Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates

Page created by Vernon Adams
Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates
july-august 2021 //

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Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates


In-Store Design Reinventions Transform Retailers’ Fortunes

        mid fears of a brick-and-mortar                                                          A large space with extensive inventory may
        decline and the push for customer              W R I T T E N BY   | RIKKI LANDINI        not be needed to fill this role and, in fact,
        attention and increased sales, many                                                      a smaller footprint with a sharp, psycho-
retailers are directing their design efforts    materials, environmental graphics, and the       graphically focused design is often hugely
into shaping the look and feel of online        introduction of radical yet logical store lay-   effective.
platforms to mitigate those concerns. But       outs and concepts, design teams can help             The men’s lifestyle company GentSac, for
the smartest brands recognize that it’s         large chains and boutiques reinvent how          example, offers a compelling case study. As
a mistake to neglect the physical shop-         customers experience brick-and-mortar            a customizable subscription service selling
ping environment. After all, more than          retail for encounters that outshine what         pared-down kits of grooming essentials,
85 percent of total U.S. retail sales dollars   they’d experience elsewhere, in-store as         the brand’s value proposition lies in its
were spent in person, even throughout the       well as on the Internet.                         mixture of high quality and thoughtful
pandemic. (Read more about this statistic                                                        curation, streamlining consumers’ naviga-
from the U.S. Department of Commerce at         A Smart IRL Presence that                        tion through a crowded market. GentSac’s In fact, the most agile and    Boosts URL Profits                               founders felt that a brick-and-mortar pres-
successful retailers are investing in fresh     Many direct-to-consumer e-commerce               ence would help potential customers better
in-person experiences that can attract          brands have found that a physical pres-          engage with the product, a vision they
new customers, enhance loyalty and return       ence helps drive online sales by enhancing       hoped to translate into a permanent store-
rates, and boost in-store sales while multi-    customer engagement. Temporary pop-up            front following the success of a pop-up.
plying their online profits, too.               trials are a common first step, and their            To realize this potential, Landini As-
    Through bold transformations of             success can lead to a permanent storefront.      sociates was engaged to transform a tight

18   RETROFIT // July-August 2021
Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates
By challenging the normal approach to
layout and materiality for a value-based
fashion storefront, Landini Associates’

                                                                                                                      PHOTOS: SHARRIN REES
retail reinvention for Glassons—now being
rolled out across the company’s entire
portfolio of stores—dramatically improved
brand perception among customers and
mall landlords.

                                                                     GentSac wanted customers to engage directly
                                            PHOTOS: ROSS HONEYSETT

                                                                     with the brand and seek advice in-store, try
                                                                     products before they subscribe to the brand’s
                                                                     service and buy immediate essentials. Landini
                                                                     Associates worked with GentSac leadership
                                                                     to develop a deep understanding of the brand
                                                                     mission and ethos before designing its store.

                                                                     // RETROFIT   19
Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates
shopping center space into a 161-square-        brand and, more to the point, its founders
                                             foot flagship for GentSac, with the goal        have seen a nearly 60 percent online sales
                                             of allowing customers to engage directly        increase since opening.
                                             with the brand and seek advice in-store,
                                             try products before they subscribe to the       Designers Reinvent Normal to
                                             brand’s service or simply buy immediate         Shift Consumer Perceptions
                                             essentials. It was critical for the design      In the same way that a creative and brand-
                                             team to work with GentSac leadership and        responsive design can help connect the
                                             develop a deep understanding of the brand       dots between in-person experiences and
                                             mission and ethos. The resulting design is      online sales, this design approach can also
                                             thoughtfully minimalist and calming with        help retailers reinvent themselves and radi-
                                             a material palette of light gray concrete       cally shift public perception in a positive
                                             walls offset by simple timber shelves that      way. Consider Landini Associates’ recent re-
                                             allow the product to remain the focus.          design for Glassons, a New Zealand-based
                                                 Wall-mounted wooden hooks display           fashion retailer facing global competition
                                             the range of curated product “sacs,” and a      from stores, such as H&M and Zara. The
                  PHOTOS: COURTESY PRIMERA   corner testing station offers an opportu-       project brief from Glassons leadership to
                                             nity to try products. The storefront features   Landini Associates was to better present
In South Korea, eco-skincare brand           black steel and glass sliding doors that        the in-store product, making collections
Primera’s story is told and made physical    allow the entire store to open, creating        more intelligible and heightening custom-
through the use of natural materials,        an inviting atmosphere that reflects the        ers’ perceived quality of the great-value
drawings, photography and in-store herb      brand personality and attracts customers        merchandise.
gardens that juxtapose props of test         inside. More a gallery space than a skincare        As with GentSac, Landini Associates’
tubes and scientific apparatus expressing    store, the GentSac space has generated          design solution involved a deliberate, un-
Primera’s extensive scientific research.     significant foot and online traffic for the     conventional approach to materiality and

20   RETROFIT // July-August 2021
Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates
layout. In this instance, the design team
understood that reinventing the brand
meant reinventing expectations of what
a clothes-shopping experience should
look and feel like. Taking inspiration from
the layout of supermarket aisles, the bold
design removes all products from the walls
and places them in wardrobe-like display
units that coherently frame individual col-
lections and allow them to be easily styled
together—a marked contrast to the usual
practice of cramming in as much product
as possible into a physically and visually
crowded interior environment.
     The Glassons material palette includes
light oak, concrete and mirrors, resulting in
a fresh interior space that feels expansive                                                                          PHOTO: ROSS HONEYSETT
and urban, along with other important
benefits. In fact, Landini Associates found      Landini Associates reinvented its retail        Inside Burt’s Bees’ Asia stores,
that presenting merchandise in this              format for an approachable yet premium          a large image of founder Burt
seemingly pared-down way created space           position emphasizing sustainability and a       Shavitz in nature with his bees sets
for 50 percent more product on the sales         philosophy that everything should be for        the brand’s story, along with an
floor. Another smart design solution that        the greater good. From a design perspec-        ever-popular collection of products
contributes to the clean aesthetic and en-       tive, this meant storefront spaces that         from the 1980s original range.
hances the sense of spaciousness is setting      express brand principles: a simple, frugal
mirror-concealed stock rooms around the          world that is at one with nature. Inside the
perimeter of the store. From a shopper’s         store, a large image of founder Burt Shavitz    thematic combination of nature and sci-
perspective, the result is an experience that    in nature with his bees sets the brand’s        ence—was translated into the redesigned
is at the same time more chic and more           story, along with an ever-popular collection    space with a newly refined experience that
intimate.                                        of products from the 1980s original range.      appeals to an increasingly sophisticated
     By challenging the normal approach              Natural materials capture the brand’s       audience. The design approach enables a
to layout and materiality for a value-based      essence and golden lighting recreates the       narrative celebrating the science behind
fashion storefront, Landini Associates’ retail   magic of being inside a beehive, inviting       the natural efficacy of Primera’s products.
reinvention for Glassons—now being rolled        warmth and encouraging customers to             The brand’s story is told and made physi-
out across the company’s entire portfolio        dwell longer in-store, discovering Burt’s       cal through the use of natural materials,
of stores—dramatically improved brand            Bees full offerings. Adding to the in-store     drawings, photography and in-store herb
perception and not just among customers.         experience is the dramatic honey wall,          gardens that juxtapose props of test tubes
Leadership reports that mall landlords who       which is made of replicated honey jars, for     and scientific apparatus expressing Prim-
once turned Glassons away are now seek-          an inviting and friendly atmosphere that        era’s extensive scientific research. This kind
ing out the brand, offering prime high-traf-     aligns with the brand personality, defined      of comprehensive and narrative-driven
fic locations within their shopping centers.     as passionate and cheerful. In tandem with      design approach helps retailers generate a
                                                 the interiors, Landini Associates redesigned    coherent language for customers, enabling
Telling Brand Stories                            the brand’s graphics and communica-             them to feel the brand identity through the
Through Design                                   tions: Signage, ticketing and information       physical environment.
Storytelling is another powerful method          graphics are often embossed with a playful,         Ultimately, finding the best solution
for defining and selling a brand, and design     iconic bee, all of which create a consistent    for a retail client depends on the client’s
teams can help retailers reimagine their         brand message that reinforces the position      attentiveness to customer needs and an
in-store experience to tell their story and      of Burt’s Bees as a standout choice in a        understanding of how current in-store
distinguish themselves from the competi-         crowded market.                                 models are enhancing or detracting from
tion. Doing so requires a holistic approach          Similarly, for the South Korean eco-        the consumer experience. For creative and
in which every element of the physical           skincare brand Primera, Landini Associ-         forward-thinking retailers who understand
space—from signage to layout and store           ates reinvented the retail flagship store       the power of design to impact business, a
architecture—becomes a narrative tool.           in Myeong-dong, Seoul, with a modern            transformed in-person shopping environ-
    When the popular skincare brand Burt’s       storytelling of the brand’s highly successful   ment can drive loyalty and sales, both on-
Bees planned for an expansion in Asia,           “Botanist Atelier” concept. This concept—a      the-ground and online.

                                                                                               // RETROFIT     21
Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates Tech Savvy: TREND ALERT: Landini Associates
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