Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2020/2021 - A Global Guide - Germany Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB Oliver Nilgen, Andreas ...

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Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2020/2021 - A Global Guide - Germany Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB Oliver Nilgen, Andreas ...
Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB
               Oliver Nilgen, Andreas Kabisch and Stephan Held

                                 A Global Guide
Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2020/2021 - A Global Guide - Germany Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB Oliver Nilgen, Andreas ...
Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB

Oliver Nilgen, Andreas Kabisch and Stephan Held

Selection, clearance and registration                 in black and white consisted of a number ‘4’ in
On 21 February 2018 the Federal Patent                two different shades of grey, placed between
Court held that the registration of the mark          the word elements ‘gesundheit’ (‘health’) and
WUNDTHERAPIEZENTRUM, which is                         ‘friends’. The size was clearly distinct from
composed of three simple German words                 that of the word elements, in which crossing
(‘wund’, ‘therapie’ and ‘zentrum’) in the usual       and contrasting coloured lines are perceived as
linguistic and grammatically correct manner, is       representing a cross because of their separation
exhausted in a plainly descriptive reference to a     from the vertical and horizontal lines of the
therapy centre for wound treatment (Case 30 W         number ‘4’ and because of their contrasting
(pat) 548/18).                                        colour in a much lighter shade of grey. The
   The court ruled that the difference in the         graphic element of the sign is therefore
colours of the letters was insufficient to confer a   perceived as a whole as figure ‘4’ with the
distinctive character on the mark. The internal       integrated representation of a cross.
capitalisation – ‘WundTherapieZentrum’ –
and font was also a common means of design            Confusion with INNs
widely used in product advertising, and               International non-proprietary names (INNs)
was therefore insufficient to attribute to the        are used to identify pharmaceutical substances
trademark, by means of its figurative design, a       or active pharmaceutical ingredients and
function indicating its origin.                       to provide health professionals with a set
   In contrast, on 22 November 2018 the               of international standards. The INNs are
Federal Patent Court decided that the stylised        assigned by the World Health Organisation
trademark GESUNDHEIT4FRIENDS is eligible              and can be used freely because they are in the
for registration for pharmaceutical products,         public domain.
among other things (Case 30 W (pat) 42/16).               The use of INNs has an impact on the
   The court found that the graphic                   filing of trademarks comprised of INNs when
representation of the sign expressly applied for      assessing the likelihood of confusion.                                 Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021 | 7
Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2020/2021 - A Global Guide - Germany Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB Oliver Nilgen, Andreas ...

    On 20 July 2018 the Federal Patent Court              ‘contra’ could be protected because it was
found that a likelihood of confusion existed              neither a common abbreviation nor a verifiable
between the trademark ELYSIA AL and the                   abbreviation of the term ‘contraceptive’,
opposing trademark ELIZA HEXAL (Case 30                   the mark cited in the opposition was
W (pat) 1/16). The first element has an average           ultimately limited to a combination of an
inherent distinctiveness in relation to the               element ‘contra’ with the generally known
relevant goods in the present case. In particular,        and widely used addition ‘gel’, which had
‘Elysia’ contains no descriptive echo of an               no distinctive significance as an indication
active substance name (ie, INN) which weakens             of the pharmaceutical form. Even though
the distinctive character, particularly not of the        the opposing trademark as a whole could
oestrogen ethinylestradiol or estradiol normally          be protected, overall it clearly had below-
present in contraceptives. To the extent that             average distinctiveness.
‘Elysia’ is a female forename derived from
Greek and Roman mythology and based on the                Non-traditional trademarks
ancient Greek term ‘Elysium’ meaning a ‘state             Along with the introduction of the new
of perfect happiness’, it is highly unusual that it       EU trademark regulation, from 1 October
would not be known either to the general public           2017 (or since 14 January 2019 in Germany)
or specialised trade. Moreover, as in the case            the graphical representation requirement
of the opposing mark ELIZA, the meaning of                no longer applies when submitting a
‘Elysia’ did not affect the ability of that element       trademark application.
to be perceived by the relevant public as a                   Since that time, a number of new trademark
means of distinguishing the goods in question.            types (ie, multimedia marks and motion
The further component of the mark ‘AL’ is a               marks) have been filed seeking protection for
company addition of the manufacturer, which               pharmaceutical preparations in Class 5. In
is recognisable in the trade. In any event, it            particular, Sanofi filed a number of motion
is only the element ‘Elysia’ of the challenged            marks for pharmaceuticals in Class 5.
mark which is to be taken into account and the                A motion mark is a trademark consisting
opposing mark shows a clear convergence in                of, or extending to, a movement or a change
the sound image. With regard to the opposing              in the position of the elements of the mark.
trademark ELIZA HEXAL and the challenged                  A multimedia mark is a trademark consisting
trademark, there is a sufficient difference due           of, or extending to, the combination of image
to the different company-related additions                and sound.
‘HEXAL’ and ‘AL’, which are known to the trade,               It is now possible for both trademark types to
and the differences between the components                file a video file or an audiovisual file containing
‘elysia’ and ‘eliza’.                                     the combination of image and sound.
    On 4 April 2019 the Federal Patent Court                  So far, uncertainty exists with regard to the
decided that the trademarks CONTRACEP                     requirements for protection and the scope of
und CONTRAGEL are not confusingly similar                 protection of such trademarks since, to date,
with regard to pharmaceutical preparations                there has been no opposition, cancellation or
(Case 30 W (pat) 512/17). Even if the element             infringement decisions available.

Along with the introduction of the new EU
trademark regulation, the graphical representation
requirement no longer applies when submitting a
trademark application
8 | Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021            
Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2020/2021 - A Global Guide - Germany Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB Oliver Nilgen, Andreas ...

  A trademark owner may oppose a modification
  which involves any repackaging of a pharmaceutical
  product bearing its mark, which, by its very nature,
  creates real risks for the guarantee of origin of the
  pharmaceutical product

    However, it remains to be seen how the                 In Debrisoft, the German Supreme Court
  applicants will accept the new possibilities.        asked the ECJ whether the abovementioned
                                                       principles were to be applied without
  Parallel imports and repackaging                     restriction to the sale of repackaged medicinal
  In the European Court of Justice (ECJ)               products (ie, whether the sale of repackaged
  judgments of 11 July 1996 (Cases C-427/93,           medicinal products cannot be prevented by the
  C-429/93 and C-436/93: Bristol-Myers Squibb,         trademark owner only if all five conditions are
  C-427/93, C-429/93 and C-436/93), the ECJ            fulfilled (6 October 2016, Case I ZR 165/15)).
  issued a milestone decision regarding the                The ECJ had previously decided that the
  requirements of the exhaustion of rights of          term ‘repackaging’ included re-labelling.
  repacked pharmaceutical products. According              In the present case, only an additional
  to this decision, a trademark owner may oppose       sticker was affixed which, in terms of content,
  a modification which involves any repackaging        function, size, presentation and placement,
  of a pharmaceutical product bearing its mark,        did not pose any risk to the guarantee of origin
  which, by its very nature, creates real risks for    of the manufacturer’s trademark. The mere
  the guarantee of origin of the pharmaceutical        affixing of such a sticker does not constitute
  product, unless five conditions are met:             repackaging.
  • It is established that the use of the trademark        Moreover, the statements made by the
      rights by the trademark owner to oppose the      ECJ in its judgment in Case C-642/16 (17 May
      marketing of the re-labelled products under      2018), according to which the existence of
      that trademark would contribute to the           repackaging should depend on the specific
      artificial partitioning of the markets between   circumstances of the individual case, such
      member states;                                   as content, function, size, presentation and
  • It is shown that the repackaging cannot            placement of the sticker, contradicted its
      affect the original condition of the product     previous view, according to which only the
      inside the packaging;                            dangers inherent in the changes made should
  • The new packaging clearly states who               be taken into account.
      repackaged the product and the name of the           The Federal Supreme Court has now
      manufacturer;                                    implemented the ECJ guidelines issued
  • The presentation of the repackaged product         following Case I ZR 165/15, Debrisoft II (11
      is not such as to be liable to damage the        October 2018). The ECJ decided that a
      reputation of the trademark and of its owner,    trademark owner cannot oppose further
      thus the packaging must not be defective, of     marketing of a medical product in its
      poor quality or untidy; and                      original internal and external packaging by
  • The importer gives notice to the trademark         a parallel importer where the importer has
      owner before the repackaged product is put       affixed an additional sticker which, by virtue
      on sale and, on demand, supplies it with a       of its content, function, size, presentation
      specimen of the repackaged product.              and placement, does not pose a risk to the                                Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021 | 9

guarantee of origin of the medical product                 owner’s particulars, in particular the name
bearing the trademark.                                     of the distributor, of which the trademark
    Based on the findings of the Federal                   is a component. It does not matter whether
Supreme Court, in Case 6 U 37/18 (7 March                  the importer is dependent on this PZN for
2019) the Frankfurt Higher Regional Court                  distribution in Germany.
decided that a trademark owner cannot, in                      On 20 December 2018 (Case 6 U 129/18),
principle, oppose marketing in Germany on                  the court found that parallel imported
grounds that the importer has affixed to the               medical devices (in this case, patches) were
packaging a small sticker bearing its own                  offered by the trademark owner in Germany
central pharmaceutical number (PZN). That                  in only one package size, but the parallel
is also the case where that sticker conceals a             imported product was available only in other
label on the packaging bearing the trademark               package sizes.

  Oliver Nilgen                                              Andreas Kabisch
  Senior associate                                           Senior associate                                   

  Oliver Nilgen obtained his law degree from                 Andreas Kabisch obtained his law degree from
  the University of Bremen, specialising in IP               the University of Würzburg, specialising in
  law. He served his legal clerkship with the                commercial and IP law.
  Dusseldorf Regional High Court. He gained                      He advises and represents clients in the
  experience through legal internships as                    field of intellectual property, developing and
  assistant to one of the members of the EU                  implementing IP strategies by building up
  Intellectual Property Office’s First Board                 patent, trademark and design portfolios. His
  of Appeal.                                                 practice also focuses on IP rights enforcement,
     Mr Nilgen has been a certified IP lawyer                in particular infringement and inspection
  in Meissner Bolte since 2008. His practice                 proceedings, as well as the drafting and
  focuses on trademark and design law,                       negotiation of contracts.
  copyright and unfair competition. He develops                  Mr Kabisch is a certified IP lawyer and
  and manages IP portfolios and enforces and                 obtained an LLM in European law from the
  defends IP rights, particularly in infringement            University of Würzburg. He is also a trained
  proceedings and border seizures. He is a                   business mediator.
  member of the MARQUES Designs Team,
  the Pharmaceutical Trademark Group
  and the Intellectual Property Rights and
  Copyrights Association.

10 | Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021              

     In such situation, the parallel importer         from healthcare budgets and produces
  may produce new outer packaging, provided           economic and social challenges to
  that the specific design does not damage            pharmaceutical companies.
  the reputation of the trademark from the               As such, the term ‘counterfeit’ is used
  consumer’s point of view. In particular, such       broadly, referring to medicines that are
  damage to reputation cannot be seen solely          deliberately produced at sub-standard
  in the affixing of a sticker with a PZN of the      quality, fraudulently labelled with respect to
  parallel importer.                                  their identity or origin, or otherwise tainted,
                                                      adulterated or made ineffective or harmful.
  Anti-counterfeiting and enforcement                 Fundamentally, counterfeit medicines are
  Counterfeiting in medicines is a major              neither regulated nor quality controlled and
  threat to public health; it diverts resources       therefore should be expected to be inferior as
                                                      they move outside the safety of established,
      or its representative. A power of attorney is   regulated supply chains.
  required, plus a document proving the capacity         As from 9 February 2019, for medicinal
  of the person who signed the power of attorney      products subject to Directive 2011/62/EC in
  to represent the applicant.                         conjunction with EU Commission Delegated
                                                      Regulation 2016/161 amending Directive
  Protectable subject matter                          2001/83/EC, a unique identifier must be
  The Industrial Property Law defines an              included on the packaging, as well as an anti-
  ‘industrial design’ as any appearance of the        tempering device.
  whole or a part of a product which is new and          Prescription medicine products for human
  has individual character resulting from the         use, as well as parallel import products, may
  features of, in particular, the lines, colours,     be placed on the German market only if the
  shapes, textures or materials of the product and    outer packaging bears safety features and a
              Held                                    device to indicate possible tampering with the
      ‘Product’ means any industrial or handicraft
     Partner                                          outer packaging.
  item,  including packaging, get-up, graphic
  symbols and typefaces, but excluding                Advertising
    Stephan Held is a chemist and a German            The requirements regarding health-related
    and European patent and trademark                 advertising are strict. Advertising is admissible
    attorney. He advises clients in all matters of    only if the information that it contains is
    industrial property law, particularly patent,     accurate, unambiguous and clear.
    trademark and design prosecution, licensing          According to Section 10 of the Act on
    and litigation.                                   Advertising in the Field of Health, prescription-
        Dr Held studied chemistry at the              only medicinal products may be advertised
    University of Munich and is active in             only to doctors, dentists, veterinarians,
    all fields of chemistry, life sciences,           pharmacists and persons authorised to trade in
    biochemistry, pharmacy and medicine. He           such medicinal products.
    is a member of the German and European               On 27 September 2018 the Stuttgart Higher
    Patent Attorneys Bar Association; the             Regional Court decided (Case 2 U 41/18) that
    Chamber of Patent Attorneys; the Institute        the aforementioned provision is also applicable
    of Professional Representatives before            with respect to pharmaceutical compounding.
    the European Patent Office; the German            Pharmaceutical compounding is the creation
    Association for the Protection of Intellectual    of a particular pharmaceutical product to fit
    Property; the International Federation of         the unique need of a patient. In the specific
    IP Attorneys; the International Association       case, a pharmacist offered pharmaceutical
    for the Protection of Intellectual Property;      compounding on its website.
    the American IP Law Association; the                 The court also provided some guidance
    German Pharmaceutical Society; and the            on the distinction between product-related
    Pharmaceutical Trademarks Group.                  advertising which is regulated by the Act on
                                                      Advertising in the Field of Health, and general                               Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021 | 11

The aim of the Act on Advertising in the Field of
Health is to avoid that a particular product could be
misused or used without medical supervision, in
particular where the public cannot assess the effects
and adverse reactions
corporate advertising which is not subject to              cost savings. As few EU countries currently
the act.                                                   allow pharmacist substitution of biosimilars,
   The aim of the Act on Advertising in the                this would represent a significant change in
Field of Health is to avoid that a particular              practice, particularly for Germany.
product could be misused or used without                      The law has still to be approved by the
medical supervision, in particular where the               Federal Council and is due to enter into force
public cannot assess the effects and adverse               mid-2019.
reactions. Moreover, it should avoid enabling
the addressee of the advertisement to request              Online issues
the prescription of a particular medicinal                 On 18 January 2019 the Magdeburg District
product during visits to the doctor.                       Court (Case 36 O 48/18) held that a pharmacist
   In contrast, corporate advertising is                   is allowed to sell prescription-free behind-
intended only to indirectly promote the sale of            the-counter drugs via the ‘’
the company’s products and not to draw the                 trading platform.
attention of the public to certain drugs.                      The court ruled that although Amazon
                                                           provides customer ratings – both for the
Generic substitution                                       medicines and the pharmacy itself – this does
In Germany, generic substitution is not                    not result in a violation of the regulations on
prohibited. Indeed, it is promoted in order to             the advertising of medicines.
reduce costs in the healthcare system.                         The trading platform is different from an
   Pharmacists in Germany may soon be able to              online shop operated by a pharmacy owner, it
carry out automatic substitution of biosimilars.           incorporates further advertising elements in
A biosimilar is a biologic-approved medical                addition to the product description designed or
product that is almost an identical copy of an             selected by the seller. Nevertheless, the court
original product that is manufactured by a                 assumed that the defendant had not violated
different company when the original product’s              the regulations regulating the pharmacist’s
patent expires. Unlike with generic drugs of the           advertising, because these are statements
more common small-molecule type, biologics                 which cannot be attributed to the defendant
generally exhibit high molecular complexity                and could also be seen by the consumer. The
and may be quite sensitive to changes in the               customer ratings were marked as such and were
manufacturing processes.                                   not attributed to the seller by the internet user.
   In November 2018 the Health Ministry                        Further, the court found that the main
introduced a draft bill on safety in the supply            difference between placing an offer on the
of pharmaceuticals, which aims, among                      pharmacy owner’s own online shop and using
other things, to provide a legal framework                 the Amazon trading platform is the fact that the
for the automatic substitution of biosimilars              trading platform influences the appearance and
by pharmacists in Germany. The new law                     presentation of the drug.
was introduced in order to increase adoption                   Insofar as the presentation of the drug
of biosimilars, due to the huge potential for              itself is affected, the court did not consider a

12 | Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021            

  violation of legal regulations to be apparent.
  The seller decides on the presentation by
  either providing the pictures and information
  or by joining the presentation designed by
  another seller – who must also be a pharmacist.
  In the event of incorrect descriptions, the
  defendant may decide not to offer the product
  via Amazon.

  Meissner Bolte Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte
  Partnerschaft mbB
  Widenmayerstr 47
  Munich 80538
  Tel    +49 89 212 186 0
  Fax    +49 89 212 186 70
  Web                      Pharmaceutical Trademarks: A Global Guide 2020/2021 | 13
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