HERMES SDG ENGAGEMENT EQUITY FUND - Biannual Report Hermes Investment Management H1 2018

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HERMES SDG ENGAGEMENT EQUITY FUND - Biannual Report Hermes Investment Management H1 2018
Biannual Report

Hermes Investment Management
H1 2018

For professional investors only
HERMES SDG ENGAGEMENT EQUITY FUND - Biannual Report Hermes Investment Management H1 2018
SDG ENGAGEMENT FUND                                                                                               HERMES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
BIANNUAL REPORT                                                                                                                         H1 2018

Seeking constructive relationships with each portfolio company’s board and
management team, we encourage and enable them to develop strategies that
deliver outcomes which are firmly aligned with the UN SDGs and benefit all
stakeholders: the companies and their employees, the communities in which
they operate, the environment, and investors.

Engagement objectives, H1 2018                                               Engaged companies by region, H1 2018

                                                                                                4         1

                                                        Environmental                                              10               Australia &
                                       27.1%                                                                                        New Zealand
      30.5%                                             Social and ethical
                                                        Governance                                                                  Developed Asia
                                                        Strategy, risk and                                                          Emerging
                                                        communication                                                               & developing
                                                                                   16                                               markets
                                                                                                                        5           Europe
         14.4%                                                                                                                      North America
                                 28.0%                                                                                              United Kingdom

Source: Hermes as at 30 June 2018.                                           Source: Hermes as at 30 June 2018.

Milestone progress of engagements, H1 2018                                   The Hermes EOS milestone framework for engagement

                                                                                   Milestone 1
Strategy, risk and 1                          27                                   Raise SDG issue at the appropriate level

       Governance 2 2                                                              Milestone 2
                                                                                   Company recognises the specific issue as valid

Social and ethical           7                     16
                                                                                   Milestone 3
                                                                                   Develop and commit to a credible plan for change

    Environmental            6                     20

                       0         5       10        15   20     25      30
                                                                                   Milestone 4
        No change                Positive progress                                 Successful implementation of the plan accompanied by disclosure of
                                                                                   relevant outcome or impact metrics
Source: Hermes as at 30 June 2018.
HERMES SDG ENGAGEMENT EQUITY FUND - Biannual Report Hermes Investment Management H1 2018
SDG ENGAGEMENT FUND                                                                                                                       HERMES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
BIANNUAL REPORT                                                                                                                                                 H1 2018

We currently engage with 52 companies on 104 objectives that are aligned with the UN Sustainable
Development Goals. How intensely we focus on each SDG is illustrated below: the larger the SDG icon,
the more concentrated our focus on the corresponding goal.

#1 46 portfolio companies exposed to this goal                                                                #8                          #3 42 portfolio companies exposed to this theme
    Current engagement: Dulux, to develop targets for more                                                                                    Current engagement: Alliant Energy, so that
                                                                                                               49 portfolio companies
    sustainable products with reduced environmental impacts                                                                                   its investments and projected energy mix are
                                                                                                               exposed to this theme
    over their total life cycle                                                                                                               compatible with a world limited to a 2°C rise
                                                                                                                                              in temperature

                                                                        #2 38 portfolio companies exposed to this theme
                                                                             Current engagement: Tullow Oil, to ensure that
                                                                             climate-scenario planning is part of the oil and gas
                                                                             company's strategy

                                                                                                                                           =5 32 portfolio companies exposed
                                                                                                                                               to this theme
                                                                                                                                               Current engagement:
                            =9                                                                                                                 Middleby, to use its resources
                                                                                                                                               and purchasing power to
                            10 portfolio companies exposed to this                                                                             support the growth and
                            theme                                                                                                              development of local
                            Current engagement: Huhtamaki                                                                                      businesses
                            and AptarGroup, to ensure packaging
                            solutions are designed with a view to
                            reducing plastic pollution in the
                            world’s oceans

                           =12                    =9 9 portfolio companies           #4 48 portfolio companies exposed to this theme
                                                       exposed to this theme               Current engagement: Credicorp, to
                           33 portfolio                Current engagement:                 responsibly expand its microfinance
                           companies exposed           Glanbia, on practices               business and increase the level of financial
                           to this theme               within its dairy-farming            inclusion in Peru
                                                       supply chain and
                                                       supporting the
                                                       nutritional needs of                                                               #6 34 portfolio companies exposed
                                                       people globally                                                                        to this theme
                           11 portfolio
                           companies exposed
                           to this theme

                                                  49 portfolio companies
                                                  exposed to this theme
                                                  Current engagement: SSP,
                                                  to target employment
                                                                                                               #10 5 portfolio
                                                  opportunities for                                                   companies           #7 38 portfolio companies exposed
                                                  unemployed minorities in                                                                    to this theme
                                                                                                                      exposed to
                                                  the airports and railway                                            this theme
                                                  stations in which they

                     =11                                                 =11                                           =11
                     22 portfolio companies                              11 portfolio                                  25 portfolio
                     exposed to this theme                               companies                                     companies
                                                                         exposed to this                               exposed
                                                                         theme                                         to this theme
HERMES SDG ENGAGEMENT EQUITY FUND - Biannual Report Hermes Investment Management H1 2018
SDG ENGAGEMENT FUND                                                                                                   HERMES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
BIANNUAL REPORT                                                                                                                             H1 2018

Investment case                                                                     Engagement objectives
Petra Diamonds mines and distributes rough diamonds in South                        „„Good health and well-being: Petra Diamonds is raising awareness
Africa and Tanzania. It is emerging from a period of significant capital              about HIV infection, but just one-third of employees volunteered
expenditure after it purchased, extended and refurbished mines,                       for testing in 2017. Therefore, expanding testing and ensuring health
and should soon begin to generate strong cash flow from increased                     services are available and appropriate to the needs of the company’s
production. In the longer term, as excess inventories run down and old                adult, male employees is important. We are working with Petra
mines close, structural undersupply should support diamond prices.                    to find a partnering organisation to expand its outreach activities,
                                                                                      break down cultural barriers, provide resources for testing clinics,
                                                                                      support both ongoing treatment and adherence to anti-retroviral
                                                                                      programmes and promote Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in order
In South Africa, one in every four boys                                               to significantly reduce transmissions among – and through – this
                                                                                      high risk population.
currently aged 15 will acquire HIV before
                                                                                      – Aligned with the following SDGs:
they reach 60
Engagement opportunity
„„HIV prevalence is high in the areas in which Petra operates,
  impacting the health and well-being of those in its communities and,
  ultimately, the morale and productivity of the company’s workforce.
„„There are approximately 2.5m adult men living with HIV in South
  Africa – adult men comprise 37% of all adults living with HIV in the
  country1. Modelling by UNAIDS suggests that almost one in every
                                                                                    2.5m adult men are living with HIV in
  four boys (23%) currently aged 15 will acquire HIV before they                    South Africa
  reach 602. Moreover, men are less likely to use medical services and
  to take an HIV test than women. As a result, more adult men than                  Engagement progress
  women die of AIDS-related causes, despite there being many more                   „„In H1, we had multiple interactions with Petra, including a meeting
  women – 1.7x – living with HIV3. South Africa’s National Strategic                  with the CEO, building on our previous meetings with the Chair.
  Plan for HIV recognises that younger women in South Africa bear a
                                                                                    „„In May, we introduced Petra to a US pharmaceuticals company to
  disproportionately high burden of new infections as a result of sexual
                                                                                      support promotion and availability of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to help
  relationships with older men.
                                                                                      prevent HIV transmission among workers and the wider community.
                                                                                      It would be the US company’s first partnership of this kind.
Theory of change
„„The scale of the challenge in South Africa necessitates bold private              „„Their collaboration can potentially deliver positive impacts:
  sector initiatives alongside the State and NGOs. Through their                      – Reduced HIV prevalence among Petra workers and the
  interactions with and support for employees and their communities,                    community, resulting in a more productive workforce and
  we believe Petra can play a role in supporting SDG 3.3 – ending the                   improving health levels among the local population.
  epidemic of AIDS – and support South Africa's own goal to reduce
  new HIV infections to less than 100,000 by 2022.                                    – The pharmaceutical company may consider similar partnerships
                                                                                        with larger miners, multiplying the impact.

        Petra Diamonds' Finsch mine in South Africa.

        “A snapshot of men and HIV in South Africa,” published by UNAIDS in 2017.
SDG ENGAGEMENT FUND                                                                                          HERMES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
BIANNUAL REPORT                                                                                                                    H1 2018

Investment case                                                            Engagement objectives
Techtronic is a Hong-Kong listed company focused on the US                 „„Ethical and inclusive supply chains: The shift to cordless power
consumer market, with predominantly Chinese manufacturing                    tools increases Techtronic’s need for certain commodities – cobalt in
operations for its power tools and floor-care products, principally          particular – which are used in its lithium-ion batteries. The company
sold under its Milwaukee brand. Its exemplary innovation record has          develops the batteries in close collaboration with large suppliers. Our
resulted in rapid market-share capture in the industry verticals it has      initial objective is for it to improve the oversight of its total supply
targeted. This was evident to us in a recent visit to the global R&D         chain, especially in relation to cobalt and other rare minerals.
centre of Milwaukee – one of the most impressive company visits that
Hamish Galpin, Lead Manager of the Fund, has undertaken in his 29            – Aligned with the following SDGs
years as a professional stock picker.

If the company delivers on its aims of releasing innovative products,
achieving further increases in market share and expanding into new
markets, it should sustain a strong growth profile for a number of
years to come. The stock has a similar margin and return profile to its
larger and better-known competitor, Stanley Black and Decker, and we       „„Resource efficiency: The company is primarily vertically integrated
believe its slightly higher return on equity and price-to-earnings ratio     and, in recent years, has delivered many product innovations.
are justified by the track record and quality of the business.               Milwaukee now offers over 500 tools, all of which make use of the
                                                                             same battery platform and therefore preventing older products from
                                                                             falling into obsolescence. Multiple business lines have grown from
                                                                             zero to several hundreds of million dollars in just a few years. Our
Through high-quality manufacturing                                           objective is to encourage the company to further assess adjacent
operations, the company can minimise                                         opportunities for developing cordless products, enabling greater
                                                                             resource efficiency.
waste, increase renewable energy
usage, and its innovative product                                            – Aligned with the following SDGs

designs can promote resource
efficiency and economic growth.
Theory of change
„„Techtronic’s global reach – it has 41 operations and 22,000 staff        Engagement progress
  worldwide – provides many touch points for SDG-aligned engagement.       „„In addition to meeting with the company’s CEO and CFO and
  By developing impactful relationships with suppliers and employees,        speaking with its Vice-Chair, investor relations team and others,
  Techtronic can help to raise living standards and therefore alleviate      we visited the Milwaukee CFO at the company’s innovation centre,
  poverty while also supporting good health, well-being and gender           where we were able to see first-hand the breadth of its cutting-edge
  equality. Through high-quality manufacturing operations, the company       product development.
  can minimise waste generation, significantly draw on renewable energy
  sources and develop innovative products. Techtronic can also support     „„We have provided recommendations to the company about how to
  efforts to use resources efficiently and promote economic growth that      improve its due diligence on its existing supply chain, based on our
  is decoupled from natural-resource usage.                                  knowledge and expertise as a leading investor expert on this theme.
SDG ENGAGEMENT FUND                                                                                                          HERMES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
BIANNUAL REPORT                                                                                                                                    H1 2018

                                         Why decent work matters                         Fitter, happier, more productive
                                         To achieve many SDG targets, the                At work, engaged and healthy employees help increase profitability,
                                         volume and quality of jobs must                 staff retention and brand value. At home, they focus more on family
                                         improve to enable unemployed                    and social activities, and consume fewer public services.
                                         people to join the labour force,
                                         and enhance the lives of millions               Companies providing decent employment opportunities – directly or
                                         of workers worldwide.                           through their supply chains – and enabling growth do not only help
                                                                                         fulfil SDG eight, they support other SDGs. Here are some examples
                               Precarious, poor-quality and low-pay                      that demonstrate the interconnectedness of the SDGs:
                               work remains prevalent throughout
society: more than 300m workers in the developing world earn less
than $1.9 each day.1

Through their employment practices and procurement decisions,
companies are uniquely placed to support business growth, eliminate
dangerous working conditions and exploitation while helping prepare
employees for the changes brought by automation and the
decarbonisation of the economy, which have the potential to
displace workers, disrupt families and cause poverty.

  Target 10.1                                                               Target 3.4

  Progressively achieve                                                     Reduce by one third
                                                                                                                                       Target 1.2
  and sustain income                                                        premature deaths from
                                                                                                         Target 4.4
  growth for the bottom                Target 5.5                           non-communicable
  40% of the population                                                     diseases and promote                                       At least halve the
  at a rate higher than                                                     mental health and            Substantially increase        proportion of men,
  the national average                 Ensure women’s full                  well-being                   skills training in the        women and children
                                       and effective                                                     youth and adult               of all ages living in
  Action: As the                       participation and equal              Action: Workplace            populations                   poverty, in all its
  proportion of people                 opportunities for                    benefits – such as                                         dimensions
  aged 65 years or more                                                     health insurance, paid       Action: Youth
  increases, companies                                                      holiday and parental         unemployment, which           Action: A fair, living
  need to be inclusive                 Action: Companies                    leave, pension plans –       has increased as a result     wage is the most direct
  of older workers –                   can act on society’s                 support employees            of the financial crisis and   way for companies
  and parts of the                     appetite for greater                 and their families,          rapid population growth       to help lift workers
  workforce currently                  female participation in              while initiatives            in emerging economies,        out of poverty. This
  underemployed on the                 the labour market and                targeting depression         can be addressed by           commitment can
  basis of ethnicity or                closing the persistent               and stress prevent           providing more                cascade throughout
  disability                           gender pay gap                       productivity losses          opportunities for             their supply chains
                                                                                                         education and training

1 Per capita household income or consumption in purchasing-power parity terms
SDG ENGAGEMENT FUND                                                                                                                 HERMES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT
BIANNUAL REPORT                                                                                                                                           H1 2018

A rare strategy, investing actively in small – and mid-cap companies
worldwide based on their potential to deliver – through engagement
– sustainable development outcomes and robust financial performance.

Fund characteristics                                                                     Investment philosophy
                                                                                         „„Skilful engagement and active management form a potent force
   Lead Manager, Investment                            Hamish Galpin                       for positive change among smaller companies, reflected in earnings
   Lead Manager, Engagement                            Will Pomroy                         growth and stock-price appreciation

   Fund inception                                      29 December 2017                  „„SDG-driven engagement provides opportunities to create
                                                                                           meaningful and lasting societal impacts – particularly in emerging
                                                       MSCI All Country                    markets
                                                       World SMID index
                                                                                         „„The performance benefits of positive change are best captured
                                                       Blend with a                        over a long time horizon, rewarding committed investors
                                                       quality bias
   Concentration                                       40-60 stocks
   Beta                                                Expected
We are an asset manager with a difference. We believe that, while our primary purpose is to help
savers and beneficiaries by providing world class active investment management and stewardship
services, our role goes further. We believe we have a duty to deliver holistic returns – outcomes for
our clients that go far beyond the financial – and consider the impact our decisions have on society,
the environment and the wider world.
Our goal is to help people invest better, retire better and create a better society for all.

Our investment solutions include:
Private markets
Infrastructure, private debt, private equity, commercial and
residential real estate

High active share equities
Asia, global emerging markets, Europe, US, global, and small
and mid-cap

Absolute return, global high yield, multi strategy, global investment
grade, unconstrained, real estate debt and direct lending

Multi asset
Multi asset inflation

Active engagement, advocacy, intelligent voting and
sustainable development

London | New York | Singapore

For more information, visit or connect with us on social media:

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