Page created by Vivian Benson

                                           APRIL 2021

Vaccination and government support
position Thailand for economic recovery

GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT (GDP)                                                PRIVATE & GOVERNMENT
                                                                            CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE

          Q4 2020                               Q3 2020                               Private                            Government
         -4.2%                                   -6.4%                       Consumption Expenditure              Consumption Expenditure
                                                                                    +0.9%                                  +1.9%

PRIVATE & PUBLIC INVESTMENT                                                 EXPORTS OF GOODS & SERVICES

  Private Investment                                                                 Q4 2020                               Q3 2020
         -3.3%                           Public Investment                         -21.4%                                 -23.3%

   Source: Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council     Source: Office of the National Economic and Social Development Council

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                                                2
MARKET COMMENTARY                                               MARKET OUTLOOK

• The Thai economy decreased by 4.2 per cent,                • The mass vaccination program for global populations
  improving from a contraction of 6.4 per cent in Q3.          including Thai people as well as the country reopening
  The improvement in Thailand GDP was attributed to            to foreign visitors will hasten the return of foreign
  expansions in private final consumption expenditure          tourists which is the key factor for tourism and
  and government final consumption expenditure,                hospitality recovery. The worldwide vaccination
  following the improvements in the investment and             program will gradually regain travel confidence among
  exports of goods.                                            foreign visitors and Thai populations as the host of the
                                                               destination country.
• Private final consumption expenditure increased by 0.9
  per cent, improving from a decrease of 0.6 per cent        • The cabinet has approved low-interest loan programs
  in Q3. The increased spending in non-durable and             worth THB50 billion to assist informal workers and
  net service items accelerated private consumption            SMEs related to the tourism sector to alleviate debt
  expenditure in Q4.                                           shouldered by these groups. A flat interest rate of 0.1
                                                               per cent per month is applied to this loan program with
• Government final consumption expenditure expanded            the grace period for repaying the principal and interest
  by 1.9 per cent, a gradual expansion as compared to          being extended from 6 months to 12 months.
  2.5 per cent in Q3, mainly attributed to the rise in
  compensation of employees and the increase in the          • Another loan scheme with a total credit line of THB10
  purchase of goods and services.                              billion has been approved by the Government Savings
                                                               Bank (GSB) to provide low-interest loans for tourism-
• Private investment decreased by 3.3 per cent, showing        related businesses and those involved in the supply
  an improvement when compared to a 10.6 per cent              chains of the tourism sector.
  decrease in Q3 2020. A major contributing factor for
  improvement in the private investment was a lower          • Key factors that will raise consumer spending and
  contraction in machinery items, which was reduced by         investment sentiment in Q2 and the remaining period
  3.2 per cent, improving from a fall of 13.9 per cent in      of 2021 include: 1) the government’s spending stimulus
  Q3. Public investment also increased by 0.6 per cent         and financial relief measures, 2) the wide coverage of
  though at a smaller pace when compared to a 17.6 per         Covid-19 vaccines and the quick implementation of
  cent expansion in Q3. Public construction expanded by        vaccination program in the country, 3) the ability of
  2.9 per cent while public machinery items showed a 6.4       the state to contain the new wave of the pandemic
  per cent decrease.                                           crisis after the new clusters of infections were detected
                                                               in night-entertainment places in Bangkok to prevent
• Exports of goods and services decreased by 21.4 per          more infections after Songkran festive season when
  cent, a slight improvement when compared to the              people travel across regions to visit their hometowns.
  23.3 per cent decrease in Q3. Merchandise exports            Additionally, the continuous financial support from
  fell by 1.5 per cent, improving from a 7.5 per cent fall     the government to individuals and SMEs in the form
  in Q3, with the improvement mainly attributed to the         of measures and relief packages is critical so that
  expansion in exports of agricultural products.               businesses can resume and move forward.
                                                             • According to EDMUND TIE Research, the direction of
                                                               the Thai economy in 2021 depends on several factors
                                                               including the government policies to revitalize tourism
                                                               and stimulate spending and investment through several
                                                               measurements, the efficiency of the state in containing
                                                               the fresh wave of the outbreak, the global economic
                                                               recovery, and the state’s management policy in
                                                               reopening the country to foreign tourists in the second
                                                               half of 2021. All these factors will help the country to
                                                               regain spending and investment confidence, and will
                                                               also draw fund inflows from the international market
                                                               into the country.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                       3

                      INVESTMENT SALES (THB MILLION)
   Q1 2021
  39,632              Total investment deal in Thailand in
                      Q1 decreased by 59.8 per cent as
   Q4 2020            compared to THB98.52bn in Q4 2020.

   Q1 2021
  29,831              The combined value of the top 5 investment deals in Q1, represented 75 per cent of total investment
                      value in Q1.
   Q4 2020

Investment Transaction                                 Buyer                               Seller                      Value (THB million)
Acquisition of ordinary shares                 Asset World Corporation         TCCCL Woeng Nakhon Kasem                      8,265.00
The construction project named 'The
                                                   Dhanarak Asset
Government Complex Commemorating His                                      Sino-Thai Engineering Construction PLC.            6,245.69
Majesty the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary
Building lease agreement                            Thana Group                      Building Owners                         5,835.78
Investment in CentralMarina Project and
                                               CPN REIT Management                 Central Pattana PLC.                      5,672.00
CentralPlaza Lampang Project
                                                                           1) Boon Rawd Brewery, 2) Whitefords
Investment in ordinary shares                   S.IF.Company Limited                                                         3,813.00
                                                                         United Pte.Ltd., 3) Prime Harvestment Ltd.

Total                                                                                                                        29,831.47

                                                                                 Source: EDMUND TIE Research & The Stock Exchange of Thailand

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                                          4
MARKET COMMENTARY                                                 MARKET OUTLOOK

• Total investment deals in Thailand is valued at             • The Thailand Board of Investment (BoI) has revealed
  THB39.63bn in Q1, decreasing by 59.8 per cent as              that it has approved the incentives for the private
  compared to THB98.52bn in Q4 2020. The decrease in            sector that get involved in the construction of a logistics
  total investment value was attributed to the new wave         and transport centre in Nakhon Phanom. The incentives
  of the pandemic crisis that slowed investment decisions       will be offered to an inland container depot project, a
  in Q1.                                                        distribution centre project, and a project to construct
• The largest investment deal was the acquisition of            buildings for industrial plants and warehouses.
  ordinary shares in TCCCL Woeng Nakhon Kasem by              • The government is ready to come up with proactive
  Asset World Corp Public Company Limited with a total          approaches to attract THB300bn in investment in
  value of THB8.26bn.                                           2021. To achieve this target, online meetings are
• The second-largest investment deal with a value of            continuously organized between the government
  THB6.24bn was the construction contract signed                and companies in targeted industries. The Eastern
  between Sino-Thai Engineering & Construction Public           Economic Corridor (EEC) hosts 12 targeted S-curve
  Company Limited and Dhanarak Asset Development                industries: car, smart electronics, affluent, medical and
  Company Limited. The construction project named ‘The          wellness tourism, agriculture and biotechnology, food,
  Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty                  robotics for industry, logistics and aviation, biofuels
  the King’s 80th Birthday Anniversary, 5th December,           and biochemicals, digital, medical services, defence,
  B.E.2550 (2007) Zone C, North Building.                       and education development.

• The third-largest deal was the building lease               • The Thai Capital Market Organizations (FETCO) expects
  agreements between Thanasiri Group Public Company             fund inflows to return in the second half of this year as
  Limited and the building owners for 3 years for use as        corporate earnings outperform in line with the slow
  Thanasiri Group’s headquarters building. The rental of        recovery in the tourism-driven economy and sectors
  the entire lease term of this agreement is THB5.84bn          linked to the global economy.
  throughout the agreement period.                            • The government has initiated the ‘Tour Tiew Thai’
• The fourth-largest deal was the investment in the             stimulus project. Under this stimulus program, the
  CentralMarina Project and CentralPlaza Lampang                government will subsidise 40 per cent of package tour
  Project by CPN REIT Management Company Limited at             payments or up to THB5,000 per person. The package
  a total value of THB5.67bn. In this regard, the leasehold     must be booked for at least three days and two
  rights over such properties have been completely              nights and be worth a minimum price of THB12,500.
  registered with the relevant land offices.                    The programme is for tours booked from Sunday to
                                                                Thursday. Tour agencies eligible for the program must
• The fifth-largest deal was the investment of S.IF.            be registered in Thailand. The program is expected
  Company Limited in acquiring 100.00% ordinary shares          to boost revenues for tour guides, hotels, transport
  of Park Industry Company Limited from Boon Rawd               companies, restaurants and tourist sites.
  Brewery Company Limited, 30.00% ordinary shares of
  Angthong Power Company Limited from Whitefords              • EDMUND TIE Research believes that factors
  United Pte.Ltd., and at least 30.00% ordinary shares of       accelerating investment sentiment in the remaining
  B.Grimm Power (Ratchaburi) 1 Company Limited and              period of 2021 will include: 1) the continuous release
  B.Grimm Power (Ratchaburi) 2 Company Limited from             of the government’s economic stimulus measures,
  Prime Harvestment Limited. The total value of these           2) the state’s ability to contain the new wave of the
  transactions was THB3.81bn.                                   pandemic originating from the new clusters in nightlife
                                                                entertainment venues in Bangkok which was detected
                                                                in early of April 2021, 3) the effective implementation
                                                                of the vaccination program in the country, 4) no
                                                                political violence in the country, 5) the sufficiency of
                                                                vaccines supply and the wide distribution of Covid-19
                                                                vaccines to all countries in the world, and 6) the
                                                                country’s progress on infrastructure improvement that
                                                                will facilitate foreign investment.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                          5


     Q1 2021          The slight decline of rental in prime      Q1 2021       The occupancy rate of prime CBD
THB 1,065             and secondary offices in the CBD
                      was due to the oversupply and the
                                                                90.85%         office spaces had a slight quarter-
                                                                               on-quarter decrease since more
     Q4 2020          stricter cost control by businesses        Q4 2020       companies adopting the practice
 THB 1,070            due to the impact of Covid-19.            91.14%         of working remotely.


    Q1 2021           Completion of new office buildings
                                                                 Q1 2021       There was no record of newly
8,947,014             in the area outside the CBD in Q1       4,812,930        completed CBD office building in
                                                                               Q1 due to the delay in construction
                      contributed to the slight increase in
    Q4 2020                                                      Q4 2020       caused by strict movement order
                      office supply in Bangkok.
 8,877,014                                                     4,812,930       during the pandemic.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                  6
MARKET COMMENTARY                                               MARKET OUTLOOK

• The completion of Rasa Two (NLA: 45,000 sq m) and          • The completion of new office buildings in Q2 which
  WHA Tower (NLA: 25,000 sq m) in the non-CBD area             include ‘Vanissa Building’, ‘Kronos Sathorn Tower’,
  increased the total supply by only 0.8 per cent in Q1.       ‘Sixty-Six Tower’, and ‘Siam Scape’ will contribute a
  There were no new completions in the CBD in Q1 and           total of 90,808 sq m of new office space to the Bangkok
  total office space remained unchanged at 4.81m sq m.         office market. The new office space that will be opened
                                                               in the CBD area will account for 67 per cent of the total
• The work-from-home and cost-cutting policies which
                                                               new supply in Q2, whereas 33 per cent will be new
  have been continuously deployed by companies since
                                                               office spaces in the area outside the CBD. Nevertheless,
  the first outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 resulted in the
                                                               new office buildings will be completed on time on the
  requirement of businesses for the right size office
                                                               condition that there is no second announcement of
  spaces that fit new and more flexible working styles of
                                                               Bangkok shutdown measurement.
  most businesses. Since people can work remotely and
  have a lower dependence on office space as compared        • Business of all sizes is confronting the uncertainties
  to the pre-COVID period, the average occupancy rate          from the impact of the Covid-19 crisis so they are likely
  of prime CBD office spaces was recorded at 90.85 per         to spend very cautiously in Q2. New office buildings
  cent in Q1, contracting at 0.3 per cent when compared        that will be opened in Q2 and the huge new supply
  to 91.14 per cent in Q4 2020. In the non-CBD area, the       that is still in the pipeline and under the construction
  average occupancy rate decreased from 90.02 per cent         period will lead to an excessive supply situation in the
  in Q4 2020 to 89.07 per cent in Q1.                          next few years. The occupancy rate in the office market
                                                               is forecasted to be weak since demand is slow, whereas
• The average asking rent of prime and secondary offices
                                                               supply has a dynamic increase.
  in the CBD was recorded at THB1,065 per sq m per
  month and THB765 per sq m per month respectively in        • The average asking rent of the Bangkok office market in
  Q1, having a slight decrease of 0.5 per cent and 0.6 per     Q2 is anticipated to be flat or decline marginally. During
  cent accordingly. The increasing supply at the time of       the weak demand period, tenants could negotiate for
  high sensitivity in demand has caused the office market      attractive rentals from landlords.
  to become a ‘tenant market’.
                                                             • Landlords are believed to cater office spaces that fit
                                                               the change in the working environment and business
                                                               environment. Realizing these changes, new prime office
                                                               buildings will provide co-living and co-learning spaces,
                                                               green space and an open area to support tenants for
                                                               new working style.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                        7

                                                               (THB MILLION)

     Q1 2021           The average rental rates of retail
                                                                  Q1 2021
THB 1,910              malls in downtown and midtown            92.44%           The average occupancy rate of
                                                                                 retail spaces in the downtown area
                       areas decreased by 2.05 per cent
     Q4 2020                                                      Q4 2020        decreased by 2.5 per cent.
                       and 2.65 per cent respectively in Q1.
  THB 1,950                                                      94.84%

SUPPLY OF RETAIL SPACES (SQ M)                                 Upcoming          Net Saleable Area
                                                               Development            (sq m)
                      New retail spaces in the downtown        Silom Center            9,600             Silom Road
    Q1 2021
                      are mostly in the form of mixed-use
1,494,199             development and scheduled to be
                                                               Siam Scape             29,795          Siam Square Soi 1

                      opened in Q2; therefore, retail supply
    Q4 2020                                                    New retail projects in the downtown area that will be
                      in the downtown area remained
 1,494,199            unchanged at 1,494,199 sq m.
                                                               completed in Q2 comprise of ‘Silom Center’ and ‘Siam
                                                               Scape’, providing the net saleable area of 9,600 sq m and
                                                               29,795 sq m respectively.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                        8
MARKET COMMENTARY                                            MARKET OUTLOOK

• In Q1, retail supply in the downtown and midtown        • Prior to the new wave of the outbreak in Bangkok, the
  areas remained unchanged at 1,494,199 sq m and            Songkran Festival was expected to stimulate consumer
  1,148,480 sq m respectively.                              spending and generate income for tourism operators
                                                            and local businesses during the holiday period. The
• The resurgence of Covid-19 in December 2020 put
                                                            recent pandemic situation will disappoint many
  continuous pressure on Bangkok retail market in Q1.
                                                            businesses that were looking forward to the increased
  Footfalls at shopping malls dropped drastically since
                                                            footfall during the Songkran holidays since now most
  people stayed at home and avoided dining outside.
                                                            will cancel their travel plans . A possible exception will
  The average occupancy rate of retail spaces in the
                                                            be those who plan to visit their hometowns during the
  downtown area decreased to 92.44 per cent in Q1 as
                                                            holiday period to stay with their families. Therefore,
  compared to 94.84 per cent in Q4 2020 or a decrease
                                                            it is expected that the footfall in several Bangkok
  of 2.5 per cent.
                                                            shopping malls will drop and will result in a steady
• A Amid the concerns about the pandemic, the              average occupancy rate in Q2.
  government’s economic stimulus measures, financial
                                                          • Average rental rates of retail malls in Bangkok are
  relief scheme (We Win Scheme), and the Covid-19
                                                            forecasted to be flat since landlords will adopt the
  vaccination program in March 2021 has improved and
                                                            ‘wait-and-see’ policy to monitor the current outbreak
  stimulated consumer spending in late February 2021.
                                                            situation as well as its impact on tenants’ financial
• The average rental rates of retail malls in downtown      circumstances. In case financial aids for tenants in the
  and midtown areas in Q1 decreased to THB1,910 per         form of rental waive or rental reduction is considered,
  sq m per month and THB1,100 per sq m per month,           it will likely not be in Q2 which is considered too early
  equivalent to a contraction of 2.05 per cent and 2.65     for such measures.
  per cent respectively as compared to rental rates in
                                                          • Despite the weak economic sentiment due to the
  Q4 2020. The prolonged Covid-19 crisis in the country
                                                            impact of the Coronavirus, some local developers are
  caused some small tenants to close down operations
                                                            planning to develop new retail projects mostly in the
  as they were unable to bear the financial burden.
                                                            form of community malls. This is to maximise the utility
• All upcoming projects in Q2 will be found in the          of the land after the outbreak is fully contained and
  downtown area; these include ‘Silom Center’ (9,600        the spending power of people has improved. This is
  sq m), and ‘Siam Scape’ (29,795 sq m).                    expected at earliest to be in late 2021.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                     9

TAKE-UP RATE OF                                                  AVERAGE SELLING PRICE OF

   Q1 2021            The launch of new CBD projects near
                                                                    Q1 2021
  31.7%               the end of the quarter (mid of March)
                                                                               The launch of luxury condominiums
                      caused the selling period to be too         240,556      in the CBD area increased the
   Q4 2020            short, resulting in the low take-up rate
                                                                               average selling price in Q1 15.2 per
   55.3%              recorded in Q1.                               Q4 2020
                                                                               cent as compared to THB208,807
                                                                  208,807      per sq m in Q4.

(UNITS)                                                          CONDOMINIUMS IN Q1 2021
                         The attempt to clear unsold stock
    Q1 2021              by many developers, and the low
                                                                     CBD       The shortage of land in the CBD
    1,963                spending and investment confidence         35%        as well as developers’ strategies
                         due to the impact of Covid-19 caused                  to cater to the mass market have
    Q4 2020                                                        NON-CBD     spurred new condominiums in the
                         developers to slash the number of
     6,421               new condominium projects launched          65%        non-CBD area.
                         in Q1.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                  10
MARKET COMMENTARY                                                MARKET OUTLOOK

• Total new launched condominiums in Q1 were recorded         • Though the Covid-19 vaccination program has been
  at 1,963 units, decreasing at 69.4 per cent as compared       progressively implemented in many countries including
  to 6,421 units in Q4 2020. On the year-on-year                Thailand, the market may not rebound within the
  comparative, total new units launched had a decrease          year due to the new wave of cases in many areas of
  at 73.2 per cent. The decrease of new condominiums            Bangkok. However, the acquisition of new land plots
  supply was attributed to the developers’ plans to clear       for future condominium developments by developers
  their unsold stock to generate incomes and increase           is expected to continue, but the timeline for project
  their cash flow. The continuous attack of the pandemic        development is expected to be delayed due to the
  crisis on the global and domestic economy has lowered         work-from-home policy adopted by businesses and
  spending and investment confidence; therefore, many           real estate developers. The acquired land plots are
  developers decided to slash the number of new                 strategically located along the routes of mass transit
  condominium projects and focus more on low-rise               services, such as BTS, MRT, and Airport Rail Links which
  housing projects in 2021.                                     is of prime interest to developers.
• New condominiums launched in the CBD accounted for          • Demand from real buyers is believed to remain healthy
  694 units or 35 per cent of total new launched units          in Q2. Realizing that many real demand buyers have
  in Q1 whereas those located in the non-CBD area               low incomes, some developers will focus on low-priced
  represented 65 per cent (1,269 units). In Q1, ‘Noble          or affordably-priced condominium projects this year to
  Form Thonglor’ and ‘Scope Promsri’ were the two new           expand the customer base and generate income from
  luxury condominium projects unveiled.                         this market segment which is quite large.
• The average take-up rate of CBD and non-CBD                 • The increase in new launches of high-end CBD
  condominiums launched in Q1 was 31.7 per cent and             condominium projects is expected to be seen at the
  24.7 per cent, respectively. The absorption rate of new       end of this year, but this also depends on the state’s
  units in the CBD had a significant decrease as compared       ability to cope with the new wave of cases in Bangkok
  to the take-up rate of 42.6 per cent recorded in Q4.          and its vicinity. In addition, the Covid-19 vaccines that
  The launching period in mid of March 2021 (near the           are currently arriving in-country and the increase in
  quarter-end period) caused the selling period of new          the number of vaccinated individuals are predicted to
  units to be short.                                            raise developers’ confidence in launching new high-end
• Demand for new CBD condominiums was mainly driven             projects and buyers’ confidence in spending.
  by speculative buyers. The location of newly launched       • Developers with sound financial status are anticipated
  CBD condominiums which are in the Sukhumvit area still        to continue looking for new land plots and to take
  attracted Thai and foreign speculative buyers (Chinese        over suspended condominium projects that ran out of
  and Hong Kong) to make buying decisions. For those            business due to the pandemic this year. The acquisition
  newly launched projects in the non-CBD area, demand           of lands and buildings is likely to be found in the outer
  was generated by employees, families buying new units         city of Bangkok, where mass transit lines are available.
  for their children to stay near schools and universities,
  and some locals buying for renting purpose.
• Given that many real-demand buyers have low incomes
  and low spending power, some developers have offered
  condominiums at an affordable unit price of less than
  THB1,000,000 to fit the demand of this group.
• The launch of luxury condominiums in the CBD area
  has accelerated the average selling price of CBD
  condominiums to THB240,556 per sq m in Q1, an
  increase of 15.2 per cent as compared to THB208,807
  per sq m in Q4.

EDMUND TIE RESEARCH                                                                                        11
CONTACTS                                                    Ong Choon Fah
                                                            Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                        Christopher Ng
                                                                                                                        Chief Operating Officer
                                                            +65 6393 2318                                               EDMUND TIE Group
                                                                                       +65 6393 2376
                                                            Tan Chun Ming
                                                            Executive Director                                          Punnee Sritanyalucksana
                                                            +65 6393 2360                                               Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                       +66 2257 0499 ext 101

AGENCY SERVICES                                                                                                         PROFESSIONAL SERVICES
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Apavadee Devahastin Na Ayudhya                              Pornpun Chalitkriengkrai                                    Natacha Tienhiran
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                                                                                                                        Neeranuch Kanokvilairat
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                                                                                                                        Nuntharat Charoenpakdeekun
                                                                                                                        +66 2257 0499 ext 112

   Editor:                                      Author:

   Saleha Yusoff                                Neeranuch Kanokvilairat
   Executive Director                           Manager
   Regional Head of                             Research & Consulting
   Research & Consulting                        +66 2257 0499 ext 121
   +603 2161 7228 ext 302             

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