Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...

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Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
   Strategic Plan
A proactive regulator bolstering confidence
 in a healthy and dynamic financial sector
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
Original version in French

Legal deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2017

ISBN 978-2-550-79128-7 (PDF)
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO                                          2
                           Plan stratégique
                                                2017-2020                   3

OVERVIEW OF THE AMF        Une Autorité proactive stimulant la confiance   4
                           dans un secteur financier sain et dynamique

CONTEXT AND ISSUES                                                          8

OUR VISION                                                                 13

OUR STRATEGIC ORIENTATIONS                                                 14

  Demonstrate our leadership, added value and ability to innovate          14

  Strengthen our role as a local regulator close to its markets            16

  Invest in our performance                                                18

2017-2020 STRATEGIC PLAN - SUMMARY TABLE                                   20
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
I am very pleased to present the 2017–2020
Strategic Plan of the Autorité des marchés
financiers (the “AMF”). For an organization such
as ours, which works in a constantly evolving
and complex ecosystem, the strategic planning
process offers a unique opportunity to look into
the future with the objective of continuously
improving how its mission is fulfilled.
                                                           The plan takes into account a global climate
After more than three years at the helm of                 of uncertainty that is further fuelled by the
the AMF, I am convinced that this is a mature              proposal of the federal government and a few
organization, composed of a more integrated,               participating jurisdictions to establish a so-called
effective and influential team than ever in its            co-operative capital markets regulatory system.
short history. Our significant achievements                Regardless of the outcome of the constitutional
over the past few years, which stem from our               debate on this proposal, the AMF will continue
employees’ efforts and engagement, all point in            to provide leadership, collaborate with other
the same direction: The AMF plays a key role in            regulators and influence deliberations on public
Québec’s financial sector.                                 policy issues related to Canada’s capital markets.

Our three-year plan is based on a rigorous                 Lastly, it would not be possible to implement
analysis of our environment and financial                  our three-year plan without the support of
market trends. The financial industry is evolving          the Minister of Finance of Québec and his
at a highly accelerated pace, due in great part            commitment to the important task of reforming
to technological innovations. Consumers have               the laws governing Québec’s financial sector,
growing expectations. It is therefore important            nor would it be possible without the contribution
that we adapt our approaches and methods,                  of the members of our Conseil consultatif de
while continuing to implement best oversight               régie administrative (Advisory Board). I would
practices.                                                 personally like to thank them in this regard.

Against that backdrop, we have adopted a new               I am convinced that our inspiring vision and
vision that will inspire our organization over             our values of integrity, excellence, openness
the next three years: A proactive regulator                and engagement, which are shared by all AMF
bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic             employees, will help us achieve the objectives
financial sector.                                          we have set for the next three years.

To achieve this vision, we have prioritized three
orientations: demonstrate our leadership, add-
ed value and ability to innovate; strengthen our
role as a local regulator close to its markets;
and invest in our performance.
                                                           Louis Morisset

                     Autorité des marchés financiers   2    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
The strategic process undertaken by the AMF is
the result of a rigorous and inclusive approach,
initiated several months ago by the President and
CEO and his management team. The members
of the Board and I have witnessed the efforts
devoted to this process and the constant desire
to ensure that the AMF’s activities evolve for the          This is why the Board fully endorses the 2017-
benefit of all financial sector stakeholders.               2020 Strategic Plan presented below. Moreover,
                                                            the Board will monitor its implementation with
The planning process followed recognized                    all the attention its functions require.
practices, and the Board was kept informed
throughout the process and was able to                      In setting forth its new vision, the AMF quite
contribute at various stages. This three-year               rightly underscores the importance of financial
plan is based on an exhaustive analysis of the              market regulation for creating public confidence
internal and external environment in which the              in the financial sector and thereby contributing
AMF operates. We believe that its strategic                 to its health and dynamic growth. For its part,
orientations and objectives are coherent and                the Board wishes to highlight the vital role of the
realistic and will be a source of inspiration for           AMF in Québec’s economy.
AMF staff.

                                                            Andrée Mayrand

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   3    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
OVERVIEW OF THE AMF                                                 (3)	
                                                                        supervise the activities connected with
                                                                        the distribution of financial products and
Established under An Act respecting the Autorité                        services, administer the rules governing
des marchés financiers1 on February 1, 2004,                            eligibility for and the carrying on of those
the AMF is the body mandated by the Québec                              activities, and take any measure provided
government to regulate Québec’s financial                               by law for those purposes;
markets and assist consumers of financial                           (4)	
                                                                        supervise stock market and clearing
products and services. The AMF is unique                                house activities and monitor the securities
in that it oversees, in an integrated manner,                           market, in particular, by administering the
the areas of insurance, securities, derivatives,                        controls provided by law as regards access
deposit institutions—other than banks—and the                           to the public capital market, ensuring that
distribution of financial products and services.                        the issuers and other practitioners involved
                                                                        in the financial sector comply with the
                                                                        obligations imposed on them by law and
Our mission                                                             taking any measure provided by law for
                                                                        those purposes;
The mission entrusted to the AMF, which inspires
and mobilizes its employees, can be summarized                      (4.1)  
                                                                           supervise derivatives markets, including
as follows:                                                                derivatives exchanges and clearing houses
                                                                           and ensure that regulated entities and other
     Regulate Québec’s financial sector                                    derivatives market practitioners comply
    to promote its efficiency and protect                                  with the obligations imposed by law; and
       consumers of financial products                              (5)	see to the implementation of protection and
                and services                                             compensation programs for consumers
                                                                         of financial products and services and
                                                                         administer the compensation funds set up
Under An Act respecting the Autorité des
                                                                         by law.
marchés financiers, the AMF’s mission is to:

(1)	provide assistance to consumers of financial
     products and services, in particular by
     setting up consumer-oriented educational
     programs on financial products and
     services, processing complaints filed by
     consumers and giving consumers access
     to dispute-resolution services;
    ensure that the financial institutions and
    other regulated entities of the financial
    sector comply with the solvency standards
    applicable to them as well as with the
    obligations imposed on them by law
    with a view to protecting the interests
    of consumers of financial products and
    services, and take any measure provided by
    law for those purposes;

1     CQLR, c. A-33.2, sections 4 and 8

                              Autorité des marchés financiers   4    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
The AMF performs its functions and exercise its
powers in a way as to:

    foster the confidence of the public and
    of the business community as regards
    financial institutions and practitioners in the
    financial sector as regards solvency and the
    competence of agents, advisers, brokers,
    representatives and other practitioners in
    the financial sector;

   promote the availability of high-quality,
   competitively priced financial products and
   services for individuals and enterprises in all
   regions of Québec;

(3)	see to the establishment of an effective and
    efficient regulatory framework that promotes
    the development of the financial sector
    and facilitates innovative management and
    commercial practices;

(4)	grant the public and the business community
     access to reliable, accurate and complete
     information on the financial institutions and
     practitioners in the financial sector and on
     the financial products and services offered;

(5)	protect consumers against unethical, abusive
     or fraudulent practices and give individuals
     and enterprises access to various dispute
     resolution mechanisms.

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   5   2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
Our values
In developing this three-year plan, we reflected
on the values that have guided the AMF since its
establishment in 2004. We identified four that
are essential for the fulfilment of our mission and
the achievement of our vision. They constitute
the foundation of our governance and the
essential reference points for all our employees.

                               Integrity                                Excellence
                        At the very core of our                      Aiming for high
                         mission, it guides our                         standards,
                        decisions and actions.                     constantly improving
                                                                    our expertise, and
                                                                    combining quality
                                                                     with efficiency.

                      Being accessible                          Engagement
                       and receptive,
                      transparent and                       Fully subscribing to our
                      open to change                        mission and carrying it
                       and new ideas.                         out with pride, in a
                                                            proactive, collaborative
                                                                and responsible

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   6   2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2017-2020 - A proactive regulator bolstering confidence in a healthy and dynamic financial sector - Autorité des ...
The AMF today
                           With the conclusion              As     well,     significant   accomplishments
                           of its 2012-2017 Stra-           strengthened financial sector regulation. Several
                           tegic Plan, the AMF              major reforms gained headway—including
                           reinforced the culture           those arising from commitments made by the
                           of co-operation shared           G20 countries in the wake of the 2007-2008
                           by all its staff and the         financial crisis—most notably as regards market
                           concerted approach               structures, over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives
                           of its various areas of          and enhanced oversight of Desjardins Group,
activity, thereby maximizing the benefits of its            which was designated by the AMF as a “domestic
integrated oversight model. It set up an inte-              systemically important financial institution” in
grated risk management program that provides                June 2013.
a comprehensive view of issues and allows it to
define its priorities. The organization’s govern-           In 2016, the AMF created a fintech working group
ance framework was improved, the leadership                 whose mandate is to analyze technological
of its managers was further developed and its               innovations in the financial sector and anticipate
teams gained experience and expertise.                      regulatory, market efficiency and consumer
                                                            protection issues. The group, which is supported
Today, the AMF applies a monitoring approach                by an advisory committee composed of outside
through which it can follow market and                      experts, reinforces the AMF’s ability to meet the
regulatory changes as part of a comprehensive               oversight challenges inherent in the industry’s
view that benefits all of its activities.                   digital shift.

Its inspection and surveillance methods have                Lastly, the AMF substantially increased its
been revised to be more relevant and efficient:             national and international influence. It currently
Its actions are more concerted and targeted. Its            chairs the Canadian Council of Insurance
enhanced means for detecting unethical, abusive             Regulators and the Canadian Securities
or fraudulent practices and the development of              Administrators, in addition to sitting on the
certain technological tools have led, in recent             Board of the International Organization of
years, to deterrent legal proceedings and                   Securities Commissions and the Executive
sanctions that have gained the confidence of                Council of the International Association of
the public and financial sector participants.               Deposit Insurers. Moreover, it is an active
                                                            member of the International Association of
The AMF also refocused its financial literacy               Insurance Supervisors. Within these forums,
efforts. It now has the “AMF Index,” a tool that            the AMF is recognized for its significant role in
helps prioritize its actions based on changes               the work of the various committees that define
in the behaviour of consumers of financial                  regulatory standards and best practices. This
products and services. The Québec Financial                 recognition is also evident in the increased
Education Strategy, which it introduced in co-              confidence of the public towards the AMF and
operation with some twenty partners, will be a              towards the financial sector as a whole.
powerful means for leveraging its actions in the
next few years.                                             Today, the AMF represents a team that is
                                                            firmly positioned to meet future challenges by
                                                            leveraging the strengths developed over the
                                                            past few years.

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   7    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
CONTEXT AND ISSUES                                           Greater technological and
                                                             financial innovation
The AMF’s 2017-2020 Strategic Plan reflects a
complex and uncertain environment.                           The increased pace of technological innovation
                                                             is a very real global phenomenon that will only
                                                             become more pronounced in the next few years.
A particularly volatile                                      Its many ramifications in the financial sector
macroeconomic environment                                    are disrupting traditional business models and
                                                             modifying consumer habits.
The scars of the 2007-2008 financial crisis,
which slowed the momentum of recovery                        The number of crowdfunding platforms and
internationally, will continue to fade gradually             peer-to-peer loan sharing and risk sharing plat-
over the next few years. However, the                        forms, much like robo-advisers, is rapidly in-
strengthening of the economy will most likely                creasing. Blockchain technology, originally de-
be characterized by a more tepid rate of growth              veloped for the creation and trade of virtual
than in the past, whether in Europe, the United              currencies, represents a revolution in the world
States or Canada, or in the emerging economies.              of data storage and transmission and has a vast
An aging population will curb the potential for              number of potential applications. These techno-
growth in the developed economies, and its                   logical innovations are opening the door to new
effects will be particularly strong in Québec.               growth opportunities for Québec’s financial
                                                             industry and are providing consumers with a
In addition, governments have taken on                       wider choice of competing products and ser-
substantial debt since the last crisis, and this             vices. However, at the same time, they present
could hamper their ability to face new challenges.           new risks that must be evaluated and mitigated.
Central banks used their full arsenal and certain
countries even posted negative interest rates.               While there is a consensus that all market par-
The financial markets, which generally recovered             ticipants—traditional and emerging—should be
in recent years, face a high degree of uncertainty.          subject to an appropriate regulatory framework,
Under these circumstances, the anticipated rise              the new purchasing, trading and distribution
in interest rates will be relatively modest.                 channels may require certain adjustments to
Changes in the real estate market and increased              the current regulatory approaches. In particular,
household indebtedness are both worrisome                    special attention will have to be paid to ensure
developments that will require constant                      that the laws, regulations and other standards in
monitoring.                                                  effect are aligned with the new market realities.
                                                             The regulation of these new financial products
                           Lastly,      geopolitical         and services offerings must be based on an analy-
                           risks   will   continue           sis of consumer protection needs and indus-
                           to be high, be it the             try competitiveness. Achieving a fair balance
                           uncertain      outcome            between protection of the public and market
                           of Brexit, the rise               efficiency will continue to be a common goal for
                           of protectionism in               all financial sector regulators.
                           certain countries, or
                           the potential impacts
of the most recent U.S. election on certain areas
that affect the AMF and the industry it regulates,
starting with the probable deregulation of the
financial sector in the United States.

This macroeconomic environment will require
constant monitoring so its impact on the
markets and the AMF’s oversight activities can
be anticipated.

                       Autorité des marchés financiers   8    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Issues related to climate change,                                   Lastly, the AMF will examine the deliberations
                                                                    and actions of regulators in regards to socially
natural disasters and socially                                      responsible investing based, in particular, on
responsible investing                                               environmental, social and good governance
                                                                    criteria. The AMF intends to focus on the
                              Climate     change                    information available to investors as well as the
                              is a phenomenon                       disclosure practices of issuers with respect to
                              that is of increas-                   socially responsible investing.
                              ing concern to the
                              financial     sector
                              and its regulators.                   Further improving diversified
                              Several recent in-
                              itiatives,   includ-
                                                                    capital access
                              ing those of the                      The financial scandals that rocked the United
                              Financial Stability                   States in the early 2000s led to major reforms
                              Board2 and the                        in the U.S. and in Canada that affected the
United Nations, aim for a better understanding
                                                                    accounting and financial transparency of
and disclosure of the climate risks to which busi-                  publicly-traded companies.
nesses are exposed.
                                                                    This framework, although beneficial for
Furthermore, the AMF notes that natural disasters                   investor protection, generated significant
(floods, forest fires, etc.) are more and more                      implementation costs which, over time, may
frequent and severe in Québec and in Canada.                        have reduced the number of stock exchange
This reality has already impacted the financial                     listings in the United States and in Canada. Many
sector and will continue to be a growing source                     Québec businesses are currently exploring new
of concern. The risk of a major earthquake in the                   avenues for accessing capital. Québec stands
Québec City-Montréal-Ottawa corridor, home                          out for its many sources of funding, be it venture
to more than 75% of Québec’s population, is                         capital or investment and development capital.
particularly misunderstood and underestimated.                      Québec businesses are less attracted to public
According to Earthquakes Canada,4 this zone is                      financing than are those in other provinces.
the second most hazardous in Canada.
                                                                    Over the past few years, the AMF has played
In addition, according to the Insurance Bureau of                   an important role in bringing the regulation
Canada, 5 the percentage of Quebeckers insured                      of the exempt securities market up to par. For
against earthquakes (3%) is far lower than in                       example, it participated actively in implementing
British Columbia (45%), the primary seismic                         the regulatory framework governing equity
hazard zone in Canada. Besides issues related to                    crowdfunding.       These    various     initiatives
the capital of insurers, for which a guideline has                  broadened the financing available to Québec
already been issued, the AMF is of the view that                    businesses, especially start-ups. The AMF
we must not delay in considering the various                        intends to consider the implementation of other
facets of this major hazard and taking action to                    regulatory initiatives aimed at making access to
mitigate its potential consequences.                                the traditional capital markets more attractive.

2  ask Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,
3 United Nations Environment Programme – Finance Initiative,
4  Simplified seismic hazard map, http://www.seismescanada.

                            Autorité des marchés financiers     9    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Consumers with changing                                      Importance of national and
profiles and needs                                           international co-operation
                                                             among regulators
                                                             Domestically, the AMF is a major participant
                                                             in the work of the Canadian Securities
                                                             Administrators (CSA) and the Canadian
                                                             Council of Insurance Regulators, among other
                                                             organizations. Its leadership and input within
                                                             these forums contribute to the development
                                                             of more balanced and harmonized regulations,
                                                             which can only be beneficial for consumer
                                                             protection and the efficiency of the markets in
                                                             Québec and Canada.
Raising the financial literacy of Quebeckers
remains a priority, particularly as regards                  Although the AMF must contend with differing
management of personal finances and                          points of view, including the proposal of the
retirement planning.                                         federal government and a few participating
                                                             jurisdictions to establish a so-called co-
Aging demographics and their impact on                       operative capital markets regulatory system,
Québec’s economy raise numerous challenges.                  it continues to work towards a consensus with
A significant number of Quebeckers in the                    its colleagues from the other regulators and to
labour force are nearing retirement age. Their               assume responsibilities on major projects that
primary concern is to have an adequate level of              will shape the future of the CSA. For example,
income during their lifetime. These clienteles are           the AMF has assumed leadership of the CSA
particularly vulnerable to the consequences of               National Systems Renewal Program designed to
poor decisions and financial fraud, an issue that            handle the receipt and processing of required
will continue to be of great concern to the AMF,             regulatory filings.
all the more so given that low interest rates are
prompting certain investors to take greater risks            In 2014, the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
in the hope of earning higher returns.                       within the scope of its Financial Sector
                                                             Assessment Program, recommended enhanced
At the other end of the spectrum, millennials                and formalized co-operation between federal
just starting out in the labour market and living            and provincial supervisors so as to provide
through their first experiences as consumers of              better protection for financial stability,
financial products and services could expose                 consumers and investors. Accordingly, the AMF
themselves to different risks by seeking out                 negotiated     a   number     of   co-operation
information and trading on digital platforms. For            agreements with provincial and territorial
them, privacy and the protection of personal                 insurance regulators, with the Canada Deposit
information are very real issues.                            Insurance Corporation and with the Bank of
Consumers, regardless of their generation,                   Canada.
will demand that the industry offer financial
products and services through the distribution
channels of their choosing, while seeking out a
satisfactory level of service and protection.

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   10    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
In short, in an environment marked by accel-
                                                              erated financial technological innovation and
                                                              market globalization, co-operation among regu-
                                                              lators is more important than ever; it allows them
                                                              to fight unethical, abusive or fraudulent prac-
                                                              tices more effectively and facilitates the sharing
                                                              of expertise and the adoption of harmonized
                                                              regulatory principles. Co-operation among
                                                              regulators provides a unique opportunity to
                                                              share methods and practices, and compare
                                                              them to the best the world has to offer. In this
                                                              way, the AMF can retain the best oversight prac-
Internationally, the AMF also plays a major                   tices and ensure that regulations and its actions
role within the principal regulator forums,                   meet the highest standards.
often with regard to innovative or emerging
issues. In particular, it heads committees of
the International Organization of Securities                  Major projects in progress
Commissions (IOSCO) in charge of ensuring
                                                              The many reforms initiated by the G20 in the
consultation and co-operation among regulators
                                                              aftermath of the most recent financial crisis
with respect to enforcement and the exchange
                                                              have progressed significantly over the past few
of information.
                                                              years, but important work is still underway.
The AMF is also an active participant in efforts
                                                              The requirement that OTC derivative positions
by the International Association of Deposit
                                                              be reported to trade repositories, in force since
Insurers to identify the specific issues that affect
                                                              October 2014, now provides the AMF with
financial cooperatives, as it shares its expertise
                                                              a better understanding of the participants,
in overseeing and regulating Desjardins Group,
                                                              products and trends in this previously opaque
one of the world’s largest cooperative financial
                                                              market. However, the regulation of mandatory
groups. Furthermore, the AMF continues to
                                                              clearing, electronic trading platforms and
play a role within the International Association
                                                              margin requirements and the reform of market
of Insurance Supervisors, where it chaired for
                                                              infrastructures with a view to ensuring a
almost five years the committee responsible
                                                              more resilient financial system have yet to be
for establishing the international principles
governing the business conduct of insurers.
                                                              A number of projects have also been launched
                                                              in order to enhance prudential disclosure
                                                              requirements and oversight of Desjardins Group,
                                                              in keeping with the principles adopted by the
                                                              Basel Committee in the wake of the 2007-2008
                                                              financial crisis.

                       Autorité des marchés financiers   11    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Moreover, in order to ensure that Québec                    The means to achieve our goals
continues to be recognized for the quality
of its financial sector regulation, the Québec              Through sound management of its expenditures,
government undertook an extensive reform of                 combined with higher duties from some of its
the laws governing this sector. This legislative            activities over the past few years, the AMF is on
updating is important because it will give the              a solid financial footing that should allow it to
AMF additional tools and greater flexibility to             achieve its goals. However, given the continuing
deliver enhanced consumer protection and                    uncertain economic context, it will still be
optimal oversight of the industry.                          difficult to forecast its revenue.

The reform will also satisfy certain expectations           In recent years, the AMF contributed to efforts
of the IMF following its 2014 assessment. The               to stabilize Québec’s public finances, by
IMF is scheduled to perform its next assessment             limiting its expenditures in accordance with
of Canada’s financial sector oversight and                  the governmental measures applicable to
regulation in 2018. The AMF must be thorough                consolidated entities. Significant investments
in preparing for this assessment so as to earn              will now be required if it is to continue to evolve
a positive appraisal and thereby strengthen                 and ensure the protection of consumers of
market confidence in Québec’s financial sector.             financial products and services.

The expected benefits and ramifications of these            The AMF will have to invest in key areas of its
major projects will have a significant impact on            mission, particularly its enforcement activities.
the AMF’s activities.                                       It will have to add staff and continue to develop
                                                            its expertise, infrastructures and technological
                                                            applications, so as to keep up with the changes
                                                            in the financial sector it oversees and with the
                                                            standards applicable to its areas of activity.

                                                            The AMF will limit the required expenditure
                                                            increases by optimizing the allocation and
                                                            management of its financial, material and human

                     Autorité des marchés financiers   12    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
With the financial sector changing more and
more quickly, the AMF has chosen to step up
its proactive shift, which, in and of itself, is a
challenge for any regulator. By proactively
approaching its mission to regulate the financial
sector, it seeks to ensure that its actions will
contribute to the public’s confidence in the
markets and institutions and thereby foster a
dynamic financial sector in Québec.

                                  A proactive regulator
                                  bolstering confidence
                                in a healthy and dynamic
                                      financial sector

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   13   2017-2020 Strategic Plan
The AMF intends to assert its leadership role as an influential thinker and contributor on the local,
national and international scenes. In a context of accelerated financial globalization, it will prioritize high
impact initiatives for the growth and development of Québec’s financial sector, thereby highlighting
the added value of its regulatory activities and its ability to innovate. It will take a proactive approach
to address the regulatory challenges brought on by new technologies and the transformation of the

Objective 1.1                                                 In carrying out its regulatory and oversight
Take on a leadership role as an influential                   activities, it will use innovative approaches
thinker and contributor on current and                        based on best practices. This will allow it to
emerging issues                                                                           euqigétarts nalP
                                                              build on the close links forged with regulators
The AMF will enhance its integrated monitor-                  nationally and internationally.
ing—implemented over the past few years—
of trends and issues in the financial sector. In              The AMF has noted that certain administrative
                                                                                   ecnaifnoc al tnalumits evitcaorp étirotuA enU
doing so, it will be better equipped to adopt                 formalities and regulatory
                                                                                   euqimanyd te nias rerequirements
                                                                                                         icnanif ruetces nu snad can
positions, undertake regulatory initiatives and               inhibit the development of the financial sector.
recommend to the government any legislative                   It intends to pay special attention to this matter,
amendments which may be necessary in the                      particularly with regard to emerging issuers and
interests of consumers and the industry. The                  asset managers.
AMF will also strive to ensure a better aware-
ness and understanding of its deliberations on                Objective 1.3
the major issues facing Québec’s financial sec-               Increase our proactivity with respect to new
tor.                                                          technologies and industry transformation
                                                              The AMF will specifically monitor technological
The AMF will strengthen its influence and                     innovations applied to the financial sector and
leadership role within organizations such as the              solidify its links with the key stakeholders in
forums of domestic and international regulators.              Québec’s financial ecosystem. It will also draw
Together with the government, it will defend                  on the co-operation established with other
Québec’s interests, particularly with respect                 regulators in order to deepen its understanding
to regulation of the capital markets as well as               of the new business models and their impact.
co-operation and the exchange of information                  This will help it to reassess the existing
for enforcement purposes. In so doing, it will                regulatory framework, adapt it as necessary and
maintain a framework for effective action                     recommend adjustments to the government, as
among the regulators of Canada’s provinces                    required. Lastly, it will structure its operations
and territories.                                              and adapt its methods in order to process
                                                              requests from new financial sector participants
Objective 1.2                                                 in an integrated and effective manner.
Lead high impact initiatives for the protection
of the public and the development of
Québec’s financial sector
The AMF will prioritize value-added actions
with a significant impact on the protection of
consumers of financial products and services
and the development of the province’s financial

                       Autorité des marchés financiers   14    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
−− Where possible, promote the streamlining or                −− Contribute to discussions on the disclosure
   simplification of the regulatory or normative                 practices of issuers regarding climate
   framework. The AMF will work to consolidate                   change and socially responsible investing,
   its numerous guidelines applicable to                         publish the findings and conclusions of our
   financial institutions and insurers. It will also             reviews, and determine whether regulatory
   implement a scheme facilitating access to                     proposals are required to ensure that
   the capital markets by reporting issuers with                 issuers provide investors with appropriate
   a first-rate continuous disclosure record and                 disclosure on these issues for purposes of
   reduce certain administrative formalities                     investment decisions.
   and regulatory requirements applicable to
   emerging issuers and asset managers.                       −− Undertake a special project to analyze and
                                                                 determine how to mitigate the major financial
−− Develop our expertise regarding the                           risks—to the public and to the industry—of a
   Canadian OTC derivatives market by making                     moderate or major earthquake in Québec.
   the most of trade repository data, thereby
   maintaining our national leadership in this                −− After consulting the insurance industry
   area. The AMF also intends to harness this                    about the risks of conflicts of interest related
   expertise by offering it to other Canadian                    to incentive schemes, consider the need to
   regulators to help them process and host                      review the existing regulatory framework
   the data they hold.                                           in order to ensure the fair treatment of
                                                                 consumers, and share our work with our
−− Deepen our understanding and knowledge                        colleagues on the Canadian Council of
   of technological innovations applied to                       Insurance Regulators.
   the world of finance. To this end, the
   AMF intends to strengthen its links with                   −− As a leader in Canada on matters of
   key stakeholders in Québec’s fintech                          enforcement, continue to develop our
   ecosystem. These links will facilitate the                    expertise and technological tools to fight
   implementation of measures to guide and                       unethical, abusive or fraudulent practices
   support new stakeholders through the                          that are emerging.
   regulatory framework and, where possible,
                                                              −− Optimize the contribution and processing
   the establishment of a “regulatory sandbox,”
                                                                 of our various sources of information
   i.e., a controlled environment.
                                                                 (whistleblowing,      complaints,      case
                                                                 assessments,    information   centre    and
                                                                 partners) to more quickly and efficiently
                                                                 develop alerts and warnings about
                                                                 suspicious firms and schemes, and diversify
                                                                 our platforms for disseminating these alerts
                                                                 and warnings.

                       Autorité des marchés financiers   15    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
A local regulator must have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the needs of the financial
sector it regulates and strive to address those needs in the best interests of consumers and the
industry. To do so, over the years the AMF has developed a corporate culture of openness supported
by formal and informal communications. Its regulatory development process is based on a variety
of consultation methods. Dialogue between the AMF and all financial sector participants is essential
for properly assessing the impact of its regulatory framework and enriching its understanding of the
industry. Over the next few years, the AMF will seek to hold an even more productive dialogue.

Objective 2.1                                                  Objective 2.2
Reinforce our links with clients and partners                  Improve our delivery of services
The AMF will take advantage of new opportunities               Surveys indicate that regulatory requirements
for information, awareness, consultation and
exchanges. It will seek to reinforce its links with all
                                                                                             euqigétarts nalP
                                                               are often seen as the principal challenge faced
                                                               by industry stakeholders and one of the highest
financial sector stakeholders, including its own                                   02have
                                                               risks with which they 02-71to02contend.
clienteles: consumers and the entities governed
                                                               The AMF will continueecnaifnoc al tnaluits
                                                                                                       mits evitefforts
                                                                                                                caorp étirotuA enUto help
by the laws under its purview. Given the rapidly                                    euqimanyd te nias reicnanif ruetces nu snad
evolving offer of products and services, the AMF               regulated entities understand the applicable
will consult in particular start-ups, technological            requirements. It will offer compliance support
innovators, consumer groups, institutional                     to the industry, by developing and providing
investors, academia and regulators in order                    tools, guides and workshops designed to give
to take advantage of existing perspectives,                    plain-language explanations of the regulatory
analyses, research and positions. In addition,                 framework governing the practices of regulated
the AMF will continue, via targeted initiatives,               entities and clarify its expectations in this
to work to improve the financial literacy of                   regard. In so doing, the AMF will work towards a
consumers and sharpen their vigilance.                         genuine culture of compliance across all market
The AMF will also seek to solidify its existing
partnerships in order to increase their impact,                As well, the AMF will improve the effectiveness
particularly with respect to financial literacy                of its interactions with certain clienteles and
and the suppression of unethical, abusive or                   facilitate access to its various assistance
fraudulent practices, and it will explore new                  services.
avenues for collaboration.

                        Autorité des marchés financiers   16    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
−− Deploy targeted outreach and informational                −− Develop     an   interface   designed    for
   initiatives,  taking    into    account     the              stakeholders in the financial products and
   vulnerabilities and particular needs of seniors              services industry, including compliance
   as well as those of younger consumers of                     guides and questionnaires, to help them
   financial products and services who strongly                 understand the regulatory requirements and
   favour on-line interactions.                                 establish a genuine culture of compliance.

−− Develop new avenues for discussions and                   −− Increase the scope and benefits of the
   consultations with industry participants,                    partnerships we have established in our
   consumer groups, academia and techno-                        various areas of activity, particularly
   logical innovators.                                          in matters of financial literacy and the
                                                                suppression of unethical, abusive or
−− Design and deploy an awareness plan for                      fraudulent practices.
   officers, employees and agents of Québec
   reporting issuers with a view to preventing
   illegal insider trading and encouraging the
   adoption of best practices in this regard.

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   17    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
To implement its vision and accomplish its mission with greater effectiveness and efficiency, the AMF
will invest in new methods, while carrying out its major current projects, including the upgrading of
its technological systems and applications. It will define and fill its needs for expertise, particularly
with regard to the industry’s digital shift and the application of technological innovations to the world
of finance. In order to enhance its agility, it will rely on the culture of co-operation and performance
adopted over the past few years.

Objective 3.1                                                Objective 3.2
Increase our agility and performance                         Develop our skills
While maintaining the thoroughness and                       In order to stand out in a complex and uncertain
prudence that are essential for achieving its                environment and address the issues it faces
mission, the AMF will develop its agility in order
to keep up with the pace of transformation in
                                                                                         euqigétarts nalP
                                                             as a regulator, the AMF must ensure it has
                                                             cutting-edge expertise. In keeping with its
the industry and intervene more effectively.                                     0202-and
                                                             culture of co-operation          7102performance, the
To do so, it intends to streamline its working               AMF will continue to encourage innovation and
methods and decision-making processes. It                                        ecnaifnoc athrough
                                                             collective intelligence,       l tnalumits evitcaorp shared
                                                                                                                  étirotuA enU ideas
                                                                                 euqimanyd te nias reicnanif ruetces nu snad
will also ensure that its culture of integrated              and knowledge. Lastly, as a knowledge-based
risk management moves forward in order to                    organization whose raw materials are the know-
foster initiative and accountability, and it will            how and expertise of its employees, the AMF
encourage a proactive approach at every level                will continue to offer stimulating challenges, a
of the organization. Moreover, it will work to               dynamic environment and attractive working
continuously improve the manner in which it                  conditions in order to remain an employer of
conducts its activities, in particular by using              choice.
benchmarking and independent reviews of
some of its activities.                                      Objective 3.3
                                                             Update our tools
                                                             The AMF will have to continue investing in new
                                                             technologies in order to keep up with changes
                                                             in the financial sector. It will have to improve
                                                             channels for interfacing with its regulated
                                                             clients and enhance its ability to collect,
                                                             process, analyze and secure the information
                                                             and data used for purposes of registration,
                                                             oversight, inspections, investigations and legal

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   18    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
−− Develop and deploy a strategy to foster                   −− Complete, in co-operation with our
   continuous improvement and innovation                        colleagues in the other provinces and
   aimed, among other things, at streamlining                   territories, the National Systems Renewal
   our working methods and validation                           Program of the Canadian Securities
   processes.                                                   Administrators, which is designed to handle
                                                                the receipt and processing of required
−− Optimize our operational effectiveness and                   filings, and the proposed new marketplace
   efficiency, particularly with respect to our                 surveillance and analytical system.
   administrative and technological processes.
                                                             −− Pursue the deployment of the project
−− Update our skills management and                             management office and develop new
   succession planning strategy to ensure that                  methods for allocating financial, material
   the necessary expertise for achieving the                    and human resources.
   organization’s objectives is available and our
   resources remain engaged.                                 −− Provide for the allocation of space,
                                                                equipment and tools tailored to the evolution
−− Continue to develop the project, begun a                     of our activities.
   few years ago, to modernize our business

−− Further develop our computer forensics
   lab and complete our electronic evidence
   management project. Given the complexity
   and increasing volume of investigation
   files and data to be collected, processed,
   analyzed and secured, completion of these
   projects is essential if we are to maintain our
   enforcement abilities.

                      Autorité des marchés financiers   19    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Orientation 1
      Objectives                     Means                           Results                          Indicators
1.1                   1.1.1                              • The AMF proactively         • Positions put forward/projects
                                                           identifies existing and       initiated or managed by the AMF
Take on a             Enhance our monitoring and
                                                           emerging issues and
leadership role       analysis of trends and issues
                                                           analyzes them in order to   • Duties performed within domestic
as an influential     in the financial sector
                                                           formulate its positions.      and international forums
thinker and
contributor on                                           • The AMF makes its           • Status and results of our initiatives
current and           Develop and share strong             positions known and           (prioritized actions and innovative
emerging issues       and well-articulated positions       disseminates them within      approaches deployed)
                      on major issues facing               organizations such as the
                      Québec’s financial sector            forums of domestic and      • Status of our fintech work:
                      1.1.3                                international regulators.
                                                         • The AMF plays an              −− Initiatives carried out to position
                      Strengthen our influence                                              ourselves in this area
                      within forums of domestic            influential role within
                      and international regulators         forums of domestic and
                                                           international regulators.     −− Number/quality of fintech
                                                                                            stakeholders or firms interacting
1.2                   1.2.1                              • The AMF prioritizes its          with the AMF
                                                           actions and involvement
Lead high impact      Prioritize value-added
                                                           based on their impact.      • Results of external sectoral surveys
initiatives for the   initiatives and publicize them
protection of the                                        • The AMF stands out for        measuring:
public and the        1.2.2                                its new approaches.
development of                                                                           −− the contribution of our
                      Deploy innovative                                                     observations to industry-relevant
Québec’s financial    approaches based on best
sector                                                                                      issues
1.3                   1.3.1                              • The AMF formulates            −− the added value of our actions
                                                           specific methods for             and the innovative nature of our
Increase our          Deepen our understanding of                                           approaches
                                                           monitoring fintech
proactivity with      the new business models and
respect to new        their impact                                                       −− our proactive approach to
technologies                                             • The AMF continuously             oversight with respect to
and industry          1.3.2                                re-evaluates the                 new technologies and the
transformation        Reassess the regulatory              business and regulatory          transformation of the industry
                      framework, adapt it as               environment.
                      necessary and recommend            • The AMF explores new        • Results of surveys to assess the
                      adjustments, as required             regulatory approaches,        public’s confidence in:
                                                           adapts its methods
                      1.3.3                                                              −− the financial sector
                                                           and recommends
                      Structure our operations and         adjustments, as required.
                                                                                         −− financial sector professionals
                      adapt our methods                  • The AMF positions itself
                                                           and is recognized as          −− the AMF
                                                           an active stakeholder
                                                           in Québec’s fintech         • Results of the IMF’s Financial
                                                           ecosystem.                    Sector Assessment Program and
                                                                                         status of the implementation of its

                                                                                       • Results of benchmarking vis-à-vis
                                                                                         other regulators

                              Autorité des marchés financiers   20    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Orientation 2
      Objectives                 Means                           Results                            Indicators
2.1                   2.1.1                          • The AMF maintains a            • Status and results of our awareness,
                                                       fruitful dialogue with           consultation and other liaison
Reinforce our links   Increase opportunities for
                                                       all financial sector             activities
with clients and      information, awareness,
                                                       stakeholders that:
partners              consultation and exchanges
                                                       −− allows it to better         • Impact of our partnerships,
                                                          understand their              particularly as regards the Québec
                      Solidify our partnerships           realities and concerns;       Financial Education Strategy and
                      and explore new avenues
                                                       −− consequently, allows it       the control of unethical, abusive
                      for collaboration
                                                          to anticipate the effects     or fraudulent practices
                                                          of measures it takes;
                                                       −− allows stakeholders         • New collaborations developed and
                                                          to have a better              the impact thereof
                                                          understanding of the
                                                          actions it takes.
                                                     • The AMF contributes to         • Tools, guides and workshops
                                                       improving the financial          offered and user appreciation
                                                       literacy of consumers            assessments
                                                       and sharpening their
                                                                                      • Results of external sectoral surveys
                                                     • The AMF increases the            measuring the quality of our
                                                       impact of its partnerships       dialogue
                                                       and other outside
                                                                                      • Results of the AMF Index
2.2                   2.2.1                          • The AMF offers the
                                                       industry tools, guides
Improve our           Offer compliance support to
                                                       and workshops tailored         • Results of surveys regarding the
delivery of           the industry
                                                       to its needs.                    perception that Quebeckers have
                                                     • The AMF heightens                of AMF activities
                      Improve the effectiveness        satisfaction of targeted
                      of our interactions with our     clients, regulated or
                      regulated clients and other      otherwise, with which it       • Results of satisfaction surveys
                      clienteles                       deals directly.                  among our target clienteles

                                                                                      • Results of benchmarking vis-à-vis
                                                                                        other regulators

                          Autorité des marchés financiers   21    2017-2020 Strategic Plan
Orientation 3
      Objectives                 Means                            Results                             Indicators
3.1                  3.1.1                            • The AMF increases the           • Adjustments to the governance
                                                        capacity for action of its        framework
Increase our         Streamline our working
                                                        teams and managers.
agility and          methods and decision-
performance          making processes                 • The AMF enhances                • Status of initiatives aimed at
                                                        its integrated risk               continuously improving and
                     3.1.2                              management tools.                 optimizing our activities
                     Ensure that our culture of       • The AMF improves
                     integrated risk management         the effectiveness and
                     moves forward and foster           efficiency of its activities.   • Report from the project
                     initiative and accountability                                        management office

                                                                                        • Results of targeted key
                     Continue to improve the                                              performance indicators (KPIs)
                     conduct of our activities
3.2                  3.2.1                            • The AMF develops
                                                        its skills and deploys          • Monitoring of indicators, particularly
Develop our skills   Define, prioritize and satisfy                                       as regards turnover, the percentage
                                                        strategies to satisfy
                     new expertise requirements                                           of payroll allocated to training
                                                        its new expertise
                                                        requirements.                     and the deployment of our skills
                     3.2.2                                                                development strategies
                     Encourage innovation and         • The AMF makes the most
                     collective intelligence            of the innovation and
                                                        collective intelligence of      • Results of the survey on
                     3.2.3                              its teams.                        organizational culture

                     Offer stimulating challenges,    • The AMF stands out as an
                     a dynamic environment and          employer of choice.
                                                                                        • Results of the survey on employee
                     attractive working condition                                         mobilization
3.3                  3.3.1                            • The AMF improves its
                                                        client interface.
Update our tools     Continue to develop our                                            • Results of benchmarking vis-à-vis
                     technological resources          • The AMF enhances its              other regulators and agencies
                                                        ability to collect, process
                     3.3.2                              and analyze information
                     Acquire space, equipment           and data.
                     and tools that are specialized   • The AMF increases the
                     and tailored to the evolution      performance of its teams
                     of our activities                  by providing them with
                                                        the appropriate tools.

                         Autorité des marchés financiers     22     2017-2020 Strategic Plan
QUÉBEC CITY                           MONTRÉAL
                            Place de la Cité, tour Cominar        800, Square-Victoria, 22e étage
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