Page created by Terrance Gonzalez

Cover: Superconducting Quantum Circuits Lab in the Helen Diller
Center for Quantum Science, Matter and Engineering


In recent years, a new spirit has pervaded
all areas of life, from academia to industry,
through to the new technologies on which our
lives depend. This is the spirit of innovation.
In the 21st century, innovation is Israel, is
Technion. As a nexus in the global ecosystem of
progress, we are proud to offer the 2019 Technion
President’s Report under the banner iTechnion.

F r o m Te c h n i o n
                                                                Prof. Peretz Lavie

W  elcome to the 2019 President’s Re-
   port, in which we review a decade of
                                                 speech laying out the goals and priorities
                                                 for my presidency. This strategic vision
                                                                                               Strategic Goal:
                                                                                               Replenishing the Faculty
progress and look forward to continu-            arose out of an intimate knowledge of         In 2009, Technion’s faculty had been
ing fruition of the Technion vision.             the university since joining the faculty in   reduced due to a wave of retiring baby
                                                 1975. Prior to my presidency, I was dean      boomers. The departure of a large cohort
When I received the tremendous honor of          of the Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty       of professors affected the quality of the
becoming Technion President ten years            of Medicine for six years and Technion        education and research. Consequently,
ago, I felt that I was handed an enormous        Vice President for Resource Development       a top priority was to refill the faculty’s
responsibility: not only to maintain Tech-       and External Relations for seven years.       ranks with first-rate young professors.
nion’s status as Israel’s first and lead-
ing university but to steer it onward and        This year’s President’s Report has a dual     I was personally involved in recruiting
upward to new levels of excellence and           role. As always, it relates Technion’s        candidates, meeting with the most prom-
global standing. The challenges along the        development since the last Board of           ising men and women in their fields to
way were numerous, but now that I am             Governors meeting, but this year, we also     persuade them to join Technion. The only
completing my tenure, I look back at the         summarize the progress of the entire last     way to replenish the faculty with outstand-
last decade with satisfaction. Technion’s        decade. It is an opportunity to revisit our   ing educators and scientists would be to
role at the forefront of science and tech-       strategic vision of 2009 and compare it       provide up-and-coming stars with cut-
nology is indisputable, both in Israel and       to what actually unfolded.                    ting-edge laboratory facilities on a par
around the world.                                                                              with those at top universities around the
                                                 At the time, I divided my strategic vision    world. Consequently, during my tenure
When I became President, the global fi-          into fields which I deemed critical to the    dozens of state-of-the-art labs were built
nancial crisis of 2008 was fresh and Israeli     university’s development: recruiting new      and renovated throughout the campus
higher education was in an existential crisis,   faculty, improving the student experience,    in order to accommodate incoming new
caused by the proliferation of new private       advancing the level of research conducted     faculty – most of whom were moving back
colleges and by the diminished status of         on campus, developing the campus, and         to Israel after spending years at the finest
academia within Israeli society in general.      strengthening Technion’s global role.         institutions in the world. A large share
                                                                                               of the campus development budget was
At the beginning of my tenure, I presented                                                     allocated to these projects every year.
a vision to the academic assembly in a


                                                                                                         Orientation day for new faculty, 2018

Approximately half of Technion’s current       other important steps. The Students As-         All these efforts have begun to bear fruit,
faculty was hired in the past ten years. See   sociation has been involved in the ongoing      and we have made a quantum leap in
page 6 to meet some of these impressive        efforts to improve the student experience       recent years. Technion has now been
young professors.                              at the university.                              voted the top Israeli university for student
                                                                                               satisfaction for three consecutive years!
Strategic Goal:                                The Technion Center for Promotion of
Upgrading the Student Experience               Learning and Teaching continues to play a       Strategic Goal:
It is a delight to be part of the heightened   key role in upgrading the quality of teach-     Advancing Basic and
spirit on campus. Over the past decade,        ing, which is a critical factor for improving   Applied Research
the overall student experience at Technion     student satisfaction. Intensive efforts are     A fundamental part of the Technion found-
has changed dramatically. Despite being        being made to introduce more dynamic            ing vision is to empower Technion’s position
a first-rate teaching university, many as-     and flexible learning environments, as          at the front line of scientific and technologi-
pects of student life were not optimal ten     well as innovative, non-traditional forms       cal research and development. In joining
years ago, and this meant that a growing       of learning suitable to the 21st century,       the ranks of the world’s leading scientific
number of excellent potential students         such as MOOCs, flipped classrooms and           and technological research universities,
were choosing to study elsewhere. We           video lectures. (See page 12)                   Technion is of service to the State of Israel
made it a top priority to empower a nur-                                                       and to all of humanity. In addition to hiring
turing and inspiring educational environ-      Another initiative with a significant im-       top researchers to join our faculty, the fund-
ment in which each and every student           pact on teaching quality is the Yanai Prize     ing of research labs and equipment has
can flourish.                                  for Excellence in Academic Education.           increased by 93 percent. Moreover, we have
                                               Launched in 2011, the Yanai Prize recog-        dedicated a great deal of energy to rais-
A committee headed by Prof. Yachin             nizes faculty members who set an exam-          ing funds for research. During my tenure,
Cohen was tasked with examining the            ple through their valuable contributions        sponsored research from external sources
student workload, and its findings led to      to teaching, and who strive to improve          has grown by 50 percent, from $61.7 million
important changes implemented as of            student involvement which enhances the          in 2009 to $92.8 million in 2018.
2013. These included shortening the se-        sense of belonging. The prize is consid-
mesters and the exam periods, as well as       ered prestigious and provides an incentive      We have also encouraged collaboration
coordinating and balancing the workloads       to improve classroom performance and            between Technion scientists and industry.
of students in different faculties, among      interaction with students. (See page 14)        The new Center for Machine Learning
Construction of the new Susan and David Wilstein Gate             Solar panels atop the Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center

and Intelligent Systems that was re-            aged tissue, revolutionize information        During the last ten years, three new build-
cently inaugurated, in partnership with         processing and predict the effectiveness      ings have been inaugurated: the Emerson
Intel Corporation, is just one example          of antibiotic cocktails, among many other     Family Life Sciences Building, the D. Dan
of a 21st century Technion platform that        exciting advances. (See page 16)              and Betty Kahn Mechanical Engineering
facilitates cooperation between Technion                                                      Building and the David and Janet Polak
faculties and high-tech companies, both         Thanks to the hard work of T3, the Tech-      Visitors Center. During this period, many
Israeli and multinational. (See page 20)        nion Technology Transfer Unit, optimal        older buildings underwent significant
                                                alliances are being forged between sci-       renovations, and labs were added and
Another focus has been to increase global       entists, industry and investors in order to   upgraded on a massive scale throughout
collaboration. Technion has academic            bring Technion innovations to the mar-        the campus.
collaboration agreements with 213 uni-          ketplace. The new DRIVE accelerator pro-
versities in 41 different countries, and has    gram for entrepreneurs who are part of        The Technion is giving a whole new kind
submitted 15 cooperation projects within        the Technion community and whose start-       of welcome to visitors. All entrances to
the Erasmus+ program to strengthen              ups are in the pre-seed or seed stages        Technion City have been upgraded and the
cooperation with European universities.         is also showing impressive results after      new main gates and approach roads are
(See page 36)                                   only 2.5 years. (See page 35)                 designed to ease traffic. Other large-scale
                                                                                              ongoing projects included accessibility,
Technion frequently makes headlines             Strategic Goal:                               and the upgrading of basic infrastructure
thanks to the numerous, highly impres-          Campus Development                            such as air-conditioning and water-saving
sive breakthroughs emanating from its           We have invested heavily in state-of-the-     systems, and improving campus safety.
labs. It is heart-warming that many of          art facilities and increased accommodation
these groundbreaking discoveries are            units on campus. Our priority has been to     In addition, nearly 1,000 new dorm
improving the world and benefitting hu-         develop our beautiful campus on Mount         beds have been added thanks to sev-
manity. Just this past year, the work of        Carmel to ensure that it keeps pace with      eral major projects: the construction of
our scientists is expected to improve the       the university’s growing needs.               the Stanley Shalom Zielony Graduate
quality of brain scans, regenerate dam-                                                       Student Village, the new undergraduate


                    Rededication of the Rosen Solid State Research Building       Technion’s campus at CornellTech in New York City

student village, and substantial renova-       student exchange programs has risen           opened in 2017; and the Joan and Irwin
tions of the Canada Dormitory Village          sharply.                                      Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute, opened
and the Rifkin Dormitories. Two more                                                         in 2013 as a partnership between Cornell
14-story towers with 314 beds will be          During my tenure, we have seen a sig-         University and Technion. (See page 38)
ready in 2020.                                 nificant increase in academic collabora-
                                               tions in the global arena and particularly    It is wonderful to share with you that we
See page 10 for a map of the campus            with Europe.                                  have made significant progress with each
that highlights the changes made in the                                                      of our strategic goals. Technion is an
past decade.                                   On January 1, 2019, Technion became           institution whose local and global con-
                                               the sixth member of the prestigious           tribution is considerable - in excellence,
Strategic Goal:                                EuroTech Universities Alliance, a             teaching, innovation, and outstanding sci-
Globalization                                  network of top-tier research-based            entific and technological breakthroughs.
Our ambitious strategy of 2009 spoke           universities known for their scien-           It has been an honor to stand at the helm
of the critical importance of facilitating     tific excellence and vibrant innovation       of this venerable institution and I am
Technion’s expansion from the local to         ecosystems. The combination with the          confident that Technion will continue on
the global arena. To this end, I led several   great strengths of the other members          a course of excellence and success for
large-scale initiatives aimed at deepening     of the alliance, an elite group of Euro-      many more years to come. It is with deep
Technion’s ties with the international         pean universities similar to Technion, will   gratitude that I end my tenure as Tech-
scientific and academic community.             help us ensure we are at the forefront        nion President, passing on the beacon
                                               of scientific research.                       of the Technion vision to my successor,
The Technion International School, of-                                                       Prof. Uri Sivan.
fering English-language degrees and            The jewel in the crown of Technion’s glo-
numerous academic programs, has                balization efforts, however, is the open-
grown from 39 students in 2009 to over         ing of our two overseas campuses. The
1,000 in 2018. The number of Technion          Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of        Peretz Lavie
students taking part in international          Technology (GTIIT) in Shantou, China,
 Meet some of the outstanding young
 professors who are bringing fresh
 energy and cutting-edge research to
 Technion, Israel and the world.


                                                                           Asst. Prof. Ido Kaminer
                                                                        A ND RE W A ND E RNA VI T E RB I FAC ULT Y
                                                                             O F E LE CT RI CA L E NG I NE E RI NG

                                                                Ido Kaminer joined Technion as an assistant professor and
                                                                an Azrieli Faculty Fellow in 2018, when he returned to Israel
                                                                after a postdoc at MIT. He currently holds the Technion’s
                  Prof. Ashraf Brik                             Jacques Lewiner Career Advancement Chair.

            S C HU L ICH FACU LT Y O F CH EM ISTRY              MY TECHNION
                                                                “One major reason that brought me to Technion was the
     Ashraf Brik, who is an Arab Israeli, received his PhD      decision to invest in an ultrafast transmission electron
     in Bioorganic Chemistry from Technion and was a            microscope. This facility is unique in Israel and one of only a
     research associate at the Scripps Research Institute       few in the world, enabling powerful research capabilities.”
     in California from 2002 to 2006. He returned to Israel
     in 2007, joining Ben-Gurion University’s faculty before    Prof. Kaminer’s research on applications of quantum
     being recruited in 2015 by Technion’s Schulich Faculty     mechanics and quantum electrodynamics applies ideas
     of Chemistry as a Neubauer professor.                      from the field of light-matter interactions to nanophotonics
                                                                with 2D material platforms. His group is developing new
     Brik is well known for his contributions to the            microscopy techniques in novel materials using ultrafast
     development of chemical approaches to prepare              lasers and electron microscopes.
     posttranslationally modified proteins for biochemical,
     biophysical and functional analyses. In particular his     During his PhD studies at Technion, Prof. Kaminer
     group has developed chemical methods to prepare            discovered new classes of accelerating beams in nonlinear
     ubiquitin-based conjugates, which opened the door for      optics and electromagnetism, for which he received the 2012
     several studies that were not previously feasible.         Israel Physical Society Prize and the 2014 APS Award for
                                                                Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation in Laser Science.
     “The university has an excellent
     environment for my type of research.”                      Kaminer, 33, lives in a faculty apartment on the Technion
                                                                campus. He has wide interests including sports, traveling,
     Brik is an elected member of the Israel Young Academy      hiking, and the history of Israel and Judaism.
     of Sciences, and recipient of the ERC Advanced Grant. He
     has over 120 publications in top journals, holds several
     patents, and has received numerous prestigious awards.
     He is 45, lives in Haifa and has two children.
ON                                                                                                               PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2019


      Assoc. Prof. Moran Bercovici                                                Asst. Prof. Adi Radian
        FAC U LT Y OF M ECH AN ICAL EN GIN EER IN G                         FAC U LT Y O F C I VI L A ND E NVI RO NMENTAL
                                                                                             E NG I NE E RI NG

 Moran Bercovici, associate professor of analytical                    Adi Radian is an environmental chemist who, during her
 chemistry at Technion, is one of three outstanding recipients         post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Minnesota,
 of the 2019 Blavatnik Israel Award for Young Scientists.              designed encapsulation matrices for bacteria in order to
 He was recognized for developing novel microfluidic                   improve bioremediation technologies. She joined Technion in
 technologies for microscale manipulations of fluids and               2016 as an assistant professor.
                                                                       MY TECHNION
 A central theme in Prof. Bercovici’s lab has been the                 “I chose Technion mainly for the high quality of students,
 development of new microfluidic devices and assays. His               the available facilities and funds for young scientists –
 current focus is on exploring physical mechanisms for the             and, of course, for it being in Israel.”
 development of highly configurable microfluidic devices.
 He and his team demonstrated the ability to control flow              Today, Prof. Radian heads a lab which studies the fate of
 patterns using surface chemistry, field effect electrodes or          pollutants in the environment and the development of
 temperature gradients, all without the use of physical walls.         comprehensive and sustainable soil and water remediation
 Prof. Bercovici joined Technion in 2011, following his postdoc        solutions. Her team also designs and applies clay minerals
 at the Stanford University School of Medicine.                        and metal oxides as catalytic surfaces to improve and
                                                                       develop remediation technologies. Their work alongside
                                                                       Prof. Ayelet Fishman from the Faculty of Biotechnology and
 MY TECHNION                                                           Food Engineering has resulted in a provisional patent that
 “I was actively recruited by Prof. Pini Bar-Yoseph, who was then-     hopefully will become applicable in the future.
 dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, and by Dist. Prof.
 Moti Segev, who convinced me that one can conduct research at         Aside from conducting research, Prof. Radian also finds
 Technion that is comparable to or better than any top US              her role as a mentor and lecturer to be very important and
 universities. Both believed in me way before I believed in myself.”   fulfilling. “I am devoted to my teaching and feel I can make a
                                                                       real difference through my work in the classroom,” she says.
                                                                       This year, she received a teaching excellence award for her
 Bercovici, 36, lives in Haifa with his wife and two                   “Introduction to Soil Chemistry” course.
 daughters. In addition to research, he also enjoys playing
 the saxophone.
                                                                       Radian lives in Kiryat Tivon with her husband Oren and their
                                                                       three young sons, aged 6, 4 and 2.
Asst.Prof.ShayHacohen-Gourgy                                          Assoc. Prof. Yael Yaniv
                FACU LT Y O F P H YSICS                          FAC U LT Y O F B I O M E D I CA L E NG I NE E R I NG

Shay Hacohen-Gourgy is an experimental physicist who      Yael Yaniv joined Technion’s Faculty of Biomedical
joined Technion in 2017 after a postdoc at UC Berkeley.   Engineering as assistant professor in March 2014, following
                                                          a postdoc and research fellowship at the National Institute
MY TECHNION                                               on Aging–National Institutes of Health in the U.S. She
“I wanted to join Technion as it educates high-quality    received her BSc, MSc and PhD degrees from Technion.
students and hosts high-quality fabrication
infrastructure, which are important for building a        MY TECHNION
successful lab and research group.”                       “I joined Technion’s faculty because if you want
                                                          to be the best you must join the best!”
Prof. Hacohen-Gourgy works on quantum circuits built
from superconducting materials. His most substantial      Prof. Yaniv’s research focuses on two main objectives:
achievement has been demonstrating a simultaneous         understanding the molecular mechanisms that control heart
measurement of non-commuting observables. The             rate dynamics and developing algorithms to identify changes
dynamics of such a measurement had been an open           in heartbeat dynamics in a time window that will allow
experimental problem until this demonstration, which      prediction of future cardiac events or provide treatment in
was published in Nature and opened a path for a wide      the early stages of a disease.
array of new capabilities for quantum systems.
                                                          When using the current methods to quantify changes in
He has also been active with small-scale quantum          heartbeat dynamics, it is too late to provide a treatment
simulators as tools to better understand certain          to reverse the heart condition. In the last five years, Prof.
physical models. In particular, he was involved in an     Yaniv’s lab has discovered that both Ca2+ and phosphate
emulation of a three-site one-dimensional Bose-           ions control heart rate dynamics; used computational work
Hubbard lattice with attractive on-site interactions,     that led to two pharmacological approaches and one gene
showing that selected states can actively be stabilized   manipulation method to restore the beating rate of aged
– an important feat for future quantum simulators and     heart pacemaker cells to that of normal adult cells; and
quantum annealers. Recently, Prof. Hacohen-Gourgy         developed algorithms to predict fatal arrhythmias.
has been working on using machine learning to aid in
measurement and control of quantum systems.               Yaniv, 38, is married and has a baby daughter.

Hacohen-Gourgy, 38, lives in Nofit with his wife and
two daughters.
                                                                                                         PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2019


                                                                                                                 faculty members
                                                                                                                 recruited over
                                                                                                                 the past decade

          Asst. Prof. Yaron Fuchs                                      Asst. Prof. Oksana Stalnov
                  FACU LT Y O F BIO LO GY                              FAC U LT Y O F A E RO S PAC E E NG I NEER I NG

After completing his PhD at Technion and his postdoc in the      Oksana Stalnov was born in Minsk, Belarus, and her
U.S., Yaron Fuchs returned to Israel in 2014 as an assistant     family immigrated to Israel when she was 11, settling
professor at Technion’s Faculty of Biology, where he heads       in Kiryat Gat. She received her MSc and PhD degrees in
the Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative             Mechanical Engineering from Tel Aviv University, and in
Medicine.                                                        2012 was appointed a research fellow at the University
                                                                 of Southampton, England. In 2017 she returned to Israel
MY TECHNION                                                      and joined Technion as an assistant professor in the
“I returned to Technion as I deeply love this institute. I       Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
think the level of science here is truly phenomenal and
as Technion is solely dedicated to science and technology,       MY TECHNION
it represents a unique environment that nourishes                “The Faculty is world renowned in the field of Aerospace
interdisciplinary collaborations.”                               Engineering, and Technion offered me the opportunity to
                                                                 establish a state-of-the-art research group.”
Fuchs has had a long-term interest in different modes of cell
death and how they regulate diverse aspects of stem cell         At the heart of her research is the question of how noise
biology and stem cell-dependent processes. Fuchs and his         is generated when unsteady flow interacts with a blade,
team discovered that by manipulating the process of stem cell    where many complex phenomena take place within the
suicide, they can dramatically accelerate the wound repair       boundary layer; and how this knowledge can be used to
process in both the skin and intestine. In addition, they have   enhance performance. She is developing new diagnostic
been able to find a potential new cure for melanoma, generate    tools and modelling techniques, which will enable a
different organs in the dish, and unearth novel stem cell        step change in the understanding of noise generation
populations.                                                     mechanisms and the development of advanced flow and
                                                                 noise control strategies.

Fuchs, who is 40, has received more than 20 awards for his
scientific excellence and his unique teaching style, including   Stalnov, 39, lives in Haifa with her husband, 7-year-old
the Wolf Foundation Krill Award and the American Association     son and 2.5-year-old daughter.
for Advancement of Science (AAAS) Sartorius and Science
Grand Prize for Regenerative Medicine and Cell Therapy. He
lives in Haifa with his wife and two children.
Strategic Goal:   NEW CONSTRUCTION /                     BUILDINGS UNDER

Building the
                  RENOVATION                             CONSTRUCTION

campus of
                  1   Stanley Shalom Zielony Student     16 “Broshim” Dormitories:
                      Union Building – new wing and         two new 14-story towers

the future
                      overall renovation (2009)          17 Amos Horev Sports Arena
                      Completion of 4th floor (2016)

2009 - 2019
                  2   D. Dan and Betty Kahn Mechanical
                      Engineering Building               RENOVATION PROJECTS
                      (2010)                             UNDERWAY
                  3   Stanley Shalom Zielony Graduate
                      Student Village (2010)             Technion Strategic Master Plan
                      and Community Center (2015)        for Physical Development
                  4   Senate Building – Senate Hall
                      renovation (2012)                     General Campus
                  5   Undergraduate Student Village         Upgrading all dormitories
                      (2016)                                Major renovations in Canada
                  6   Grand Technion Energy                 Village and Rifkin Dormitories
                      Program floor (2016)                  Upgrading infrastructure
                  7   Hadarion (2016)                       throughout campus, including A/C
                  8   Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)       and water-saving systems
                      Lab (2016)                            Campus safety upgrades, including
                  9   Southern Palm Beach Chapter           fire prevention zone
                      Expansion of the Fried Student        Making campus facilities
                      Counselling Center (2017)             accessible for disabled individuals:
                  10 Rosen Solid State Institute:           improving accessibility both inside
                      renovation (2017)                     buildings and in outdoor areas
                  11 David and Janet Polak Visitors
                      Center (2018)                         Faculties
                  12 Taub Family Terrace                    Schulich Faculty of Chemistry:
                      (2018)                                labs, teaching facilities, library,
                  13 Ullmann Teaching Center –              infrastructure
                      additional floor, structural          Rappaport Faculty of Medicine
                      reinforcement, sheltered areas        Wolfson Faculty of Chemical
                      and elevators (2018)                  Engineering
                  14 Churchill Plaza renovation (2019)      Renovating and adding labs
                  15 Susan and David Wilstein Gate and      in all faculties
                      Clara Franziska Mertens Gate







                                          14            1




                       Faculties, Facilities & Administration

                       Student Residences








                                                   W                  E


Technion Campus 2019
Captured by International
Student Yanyao Li

FUTURE                                                 Over 650 students recently participated in a 30-hour
                                                       hackathon - the largest ever held in Israel

Universities must adapt
in order to thrive.
Te c h n i o n i s r e i n v e n t i n g                                                     “
educational paradigms                       At Technion, these changes are being
in order to empower                         spearheaded by the Technion Center
                                                                                              “Education is
future generations.                         for Promotion of Learning and Teach-
                                                                                              going to be
                                            ing. “Technion is a leader in academic
                                            education, encouraging pedagogical
                                                                                              We are adapting
                                            innovations and promoting state-of-
W                                           the-art instructional methods as role
                                                                                              the methods to
                                                                                              the students.”
      e are at the cusp of a sweeping       models for other universities,” notes Dr.
                                                                                              - A sso c. Pro f .
evolution, if not an outright revolution.   Abigail Barzilai, who heads the Center.
                                                                                              M i r i Bara k
Not long ago, we only had chalkboards,
books and notebooks, but the modern         FROM A SAGE ON THE STAGE
digital age generated MOOCs, flipped
classrooms, video lectures, project-
                                            TO A GUIDE ON THE SIDE
                                            In a digital learning environment,
based learning and peer instruction.        courses will be customized to the             Indeed, globalization and accelerated
                                            unique needs of individual students.          technological development require a
Thanks to technological and pedagog-        “Education is going to be personalized        rethinking of teaching and learning pro-
ical innovations, education is rapidly      and we are in the process of adapting         cesses in 21st century higher education.
becoming more personalized. We are          new instructional methods to meet the         In the past, only the lecturers had ac-
witnessing a transition to innovative,      students’ needs,” reveals Assoc. Prof.        cess to new information, but today web
non-traditional forms of learning that      Miri Barak, Head of the Science and           and cloud technologies connect stu-
promote student involvement through         Learning Technologies group in the            dents to a pipeline of infinite informa-
hands-on experience. The learning           Faculty of Education in Science and           tion and they can share knowledge with
environment is becoming 24/7, with          Technology, adding that, “Teaching is         people from all over the world. Since
greater flexibility, customization and      shifting from lectures to small group         students perceive classroom lectures
real-time engagement.                       settings – from a sage on the stage to        as anachronistic, meaningful learning
                                            a guide on the side.”                         must occur in new ways.


                           One of the trends that will acceler-       continue to be important. Teachers          ticated production of these courses,
                           ate in the near future is the transition   will focus on imparting skills at a high    universities need professional studios.
                           from large lectures to small groups.       level and will provide added value to
                           Project-based learning will be wide-       their students.                             Prof. Barak predicts that universities
                           spread: students will work mainly in                                                   that are top suppliers of MOOCs will
                           groups, often in collaboration with        Students will learn more “soft skills”      become tomorrow’s top universities.
                           peers from all over the world and with     such as entrepreneurial thinking,           As more courses are available online,
                           the private sector.                        interpersonal communications, eth-          universities will increasingly shift re-
                                                                      ics, multiculturalism and creativity, as    sources to offering educational sup-
                           Another learning model that is gain-       well as adapting to interdisciplinary       port through direct mentorship and
                           ing steam is the ‘flipped classroom,’      learning and working in teams.              hands-on experience. Preparatory
                           where students learn theoretical as-                                                   courses at Technion – such as Phys-
                           pects at home and come to class for        THE MOOC GENERATION                         ics, Chemistry and Math – are already
                           the purpose of deeper discussions and      MOOCs – Massive Open Online Cours-          available online. In the future, most
                           solving problems in small groups. To-      es – epitomize the future of education      introductory-level courses and enrich-
                           day, it is easier for many young people    and, as such, their popularity is grow-     ment courses in the humanities will be
                           to watch lectures online at their own      ing exponentially. In Israel, Technion      digital. Dr. Barzilai expects that within
                           pace and in their own free time, rather    is a leader in this field, heading a con-   five years virtual and augmented real-
                           than in a classroom. Technion’s newly      sortium of seven Israeli universities       ity will be common in the classroom
                           renovated Ullmann Building includes        that produce MOOCs in basic Math and        and will enrich learning.
                           innovative classrooms specifically de-     Computer Science on behalf of the
                           signed to meet the needs of these new      Council for Higher Education. Of the        At the epicenter of educational in-

                           teaching styles.                           15 MOOCs produced in Israel in these        novation, Technion continues to be a
                                                                      fields, seven are Technion courses.         pedagogical and technological leader
                           THE HUMAN FACTOR                           In order to keep up with the growing        attuned to the needs of tomorrow.
                           Despite technology’s expanding role in     demand for MOOCs, as well as the
                           the classroom, the human factor will       increasingly professional and sophis-

                            Assaf Rappaport, CEO of Microsoft
                            Israel’s R&D Center, addresses
                            a t-hub event on campus

A Class of Their Own

The Yanai Prize for
Excellence in Academic
Education, which was
awarded for the first
time in 2011, has become
a status symbol among
Technion faculty –                            This year’s Yanai Prize ceremony. (l-r) Moshe Yanai, Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie, Students
reaffirming the importance                    Association Chair Amir David Nissan-Cohen and Yanai recipient Assoc. Prof. Adi Salzberg
of effective teaching.

O         ne of the goals set a decade ago was to
         recognize excellence in teaching.
                                                         The prize is awarded in appreciation for
                                                         faculty members who set an example                    “
                                                         through their valuable contributions to
         To this end, the Yanai Prize for Excellence     teaching, and who strive to improve stu-
         in Academic Education was launched              dent involvement and sense of belonging                “The main reward
         eight years ago together with Moshe             to Technion. By honoring faculty, who are              is not prestige
         Yanai, a Technion alumnus and global            not only excellent researchers but also                and money but your
         pioneer in the field of information stor-       outstanding lecturers, the Yanai Prize                 opportunity to
         age. Yanai, together with his wife Ra-          sends a clear message that teaching                    change and influence
         chel, sought to give back to Technion in        quality is supremely important.                        people’s lives”
         gratitude for the life skills that he gained                                                           - Mo sh e Yanai
         during his studies nearly 50 years ago.         Since it was established, 69 professors
         He contributed $10 million to reward            have received the Yanai Prize, including
         lecturers who demonstrate teaching ex-          five this year.
         cellence. The prize he endowed awards
         100,000 shekels to each recipient.


Congratulations to                                                                      Assoc. Prof. Avi Schroeder
this year’s winners!                                                                    Wolfson Faculty of
                                                                                        Chemical Engineering
                                             Assoc. Prof. Keren Censor-Hillel           “I developed a teach-
                                             Faculty of Computer Science                ing method based on
       Assoc. Prof. Daniel Orenstein         “Although the main goal of teaching        ‘individually adapted
            Faculty of Architecture          is to convey the material on the syl-      teaching’ – a way of
              and Town Planning              labus, I aspire to expand the students’    learning whereby each
               “My students receive a        horizons and therefore I encourage         subject is studied from several dif-
               solid knowledge base that     them to gain research experience. I        ferent angles, in complete cooperation
               enables them to critically    believe in active learning. The website    with the students. This multi-dimen-
              evaluate and understand is an important tool         sional view enables the students to
           the factors that affect the       for me; it enables students to choose      express their aptitudes while acquir-
  main environmental challenges of           answers to problems that I ask them.       ing an in-depth understanding of the
  our generation. They learn to acquire      I also use other interactive tools in      subject in question. As a Technion
  many different types of knowledge,         order to make the material more ac-        professor, I feel it is an honor to be
  from academic textbooks and litera-                    cessible to the students.”     an active partner together with the
  ture, from the cumulative experience                                                  students in building their skills and
  of experts, from people’s everyday                                                    their professional futures.”
  lives, and from the students’ own
  life experiences.”                                              Assoc. Prof.
                                                                 Daniella Raveh
                                                                Faculty of Aerospace    Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty
                                                              Engineering               of Electrical Engineering
           Assoc. Prof. Adi Salzberg         “I view training students as my fore-      The faculty received the Yanai Prize
           Rappaport Faculty of Medicine     most responsibility as a faculty mem-      this year as a result of its continu-
          “I demand a high degree of in-     ber. I believe that my unique contribu-    ous improvement in teaching scores
       vestment from my students, so that    tion to teaching comes from working        and the many personal prizes
  they will have a high level of knowledge   with students in various frameworks        awarded to both senior and junior
  and understanding, but at the same         and through continuous interaction, as     faculty in recent years. The Faculty
  time I demand the same from myself.        well as by being available to listen and   has established an extensive sup-
  I invest a great deal of time and energy   give advice. I am especially proud of my   port network for students in order
  in frontal instruction and I spend many    contribution as an advisor for student     to respond effectively to all prob-
  hours preparing my course. Further-        research projects and experiments.”        lems that arise during their stud-
  more, I spend a lot of time in personal                                               ies. The Faculty works with student
  meetings with students.”                                                              representatives to improve the stu-
                                                                                        dent experience, nurture a pleasant
                                                                                        social atmosphere, discuss changes
   The Yanai Excellence in Teaching Prize was awarded to Assoc. Prof. Roee              in the curricula, plan the class and
   Amit of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Assoc. Prof.              exam schedules, and balance the
   Yael Yaniv of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, and Asst. Prof. Roi             student work load.
   Reichart of the Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management.

                        IMAGING                                         AI

                        Improved Brain Scans                            Artificial Intelligence
                                                                        Hardware: 1000x Faster
                        An interdisciplinary research team at           A team led by Asst. Prof. Shahar Kva-
                        Technion has developed nanometric               tinsky at the Viterbi Faculty of Electrical
                        particles that will improve the quality of      Engineering has developed hardware for
                        brain scans by combining MRIs and light         machine learning that is much faster than
                        microscope photography.                         regular graphic processor units, yet re-
                                                                        quires much less energy.
                        The team from the Russell Berrie Nano-
                        technology Institute is led by Assoc. Prof.     Most artificial intelligence applications rely
                        Lilac Amirav from the Schulich Faculty of       on computers that run programs using
                        Chemistry, together with Dr. Shai Berlin        mathematical models whose processing
                        and Prof. Itamar Kahn from the Rappaport        capabilities are insufficient. In order to
                        Faculty of Medicine.                            accelerate the computation and reduce the
                                                                        energy, Prof. Kvatinsky’s team uses novel
                        The problem with MRIs is that they don’t        nano-scale devices called memristors to
                        provide high enough resolutions at the level    support deep neural networks using one

                        of a single cell. Light microscopy, on the      of the most popular learning techniques –
                        other hand, is able to show single cells, but   gradient descent with momentum.
                        it requires that the tissue be penetrated.
                        The nanometric particles developed at           The research team developed a dedicated
                        Technion are effective markers in that          hardware based on memristors that is
                        they are visible in both MRI scans and          1,000 times faster than GPUs, while us-
                        light microscopes, and they can navigate        ing seven times less energy.
                        within the cells.


TISSUE ENGINEERING                              QUANTUM                                       MEDICINE

Regenerating                                    World’s 1st Quantum                           “Immune Age”: An
Damaged Tissues                                 Metamaterials                                 Accurate Measure of Health
Prof. Shulamit Levenberg of the Faculty of      Two teams of Technion scientists have col-    A team of Technion researchers led by As-
Biomedical Engineering and her team have        laborated to conduct trailblazing research    soc. Prof. Shai Shen-Orr in collaboration
brought successful tissue engineering a step    which is leading to the development of a      with Stanford University, have found that
closer, paving the way for superior methods     new and innovative scientific field: Quan-    the state of our immune system provides
of replacing damaged human tissue.              tum Metamaterials. The study was jointly      a more accurate measurement of health.
                                                conducted by Dist. Prof. Moti Segev, of the
The field of tissue engineering involves tak-   Physics Faculty, and his team, Tomer Stav     The team has developed a way to gauge
ing cells from the body and incorporating       and Dikla Oren, in collaboration with Prof.   “immune age,” which may push the limits
them with very porous scaffold biomaterials,    Erez Hasman of the Faculty of Mechanical      of personalized medical treatment, drug
which act as 3D templates that guide the        Engineering and his team, Arkady Faerman,     and vaccine clinical development, and
growth of new tissue.                           Elhanan Maguid, and Dr. Vladimir Kleiner.     health management. “Unlike your actual
                                                                                              chronological age, your immune-age is
Prof. Levenberg and her team found that         The research demonstrates that it is          directly linked to the state of your immune
the most mature grafts with complex ves-        possible to apply metamaterials to            system, the body’s chief sentinel. We can
sel networks increased graft-host vessel        the field of quantum information and          therefore capture medically relevant infor-

anastomosis and improved penetration            computing, thereby paving the way for         mation using immune age that physicians
of the vessels in the recipient. The less-      numerous practical applications, such         would otherwise miss,” explains Shen-Orr.
mature vessels were less successful in          as the development of unbreakable
combining with the host tissue and caused       encryptions, and new possibilities for
more clots to be formed.                        quantum information systems on a chip.
ENVIRONMENT                                      BIG DATA

   CT Scans for Clouds Will                         Chronic Use of β-Blockers
   Improve Climate Prediction                       Found to Increase the Risk
                                                    of Parkinson’s Disease
   Inspired by medical CT scans, a space mis-       A new study led by Visiting Prof. Kira Radin-
   sion consisting of tiny satellites will reveal   sky of the Computer Science Faculty indi-
   detailed images of cloud structures and          cates that chronic use of β-blockers con-
   properties, and may resolve some major           fers a time- and dose-dependent increased
   uncertainties that limit current climate         risk for Parkinson’s disease.
                                                    Prof. Radinsky and her team used Mac-
   The project, which was recently awarded          cabi Health Services electronic charts to
   €14 million by the European Research             identify all patients receiving their first
   Council Synergy program, is led by Prof.         β-blocker treatment. They calculated the
   Yoav Schechner of the Viterbi Faculty of         morbidity hazard of Parkinson’s disease
   Electrical Engineering, an expert in com-        diagnosis in users of β-blockers compared
   puter vision and computed tomography,            with non-users, as well as users of angio-
   along with Prof. Ilan Koren from the Weiz-       tensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

   mann Institute of Science and Prof. Klaus        for hypertension. The adjusted hazard ratio
   Schilling of the Center for Telematics in        for Parkinson’s disease among β-blocker
   Würzburg, Germany. In analogy to the             users was 1.51. In contrast, the Parkin-
   better-known medical CT, images will be          son’s disease morbidity hazard for patients
   taken simultaneously from many directions        receiving ACE inhibitors was no different
   around and above the clouds. This feat           than for the general population.
   will be made possible by the networked
   self-organizing formation of multiple, in-
   expensive, small satellites.


INFORMATION PROCESSING                          HEALTH                                          REGENERATIVE MEDICINE

Revolutionizing                                 Innovative System Predicts                      Revealing the Therapeutic
Information Processing                          the Effectiveness of                            Promise of Programmed
                                                Antibiotic Cocktails                            Cell Death
Technion researchers have succeeded in          Researchers at the Faculty of Biology dis-      Asst. Prof. Yaron Fuchs from the Faculty
generating minute “nano-hedgehogs of            covered an innovative system for measur-        of Biology is the 2019 grand prize winner
light” called optical skyrmions, which could    ing the effectiveness of “antibiotic cock-      of the Sartorius and Science Prize for Re-
make possible revolutionary advances in         tails” and proved that the variety of drugs     generative Medicine and Cell Therapy, for
information processing, transfer and stor-      in the cocktail has a much larger impact        work that reveals a role for programmed
age. The research, published in Science, was    than their dosages.                             stem cell death in wound healing and tis-
led by Assoc. Prof. Guy Bartal of the Viterbi                                                   sue regeneration.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Assoc.    The research was led by Prof. Roy Kishony
Prof. Netanel Lindner of the Physics Faculty.   of the Faculties of Biology and Computer        The findings, described in his prize-winning
                                                Science, and his findings were recently         essay, “The therapeutic promise of apopto-
The researchers demonstrated that an elec-      published in the journal Nature Microbi-        sis,” could potentially pave the way to novel
tric field can take on a “skyrmion” shape       ology. Prof. Kishony’s team developed a         regenerative medicine and tumor therapies
and that these “light hedgehogs” are robust     system that automatically and precisely         that target stem cells undergoing apoptosis
against various defects in the material host-   measures the effect of different antibiotic     – a type of programmed cell death. Prof.
ing the electromagnetic waves. The new          cocktails on bacteria. They found that the      Fuchs heads the Laboratory of Stem Cell
discovery could enable future replication of    larger the number of different antibiotics in   Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

this unique effect in a wide range of systems   the cocktail, the lower the doses required
and materials, including liquids, nanopar-      of each antibiotic without reducing the
ticle systems and even cold atomic gases.       cocktail’s effectiveness.
It might also lay the ground for new sky-
rmion applications in optical (rather than
magnetic) information processing, transfer
and storage.
Center Stage


                                                AI                                    Prof. Shie Mannor

                              echnion’s newly inaugurated          Prof. Shie Mannor of the Andrew and Erna
                              Center for Machine Learning          Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering
                              and Intelligent Systems is set to    heads the new AI Center. Prof. Mannor is
                              become a hub of creativity and       an associate editor of the Journal of Ma-
                      research that will benefit the scientific    chine Learning Research, Operations Re-

                      and medical communities, and industry.       search and Math of Operations Research,
                                                                   and held the Canada Research Chair in
                      Technion has succeeded in building a         Machine Learning between 2005-2009
                      strong world-class AI group, with more       while on the faculty of McGill University.
                      than 20 faculty members carrying out
                      first-rate theoretical and applied re-       By promoting both pure and applied re-
                      search. The new Center for Machine           search in machine learning, the Center
                      Learning and Intelligent Systems that        serves as a bridge between academia and
                      was recently inaugurated will maintain       Israeli and global high-tech industries. It
                      Technion’s position as one of the top uni-   will educate hundreds of scientists and
                      versities worldwide in both the research     engineers and train researchers spe-
                      and teaching of intelligent systems.         cializing in data science and machine


Technion autonomous
Formula race car built
by Technion students,
cruises down Ayalon

                                                 PARTNERSHIP WITH INTEL
                                                 The new AI Center enjoys especially close ties
                                                 with Intel, the multinational semiconductor
                                                 giant. Intel has had a strong relationship with
  learning, as well as attracting leading        Technion for years, and it is a partner in the
  researchers from all over the world, and       new Center. “As part of this collaboration with
  hosting industry and medical experts.          Intel, the company supports research projects of
                                                 Technion faculty members engaged in computational
  The Center provides a holistic multidis-       learning and artificial intelligence together with
  ciplinary approach to the investigation of     Intel researchers. The research covers a variety
  complex problems such as the applica-          of areas, including natural language processing,
  tion of machine learning in personalized       deep learning and hardware optimization for
  treatment of cancer. Its scope includes        different learning algorithms,” Mannor explains.
  defense and homeland security, agritech,
  home and industrial robots, health and         “We are proud of the cooperation with Technion,
  medicine, smart environments, fintech,         which will promote Israeli technology and Intel’s
  and autonomous vehicles.                       technological leadership in the field of artificial
                                                 intelligence,” Intel Israel CEO Yaniv Garty said
  Technion’s goal in establishing the Cen-       at the inauguration ceremony.
  ter is to leverage its multidisciplinary ex-
  perience and expertise in fields such as                                  science and technology that is vital to its
  data, information and computer sciences;                                  security and economy.
  control theory; automation and robotics;       The new Center is
  statistics and complex systems; neurosci-      a one-stop-shop.           Technion is well positioned to enhance its
  ences and more, in order to address rel-       Now we can work            many existing research relationships with
  evant challenges in artificial intelligence    with much larger           Israeli industry leaders and global compa-
  and machine learning science.                  companies with             nies and to expand its range of partnerships
                                                 complex needs.             in areas that relate to the new Center. In
  As a leader in this field, Technion plays a    - Pro f . Sh i e Manno r   this context, Technion has already estab-
  key role in the country’s efforts to main-                                lished close ties with Intel, Bank Hapoalim,
  tain and enhance the qualitative edge in                                  Hyundai and other companies.


Asst. Prof. Shay Hacohen-Gourgy in his Superconducting
Quantum Circuits Lab in the Faculty of Physics


         ast June, Technion announced a $50 million     Notable research breakthroughs include:
         gift from the Helen Diller Family Foun-        > The first-ever topological insulator
         dation to support a new state-of-the-art         laser - Prof. Moti Segev
         quantum center. Thanks to this gift, Tech-     > The most advanced single and
nion is poised to be a world leader in one of the         entangled photon generating
21st century’s most important fields of science           technique - Prof. David Gershoni
and technology.                                         > Metamaterial-based quantum
                                                          manipulation - Prof. Erez
The Helen Diller Center for Quantum Science, Matter       Hasman and Prof. Moti Segev
and Engineering is headed by Dist. Prof. Moti Segev     > Advanced opto-atomic clocks -
and Prof. Gadi Eisenstein. Prof. Segev is the Robert      Prof. Gadi Eisenstein
J. Shillman Distinguished Professor of Physics. Prof.
Eisenstein holds the Mark and Diane Seiden Chair        An Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscope fa-
in Optoelectronics and is the director of the Russell   cility, the only such system in Israel and one of a
Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI).                 handful worldwide, will be inaugurated in 2019. In
                                                        this system, the electron beam is pulsed – synchro-
There are more than 30 faculty members engaged          nized with an ultrafast optical pulse. It is used for
in quantum-related research. The grant from the         quantum electrodynamic experiments and other
Helen Diller Family Foundation will enable Technion     ultrafast quantum phenomena.
to recruit ten new faculty members between 2018
and 2028.                                               In November 2019, an important symposium or-
                                                        ganized jointly by Technion and the newly formed
                                                        Munich Quantum Center (which includes Ludwig
                                                        Maximilian University, the Technical University of
                                                        Munich, the Max Planck Institute and the Deutsche
                                                        Museum) will take place at the Max Planck Institute
                                                        in Garching near Munich.

Technion’s student body is
more diverse than ever –
with more women, minorities
and international students
than ever before.

               Christine Khoury, 26, PhD                       Joseph Rodriguez, 21, BSc
              Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP)             Civil Engineering, Technion International

   “I was born in a small village in Lebanon, and when         “I grew up in Ecuador and I am proud to be a Technion
   I was seven, my family moved to Israel. In 2011, I          student in Civil Engineering. I aim to someday work in
   started my studies at the Wolfson Faculty of Chemical       the ever-growing construction industry. When I was
   Engineering and completed my BSc summa cum laude.           younger, I had the opportunity to live in Tel Aviv with
   Technion provided me with a lot of intellectual chal-       my family due to my Dad’s work. After experiencing
   lenges as well as allowing me to learn important skills     life in Israel for a year, I knew it wasn’t going to be
   such as working in a team and self-learning. My re-         my last time here. I found in Technion the school
   search topic is the ‘Transformation of Biomass-Derived      that allowed me to fulfill my dream of both living
   Molecules to Fuels and Chemicals Using Cooperative          in Israel and getting a top-level edu-
   Catalysis.’ As part of my research, I am trying to accel-   cation. Throughout the past three
   erate environmentally-friendly reactions by designing       years, this school has helped me
   and synthesizing new materials. In the future, I plan       reach my academic potential,
   to work in R&D, using my skills to improve the yield        learn from professors whom
   of chemical processes and suggesting sustainable            I admire, and make lifelong
   alternatives to existing energy-intensive processes.”       friendships. In my free time,
                                                               I enjoy reading and playing
                                                               sports such as soccer, tennis
                                                               and chess.”

Roni Anna Gofman, 25, MSc                                  Yehuda Sabiner, 28, MD
Astrophysics                                                 Medicine

“I was raised in Tel Aviv and                                  “I grew up in Jerusalem in a family of Gur Hassidim.
in high school I was the cap-                                  I live in Bnei Brak with my wife and three children.
tain of my school’s FIRST                                      I established an organization called “Haredim in
robotics team. I have volun-                                  Medicine” to help integrate Haredi men and women
teered in this program ever                                 into medical studies in Israel. I was attracted to this
since. After serving in the IDF                            field since childhood, and for many years I volunteered
as an artillery instructor, I moved                        with Magen David Adom. I am completing my sixth year
to Haifa to study physics at Technion. I’m                 at Technion and plan to specialize in internal medicine or
currently doing a Master’s degree in the Physics Fac-      pediatrics. My biggest challenge was having to
ulty with Prof. Noam Soker as my advisor. My research      acquire pre-academic education when
involves theoretical work in the field of Astrophysics.    I was 20. I joined the first cohort of
In my Master’s thesis, I hope to provide a theoretical     the Technion program designed
model for a peculiar supernova that was detected in        to prepare Haredi students for
2014. As a daughter of Technion alumni, I always knew      academic studies. What I love
that I would study here. The things I like most about      about Technion is that it is a
Technion are the people and the atmosphere. I enjoy        superb institution that leads in
being surrounded by successful, interesting and excel-     developing the country in every
lent people. I like the fact that everyone’s main goal     field – and always for the most
here is to learn and understand more.”                     noble reasons.”

              Boris Levin, 25, BArch                       Rotem Dror, 30 , PhD
                  Architecture and Town Planning           Natural Language Processing

                        “I was born in Saint Petersburg    “I am half-way through my doctoral studies in natu-
                          and when I was 16 I decided      ral language processing at the Davidson Faculty of
                          that I would make Aliyah and     Industrial Engineering and Management. I am one of
                          study at Technion to become      57 students from all over the world who was awarded
                          an architect. I live in a dorm   a Google Fellowship this year. I have spent my entire
                         on campus and am consid-          academic career at Technion.My research focuses
                       ered a new immigrant, alone in      on developing structured prediction algorithms for
                    the country. The most challeng-        natural language processing applications. I love to
                ing thing for students in the Faculty      teach and my dream is to pursue a career in academia.
of Architecture, I think, is a never-ending necessity      I live in the Stanley Shalom Zielony
to be creative, especially under the stress of a huge      Graduate Student Village with my
number of courses, projects and presentations. Nev-        husband and young daughter. I
ertheless, I do love my studies and try to appreciate      love Technion. I was surprised
everything that we have an opportunity to learn here. I    that Technion chose me for
believe that the technological approach and the deep       the Google Fellowship com-
research in topics such as urbanism, green architec-       petition. The Fellowship is a
ture and innovative infrastructure may be the answer       vote of confidence. It’s a seri-
to making our world a better place. Technion is the        ous boost to my motivation.”
very best place in Israel which can provide this sort
of knowledge at the highest level.”

STRATEGIC GOAL:                                       prior to final exams. Each workshop is
IMPROVING THE STUDENT                                 20 hours long and heavily subsidized.
                                                      This year, the Technion Students Associa-
                                                      tion (TSA) launched a new joint effort with
T h e Te c h n i o n S t u d e n t s
                                                      the Center for Promotion of Learning and
Association isn’t only the
                                                      Teaching whose goal is to improve the qual-
largest in Israel, it is also
                                                      ity of teaching at Technion. The Association
the most active – organizing
                                                      is involved in training teaching assistants,
a plethora of events and
                                                      advocating for more filmed courses, and
initiatives which enrich the
                                                      processing student feedback on teaching
overall student experience.
                                                      quality and content.

                                                      PARTIES, SPORTS AND MORE
    T                                                 In addition to providing academic support,
        hanks to Technion’s diligent Students         TSA ensures that Technion students have
        Association, students not only enjoy a rich   access to a wide array of extracurricular
        selection of extracurricular activities and   activities and cultural events throughout
        cultural events; they also benefit from a     the year. The 4,000 tickets to each of their
        support network that helps them cope          four annual mega parties usually sell out
        with the academic challenges. Under the       fast, and the two-day Student Festival held
        leadership of Students Association Chair      every May attracts 18,000 people a day,
        Amir David Nissan-Cohen, a Computer           making it the largest of its kind in Israel.
        Science Master’s student, and Graduate        Moreover, on Wednesdays from 12:30 to
        Students Chair Asaf Hershkovitz, a PhD        14:30 there are no classes on campus and
        student in Materials Engineering, the or-     during that time the Students Association
        ganization is busier than ever.               hosts a different event every week, such as
                                                      a concert or crafts fair. “But every day there
        One of the Students Association proj-         is something going on,” reveals Nissan-
        ects that gained steam this year involves     Cohen, adding that TSA runs 36 different
        graduate students helping undergrads          competitive sports teams, some of which
        with their coursework. The Students As-       are quite successful. Over 3,000 students
        sociation also organizes approximately        take part in sports.
        40 workshops each semester for stu-
        dents who feel that they are behind           Nissan-Cohen also stresses the impor-
        in their course material, and 40 more         tance of volunteering and community
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