to give us a 100% IEB pass rate, with a 76%           thank, because I know and see the effort they put into ‘their
bachelor’s degree pass rate and 53% of all matrics receiving         children’ many times to the detriment of their own children
60% or more as an overall average for their subjects.                and families. A very big thank you to our unsung heroes – our
   Congratulations to each and every one of these fine,              teachers. I see what you do and I applaud you for that.
hardworking young adults. I wish them the best of luck and             Should any of our parents/prospective parents want to
know that they will be successful in their future endeavours.        discuss the 2020 results in more detail, they are welcome to
If they were able to weather this storm so well, the world is        make an appointment with me. I will be more than happy to
their oyster!                                                        share a more in-depth view of these results.
   Added to this, our Grade 8s had a 97% pass rate, Grade 9s
100%, Grade 10s 98% and Grade 11s 97% pass rate. If you

Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates Thatchfield Home Owners Association - Thatchfield Estates
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