Page created by Connie Peterson



      06   CHAPTER 1

      12   CHAPTER 2
           ENGAGING NEW

      18   CHAPTER 3
           A MORE DIVERSE &


      28   CONCLUSION


      32   D&I DIRECTORY

In 2016, Tech London Advocates released      Once again, we want to mobilise the
                                                                                               the Diversity in Tech Manifesto – a set of   private sector to demand change. We
                                                                                               recommendations from tech leaders to         want to recognise best practice within
                                                                                               ensure UK tech implemented effective         the industry, but we also want to inspire
                                                                                               diversity and inclusion strategies.          action from more employers and
                                                                                                                                            business leaders.
                                                                                               Over the last six years, I have seen
                                                                                               first-hand the incredible work of            We have divided this report into three
                                                                                               grassroots campaigners, activists and        chapters – exploring the success or
                                                                                               industry leaders to make a more diverse      failure of the last six years, understanding
                                                                                               and inclusive tech sector a reality.         how tech can engage new communities
                                                                                                                                            and practical solutions to create a more
                                                                                               Within the Tech London Advocates             diverse and inclusive future. We have
                                                                                               network itself, we have extraordinary        also included the findings of a survey
                                                                                               Working Groups bringing together             of Advocates and a D&I Directory of

    THE STATE OF D&I                                                                           communities across the UK. TLA Women
                                                                                               in Tech, TLA Black Women in Tech, TLA
                                                                                               LGBTQ+, TLA Young Entrepreneurs,
                                                                                                                                            organisations offering support to
                                                                                                                                            under-represented groups.

                                                                                               TLA Education, TLA Immigration, TLA          In the pages of this report you will hear

    IN TECH 2022                                                                               Tech for disAbility and TLA Asians in
                                                                                               Tech are all at the forefront of changing
                                                                                               perceptions around D&I in UK tech.
                                                                                                                                            from our TLA Working Group leaders,
                                                                                                                                            as well as other voices from the tech
                                                                                                                                            sector leading world-class D&I-related
                                                                                                                                            initiatives and programmes.
                                                                                               Of course, these initiatives and
                                                                                               programmes take time to scale and            You will also find details of the new
                                                                                               maximise their impact. But they are still    TLA Mentoring Programme – a practical
    ​​ USS SHAW CBE,
    R                                                                                          not shifting the needle quickly enough,      solution to offer young people and
                                                                                               and more needs to be done to ensure          people looking to enter the tech
                                                                                               that under-represented groups are            sector for the first time connections
                                                                                               working in, investing in, and running        with tech leaders who can share
    Despite the economic challenges of the         As a result, whilst every metric shows      tech companies in the UK.                    advice and guidance.
    global health pandemic, the UK’s tech          that the British tech sector has matured,   That is why our Tech for Diversity           I would like to thank all the Advocates
    sector has continued to deliver record         grown and scaled, there is one variable     2022 campaign is asking what progress        who have contributed to this report and
    levels of growth. London has retained its      that remains stubbornly unchanged –         we have really made to make London           shared their experience and guidance in
    position as the global capital of fintech,     the lack of diversity and inclusion in      and the UK world-renowned for being          shaping our campaign.
    investment into British tech companies         British tech companies.                     a tech city and nation that truly
    reached £26bn in 2021 and the UK now                                                       embraces diversity.
    has 116 tech unicorns.                         With Brexit limiting access to European
                                                   talent, vacancies remaining unfilled due
    The UK now stands shoulder to shoulder         to a lack of workers with digital skills
    with the US and China as the world’s           and outdated recruitment strategies
    third tech ecosystem.                          failing to engage with under-represented
                                                   communities, good intentions to
    However, whilst economic turbulence            create more diverse and inclusive tech
    hasn’t impacted the short-term growth          companies are not converting into real
    of British tech companies, it does             change and action.
    threaten our long-term future.
                                                   Tech for D&Iversity 2022 is a campaign
    This is because economic turbulence            from Tech London Advocates that says
    impacts people, and makes companies            enough is enough.
    less inclined to invest in talent, diversity
    and inclusion.

4                                                                                                                                  TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   5

    OR FAILU RE                                                                                    Beyond the gender imbalance, there is
                                                                                                   a crisis amongst access to funding and
                                                                                                   investment. The latest Atomico report
                                                                                                                                                   isolationism, and that the UK is no
                                                                                                                                                   longer as welcoming and as accepting
                                                                                                                                                   to non-domestic talent as it once was.
                                                                                                   in late 2021 found that a mere 1% of
                                                                                                                                                   The irony is that our world class
                                                                                                   overall VC funding in Europe went to
                                                                                                                                                   tech industry here in the UK is not
                                                                                                   founding teams solely made up of ethnic
                                                                                                                                                   homegrown - our thriving hubs and
    Has UK tech become more or less diverse and inclusive                                          minorities.
                                                                                                                                                   regions of technological excellence
    over the last five years? Has a combination of Brexit and                                      In the wake of George Floyd’s murder            are powered by internationalism.
                                                                                                   in 2020, numerous tech companies
    the pandemic made D&I issues less of a business priority?                                      made pledges to address their own
                                                                                                                                                   Post-Brexit, the government’s
                                                                                                                                                   introduction of the Global Talent Visa
                                                                                                   commitments to diversity and inclusion.
                                                                                                                                                   has been a welcome step to attract
    What does it mean to feel truly included?       In many respects, this means that              This attitudinal shift towards racial justice
                                                                                                                                                   foreign tech talent and send a message
    The answer depends on who you ask. In           employers are engaging with issues             has inspired conversation about diversity
                                                                                                                                                   that talented entrepreneurs from around
    the UK tech industry - which is thriving and    of D&I more than ever in the race to           from startups to large corporations - but
                                                                                                                                                   the world are welcome in the UK.
    has high quality, well-paid employment to       attract diverse talent to their firms. Tech    the conversation is not enough. There’s
    offer for people of all backgrounds - a lack    companies are trying to tap into the talent    been plenty written about the lack of           However, the Home Office needs to
    of diversity has remained a constant issue.     in minority groups who have historically       diversity in tech and frustratingly little      remove the barriers that block access
    Our sector is pioneering global innovation      overlooked a career in the industry. But the   has been done about it.                         to skilled workers overseas. The UK now
    but is failing to inspire significant change    socio-economic barriers to opportunity                                                         has nearly three million digital and tech
                                                                                                   It’s going to take a concerted effort
    to alter the diversity gap that is holding us   and the stigma around the type of person                                                       workers in a sector that is growing every
                                                                                                   from both the public and private sector
    and the wider economy back.                     who works in the tech industry persists.                                                       day and is hungry for skilled workers.
                                                                                                   to actively push for equal opportunity.
    As an industry, we’re not being honest with     The business case for diversity was been       This must become more than just an              If the UK is to retain its place as the
    ourselves if we say that we have made real      made six years ago - and has been made         afterthought, or an overlooked item             world’s third tech ecosystem, diversity
    progress in the last five years. Despite the    time and again since. Yet we appear to         on board agendas.                               must become a business priority.
    exponential growth of the digital economy,      be stagnating on progress - tech is still                                                      Diversity must be seen as an operational
                                                                                                   There is strong sentiment amongst our
    the figures on diversity are inexcusably        predominantly a white man’s world.                                                             imperative, and no longer an optional
                                                                                                   community that Brexit and the pandemic
    poor. Opportunities still seem to fall into     You only need to look at the demography                                                        nice-to-have if we are to see more
                                                                                                   have made issues of diversity and
    the hands of the same people - especially       of the industry figureheads in popular                                                         progress in the next six years than
                                                                                                   inclusion less of a priority – nearly 52%
    those at the top.                               culture to get a sense of this: Elon Musk,                                                     we have since 2016. 2016.
                                                                                                   of respondents to our survey said they
                                                    Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson.                   felt as such. There is a lurking feeling
    Since our Diversity in Tech event in 2016,
    there’s been something of a paradigm shift      There is not just a lack of gender diversity   that Brexit was a vote towards
    across the world in the way we work and         amongst the tech magnates. Looking at
    what we value. The pandemic has drawn           this from a grassroots level in the UK, the
    our priorities into sharp focus - people are    latest Tech Nation report found that just
    demanding more out of their workplaces.         19% of tech workers are women.

6                                                                                                                                        TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   7
NADIN E DORRIES                                                                   JAN E T COYLE

    THE RT HON NADINE DORRIES MP,                                                     MANAGING DIREC TOR , BUSINESS
    SECRETARY OF STATE FOR DIGITAL , CU LTU RE ,                                      G ROW TH , LONDON & PARTNE RS

    My mission as Digital Secretary is         Up White Paper set out our mission     Last month’s lifting of coronavirus      diverse ones on profitability. That
    to open up the tech sector to new          to create opportunity across the       restrictions led to a sense that we      is why it is so important that we
    faces - to those that are currently        entirety of the UK. In addition, we    were drawing a line under one of         do more to embed an inclusive
    excluded and under-represented.            must address the skills gap, so that   the most challenging periods in          approach - from recruiting diverse
    Improving diversity in tech is a           everyone has equal opportunity         our recent history.                      teams, championing role models,
    long-standing challenge - but it’s         to access the required skills, such                                             greater diversity in the VC sector
    an incredibly important one if we          as through our Local Digital Skills    In addition to the tragic human          to supporting underrepresented
    are to ensure that everyone can            Partnerships. Finally, we’re working   cost, the changes to our way of          entrepreneurs to access finance
    reap the benefits of the booming           to attract the best and brightest      living were unprecedented. Whilst        to scale their businesses.
    tech economy.                              from outside of the UK through         industries like hospitality suffered,
                                               things like our Scale Up Visa - and    other parts of the economy, like the    At London & Partners we put
    While I believe that good progress         we want to make this group as          tech sector, boomed. New digital        inclusivity at the heart of our
    has been made, for example                 diverse as possible.                   habits formed and unsurprisingly        support for businesses. We have
    through Tech London Advocates                                                     there was a correlation in              actively engaged new communities
    and Global Tech Advocates Working          This should be an effort spanning      investment with data showing that       to ensure that our programmes have
    Groups - it’s clear that we need           the public and private sectors.        2021 was a record-breaking year for     a greater number of entrepreneurs
    to keep pushing. There’s still a           That’s why I am so pleased that        VC investment. However, we have         from diverse backgrounds. We also
    huge disparity in gender, ethnicity,       Global Tech Advocates and Tech         a long way to go until the industry     run dedicated Trade Missions for
    socio-economic backgrounds, and            London Advocates are convening         reflects the diversity of our city.     LGBTQ+ communities, Black and
    other characteristics. Women, for          stakeholders to ensure that                                                    minority Founders and Female
    example, still make up only 19% of         everyone can have a share in the       We know more inclusive businesses       founders. The ideal outcome of
    the tech workforce compared to             golden age for tech in the UK.         generate greater economic growth        course is that these initiatives will no
    49% of the wider economy.                                                         and benefit to society, that they       longer be needed, that inclusion will
                                                                                      foster creativity by encouraging        be part and parcel of the tech sector
    Improving accessibility to jobs such                                              new perspectives and challenging        mindset. We are not there yet but
    as in the tech sector, is a key priority                                          group-think. A McKinsey study           it is our collective responsibility as
    of the Government. Our Levelling                                                  revealed that diverse companies         tech leaders to ensure we get there.
                                                                                      are more likely to outperform less

8                                                                                                                      TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   9
J OTS SEH M B I                                                                 PAT SAINI

     TL A ASIANS IN TECH                                                             HE AD OF IMMIG R ATION AT PE NNINGTONS MANCHES
                                                                                     COOPE R LLP AND CHAIR OF TL A’ S IMMIG R ATION &
                                                                                     TALE NT WORKING G ROU P
     London is a global city with a           models matter to support and
     melting pot of cultures and a            mentor the next generation.            London is one of the most diverse       This is despite the UK immigration
     thriving tech scene. When I started      This has sparked the creation of       cities in the world and the tech        system being ‘one system for all’
     my career in tech, there was little      TLA Asians in Tech Working Group,      sector strives to be inclusive. As      and making provision not only for
     diversity in roles at all levels. In     with a mission to champion diversity   the head of immigration at law firm     maternity/paternity/adoption leave
     the last five years, I have seen this    in tech by connecting leaders of       Penningtons Manches Cooper my           but also allowing dependants of
     shift with companies focusing            today with upcoming leaders of         team are primarily engaged by           the main applicant to obtain a visa
     on ensuring they are recruiting a        tomorrow. Ultimately a diverse         companies who wish to hire non-UK       with work rights.
     diverse workforce and increasing         workforce brings diversity of          nationals into roles based in the UK.
     representation. However, there’s still   experience and thought, and                                                    For once it is not the UK
     further work to do with increasing       research shows that diverse            A deeper look at the figures            immigration system which is
     diversity particularly in top tech       organisations outperform less          however shows that more men             preventing the sector from being
     roles such as CIOs/CTOs. Presently,      diverse organisations by 29%.          are sponsored (with women as            more diverse and inclusive, rather it
     only 9% of IT Directors are BAME in      London is the most multicultural       the trailing spouse) and with the       is a tool which the sector could use
     the UK (British Computer Society).       city in the world, and our             majority of the sponsored roles         to achieve this – it is for the sector
                                              workforces and board rooms             being at non-director level. We also    itself to demonstrate that it is ‘fit for
     During the course of my career, as I     need to reflect that.                  see a limited number of nationalities   purpose’ and be open for all.
     reached increasingly senior ranks, I                                            sponsored into Tech sector roles.
     was always “the first” BAME director
     or leader at that level, therefore
     being an advocate for diversity
     in tech, is paramount for all tech
     leaders. Representation and role

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                                                                                             We know what needs to be done, and            Mentoring programmes and
     Is tech doing enough to reach new communities                                           we don’t need to reinvent the wheel to        apprenticeships are fundamental.
                                                                                             achieve it. Many of the schemes are in        Apprenticeships have a dual purpose -
     and create workforces that truly reflect the diversity                                  place already, but they need support,         they will benefit both tech companies
     of society? Who is still excluded from tech and what                                    financial investment and publicity to         recruiting talent and for tapping into
                                                                                             the communities that they seek to serve.      communities that often feel left out in
     can be done about it?                                                                                                                 the cold. The case for training on the
                                                                                              Over the past five years, there has          job is robust. It gives employers the
                                                                                              been significant efforts made by             opportunity to cultivate a team around
     The pandemic has presented an              lack of diversity of gender, ethnicity        both the public and private sector to        their values, and it gives apprentices
     opportunity to rethink how we educate      and sexual orientation.                       engage younger generations into tech         the opportunity to gain real-world
     our society. We’ve comfortably settled                                                   via schemes and talent pipelines that        experience whilst earning.
     the debate about the real need to fully    If you’re part of a minority represented      have diversity built into their structure
     integrate STEM and digital skills into     group considering a career in the tech       - like 10,000 Black Interns and Google’s      There are intrinsic links between Britain’s
     our national curriculum - but how do       industry, the lack of diversity and           Career Certificates. This gives us promise   top Universities and the tech industry.
     we engage the communities that feel        representation of those you can relate        for the future that engaging with new        Many of our most successful tech
     ostracised from the sector to build        to would be a significant deterrent. After    communities will be possible.                businesses are spun out of Britain’s top
     their skills into a career they want       all - over 70% of our survey respondents                                                   universities - and as there is a diversity
     to carry forward?                          said that a very small minority of their     The importance of role models is              issue at the core of many Russell
                                                senior leadership team is BIPOC (Black,      vastly underrated. In order to engage         Group universities, with less than 4%
     There’s a vicious cycle at play when       Indigenous, and People of Colour).           communities that are cut off from the         of students are Black compared with
     it comes to answering this question.                                                    opportunities that lie within this thriving   the UK average of 8%. It will be nigh on
     We’re never going to be able to recruit    Leaders have a responsibility to             sector, we have to completely dismantle
                                                start commanding an inclusive                                                              impossible for businesses to improve the
     talent from diverse backgrounds if we                                                   the stigma around it. Young black             diversity of their employee base if they
     can’t create significant cultural change   culture. Job descriptions should be          females for example, can’t relate to the
                                                carefully articulated - it is easy to                                                      predominantly recruit graduates from
     within the industry. There’s a definite                                                 white male figureheads that are the           top tier higher education institutions.
     uncomfortability in the industry when      include unintended prejudice and             face of the industry.
     it comes to talking about the pertinent    bias in phrasing.

21                                                                                                                                                                                       13
G R ACE OWOL ADE-                                                                  SU KI
     COOM B ES                                                                          FU LLER

     CO - FOU NDE R , TL A YOU NG                                                      CO - LE AD, TL A WOME N IN TECH ,
     E NTRE PRE NEU RS                                                                 TL A & GTA ADVISORY BOARD

     The numbers speak for themselves         Role models and mentors are              In general, tech is engaging with        as opposed to the old habits
     – just 5% of leadership positions in     key to driving engagement and            new communities but not 100%             being transferred to these new
      UK tech are held by women, and          making the tech sector accessible        in the correct manner.                   tech communities.
      only 4% of the tech workforce is        to those from underrepresented
                                                                                       For tech to engage in new                Learning from the siloed and biased
      black, Asian or minority ethnic         backgrounds. Our TLA Young
                                                                                       communities, a different mindset,        past environment and moving
     (BAME). We have a collective             Entrepreneurs group has been
                                                                                       open to accepting diverse ideas,         beyond nullifies the “build back
      responsibility to tackle these issues   focused on ensuring that we lead
                                                                                       insights and processes must be           better” mantra adopted by many.
      and inequalities by promoting           by example, and that those involved
      initiatives that enable people of       are a direct representation of the                                                I prefer “build better”, especially
      all characteristics and talent to       communities and talent we are             Now, I am being ambiguous               when the past systems were not
      achieve their full potential.           hoping to reach.                          regarding a definition of those         built and did not work for all.
                                                                                       “new communities” as this is a
     We need to start breaking down           Companies and employers need                                                     The metaverse, DAO, Web3,
                                                                                        commentary based on
     the barriers that are holding back       to be present in the communities                                                 sustainability, upgraded regulatory
                                                                                        complete inclusivity.
     people from diverse backgrounds          where you can uncover talent,                                                    compliance, government policies
     to enter the sector, and cast the        engage with young people and help        The best new approaches of              and basic fundamental safety
     net of opportunity much more             them see the potential of a career in    research and development should         that includes the voices of new
     widely. One of the key barriers can      tech. We know that the days of pure      participate in the societal areas       communities are a few examples
     often be personal aspirations and        financial incentives are over, and the   encouraging engagement by               of where tech can improve
     expectations, or lack thereof. Too       new generation is after businesses       integrating all unique perspectives.    engagement, it needs to do so
     many young people simply do              focused on ethics, sustainability                                                more transparently, diligently,
     not see themselves succeeding in         and the value of a work-life balance.    This tactic grounded at ideation        and purposefully.
     the tech sector, and have no role        If the UK tech sector is to have a       stage of anything being built or
     models to follow. They also lack the     future, we need to unlock these new      considered, will further technology
     foundational elements that many          ways to reach underrepresented           for the future and betterment of all
     of us entering the sector benefit        communities.
     from – social capital and networks,
     financial capital, language skills
     and key technical skills.
14                                                                                                                   TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   15
FL AVILL A                                                                      GAVIN
     FONGANG                                                                         POOLE

     GTA B L ACK WOME N IN TECH                                                      CEO, HE RE E AST,
                                                                                     TL A ADVISORY BOARD

     It’s clear that the tech industry        therefore an inability to understand   Ten years ago, the vision for Here       high growth tech verticals such
     is struggling with the lack of           how to engage with communities.        East was born and over the last          as esports, gaming and creative
     diversity despite the number of                                                 decade it has grown and developed        tech are booming, and appeal to
     initiatives and organisations, such      More must be done if we don’t          in ways I could never imagine - most     a new demographic. I’m seeing
     as GTA Black Women In Tech,              want to continuously increase the      notably within our wider community.      young, professional gamers who
     created to improve diversity in the      disparity. Having intention is great                                            would never consider themselves
     technology sector. The statistics        but having goals and plan are even     When we set out our original bid,        as being a part of the tech industry,
     are undeniable, tech is not diverse      better. Some of the most effective     we made one thing very clear -           forging their own career path in the
     or inclusive enough. Less than 15%       strategies are to work closely with    how important it was that Here           esports world. At the Staffordshire
     of the tech workforce is from black      different communities, such as GTA     East worked hard to engage the           University campus onsite, they
     backgrounds and women still only         Black Women In Tech, who have the      wider community by creating jobs         have cultivated one of the first ever
     count for 17%.                           engagement with different specific     and opportunities. Here East was         esports degrees, geared towards
                                              community. Moreover, developing        built with inclusion at its heart - to   providing opportunities for those
     With regard to tech and                  a framework which process and          provide a space for the creatives        from disadvantaged backgrounds
     engagement with communities,             guidance gathered from the most        of the East London to innovate           to have a career in esports.
     the room is broad and some               successful diversity and inclusion     and collaborate at the epicenter of
     players are more active than others.     initiatives is another way forward.    London’s thriving digital economy.       The foundations we have created
     Many individuals have realised                                                                                           are phenomenal, but our ambition
     the necessity to start their own         Can more be done to create             Technology has certainly played          is greater than the groundwork
     initiatives instead of waiting for the   a diverse and inclusive industry?      a pivotal role in engaging new           we have laid. We want to
     government or companies to do            Yes or no?                             communities - it has made many           continue to evolve, grow and
     the right thing. There is a lack of                                             things more accessible and has           develop our innovation cluster into
     understanding, a disconnect and                                                 introduced a range of people to new      a place that everyone can feel is
                                                                                     opportunities that they otherwise        their ‘second home’.
                                                                                     may not be aware of. The emerging

16                                                                                                                  TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   17

     INCLUSIVE FUTU RE                                                                             to be from black backgrounds, for
                                                                                                   example, so too will our industry
                                                                                                                                                   those lacking confidence in English.
                                                                                                                                                   Administrative costs for visa applications
                                                                                                   continue to miss out on swathes of              are very high and the process can be
                                                                                                   potential talent to drive it forwards           lengthy - we must continue to look for
                                                                                                   and continue innovating.                        ways to make the system more efficient.
     What more can be done to create a diverse and                                                 Among the black community, the                   Elsewhere, funding barriers remain
                                                                                                   demand to be involved in the tech                an issue when starting a business. The
     inclusive tech industry? What examples of best                                                industry is there - Global Tech Advocate’s       Rose Review found that only 10% of
     practice can tech companies adopt? Do we need more                                            second largest working group is GTA              female-founded businesses were able
                                                                                                   Black Women in Tech, with more than              to scale to £1m turnover or more, less
     extreme action from regulators and policymakers?                                              500 members. Their mission is to                 than half compared to their male
                                                                                                   build bridges of opportunity in tech by          counterparts (21%).
      We know the challenge our industry faces      However, further steps are required -          enabling black female talent to excel and
                                                                                                                                                    Government support schemes like the
     - our task now is to take action to ensure     our industry is growing each day with          companies to access to black women
                                                                                                                                                    £500m Future Fund risk being restricted
      that in six year’s time, we are celebrating   demand for talent outpacing supply. In         of talent - but it cannot be the sole
                                                                                                                                                    to the same small group of beneficiaries,
      how far we have come - not lamenting the      2021, there were regularly 100,000 job         responsibility of our friends of colour to
                                                                                                                                                    as diverse founders tend to more often
      work yet to be done.                          vacancies each month in UK-based tech          fight these battles and solve these issues.
                                                                                                                                                    than not seek funding through alternative
                                                    roles, the vast majority of which are well
     To move the needle further, diversity                                                         As well as the opportunities on our              means, like angel investors and family
                                                    paid - the average advertised digital tech
     and inclusion must remain a top priority                                                      doorstep, we can do more abroad                  offices. We need to invest in outreach
                                                    salary is £50,663, which is 44% higher
     for those in positions of power -                                                             too. Applications for the Global Talent          programmes to alert diverse founders
                                                    than non-digital.
     government leaders, CEOs, and boards.                                                         Visa rocketed last year, demonstrating           to the R&D funding opportunities which
     If those at the top do not believe and         To fill these gaps, we must do more            the strong appetite from talented                are available.
     act on the basis that these issues are         to tap into talent in communities              overseas workers to contribute to our
     fundamental to our collective success,         underrepresented in our sector.                sector. While the application process            Our sector is booming and can truly
     then sharing examples of best practice         This requires a dual approach, opening         for the visa has been made simpler -             define itself as thriving as we emerge
     alone will have little impact.                 opportunities up both to those from            with candidates now able to apply                from the pandemic - our next task is to
                                                    abroad and in inner city, areas like           themselves without needing a sponsor             ensure that opportunities in the industry
     Firstly, we must keep up the campaign for                                                     and to flexibly change roles after               are open to all so that we are truly
                                                    Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham
     the removal of barriers to accessing skills                                                   entering the UK without needing to               representative of the communities
                                                    where London’s tech industry has
     across the tech industry. The introduction                                                    inform the Home Office - fulfilling the          we live and work in.
                                                     grown and flourished.
     of the Global Talent Visa in early 2020 to                                                    criteria can still seem daunting for
     attract skilled individuals from abroad was    These boroughs are made up of significant
     a welcome signal of intent to the rest of      numbers of people from black and
     the world that talented entrepreneurs are      minority ethnic heritage. Yet as long as
     welcome in the UK.                             only 2% of IT specialists in the UK continue

81                                                                                                                                         TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   19
SH ERIDAN                                                                     GARRY
     ASH                                                                           B ERNSTEIN

     CO - CEO, TECH SHE CAN                                                        CHIE F EXECUTIVE , TECHNOLOGY LE ADE RS ,
                                                                                   TECH SCOTL AND ADVOCATES LE AD
     There’s a real, pressing need and      moments that matter in female          Over the last few years, many          tech firm boards, we have to
     economic case for investing            lives. Our ‘Tech We Can’ educational   tech companies have invested in        ask why well intentioned Diversity
     in technology skills in the UK.        resources, aimed at children aged 5    specialist support and Diversity       and Inclusion initiatives are failing
     Unfortunately, many women and         - 14, demonstrate the many different    Equity and Inclusion (DEI)             to deliver the breakthroughs we
     girls, who make up half our talent     technology careers available and       advisory services – and that’s to      all want. It might be helpful to
     pool, don’t think technology           feature a range of young, relatable    be applauded. While tech has           contrast what tech companies
     is for them. Challenging those         women working in tech roles.           secured its reputation as one of the   are doing to create sustainable
     perceptions is one of the reasons I    We also work with industry and         world’s most progressive industries,   / restorative operations as part
     founded Tech She Can. Our vision       schools to deliver Careers Insights    the majority of DEI performance        of their Environmental, Social
     is for women to play an equal role     programmes giving older pupils         indicators for the sector point        Governance (ESG) reporting
     in creating and developing the         and teachers a taste of prospective    to painfully slow and frustrating      activities and obligations.
     technology businesses, products,       roles in technology.                   progress, at best.
     and services that will ultimately                                                                                    The Environmental data and
     shape our world.                      Change in the industry won’t            On the current trajectory, we are      practices they are using have
                                           happen unless we all work               still decades away from closing        been standardised in cross sector
     We work together with                 together to make a continuing           the gender pay gap. London’s           frameworks like TCFD. The Social
     organisations, government,            and sustainable impact - and we         female led businesses received         and Stakeholder Governance
     and schools to help inspire more      see collaboration as our super          less than 0.5% of the £5.3billion      practices where DEI reside within
     young women and girls about the       power at Tech She Can. By               invested by VCs in the last four       a company have no agreed
     fantastic opportunities a career in   bringing together the collective        months of 2021. Black minority         standards or consistent reporting
     technology can offer. We’re also      experience and expertise of our         ethnic entrepreneurs fare even         practices. To enact real change and
     highlighting that a career in tech    200-plus member organisations,          worse, with analysis showing they      achieve progress, it’s time to use
     can be creative, exciting and a       we’re developing and sharing best       secured just 0.02% share of VC         the global pivot to ESG investment
     powerful way to make a difference     practices, programmes, and policies     investment between 2009 and 2019.      to professionalise DEI, and ensure
     to the world we live in.              to increase the ratio of women                                                 these important initiatives get
                                           working in tech and create a more       With our mastery of diversity          the focus, resources and backing
     We’ve developed interventions and     diverse and inclusive, and hence        data, generous disclosures from        needed from all stakeholders.
     pathways into technology that can     creative and productive, industry.      protected groups and commitment
     be introduced throughout the key                                              to boosting DEI performance from

20                                                                                                              TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   21
SAR AH                                                                               MARIE- CL ARE
     LUXFORD                                                                              FEN ECH

     CO - LE AD, TL A WOME N IN TECH ,                                                    TL A TECH FOR DISABILIT Y & DIREC TOR ,
     TL A ADVISORY BOARD                                                                  MY REC SPACE

     I want to recognise that both            investing in the education of the           Looking back over the last                But the greatest loss is to the
     building & developing diverse            future tech generation.                     two decades of working in the             tech industry itself. Seeing how
     talent pipelines whilst also shaping                                                 Tech Talent and DE&I space, I             those with differing abilities
     a culture that supports inclusion        We are in crisis mode and more              know we have made progress.               navigate a seemingly ordinary day
     and psychological safety is hard.         needs to be done to encourage the          From initiatives aiming to                in extraordinary ways, highlights just
     We see this both in corporates that       next wave of talent to understand          improve the gender balance of             how much creativity and ingenuity
     are trying to untangle and catch up       there is a plethora of opportunities       technology teams, to employee             the tech industry is missing out on.
     on years of entrenched behaviours         in digital and tech, it’s not just about   resource groups focusing on
     and processes that don’t support         ‘coding’. We need to find a creative        underrepresented individuals,            At TLA Tech For disAbility, we look
     inclusive environments, to startups       way for recent graduates to share          companies are recognising the            to raise awareness of tech startups
     that have an opportunity to put           their learning to students. We need        need to hire and nurture diverse         working to benefit the disabled
     inclusion first and yet still struggle    investment and training for our            and inclusive cultures.                  community, but it works both
     to find the support in baking positive    teachers to learn the latest digital                                                ways. Our Inclusive Conversation
     action from the start.                    techniques and bring them to life          But more can, and needs to be            events have provided us with
                                               in the classroom.                          done, with one group in particular       many intersectional opportunities
     It’s important employers get                                                         standing out – the 14 plus million       for learning - we may think we
     clear on data to understand their        There needs to be radical rethink           disabled people who make up 22%          have understood one aspect of a
     current talent pool, review their        around our education system                 of the UK population.                    disability, only to be presented with
     recruitment attraction techniques        otherwise we are in serious danger                                                   completely new perspectives at the
     and onboarding processes. We also        of losing our competitive edge here         Estimated to have a collective           next conversation.
     need better visibility, helping to       in the UK. And for those who are still      household spending power of
     develop further platforms for talent     pondering the day to day actions            some £274 billion per year, their        Whether supplying food, taxi
     to have a voice, the opportunity         to move the dial on diversity and           user experience leads to over            services, or medicines, it is said
     to develop talent via mentorship         inclusion - joining TLA/GTA you             70% clicking away from a website         that every company is now a tech
     schemes or sponsorship and the           are in a family made of incredibly          they find difficult to use. That’s a     company. If companies are to
     need for clarity of messaging            diverse communities, you couldn’t           loss of more than £11.75 billion in      provide these goods and services
     around inclusion from the top down.      be in better company to ask those           the UK alone.                            to all, then tech needs to be
     But for me, right now the message        awkward questions or join us in                                                      accessible to all.
     is crystal clear - we need to be         driving collaborative solutions.

22                                                                                                                       TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   23
                                                                       What percentage of your senior
                                                                       leadership team is female?

           Do you think UK tech has become
           more diverse and inclusive over                                                                        31%
           the last five years?

     Yes        Not sure         No                          41-60%

                                  14%                                                                             20%
     59%        27%                                          61-80%



     Q2                                                      Q4
           Do you think the pandemic and Brexit                        What percentage of your senior
           has made D&I-related issues less of a priority?             leadership team identifies as BIPOC
                                                                       (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour)?

     Yes        No               Not sure
                36%               18%
     46%                                                     21-40%





24                                                                           TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   25

     Q5                                                            Q7
                        Do you think we will see truly diverse            Do you feel included within your company?
                        and inclusive tech companies in                   By included we mean able to disclose personal needs,
                        the next ten years?                               able to define and ask for adaptations and are aware
                                                                          of policies to support needs in the workplace.

      Yes                      No             Not sure             Yes        No                 Not sure

                               33%             25%                             16%                 6%
       42%                                                          77%

                        Do you think diversity issues could cost
                        London and the UK its world-leading
                        tech leadership position?

      Yes                      No             Not sure

                               33%             16%

     (data as of 25/03/2022)

26                                                                              TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   27

     Throughout this report you have heard           There’s no two ways about it – diversity
     from our TLA Working Group leaders,             levels in tech are nowhere near good
     and voices from the UK tech sector              enough. However, as a grassroots
     leading world-class D&I-related initiatives     community, all we can continue to do is
     and programmes.                                 support one another and drive home
                                                     the messages that diversity and inclusion
     All have shared their contributions             are not only morally imperative, but
     and insights with the aim to inform the         economically beneficial.
     next steps of the Tech for D&Iversity
     campaign – and the overarching effort           Collectively, we’ve made a great deal of       What that really speaks to is the wider        That path starts with how tech
     of the TLA network to continually drive         progress in the past six years – since the     tech ecosystem within which this debate        companies recruit, where they hire from,
     change and improve levels of inclusion          last TLA Diversity event – but it’s clear      is taking place. London, and the UK at         and what type of initiatives they have
     and diversity in the sector.                    that we’re not there yet, and there’s no       large, is now a serious player in the global   in place to introduce new talent to the
                                                     simple solution to getting us over the line.   tech landscape, and our tech sector has        sector. The ball is squarely in the court
     What’s clear is that the tech community                                                        come of age.                                   of the private sector. There’s no point
     is full of the right type of ideas and          Despite an increase in education                                                              in waiting for government intervention,
     initiatives that can help tackle the            on diversity and inclusion and the             A true sign of maturity is indicated by        apprenticeship opportunities, or
     sector’s diversity challenge once and           establishment of D&I committees in             the levels of funding that flow into the       recruitment incentives – the time to
     for all.                                        tech companies in recent years, we             UK on an annual basis, the type of             act is now, and only tech businesses
                                                     remain an industry of 80% white men.           world-beating companies and tech               themselves can enact real change.
     The mentoring programme Tech                                                                   pioneers we’re consistently producing,
     London Advocates is introducing this            Women and minority ethnic groups are           and the increasing amount of British           Ultimately, the tech industry needs
     year is hopefully another key initiative        underrepresented at all levels in the tech     tech businesses that are now reaching          to set the standards it wants to see
     that will add to the collective effort to       sector, but the problem is particularly        the public markets.                            implemented across the board in
     not only bring more diverse voices and          acute in C-Suite positions and among                                                          the future – and the UK has a golden
     perspectives into the sector – but also         investors. More needs to be done to            These are all impressive metrics, and the      opportunity to lead the global
     to help them thrive.                            start creating a truly inclusive culture –     UK is ahead of its peers on all of them.       technology field in this space.
                                                     whether that’s ensuring everyone feels         But real maturity does just lie in driving
     The attitude we’re noticing in our              fully valued and able to contribute to a       economic growth – it’s about setting           Fundamentally, technology is inclusive
     community is the right one, and there’s         business’ strategy and direction, or just      global standards and it’s precisely why        and open to everyone. There’s no reason
     a clear passion and dedication to               having the opportunity to start a new          we need to improve our diversity record.       for poor diversity levels to keep dragging
     improving the current state of play.            role in the sector at the ground floor.                                                       on, and if we seize the opportunity now,
                                                                                                    The tech sector is inherently a future         we can set the foundations for a future-
      It’s encouraging to know that the              We started off this report by stating that     facing industry, and in order to be            facing sector that can keep growing and
      sector is prepared to better itself,           Tech for D&Iversity 2022 is a campaign         sustainable and truly fit for the future,      maturing, all the while bringing along
      and those in leading industry positions        that says enough is enough.                    we need greater levels of equity,              everyone to reap the benefits.
     – predominantly white men – will                                                               inclusion and diversity of talent
      ultimately sit at the heart of the solution.                                                   coming into the sector.

82                                                                                                                                        TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   29

     In 2016, Tech London Advocates
     released a Diversity in Tech Manifesto.
     One of the key recommendations in that
     report was to ‘Develop skills and mentor
     future talent.’

     Six years later, to coincide with
     the Tech for D&Iversity 2022 hybrid
     event on the 31st March, Tech London
     Advocates is proudly launching its first
     mentoring programme.

     Working with the community of 13,000
     Advocates, the mentoring programme
     will connect established tech leaders with
     young people and those looking to enter
     the tech industry.

     To establish the mentoring programme,
     Advocates willing to become mentors
     will be listed on the Tech London
     Advocates website.

     To become a mentor, please go to
     the TLA website and register your
     interest. Advocates who commit to
     the programme will be working with
     a mentee over a three month period.

     All mentors will be listed on the TLA
     website, along with the LinkedIn profile,
     and potential mentees will be invited to
     contact mentors via LinkedIn to connect.

     Tech London Advocates will work closely
     with the TLA Young Entrepreneurs and
     TLA Education Working Groups to deliver
     the Programme.

03                                      TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   31

     Many outstanding organisations and initiatives exist in the UK, working with individuals
     and companies to improve access and increase diversity in the sector. Here are key
     examples that every tech entrepreneur, founder and employer should be aware of.

                                                                                                                                                 TECH FOR

                                                                                                BLACK WOMEN
                                                                                                IN TECH

23                                                                                                  TECH LONDON ADVOCATES ° TECH FOR D&IVERSITY REPORT 2022   33
SPONSORS                                  ABOUT TL A & GTA

     We would like to thank our sponsors and   TECH LONDON ADVOCATES
     partners, whose support has made the
     production of this report possible:       Tech London Advocates is a private        It strives to support London’s tech
                                               sector led coalition of over 13,000       startups and high-growth businesses
                                               expert individuals from the tech sector   in finding new investment, new talent
     GTA PARTNERS                              and broader community who have            and continued success.
                                               committed to championing London’s
                                               potential as a world-class hub for tech   Tech London Advocates is an
                                               and digital businesses.                   independent organization, that is
                                                                                         supported by: Future Energy Ventures,
                                                                                         Shoosmiths, Credit Suisse, Interxion,
                                                                                         KPMG, Penningtons Manches Cooper,
                                                                                         Here East, Globalization Partners,
                                                                                         Hiscox, Lakestar and Dell Technologies.



                                               GLOBAL TECH ADVOCATES

                                               Global Tech Advocates is the only         Global Tech Advocates, founded by Russ
                                               truly international grassroots tech       Shaw, is the voice of tech worldwide,
                                               community with more than 20,000           championing tech ecosystems and
                                               tech leaders, experts and investors       campaigning to address the challenges
                                               connecting more than 20 of the world’s    facing tech companies.
                                               fastest-growing tech hubs and regions.
                                                                                         Through a collection of networks in
                                                                                         multiple cities, each with their own
                                                                                         working groups dedicated to specific
                                                                                         initiatives and verticals, Global Tech
                                                                                         Advocates inspires tech leaders to
                                                                                         volunteer their time to support each
                                                                                         other, make connections and
                                                                                         campaign for change.

                                                                                         GTA is an independent organisation
                                                                                         supported by Future Energy Ventures.


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