TECHMinutes April 2021 Your Small Business Technology Information Source!
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TECHMinutes April 2021 Your Small Business Technology Information Source! This Issue: Stop Letting IT Problems Fester Stop Letting IT Problems Fester Let me tell you a deep, dark secret about some of your em- ployees... one that you might be a little surprised to hear: Taking a Look at the IT That Fuels NASA’s Success They aren’t reporting issues to you. Maintaining a Work-Life Balance is Crucial When Working from Home This can snowball into much larger problems. Let’s discuss. Tips to Improve Business Productivity I’m being pretty general here—for a moment I’m taking off my “computer guru” hat and putting on my “business owner” Not All Industries Use the Same hat. This problem is something that transcends IT. Problems Solutions within a business can fester because employees don’t speak up. It’s how serious issues Marketing for Those with Little Time arise and it’s been a problem for a long time. Maintaining a Work-Life Balance is What kinds of serious issues? Crucial When Working from Home With all that has gone All kinds. on in terms of the coronavirus pandemic, Productivity issues, creep issues, HR issues—you name it. Problems can range from the it is little wonder that small and benign to the “get a lawyer involved” emergency. many businesses have suddenly changed their tune con- As your business grows and becomes more complex, there is more of a chance that this cerning the use of remote work. could happen. That’s why larger organizations hire teams of human resource professionals However, some workers are in a bit and other dedicated staff that exist simply to keep the gears spinning smoothly. (Continued on page 2) of a crisis as they try to adapt to their new work environment: suddenly, the place they would go at the end of Taking a Look at the IT That Fuels NASA’s Success the day to recover is the same place Perseverance recently paid off, with the successful touch- where work must now be done. This down of the so-named Mars rover. In light of this, let’s con- shift has led to a not-insignificant sider a past rover launch and how a technical issue it encoun- amount of stress and mental fatigue. tered provides a case study for anyone whose business relies on technology. Maintain the Work-Life Balance Before the current crisis, while large The Curiosity Rover Self-Administered Brain Surgery on Mars swaths of people were online, it was Bet that wasn’t what you expected to read, was it? more often out of choice than… When you’re essentially throwing a few billion dollars a few Read the Rest Online! million miles into space, you’re going to want to have some safeguards… particularly once you consider that it’s going to spend just a few months shy of a year in transit, after which it will need to safely land a piece of equipment the size of a car on the planet you’ve aimed it toward without breaking any of the sensitive equipment hosted onboard. That was the situation that NASA faced when Curiosity was sent to Mars, and it was one that NASA addressed quite well. The Curiosity rover had two brains in the form of two identical onboard computers. This meant that, should something happen to the first brain, the second one could take over. It’s a good thing this was incorporated, too, as a glitch popped up on day 200 of a two-year mission that took the device offline. Basically, Curiosity stopped saving data to its memory, but continued to ping NASA with requests for instructions whenever an instruction was sent. Fortunately, NASA could switch over to the second onboard computer and Curiosity was able to, well, persevere. (Continued on page 3)
"Technology makes what was once impossible possible. The design Page 2 makes it real." - Michael Gagliano Tips to Improve Business Productivity Productivity Track Time and Limit Time Taken on imposed by your organization. A man- improves as Tasks ageable amount of stress is typically time manage- You may think you are good at gauging helpful to keep ahead of your workload. ment im- how much time you spend on your typi- proves. It cal tasks, but really only a small per- Limit Your Exposure to Meetings seems like a centage are. By tracking how much time If there is a time waster out there, it is simple no- you take on your daily tasks, you may the meeting. A normal meeting will tion, but if find out that you spend too much time resolve the issue in the first ten you aren’t obsessing over your email, or you may minutes, or not at all. In fact, according deliberate about managing your time, spend an exorbitant amount of time to one study, the average office worker there isn’t much positive movement swiping through your social media ac- spends around 31 hours a month in that is going to be had in the productivi- counts. Knowing how you can save time meetings. That’s far too long. ty meter. This month, we thought we is a great first step in actually saving would help you by giving you a few some. Quit Multitasking strategies that will work to improve The more the concept is studied, the your employees’ productivity. Take Regular Breaks more that psychologists believe that You’re probably thinking that taking multitasking is detrimental to overall The more you focus on productivity, the breaks works counter to being more productivity when compared with hav- more you will have to divorce yourself productive, but taking scheduled breaks ing dedicated focus on one task at a from the humanity of your staff. Rest can help improve focus and concentra- time. assured, when managing a corporate tion. This is especially true if you are culture, the more that is made of working on large, time-consuming Perfection Isn’t Attainable productivity gains, the less engaged tasks. One big roadblock to productivity is the many of your employees may become. idea that a task can be carried out per- It is essential to your business’ success Set Attainable Deadlines fectly. Sure, you can be… that you find a balance between priori- A lot of people think they work better tizing productivity and promoting staff- on a deadline. It’s for this reason it is Read the Rest Online! aimed initiatives to keep your produc- suggested to set deadlines for yourself tion staff happy and turnover low. that are outside of the deadlines Stop Letting IT Problems Fester (Continued from page 1) being brought up by certain individuals? Mary knows that when she needs IT to Why Don’t Some Employees Report Are there some employees that never help her with her computer, they usual- Issues? mention anything? What are the chanc- ly remote in, take over her screen, and It’s going to differ based on the person, es that they never have a single check on things or walk her through but some employees don’t want to problem? something. She recognizes the notifica- ruffle any feathers. They’ll make do tion that pops up on the screen when with what they have as long as it That’s the thing—we’re all human and this happens. doesn’t cost them a raise or promotion we all have problems eventually. or get in their way too much. What’s my point? This is why one morning, she didn’t really question it when someone logged Other employees simply don’t air their Unreported IT Problems Can Lead to into her computer while she was work- grievances or feel they have the weight Bigger Issues Later On ing. She figured it was IT or an admin to get something to change. Okay, not just unreported IT prob- doing something. After all, the remote lems—any unreported problem could notification only popped up for a few You might feel like stopping me right gradually snowball into something big- seconds. here and telling me, “now wait a mi- ger, but IT problems can affect your nute, as a business owner/manager, a entire organization if left unchecked. It happened two or three times pretty decent portion of my day is deal- throughout the morning. That notifica- ing with internal affairs!” Here’s a perfect example, and it’s actu- tion came up that someone was… ally the reason why I’m writing this blog Same! post: Read the Rest Online! The squeaky wheels squeak pretty loud- (I’ve changed the person’s name to pro- ly. Ask yourself though—are the issues tect all those involved)
IT PAYS TO REFER A FRIEND! Page 3 Taking a Look at the IT That Fuels NASA’s Success (Continued from page 1) How Could Your Business Benefit from get that team member back in business In fact, despite the initial mission being Redundancy? that much faster. to collect data for two years, Curiosity We have gone on the record to say that has been operational and functioning your data needs to be backed up, and in In some cases, a redundant internet for about eight years… and there’s that way, redundant. Any data and files connection can benefit a business. With more. you have should always be stored on at so many processes and procedures now least two separate devices—ideally, one facilitated by an internet connection, Unsurprisingly, the replacement com- centralized location with a secondary keeping a backup connection in case of puter eventually began to degrade and device as a backup, along with a cloud- emergencies to switch over to auto- experience some of the same problems based copy for true redundancy. That matically can help prevent service that afflicted the first. Fortunately, way, you likely won’t lose your data interruptions. NASA was still able to access the first even if your internal IT is completely remotely and perform the required destroyed. Whether you’re trying to explore our diagnostics to identify and resolve the terrestrial neighbor or operate a small issue. In exchange for a small amount of Furthermore, having an extra work- to medium-sized business, redundancy memory that had become corrupted, station or two kept onsite can help can be a huge asset. Learn how else the the original computer was able to be preserve productivity. If something right technology preparations can bene- restored and could resume control of were to take one of yours out of com- fit your business by giving us a call to- Curiosity. mission, instead of waiting for a re- day at 607.433.2200. placement or for Windows to be rein- All thanks to the redundancies that stalled, a spare computer with the basic Share this Article! NASA had put in place. software and settings preinstalled can Not All Industries Use the Same Solutions Professional services in- upwards of one-third of the time spent by a professional services business, is Cybersecurity clude some of the oldest doing mundane, repetitive tasks. If you have an analog strategy it may be time Tips professions in to consider deploying some technology Your Incident Response the world, that can help you streamline your and some of business. Plan – Part 1: Preparation When creating an incident response the newest. plan, the detection and response stages Regardless of Professional Services Technology are a critical component. It is important what kind of professional services busi- There are certain solutions that are cre- to know how to detect when an incident ness you run, it is hard to continue to ated specifically for professional ser- occurs and the appropriate response to meet your customer’s needs without vices companies. In professional ser- help mitigate the damage. incorporating some technological vices, there’s that extra responsibility to changes. Furthermore, there are new be the authority that you were hired to innovations that can help your business be. As a result, today’s professional ser- Learn how you can prepare for an thrive. Let’s examine some of this tech- vices firms are really looking to use incident before it happens: nology to see if it could benefit your cutting-edge technology. Like any other business. business, professional services firms need reliable hardware, software tools Professional Services Pen & Paper that promote productivity, and the se- Approach curity solutions needed to protect their Get our Cybersecurity Tips to Many professionals that have been network and data. Here are a few tech- your inbox weekly! working for decades were taught their nologies that can help. Each week we send an email craft by people that didn’t have the with FREE cybersecurity tips to help you technology that we have today, and Document Management to avoid a data breach. These tips can therefore, often dismiss it. There is When you think of an office worker… be used to educate yourself and your something to be said about understand- employees on security best practices. ing the fundamental reasons certain Read the Rest Online! tasks need to be done, but the truth is Sign up today! that a large chunk of work, some say
Page 4 We partner with many Marketing Ideas & Tips for Your SMB types of businesses in the area, and strive to Marketing for Those with Little Time eliminate IT issues before they cause ex- Marketing is marketing content to that perform every form of mar- pensive downtime, so an integral specific targeted audience. keting available. It is better you can continue to part of the Marketing a ton of differ- to do away with options drive your business business ent content to your audi- that don’t fit your company forward. Our dedicat- process. If ence is not effective, and a and focus on marketing ed staff loves seeing your busi- huge waste of time and channels that actually work our clients succeed. ness isn’t allocating any time money. To save time and for your company. Your success is our to marketing, then your busi- money you should avoid a success, and as you ness isn’t growing. However, general marketing plan and Quick Tip: Engage Your grow, we grow. if you allocate too much time specify your marketing so Audience! to marketing, you take time that your audience actually away from other aspects of engages with the content Whenever you receive feed- the business process. You can that you are putting out. back from your audience, escape this trap by utilizing make sure to respond and your time marketing effective- 3. Consistency is Good, but engage with your audience ly and efficiently. Efficiency is Better You personally. Checking how may think that you should your audience feels about Here are 4 ways you can be putting out content at your content will keep you optimize your marketing to all times, but that's not informed on the content that save time! really the case. Yes, con- your audience feels favorably sistency is important, but of, allowing you to weed out 1. Look for Opportunities to too much content is a the less appreciated content, Incorporate Automation waste. If you optimize the and thus saving you time in Chris Chase Automation is a great way times you send out content the future! Solutions Integrator to streamline your busi- to the times in which your ness' marketing efforts. audience is most active you Get Started There are many tools in the increase the chances that We hope that you try one of market that automate the your content is actually our tips and get started with marketing process. Some being seen and engaged saving your business time are offering to create cus- with. To effectively and when marketing. Make sure tom landing pages, while efficiently use your time, to subscribe to our blog so others provide an automat- the content output should you don’t miss out on any ed campaign building correspond with your audi- more great tips! system. ence’s active timeframe. Share this Article! 2. Market to Your Audience, 4. Know Your Limits! Our last and Only Your Audience method to effectively use When marketing to your your time marketing is to audience it is important know your company's lim- Charlotte Chase that you cater your its. It is not necessary to Solutions Integrator Directive 330 Pony Farm Road Suite #3 Oneonta, NY 13820 Toll-Free 888-546-4384 Voice: 607-433-2200 Visit us online at:
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