Page created by Joel Matthews

           3 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������   INTRODUCTION

           4 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������   METHODOLOGY

           5–6 ����������������������������������������������������������   ESTABLISHED TECHNOLOGIES

           7–8 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������   FUTURE TRENDS

           9–10 ��������������������������������������������������������    TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT

           11 ������������������������������������������������� OPPORTUNITIES             IN CYBER SECURITY

           12 ����������������������������������   MANCHESTER; THE HOME OF UK ECOMMERCE
UK eCommerce market one of the biggest worldwide with a projected annual growth rate of 3.5% until 2025

The eCommerce market has seen rapid growth in recent years with consumers           // eCommerce revenue by segment (in billion GBP)
developing an increasing appetite for the convenience, speed, flexibility, and
product variety that shopping online can offer them; a trend that was further
                                                                                                     Electronics & Media       Fashion          Food & Personal Care
accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
                                                                                                             Furniture & Appliances       Toys, Hobby & DIY

The UK is one of the leading markets in eCommerce. Penetration in 2021 has                                                                                90.4         92.5
reached 86%, and is projected to reach a market size of GBP 92 billion by 2025¹.                      80.1
                                                                                          75.3                                                            16.4         16.7
With both UK and overseas markets evolving at pace, companies are increasingly                                         15.4
adopting solutions, applications and interfaces that support all aspects of their         13.8                                                                         14.1
                                                                                                                                         13.4             13.8
business, integrating innovative technologies into their platform and operations                                       12.9
in order to offer their customers the most convenient and seamless shopping                                            14.5              15.0             15.4         15.9
experience.                                                                               12.3

                                                                                                                       28.6                               30.3         31.0
                                                                                                      27.1                               29.6

                                                                                          12.7        13.4             13.9              14.3             14.5         14.8

                                                                                          2020        2021             2022              2023             2024         2025


                                                                                                                                                                          3 // 12
Survey structure and sample composition

The objective of this paper is to examine how         // Company size by number of employees                // Technologies explored
eCommerce players across the UK are currently
utilising new technologies that are set to make
an impact in the industry, understand the                 150 to 249 employees    1,000 to 2,499 employees
                                                                                                                        Voice                     5G
timeline for their adoption and the method for its        250 to 499 employees    2,500 to 9,999 employees
implementation.                                           500 to 999 employees    10,000 employees or more

Both primary and secondary research were                                                                          Blockchain

part of the study including a survey completed
by 144 decision makers within UK eCommerce              11%                                         11%                                     Robotics
                                                                                                                        Chatbots &
companies. This was supplemented with existing                                                                          private messaging
industry research, opinion from technology solution                                                 16%
                                                        17%                                                                                      Mobile
providers and a case study from one of the leading                                                                                             payments
                                                                                                                                  AR & VR
eCommerce industry players about their digital
transformation path.
                                                                                                                                                   AI &
                                                       23%                                          22%                                            predictive
                                                                                                                            ID                     analytics

                                                                                                                                                            4 // 12
Mobile payments leading the way

With the highest current adoption rate among all surveyed technologies, mobile                               // Payment options as offered by eCommerce businesses
payments are already implemented by almost 80% of industry players.                                          Order represents customer preference

When it comes to ranking payment methods by customer preference, credit/debit
cards still prevail as the most favourable. However, payment methods that involve                                     Credit/Debit Card                                                     99.3 %
internet access such as bank transfer, e-wallet, and e-Invoice all have outranked
cash on delivery as preferred methods by consumers and their popularity will                                                  Direct debit                                               88.9 %
continue to increase.
                                                                                                                            Bank transfer                                                89.6 %
While cryptocurrency was not as highly ranked as other payment methods
reviewed, it is already offered by around 80% of eCommerce businesses surveyed,                                  E-Wallet/Digital wallet                                                  91.7 %
for example as part of the utilised shop platform or integrated within the
payment provider. Retailers such as Lush and eCommerce giant Rakuten accept
                                                                                                                                 E-Invoice                                             82.6 %
cryptocurrency as a form of payment on their website; additionally, Shopify, one of
the biggest eCommerce shop platforms, integrates cryptocurrency payments1. This
                                                                                                                         Cash on delivery                                               85.4 %
trend follows an increase in cryptocurrency ownership in the UK, with more than
20% of the population owning some form of cryptocurrency in October 20202. With
                                                                                                                          Cryptocurrency                                               81.3 %
most users being between 18 and 44 years old2, its popularity may likely rise in the

payment-in-crypto-20210312 | 2
Note: Data based on survey questions “Which of the following technologies is your company currently using within its eCommerce business?” and “Which payment options is your company              5 // 12
currently providing and how do they rank in order of preference by your customers?”; Survey period May 2021
Fine tuning will lead to adoption for some technologies

Chatbots are utilised by 63% of eCommerce companies. This AI technology is mainly                             // Established technologies
used for customer service and support, automating interactions with clients and
collecting data on the most frequent issues encountered by customers.
                                                                                                                    Today        Tomorrow

Interestingly, the growth potential of this technology may not lie with increased
                                                                                                                 Mobile payments
adoption, but through technological improvement, ensuring that it meets the
customer's growing expectations around service. A study by Microsoft highlighted
that whilst 26% of UK customers found using chatbots very efficient in resolving their                                                                                           53%
issues, 41% still found it an ineffective method and ended up using other channels¹.
Delivering a positive customer experience through chatbots is therefore essential for
                                                                                                                 Chatbots & private messaging
customer retention.

A similar trend can be seen for ID Verification – a set of technologies that assist                                                                                      45%
with the verification of the customer identity. This technology, which deters both
information theft as well as ensuring that the person behind the screen is the
                                                                                                                 ID verification
registered customer they claim to be is already utilised by 56% of eCommerce
companies. Like Chatbots, future development of this technology will likely see
enhanced technology and features over new adopters.                                                                                                                                      58%

Note: Chart based on survey questions “Which of the following technologies is your company currently using within its eCommerce business?” and “Independent of whether you are already
using them or not, which of the following technologies is your company planning on using in the foreseeable future?”; Survey period May 2021                                                      6 // 12
A bright future for 5G, AI and Predictive Analytics

When comparing current usage of technologies across eCommerce companies                                      data. Some of the benefits of incorporating AI and Predictive Analytics within
versus their future intentions, 5G presents the highest potential for growth, with                           eCommerce are the ability to show personalised recommendations to customers
more than half of surveyed companies expecting it to be part of their plans within                           based on previous searches and understanding consumers’ behaviours and
the next 6 months.                                                                                           shopping patterns to support targeted advertising campaigns.

Businesses are, for example, enabled to support more users on their webpage at                               // Growing technologies
any given time and incorporate VR/AR, 3D video calls and holograms as part of
their customer experience.                                                                                          Today            Tomorrow

Barclays estimates that 5G could increase aggregate UK business revenues by £3                                                          56%

billion by 2025¹.                                                                                                   43% 44%
                                                                                                                                     38%                           37%           36%        38%
AI and Predictive Analytics are additional technologies that will be incorporated                                                                             25%
                                                                                                                                                                            20%          20%          19%
by eCommerce companies in the immediate future, with almost 44% of companies
expecting to adopt this technology within the next 6 months.

AI enables computers to mimic the perception, learning, problem-solving and
decision-making capabilities of the human mind. Predictive analytics is a type                                     AI & predictive      5G       Blockchain   Voicesearch     Robotics    AR & VR   Drones
of AI software that can predict probable future outcomes based on historical

Note: Data based on survey questions “Which of the following technologies is your company currently using within its eCommerce business?” and “Independent of whether you are already
using them or not, which of the following technologies is your company planning on using in the foreseeable future?”; Survey period May 2021                                                         7 // 12
More companies to invest in tech

When considering the remaining technologies, all have growth potential with the                                  exception of Pure play and Brick-and-mortar/online companies which on average
majority already experiencing an adoption rate of 20% which will rise to more than                               selected five technologies each. The top chosen technologies across all those
30% in the next few years. The differentiator, however, is the timeline for adoption.                            surveyed were: AI and predictive analytics, 5G, Mobile payments and Blockchain.
Voice Search and Blockchain were indicated by the majority of companies as part
their plans for the next 6 months, while AR/VR and Robotics are expected to be
implemented within the next two years.
                                                                                                                                               … of surveyed
                                                                                                                                              companies plan
As an exception among all surveyed technologies, Drone technology saw the lowest                                                              on rolling out in       Small             Mid-sized      Large
rate of potential implementation with interviewed companies; its current usage sits                                                             the future          companies           companies    companies
at around 6% of eCommerce players. Although it is expected to increase in usage,
                                                                                                                                                                    From 36%            From 25%       From 15%
only 19 % of companies indicated that they will start using drones within the next                                  Voice search                    37%           today to 41%        today to 39%   today to 29%
few years.                                                                                                                                                          tomorrow            tomorrow       tomorrow

                                                                                                                                                                     From 8%            From 27%       From 22%
When asked about budget allocated for selected technologies, eCommerce players                                           Robotics                   36%           today to 33%        today to 30%   today to 49%
with 150 to 500 employees indicated a budget of £100k to £500K, while companies                                                                                     tomorrow            tomorrow       tomorrow
with more than 2,500 employees indicated having a higher budget of £500k to £1m.
                                                                                                                                                                    From 18%            From 38%       From 29%
                                                                                                                      Blockchain                    33%           today to 31%        today to 36%   today to 32%
With regards to budget, when asked to select how many of the ten discussed                                                                                          tomorrow            tomorrow       tomorrow
technologies would possibly be included, most selected a total of four; with the

Note: Chart based on survey questions “Which of the following technologies is your company currently using within its eCommerce business?”, “Independent of whether you are already
using them or not, which of the following technologies is your company planning on using in the foreseeable future?”, “How much is your company planning to invest in these technologies in
the next 2 years (including both internal and external expenses)?”; Survey period May 2021                                                                                                                  8 // 12
External or hybrid roll out?

// C
    urrent deployment                                                                                                                            Technology adoption within the eCommerce sector
                                                                                                                                                  does not only translate into increased revenue
                                                                                                                                                  opportunities for major players, it also feeds into the
       Internal         Hybrid          External        I don’t know
                                                                                                                                                  network of specialised providers that service such
                                                                                                                                                  companies. When looking at how these technologies
                         Blockchain                                                                            23% 44% 33% 0%                     are being implemented, there are many opportunities
                     ID verification                                                                           43% 25% 31% 0%                     for collaboration.

                           Robotics                                                                            31% 38% 31% 0%
                                                                                                                                                  Overall, most technologies covered within this paper
                  Mobile payments                                                                              36% 35% 29% 1%                     are being rolled out by eCommerce companies through
                                   5G                                                                          41% 31% 26% 2%                     either contracting service providers or in a combined
                                                                                                                                                  arrangement with their own in-house expertise, which
                       Voice search                                                                            47% 25% 25% 3%
                                                                                                                                                  is a positive sign for specialised suppliers.
                             Drones                                                                            33% 44% 22% 0%
                            AR & VR                                                                            34% 45% 21% 0%                     When considering technologies currently used, the
   Chatbots & private messaging                                                                                                                   biggest opportunities are within Blockchain, Robotics,
                                                                                                               48% 33% 19% 0%
                                                                                                                                                  ID verification and Mobile Payments; where one in
         AI & predictive analytics                                                                             31% 50% 18% 2%
                                                                                                                                                  three companies are utilising third-party service
                                                                                                                                                  providers for implementation.

Note: Chart based on survey question “Are these technologies implemented by in-house teams or do you work with specialised 3rd party service providers?”; Survey period May 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                   9 // 12
Opportunities for collaborations

Those surveyed indicated that future plans for the                       // Future development
integration of new technologies, Drones, 5G, AR/VR
and Mobile Payments were areas of high potential for
                                                                                Internal         Hybrid           External        I don’t know
cooperation with suppliers with 71% of respondents
stating that AR/VR and Drones would be solutions
that they would either implement in cooperation with                                                    Drones                                   26% 30% 41% 4%
external providers or fully utilise third-party services.                                             AR & VR                                    28% 41% 30% 2%
                                                                                                             5G                                  35% 36% 30% 0%
At least 60% of participants indicated that they
expect to utilise external providers to fully implement                                    Mobile payments                                       38% 33% 25% 4%
technologies such as Blockchain, 5G, Robotics and AI.                                              Blockchain                                    33% 40% 23% 4%
                                                                                                      Robotics                                   37% 42% 21% 0%
In contrast, Chatbots, ID verification or Voice search
                                                                                   AI & predictive analytics                                     37% 43% 21% 0%
are seen as technologies where at least 40% of
companies expect to be able to rely on their in-house                        Chatbots & private messaging                                        40% 37% 18% 5%
experts.                                                                                       ID verification                                   41% 40% 18% 1%
                                                                                                 Voice search                                    49% 34% 15% 2%

Note: Chart based on question “How is your company planning on investing in/rolling out these technologies?”; Survey period May 2021

                                                                                                                                                           10 // 12
One in three players rely on service providers to develop cyber security methods

A UK Government study highlighted that four in ten businesses reported having                                    // Current deployment
security breaches or attacks in 2020¹. Whilst this number has decreased from
previous years, cyber security has gained importance for companies due to changes
                                                                                                                         Internal          Hybrid          External         Not used/not planned          I don’t know
related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

                                                                                                                                                                35%                39%                   22% 2% 1%
During the survey eCommerce companies were asked how the development of
                                                                                                                      Network security (e.g., firewall)
certain cyber security measures takes place within their organisation in order to map
out in which areas cooperation with specialised providers are more common.                                                                                      27%            36%                 25%        6% 6%
                                                                                                                                    Endpoint protection
Anti-malware tools and Endpoint protection provide the largest opportunity for
service providers with almost 30% of eCommerce players indicating the usage of                                                                                  58%                           29%        10% 2% 1%
                                                                                                                                      Employee security
external providers to implement these methods. Network security also provides
                                                                                                                                    awareness measures
opportunities with around 40% of companies establishing a hybrid method by
contracting providers while also utilising in-house expertise.                                                                                                  38%                 33%             27%        1% 1%
                                                                                                                                     Anti-malware tools

                                                                                                                                                                51%                          31%         15% 1% 1%
                                                                                                                                  Identity and access
                                                                                                                       (e.g., password management)

1 Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2021 - GOV.UK (
Note: Chart based on question “Which of the following measures is your company putting in place to protect itself and its customers with regards to cybercrime and is this done inhouse or
through a 3rd party supplier?”; Survey period May 2021                                                                                                                                                         11 // 12

Manchester is at the forefront of the UK’s eCommerce industry.

Offering access to specialist talent, and a wealth of innovation and collaboration
opportunities across online retail and complimentary industries including FinTech,
cyber security, AI and data, software and service design, Manchester boasts the
greatest concentration of eCommerce start-ups in the UK.

Find out why we’re home to eCommerce Unicorns, Boohoo, The Hut Group,,
Autotrader, and On the Beach, as well as a portfolio of world leading e-Commerce
brands including Amazon, Moonpig, and MoneySuperMarket, and
how MIDAS can help you make the move to Manchester.

                                                                                     12 // 12
MIDAS is a trading name of Manchester Investment
and Development Agency Service Limited.

Registered in England.
Company Registration No. 03323710.

Registered Office: c/o Manchester Professional
Services, Po Box 532 Room 307, Manchester Town
Hall, Albert Square, Manchester, M60 2LA

Telephone: +44 (0) 161 237 4470

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