2020 Germany roundtable - GARBE Industrial Real Estate

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2020 Germany roundtable - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
October 2020 • perenews.com

                2020 Germany roundtable
2020 Germany roundtable - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
Analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Analysis

                                                                                                                                                                     Christoper Garbe

 R          O              U            N              D             T             A              B            L   E                                                 Managing partner, GARBE

                                                          SPONSORS                                                                                                   Hamburg-based GARBE Group is best known as a developer, owner and
                                    ARDIAN • EUROPA CAPITAL • GARBE • GLL                                                                                            operator of industrial and logistics buildings. But it also comprises property
                                                                                                                                                                     management business Fontenay, a development arm focused on constructing
                                                                                                                                                                     residential and office properties in Germany, and investment manager GARBE
                                                                                                                                                                     Institutional Capital. The group employs around 230 people, manages around
                                                                                                                                                                     €5.5 billion of real estate assets and is currently carrying out €1.5 billion of

      Germany stays resilient,
      but future worries persist                                                                                                                             Bernd Haggenmüller

                                                                                                                                                             Managing director, Ardian

                    German real estate has ridden out the pandemic, so far.                                                                                  Haggenmüller, who
                                                                                                                                                             has more than 20 years’
                    But managers are keeping a wary eye on the impact of                                                                                     experience in the real
                     economic distress still to come. Stuart Watson reports                                                                                  estate industry, joined
                                                                                                                                                             Ardian in 2016. The firm
                                                                                                                                                             is the largest European             Andy Watson

                                                                                                                                                             private equity house
                                             hile other Eu-     scope for an effective fiscal stimulus – six                                                 with total assets under             Fund manager, Europa Capital
                                             ropean      real   months into 2020, Germany’s response                                                         management of around
                                             estate     mar-    amounted to 13.3 percent of the coun-                                                        €100 billion. Its 30-strong         Paris-based Watson is a partner at manager Europa Capital
                                             kets       have    try’s GDP, compared with 8 percent in                                                        real estate division was            and fund manager of its core Europa Diversified Income
                                             foundered in       the UK and 4.4 percent in France.                                                            formed five years ago               Fund. The firm, which is 75 percent owned by Japanese
                                             the wake of the        But government support will not                                                          and manages around                  institutional giant Mitsubishi Estates, manages around
                   pandemic, covid-19 appears only to           continue indefinitely, and the econom-                                                       €2 billion in core-plus             €4 billion of European real estate assets. The firm employs
                   have sharpened investor appetite for         ic consequences of the pandemic, in                                                          and value-add funds.                65 staff and mainly raises capital for value-add investment
                   Germany. Real Capital Analytics calcu-       Germany, as elsewhere, are likely to be                                                                                          strategies.
                   lates that the German market account-        far-reaching. One of the most press-
                   ed for more than a quarter of European       ing questions facing the four managers
                   dealflow in June, and the country out-       participating in PERE’s 2020 Germany
                   performed in absolute as well as relative    Roundtable is how long, and to what
                   terms. Deal volumes for both the first       extent, will the hitherto relatively ro-
                   half of 2020, at €35 billion, and the sec-   bust performance of German real es-                    Florian Geistmann
                   ond quarter, at €16.2 billion, exceeded      tate assets be maintained?
                   those for the same periods last year.                                                               Head of asset management and regional DACH and the Nordics, GLL
                      RCA explains this as a consequence        Low visibility of virus impact                         (a Macquarie Group company)
                   of three factors: the size, scale and so-    “That is a difficult question to answer
                   phistication of Germany’s domestic in-       because at the moment it is a bit of a                 Geistmann joined Munich-headquartered manager GLL four years ago.
                   vestor base, which accounted for more        black box,” muses Florian Geistmann,                   The firm was acquired by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets
                   than half the activity in H1 2020; a         head of asset management at Mu-                        (MIRA) in 2018 to act as its European real estate equity platform in
                   more successful response to the pan-         nich-headquartered manager GLL.                        Europe and the Americas. GLL manages around €8 billion of assets and
                   demic than rival nations; and strong         “Warren Buffet said it is only when                    employs more than 150 people globally.
                   public finances that have increased the      the tide goes out that you see who was

42 PERE •   October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                  October 2020     •   PERE 43
2020 Germany roundtable - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
Analysis                                                                                                                                                                 Analysis

 swimming naked, and at the moment                                                                                                              Haggenmüller says that while Ger-
 the government is holding the water                                                                                                        many’s short-time work scheme, under
 back.”                                                                                                                                     which the state tops up the wages of
     The participants’ assessments of
 their success in collecting rents since                                 “At the moment, we                                                 workers whose hours have been re-
                                                                                                                                            duced, has functioned very well so far,
 the onset of the virus appears to vin-                                                                                                     the economic impact of the pandemic
 dicate the government response and
 speak to the relative health of the Ger-
 man economy. Bernd Haggenmüller,
                                                                         do not see it. But the                                             will be significant nonetheless. “We
                                                                                                                                            will still be affected by this in all aspects
                                                                                                                                            of our economy, just as we were in the

                                                                         next 12-18 months
 managing director at private equity                                                                                                        financial crisis. We hope this crisis will
 firm Ardian, pegs the collection rate                                                                                                      not go on too long and the impact will
 across its office portfolio at 96 percent,                                                                                                 not be too hard. But if you look at what
 with the delayed 4 percent expected to                                                                                                     is happening in the US, there is reason
 be repaid with interest. Geistmann says
 GLL’s figures are similar in the office
                                                                         will show what the                                                 to be pessimistic.”
                                                                                                                                                A major economic downturn could
 segment, while 100 percent of logistics                                                                                                    even impact the popular logistics sec-
 rents have been paid.
     Christoper Garbe, managing part-
                                                                         reality is”                                                        tor, says Garbe. “At the moment, we do
                                                                                                                                            not see it. But the next 12-18 months
 ner of GARBE Industrial Real Estate,                                                                                                       will show what the reality is. Car indus-
 which oversees a €3.5 billion portfolio                                 CHRISTOPER GARBE                                                   try suppliers are under scrutiny. Every-
 in the segment, adds that in a survey of                                                                                                   body expects manufacturing to suffer
 its tenants only 18 percent said it was                                                                                                    most. But, in reality, manufacturing
 possible that they might ask for a rent                                                                                                    tenants are still signing leases at the
 reduction. “About 10 percent did ask
 if they could reduce the rent. But only
                                               “We have had a bull                                                                          moment. There is no clear picture of
                                                                                                                                            what is happening. We will observe the
 half of them actually did it. So, 3-5 per-                                                                                                 market closely and talk to our tenants,
 cent took the opportunity of reducing
 the rent under the government restric-        ride in German offices                                                                       keeping a close watch on rental collec-
                                                                                                                                            tion rates.”
 tion. But most of them were SMEs and                                                                                                           Demand for office space has already
 start-ups. Not one of our larger estab-
 lished tenants have done it,” he says.        over the last 10 years.                                                                      diminished, says Haggenmüller. “Take-
                                                                                                                                            up in the first half of 2020 was about
     Andy Watson, fund manager at Eu-                                                                                                       one-third below the 2019 figure. But,
 ropa Capital, has been favorably sur-
 prised by the resilience of the German
 market. “There were some real worries
                                               That is coming to an                                                                         if you look at the second quarter in iso-
                                                                                                                                            lation it was 50 percent down on 2019.
                                                                                                                                            We have had a bull ride in German of-

                                               end now”
 about tailspin in March that have not                                                                                                      fices over the last 10 years with tenants
 come to pass. The resilience of our                                                   Buy sheds, or hold fire?                             catering for their expansion programs.
 core fund, in particular, has been pleas-                                                                                                  That is coming to an end now. Occupi-
 ing, with tenants paying over 99 per-                                                 Your last euro – would the participants              ers are asking themselves twice if they
                                               BERND HAGGENMÜLLER
 cent of the rent,” he says.                   Ardian
                                                                                       invest theirs now, and if so, where?                 want to expand or not.”
     However, he concedes that gauging
 the impact of the pandemic on occupier                                                Geistmann: City logistics.                           Domestic capital winning
 stability over the longer run is difficult.                                                                                                the day
 “We have no visibility. So we adopt the                                               Garbe: Logistics development.                        Reflecting on continued demand for
 common sense asset management ap-                                                                                                          German real estate, Geistmann says:
 proach of talking to the tenants.”                                                    Watson: Last-mile logistics is a good 10-year bet.   “With only low interest available on
     He reveals that Europa has also                                                                                                        fixed-income, we are still seeing inves-
 adopted a proptech tool designed to                                                   Haggenmüller: I would wait for opportunities in      tors expanding their real estate portfo-
 provide an early warning when tenants                                                 the next 12-18 months in value-add offices.          lios. Return spreads have been main-
 default on payments to their suppliers.                                                                                                    tained through the crisis, and, as such,

44 PERE    •   October 2020                                                                                                                              October 2020       •   PERE 45
2020 Germany roundtable - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
Analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Analysis

                                                     there is a lot of equity chasing deals,    suggests Watson. “There is often a            reluctant to back something labeled as
                                                     particularly on the core and core-plus     need for a certain group of decision          retail.”
                                                        He notes that demand in Germa-
                                                                                                makers to visit the real estate and, for
                                                                                                the moment, they cannot always do
                                                                                                                                                  The pandemic has created sharply
                                                                                                                                              contrasting demand dynamics between                      “Return spreads have
                                                     ny and France has been more resilient      that. There is an obvious trend of do-        core and value-add office investments,
                                                     than in central and eastern Europe.
                                                     “That is driven by markets which have
                                                     lots of domestic capital being stronger
                                                                                                mestic capital winning the day at the
                                                                                                                                              observes Haggenmüller: “Core offices
                                                                                                                                              in Germany are extremely resilient. So
                                                                                                                                              far, the few transactions we have seen
                                                                                                                                                                                                       been maintained
                                                                                                                                                                                                       through the crisis, and,
                                                     through the crisis than markets that       Value-add transactions falling                are at similar yields to before the cri-
                                                     do not have as much,” he says. “We         While Germany is attractive compared          sis, and if you have exceptionally good
                                                     currently see less international capital   with other European markets, strong           tenants you can even command higher
                                                     looking at those markets.”                 capital demand is not evenly replicat-        prices now because everyone is looking
                                                        Travel restrictions have played a
                                                     role in dampening overseas demand,
                                                                                                ed across all segments and strategies.
                                                                                                The participants agree that although
                                                                                                                                              for that kind of product. On the val-
                                                                                                                                              ue-add side, the impact of weaker leas-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       as such, there is a lot
                                                                                                logistics and low-risk office invest-         ing markets is beginning to show. That

 Germany outstripped other major European markets in H1 2020
                                                                                                ments retain their popularity, retail and
                                                                                                value-add office strategies are a much
                                                                                                                                              will eventually have a price impact. But
                                                                                                                                              sellers and buyers have not yet adjust-
                                                                                                                                                                                                       of equity chasing deals,
                        Germany            UK         France        Netherlands      Sweden     harder sell to investors.                     ed to that new dynamic and, therefore,
      Monthly cumulative volume (€bn)
                                                                                                    “For logistics in Germany we are
                                                                                                inundated with money at the moment,”
                                                                                                                                              we see value-add transaction volumes
                                                                                                                                              dropping. I wouldn’t say the value-add                   particularly on the core
 35                                                                                             says Garbe. “We see a real run on the         market has come to a standstill. But it

                                                                                                asset class, with multipliers we have not
                                                                                                seen before and record pricing because
                                                                                                                                              has slowed significantly.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                       and core-plus side”
                                                                                                logistics has been seen as a safe haven       The office debate
 25                                                                                             among asset classes, while Germany is         While the participants agree that slow-                  FLORIAN GEISTMANN
                                                                                                seen as robust, too. The rental growth        ing economic growth means short-                         GLL

 20                                                                                             in logistics in the last two years has been   term pain for office markets, there is
                                                                                                low compared with offices, so I still be-     less consensus over whether structural
 15                                                                                             lieve there is some potential for increas-    trends accelerated by the pandemic will
                                                                                                es and therefore some justification for       cause permanent disruption and reduce
 10                                                                                             higher pricing.                               the need for space.
                                                                                                    “We also raised a discount food re-           Geistmann notes that the tech in-
  5                                                                                             tail fund, and those assets have been         dustry was driving a “voracious” hun-         Pre-covid returns in Germany were highest in the office and industrial sectors, while retail returns
                                                                                                                                                                                            were already falling away (%)
                                                                                                very robust in the Covid crisis. Fund-        ger for offices before the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Retail       Office        Industrial      Residential       Hotel           Other
                                                                                                raising for that was a bit more diffi-        But, since then, examples from the            16

           Jan            Feb              Mar           Apr          May           Jun         cult, however, because investors were         US present a mixed picture, with app
                                                                                                                                              Pinterest paying to relinquish a lease
                                                                                                                                              in San Francisco, while Facebook has
 Monthly cumulative volume by sector (€bn)                                                                                                                                                  12
                                                                                                                                              taken a huge new building near New
                 0              5               10          15           20           25          30             35
                                                                                                                                              York’s Penn Station. “More people             10
                                                                                                                          Apartment           may work from home. But you could
 H1 2019
                                                                                                                          Development site    argue that, to have more flexibility, ten-     8
                                                                                                                          Hotel               ants will need more space so that the
                                                                                                                                              need will reach a sustainable level. Af-       6
                                                                                                                                              ter six months of working from home,
                                                                                                                                              we think people are really seeking the
                                                                                                                                              social element that is enabled by offic-
 H1 2020                                                                                                                  Seniors housing                                                    2
                                                                                                                          and care
                                                                                                                                              es. As a result, we still believe there are
                                                                                                                                              strong fundamentals underpinning of-           0
                                                                                                                                                                                                      2015               2016                2017               2018                  2019
                                                                                                                                              fice as an investment class.”
 Source for both charts: Real Capital Analytics                                                                                                   Haggenmüller also takes a bullish              Source: MSCI

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2020 Germany roundtable - GARBE Industrial Real Estate
Analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Analysis

                                               The pandemic led to falling office take up in the top five German markets in Q1 and Q2 2020      Prime yields in the German top five office locations maintained their Q1 levels in Q2, while the yield gap with bonds remains attractive
                                               (square meters)
                                               1.0                                                                                                   Yield (%)   Prime yield office top five     Yield on 10Y Bund         Yield gap                             Capital value index office top five
                                                                                                                                                6                                                                                                                                                   700

                                                                                                                                                5                                                                                                                                                    600
 stance on offices. “This reminds me
 somehow of the situation after 9-11                                                                                                            4                                                                                                                                                    500
 when there was a big debate over
 whether companies would still want to         0.6                                                                                 Munich
                                                                                                                                                3                                                                                                                                                    400
 locate to high rises. Humans tend to ex-                                                                                          Frankfurt
 aggerate from their current very signif-                                                                                          Hamburg
                                                                                                                                                2                                                                                                                                                    300
 icant and dramatic experience how the         0.4                                                                                 Dusseldorf
 future will evolve. It is clear that office                                                                                       Berlin
                                                                                                                                                1                                                                                                                                                    200
 use will have to respond to new needs.
 But the need to bring people together         0.2
 for a creative process will not go away.                                                                                                       0                                                                                                                                                    100
 Whether there will be a shift in the pro-
 portion of flexible space and long-term        0
                                                                                                                                                -1                                                                                                                                                   0
 space that big corporations occupy I do             Q1 2019    Q2 2019       Q3 2019    Q4 2019      Q1 2020     Q2 2020                             Q4 2001                                                                                                                              Q2 2020
                                               Source for both charts: CBRE
 not know. But nothing will make office
 buildings obsolete,” he argues.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       deeper pool of potential occupiers, and
    However, Garbe offers a dissenting                                                                                                               Lenders favor core offices,                                                                       not just for offices, but for residential
 perspective. “The true question is not,                                                                                                                                                                                                               and restaurants as well.”
 ‘Do we need offices or not,’ but, ‘How                                                                                                              logistics development                                                                                 Will economic pain create invest-
 much office space do we need?’ We did                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ment opportunities in Germany? “Not
 a survey of our employees and the clear
 result was that they do want to come                   “We are in no hurry                                                                          In some segments, real estate finance remains plentiful and
                                                                                                                                                     the rates low. But German banks are wary of higher-risk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       yet,” is the response from the panelists.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “In the sectors we are actively target-
 into the office two or three times a week                                                                                                           investments, say the roundtable participants                                                      ing, beds and sheds, both for value-add
 to meet their peers. But they also want
 one or two days at home. In Germany,
 that will not have as much impact as
                                                        to get that dry powder                                                                       Geistmann: At the beginning of the lockdown, we saw the risk margin
                                                                                                                                                     on lenders’ interest rates expand. But that was just a blip and they have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and core, we see very little distress,”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       says Watson. “Europa has raised €600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       million of equity for our latest val-

                                                        out of the door.
 it will in cities like London where you                                                                                                             compressed again already for assets with strong income.                                           ue-add fund. But we are in no hurry
 have packed open-plan offices and long                                                                                                                                                                                                                to get that dry powder out of the door.
 commuting times. But it will have an                                                                                                                Haggenmüller: Banks are fighting for the few core transactions that you                           Sticking around for another six months

                                                        Sticking around for
 impact. When economic growth re-                                                                                                                    see. But value-add is difficult to finance at the moment. We have seen                            is not going to hurt. There is still plen-
 turns, it may not have as great a posi-                                                                                                             margins increase by at least 100 basis points in Germany for the speculative                      ty of time on the clock.”
 tive impact on office take up as it would                                                                                                           repositioning of offices with no income, and more in other countries.                                 “It is still early days,” agrees Hag-
 have done before, so we need to think                                                                                                                                                                                                                 genmüller. “Price adjustments have not
 about the office in a new way.”
    Some analysts have suggested that
                                                        another six months is                                                                        Watson: We are going to take modest leverage of 25 percent on the seed
                                                                                                                                                     portfolio for our core fund and the margins for that are probably 50 basis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       yet happened to the extent necessary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to make investments attractive again.
 increased home working will provide a                                                                                                               points higher right now than they were six months ago. We expect that to                          It will be interesting to see how much
 boost to suburban office and residential
 locations. However, Watson dismiss-                    not going to hurt”                                                                           compress a little, so we are in no massive hurry. On the value-add side some
                                                                                                                                                     assets are unfinanceable and that is translating into a repricing of secondary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       price adjustment has to happen before
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       we and our peers are back in the mar-
 es that as a “fashionable” idea. “Right                                                                                                             deals in that space.                                                                              ket, because there is a lot of liquidity.”
 now, and perhaps for the next year or                  ANDY WATSON                                                                                                                                                                                        With German real estate still at the
 two until we get a medical solution, the               Europa Capital                                                                               Garbe: In the logistics market banks are quite concerned about the steep                          top of many investor wish lists, there are
 de-urbanization discussion will contin-                                                                                                             increase in capital values because 60 percent LTV at the new values would                         likely to be plenty of buyers waiting to
 ue. But the long-term trend is to con-                                                                                                              have been 90 percent at the values of three years ago, so they are reluctant                      pounce upon any re-priced opportuni-
 tinue with urbanization,” he argues.                                                                                                                to lever up to rates of over 50 percent LTV on market values as they stand.                       ties that emerge. Meanwhile, existing
 “It is expensive for governments to                                                                                                                 However, and this is a specifically German trend, for development we are                          owners will undoubtedly keep a sharp
 put infrastructure out of town, and the                                                                                                             getting extremely aggressive offers from lenders, sometimes 80-90 percent                         eye on the stability of their income as a
 other factor that speaks in favor of the                                                                                                            LTV, even for speculative development, at highly competitive rates.                               fuller picture of the economic damage
 downtown office is that there will be a                                                                                                                                                                                                               wreaked by the virus begins to emerge. n

48 PERE    •   October 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          October 2020          •   PERE 49
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