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Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report Project Number: 48323-001 January 2018 Republic of Indonesia: Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Program (Financed by the Agence Française de Développement and the Technical Assistance Special Fund) Appendix E: PLN PV Procurement Workshop Support Appendix F: Renewable Incentives FGD 1—Current Policies Appendix G: Renewable Incentives FGD 2—Financing Gaps Prepared by Castlerock Consulting, Indonesia in association with Economic Consulting Associates Ltd, United Kingdom and PT. Q Energy South East Asia, Indonesia For Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Finance Perusahaan Listrik Negara This consultant’s report does not necessarily reflect the views of ADB or the Government concerned, and ADB and the Government cannot be held liable for its contents.
APPENDIX E: PLN PV PROCUREMENT WORKSHOP REPORT REPORT Technical Assistance to PLN: Workshop on Solar PV Procurement 23-24 May 2017 E-1 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
Acknowledgement This report was prepared by Castlerock Consulting under a policy and technical assistance grant administered by the Asian Development Bank (ADB): Sustainable and Inclusive Energy Program (PATA 8826-INO). Inputs were provided by PT Synergy Engineering, Mott MacDonald, and Hadiputranto, Hadinoto and Partners. Disclaimer The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) or its Board of Governors or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this publication and accepts no responsibility for any consequence of their use. The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ADB in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned. By making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area, or by using the term “country” in this document, ADB does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. E-2
Executive Summary Under Government Regulation No. 79 of 2014 on the National Energy Policy, the Government of Indonesia has targeted new and renewable energy to provide 23% of primary energy needs by 2025 (up from 6% in 2015). This target has been reaffirmed in the National Energy Plan signed by President Joko Widodo in January 2017. In addition, the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement of 2015 calls for a 29% reduction greenhouse gas emission by 2030. As the state-owned enterprise for electricity supply, PLN (Perusahaan Listrik Negara – State Electricity Company) has planned accordingly to develop electricity by utilizing renewable energy. As stated in the Electricity Supply Business Plan (Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik, RUPTL) 2017-2026, PLN plans to expand electricity generation capacity to fulfill demand growth and to increase their supply by utilizing local energy resources, especially renewable energy. By November 2016, total installed capacity of generation in Indonesia had reached 51,915 MW which consists of PLN-owned generation of 39,859 MW, independent power producer (IPP)-owned generation of 8,867 MW and rented generation of 3,192 MW. Out of this total, 44% of total capacity is from coal power plants, 29.3% from gas power plants, 11.1% from diesel power plants, 8.9% from hydro power plants, 3.2% from oil-steamed power plants, 2.6% from geothermal, and 0.2% from various renewable energy. In January 2017, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) issued broad-based guidelines for purchasing electricity from renewable energy sources. Ministerial Regulation MEMR (Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, Permen ESDM) No.12/2017 establishes pricing and selection guidance for all forms of renewable energy (including solar photovoltaic, wind, hydropower, biomass, biogas, municipal waste, and geothermal). This regulation requires PLN to purchase electricity from renewable sources with reference to national targets, prioritize the dispatch of renewable-based generation projects below 10 megawatts (MW) as “must-run” plants, and develop standardized procurement documents and power purchase agreements (PPAs). It requires tendering of wind and solar projects in in packages of at least 15 MW each and provides a benchmark price for all renewable generation technologies. The state-owned electricity corporation, PLN, plans to issue several tenders for solar and wind power procurement under this new regulation in the coming months, representing the first large-scale tenders for renewables in the country. The first tender will be for a combined 167 MW of solar power plants in Sumatera. The benchmark price will be tied to local average cost of generation (Biaya Pokok Penyediaan, BPP), which is approximately USD 7 cents/kWh. PLN plans to subsequently tender solar packages for Kalimantan, Maluku and Papua, and West Java. As stipulated by Permen ESDM 12/2017, PLN is also preparing standard power purchase agreements (PPAs) and standard bidding documents. As part of on-going assistance for clean energy development, ADB, in collaboration with AFD, has been providing support to PLN with tender preparation. ADB conducted a one-week consultation with PLN with a team comprising a solar PV specialist, power system planner, and other specialists in Jakarta. The workshop was designed to help PLN have a better understanding of solar PV procurement. It covered grid connection issues, solar PV development issues, and commercial E-3
and legal issues. The workshop was followed up by one day of in-depth one-on-one consultations between PLN engineers and the consultants. Representatives from PLN Headquarters and Regional Offices attended the workshop and one-on-one consultations. Representatives from ADB and AFD also attended the series of activities. The main findings from the workshop are as follows: The effectiveness of solar PV procurement is still an issue for PLN. The grid code and distribution code do not adequately address renewable energy integration, particularly given the intermittent nature of wind and PV power generation. The selection of projects was largely conducted in an ad hoc manner, with the bolstering of areas with forecast power deficits being the main criterion for project selection. As a result, many projects do not appear to be technically feasible due to grid conditions. PLN has not conducted any grid-connected solar PV procurement to date. The rationale and objectives of the solar procurement seems unclear for some PLN Regional Office staff. PLN seeks performance guarantees from IPPs, but guaranteeing energy production from solar and other intermittent power projects is not possible due to their intermittent and uncertain nature. For solar PV, PLN’s PPA instead works on the basis of guaranteeing plant capacity under defined operating conditions. However, this approach is not used elsewhere in the world. E-4
Contents Executive Summary ......................................................................................................... E-3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... E-6 Background .................................................................................................................. E-6 Objective ...................................................................................................................... E-6 Proposed Assistance ................................................................................................... E-6 Agenda ......................................................................................................................... E-7 Presentation..................................................................................................................... E-7 Integration of Intermittent Renewable Power Plant in Power System Planning ........... E-7 Grid Impact Studies for Integrating Utility Scale Solar PV into PLN Networks ............. E-8 Solar PV Generation in the Region .............................................................................. E-8 Solar Development Challenges in Indonesia ............................................................... E-9 Procurement of Solar PV Projects ............................................................................. E-10 Solar PV Power Purchase Agreement ....................................................................... E-10 Findings ......................................................................................................................... E-11 Recommendation for next step ...................................................................................... E-12 Appendix 1: Workshop’s Agenda................................................................................... E-14 Appendix 2: Workshop’s Documentation ....................................................................... E-16 E-5 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
Introduction Background 1. The Government of Indonesia recognizes that a climate-friendly social and economic development path is a key factor for sustainable development. The government has set the target to reduce emissions by 29% by 2030, and this reduction could reach 41% subject to availability of international support. In addition, the government has set an ambitious target of 23% of renewable energy share in its primary energy mix by 2025 in the 2014 National Energy Policy, which has been reaffirmed in the National Energy Plan. To increase renewable energy production in the electricity mix, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) of the Republic of Indonesia stipulated Ministerial Regulation No. 12/2017 on Utilization of Renewable Energy Resources for Electricity Supply. 2. According to the Electricity Law No. 30/2009, the government is obliged to control the electricity supply. Through national electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the government controls electricity supply, distribution, and demand. Ministerial Regulation No.12/2017 also mandates (i) PLN to purchase electricity from renewable energy generators to achieve the targeted energy mix and electrification targets, and (ii) the manner in which PLN may procure electricity supply from various renewable energy resources. 3. In PLN’s Electricity Supply Business Plan (RUPTL, Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik), developing new and renewable energy is one of PLN’s policy objectives. Therefore, PLN is planning to develop new and renewable energy in the form of geothermal, hydro, wind, solar, and bioenergy. Furthermore, PLN is obliged to treat renewable energy projects with a capacity below 10MW as “must run” plants. PLN must procure solar PV and wind projects through open tender. Adequate preparation of the tender process is the key to achieve positive outcomes and low prices. The required preparation includes (i) technical analysis (i.e. resource quality analysis and grid studies), and (ii) commercial analysis. However, PLN has only limited resources and capacity to develop proper criteria based on technical and commercial studies. Objective 4. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Agence Francaise de Developpment (AFD) are jointly providing technical assistance to PLN to support the renewable energy procurement preparation. The objective of the support is as follows: a. To improve PLN’s knowledge on renewable energy tendering preparation b. To improve the capacity of PLN’s staff on the tendering process. c. To provide PLN with methods and support to evaluate the suitability of particular sites for solar PV development from the standpoint of grid conditions. d. To provide inputs for preparation of a standard power purchase agreement (PPA) and standard bidding documents in purchasing renewable energy by PLN. Proposed Assistance 5. ADB-AFD initiated the assistance with a 3-day consultation with a team comprising: Solar PV Specialist Power System Planner Other specialists (legal expert, renewable energy tender specialist) 6. The assistance included a one-day workshop, covering technical issues and commercial issues on solar PV procurement process. E-6
7. Key technical and commercial issues for PLN were discussed during the workshop. This covered grid integration (injection from renewable energy and stability), technical and economic criteria for tendering, and key aspects in the PPA for renewable energy. Lessons learned from renewable energy procurement, primarily solar PV, from selected countries were presented as well. This aims to increase PLN’s knowledge on solar PV so they can prepare proper tendering processes and criteria in the future. Agenda 8. The assistance was conducted in 4th week of May (please see attachment 1 for detailed agenda), with detailed scheduled as follows: 22 May – Afternoon – Kickoff meeting within the team to discuss issues 23 May – workshop at PLN on solar PV procurement – technical and commercial issues 24 May – detailed one-on-one consultations in small groups at PLN - with engineers from PLN Wilayahs and Pusat. Presentations Integration of Intermittent Renewable Power Plant in Power System Planning 9. Renewable energy (RE) penetration into power systems globally will continue to grow rapidly as has been forecasted by the International Energy Agency in their Energy Outlook 2015, as well as BP in their energy outlook. Both analyses show that renewable energy will be the highest growth in electricity power production compared to other types of primary energy resources. One of the reasons for this is the declining price of RE, mainly solar and wind. A defining characteristic of RE is energy from a sustainable natural resource, but production is intermittent, which makes RE more difficult to integrate into power systems. 10. Economic evaluation of RE rests mainly on the capital expense as operation and maintenance expense is minor. Economic evaluation will depend principally on construction cost, and its economic life and discount rate, which reflects the cost of financing. Other important parameters that must be considered are availability of RE resources and their characteristics. This will determine the productivity of RE. 11. RE resource availability will determine the energy that is produced, hence it will determine the economic viability as well. There are several publicly available sources of information on resource availability but they are usually not as detailed and accurate as needed for an in-depth, investment-grade analysis. At least using this information, we can estimate and approach the characteristic. 12. One such source of information is the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) World Solar Irradiation Atlas ( This site provides average solar irradiation around the world with 1 km-sq resolution. This allows us to estimate production of a solar power plant anywhere in the world. 13. Intermittency is one challenge that must be considered when integrating RE into power systems. There are several mitigations that are available and implementable for RE intermittency. These include site size limitation, multiple site diversity, storage, fast response conventional generation elsewhere on the grid and forecasting of RE output. These mitigations will be more effective if supported by regulation, such as grid and distribution code. 14. There are several simulation tools for integrating RE into power system capacity expansion planning. One of the simulation tools is PLEXOS Simulator by Energy Exemplar. E-7
This simulation will optimize capacity planning (long term), create a production simulation by optimizing available resources, and show chronologic dispatch of each power plant. 15. Sumba Island was used as a case study in the presentation. Data on solar and wind have hourly resolution for 1 year and were extended into 10 years of simulation time. Results of the simulation show that a combination of RE (solar & wind) and fossil energy (gas engine) is needed in Sumba. This shows that fossil fuel is still needed, while RE will minimize the consumption of LNG. Fossil fuel is still needed for supporting capacity need, while RE will support on energy need. This sort of capacity expansion planning should be followed by grid impact studies. Grid Impact Studies for Integrating Utility Scale Solar PV into PLN Networks 16. This presentation describes a structured approach to performing grid impact studies for the interconnection of utility scale solar PV into PLN’s networks. Because PLN is responsible for hundreds of separate electricity grids around Indonesia, a single “one size fits all” approach and assessment criteria is neither practical nor advisable. Rather, the concept of “weak” and “strong” grid connections are introduced taking into account the characteristics of the network relative to the power plant to be connected. 17. Weak grid connections are subdivided into high impedance and low inertia connection points. A weak high impedance connection point is one that has a Short Circuit Ratio (SCR) of less than 3 (as per IEEE Std 1204). These types of connection points are typically characterized by long radial upstream feeders and low short circuit levels, leading to issues relating to voltage regulation / stability and increases in active power losses. 18. A weak low inertia connection point is associated with the connection of a large power plant relative to the frequency response characteristics of the system, i.e. the power plant has a large influence on the frequency of the system. It is proposed that a connection point is weak if the Stiffness Ratio (SR) is less than 4. Low inertia connection points are typically associated with small isolated power systems with a high mix of diesel or gas engine generator capacity (i.e. low inertia machines). The key issues surrounding low inertia connection points are frequency stability and issues with conventional generator dispatch and loading (such as maintaining minimum machine loading and spinning reserve). 19. Lastly, strong connection points are those that have SCR >3 and SR >4. In such cases, there are no major issues foreseen in the connection of solar PV plants and standard grid impact studies apply for checking the evacuation of the power to the grid and short circuit contributions. Solar PV Generation in the Region 20. Despite huge resources and ambitious national and regional targets, uptake of solar in South East Asia (SEA) has been limited so far. The main barriers identified so far include: – Data availability for preliminary assessments, – Grid connection and integration, – Access to land, – Regulatory frameworks (complex, frequently changing), – Perception of high cost still exists, – Very short timelines for bid preparations, – Local content expectations, – Access to financing, – Poor track record of some projects. E-8
21. These barriers can be overcome by an adequate procurement approach and lessons learned from existing projects in the region. Various approaches that could be applied to minimize the cost of energy in equatorial regions include the following: – Optimisation of DC/AC ratio – East / East-West facing orientation – Layout optimization for complex terrain – Component selection based on latest technical developments and the site conditions. 22. Procurement rules should allow new trends that provide value for money, as long as they don’t compromise the robustness of the projects. Current engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) cost in SEA region is ~USD 1,000/kWp for utility scale projects with good access. A very clear downward trend in cost can be observed, but conditions vary greatly and so do costs. All technical and commercial elements need to be considered when comparing tariffs achieved internationally (as evident from the comparison between Dubai and Indonesia projects): – Irradiation – Economies of scale – Local content restrictions – Land cost – Responsibility for grid interconnection costs – Taxes and import duties – Country, currency and off-taker risk – Financing costs, and – PPA term and escalation provisions Solar Development Challenges in Indonesia 23. Solar resource estimation is not yet mature for the Indonesian context. It is necessary to consider both ground-measured and satellite-derived data to ensure confidence in revenue estimates, to capture (i) long-term climate; (ii) modelling uncertainty; (iii) microclimate effects; and (iv) any impacts from air pollution. 24. BMKG (Indonesia Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics) has more than 60 meteorological stations with solar irradiation measurements. However, this information is not easily accessible to developers and consultants and its quality needs to be assessed. 25. Adequate site assessment is key for a successful project. Logistics can have a huge impact on the delivery of the project and need to be factored in the design and procurement. 26. Lessons from elsewhere in the SEA region regarding design and equipment selection remain relevant, for example: – Material selection to avoid corrosion, – Enclosures for electrical components adequate for high temperatures and humidity, – Flood mitigation and drainage design, 27. During operations, inverter outages are typically the key revenue risk under plant owner control: – Nuisance trips from low isolation resistance, particularly during damp periods (e.g. from DC cable selection; damage to cable insulation; poorly specified ducting; inadequate drainage), – Nuisance trips due to over-voltage and/or coordination of settings (e.g. for varied AC cable lengths), – Lack of local maintenance or spares storage base, particularly for inverter suppliers without a prior installed base in the country. E-9
28. Grid-related constraints on power sales remains a central concern for island networks (this was discussed in more detail by the other presenters). Procurement of Solar PV Projects 29. Auctions represent best practice for RE procurement, providing price discovery and control over volumes and cost. Auction risks can be managed by adequate selection of design features: demand, qualification requirements, winner selection and seller liabilities. There is no single formula for successful auctions, but ensuring competition is key. 30. Valuable lessons learned from South African REIPPP, Scaling Solar and Kenyan auctions study were discussed. A multi-stage, solar specific auction seems appropriate as a first step in Indonesia. The option of pre-selected sites or at least pre-selected area/connection substation should be explored. Solar PV Power Purchase Agreement 31. The presentation highlights the Indonesian solar power purchase agreement, which is a new model power purchase agreement and relatively different compared to the previously issued model agreement in 2013. 32. The presentation first covered the contractual structure and objectives of a power purchase agreement and the roles of the parties involved in a power project in order to get a general understanding where a power purchase agreement sits and why it is an important project document. 33. The presentation points out key terms of a power purchase agreement as they relate to different stages of the project, such as construction, operation, and power supply. Under the terms of the power purchase agreement, an IPP would be required to construct a power plant and the transmission line, and be ready to operate by a certain targeted commercial operation date. The contract will also define consequences of delay, force majeure, term and termination etc. 34. The solar power purchase agreement introduced by PLN suggests key differences in terms of supply guarantee from other power purchase agreements. For example, in thermal PPAs, energy supply guarantee is possible due to constant fuel source, whilst for solar power purchase agreement, it is impossible for the IPP to guarantee if the sun will shine or for how long, and therefore, a guarantee is feasible only with respect to plant capacity under defined operating conditions. However, this type of guarantee is not used elsewhere in the world; elsewhere it is accepted that PV is intermittent and projects are sized and located so that the system can compensate for variation in output. The presentation also addresses the differences in the tariff components for solar power projects where it only comprises components A (capital cost recovery), B (fixed and variable O&M) and C (transmission line capital cost recovery). 35. The presentation further addresses the key concerns relating to Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 10 of 2017 on the terms of a power purchase agreement ("Reg 10"), which does not apply to solar projects, but PLN indicates that it wants to follow the same principles under Reg 10 for solar power purchase agreements. Some of the key concerns are relating to the build-own-operate-transfer (BOOT) model, Force Majeure conditions (PLN is relieved of payment obligations where PLN cannot take power due to (natural) Force Majeure, thereby PLN shifts government force majeure risk to power developers), and the take or pay period, which should be set by taking into account the debt period. E-10
Findings 36. The following points are the findings from the workshop and one-on-one consultations with PLN’s staff: Planning departments from the PLN Wilayahs were given the responsibility to select the quotas and projects (capacity and location) for the upcoming solar PV tenders. From discussions with planning staff, the selection of projects was largely conducted in an ad hoc manner, with the bolstering of areas with forecast power deficits being the main criterion for project selection. As a result, there are many projects that do not appear to be technically feasible since the local grid conditions were not assessed. No technical assessment studies were performed for the selection of the solar PV projects. It appears that PLN has no simulation models for most of the smaller isolated grids. During the breakout session, the Sumatera projects were categorized into Strong, Weak (Low Inertia) and Weak (High Impedance) connections based on a preliminary screening. PLN will follow up by collecting the required technical data to conduct a more detailed evaluation. The participants from procurement divisions were new and had never done any procurement to date. They expect that the solar procurement would be rolled-out in Java next year. The rationale and objectives of the solar procurement seem unclear to some PLN staff. The workshop was useful to share knowledge and increase buy- in among stakeholders. The allocation of capacity for the announced solar tenders is decided by the planning teams of each Wilayah. It appears that the solar capacity is selected only based on a simple threshold (e.g. no more than 5% of the total peak generation capacity in each system). It seems that no specific grid studies are being conducted to select the capacity allocation or the interconnection point of the projects. An area of concern for the participants (shared by the consultant team) is the feasibility of interconnection and dispatch of future solar PV projects. Procurement documents were not available for review by the consultant, and the below findings are purely based on verbal communications from PLN, which in some cases presented some contradictions. The basic structure of the procurement seems reasonable with a staged process: prequalification (PQ) and request for proposal (RFP) stage; and multi-round approach: one region first and then lessons learned to be applied to next regions. The PQ is focused on the capabilities of the prospective bidders to develop, build and operate the project. It includes legal, financial and track-record requirements. The RFP package seems to be still under preparation. The contents of the RFP are unclear; it was mentioned that it includes a draft PPA, details of the project sites and the point of interconnection. However, based on subsequent discussions, it seems that the last two items are actually not included. The evaluation is based on a combined technical and financial score. The weights are not clear at this stage but in other PLN procurement processes the technical component can have up to a 60% weight. E-11
The tender timelines are challenging for the bidders, with one week to respond to the PQ and one month to respond to the RFP. Considering that the prequalified bidders are provided with little information (no solar data, no interconnection study) and that the project site is not pre-selected by PLN, one month seems insufficient to prepare a well-informed proposal. There is a local content requirement in the tender process. While this is feasible for some components and beneficial to develop local industry, it should be carefully considered not to affect the competitiveness. At the moment, it would seem that the PV module local content requirement effectively means that there is only one possible Tier 1 supplier. The documentation of the Scaling Solar initiative was shown to the participants, with particular focus on the up-front advisory work to select the project site, define the project capacity and the technical limits of the interconnection; and the Minimum Functional Specifications. Guaranteeing supply of energy for solar and other intermittent power projects is not possible for intermittent power project, and the possible approach is by way of guaranteeing the plant capacity under defined operating conditions (Though this is not used elsewhere in the world. Elsewhere PV projects are sized and located so that the power system can accommodate the variability of PV output); The relief of PLN's payment obligation due to PLN’s inability to take power caused by a force majeure event and the shifting government force majeure risk to developers are major bankability concerns; There is no restriction for PLN to set take or pay at full term of PPA; and There is no regulatory requirement for solar projects to be set on a BOOT basis; Recommendations for next steps 37. PLN is undertaking significant efforts to increase the uptake of solar in their system. The upcoming tenders show some positive features, but the overall impression is that they might not attract enough competition; bidders will be pricing the risks/uncertainties associated in the absence of information, and the lack of upfront grid impact/interconnection studies may compromise the feasibility of some projects. 38. Throughout our interactions during the workshop we have identified several areas of future work. Below are some proposed follow-up actions which could be supported by ADB- AFD and carried out by independent consultants: Assist PLN with technical evaluation of projects already selected for upcoming solar PV tenders (starting with the Sumatera tender packages) when all data is collected Assist PLN with developing clearly defined assessment criteria and framework for conducting grid impact studies. The studies can be further developed into integration of intermittent RE in power system planning, penetration level of intermittent RE, and mitigation of intermittency studies. Assist PLN with developing the grid code and updated distribution code for renewable energy integration. PLN (or a consultant) to conduct whole of system studies for each of the major grids (e.g. Sumatera interconnected system, Jawa-Bali, etc.) that incorporates all intermittent power plants in the system. This is done to determine system-level limits for solar PV and wind penetration. E-12
Solar resource: the solar irradiation data recorded by BMKG meteorological stations is currently not accessible. Technical support to compile, assess and make this data easily available would significantly benefit solar development in the country. Tender documents: independent review and update of the current tender design and the existing tender documents: RFQ, RFP (project agreements, studies, technical requirements) and evaluation criteria. Grid integration, as elaborated by other presenters: o Review and update of Grid Code for integration of intermittent renewable energy generation; o System studies for each of the major grids to determine potential penetration of renewables. Terms of reference for upfront work required to define project sites, project capacity and technical limits of the interconnection of future tender processes. Capacity building within the relevant PLN teams on procurement, solar/wind energy and grid impact studies. In order to promote and support for the development of solar power projects, PLN should consider adopting a model of power purchase agreement that applies risk allocation principles, and removing the major bankability concerns raised by Reg 10; There must be an integrated view and actions taken by the Government, PLN and stakeholders in respect of solar projects development and for this purpose, it is important for the Government to issue an implementing regulation that governs the development of intermittent power projects. E-13
Appendix 1: Workshop’s Agenda ADB-AFD Support to PLN on RE Procurement Venue: PLN Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia Participants: Representatives from PLN Pusat and PLN Wilayah Date: May 22, 2017 Time Agenda Speaker 13.00 pm – Kickoff meeting representatives Led by Toru Kubo 15.00 pm from ADB, AFD, and PLN Asian Development Bank Date: May 23, 2017 Time Agenda Speaker 9.00 am – 9.30 Registration am 9.30 am – 10.30 Session 1: Grid impacts on integrating renewable energy am 9.30 – 10.00 am Integration of renewable power I Made Rosakya in system planning Castlerock Consulting 10.00 – 10.30 Grid impact studies for Dharma Susanto am integrating utility-scale solar PV Castlerock Consulting plants into PLN networks 10.30 – 10.45 Coffee/Tea Break am 10.45 – 12.15 Session 2: Solar PV Development pm 10.45 – 11.15 Solar PV generation in the region Mr. Inaki Perez am Solar Team Leader, Mott MacDonald 11.15 – 11.45 Solar development challenges in Mr. Inaki Perez am Indonesia Solar Team Leader, Mott MacDonald 11.45 – 12.15 Solar procurement program Mr. Inaki Perez pm Solar Team Leader, Mott MacDonald 12.15 – 1.30 pm Lunch Break 1.30 - 2.30 pm Session 3: Legal and commercial issues 1.30 - 2.00 pm Legal issues on solar PV Baker MacKenzie development 2.00 – 2.30 pm Commercial issues Baker MacKenzie 2.30 – 2.45 pm Coffee/Tea Break 2.45 – 3.45 pm Q&A Session Date: May 24, 2017 Time Agenda Speaker 8.30 – 09.00 Registration am 09.00 – 10.30 One-on-one consultation on solar pv development am Resource person: Inaki Perez, Mott McDonald 10.30 – 12.00 One-on-one consultation on grid impacts pm Resource person: Castlerock Consulting E-14
Time Agenda Speaker 8.30 – 09.00 Registration am 12.00 – 1.00 Lunch Break pm 1.00 – 3.00 pm One-on-one consultation on legal and commercial issues Resource Person: Baker MacKenzie E-15
Appendix 2: Workshop’s Documentation E-16
APPENDIX F: RENEWABLE INCENTIVES FGD 1 – CURRENT POLICIES This appendix contains four presentations from MEMR, DEN, INDEF and BKPM which is presented during the first FGD. The first FGD mainly discuss about the current policy in Indonesia's RE sector. These presentations are provided below. F-1 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
KEMENTERIAN ENERGI DAN SUMBER DAYA MINERAL Outline DIREKTORAT JENDERAL ENERGI BARU TERBARUKAN DAN KONSERVASI ENERGI I. Kebijakan dan Peraturan Pengembangan EBTKE 3 II. Potensi dan Target Penyediaan Energi Primer EBT 5 III. Pengembangan Energi Terbarukan berdasarkan RUPTL dan Roadmap EBT 7 IV. Penyederhanaan Perizinan dan Insentif 10 V. Upaya Pengembangan EBT 13 VI. Tantangan dan Kemitraan Strategis 16 FGD Percepatan Investasi Energi Terbarukan, Jakarta 31 Juli 2017 1 2 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM I. KEBIJAKAN PERCEPATAN PENGEMBANGAN EBTKE I. Peraturan Pendukung Energi Baru Terbarukan 1. Undang-undang Nomor 30 tahun 2007 tentang Energi; Undang-undang ini merupakan regulasi payung, Proses bisnis yang semakin jelas, terukur, meskipun memberikan penekanan khusus terhadap EBT Pasal 20 ayat (3) mengamanatkan bahwa sederhana dan cepat penyediaan energi baru dan energi terbarukan wajib ditingkatkan oleh Pemerintah dan pemerintah daerah sesuai dengan kewenangannya; 2. Undang-undang Nomor 30 tahun 2009 tentang Ketenagalistrikan; 3. Undang-undang Nomor 21 tahun 2014 tentang Panas Bumi; 4. Undang-undang Nomor 16 tahun 2016 tentang Pengesahan Paris Agreement To The United Nations Penggunaan teknologi yang efektif, efisien Framework Convention On Climate Change 5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 79 tahun 2014 tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional, Pasal 9 dan memberikan keekonomian proyek mengamanatkan bahwa peran Energi Baru dan Energi Terbarukan paling sedikit 23% tahun 2025 dan paling yang bagus sedikit 31% tahun 2050 sepanjang keekonomiannya terpenuhi; 6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Panas Bumi untuk Pemanfaatan Tidak Langsung; 7. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 4/2016 tentang Percepatan Infrastruktur Ketenagalistrikan, Pasal 14 mengamanatkan bahwa pelaksanaan percepatan infrastruktur ketenagalistrikan mengutamakan pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan; 8. Peraturan Presiden Nomor 22/2017 tentang Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (RUEN); Peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia 9. Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 12 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Sumber Energi Terbarukan untuk Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik dan Peraturan Menteri Nomor 43 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan yang meliputi pengetahuan, keahlian dan atas Permen ESDM Nomor 12 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemanfaatan Sumber Energi Terbarukan untuk Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik; pengalaman 10. Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nomor 39 Tahun 2017 tentang Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Fisik Pemanfaatan Energi Baru dan Energi Terbarukan; 11. Beberapa Peraturan Menteri Keuangan tentang insentif fiskal dan non fiskal pengembangan EBT. 3 4 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM II. Potensi Energi Baru Terbarukan II. Target Penyediaan Energi Primer EBT Tahun 2025 Air Surya Panas Bumi Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 22 Tahun 2017 tentang Potensi : 75 GW + 19,3 GW Potensi : 207,8 GWp Potensi Sumber Daya : 11,0 GW Rencana Umum Energi Nasional (RUEN) Kapasitas Pembangkit Listrik Nasional 135 GW Realisasi Realisasi Reserve : 17,5 GW PLTA 5,124 GW PLTS 0,085 GWp (0,02%) Realisasi Kapasitas Pembangkit Listrik EBT 45 GW PLTMH 0,162 GW PLTP 1,65 GW (1,19%) (0,36%) Batubara Gas Bioenergi Laut 1. PLT Panas Bumi, 7,2 GW Angin 22% Listrik 2. PLT Hidro, 17,9 GW Potensi : 60,6 GW Potensi Potensi : 17,9 GW 3. PLT Mikrohidro, 3 GW Realisasi PLTB :1,1 MW PLT Bio : 32,6 GW BBN : 200 Ribu Bph 69,2 EBT 45 4. 5. PLT Bioenergi, 5,5 GW PLT Surya, 6,5 GW (0,0002%) Realisasi 30% ~ 400 MTOE GW 6. PLT Angin, 1,8 GW PLT Bio : 1,78 GW (0,4%) 23% 7. PLT EBT lainnya, 3 GW MTOE EBT 92,2 Cadangan Energi Fosil Produksi Akan habis 8,80 GW MTOE Terbukti 441,7 GW (2% terhadap potensi) 25% Biofuel 13,69 juta kilo liter Minyak Bumi 3,6 miliar barel 288 Juta barel 13 tahun Biomassa 8,4 Gas Bumi 100,3 TSCF 2,97 TSCF 34 tahun Kapasitas terpasang Minyak 23,0 juta ton Batubara 7,2 miliar ton 434 juta ton 16 tahun Pembangkit saat ini 59.656 MW MTOE Biogas 489,8 juta m3 Rencana 35.000 MW New project CBM 46,0 mmscfd Pembangunan Pembangkit +7.500 MW 5 6 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM F-2 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
III. Pengembangan Energi Terbarukan berdasarkan RUPTL III. Roadmap Panas Bumi (1/2) Wilayah Sumatera Wilayah Kalimantan Berdasarkan RUPTL 2017 – 2026 PT. PLN Persero 8,000.0 3000 No Pembangkit Listrik Kapasitas Total No Pembangkit Listrik Kapasitas Total Kapasitas Terpasang (per Juli 2017) : Indonesia Total Indonesia 1 Panas Bumi MW 3.305 1 Panas Bumi MW - 1.698,5 MW Penambahan kapasitas peringkat ke-1 No Pembangkit Listrik Kapasitas Total 7,000.0 2 Air MW 4.284 2 Air MW 1.056 terpasang 2017 terdiri dari: dunia melampaui 2500 3 Mini/Mikro Hidro MW 983 3 Mini/Mikro Hidro MW 10 1 Panas Bumi MW 6.290 1.PLTP Ulubelu Unit 4 (55 MW) (COD Amerika 4 Surya MWp 5 4 Surya MWp - 6,000.0 25 April 2017) Indonesia 2 Air MW 12.343 2.PLTP Karaha Unit 1 (30 MW) peringkat ke-2 5 Bayu MW - 5 Bayu MW 15 Tambahan Kapasitas (MW) 3 Mini/Mikro Hidro MW 1.694 3.PLTP Sorik Marapi (Modular, 20 MW) Rencana Kapasitas (MW) dunia melampaui 2000 6 Biomas/ Sampah kota MW 274 6 Biomas/ Sampah kota MW 41 4 Surya MWp 57 5,000.0 4.PLTP Sarulla Unit 2 (110 MW) Filipina 7 Laut MW - 7 Laut MW - 5 Bayu MW 570 8 Bio-Fuel Ribu KL 411 8 Bio-Fuel Ribu KL 830 6 Biomas/ Sampah kota MW 597 4,000.0 1500 Total MW 8.851 Total MW 1.257 7 Laut MW 0 1,175 8 Bio-Fuel Ribu KL 6.572 3,000.0 999 Total MW 21.549 866 858 1000 2,000.0 650 Wilayah Jawa-Bali 450 Wilayah Sulawesi & Nusa Tenggara Wilayah Maluku & Papua 500 No Pembangkit Listrik Kapasitas Total No Pembangkit Listrik Kapasitas Total No Pembangkit Listrik Kapasitas Total 1,000.0 205 215 165 220 1 Panas Bumi MW 2.150 110 1 Panas Bumi MW 400 1 Panas Bumi MW 75 60 2 Air MW 4.562 0 37 7.5 35 2 Air MW 2.323 2 Air MW 118 - 0 3 Mini/Mikro Hidro MW 437 3 Mini/Mikro Hidro MW 221 3 Mini/Mikro Hidro MW 43 4 Surya MWp - 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 4 Surya MWp 52 4 Surya MWp - 5 Bayu MW 250 5 Bayu MW 170 5 Bayu MW - Rencana Kapasitas Tambahan Kapasitas 6 Biomas/ Sampah kota MW 206 6 Biomas/ Sampah kota MW 21 6 Biomas/ Sampah kota MW 55 7 Laut MW - 7 Laut MW - 7 Laut MW - *Asumsi: Filipina (1.870 MW) dan Amerika (3.450 MW) tidak mengalami penambahan kapasitas 8 Bio-Fuel Ribu KL 439 8 Bio-Fuel Ribu KL 4.423 8 Bio-Fuel Ribu KL 469 Total MW 7.965 Total MW 3.186 Total MW 290 7 8 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM III. Roadmap Mandatori BBN (2/2) IV. Perizinan dan Non Perizinan ROADMAP BIODIESEL (Minimum) 1. Ditjen EBTKE telah mengelola 6 jenis perizinan dan 25 jenis non perizinan. Sektor April 2015 Januari 2016 Januari 2020 Januari 2025 2. Penyederhanaan perizinan telah dilakukan dengan pelimpahan 3 perizinan Usaha Mikro, Usaha Perikanan, Usaha Pertanian, 15% 30% 30% dilaksanakan oleh BKPM antara lain: 20% Transportasi, dan Pelayanan Umum (PSO) 1. Penugasan Survei Pendahuluan Panas Bumi Transportasi Non PSO 15% 30% 30% 2. Izin Panas Bumi 20% 3. Izin Penggunaan Gudang Bahan Peledak Panas Bumi Industri dan Komersial 15% 20% 30% 30% 3. Penyederhanaan non perizinan telah dilakukan dengan pelimpahan 1 non perizinan Pembangkit Listrik 25% 30% 30% 30% yang dilaksanakan oleh BKPM, penghapusan 9 non perizinan dan saat ini dalam proses penghapusan 8 non perizinan lainnya. 4. Ditjen EBTKE tetap mengelola 3 jenis perizinan dan 7 jenis non perizinan. Implementasi Biodiesel 28 26 25 P : 3 ke BKPM 24 NP : 1 ke BKPM 22 20 9 dihapus 18 16 8 dalam proses dihapus 14 12 10 8 6 7 B2 – B7,5 B10 B15 B20 6 4 3 2 0 Awal Akhir Perizinan (P) Non Perizinan (NP) 9 10 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM IV. Insentif Fiskal dan non Fiskal (1/2) IV. Insentif Fiskal dan non Fiskal (2/2) No. Tax Allowance Bea Masuk Pendanaan No. Tax Allowance Bea Masuk Pendanaan 1. Peraturan Pemerintah No. 1 Tahun 2007 jo. PP Keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. PMK Nomor 89/PMK.010/2015 mengatur tata Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. - No. 62 Tahun 2008 jo. PP No.52 Tahun 2011 766/1992 memberikan fasilitas berupa 139/PMK.011/2011 mengatur tata cara cara pemberian fasilitas pajak penghasilan 021/PMK.011/2010 memberikan fasilitas memberikan fasilitas berupa pengurangan PPh impor barang operasi oleh Pengusaha pemberian jaminan kelayakan usaha PT. untuk penanaman modal di bidang usaha perpajakan dan kepabeanan untuk netto 30% dari nilai investasi selama 6 tahun, untuk keperluan Pengusahaan sumber Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) 4. tertentu dan/atau di daerah tertentu serta kegiatan pemanfaatan sumber energi penyusutan dan amortisasi dipercepat. daya Panasbumi tidak dipungut Bea untuk pembangunan pembangkit tenaga pengalihan aktiva dan sanksi bagi wajib pajak terbarukan masuk, Pajak Pertambahan Nilai, Pajak listrik dengan menggunakan energi badan dalam negeri yang diberikan fasilitas Penjualan atas Barang Mewah dan terbarukan, batubara, dan gas yang pajak penghasilan. Pajak Penghasilan. dilakukan melalui kerjasama dengan PMK Nomor 268/PMK.03/2015 mengatur tata Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. - pengembang listrik swasta. cara pemberian fasilitas dibebaskan dari 70/PMK.011/2013 Perlakuan Pajak 2. PMK Nomor 144/PMK.011/2012 memberikan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. Peraturan Menteri Keuangan -No. pengenaan pajak pertambahan nilai atas impor Pertambahan Nilai dan Pajak Penjualan fasilitas pajak penghasilan untuk penanaman 78/PMK.010/2005 memberikan fasilitas 03/PMK.011/2012 yang mengatur tata dan/atau penyerahan barang kena pajak atas Barang Mewah atas Impor Barang 5. modal di bidang-bidang usaha tertentu pembebasan bea masuk atas impor cara pengelolaan dan tertentu yang bersifat strategis dan tyata cara Kena Pajak Yang Dibebaskan dari dan/atau di daerah-daerah tertentu berupa barang untuk kegiatan pengusahaan pertanggungjawaban fasilitas dana panas pemnbayaran pajak pertambahan nilai barang Pungutan Bea Masuk pengurangan PPh netto 30% dari nilai investasi Panas Bumi berdasarkan kontrak bumi geothermal. kena pajak tertentu yang bersifat strategis yang selama 6 tahun, penyusutan dan amortisasi sebelum berlakunya UU No. 27 Tahun telah dibebaskan serta pengenaan sanksi dipercepat 2003 tentang Panas Bumi. 3. PMK Nomor 159/PMK.010/2015 memberikan Peraturan Menteri Keuangan No. - fasilitas pengurangan pajak penghasilan badan 177/PMK.011/2007 memberikan fasilitas paling banyak 100% dan paling sedikit 10%. Pembebasan bea masuk atas impor barang untuk kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi serta panas bumi. 11 11 12 12 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM F-3 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
V. Upaya Pengembangan Panas Bumi (1/3) V. Upaya Pengembangan Bioenergi (2/3) Penugasan kepada BUMN Pemerintah akan memberikan penugasan kepada BUMN Panas Bumi dalam rangka pengembangan hulu 1. Mandatori Bahan Bakar Nabati B-20 (80% Solar, 20% Biodiesel), dan hilir panas bumi berdasarkan UU 21 tahun 2014 2. Biogas Nasional, Non Komersial (Investasi Pemerintah) dan Semi Komersial (Penerapan Subsidi Parsial) Penugasan Survei Pendahuluan + Eksplorasi Investor yang memenuhi persyaratan memiliki kesempatan untuk mendapatkan Penugasan Survei 3. Pengembangan Bioenergi Berbasis Hutan, Bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Pendahuluan hingga tahap eksplorasi. Sebagai insentif wilayah kerja akan dilelang melalui mekanisme Kehutanan, merupakan Pencadangan kawasan hutan produksi yang khusus diperuntukan penunjukan langsung untuk pembangunan hutan energi sebagai sumber bahan baku bioenergi Pengeboran Eksplorasi oleh Pemerintah & Geothermal Fund 4. Pulau Ikonis Energi Terbarukan (Sumba Iconic Island), Penyediaan sumber energi Mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan dana Geothermal Fund sebesar USD 300 juta yang dikelola oleh PT. SMI baru terbarukan di Pulau Sumba, NTT sebesar 100% pada tahun 2025. untuk melakukan eksplorasi sebelum pelelangan WKP. Hal ini juga sebagai upaya mitigasi risiko untuk menurunkan risiko kegagalan dalam pengembangan panas bumi. 5. Biomassa Untuk Listrik, Pembangunan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa dengan Pelelangan WKP Indonesia Timur menggunakan bahan baku limbah biomassa dan sampah kota Pemerintah akan fokus melakukan pelelangan WKP di wilayah Indonesia Timur khususnya di daerah yang memiliki BPP setempat lebih tinggi dari BPP Nasional 13 14 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM V. Upaya Pengembangan Aneka EBT (3/3) VI. Tantangan 1. Mendorong prioritas pengembangan Aneka EBT: Jangka pendek 1-3 tahun: PLTS (5.000 MW), PLTM/ PLTMH dan PLTB; 1. Penyamaan pola pikir dalam pengembangan EBTKE masih Jangka menengah 4 – 7 tahun: Pengembangan PLTA, PLT Gasifikasi Batubara (PLTGB), PLT Gelombang Laut (PLTGL); perlu ditingkatkan; 2. Upaya pemerataan energi melalui penyediaan akses energi modern dengan EBT 2. Skema bisnis dan Insentif belum optimum; melalui Dana Alokasi Khusus (DAK); 3. Penyusunan Road Map Aneka EBT bidang Energi Samudera, Hidro, Surya, Angin, 3. Teknologi masih tergantung dari Luar Negeri (TKDN kecil); Batubara Tergaskan dan Nuklir; 4. Penyusunan SNI dan SKKNI bidang Aneka EBT. 4. Harga relatif masih mahal; 5. Potensi/Cadangan perlu diperbaharui; 6. Skala kecil dan tersebar; 7. Sistem Interkoneksi masih terbatas; 8. Masih terdapat resistensi masyarakat. 15 16 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM VI. Kemitraan Strategis Menyusun regulasi dan kebijakan; Fasilitator; Memberikan pembinaan dan pengawasan; Government Melakukan pengusahaan EBTKE; Melaksanakan program di bidang EBTKE; Memproduksi EBTKE; Diseminasi informasi program EBTKE; Berkontribusi dalam penerimaan negara dan Pemerintah wajib mengembangkan sumber daya EBT kegiatan ekonomi. dan meningkatkan efisiensi energi Academy EBTKE Bussiness Melakukan inovasi teknologi sekaligus menyiapkan inkubator untuk komersialisasi Berperan aktif dalam mendorong pemanfaatan Melakukan survei dan kajian potensi EBTKE EBTKE; Melakukan kajian kebijakan terutama Sebagai penerima manfaat, ikut berkontribusi bagaimana memanfaatkan hasil riset dalam menjaga keberlanjutan pemanfaatan Melakukan kajian teknologi sebelum EBTKE; dikembangkan pemerintah Ikut berkontribusi dalam diseminasi informasi Bersama-sama meningkatkan TKDN Community pemanfaatan EBTKE. Mendorong transfer teknologi informasi 17 18 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM F-4 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
Upaya ke Depan Bauran Energi Primer Bauran Energi Primer 2016 Bauran EBT meningkat rata-rata 0,54% setiap tahun Upaya khusus dan strategi untuk pencapaian target EBT antara lain: 7.7% % 8 7.7 23.9% EBT 7 1. Melakukan sosialisasi untuk penyamaan pola pikir stakeholder 34.6% Batubara 6 dalam pengembangan EBTKE; Minyak Bumi 5 33.8% Gas Bumi 4 2. Mendorong prioritas pengembangan: 3 • Jangka pendek 1-3 tahun: mendorong PLT Bioenergi (PLTBg 1000MW, 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Tahun PLTBm 1000MW), PLTS (5000MW) dan PLTB; bauran energi primer (sbm) • Jangka menengah 4 – 7 tahun: pengembangan panas bumi, PLTA No. Jenis EBT 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 *) 3. Penugasan kepada BUMN (PT. PLN Persero dan PT. Pertamina 1. EBT LISTRIK EBT NON LISTRIK 48.184.711 1.262.264 49.766.625 2.032.075 51.684.252 3.786.792 60.680.698 5.932.075 66.732.677 10.443.396 73.497.500 5.179.245 75.655.946 17.150.943 Persero); BATU BARA % 4,4% 281.400.000 4,3% 334.142.760 4,5% 377.892.961 5,2% 406.368.974 6,4% 321.597.105 6,7% 364.619.216 7,7% 416.666.804 2. 4. Penyempurnaan iklim investasi melalui penyediaan insentif dan MINYAK BUMI % 25,1% 518.405.561 28,0% 546.635.311 30,8% 533.830.676 31,6% 542.950.370 26,5% 544.795.076 31,2% 444.807.454 34,6% 407.624.859 kemudahan prosedur; 3. GAS BUMI % 46,3% 269.942.185 45,8% 261.708.332 43,5% 259.456.414 42,2% 270.134.751 44,8% 271.375.371 38,1% 279.632.345 33,8% 288.546.809 4. 5. Bekerjasama dan berkolaborasi dengan investor Internasional TOTAL % 24,1% 21,9% 21,2% 1.226.651.095 21,0% 22,3% 1.214.943.625 23,9% 1.167.735.760 23,9% 1.205.645.361 dan institusi bilateral/multilateral. % 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% Keterangan: - *) Angka revisi/ final; - EBT non listrik adalah pemanfaatan biodiesel; - Sumber Data Energi Primer Batubara, Minyak Bumi & Gas Bumi dari Handbook of Energy & Economic Statistics of Indonesia, Pusdatin. 19 20 KEMENTERIAN ESDM KEMENTERIAN ESDM Program Andalan Pengarusutamaan EBTKE 1. Penyusunan Regulasi EBTKE; 2. Penyediaan energi listrik yang ekonomis; 3. Mandatori Bahan Bakar Nabati B-20 (80% Diesel, 20% FAME); Program Hutan Energi. 4. Pemerataan energi melalui Penyediaan Akses Energi Modern dengan EBT seperti PLTP, PLTMH, PLTS, PLTB, PLTBg, PLTSa dan Penerangan dengan Lampu Tenaga Surya Hemat Energi (LTSHE) untuk desa belum berlistrik; 5. Percepatan Pembangunan PLTP melalui: 1. Penugasan ke BUMN/BLU; 2. Penugasan Survei Pendahuluan + Eksplorasi; 3. Pengeboran eksplorasi oleh Pemerintah. 6. Mandatori Efisiensi Energi kepada Bangunan Pemerintah, BUMN dan Industri; Program Kampanye Potong 10%. 21 KEMENTERIAN ESDM F-5 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
Realisasi Investasi FDI PMA DDI PMDN Target 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Target Realisasi Investasi Up Date Kebijakan Investasi Mendorong Pembangunan (dalam Miliar USD) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Total 2010-14 2015 2016 2017 (SMT 1) 2018* 2019* Total 2015-19* Pembangkit Listrik Energi Baru Terbarukan PMA PMDN 16.4 6.7 19.5 8.4 24.6 10.2 28.6 13.6 28.5 14.5 117.6 53.5 29.3 14.4 28.9 15.8 15.6 9.6 38.1 22.9 43.8 27.9 171 98.6 Total Realisasi 23.2 27.9 34.8 42.2 43.0 171.0 43.6 44.7 25.2 61.0 71.8 269.7 Disampaikan pada FGD Percepatan Investasi Energi Terbarukan, Kemenko Bidang Perekonomian • 2010-2012, Nilai Tukar 1 USD = Rp 9,000 *nilai tukar 1 USD = IDR 13,000.- • 2013 (Q I and Q II), Nilai Tukar 1 USD = Rp 9,300 (berdasarkan APBN 2013) Deputi Bidang Perencanaan Penanaman Modal, BKPM • 2013 (Q III and Q IV), Nilai Tukar 1 USD = Rp 9,600 (berdasarkan APBN 2013) • 2014 (QI-QIII) Nilai Tukar 1 USD = Rp 10,500 (berdasarkan APBN 2014) Tamba P. Hutapea • 2014 (QIV) Nilai Tukar 1 USD = Rp 11,600 (berdasarkan APBN-P 2014) • 2015 Nilai Tukar 1 USD = Rp 12.500 (berdasarkan APBN-P 2015) 2 • 2016 Nilai Tukar 1 USD = Rp 13.900 (berdasarkan APBN-P 2016) Jakarta, 31 Juli 2017 The Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia 2 © Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal, 2017 Prioritas Investasi Rencana danRealisasi Investasi Sektor Ketenagalistrikan Sektor Prioritas Investasi TOTAL KAPASITAS Rencana Proyek EBT (2009 – 2016) Program RENCANA PEMBANGKIT EBT (MW) 24 Pelabuhan Infrastruktur Ketenagalistrikan Laut 35 GW 2009 - 2016 PMDN 18% Perkebunan Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Jagung Sapi PLTS PLTSA Makanan & 39,192 PMA Industri Padat Karya Tekstil Furnitur Mainan PLTP 3,162 PLTBg dan PLTBm Minuman 82% 1,426 10 Industri Substitusi Kimia & Farmasi Besi & Baja PMA : USD 61,59 Miliar Impor PLTMH PMDN : USD 13,69 Milliar 19.442 PLTA, Total: USD 75,28 Milliar Minyak Kelapa 188,483 Produk Kayu, Alat Elektronika Sawit & Produk Otomotif Industri Industri Berorientasi Turunannya Pulp, & Kertas Ekspor PLTM Realisasi Proyek EBT (2009 – 2016) 212,321 Ikan & Produk Mesin Produk Karet Udang Turunannya PLTB 1,562 Industri Hilir Sumber Cokelat Gula Batubara PMDN PMA Daya Alam (Smelter) PLTAL 45% PLTBm 15 55% PLTBg 1.916 14.442 Penyimpanan Industri Kemaritiman Galangan Kapal Pemancingan (Cold Storage) Catatan: PLTS: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya PLTB: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Bayu/Angin PPMA : USD 1,75 Milliar Kawasan Pariwisata, Kawasan Kawasan PLTSa: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Sampah PLTAL: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Arus Laut PMDN : USD 1,43 Milliar 15 Kawasan Total : USD 3,18 Milliar Ekonomi Khusus dan Kawasan Pariwisata MICE 8+11 KEK Industri Baru PLTBg: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biogas PLTBm: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Biomassa PLTM: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Minihidro PLTMH: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikrohidro Industri Strategis PLTA: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Air PLTP: Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Panas Bumi The Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia The Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia 3 4 Perbaikan Pelayanan Investasi BKPM telah menyempurnakan layanan One-Stop Service /PTSP Pusat Satu Pintu Proses perizinan untuk penanaman modal asing, antar provinsi, dan strategis: 22 All Pengajuan Izin Pengajuan Insentif 4 Pengajuan Izin Kementerian/ sectors Lembaga 3-hour 1 2 128 izin terintegrasi Izin Investasi 3 Prinsip Bisnis Bisnis didelegasikan Jam PTSP PUSAT PTSP PUSAT PTSP PUSAT kepada BKPM Insentif Unit Terkait Kegiatan bisnis bisa PTSP pusat meliputi Tarif Import Perpajakan segera dimulai perwakilan dari 22 Industri, Pelayanan Kementerian/Lembaga Tax Allowance Tax Holiday Kementerian Keuangan Kementerian Keuangan ketenaga- listrikan, 3-hour Terpadu Satu PTSP pusat O&G Recommendation Kementerian Perdagangan, minyak & PTSP Pusat Izin Investasi menyelenggaran layanan Kementerian ESDM untuk Sektor proses izin 3 jam gas bumi, pariwisata BKPM Infrastruktur Pintu (PTSP) Izin pemanfaatan hutan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Fasilitas KLIK pada 32 Kehutanan satu pintu Pusat BKPM kawasan industri & KEK Pengajuan Izin Operasi 3 90% PTSP Daerah KLIK PTSP Daerah telah terbentuk. Kemudahan *Syarat & Ketentuan berlaku Jenis Izin Unit Terkait 61% PTSP Investasi Izin Lokasi PTSP Daerah Regional/Kota Daerah menerapkan e- 17,238 Langsung Konstruksi Izin Konstruksi PTSP Daerah Regional/Kota licensing Izin diterbitkan Sertifikat Lahan Pertanahan Regional/Kota dalam Jan-Des 2015 Izin Lingkungan Regional Environment Office HO (Hinderordonnantie) PTSP Daerah Regional/Kota The Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia Source: BKPM The Investment Coordinating Board of the Republic of Indonesia 5 6 F-6 SIEP Final Report – January 2018
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