Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 - A Global Guide - Mexico

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Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 - A Global Guide - Mexico
        Victor Ramirez and Erwin Cruz

       A Global Guide
Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 - A Global Guide - Mexico
Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 - A Global Guide - Mexico

Victor Ramirez and Erwin Cruz

Selection, clearance and registration          Opposition system
Regulatory bodies and requirements             The IP Law was amended to introduce an
The Industrial Property Law (IP Law) and       opposition system in 2016. The opposition
its Regulations regulate trademarks in         system works in parallel with the trademark
Mexico. Mexico has acceded to the following    prosecution system, as follows:
international treaties relevant to trademark   • The trademark application will be published
protection:                                        in the IP Gazette no later than 10 working
• the Paris Convention for the Protection of       days after its filing date.
    Industrial Property Rights;                • Third parties can file observations against
• the North American Free Trade Agreement          an application within one month (non-
    (NAFTA);                                       extendable) of publication. However,
• the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects           observations neither suspend prosecution
    of Intellectual Property Rights; and           of the application nor grant legal standing
• the Madrid Protocol for trademark                within this prosecution.
    registration.                              • IMPI will publish a list of applications for
                                                   which observations have been received.
    The exclusive right to a trademark is
obtained through registration with the             Although IMPI is not obliged to assess
Mexican Institute of Industrial Property       observations, applicants can reply to these
(IMPI).                                        observations within one month of publication.
    All visible signs can be protected,            Regardless of observations, IMPI will decide
provided that they are sufficiently            on the grant or refusal of trademark applications.
distinctive and can distinguish the goods
or services to which they apply from           Marketing authorisation
others in the same class (Article 89 of the    Manufacturers must obtain marketing
IP Law).                                       authorisation to sell any medicine or certain                                   Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 | 44
Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 - A Global Guide - Mexico

medical devices. The relevant authority                     Health Regulations).
is the Federal Commission for Protection               •    In use and marketing, medicines must be
against Sanitary Risk (COFEPRIS), which                     identified by their distinctive and generic
approves the names of medicines – referred                  names (Article 225 of the Health Law).
to as ‘distinctive names’ in the Health Law            •    The distinctive name must not refer
and its Regulations. In order to apply for                  to the composition of the product
a marketing authorisation, the distinctive                  or its therapeutic action. Vaccines
name of the product must be pre-approved                    and biological products excepted, no
by COFEPRIS (Article 2(iv) of the Health                    indications may relate to diseases,
Regulations).                                               syndromes, symptoms, anatomical data
    The Health Law and the Health                           or physiological phenomena (Article 225
Regulations specify the requirements for                    of the Health Law).
distinctive names. The principal rules for the         •    A proposed distinctive name will be
names of medicines are as follows:                          rejected if it is identical to the previous
• ‘Distinctive name’ means the name or                      name of another approved medicine
    trademark assigned to a pharmaceutical                  (Article 23 of the Health Regulations).
    product in order to distinguish it from            •    Under the ‘three-letter rule’, the
    other similar products (Article 2(iv) of the            difference between the proposed name

  Victor Ramirez                                           Erwin Cruz
  Senior associate                                         Associate                     

  Victor Ramirez joined OLIVARES in 1999 and               Erwin Cruz has been helping clients to add
  completed a postgraduate major in IP law at              value to their businesses and projects in
  the Pan-American University in Mexico City in            Mexico since 2008, when he became part
  2005. He attended the IP Summer Institute at             of the OLIVARES life science law group. He
  the Franklin Pierce Law Centre in 2007.                  achieves this not only by obtaining exclusive
      Mr Ramirez’s work at OLIVARES focuses                rights for clients, but also by developing
  on counselling, lobbying and prosecuting                 and successfully implementing strategies
  administrative proceedings on IP and regulatory          to enforce these rights and fair trade rules
  matters such as marketing, advertising and               against potential infringers.
  labelling issues before government agencies                  Mr Cruz provides highly qualified
  such as the Mexican Trademark and Patent                 regulatory assistance related to marketing,
  Office, the Federal Commission for Health Risks          labelling and advertising. He has extensive
  and the Consumer’s Attorney General Office.              expertise and has written several articles
      He is also an experienced litigator, assisting       about litigation and regulations relating to
  clients from a number of industries to challenge         the pharma, agro and software industries. He
  before the courts the inspections, infringement          regularly participates in international and
  proceedings and seizures or fines imposed by             national conferences.
  government agencies.

45 | Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019                          
Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 - A Global Guide - Mexico

IMPI examiners usually consider the three-letter rule
when analysing the similarity of pharmaceutical
trademarks, although it is not binding on them

    and the previous name should be at              The COFEPRIS system enables
    least three letters in each word to prove   pharmaceutical companies to obtain a pre-
    dissimilarity (Article 23 of the Health     approval certificate for distinctive names,
    Regulations).                               valid for 90 days, which is useful for any
•   A distinctive name can be used for          marketing authorisation. However, the
    pharmaceutical products that have the       system allows only 10 certificates to be
    same active ingredient and have been        granted per company and such certificates
    approved by the same laboratory, but have   do not bind COFEPRIS, which can still reject
    different pharmaceutical forms or doses     marketing authorisation for a pre-approved
    (Article 23 of the Health Regulations).     distinctive name that COFEPRIS may
                                                ultimately consider is unacceptable.
Practical issues                                Such rejection may be contested before the
There is no clear link between the IP Law       federal courts.
and the Health Law and their regulations            The new opposition system might be
regarding conflicts between registered          useful for pharmaceutical trademark owners
trademarks and marketing authorisations or      to detect and raise objections before IMPI
distinctive names.                              based on the Health Law and its Regulations.
    IMPI examiners usually consider
the three-letter rule when analysing the        Confusion with INNs
similarity of pharmaceutical trademarks,        Including international non-proprietary names
although it is not binding on them.             (INNs) or their stems as part of pharmaceutical
However, the Health Regulations do not          product trademarks creates conflicting
require COFEPRIS to consider senior             situations.
trademark registrations (for pharmaceutical         The Health Law (Article 225) expressly
products) when examining the similarity         forbids the use of pharmaceutical trademarks
of distinctive names using its own software     that clearly resemble INNs and the IP Law
developed to apply the three-letter rule.       (Article 90(II)) prohibits registration of generic
This inconsistency has had unfortunate          names. Accordingly, IMPI has no legal basis for
consequences, including contrary decisions      refusal of a trademark that comprises a stem
of IMPI and COFEPRIS regarding the              or an INN and additional distinctive elements
likelihood of confusion of trademarks and       that make the trademark registrable as a whole.
distinctive names.                                  INNs are generic and cannot be treated
    Further, IMPI and COFEPRIS have             otherwise, which makes it impossible
different databases. The IMPI database          for IMPI to assess the likelihood of
comprises all trademark applications and        confusion between pharmaceutical trademarks
registrations that have been filed with         and INNs.
the agency or its predecessors, while the           IMPI thus faces a challenge in following the
COFEPRIS database contains only the             World Health Organisation’s recommendations
distinctive names allowed for medicinal         to safeguard the proper use of INNs and to
products, regardless of whether they are        avoid the registration of trademarks derived
in use.                                         therefrom.                                    Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 | 46

The IP Law does not recognise marks comprising
sounds, smells, tastes or textures, since they are not
visible. Current renegotiations over NAFTA would
introduce improvements in this regard

Non-traditional trademarks                      COFEPRIS. Medicines must have marketing
Article 89 of the IP Law provides that          authorisation. Under certain circumstances
only visible words, names and designs,          (eg, clinical trials and orphan drugs),
including three-dimensional (3D) marks, are     the import of a minimal quantity of
registrable as trademarks.                      products without marketing authorisation
    Under the IP Law, colours alone are         can be approved.
unregistrable, “unless they are combined or         In relation to trademarks, parallel imports
accompanied by elements such as symbols,        are allowed, provided that the product was
designs or denominations that give them a       legally introduced in the country of origin
distinctive character”. Thus, combinations      and the trademark is owned by the same
of two or more colours can be registered        company or group of companies in Mexico.
as trademarks, regardless of the form or            The packaging and labelling of
surface on which they are applied.              pharmaceuticals are governed by the Health
    Article 89 of the IP Law establishes that   Law and its Regulations and require approval
3D signs have elements that can constitute      by COFEPRIS. Altering or modifying
a trademark and are thus registrable.           the authorised packaging or labelling of
However, a 3D mark must:                        approved pharmaceutical products can be
• not be in the public domain;                  considered a criminal offence (Article 464ter
• not have fallen into common use;              of the Health Law).
• be sufficiently original to be easily
    distinguished; and                          Anti-counterfeiting and enforcement
• not have a shape that represents the          A database has been created, managed by
    product or is required by its function.     Customs in coordination with IMPI, which
                                                contains the registered trademarks of owners
    Motion marks cannot be protected.           interested in monitoring their rights at the
The IP Law (Article 90(1)) establishes          49 customs checkpoints at the country’s
that names, figures or forms expressed          borders, ports, bus and train stations
in a dynamic way cannot be registered as        and airports.
trademarks, regardless of whether they are          Regarding medicines, pharmaceutical
visible.                                        substances, chemicals and active
    The IP Law does not recognise marks         pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), Customs’
comprising sounds, smells, tastes or            efforts are limited to detecting prohibited
textures, since they are not visible. Current   drugs and narcotics. The next step is to
renegotiations over NAFTA would introduce       strengthen IP protection for patents within
improvements in this regard.                    Mexico, particularly for those that protect
                                                pharmaceutical products.
Parallel imports and repackaging                    Customs may collaborate with rights
Any import of medicines, health or              holders to detect and seize APIs based on
pharmaceutical products – or raw materials      IMPI-ordered border measures. Thanks to
for such products – must be approved by         cooperation between Customs and IMPI,

47 | Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019                

bulk border seizures of patented APIs have        search warrant from a federal court and
taken place.                                      can intervene only in cases involving the
   A trademark registration can be enforced       falsification of goods for which IP rights
against alleged infringers in two ways:           are held.
• If the infringer uses a confusingly                  Proceedings begin with the mandatory
   similar or identical trademark for             filing of a special type of criminal complaint.
   identical or similar goods or services,        In the context of an investigation, infringing
   an infringement action can be brought          goods can be seized without a search or
   before IMPI.                                   warrant order if they are publicly available.
• If the infringer uses an identical              However, if they are stored on private
   trademark for identical goods or services,     property, a search or warrant order must
   a criminal action can be brought before        be obtained.
   the Attorney General’s Office.                      A raid may take place within 15 to 45
                                                  days, depending on the type of premises
Infringement action                               to be searched and its distance from
Infringement actions are filed before IMPI,       Mexico City.
which is an administrative authority rather            Indictments may be issued within
than a court. Once admitted for prosecution,      48 hours of execution of a search or
IMPI serves notice of the infringement            warrant order if a suspect is arrested; it
action on the alleged infringer, granting it 10   may take longer if the request relates to
working days to reply.                            organised crime. If no suspect is arrested,
    On request, IMPI can impose                   an indictment may be issued within
provisional injunctions before the filing         approximately two months. During that
of an infringement claim or during the            time, the seized goods are stored in
prosecution of the case.                          government warehouses.
    Both the claimant and the alleged                  On completing the investigation, the
infringer must submit evidence at the             federal prosecutor will bring the case before
time of filing or responding to the claim.        a federal court.
Subsequently, IMPI grants the parties a
common term to file closing allegations.          Advertising
IMPI’s decision is subject to appeal before       Regulatory framework
the Federal Court for Administrative Affairs,     The primary legislation for the advertising
whose decision can be further appealed            of medicinal products is the Health Law and
before the circuit courts.                        the Health Law Advertising Regulations,
    Infringers can incur penalties ranging        supplemented by COFEPRIS guidelines.
from a fine of up to 20,000 times the                 Industry codes of practice complement
minimum wage (around $100,000) to closure         these regulations. The Council of Ethics
of their businesses (Article 214 of the IP        and Transparency of the Pharmaceutical
Law). Repeated infringement is a criminal         Industry (CETIFARMA) has issued various
offence (Article 223 of the IP Law).              self-regulatory codes. Affiliate members of
    The IP Law establishes that the damages       the National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical
awarded to the owner of an infringed IP right     Industry must adhere to the codes and
should not be less than 40% of the sales          CETIFARMA supervises compliance. The
of the infringing product at the consumer         Advertising Council also issues opinions.
retail price. This provision is currently under       Other general legislation may be relevant
review by the Supreme Court.                      to the advertising of medicinal products
                                                  – in particular, the Federal Law for the
Attorney General’s Office                         Protection of Consumers and the IP Law.
The federal prosecutor at the Attorney            The most important rule to be considered
General’s Office also investigates IP crimes      in connection to consumer protections is
and can use force during raids related            that information or advertising relating
to IP rights. However, it must obtain a           to pharmaceuticals that is disseminated                                     Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 | 48

                                                   The Code of Good Promotion Practices
                                                requires that the information provided to
                                                healthcare professionals be accurate,
                                                balanced, fair and objective, and sufficiently
COFEPRIS has been                               complete for them to form their own
increasing its monitoring                       opinion of the therapeutic value of the
                                                corresponding medicine.
of online ads for
medicinal products,                             COFEPRIS can order the suspension of
which traditionally have                        advertising activity in breach of the legal
                                                framework. The responsible party and
been less stringently                           the media channel must comply within
                                                24 hours.
monitored than television                           The penalties for failure to comply
or radio ads                                    with the advertising rules are suspension
                                                of advertising activities by the responsible
                                                party or the media and a fine of between
                                                2,000 and 16,000 times the minimum wage
through any medium must be true, verifiable     (around $10,000 to $80,000).
and free of text, dialogue, sounds, images,
trademarks, denominations of origin and         Generic substitution
other descriptions that induce or may induce    Under the Health Regulations, a physician
an error or confusion because they are          must prescribe medicines and biologics
deceptive or abusive.                           using their INNs and may choose to indicate
    CETIFARMA’s codes further require           the preferred distinctive name. Thus,
the provision of accurate and objective         patients may receive from the pharmacist
explanations of the characteristics,            any product with the same active ingredient.
functions, advantages and disadvantages of         A review of possible mechanisms to
pharmaceutical products and services.           prevent automatic switching from biologic
                                                innovators to biosimilars in view of potential
Non-prescription medicines                      health issues is pending.
According to the Health Law Advertising
Regulations, only non-prescription              Online issues
medicines can be advertised to the general      Under the Health Regulations, medicines
public, subject to approval by COFEPRIS.        must be made available through authorised
The media must require certified copies of      pharmacies and can be sold only to
the relevant marketing authorisations for the   patients with a physician’s prescription,
corresponding medicines before publishing       especially antibiotics (except over-the-
or broadcasting related ads.                    counter products).
    According to its internal guidelines,           Electronic advertising falls under the
COFEPRIS does not approve ads comparing         general advertising rules in Article 2 of the
products with the same therapeutic              Health Regulations. COFEPRIS has been
indication or questioning the quality of        increasing its monitoring of online ads for
products with marketing authorisation.          medicinal products, which traditionally
                                                have been less stringently monitored than
Prescription medicines                          television or radio ads.
Prescription medicines can be advertised            Pharmacies must obtain permission
to healthcare professionals. However,           to operate on health grounds and other
this advertising can be done only through       stores are forbidden from marketing
specialised media and must be based on          prescription medicines.
medical prescription information.                   The Code of Good Promotion Practices

49 | Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019                 

requires the adoption of measures to ensure         Local Dispute Resolution Policy action
that the promotion of prescription medicines    may apply regarding cybersquatting. It is
on websites is accessible only to healthcare    a variation of the Uniform Domain Name
professionals. Such websites must carry         Dispute Resolution Policy established by the
a warning stating that they may be used         Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
only by healthcare professionals allowed to     and Numbers and the World Intellectual
prescribe drugs.                                Property Organisation. WTR

Domain names
As in the rest of the world, in Mexico the
protection of domain names is a new issue
that requires attention, as it has triggered
legal questions of many sorts.
    For example, one common question is
whether a domain name can be protected as
a trademark. In principle, it is possible, as
domain names are capable of distinguishing
products or services that originate from the    OLIVARES
same source and pertain to the domain name      Pedro Luis Ogazon 17
holder. Domain names do not merely serve        Col San Angel
as URLs. Of course, to qualify for trademark    Mexico City 01000
protection, the domain name – or at least       Mexico
the second portion thereof – must meet the      Tel		    +52 55 5322 3000
principles and general standards of the IP      Fax		    +52 55 5322 3001
Law and be duly registered with IMPI.           Web                                  Pharmaceutical Trademarks 2018/2019 | 50
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