Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study - Clarity Case Study

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Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study - Clarity Case Study
Clarity Case Study

       Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study

                           Flexi, the largest fixed mobile
                          service provider in Indonesia,
                     deploys the Clarity Unified OSS to
                     provide superior customer service
                        through holistic management of
                                           their network.
Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study - Clarity Case Study
“Rapid deployment            A Global Perspective
must be balanced
with excellent               “In high growth markets
                             there is a need to rapidly
customer experience
                             deploy networks to capture
to keep hard-earned          new market share right from
customers.                   the start. Market share is
                             essential not only for
Ensuring service             revenue generation, but                Tony Kalcina
                             also in securing funding for        Executive Director
quality is met is what                                                 Clarity
differentiates a             ongoing network rollout
                             and operations.”, explains
successful operator
                             Tony Kalcina, Executive Director, Clarity and member of
from the crowd.”             the TMF Advisory Board.

            Tony Kalcina     “Very often these growth markets are both extremely
        Executive Director   competitive and price sensitive and pricing is often a
                   Clarity   differentiator in the customer’s initial selection decision.
                             However, once on board, this rapid deployment must
                             be balanced with excellent customer experience to
                             keep those hard-earned customers.

                             The emergence of technologies such as CDMA to
                             support Fixed Mobile Access have provided operators
                             with the opportunity to achieve the first of these two
                             objectives – they can more rapidly deploy networks, at
                             a much lower cost than traditional fixed networks, and
                             pass that onto their customers through very reasonable
                             pricing plans. Achieving the third objective – ensuring
                             service quality is met – is what differentiates a successful
                             operator from the crowd.

                             Wireless networks, unlike traditional fixed networks, have
                             fewer physical constraints, such as copper to the
                             premise for landlines, to limit the number of activations
                             on the network. Indeed, until such a network is well
                             established it is only possible to estimate network usage
                             based on assumptions.

                             To monitor and proactively manage actual network
                             performance,        operators      need    operational
                             management systems that interact with the network in
                             real time to continuously monitor network performance,
                             and ensure that it is providing the very best experience
                             for customers.”
Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study - Clarity Case Study
The Telkom Flexi Vision

Flexi is the CDMA-based fixed wireless phone division of
Telkom Indonesia. Because the network minimises the
need to lay cable, Flexi have been able to rapidly
deploy their network, and have grown their subscriber
base from 4 million subscribers in 2005 to over 15 million
subscribers in 2009.
By using the Flexi service, customers have an area-code
limited mobility service, offered at the same tariff plans
as fixed line networks. Customers have a wide choice
of fixed and mobile handsets, prepaid and post-paid
tariff plans, and access to a wide range of traditional
mobile services such as SMS, ring tones and voice mail.
From very early on, Flexi recognised the importance of
providing an excellent customer experience to differen-
tiate their services from their competitors. Consequently
they offer service level guarantees for their customers,
for activities ranging from new line installations,
restoration of disconnected lines and billing complaints.
As Flexi’s subscriber base increased, they realised they
needed to streamline their operational processes to
best meet their commitment to customer excellence.
Consequently, Flexi commenced a program to improve
the processes and systems they use to monitor, measure       The Challenge
and manage their network operations.                            Simplify business
                                                                 processes through
                                                                 unification of workflow
                                                                 and data
                                                                Move from reactive to
                                                                 proactive network
                                                                 management to
                                                                 reduce MTTF and MTTR
                                                                Provide effective and
                                                                 easy-to-use internal
                                                                 control mechanisms
                                                                Improve business
                                                                 manoeuvrability in
                                                                 response to market
Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study - Clarity Case Study
Clarity was built from     Selecting Clarity
the data model up to
                           PT Telkom Indonesia, the corporate office, had already
support a multi-           experienced the challenges of rapid subscriber growth,
service, multi-network     and had commenced a transformation journey in 2006.
environment. It was        Their imperative was to move from their legacy opera-
also proven to scale       tional environment which was characterised with silos of
to very high volumes       business systems that fragmented operations.

and simplified             Their end goal was the simplification and unification of
integration risk with an   key business process areas to provide effective internal
                           control. Furthermore they would be able to proactively
extensive library of
                           manage their network and be highly adaptable to
tools for system and       address their changing market place.
network integration.
                           After an extensive selection process, the Clarity Unified
                           OSS was selected to provide a simplified and standard-
                           ised operational environment. Clarity was built from the
                           data model up to support a multi-service, multi-network
                           environment. It was also proven to scale to very high
                           volumes and simplified integration risk with an extensive
                           library of tools for system and network connectivity.
                           When Flexi started their own journey, they made an as-
                           sessment of the Clarity Unified OSS. Like their parent
                           company they realised that the benefits of a horizontal-
                           ly integrated Assurance and Fulfilment suite, with a
                           common data model, workflow and user interface, was
                           perfectly suited to meet their business objective of pro-
                           active, holistic operational management.

                                         Nationwide view of network activities
Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study - Clarity Case Study
“We needed a flexible and highly scalable OSS, capable of
keeping pace with our rapidly expanding subscriber base
while also supporting lean operations and excellent customer
service quality. Clarity’s Fulfilment and Assurance solutions pro-
vide us with a clear view or our entire network status, regard-
less of the technology or the vendor.

With a single system to manage operations it is faster to identify
any issues, to ensure they have minimal business impact. It also
reduces the costs of our ongoing operations. Clarity intuitively
understood the demands on our business. They worked with us
every step of the way to ensure we had a solution which pro-
                                                                               Judi Achmadi
vides a clear edge over the competition.”
                                                                      VP IT Service Strategy, TELKOM

Managing Change
The Flexi Management Team knew that to get
maximum business benefit from the project, they
needed to manage the project from the top down.
They needed to drive their organisation to actively
take on the challenges that were common in such
major programs. Key areas of focus included:

   Strong sponsorship, which came from the Flexi
    senior executives to ensure that the whole business
    was in alignment with the program and its benefits
    so that they could work to a common goal.                        “With a single system to
   Data cleanliness, known to be a key issue for any
                                                                     manage operations it is
    migration, was addressed from the start. Flexi put                  faster to identify any
    special focus on data migration, using automated                   issues, to ensure they
    data      migration   tools,  including  network                  have minimal business
    auto-discovery to ensure data accuracy, mapped                   impact. It also reduces
    to a TMF SID based framework to represent custom-
                                                                             the costs of our
    ers, service and the network.
                                                                        ongoing operations.
   Minimise integration through sourcing a minimum
    number of applications and maximising the use of
    out-the-box templates, device driver libraries and
                                                                       Clarity worked with us
    system interface capabilities and configuration.                   every step of the way
                                                                         to ensure we had a
   Horizontal process development across the supply
    chain using TMF eTom as a framework to ensure                    solution which provides
    standard process across products and technologies.                a clear edge over the
    This also simplified training and operational                               competition.”
    management with centralised, multi-skilled resource
Telkom Indonesia Flexi Case Study - Clarity Case Study
The Result                   The Telkom Flexi Deployment
   A holistic view of the   Flexi have now migrated their operational manage-
    multi-vendor network     ment systems to the Clarity platform. Clarity provides
    to manage incidents      umbrella management across network equipment
    that cross multiple
                             provided by multiple vendors including Huawei,
    technology domains
                             Motorola, Samsung and ZTE.
   More rapid restoration
    of services by auto-     With this unified view of the network Flexi are able to:
    mated identification        Setup, view and manage network status holistically
    and notification of
    issues                      More rapidly restore services by proactively
                                 identifying root-cause problems and impacted ser-
   Proactive
                                 vices through advanced correlation techniques
    management of
    network issues, to          Reduce the occurrence of “dropped issues” where a
    prevent issues before        problem crosses multiple technology, vendor or man-
    they occur                   agement domains
                                Proactively anticipate service                 impacts        through
                                 management of planned events
                                Represent the network build with layered and
                                 interconnecting technology, vendor and manage-
                                 ment domains
                                Consolidate several vendor specific legacy alarm
                                 streams into an umbrella management system
                             The Clarity solution lets Flexi provide excellent customer
                             service by always knowing the health of their network
                             and preventing problems before they occur.

                                   Holistic view of network performance to proactively manage issues
The Clarity Solution
For the Flexi deployment, the following Clarity products
were used to support their business processes and
network management:
   Alarm Manager across a multi-vendor network
   Ticket Manager for fault and trouble management
   Corporate Intelligence Manager and Performance
    Manager for network KPIs Monitoring and reporting
   Discovery for auto discovery of network additions,
    moves and deletions
   Inventory Manager and Service        Manager      for
    inventory process automation
Clarity worked closely with a local systems integration
partner to deploy the solution for Flexi.

Quantifying the Business Benefit
Flexi has measured several performance improvements,
directly improving the customer experience:
   23% improvement in Mean Time to Restore (MTTR)
   8%   reduction in dropped calls
   17% reduction in blocked calls
   99% asset validity audit                                     Flexi have already
   10% improvement in manpower productivity                   measured significant
In addition, there have been measured improvements
                                                            improvements with the
in Call Setup Success Rate (CSSR) and Data Occupan-
cy. Other benefits include consolidation of training,           Clarity Unified OSS,
administration, maintenance and development teams.                  including MTTR,
                                                             dropped and blocked
Further benefits are expected to be realised as the
                                                                    calls, Call Setup
system is imbedded into Flexi’s operations, and continu-
al process improvement programs are implemented.                 Success Rate and
                                                                Data Occupancy.
The Future
                                                               All these indicators
Indonesia is experiencing rapid growth in the
telecommunications market, and Flexi will continue its       directly improve the
growth and innovation strategy. Clarity will continue to    customer experience.
work with its strategic integration partners to support
Telkom Flexi in this dynamic market.
About Telkom Flexi

                                            PT. Telkom Indonesia Tbk, the leading telecommunications company
                                            in Indonesia, offers fixed mobile services using the latest CDMA (Code
                                            Division Multiple Access) technology through its Telkom Flexi Division.
                                            Telkom Flexi provides customers with the flexibility to use their fixed
                                            wireless CDMA digital phone both as a home telephone (fixed
                                            phone) and a mobile phone (mobility) within a local area code.
                                            Using this leading technology, Telkom Flexi are able to cost effectively
                                            deploy their network and offer very competitive pricing plans.
                                            With this innovative service, Telkom Flexi has experienced rapid
                                            subscriber growth. Customers, many who have previously not owned
                                            a phone, have embraced this new service. CDMA Fixed Mobile
                                            services are now provided to more than 16 million subscribers in over
                                            370 Indonesian cities.
                                            For further information on Flexi, visit

                                            About Clarity

                                            Clarity is a global provider that enables its customers to simplify their
                                            operations with an award winning unified telecommunications
                                            management solution. It enables Service Providers to reduce the
                                            cost and risk of operations and improve the customer experience
                                            across fixed, mobile, data and converged networks.
                                            The Clarity portfolio is used to build and manage network
                                            deployments; develop, sell and charge for innovative products; fulfil
                                            orders through to network activation; and assure the quality of
                                            customer services. The portfolio supports next generation and legacy
                                            networks and is pre-integrated to reduce the cost, time and risk to
                                            deploy and manage the solution.
                                            Clarity’s solutions currently help operators around the world manage
                                            over 250 million subscribers. The product portfolio is network and
                                            service neutral, driven by templates and workflows that are rapidly
                                            configurable, allowing telecom companies to dramatically cut time
                                            to market for new services.
                                            Established in 1994, Clarity has offices throughout Asia, the Middle
                                            East, Europe and North America.
TEL: +61 2 9925 5000
FAX: +61 2 9955 9999                        For more information, please visit us at

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