Page created by Jonathan Holt



Welcome to AUT

                                                      E ngā mana, e ngā reo
                                                      E te iti, e te rahi
                                                      E ngā mātāwaka o ngā tōpito o te ao
                                                      Ngā mahuetanga iho e kawe nei i ngā
                                                      moemoeā o rātou mā
                                                      Tēnā koutou katoa

                                                      Piki mai rā, kake mai rā,

                                                      Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei o ngā wānanga
                                                      Whakatau mai i raro i te korowai āhuru
                                                      o Te Wānanga
                                                      Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau

GREATNESS                                             To the prestigious, the many voices
                                                      The few, the great
                                                      To those of all races and creeds
                                                      We who remain to fulfil the dreams and
                                                      aspirations of the ancestors
                                                      Greetings one and all
                                  MATILDA POASA
                                  STORYTELLER         Climb, ascend
                                  AUT GRADUATE
                                                      Embark on the journey of knowledge
                                                      Let us at AUT embrace and empower you
                                                      To strive for and achieve excellence

At AUT we know that all of our students arrive with
so much potential. It’s our job to help them unlock   Te whakatupu i te kōunga, i te mana taurite me ngā
that potential and use it to find the greatness       tikanga matatika, i ngā pūkenga ako,
within them. For many of our graduates, it was an     i ngā pūkenga whakaako me te āta rangahau hei hāpai
influential lecturer, a conversation with a student   i ngā hāpori whānui o te motu, otirā, o te ao.
mentor, or an educational experience inside or
outside the classroom that gave them clarity and
                                                      To foster excellence, equity and ethics in learning,
opened up new possibilities.
                                                      teaching, research and scholarship, and in so doing
                                                      serve our regional, national and international
Some of our great graduates now share their stories
of how their time at AUT helped them uncover what
drives them and inspired them to turn that passion
into something rewarding and meaningful.


Course information                                                           About AUT
                                                                             02   AUT’s faculties and schools
12   Bachelor of Arts                                                        03   Qualifications and study pathways
16   Bachelor of Māori Development                                           04   Why study at Te Ara Poutama?
19   Minors                                                                  10   Our staff
20   Diploma in Arts & Certificate in Arts                                   32   Campus map
21   Postgraduate Certificate & Diploma in Arts
22   Master of Arts                                                          Applying for your programme
23   Master of Philosophy                                                    26   How to apply
24   Doctor of Philosophy                                                    28   University entrance
                                                                             30   Fees and payment
                                                                             31   Find out more

Key: F/T = full-time, P/T=part-time
Top 1%: AUT is ranked in the world’s top 251-300 universities (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021).

Disclaimer: Although every reasonable effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information in this document is provided as a
general guide only for students and is subject to change. All students enrolling at AUT should consult its official document,
the AUT Calendar, which is available online at aut.ac.nz/calendar, to ensure that they are aware of, and comply with, all
regulations, requirements and policies.
International students should visit aut.ac.nz/international for entry requirements and detailed application information.
The information contained in this programme guide was correct at the time of print, December 2020.

AUT’s faculties and schools

     AUT has five faculties and 16 schools. The red box in the diagram below shows where the programmes in this
     programme guide sit within AUT.

       AND LAW                                                        TE ARA KETE ARONUI
                                                                      School of Education
       Business School                                                Te Kura Mātauranga
       Te Kura Kaipakihi
                                                                      School of Hospitality and Tourism
       Law School                                                     Te Kura Taurimatanga me te Mahi Tāpoi
       Te Kura Ture
                                                                      School of Language and Culture
       School of Economics                                            Te Kura Reo me te Ahurea
       Matauranga hanga
                                                                      School of Social Sciences and Public Policy
                                                                      Te Kura Pūtaiao ā-iwi me ngā Kaupapa Tūmatanui

       TE ARA AUAHA                                                   FACULTY OF HEALTH AND
                                                                      ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
       School of Art and Design                                       TE ARA HAUORA A PŪTAIAO
       Te Kura Toi a Hoahoa
                                                                      School of Clinical Sciences
       School of Communication Studies                                Te Kura Mātai Haumanu
       Te Kura Whakapāho
                                                                      School of Public Health and
       School of Engineering, Computer and                            Interdisciplinary Studies
       Mathematical Sciences
       Te Kura Mātai Pūhanga, Rorohiko, Pāngarau                      School of Science
                                                                      Te Kura Pūtaiao
       School of Future Environments
       Huri te Ao                                                     School of Sport and Recreation
                                                                      Te Kura Hākinakina


Qualifications and study pathways

                                                                Diploma in Arts / Certificate in Arts

                                                                                                            Bachelor of
                                                                                                          Arts & Bachelor               Double degree:
                  Bachelor of Māori           Bachelor of Arts             Graduate Diploma
                                                                                                            of Business
                    Development                   • Māori                     / Graduate                                              Bachelor of Arts &
                   • Māori Media               Development                 Certificate in Arts            Bachelor of Arts            Bachelor of Laws
                                                                                                           & Bachelor of
                                                                                                           Computer and

                                                                     Postgraduate Diploma /
                                                                  Postgraduate Certificate in Arts

                                                                                                                                        Master of
                                                                                                          Master of
                                                  Master of                    Master of                                                 Teaching
                   Master of Arts                                                                         Business
                                                 Philosophy                    Business 1                                              and Learning
                                                                                                        Administration 1
                                                                                                                                        (Primary) 1

                            Doctor of Philosophy

1. These programmes are offered by other faculties at AUT. For more information about these programmes visit aut.ac.nz
1) Completion of one qualification doesn’t guarantee entry to a higher-level qualification.
2) Apply for the qualification you are best suited for – you don’t necessarily have to enrol in the qualification that appears at the top of the above diagram.
3) Some qualifications in the above diagram may be prerequisites to – and not credit towards – higher-level qualifications.

For more information, visit aut.ac.nz/tap

                                                Nationally and
                                             recognised lecturers


                      Complete workplace
                        experience with
                         leading media
                      outlets, government,
                        businesses and

                                                                                 1          3

1 Our City Campus is in the heart of Auckland’s CBD 2 & 3 You have access to fantastic facilities and software including the latest video recording equipment and a
specially designed sound room

A world-class university environment                                                      That’s why workplace experience is a key part of both
                                                                                          the Bachelor of Māori Development and Bachelor of
We’re proud to be one of the world’s best modern                                          Arts, and your final year includes a work placement in
universities - Times Higher Education has ranked us                                       radio, TV, film production, education, government, or a
as the top millennial university in Australasia and we’re                                 tribal or community organisation.
in the top 1% (251-300) of universities in the world. We
encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, and the
ability to explore new technologies, challenge routine                                    Innovative and relevant research
thinking and solve problems in new ways. Many of our                                      AUT is ranked first in New Zealand for global research
courses incorporate digital concepts into everyday                                        impact by Times Higher Education. We deliver
learning and teaching. As a student at Te Ara Poutama,                                    leading research in a number of areas within Māori
you have access to the latest facilities and software to                                  and indigenous development, working closely with
create apps, e-books and films that will help you tell                                    academics and organisations from around New Zealand
the stories that matter to you and your whānau. Our                                       and the world. As a postgraduate student you work
dual boot lab, for example, is a great place to develop                                   closely with academic staff who are known as experts in
high-quality audio-visual apps and iBooks. We also                                        their field - from Māori business and entrepreneurship
have the latest video recording hardware and software,                                    to Māori media and from Mātauranga Māori to New
and a specially designed sound room where students                                        Zealand history and the Treaty of Waitangi. Our research
can record voiceovers.                                                                    also feeds back into the classroom, and students can
                                                                                          contribute to and learn from these research discoveries.
Creating world-ready graduates
AUT’s mission is to create great graduates, and each                                      Committed to te reo Māori
member of our staff contributes to this. We offer                                         You’ll learn te reo Māori in a dynamic and interactive
exceptional learning experiences that prepare students                                    way, and our innovative courses introduce you to te ao
to be successful wherever in the world their career                                       Māori - the language and the culture that surrounds it.
may take them. Study with us and you not only learn
academic knowledge related to your discipline, but
also gain experience of the wider world and valuable
industry contacts. We know that to create truly great
graduates, we must do more than get them ready for
their career; we must get them ready for the world.

Our marae: Ngā Wai o Horotiu

     The gateway to AUT, Ngā Wai o Horotiu marae is               Our wharekai (dining room) is called te Kaipara after the
     located on the City Campus. Ngā Wai o Horotiu marae          Kaipara Harbour. Ngāti Whātua traversed the Kaipara
     is a whānau, cultural and spiritual centre. It embraces      from the North. The word ‘para’ is a reference to the
     the history of Māori and welcomes the diverse cultures       para fern which is a traditional Māori delicacy. Kai-para
     at AUT.                                                      means ‘to eat the para fern’. It’s a fitting name for our
                                                                  dining room. Kaipara – the house of gourmet food.
     The marae is one of the ways AUT acknowledges the
     importance of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi       You can find Ngā Wai o Horotiu on the corner of
     and expresses our deeply held belief that AUT is a centre    Wellesley and St Paul Street in Auckland.
     of learning for all peoples, but also a place where Māori
     have a special and distinct role.
     Our marae’s wharenui (meeting house) was named
     Te Pūrengi by the local iwi Ngāti Whātua. The name
     represents the ropes which hold the mast of a waka in
     place. Te Pūrengi is the focal point of Ngā Wai o Horotiu.


   1                                                                                3


   5                                                                                             6

1 & 6 AUT’s Ngā Wai o Horotiu marae in the heart of Auckland City 2 Staff celebrating students’ success at graduation 3 & 5 The City Campus has plenty of wide-open spaces for socialising
and studying 4 AUT’s open day, AUT LIVE, brings the City Campus to life

Life at AUT                                                   Supporting you into your
                                                              future career
                                                              The AUT Employability and Careers team
AUT is a modern and innovative university with endless        prepares you for your future career by
opportunities and a supportive culture that celebrates        developing job search, interview and networking
diversity. Studying at AUT is your chance to meet new         skills, building your personal brand and more.
people and develop lifelong skills, while getting the
support you need to succeed at university and beyond.
                                                              Connections to the workplace
We’re proactive in enabling all students to succeed, and      We run a full programme of employer
our comprehensive student support services ensure             presentations, events and workshops
that you have an amazing experience inside and outside        throughout the year – on campus and online
the classroom.                                                - with employers offering insights into their
                                                              industries and recruiting future employees. Four
We’re here to help                                            graduate job boards, including an international
                                                              one, offer great work opportunities for AUT
No matter what the problem, our Student Hub advisors          graduates and interns.
are here to help. You can find a Student Hub on each
campus and our specialist staff can help with anything from
enrolment and student ID cards to academic and personal       Gain an edge on the competition
support, fees and financial support, and services for our     The AUT Edge and Beyond AUT Awards help
diverse student communities including the international,      you gain an extra edge in the competitive
disability and rainbow community.                             marketplace by developing highly employable
                                                              skills through volunteering, leadership and
Dedicated support for new students                            employability activities.
From Orientation to our many academic and cultural
support programmes, our Student Services team is              International study opportunities
there to make starting out as a new student as
                                                              An international student exchange offers an
easy as possible.
                                                              amazing opportunity to study overseas as part
                                                              of your degree. Study for a semester or a year
                                                              at one of our partner universities around the
                                                              world, immerse yourself in another culture,
                                                              make lifelong friends and get international
                                                              experience before you graduate.
Helping you succeed in                           Free access to digital tools and resources
your studies                                     We offer students all the digital tools needed to succeed,
Our library and learning support team offers a   including free wifi on campus, the full Office 365 suite for
wide range of services and resources designed    up to five devices and free access to LinkedIn Learning, a
to help develop your academic skills.            world-leading online learning platform.
The Library also runs a range of workshops
to help you get the most out of your studies,
and our peer mentoring programme provides        Getting involved in campus life
academic support from others who have            Joining a club is a great way to meet like-minded people
already completed the same course.               and make lifelong friends outside of lectures. Choose from
                                                 a range of student-run social, sustainability, academic and
Top internships around the world                 cultural clubs – a great way to meet new people, participate
                                                 in events and get involved in campus life.
A good internship can be the foundation of a
great career. That’s why AUT Internz places
students and graduates with top companies in
                                                 Play sport or join the gym
New Zealand, North America, Asia and the UK      AUT is New Zealand’s leading sports university, with state-
– including Paramount Recording Studios, the     of-the-art sports facilities, on-campus gyms, and a huge
Sundance Institute and Westpac Institutional     number of sports teams and events. As an AUT student you
Bank in New York.                                can participate in a wide variety of sports, from social
                                                 on-campus games to elite international competitions.
A launchpad for entrepreneurs
Every entrepreneur starts somewhere.
                                                 Holistic approach to wellness
At AUT, the best place for aspiring              AUT offers comprehensive medical, and counselling and
entrepreneurs is CO.STARTERS@AUT. This           mental health services. We also run Bright Side events
ten-week programme helps you turn your           where students can develop better self-knowledge and a
entrepreneurial ideas into a viable business.    greater sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

An outstanding                                   Disability student support and resources
learning environment                             Our Disability Support team is committed to helping you
At AUT you study in an innovative and            participate as fully as you can in learning and student life.
interactive environment that embraces            We work with students before they start at AUT to help
creativity, collaboration, and the sharing of    identify their specific needs and ensure they’re set up
ideas and culture. A number of our buildings     for success.
have won prestigious architecture awards,
and we’re constantly improving our built         Getting around
environment to offer students the best
possible learning experience.                    Whether it’s finding your way to campus or getting around
                                                 between lectures, AUT offers a range of resources to help
                                                 you navigate your new environment, including shuttle buses
                                                 that travel between campuses and interactive online maps.

                                                 Safe and friendly campuses
                                                 We make sure our students are safe when they're on
                                                 campus. Our friendly security staff are available day and
                                                 night to help if you have any concerns.

Our staff

                 Professor Pare Keiha                       Jamie Cowell
                 QSO, MBA, MComLaw, MSc, PhD Auck.,         BMD Auck. UT, MA Auck. UT, Cert TT
                 FRSA, MInstD, MRSNZ                        Auck. UT

                 Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean, Faculty      Lecturer
                 of Culture and Society                     Ngāti Porou, Waikato
                 Pro Vice-Chancellor for Māori
                 Dean of Te Ara Poutama (Faculty of Māori
                 and Indigenous Development)
                 Rongowhaakata, Te Aitanga-a-Māhaki         Dr Elisa Duder
                                                            BA Waik, DipTchg Auck, DipPublishing
                                                            Whitireia, MA (Hons) Auck. UT,
                 Professor Hinematau McNeill                PhD Auck. UT
                 MA (Hons) Auck, PhD Auck. UT, TESL
                 London                                     Senior Lecturer

                 Associate Dean
                 Tapuika, Ngāti Moko
                                                            Dr Stanley Frielick
                                                            BA Pret., MA, PhD Witw., HDipEd (PG),
                 Erana Foster
                 MA Auck                                    Senior Lecturer

                 Undergraduate Programme Leader
                 Waikato, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Maru

                                                            Aini Grace
                                                            BMD Auck. UT, PgDipArts Auck. UT,
                                                            MA Auck. UT
                 Sonia Mehana
                 BBus Auck. UT, MA (Hons) Auck. UT          Lecturer
                                                            Ngāti Whatua, Ngāti Porou, Te Arawa,
                 Faculty Registrar                          Samoan, Cook Island Māori
                 Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Whātua

                                                            Dr Jani K. T. Wilson
                                                            PhD, MA (Hons), BA Auck.

                 Dr Teena Brown-Pulu                        Senior Lecturer
                 BA, BA(Hons), BSocSci(Hons),               Ngāti Awa, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Hine
                 MSocSci(Hons), PhD Waik

                 Senior Lecturer
                 Tonga, Ngāti Awa


J. Hēmi Kelly                             Dr Robert Pouwhare
DipTPTRK, Te Panekiretanga TWOA,          MA (Hons) Auck. UT, PhD Auck. UT
BMPA TWWA, BMVA (Hons) Massey,
MA (Hons) Auck. UT                        Lecturer

Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Tahu-Ngāti

Jason King                                Dr Maree Sheehan
BEd, MA Waik, DipTchg                     BA Massey, PgDipArts Auck. UT,
                                          MPhil Auck. UT, PhD Auck. UT
Senior Lecturer
Waikato, Ngāti Mahuta,                    Senior Lecturer
Ngāti Rangitaka                           Ngāti Maniapoto, Waikato,
                                          Ngāti TŪwharetoa

Professor Sharon Mazer                    Dr Valance Smith
MA UCLA, MPhil, PhD Columbia              MA Auck, PhD Auck. UT

Professor                                 Lecturer
                                          Ngāpuhi, Waikato, Ngāti Mahuta

Professor Paul Moon                       Hohepa Spooner
PhD, MPhil (Hons) Massey, MA (Hons)       PgDipArts Auck. UT
Auck. UT, MRSNZ, FRSA, FRHistS (London)
Professor of History                      Ngāti Kahungungu,
Associate Dean, Research                  Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Professor                                 Dr Claudio Aguayo
Lorna Piatti-Farnell                      PhD Waikato, BSc (Hons) UChile.
BA (Hons.), MA, PhD Lough.
                                          Senior Lecturer


 Bachelor of Arts                           [   BA | AK3704   ]

  QUICK FACTS                                                     Do you enjoy learning about people and places at an individual,
                                                                  national or international level? Want to learn how to use this
                                                                  knowledge to make a difference in our increasingly globalised
   Level:       7
                                                                  society? With the AUT Bachelor of Arts you can choose from majors
                                                                  in areas as diverse as Māori development, languages, criminology,
   Points:      360
                                                                  psychology, event management and education. It’s great preparation
                                                                  for a huge range of careers, and you can build your degree in a way
   Duration:    3 years F/T, 6 years P/T
                                                                  that suits you – study a single or a double major, select from a wide
                                                                  range of minors or add elective courses from another area of study.
   Campus:      City
                                                                  Throughout your study you’ll develop effective communication,
   Starts:      28 Feb & 18 July 2022                             critical thinking and analysis skills, as well as the ability to research
                                                                  and present professionally. These skills are key to any professional
                                                                  role. Your final year includes valuable workplace experience, working
                                                                  on a project or event, or at an organisation related to your major.

                                                                  Entry requirements
                                                                  Minimum entry requirements
                                                                  University Entrance or equivalent

                                                                  Useful New Zealand school subjects
                                                                  All subjects are useful, in particular Art History, Classical Studies,
                                                                  English, Geography, History, Media Studies and other languages.

                                                                  English language requirements
                                                                  IELTS (Academic) 6.0 overall with all bands 5.5 or higher; or equivalent.
  Rewa Harker
  Ngāti Kahungunu ki Wairoa
  Project Lead, Wai Research, Te Whānau o                         Don’t meet the entry requirements?
  Waipareira Trust                                                Consider starting with our Diploma in Arts (see page 20).
  Bachelor of Arts in Māori Development

  “I had always wanted to attend university                       Recognition of Prior Learning
  in my adult life, but children and work                         A feature of our programmes is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), a
  always made it seem impossible. When                            system that provides credit for your previous learning and experience.
  the first-year fees-free policy happened,                       You may be able to get formal credit if you have completed a university
  I decided it was time to bite the bullet                        or technical institute course that closely matches the level and
  and have a go. I was looking to do a te                         content of an AUT course. You normally need to have completed this
  reo Māori class and came across AUT’s
                                                                  course within the last five years. If you have a variety of learning and
  Māori development degree. I absolutely
                                                                  experience (for example professional development workshops and
  loved the experience and felt very
  grateful to be able to finally tick one                         work experience) that matches the learning within a course, you may
  of my bucket list dreams off the list! I                        be able to apply for non-formal credit.
  would encourage anyone who has been
  keen to attend university but nervous.                          Major
  You might find it intimidating to have
  a go, or like me you might find it an                           • Māori Development
  awesome experience. I’m now looking
  into applying for a master’s degree to
  further my career opportunities, and now
  have the confidence and knowledge that
  I will be well supported to achieve my
  next goal.”

Other majors within the Bachelor of Arts are:
• Chinese Studies
• Conflict Resolution
• Creative Writing
• Criminology and Criminal Justice
• Culinary Arts
• Economics
• Education
• English and New Media Studies                                                   Huge opportunities for
• Event Management                                                              workplace experience and
• International Studies                                                       international study exchanges
• Interpreting
• Japanese Studies
• New Zealand Sign Language and Deaf Studies
• New Zealand Sign Language – English Interpreting
• Psychology
• Social Sciences

What this qualification covers

Year 1
Your first year begins with learning in a digital world, incorporating
aspects of applied media. You can explore Māori in popular culture as
well as te reo Māori.

                                                                         Abel Kururangi Johnston
Year 2                                                                   Ngāti Porou, Ngā Whānau a Tūwhakairiora,
In your second year you continue the te reo Māori journey. You also      Putaanga, Hinerupe, Hinepare, Hunaara,
                                                                         Rakairoa, Iritekura, Kiekie, Ōhine Waiapu
complete courses from your chosen minor or elective courses in your      3rd-year student, Bachelor of Arts in Māori
area of interest.                                                        Development

                                                                         “My old man and I went to AUT’s open
Year 3                                                                   day, AUT LIVE, where we talked to
In your final year you develop research techniques to prepare you        quite a few people. I first looked at
for your workplace experience (the Te Ara Poutama Work Integrated        communication studies, then Māori
Learning course) in your last semester.                                  media and eventually settled on Māori
                                                                         development. I had grown up bilingual
Workplace experience is the final part of your degree. This is           and my dad is the general manager of an
a supervised work placement related to your major(s), for an             iwi trust. I’ve always been around Māori
organisation of your choice.                                             language and culture, and have always
                                                                         found it interesting. I really enjoy the
In Year 3, you also study any remaining major or minor courses as well   variety of stuff I’ve been able to study as
as electives.                                                            part of the Bachelor of Arts, from history
                                                                         and economics, to culture and society.
Recent placements included:                                              I love learning and I like the freedom
• Community organisations                                                to study what I find interesting. I love
• Government agencies                                                    researching and I know I want to do a
                                                                         Master of Arts when I finish my degree,
• Teaching across all sectors                                            and probably a PhD as well.”


          Bachelor of Arts
          Overview continued

                                                Double your career options – study the Bachelor of
                                                Arts and:
                                                • Bachelor of Computer and Information Sciences (conjoint)
                                                • Bachelor of Business (conjoint)
                                                • Bachelor of Laws (double degree)

                                                Today, standing out from the crowd is more important than ever.
              Double your career                Conjoint programmes, double degrees and second majors double
          opportunities with conjoint or        your knowledge and opportunities, but don’t take double the time to
           double degree programmes             complete.

                                                Conjoint programmes
                                                You study two degrees at the same time in a single programme of
                                                study. It’s usually possible to complete two three-year degrees in four
                                                to five years. You need to maintain a B grade average across all courses
                                                and do courses from each degree every year.

                                                Double degrees
                                                The difference between double degrees and conjoint programmes is
                                                that in the double degrees you apply for and enrol separately in each
                                                of the two degrees. If you’re considering doing this, it’s important
                                                that you contact AUT to discuss your plans. Double degrees can be
                                                completed either one after the other or concurrently.

                                                Additional majors and minors
  Jamie Lee Raumati                             When you take a second major from the majors available in your
  Tuwharetoa, Tainui, Te Rarawa me Ngai
  Te Rangi                                      degree this is called a double major. If you take the second major from
  CEO & Founder, Stay Connected Ltd / Owner,    another AUT degree this is called an additional major. Minors are also
  Bag a Bean Ltd                                available in these and some other subjects. Adding a second major or a
  Master of Arts in Māori Development student   minor allows you to study another area that interests you from a wide
  Bachelor of Arts in Māori Development and
  Social Sciences
                                                range of subjects, so long as your timetable permits.

  “I had heard from whānau and friends          Refer to page 19 for minors you can take as part of this degree.
  that AUT has a really good support
  network, especially at Te Ara Poutama,        AUT encourages early application. Places are limited.
  the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous
  Development. The vibe at AUT is
  amazing and you feel like you can
  achieve anything. My highlight at AUT
  was supporting other Māori students as
  a tāura kaiwhatu, Māori learning mentor.
  I love helping my people because I know
  with a little support and a nudge in the
  right direction they can achieve anything
  they set their minds to. Before I started
  at AUT, I had a fear of speaking in front
  of an audience. Now I constantly present
  my businesses to big organisations.
  Thank you AUT for teaching me how to
  speak confidently in public.”
                                                          For more details visit aut.ac.nz/tap

Course planner
 YEAR            SEMESTER 1                                                             SEMESTER 2

                  Culture and Society                                                    Knowledge and Inquiry

                  Learning in a Digital World                                            Level 5 Māori Development major course
    points        Making Digital Media I                                                 Additional major, minor or elective course1

                  Māori in Popular Culture                                               Additional major, minor or elective course1

                  Additional major, minor or elective course1                            Level 6 Māori Development major course
                  Additional major, minor or elective course1                            Additional major, minor or elective course1
                  Te Rangahau: Research Methods                                          Additional major, minor or elective course1

                  Level 6 Māori Development major course                                 Additional major, minor or elective course1

                  Te Ao Hurihuri: Contemporary Māori Issues                              Te Ara Poutama Work Integrated Learning
                  Te Ara Poutama Preparation for Work Integrated
                                                                                         Additional major, minor or elective course1
    points        Additional major, minor or elective course1                            Additional major, minor or elective course1

                  Level 7 Māori Development major course

 360 points total
1. Electives are non-compulsory courses that help you broaden your learning. A minor is another subject area you can specialise in, but it’s smaller than
a major. A minor consists of at least 60 points in a single subject area. Please discuss your choice of elective or minor courses with the faculty registrar.

Elective courses                                                                   • Intermediate Māori Language I
                                                                                   • Intermediate Māori Language II
The degree is flexible enough to enable you to include
courses of your interest, either from Māori development                            • Introduction to Pacific Media
or from a wide range of other degrees across AUT.                                  • The Pacific in Popular Culture
                                                                                   • Te Tiriti o Waitangi: The Treaty of Waitangi
You can take courses from the list below or from other
                                                                                   • Our People, Our Stories: Contemporary NZ
undergraduate degree programmes with the approval of
                                                                                     Oral Histories
both programme leaders.
                                                                                   • Making Digital Media II

Māori development courses                                                          Level 7
                                                                                   • Advanced Māori Language I
Level 5
                                                                                   • Advanced Māori Language II
• Kaupapa Māori for Screens                                                        • Nostalgia and Utopianism in NZ History
• Lift Every Voice and Sing: Performing Social Justice                             • From Savages to Hip-Hop Crews: Māori in
• Writing (in) Māori Shorts                                                          New Zealand Fiction Feature Film History
• Waiata – The practice of expressing matauranga                                   • Performing Pacific Media
  Māori through voice, music and sound                                             • Making Digital Media III
• Beginners Māori Language I                                                       • Gods, Heroes and the Rest of Us in Theatre
• Beginners Māori Language II                                                        and Performance
• Introduction to New Zealand History                                              • Popular Monsters
                                                                                   • Indigenous Peoples and Popular Culture
Level 6
• Kaupapa Māori Film Project                                                       For more details visit aut.ac.nz/tap
• Tā Moko: Marked Histories and Identities
• Te Ara Pou Leadership


         Bachelor of Māori Development                           [   BMD | AK3453    ]
         Māori Media

  QUICK FACTS                                 There has been a huge shift in the media landscape in the last two
                                              decades, and there are many opportunities for people interested
                                              in Māori media. A strong foundation in te reo Māori and basic
   Level:       7
                                              tikanga is highly valued in this field – regardless of ethnicity. That’s
                                              why graduates of AUT’s Māori Media major have an edge in the
   Points:      360
                                              competitive media industry. Study with us and you gain insight into
                                              the fast-paced media industry, as well as a sound understanding
   Duration:    3 years F/T, 6 years P/T
                                              of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori. We’re proud of our innovative
                                              and supportive learning environment. Throughout your studies,
   Campus:      City
                                              you could build web applications, make films or design interactive
                                              multimedia from a bicultural perspective.
   Starts:      28 Feb & 18 July 2022

                                              Entry requirements
                                              Minimum entry requirements
                                              University Entrance or equivalent

                                              Useful New Zealand school subjects
                                              All subjects are useful, in particular Art History, Classical Studies,
                                              English, Geography, History, Media Studies and other languages.

                                              Don’t meet the entry requirements?
                                              Consider starting with our Diploma in Arts (see page 20).

                                              English language requirements
                                              IELTS (Academic) 6.0 overall with all bands 5.5 or higher; or equivalent.
  Louis Inn Tze Ngā-Tai e Rua Wee
  Residential Youth Worker, Ko Tāku Reo       Recognition of Prior Learning
  Deaf Education Centre New Zealand           A feature of our programmes is Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), a
  Bachelor of Māori Development in            system that provides credit for your previous learning and experience.
  Māori Media
                                              You may be able to get formal credit if you have completed a university
  “I chose this degree because I wanted       or technical institute course that closely matches the level and
  to study something that would allow         content of an AUT course. You normally need to have completed this
  me to be creative, use my te reo Māori,     course within the last five years. If you have a variety of learning and
  and learn more about te ao Māori            experience (for example professional development workshops and
  and kaupapa Māori. I loved being in         work experience) that matches the learning within a course, you may
  a kaupapa Māori environment where
                                              be able to apply for non-formal credit.
  everyone was so proudly Māori. This
  experience inspired me to strengthen
  my own reo and I took a gap year and        Major
  studied abroad in Shanghai for half a
  year to learn Mandarin Chinese. It also     • Māori Media
  allowed me time to start learning the
  other official language of Aotearoa; New
  Zealand Sign Language (NZSL). Being at
  AUT has enabled me to learn how to instil
  and practise kaupapa Māori in whatever
  I do. I work with many Deaf Māori youth
  in my current role, so an awareness
  and understanding of te ao Māori is
  important, as well as being able to help
  facilitate things like mihi whakatau.”

What this major covers

Year 1
Your first year introduces you to Māori media studies, helping you
develop media production skills from a kaupapa Māori perspective.
The course Learning in a Digital World develops your academic
literacy, technological skills and critical thinking, focusing on Māori
specific themes.                                                           Inspiring graduates: Ngahuia Piripi,
                                                                             Shortland Street Actress; Eruini
This year we also advise you on the elective courses you can choose in    Paranihi, Bulletin Producer on The AM
Year 2 and 3. For a list of elective courses refer to page 18.             Show; Astley Nathan, Radio Host at
                                                                          Flava, and Te Okiwa Mclean, Reporter
We encourage you to choose Māori development and te reo Māori                          at Te Karere.
courses for your electives, as they cover skills that are crucial for a
career in Māori media.

Year 2
In Year 2, you develop your teamwork skills by creating a film,
including producing, writing, directing, editing and post-production
with a strong Māori or indigenous theme.

Year 3
In Year 3, you focus on developing research techniques and advanced
technical skills in preparation for your workplace experience (the Te
Ara Poutama Work Integrated Learning course) in your last semester.
Your workplace experience is a great opportunity to apply the
knowledge and theory you’ve learnt in the classroom.                      Stasia Wharepouri
                                                                          Te Rarawa, Ngāpuhi, Cook Island
Recent placements included:                                               Māori, Niuean
                                                                          Administrator, Kiwis for Kiwi
•   Māori Television                                                      Bachelor of Māori Development in
                                                                          Māori Media
•   Auckland Museum
•   Kura Productions                                                      “I had been interested in media and
•   Ngā Aho Whakaari                                                      creating my own stories for a long time,
                                                                          and I decided to study at AUT because I
•   South Seas Film and Television School
                                                                          knew it was the best hands-on university
•   Tangata Whenua Television                                             in Auckland. At first I was looking at
                                                                          studying communication studies, but
AUT encourages early application. Places are limited.
                                                                          after attending the AUT open day, AUT
                                                                          LIVE, I ended up at Te Ara Poutama,
                                                                          AUT’s Faculty of Māori and Indigenous
                                                                          Development. There I discovered the
                                                                          Māori media degree, which combined
                                                                          my love for media and the Māori culture.
                                                                          I knew immediately that this was the
                                                                          degree for me. A favourite highlight of
                                                                          my studies was creating a documentary
                                                                          with my friends on how attitudes towards
                                                                          te reo Māori can hinder its growth. I was
                                                                          extremely proud of the project and with
                                                                          the A+ grade we received.”

          For more details visit aut.ac.nz/tap


         Course planner
         YEAR         SEMESTER 1                                                           SEMESTER 2

                                                                                            Waiata – The practice of expressing matauranga
                       Māori in Popular Culture
                                                                                            Māori through voice, music and sound
                       Making Digital Media I                                               Writing (in) Māori Shorts
                       Learning in a Digital World                                          Kaupapa Māori for Screens

                       Beginners Māori Language I1                                          Beginners Māori Language II1

                       Kaupapa Māori Film Project                                           Te Tiriti o Waitangi: The Treaty of Waitangi
                       Intermediate Māori Language I1                                       Intermediate Māori Language II1
             120       Te Rangahau: Research Methods                                        Nostalgia and Utopianism in NZ History
            points                                                                          (or elective course2)
                       Making Digital Media II                                              Te Ara Pou - Leadership (or elective course2)

                       From Savages to Hip-Hop Crews: Māori in                              Advanced Māori Language II (or elective course2)
                       New Zealand Fiction Feature Film History
                       Te Ao Hurihuri: Contemporary Māori Issues                            Te Ara Poutama Work Integrated Learning
            points     Te Ara Poutama Preparation for Work Integrated                       Tā Moko: Marked Histories and Identities
                       Learning                                                             (or elective course2)
                       Advanced Māori Language I (or elective course2)

         360 points total
     1. Or higher te reo courses if you meet the requirements for Recognition of Prior Learning
     2. Electives are non-compulsory courses that help you broaden your learning. Please discuss your choice of electives with the faculty registrar.

         Elective courses                                                             Level 6
         The degree is flexible enough to enable you to include                       • Our People, Our Stories: Contemporary NZ
         courses of your interest, either from Māori development                        Oral Histories
         or from a wide range of other degrees across AUT.                            • Introduction to Pacific Media
                                                                                      • The Pacific in Popular Culture
         You can choose from a wide range of elective                                 • The Popular Imagination
         courses, either from the list below or from other AUT
         bachelor’s degrees.                                                          Level 7
                                                                                      • Performing Pacific Media
         Māori development courses                                                    • Making Digital Media III
                                                                                      • Gods, Heroes and the Rest of Us in Theatre
         Level 5                                                                        and Performance
         • Introduction to New Zealand History                                        • Popular Monsters
         • Lift Every Voice and Sing: Performing Social Justice                       • Indigenous Peoples and Popular Culture
         • The Holocaust: Its Causes, Character, and Legacy
         • Introduction to Applied Enterprise Innovation                              For more information visit aut.ac.nz/tap


You can tailor your Bachelor of Arts degree to your          Te reo Māori
interest and include one or two of our minors as part of     Learn the indigenous language of Aotearoa and gain
your degree.                                                 access to te ao Māori – the Māori worldview, with
                                                             our papers in te reo Māori. Study in an engaging
Digital Cultures                                             environment and learn from Kaiako (lecturers) who are
Get the digital media skills you need to make an impact      passionate about the revitalisation of the language.
in the world with a minor in digital cultures. Investigate
the role that digital applications play in culture and       Other minor options
society, and design, create and publish a wide range of      You can also choose to study a major or minor from
e-books and apps.                                            another programme at AUT as part of your Bachelor
                                                             of Arts. To see the wide range of majors and minors
History                                                      available visit aut.ac.nz/minors
Think critically about the past and how it influences the
present and future with a minor in history. We have a
wide variety of papers available with the benefit of being
able to study fully online or on campus.

Popular Culture and Performance
Engage thoughtfully and critically with the experiences
and materials of everyday life with a minor in popular
culture and performance. Explore the power and role of
film, song and television in media and the influence they
have in society.


   Diploma in Arts
   QUICK FACTS                              Diploma in Arts
                                            DipArts | AK2001
    Level:      5
                                            Certificate in Arts
    Points:     120                         CertArts | AK2002

    Duration:   1 year F/T, P/T available

    Campus:     City Campus                 Have UE, just missed out on UE or simply wanting to try out some
                                            options before committing to a degree? Start your studies in a
    Starts:     28 Feb & 18 July 2022       supported environment to get on track with your degree and your
                                            future. You’ll develop interpersonal, communication, critical thinking
                                            and problem-solving skills and will be supported through a series of
                                            tutorials, additional learning and other support.

                                            Entry requirements

                                            Minimum entry requirements
                                            • University Entrance OR
                                            • 42 NCEA credits at Level 3, including UE literacy and numeracy, with:
                                              • 10 credits in each of 3 approved subjects, OR
                                              • 12 credits in each of 2 approved subjects and 14 credits across
                                                2 further subjects

   Certificate in Arts                      English language requirements
                                            IELTS (Academic) 5.5 overall with a minimum of 5.5 in writing and a
                                            minimum of 5 in other bands, or equivalent.

    Level:      5
                                            What these qualifications cover
    Points:     60
                                            Diploma in Arts
    Duration:   ½ year F/T, P/T available   This one-year programme will develop knowledge and skills in a
                                            specific arts-related discipline, along with the necessary academic
    Campus:     City Campus                 preparation for further study at undergraduate level. You will take
                                            degree-level courses from a range of available subjects. We will work
    Starts:     28 Feb & 18 July 2022       with you to help you identify where you want to go and what courses
                                            will help you get there.
                                            On successful completion you can cross-credit your courses and
                                            transfer to a relevant bachelor’s degree.

                                            Certificate in Arts
                                            This one-semester programme will develop introductory
                                            knowledge and skills in one or more arts-related disciplines.
                                            On successful completion you will be prepared for further study
                                            at undergraduate level.

                                            AUT encourages early application. Places are limited.

                                                      For more details visit www.aut.ac.nz/tap


                                                                            Postgraduate Certificate
Postgraduate Certificate in Arts                                            in Arts
PgCertArts | AK1004                                                         QUICK FACTS

Postgraduate Diploma in Arts                                                Level:     8
PgDipArts | AK3740
                                                                            Points:    60

                                                                            Duration: ½ year F/T, 1 year P/T
Take your understanding of Māori development further with
the Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma in Arts.              Campus:    City
These programmes can also serve as a pathway to further
postgraduate study.                                                         Starts:    28 Feb & 18 July 2022

Entry requirements
Minimum entry requirements
• Bachelor of Arts OR
• Graduate Diploma in Arts OR
• Relevant professional experience equivalent to a bachelor’s degree

English language requirements
IELTS (Academic) 6.5 overall with all bands 6.0 or higher; or equivalent.

What these qualifications cover
                                                                            Postgraduate Diploma in Arts
For the Postgraduate Certificate in Arts you need to complete 60
points from the courses below, and for the Postgraduate Diploma in          QUICK FACTS
Arts 120 points.
                                                                            Level:     8
Courses include
• Theoretical Perspectives in Māori/Indigenous Research (30 points)         Points:    120
• Methodological Approaches for Māori/Indigenous Research
  (30 points)                                                               Duration: 1 year F/T, 2 years P/T
• Reading Paper (30 points)
• Special Topic in Māori Development (30 points)                            Campus:    City

                                                                            Starts:    28 Feb & 18 July 2022
AUT encourages early application. Places are limited.

          For more details visit aut.ac.nz/tap


  QUICK FACTS                                    Master of Arts
                                                 Māori Development
   Level:       9                                MA | AK3689

   Points:      240

   Duration:    2 years F/T,
                up to 5 years P/T                The Master of Arts is a programme of advanced study and research.
                                                 It’s designed to support your particular research interests, and
   Campus:      City                             tailored to your individual learning needs. The learning environment
                                                 is wānanga based, encourages inclusivity and discipline, and is
   Starts:      28 Feb & 18 July 2022            informed by Māori beliefs and values.

                                                 Entry requirements
                                                 Minimum entry requirements
                                                 • Bachelor of Arts OR Graduate Diploma in Arts
                                                 • Must have completed the relevant prerequisite courses in the
                                                   selected subject area for this degree with a B grade average
                                                   or higher

                                                 English language requirements
                                                 IELTS (Academic) 6.5 overall with all bands 6.0 or higher; or equivalent

                                                 What this qualification covers
  Amadonna Jakeman
                                                 The courses you complete provide a platform for developing chapters,
  Ngāti Te Tarawa, Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi nui       artefacts or other key contributions to your thesis, exegesis and
  tonu, Ngāti Te Ata, Ngāti Maniapoto, Tainui,   artefact, depending on which thesis pathway you choose.
  Social Services Lecturer/Tutor, NorthTec       You complete the degree with courses and a 120-point research thesis.
  Master of Arts in Māori Development
  with First Class Honours
  Bachelor of Māori Development                  Career opportunities
  “My research explored Te Ruki Kawiti’s         You will be able to find employment opportunities in a variety
  1846 final speech, known as Te Tangi o         of organisations including:
  Kawiti – said after the signing of Te Tiriti   • Iwi resource management
  o Waitangi in 1840 and the battle              • Research
  of Ruapekapeka in 1845, and its
  impact on resistance activities and the        • Consultancy
  relationship between the Crown and             • Media
  Ngāti Hine, particularly in the Treaty         • Public service
  settlement process. I hope my research         • Education
  encourages other Māori, Tangata
  Whenua and indigenous whānau to                • Politics
  think about what research means to             • Non-governmental organisations
  them and their whānau. The Master of
  Arts is crafted so you learn and can apply
                                                 AUT encourages early application. Places are limited.
  the learning directly to your research
  topic. It was challenging at times but I’ve
  learnt so much.”

                                                           For more details visit aut.ac.nz/tap

Master of Philosophy
MPhil | AK3720                                                              Level:      9

                                                                            Points:     120

                                                                            Duration:   1 year F/T, 2 years P/T
The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) is a one-year, research-only
master’s degree. It provides an opportunity for you to undertake a          Campus:     City
research topic of your interest under the supervision of Māori and
indigenous development staff. It can also serve as a pathway to more        Starts:     1 Feb, 1 May, 1 Aug &
advanced research at doctoral level.                                                    1 Nov 2022

Entry requirements
Minimum entry requirements
Must have completed one of the following with the equivalent of
a B grade average or higher:
• Four-year bachelor’s degree OR
• Bachelor’s honours degree OR
• Bachelor’s degree and postgraduate diploma OR
• Bachelor’s degree and at least three years of experience relevant
  to the proposed research

English language requirements
IELTS (Academic) 6.5 overall with all bands 6.0 or higher; or equivalent.

Other requirements
May be required to complete an approved research methods course.

What this qualification covers
You complete an original thesis during this year of your study. Staff in
Māori and indigenous development are available to supervise Master
of Philosophy research on a wide range of topics.

Career opportunities
As a graduate with a Master of Philosophy you have the necessary
skills and qualifications to follow an academic or research career
leading to a PhD. Alternatively, your research topic may lead you to
a position of expertise in your chosen field.

AUT encourages early application. Places are limited.

         For more details visit aut.ac.nz/tap


                                             Doctor of Philosophy
   Level:      10                            PhD | AK3518

   Points:     360

   Duration: 3 to 6 years
                                             The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is the University’s highest
   Campus:     City                          qualification. The degree is undertaken by research only and leads
                                             to advanced academic and theoretical knowledge in a specialist area.
   Starts:     1 Feb, 1 May, 1 Aug &         The PhD is suitable for students who want to pursue an academic or
               1 Nov 2022                    research career, or a senior position in the public or private sector.
                                             Doctoral studies present you with the opportunity to generate
                                             new ideas that can benefit business and society. You will make a
                                             significant original contribution to knowledge and understanding
                                             in your field of study and meet recognised international standards
                                             for your work. Our academic supervisors are recognised world-class
                                             researchers in their fields who have the expert knowledge to guide
                                             and advise you throughout your PhD. The opportunities to apply the
                                             knowledge and skills you gain will be extensive, both in industry
                                             and academia.

                                             Entry requirements
                                             Minimum entry requirements
                                             Must normally have completed the following in a specialisation
                                             appropriate to the proposed research:
  Dr Natascha Díaz Cardona
  Colombia                                   • Master’s degree with first-class or second-class (first division)
  Doctor of Philosophy                          honours OR
                                             • Bachelor’s degree with honours (equivalent to four years of study),
  “I obtained my bachelor’s and master’s
                                                normally with first-class or second-class (first division) honours
  degrees in Colombia, and I love academia
  and teaching. When my husband and I        The degree should include advanced learning in research, execution of
  were planning to move to New Zealand       a research project and a written report on the research.
  with our children we realised this was a
  good opportunity for me to pursue my       English language requirements
  professional goals. My PhD supervisor      IELTS (Academic) 6.5 overall with 7.0 in Writing and all other bands 6.0
  – Professor Sharon Mazer from Te Ara
                                             or higher; or equivalent.
  Poutama, AUT’s Faculty of Māori and
  Indigenous Development – was working
  at AUT and I knew that she had to be       Other requirements
  the one to guide me during my research.    Acceptance is subject to the availability of staff for supervision, prior
  It has been the best decision ever.        research preparation and appropriate facilities.
  My research is part of the developing
  conversation about the relationship
  between theatre and violence in            Planning your PhD
  Colombia, and internationally. I want      You are required to prepare a brief proposal for your intended
  to propose a different approach to see
                                             research, specifying the field of research and a general research
  violence. The performance of violence
  can be analysed theatrically – which is
                                             question you wish to investigate. You should provide official copies
  to say, politically – and then redressed   of academic transcripts, and evidence of previous independent
  through social action.”                    research outputs, like an honours-level dissertation or master’s-level
                                             dissertation or thesis. You should also provide evidence of successful
                                             completion of studies in research methodology at a postgraduate level.

                                             PhD research allowance
                                             PhD research allowances are normally available to support PhD
                                             candidates with expenses associated with data collection and analysis,
                                             conference funding, and other resources.

     Below is the step-by-step guide to the
     applications process. For more information
     visit aut.ac.nz/apply

                      1                                                2

             APPLY EARLY                                    COMPLETE THE
 Places are limited. Submit your application              APPLICATION FORM
 well before the semester starts.                 • Apply online
 APPLYING FOR 2022                                • Indicate your programme(s) of choice and
                                                    major (if known)
 • Semester 1
   - apply by 6 December 2021                     International students can also apply using an
 • Semester 2                                     AUT approved international agent. For a list of
   - apply by 2 May 2022                          AUT registered agents visit

 Applying for the Master of Philosophy
 (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
                                                   SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION
 If you are planning to enrol in a Master of
 Philosophy (MPhil) or Doctor of Philosophy
 (PhD) at AUT, email the Graduate Research
 School                                                  WE ACKNOWLEDGE
                                                         YOUR APPLICATION
                                                  • We will send you an acknowledgment
                                                    email, which explains how to check the
                                                    status of your application
                                                  • We will contact you if we need more

          WE ASSESS
• We assess your application to ensure
  you have met the entry criteria for the
  programme(s) you are applying for               ACCEPT YOUR OFFER
• We consider your academic history and
  relevant experience to ensure you can
  succeed in your programme
• We let you know if your application has
  been successful

CONFIRMED We would like to offer you a
place to study at AUT

PROVISIONAL You have met some of the
criteria for entry to your chosen programme
of study and we would like to offer you a
provisional place to study at AUT. If you don’t
meet the rest of the requirements, then this
offer will be withdrawn

CONDITIONAL You have to meet the
conditions and approvals listed in your
conditional offer to be able to secure a
formal offer of place

DECLINED If you don’t meet the entry
requirements or all places are taken, we may
offer you an alternative programme

University admission to AUT bachelor’s degrees
     For New Zealand citizens and residents and international students studying in a high school in New Zealand
     To gain admission to bachelor’s degrees, you must have                           Admission categories
     met the requirements for University Entrance plus any                            You may be granted University Entrance under one of
     specified admission requirements for a programme, such                           the following categories:
     as specific subjects, portfolios and interviews.
                                                                                      •    CEA University Entrance
     For more information on entry requirements, including                            •   Ad Eundem Statum admission (at an equivalent level)
     entry requirements for international students, refer to                              – this includes Cambridge International Examinations
     the AUT Calendar or visit aut.ac.nz/calendar                                         (CIE) and International Baccalaureate Diploma
                                                                                          Programme (IB)
     Please note: AUT, like all other New Zealand universities,
     is required to manage enrolments. This is because                                •   Discretionary Entrance
     of government policies that restrict the number of                               •   Special Admission
     funded places available for domestic students in tertiary

     Common University Entrance requirements
      STANDARD             NCEA                                            CIE                                       IB2
      Overall              Require NCEA level 3 certificate which          A minimum of 120 points on the            IB Diploma with minimum 24 points
                           consists of 80 credits, including at least 60   UCAS Tariff 1 at A or AS level from an
                           credits at level 3 or higher. Can include up    approved list (equivalent to NCEA
                           to 20 credits at level 2.                       approved subject list).
                           Note: Credits to achieve NCEA                   Must include at least three subjects
                           level 3 may include unit standards from         (excluding Thinking Skills) with grades
                           non-approved subjects.                          D or above.
                           Subject credits
                           Total of 42 level 3 credits including:
                           • 14 credits from one approved subject
                           • 14 credits from a second approved subject
                           • 14 credits from a third approved subject

      Numeracy             At least 10 level 1 (or higher) numeracy        A minimum grade of D in IGCSE3            Any mathematics subject – IB Group 5
                           credits (can be achieved through a range        mathematics or any mathematics
                           of subjects)                                    subject at AS or A level.

      Literacy             Total of 10 level 2 (or higher) literacy        A minimum grade of E in English           Literature or language and literature (SL
                           credits including:                              Language and/or English Literature        or HL) – IB Group 1, with English as the
                           • 5 reading credits                            subject at AS or A level.                 language.
                           • 5 writing credits
                           From specific standards in a range of
                           NZQA English language rich subjects.

     1. UCAS (Universities and Colleges Admissions Services for the UK) Tariff = system which converts AS and A level grades into points.
     2. New Zealand residents who have taken IB but have not been awarded the Diploma may apply for discretionary entrance.
     3. IGCSE = International General Certificate of Secondary Education.

     Where programmes require a specific subject, it is                               AUT language rich subject list
     expected that a student will have achieved a minimum                             Art History, Business Studies, Classical Studies, Drama,
     of 14 NCEA credits in that subject (or equivalent), unless
                                                                                      Economics, English, Geography, Health Education,
     indicated otherwise.
                                                                                      History, Media Studies, Physical Education, Social
                                                                                      Studies, Te Reo Māori, Te Reo Rangatira.
     NCEA approved subjects
     For a list of NCEA approved subjects for University
     Entrance visit the NZQA website, nzqa.govt.nz

Discretionary Entrance                                       •   Have successfully gained University Entrance through
Discretionary Entrance is available to applicants who            CIE or IB or an approved qualification from a New
have attained a high level of achievement in Year 12 and         Zealand secondary school of special character
want to undertake university study.                          •   Have successfully completed a recognised foundation
                                                                 programme or other recognised tertiary qualification/
International students can’t apply for Discretionary             study of at least 120 points at level 3, or at least 60
Entrance.                                                        points at level 4 in one course of study and have
                                                                 completed Year 13 at a NZ secondary school, or
You can apply if you:                                            equivalent.
• Have not completed Year 13 in a New Zealand                •   Have qualifications from an overseas secondary
  secondary school or have done Year 13 but not                  school or tertiary institution deemed by AUT to be
  attempted to gain University Entrance                          sufficient for entry into an undergraduate degree
• Have not otherwise qualified for admission (or have            programme.
  attempted University Entrance)
• Are a domestic student (New Zealand or Australian          Please note: Applicants will be required to supply an official
  citizen or permanent resident). If Australian, your most   academic transcript with their application.
  recent schooling must have been in New Zealand
• Are under 20 years of age on the first day of the
  semester in which you begin study and meet other           If you sat Bursary (prior to 2004) rather than NCEA
  requirements of the programme for which you apply          please refer to the AUT Calendar or visit
People who missed University Entrance in Year 13 may be
considered for mid-year admission in the following year.     Special Admission
You can’t apply for admission for Semester 1 if you          New Zealand citizens or residents who are over 20 years
studied in Year 13 after 1 June. However, you can apply      of age on or before the first day of semester can apply
for admission into Semester 2.                               for degree-level entry through Special Admission.

Minimum academic criteria for Discretionary Entrance         English language
• NCEA level 2 certificate endorsed with minimum of
  Merit or CIE/IB equivalent
• Minimum of 14 credits in each of four NCEA level 2 (or     If you don’t have English as your first language, you may
  higher) subjects, at least three of which must be on the   have to show evidence of your English language skills.
  approved subject list
                                                             International students studying at secondary school
• Meet UE literacy and numeracy standards, or their
                                                             and applying for University Entrance must achieve
                                                             UE Literacy through New Zealand secondary school
The application is a two-step process. First, you indicate   qualifications NCEA, CIE or IB. IELTS can’t be substituted.
you want to apply through Discretionary Entrance on
                                                             In all other cases another form of English language
the standard application form. If you meet the criteria
                                                             testing is required. Minimum IELTS requirements for
you are sent a second form in which you provide further
                                                             each programme are included on the relevant pages
information and a school recommendation.
                                                             in this publication. For other recognised English tests
The recommendation will provide proof of your maturity,      and more information, visit
motivation, capability and readiness to undertake            aut.ac.nz/englishrequirements
degree-level study and also verify that you were not
enrolled in Year 13 beyond 1 June in the year prior to
admission. Please refer to the AUT Calendar or visit         International students
aut.ac.nz/calendar                                           Contact us for information regarding studying at AUT if
                                                             you’re not a citizen or permanent resident of New Zealand
Please note: Applicants are considered on a case-by-case     or Australia, or a citizen of the Cook Islands, Niue or
basis and must also meet other selection criteria for        Tokelau islands.
the programme for which they have applied. There is a
                                                             Visit aut.ac.nz for entry requirements for specific
non-refundable assessment fee of $50.00.
Admission at equivalent level                                If you have any questions, you can contact us at
(Ad Eundem Statum)                                           aut.ac.nz/enquire
An applicant will be considered for Ad Eundem Statum
admission if they:

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