TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...

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TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...
JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2020                               www.tankeroperator.com

 Focus on seafarer

   How to approach the human element
   Enclosed space safety
   How Columbia and Harren develop a better working culture
   Technology you want – and technology you don’t
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...
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                                                                  January / February 2020   l   TANKEROperator
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...
       Supporting seafarer performance                      Focus on seafarers:
       and productivity - making better
       use of technology                               15   n	Frank Coles: let’s make it an industry
                                                               where we are proud to send people
       Report from Tanker Operator Hamburg                     out to sea

03     n	Martin Shaw – what “human element”
                                                       16   n An integrated wearables safety system

06     n	InterManager - reducing enclosed space
                                                       18   n	SpaceX’s Starlink - what might it mean for
                                                               shipping comms?
08     n	Harren & Partner– defining effective

09     n	Columbia – finding better approaches to

11     n	How to find the maritime digital
          technology you want - Dimitris Lyras

13     n Scoutbase – better ways to survey seafarers

January / February 2020   l   TANKEROperator                                                            1
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...

Human element - the next frontier in
improving safety?
This special edition of Tanker                    is poor at the human element could be how         easy to maintain, including good management
Operator magazine focusses on                     readily it accepts “human error” as a reason      of the dangerous ‘enclosed spaces’ and ‘void
the ‘human element’.                              for something going wrong. People do indeed       spaces’. Technology companies will make
The tanker industry has made big steps            make mistakes, but they don’t usually intend      tools which give seafarers the information
to improving its safety record over past          to make them. There are nearly always             they need, and not bombard them with
decades, through efforts to improve the           elements in the environment which surrounds       information they don’t need.
vessels themselves, the machinery, crew           them which contribute to the risk.                   All of this is plausible and can be done
competence, procedures, management systems            Companies which are good at the human         right now, and the articles in this issue show
and regulation. The safety record, measured       element will focus on areas such as getting the   how some of the industry experts are moving
in terms of casualties and pollution, shows a        right working culture, effective procedures,   forward. Although the industry’s slow drift
steady decline over the past decades. But over    effectiveness of rules, stress / fatigue, and     towards the “gig economy” is not helping.
recent years, the decline has not continued,      well-designed equipment and controls.                Also in this issue on the subject of
and there are still too many accidents.               The working environment they aim to           seafarers: Perspectives on improving enclosed
   So industry leaders, with the Oil Companies    create will be modelled against reality. The      space safety, based on a seafarer survey by
International Marine Forum (OCIMF) in             procedures and rules will fit work as it is       InterManager; Harren and Partner on how we
the middle, are looking for new ‘levers’ to       actually done, not how someone in an office       can define “effective communication”; How
improve industry safety, and have picked the      imagines it is done. Stress, fatigue and level    Columbia Shipmanagement is finding better
human element as the area to focus on.            of being rushed will be manageable. The           approaches to training; How to find digital
   Working out the right approach to the          software and systems will give people what        technology which will actually help you, not
human element can be tricky for those of us       they need.                                        what companies want to sell you; how to get a
with a background in engineering and other           People will be able to feel part of a bigger   better understanding of your seafarers’ actual
technical subjects, as many maritime people       organisation, not just delivering their piece     working environment.
do. Experts say that it starts with respect for   of work and going home. There will be much           Frank Coles, managing director of Wallem
people, which makes complete sense, but is        better ways for seafarers and office staff to     Shipmanagement, on a story on very poor
not something to easily put into a management     keep in close contact, inform each other what     treatment of crew by the Korean Coastguard
system. But then, revising a management           is happening, what may be going wrong, and        - and how to make this an industry where we
system to better incorporate ‘human element’      maintain closer relationships.                    are proud to send people out to sea. Better
is probably not the best place to start.             There will be levels of trust between          ways to gather and manage data from sensors
   Tanker Operator magazine held a forum in       ship and shore sufficient that seafarers feel     which are worn by crew; and what SpaceX’s
Hamburg last October on the human element,        comfortable saying when they feel they have       “Starlink” satellite communications might
which we report on in depth in this issue,        been asked to do something unsafe.                mean for shipping
with speakers from OCIMF, InterManager,              Customers and regulators will play their
Columbia, Harren, MOAMS, Ulysses and              part. OCIMF, as an organisation of customers,     Note: slides and videos from some of the talks
Scoutbase, giving their perspective on the        will develop ways to reward shipping              at our Hamburg conference are available
issue and how they break it down into ways        company which makes a good job of the             online at www.bit.ly/TOHam19
which an organisation can tackle in an            human element, and regulators will avoid
organised way.                                    burdening people.                                 Karl Jeffery, editor
   One indication of an organisation which           Ship designers will create ships which are                                                 TO

     Vol 18 No 10                        PUBLISHER / EDITOR /                PRODUCTION
     Future Energy Publishing Ltd        EVENTS                              Very Vermilion Ltd.
     39-41 North Road                    Karl Jeffery                        Tel: +44 (0)1253 812297
     London N7 9DP                       Tel: +44 (0)20 8150 5292            info@veryvermilion.co.uk
     www.tankeroperator.com              jeffery@tankeroperator.com
                                         ADVERTISING SALES                   1 year (8 issues) - £150
                                         David Jeffries                      Subscription hotline:
                                         Only Media Ltd                      Tel: +44 (0)20 8150 5292
                                         Tel: +44 (0)208 150 5293            sub@tankeroperator.com

                                                                                           January / February 2020           l   TANKEROperator
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...

  Martin Shaw – what
“human element” means
    Tanker companies which embrace the “human element” are companies which appreciate
 people’s role as successful goalkeepers (rather than someone to blame), acknowledge the limits of
procedures, manage onboard complexity, and are careful about how we introduce automation, said
                                tanker technical expert Martin Shaw

“           eafarers need help, not             then managing an oil company fleet. He has            Types of human error
            controlling and punishing,” said    been consulting for the past 8-10 years and   One of the world experts on human error,
            Martin Shaw, managing director      becoming “more and more interested in the     James Reason, has said that human errors
            of consultancy Marine Operations    human element”.                               can be categorized as “skill-based errors,
and Assurance Management Solutions
  There is still too much misuse of the term
“human error”. It is used after nearly any
incident, and there are many debates about                ProVen Cargo tank lining for
the percentage of incidents that are due to
human error, Mr Shaw said.
  In fact, virtually all incidents are born
                                                          ChemiCal & ProduCt tankers
of “human error”, but an error made at
some point in the regulation, design, build,
operate, maintain cycle, he said. But the
culture of shipping only considers errors by
  This focus on the seafarer means the main
“tool in the toolbox” to improve safety is
changing procedures to prevent the incident
from re-occurring, he said.
                                                        ✓ Aggressive
  But it might be better if energies were                 Cargoes
spent looking at what is behind this seafarer
error, and finding better ways to ensure the            ✓ Easy Cleaning
seafarer feels supported by everyone around,
he said.
  Martin Shaw’s background is in tanker
                                                        ✓ Cargo Flexibility
operations, originally working as an
engineer at sea, and then running a ship                ✓ Heat Curing &
vetting organization for an oil company, and              Inspection
                                                        ✓ Long Term
                                                        ✓ Helvetia

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Martin Shaw, managing director, MOAMS

January / February 2020          l   TANKEROperator                                                                                    3
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...

mistakes and violations.”                         ‘work as imagined,’” Mr Shaw said.                accidents, measured by casualties and
   A violation is defined as someone                But in the real world, management               pollution incidents. The introduction of
deliberately doing something wrong. But           systems are not perfect, things go wrong all      double hull tankers during the same period
seafarers’ mistakes might be viewed too           the time.                                         also helps.
often as “violations”. Normally people don’t        “The only reason things don’t go wrong is         But in the past decade, the accident trend
deliberately set out to make mistakes, Mr         that seafarers make them operate. They are        goes up slightly, partly due to the increased
Shaw said. This view links to the increased       the glue that make things keep running.”          number of tankers following the Chinese
criminalization of seafarers. Normally              “What would happen if you focus on the          boom, and partly because of some things
someone would need to have deliberately           other 99 per cent of the operation and the        going wrong, including more groundings
done something wrong for it to be                 things that went right?”                          which may have been caused by problems
considered a crime. After a major incident,                                                         introducing ECDIS, Mr Shaw said.
often “the first thing that happens is that              Seafarers as goalkeepers                     So it may be fair to argue that a limit was
seafarers are locked up.”                         Mr Shaw sees seafarers like goalkeepers,          reached of what could be achieved with
   It would be better if there was more           the people who prevent problems from              procedures and what can be achieved with
willingness to accept that seafarers might        becoming big problems.                            simpler accident investigation models which
make unintended mistakes – and look at               “If you are manager of a [football] team,      stop at what happened aboard ship
whether the environment they work in can          the team loses five nil, do you sack the            Ultimately, if people are given more to do
be changed to make them less likely.              goalkeeper? Maybe you should. But what            with more complex systems the potential for
   In a 1991 book “Human Error”, James            if he saved 50 goals? That means 55 times         error rises, he said.
Reason differentiated two different               the ball is kicked to the net. What about the       Procedures are an important part of how
drivers for unsafe acts – local workplace         other 10 people – what were they doing?           you run ships – you can’t not have them. But
factors (including technical factors), and        How do you stop the ball getting close to         they need to be useful, not a stick to beat
organizational factors.                           the net? You need to do a lot more work on        people with.
   Mr Shaw presented this quote from              that one. At present the seafarer may feel          “In many cases the last people who read
the book. “Rather than being the main             alone on the pitch with an angry opposition       procedures are the lawyers, to see if there’s
instigators of an accident, operators tend to     bearing down on them.”                            any liability in there, not to see how easy
be the inheritors of system defects created          In 2008 James Reason wrote ‘the Human          they are to follow,” he said.
by poor design, incorrect installation and bad    Contribution, where instead of focusing
management decisions. Their part is usually       on human error, he wanted to focus on the                    Complexity onboard
that of adding the final garnish to a lethal      human contribution, the good things people        Today’s seafarers have security and
brew whose ingredients have been long in          have done.                                        environmental requirements in addition
the cooking.”                                        So if you tell the story of the Titanic, you   to safety requirements. There can be 5 or
   But in the shipping industry, the attitude     could focus on the Carpathia, the ship which      6 things they need to assimilate in their
too often is still, “it’s the seafarer’s fault,   rescued the survivors, including preparing        heads and connect to make decisions, and
how did he make that stupid mistake.”             for them to come onboard, recording their         sometimes people need to decide what gets
   The seafarers should be supported by           names, and informing their relatives.             priority.
their shore-based management, regulators,                                                              “You reach this horrible phase called
and other recognized organisations. Other                 The limits of procedures?                 complexity,” he said.
relevant parties are the equipment designers,     Efforts to improve safety have been through          To understand where the complexity
system designers, programmers, port               a number of waves. The first stage was            comes from, we can break down what work
operators, terminal operators, charterers,        improving the hardware, the machinery             is like on a ship.
vetting organisations, industry bodies.           itself. The second stage was to focus heavily        The core of the work is “relatively
   As a seafarer, Mr Shaw recalls making          on competence.                                    straightforward” tasks, like navigating,
some mistakes at sea which caused                    The third stage, starting about 1990,          loading and discharging cargo. You have
shipboard electricity supply to trip. As a        was to focus on improving procedures and          engineering systems to support you. Behind
fleet manager, “I made some quite huge            management systems. In the tanker business        that, you have a lot of processes to assist,
mistakes”.                                        the owner and flag took responsibility            including procedures, checklists and forms.
   “We’re all prone to human error. We get        for compliance with these. Vetting                   Then there is a large amount of
ourselves hung up that the only person who        organisations provided a further layer which      communications which need to be done
makes errors in the shipping business is the      could be described as ‘enforcement’ as well       during port calls. “Someone comes onboard
seafarer, because we view the seafarer as a       as generating best practice.                      asking for the captain’s time. They’ve got
hazard.”                                             Shipowners developed continuous                statutory powers behind them. ‘We are here,
   “We make the assumption that all ships         improvement systems, identifying what they        and you’ll do what we tell you to do.’”
are correctly designed, all the procedures        thought they could improve, and then doing           This is where it starts to get complex.
around that are fine, the only thing that’s       it. “They improved things dramatically.”          “The captain gets tied up. The terminal is
wrong is those damn fool seafarers who keep       They basically removed all the systemic           desperate to get you in and out as quickly
making mistakes. We make the assumption           problems from the system.                         as possible. You may well have port
that if you focus on those mistakes you              This focus was successful at improving         state inspections, charterers inspections,
prevent accidents – monitor them more and         the safety record. Data of tanker industry        maintenance.”
pushing them more. That’s what’s called           casualties shows a steady decline in                 There are people who can help you with

                                                                                           January / February 2020          l   TANKEROperator
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...

maintenance, such as “riding squads” (crews
which stay on the vessel for a short time for
a certain task). But operations generally rely
only on those onboard.
  Behind that, are a number of maintenance
processes and planned maintenance systems,
class requirements, and stores and spares to
  You have a shipowner making sure
everything works correctly, and a regulator
making sure the shipowner is making sure.

        Regulators ‘not in touch’
The problems arise because these people
making regulations are not in touch with
how people currently work onboard ships.
They believe that ships work the way they
did when they were seafarers themselves, 30
years earlier, he said.
   The way the industry is meant to work
is with a ship interacting with ports, a
shipowner interacting with the ship, the
shipowner being in charge of how ships            but no opportunity to practice running              You have charterers who expect “utmost
are designed, operated and maintained, and        without it, he said.                             dispatch” and owners who want to maximise
national regulatory bodies – and the IMO –          “In my days [at sea] automation was nice       their earnings.
making regulations.                               to have – but when automation went wrong,            Usually, there will be enough people in
   But there are now about 170 different flag     you knew roughly what to do.                     the management structure who are aware
state regulatory bodies, over 30 classification     “If the main interface is the computer         of the dangers of putting crew under time
societies, and thousands of owners and            systems, then you need to understand the         pressure. But there are also situations where
ships, all working in different ways.             logic of the control system as well as that of   commercial management is handled by
   In the 1990s, there were a number of           the system it is controlling.”                   brokers, manning is handled by manning
tanker incidents leading to oil on people’s         Today, we hear stories about systems           managers, ship management is handled by
shorelines, leading to a call for a new sort of   affecting each other which should not have       technical managers, and the captain sits in
locally controlled regulatory body, known         any connection, such as an alarm system          the middle.
as port state control. “Coastal states wanted     which would somehow cause the ship to turn          Time pressure is not something which
to have some sort of leverage on the ships        to starboard when it was tested, he said.        can be removed completely, the question is
coming in and out of ports.”                                                                       making sure people are able to say when it
   The port states influence flag states and               Enclosed space deaths                   is too much. “That to me is the difficult bit.
class by creating black lists of bad flags,       Investigation into accidents such as enclosed    You’ve got to create armour for the captain.
so vessels with these flags were subject to       space deaths, the second largest killer          The shipowner has got to make it explicitly
more port state inspection. “Nobody wanted        on ships, often ends up saying that the          clear, If the captain feels under pressure, he
to have a flag that meant they would be           individual did not follow procedures. “It        has a right to say no.”
targeted by port states, and so the black         doesn’t look at what is behind that”                Another way to reduce enclosed deaths
listed flags had to improve and quickly.             For example, time pressure might be an        could be to try to reduce the problem. While
   Then you have the vetting organisations,       indirect cause. Time pressure can be explicit    we can’t prevent seafarers from having to
working on behalf of oil companies – the          – if you are asked to do something quickly.      enter enclosed spaces at all, we can try to
charterers – whose big concern was that           But can also be implicit, when someone does      reduce the number of times they have to
they would be the ‘deep pockets’ for a major      something because they feel under pressure.      do it. There can be better arrangements for
pollution incident.                                  If someone senior believes they are under     ventilation. A current method is to use a
   So there are multiple organisations with       time pressure, that is pushed onto everyone      thick pipe to pump air into the space, which
slightly different goals and requirements.        beneath them.                                    also blocks the same hole which is needed
“There are all sorts of systems that                 There can be systemic pressures – where       for someone to exit.
people have got to understand, all sorts of       a system is designed to function quickly, for       The industry takes a bias towards trying to
communications that people are having to          example a system designed for fast loading       solve problems with administrative methods,
deal with. They are all sitting on top of the     of car carriers.                                 and “that’s where we get into problems”.
poor chap in the middle as he tries to make          In the tanker sector, a terminal operator        It shouldn’t be necessary for someone to
sense of it.”                                     may need to make a choice between building       enter a tank with breathing apparatus, except
                                                  a new jetty, so there is ample space, or just    in an extreme emergency to rescue someone
       Increasing automation                      trying to increase the throughput to get more    else.
We also have increasing use of automation,        tankers in and out more quickly.                                                            TO

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                      InterManager -
                     reducing enclosed
                       space deaths
 One of the biggest causes of death onboard vessels today is enclosed spaces - people collapse
  due to the atmosphere or other reasons, and cannot be rescued. Captain Kuba Szymanski,

 secretary general of InterManager, suggested some better ways we can try to reduce the risk
               ne of the biggest causes of death          “A typical attitude from shipping company            The IMO has developed a central database of
               onboard vessels is now enclosed        management and regulators is to say, we have          safety data called Global Integrated Shipping
               spaces, where people collapse due      given seafarers a lot of training into enclosed       Information System (GISIS). But not all states
               to a non-breathable atmosphere         spaces, we have put up posters about the risks,       submit data to it, including Denmark and
or other reasons, and cannot be rescued, said         so if they have accidents, it must be their fault.”   Germany, he said. “So it is empty. There are no
Captain Kuba Szymanski, secretary general of              Chapter 15 of the UK Maritime and                 statistics.”
InterManager.                                         Coastguard Agency “Code of Safe Working
   The normal techniques shipping companies           Practices for Merchant Seafarers”, 545 pages in            No independent investigation
use to minimise the risk, procedures, training        total, available free online, has comprehensive       The inclination to “blame the seafarer” can
and posters, are not solving the problem. So we       instructions for working in enclosed spaces.          be stronger when the investigation is not
need to look at new ways to reduce the risk, he       Shipping company managers often keep it in            independent. It is not independent if (for
explained.                                            their office.                                         example) the regulations, created by a body
   Examples of enclosed spaces are tanks for              But they do not often refer to it, Mr.            also doing the investigation, may be part of the
cargo, ballast or fuel, or a ‘void space’ between     Szymanski said. It is written in a language           cause.
the vessel hull and a tank.                           where people who do not have English as a first          In the US, the US Coastguard was the
   About three quarters of the deaths are             language would struggle to understand, he said.       body responsible for investigating the El Faro
seafarers, a quarter is people visiting a ship            And it would be a lot to memorise. Many           container ship accident where 29 people died.
while it is in port.                                  seafarers are not confident enough in their           “Did they find the US Coastguard made a
   It is possible that one day, the family of any     relationships with their employers to say, they       mistake? Of course not. They said, ‘it must be
deceased seafarer could sue the shipowner, for        need to stop work while they go back to check         the old man, he was told so many times not to
not having “provided sufficient environment for       it, he said.                                          sail’”.
the seafarer to work.”                                    More usually, seafarers are afraid to admit          Similarly, the Costa Concordia accident was
   “A very good American lawyer will go after         they don’t have a comprehensive understanding         investigated by Italian authorities. “Are they
the owner.”                                           of it. “He doesn’t know it is OK to not know.         going to say anything about themselves? Of
                                                      That is the environment we have created,” he          course not.”
        Didn’t follow procedures                      said.
When people have accidents, the investigations            The P+I Clubs can be held indirectly                          InterManager survey
will often report that it was due to the person not   responsible for some of the problems – by             InterManager decided to try a different approach
following procedures. In other words, blaming         selling shipping companies insurance against          – to start by surveying seafarers to ask about
the person who died.                                  deliberate acts of seafarer negligence. This gives    the reasons they were taking risks. The survey
   People don’t realise that in a typical marine      shipping companies an incentive to say that any       only had a single question, “why are you killing
situation, the procedures are hard to follow, and     problem is due to deliberate seafarer negligence      yourselves in enclosed space”, and collected
seafarers are under pressure to not to follow         if they can.                                          nearly 5,000 responses.
them to the letter in order to save time, he said.                                                             One of the biggest causes, cited by 30 per
                                                            No safety report repository                     cent of respondents, was procedures and conflict
                                                      Not all shipping companies are aware that the         within them.
                                                      risks of enclosed spaces are so great. There is no       For example, OCIMF’s ISGOTT
                                                      central repository of safety incident reports in      (International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and
                                                      the maritime industry.                                Terminals) says that seafarers “should not enter
                                                         Data is collected by bodies such as the            enclosed space in breathing apparatus unless it is
                                                      International Bulk Terminal Association and           an emergency”.
                                                      the UK’s Marine Accident Investigation Board             But typically Wall Wash Tests have to
                                                      (MAIB), and these are well known, but not             be carried out and many operators requires
InterManager’s Captain Kuba Syzmanski                 global.                                               seafarers to wear breathing apparatus sets for

                                                                                                  January / February 2020             l   TANKEROperator
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...

this “operational activity,” he said.                see their steady progression up the ranks within
                                                     the same company. But today, when people are                        Never been used
                  Ship design                        asked where they think they will be in ten years,    When Mr. Szymanski takes a ferry, he will often
Not many seafarers saw it as their role to           they typically say, they don’t know, they just       present his business card to the administrative
question how the ship has been designed, but         hope to be still working at sea.                     office and ask if he can visit the bridge. He asks
they probably should do, he said.                      Any new master would be very reluctant to          the second officer if they issue enclosed space
   There is usually just a single small cover        pick up the phone and say, “I’ve got a problem”.     certificates, and if they have oxygen meters
which is removed to access the space, big                                                                 onboard.
enough for one person to squeeze through.                            Lack of trust                          The answer is nearly always “now we have
“What if we’ve got someone having a heart            When people are working with people they             one, until last year we had zero,” he said.
attack, how are you going to get them out of         don’t know, there is no trust. “People are very        It seems that 99 per cent of ships in the world
there?”                                              concerned that they don’t know who they are          which are not tankers have just one, which is the
   Also the vents in the tank could be better        getting. They it takes months [to gain trust].”      minimum.
designed to provide a breathable atmosphere.           If people feel comfortable with their fellow         And the oxygen meter “is in the chief officer’s
   “None of the people who designed enclosed         crew members, they don’t see the need to check       cabin with a blanket, saying ‘do not touch, it is
space ever thought about humans working              what they are doing. But the opposite is true.       for inspections.’”
there,” he said.                                     “He will be saying, why are you checking, I am         Carrying an oxygen meter is an essential
   There is a lot of industry discussion about       an experienced chief officer. I say, well I don’t    safety precaution, because the concentration of
unmanned ships. An unmanned ship would need          know you Henrik. I am just covering myself.”         oxygen can vary in different parts of a tank.
to be designed with ballast tanks which never
need inspections to be done on them – just as                            Training                                              Rescues
they would be designed to never need paper           Seafarers are not formally trained how to inspect    Then there is the question of how someone is
work to be done on them. But rather than wait        the structures of tankers. “We don’t know how        rescued if they collapse in an enclosed space.
for fully unmanned ships before we do these          to take a hammer and learn where to knock it.        The hatch to enter tanks can be a little wider
things, we could do it now.                          We learn on the job, provided we have a good         than one person – so impossible for one person
                                                     mentor.”                                             to carry another out. They would also need to
               Short term hire                          Class societies teach their surveyors a special   take in rescue equipment, such as a rope, torch
Another issue is the employment relationship         structure for writing reports. Seafarers are         and resuscitator.
seafarers have, which strongly discourages           also expected to write reports about tanks, but         It is possible to buy an oxygen resuscitator,
them from complaining too much. 90 per cent          without this knowledge.                              a device using positive pressure to inflate the
of seafarers are hired for a specific vessel, so        “There’s no point in sending a chief engineer     lungs of an unconscious person who is not
when they finish one contract, they frequently       to the bunker tank, he has never been there with     breathing, in order to keep them oxygenated
don’t have the next one lined up, and cannot be      a surveyor’s hat,” he said.                          and alive. “Even the best companies are not
sure there will be an assignment. The other 10                                                            investing in that equipment,” he said.
per cent of seafarers have a contract saying they                     Stakeholders                           Sometimes people enter enclosed spaces
have a certain amount of notice. This is usually     In the second phase of the InterManager project,     without realizing they are enclosed spaces. For
just the master and chief engineer.                  it identified the different stakeholders for the     example, a cargo hold which was previously
   “You were working until Friday, and you may       enclosed space issue, including class, shipyard      full of wood chips. “They don’t know there’s
work on Monday, you don’t know,” he said.            and company senior management.                       no oxygen down there. Within minutes they are
“How do you relax on the weekend? Your wife              “A lot of [these people] do not see themselves   dead.
says, what are you doing on Monday. You say,         as part of the problem,” he said. They believe          Safe manning levels is another issue. A tanker
I don’t know, they will call me. What if they        that preventing enclosed space accidents is the      might have only three crew members on deck,
don’t call you?”                                     responsibility of seafarers themselves.              which need to periodically visit 35 tanks. If two
   In such a working environment, “are you               “But design of the tank is approved by class.    people go into the tank, there is only one further
going to rock the boat, when you may not work        Why is class not asking themselves the question      person available to rescue them if something
again?”                                              what if, how?                                        goes wrong. “How is this going to work?”
   30 years ago, 90 per cent of seafarers were           And people ashore can be “oblivious to what
employed by owners. Fourth engineers could           happens on a ship”.                                                                                   TO

    At the forum, InterManager presented its “Enclosed Spaces Campaign Leadership Award” to Frank Lasse, Corporate Director Loss
    Prevention Safety and Quality (LPSQ) with Bernard Schulte Shipmanagement, in honour of his contribution co-ordinating the survey
    about enclosed space risks around his company’s seafarers.
      “Frank Lassi from Bernhard Schulte was one of the very few leaders who said, this is good, let’s go all the way to our seafarers and ask
    them questions,” said Kuba Szymanski, secretary general of InterManager. “He did not censor them. The message came back to us. But
    Frank doesn’t have to be worried, he doesn’t have a problem.”
      “It was vital to us that we understood what the people actually working in these dangerous spaces think in order to formulate proper
      The award was a glass trophy in the shape of a lighthouse, together with an iPad, sponsored by Ecochlor.
      Altogether the survey gathered feedback from 5,000 seafarers onboard 250 vessels.

January / February 2020                 l   TANKEROperator                                                                                             7
TANKEROperator Focus on seafarer performance - How to approach the human element Enclosed space safety How Columbia and Harren develop a better ...

    Harren – defining
effective communication
     German vessel operator Harren & Partner is making a big effort to improve communications
             between crew and the office. Fleet manager Ömer Faruk Bayar explained

             erman vessel operator Harren &              Some of the most useful conversations happen                                           crew manager,
             Partner is making a big effort to        during the coffee breaks, not during the formal                                           purchaser,
             improve the communications it            presentations, when a crew member wants to                                                safety manager,
             undertakes between the office            tell a manager something honestly. “You have                                              and technical
and crew.                                             nowhere to escape.”                                                                       superintendent.
   Ömer Faruk Bayar, marine fleet manager, and           The company’s managing director is not a                                               The idea is that
master mariner, explained what is happening,          former seafarer, but “he’s happy when he’s                                                (for example) If
with a talk at the Tanker Operator Hamburg            gathering together with all these people.”                                                the purchasing
                                                                                                             Harren & Partner’s Ömer
conference in October.                                   The crew can learn that the company is serious                                         manager has
                                                                                                             Faruk Bayar
   The company was founded in 1989 by Peter           about safety and doesn’t just care about money –                                          a technical
Harren, and today operates a fleet of 76 units        including hearing the message from the company         question about the ship, he can ask the technical
including tankers, heavy lifters, bulk carriers,      senior management.                                     superintendent in the office, rather than the crew.
offshore construction vessels, tugs and container        Harren also runs small sized workshops, with a         The same software which is used to track data
feeders. The company’s seafarer retention rate is     maximum 5 people, which are closely structured.        about the vessel, can be used to track who is
an impressive 98 per cent.                                                                                   responsible for different aspects in the office.
   Captain Bayar was working at sea since 1994,                  Encouraging reporting
joined Harren in 2004 and joined the office in        Harren found that in many cases, only the people               Getting to know each other
2018 having worked on tankers for 14 years.           in the top four roles on the vessel saw it as part     Another project is to improve personal
   The project started following a realization that   of their job role to report anything they see          relationships between shipboard and office staff.
seafarer training, procedures and checklists are      which might be a safety concern, or otherwise of           When people never meet each other
not enough to stop every problem happening            interest to company management.                        personally, the wrong beliefs can take hold,
onboard. And if communication with crew is not           One solution developed was to give every            for example shipboard staff might believe that
effective, then much of the efforts to improve        crew member a small notebook to carry at               people in the office don’t do anything but send
safety and operations can be a wasted effort.         all times, to report negative and positive             e-mails.
   There is no need for a formal definition of        observations. The notes are dropped into a box,            Harren assigns a “project crew” to come
effective communication – you can define it by        which are then sent back to the company.               and work in the office for a number of months.
whether or not it is successful, he said. From a                                                             People can get to know each other as individuals,
seafarer’s perspective, “effective communication                           Attitude                          not just the “captain”. This can also help develop
is communication which is effective.”                 People talk about competence as a combination          better understanding between ship and office,
   A straightforward answer can be to say that        of skills, experience, knowledge and attitude.         which can lead to better communications
the best way to achieve effective communication       But perhaps it makes more sense to say that the        methods.
is to have a lot of respect and understanding for     attitude is the multiplier rather than an additional       Crew can meet their technical superintendents,
the people you are communicating with.                factor, he said. “We strongly believe – and we         who otherwise they would only contact via by
   You also need to make sure that people are         strongly state – that attitude is the key factor for   e-mail.
able to receive your message, including crew          change.”                                                   In comments, Martin Shaw of MOAMS said
who are ashore or on leave, he said. “When your          In the resilience training event, the company       from his experience with seafarer visits to office,
captain or your chief engineer stays at home 2        has people appointed as “resilience champions”,        it is important that you make it mandatory. If you
months, 3 months, and you change something in         who moderate the discussion, and encourage             let people volunteer to come to the office, you
your system, they are not aware of it.”               crew members to talk, so you don’t just hear           just end up with the people who would rather
                                                      from the captain or chief engineer. “We really         work on the office than on ship, which is not
                   Workshops                          have a lot of good feedbacks,” he said.                necessarily the people you need.
   Harren started running company sponsored                                                                      Mr. Shaw also noted that when seafarers are
seminars and workshops, on topics such as                   Reducing questions to ships                      considering what senior managers think, they
“resilience training”.                                 The company has made effort to try to reduce          may form their opinion based on aside comments
   “The most important part to me is that we          the number of questions which get asked of             such as “you need to do some work on your
are really trying to push our top management,         shipboard staff.                                       budgets”, rather than anything presented as
our managing directors, to participate in all           It creates organizational maps which make it         part of a formal presentation. When the senior
these events. Not as lecturer or speaker, but as      more obvious who is responsible for the vessel         manager is gone, they say “he may say he is
participants,” he said. “It is really very good to    within the company, including the head of              interested in safety , but its money he’s really
have directors there, with crew.”                     chartering, the operations manager, assistant,         interested in”.                                  TO

                                                                                                   January / February 2020              l   TANKEROperator

Columbia – finding better
 approaches to training
  Columbia Shipmanagement is improving the ways it encourages seafarers to think about safety,
    develops a safety culture, and trains the crew. Capt. Faouzi Fradi, group training director,
                               Columbia Shipmanagement explained

            olumbia Shipmanagement,           positive side of safety – rather than tell   company’s core values, trying to motivate
            one of the world’s largest        people what not to do, it wants to tell      more critical thinking, improving training,
            Shipmanagement companies          them to “live another day”, he said.         encouraging open-reporting, and focussing
            with 15,000 employees, is         “Safety culture for us is not only about     on welfare.
exploring better ways to encourage crew       procedures.”                                   The company embarked on one project
to look at safety, build a safety culture,      “Human element is what we do when          to ask staff from one of the manning
and improve training. Capt. Faouzi            no-one is watching. This is how we feel      agencies to ask their children – so mainly
Fradi, group training director, Columbia      the safety culture, this is how we take it   children of seafarers - how they feel about
Shipmanagement explained more.                onboard, and this is how we look at each     the environment, ships and safety. “The
  Captain Fradi formerly worked as a          other. When we see people doing the right    message was very impressive,” he said.
master on oil tankers, gas carriers and       thing and no-one is watching, we feel that
chemical tankers, and has worked as a         safety culture is really implemented into                     “I CARE”
pilot, marine superintendent and crewing      the company.”                                One project focussed on the words “I care”,
manager.                                        Projects include making safety culture     telling seafarers “that we care about them,
  Columbia is keen to accentuate the          part of everyday life, emphasising the       they care about us, the office, the ships.”

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January / February 2020         l   TANKEROperator                                                                                9

                                               shipowner clients to come and meet them.      people can exchange ideas online with
                                                 “Working with industry is very              other staff members.
                                               important,” he said. “We always have             Columbia is open to works closely with
                                               speakers from different areas of industry.    its competitor ship management companies
                                               We get oil majors, insurance people. We       in developing training courses. As to avoid
                                               want the industry to speak to seafarers, we   accidents, people on other ships need to be
                                               want seafarers to hear from the industry.”    well trained too, he said.
                                                 The training can also include role-play
                                               and teambuilding exercises. “You see the             Virtual reality training
                                               engagement and how much fun they have,”       Columbia is working with a UK based
                                               he said.                                      virtual reality company to do training.
                                                 It can be very interesting to simulate        It has software tools where people go
                                               ship operations onshore, where people are     through a checklist – inside the VR – of
                                               usually more relaxed than when working.       what conditions need to be true before
                                                 “We talk about all the possible risks       enclosed space work can begin. It has also
                                               which come with such operations,” he said.    developed training tools for scrubbers.
Columbia Shipmanagement’s Capt. Faouzi         “You see there’s a lot of learning.”            The idea here is that people might
Fradi                                                                                        learn better by going through a virtual
  I CARE “became our philosophy –               Learning management System                   simulation of what they have to do on a
which is sitting on top of our values”.        Colombia has implemented a learning           ship (in accordance with the procedures),
  The company developed I CARE into            management system, which allows people        rather than just telling them what the
an acronym, standing for “Commitment,          (both seafarers and shore staff) to access    procedures are, which sounds very
Appreciation, Responsibility, Evidence.”       many different training modules, including    theoretical. “The idea is to put people
                                               via their mobile devices. “We want to         through real situations.”
             Open-reporting                    make training accessible anywhere and
One Policy was to encourage people to          anytime,” he said.                                        Training centres
report elements of concern they see, any         There is a learning management system,      The company is gradually transforming all
non-compliance or misbehaviour, not only       which records the courses everybody has       of its training centres.
those related the environment. “We try to      completed. Managers can monitor the              “During our training – all our seafarers
tell people, by reporting things, you are      progress of their teams.                      have free access to mobile phones and
not snitching,” he said. “If we do the right     Many courses were developed in-house,       laptops. They are asked to question what
thing – but we tolerate someone else doing     so they are specific to the company’s         the trainer is saying and be very critical to
the wrong thing, we are getting nowhere,       requirements, and the equipment it has        what they hear.”
and we are not achieving our goals.”           onboard specific vessels, such as scrubbers      “Sometimes we forget seafarers are
   “By reporting, by saying, by telling us     and ballast water treatment systems.          adults,” he said. “They should have the
things, we have saved a lot of situations.”      10,000 people are currently using the       choice of what they do.”
   “It is amazing the number of reports we     system.                                          The company also provides training for
have received, when you implement such a         The system is also used to manage           its own instructors, including teaching
Policy of Open Reporting.”                     classroom training (it does not replace       them about decision making and different
   “Some people may try to use Open            classroom training).                          leadership styles.
Reporting for different purposes, not what       Course certificates are digital, and can
you expect,” he said. “But that doesn’t        be accessed via mobile devices.                              Mental health
matter. What matters is you get to know          There can be friendly competition           Columbia is developing a “mental health
exactly what is happening on the ships, and    between Columbia staff about how far they     first aid guide” for ship masters. It is
you come up with solutions to fix them.”       have got with the training. “I saw two of     being developed in collaboration with a
                                               our directors competing with each other,      number of psychologists, based in Greece,
            Critical thinking                  with one saying, ‘I got a Guru badge and      Ireland, Scotland and Australia.
Critical thinking is a very important factor   you are still behind.’”                          “It is not our goal for masters to
when we talk about the human element, he         The system can be used to send              become psychologists, but to have a basic
said. “If seafarers and office employees do    messages and share videos.                    understanding of mental health issues,” he
not have critical thinking, then nobody is       Examples of course topics include           said.
going to question the procedures,” he said.    management system, cyber security,               All seafarers and employees of the
“We need to look at things with a critical     GDPR, risk assessment, enclosed space         Company have access to a free of charge
mind.”                                         entry, and using planned maintenance          mental health support via a 24-hour
  To encourage this, Columbia launched a       software.                                     hotline.
campaign called “think”.                         Seafarers are asked to provide feedback        The company also gathers perspectives
                                               on all the training they receive. Their       from seafarers related to mental health and
           Meeting clients                     superiors also get notified about how their   welfare via a number of surveys.
Columbia invites its seafarers to attend       performance has improved.
meetings in Cyprus – and also invites its        There are “social learning” tools where                                               TO

                                                                                    January / February 2020          l   TANKEROperator
                                                                                                                      INDUSTRY – MARKETS

 How to find the maritime
 Figure 3: VLCC TCE Freight Rate Distribution 2000-2012 (US$/Day)                                                                    code so putting theory into practice will not
                                                                                                                                     be easy.

  digital technology you
         -1 Std Dev                 Average                  +1 Std Dev                                                                 For years the evidence has been mounting
    US$10.700/Day              US$44.400/Day              US$78.100/Day                                                              that the market was adopting new operating
                                                                                                                                     parameters. This has been bolstered by vetting
                                                                                                                                     and technical requirements combined with
                                                                                  Average TCE required for 10% ROE                   swollen inventories from past orderbooks.

  want - Dimitris Lyras
                                                                                                15-year Life | US$ 48.800/Day
                                                                                                                                        However, even if these elevated deletions
                                                                                                20-year Life | US$ 45.200/Day
                                                                                                                                     occur, further restraint will still be required. If
                                                                                                25-year Life | US$ 43.300/Day
                                                                                                                                     available tonnage is trimmed and rates rise as
                                                                                                                                     forecast, increasing transit speeds will be
                                                                                                                                     tempting. However, speeding up vessels would
   Not all digital technology offered to the maritime                                                 industry
                                                                                                 Normal                 will helpeliminate
                                                                                                          Curve Distribution          us - and   some of the gains by raising tonnage
                                                                                                                                                      the technology which
                                                                                                                                     availability through reduced voyage times.
        would help us is often not on offer. Dimitris Lyras, director of Lyras                                                               Shipping,
                                                                                                                                        Although                and maritime
                                                                                                                                                    the 10% solution      will result in
     software company Ulysses Systems, shared some ideas on how to technology which will actually                                    dearer   transportation   costs,  charterers    should
                                                                                                                                     also support this move, as it will allay any
                                                                        help you and your seafarers

                                                      Average Monthly TCE (US$000/Day)                                               concerns regarding owners cutting corners to
                     any software companies are                     If the   information      isn’t  specifically    tailored  to
                                                                                                    Source: McQuilling Services.     save
                                                                                                                                    to  doon    operating
                                                                                                                                            tasks           costs.
                                                                                                                                                   like this,  and they want a return.
                     approaching shipping companies what you need, then this is what will happen.                                       Sending
                                                                                                                                    There          a 15-year
                                                                                                                                             are many          old vessel
                                                                                                                                                         excellent   uses forto the
  entered into the   with consultancy’s
                            products which   quantitative
                                                   were              the“This
                                                                          vesselis (Figure
                                                                                    how you    3).do digital                         in isolation
                                                                                                                                    they            will money
                                                                                                                                           have spent    accomplish     nothing,
                                                                                                                                                                  solving           meaning
                                                                                                                                                                             a problem    they
  forecasting model.         Thisdeveloped
                     originally     uses the relationship
                                                   to solve             The explanation
                                                                    transformation,”        he for  this lies in the effect of
                                                                                                said.                                collective
                                                                                                                                    had   - and itaction  is required.
                                                                                                                                                    doesn’t   mean it isCoaxing
                                                                                                                                                                            going to solve
  between else’s
someone        spot rates    and the
                        problem,     saidCI.Dimitris
                                             The result     of
                                                        Lyras,       discounting
                                                                        “If you dothe      cash
                                                                                       it by      flows over
                                                                                               someone           time.and
                                                                                                            coming      The cash any collective
                                                                                                                                          specificaction,  such problem.
                                                                                                                                                     maritime    as that discussed in this
  this analysis
director     of Lyrasindicates    a significant
                          Shipping,                                  flows in
                                                    freight rate telling
                                         and maritime                         youthewhat
                                                                                              years  of the
                                                                                                   have      project
                                                                                                          to sell  you,make
                                                                                                                         who far
                                                                                                                               is    report requires true leadership and our industry
software       to a reduced      tonnage
                            Ulysses          supply. This
                                        Systems.                     less contribution
                                                                    going                    than thoseWho
                                                                             to tie it all together?       in theis early
                                                                                                                            to       has a longShipboard
                                                                                                                                                  history of producing
                                                                                                                                                                    networks leaders.
  response     may provide
     The software        could be enough
                                                 as a bag to of         As adeliver
                                                                    finally     result, athe  economic
                                                                                           working          impact of
                                                                                                        solution?”                      “Will anyone
                                                                                                                                    Meanwhile,      therestep
                                                                                                                                                            areup  to thedigital
                                                                                                                                                                useful     task?”
tricks.       the callthefor
                                of tricks of    vessels
                                             work          15-
                                                      for you?       shortening
                                                                        And any the       vessel’s
                                                                                     solution        life is nottoascome
                                                                                                 is unlikely          severe         McQuilling asked.
                                                                                                                                    technologies     for shipping. One example, TO
Ityears    of age,
   generally          or older.he said.
                  doesn’t,”                                          as might
                                                                    from          be expected
                                                                            just one   vendor
     It means that shipping companies need to                       -yet
                                                                      so the   potential
                                                                          it will  need the for                  THE FOUNDATION FOR SAFETY OF NAVIGATION
“filter the noise”     Rate
                          - workincrease
                                    out what is relevant             substantially
                                                                    products     of a different
                                                                                       number                               AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION
  In them
for   the three
              out ofVLCC     trading routes
                        the products      they arethatoffered.       TCEs
                                                                    of        than required
                                                                        different    vendors to                            SHIP HANDLING RESEARCH
   A softwareforecastcompany   -AG/West,
                                  won’t usuallyAG/East put and       during these
                                                                    integrate          years
                                                                                 together.                                     AND TRAINING CENTRE
  WAF/East in
themselves        - the
                            position,increase    would be 11
                                          as a shipping              is high.                                                                ILAWA
  WS points,
company            or approximately
               manager.     If you just $17,000
                                            experiment  per day.        Based on  AIcurrent
    try impact
          to find onoutaverage
                          whetherearnings       throughout
                                      it is helpful,    “you         marketcompanies
                                                                    Many        realities andare
can     forecast    period of
                a couple     is million
                                illustrated    in Figure
                                            bucks    in the 2.       the theoretical
                                                                    talking    about AI in
  The most significant rise in owners’ earnings
process.”                                                            assumptions that
  would     theoretically
     Software      companies  occur     in 2014.
                                   typically    promise their        illustrate
products         support
              will  “help for    this drastic
                             mariners            inventory
                                           perform     better”.      scrapping could
                                                                    intelligence     is a
     But the bestinitiative  was illustrated
                       way their     products couldfrom thedo        substantially
                                                                    misleading         improve
  economic       perspective     in   a  previous
that is by providing better access to the right      report  in      market     fundamentals
                                                                    since one of the most
  which it wasThis
information.          observed
                           meansthatthe the   large
                                          right       variation
                                                 information         at little expected
                                                                    advanced      examples   cost
  of  TCEs     in  the   marketplace
when you need it, and not having to spend to the   relative         you read about, a and
                                                                     to owners,     a swift
  difference in required TCEs for the various                        steady fleet trimming
time with information which you don’t need.                         computer recognizing
  VLCC lifespan assumptions appears to be                            should occur.
                                                                    a dog in an image, is                                     Our Training Centre offers you:
  quite small.                                                          However,
                                                                    hardly considered “an                         SPECIALIZED COURSES IN HANDLING OF
      The $5,500 per day difference between the                      McQuilling said that
                                                                    intelligent thing for a                                        LARGE TANKERS!
  required TCE of a VLCC traded for 15 years                         it was aware that like
                                                                    human.”                                • Two fully equipped manned models representing
  and one traded for 25 years is immaterial,                         any business, tanker                      tankers of capacity 150 000 DWT and 280 000 DWT
                                                                       “Recognizing a dog
  compared to the expected variation that will be owners do not operate                                        are available;
                                                                    is really hard for a
  observed in the marketplace over the life of                       under an altruistic                   • STS operations, approaching SBM and FPSO are

                                                                    computer,” he said.
                                                                                                               included in the programme;
                                                                    But in human terms,
                                                                                                           • Harbour manoeuvres are supported by manned
                                                                    “you can tell them                         models of large ASD and tractor tugs.
         Since 2012, the reading of the                             it’s stupid - just doing
                                                                    something some other                                 For further information please contact:
          VLCC sector has remained                                  dog could have done.”                      Ship Handling Research and Training Centre,

                                                                                                                                        Ilawa, Poland
               one of oversupply                                       AI companies are
                                                                    spending enormous                                tel./fax: +48 89 648 74 90 or +48 58 341 59 19
                                                                    amounts of money                                            e-mail: office@portilawa.com
                                        - McQuilling training computers                                                       www.ilawashiphandling.com.pl
Lyras Shipping Director, Dimitris Lyras

 October/ 2013
January   February 2020 l TANKEROperator                                                                                                                                                05

which Mr Lyras had recently seen at a               were made by companies that invest billions           A person going to a ship does not have a
conference, was wireless communications             in generic features,” he said.                     way of sharing knowledge from the person
networks which work on a ship.                         Ships don’t only use generic co-ordination      who previously did that role on the ship, just
    It is often not possible to use normal wi-fi    features. “There’s no company that’s going         some files or personal notes.
or cellular communications inside a ship            to come out of Silicon Valley which will               “If you’re going to involve mariners, you
because the radio communication cannot              work out if you are doing tank cleaning, what      have to have a system where the mariners’
penetrate the steel walls. But this company         is sensitive in the operation, what defects        knowledge and corporate knowledge somehow
(Scanreach) had developed a protocol which          a component has, what safety issues are            mesh together,” he said.
can work on board a ship.                           prevalent, what knock on effects you might             And machinery manuals are usually “not
   Knowing mariners’ location on the ship is        encounter if you stop the tank cleaning            written for the guy who’s about to read it.”
the most important safety and co-ordination         momentarily.”                                          Perhaps computer systems could even assist
issue of all.                                          A shipping expert would be aware that           with interpersonal skills. “It’s quite obvious
   Better networks make it possible                 “mooring processes can cause injuries and          when things go sour on a ship - people have
in the future to have for example data              other hazards” he said. Or that “handling          an interpersonal skills problem,” he said.
communications in an enclosed space,                windlasses can cause overloading of windlass           The pathway to improved software systems
communicating data about whether it has a           motors”.                                           onboard is to find ways to involve mariners
dangerous atmosphere without spot checks               How well are junior mariners informed of        in configuring certain aspects of the software,
that a mariner cannot continuously be doing         these issues?                                      so it brings them exactly what they need.
while working in the tank. Or to keep track            It would be useful to know what machines        “You can say, do I want my mariner making
of where the mariner is in the tank You could       are doing when you are not standing next to        changes to the software? Yes you do. But how
presumably communicate data about the               them.                                              is he going to get involved - and which part is
heartbeat of people while they are in the tank.        Seafarers don’t spend their time just           he going to make changes to?”
   “You can have sensors that tell you what         watching one machine, they move around
people are doing in there, if they are alright.     the ship. It could be useful to have situation               Advanced technology
It’s going to be a game changer,” he said. “It      awareness tools, different from those of a          One audience member asked how virtual
is knowing what is going on, on the ship.”          factory. “Nobody is going to help us with it.”     reality should fit into the maritime industry
   “Networks onboard are important. We don’t                                                           - since it potentially offers completely new
talk about it.”                                             Knowledge management                       ways of doing things, not just a replacement
                                                     Mobile devices could also deliver useful          for the usual methods. It would make sense
            Co-ordinating work                      knowledge to seafarers. For example, they          for the shipping industry to embrace new
“Co-ordination onboard ship is extremely            could provide updated information about            technologies as soon as possible, since it will
important.                                          hazards, safety issues, current information,       come along eventually whether the industry
   A lot of co-ordination is required on repairs    history of machinery. “Knowledge                   wants them or not.
and maintenance work, including with safety,        management is one of the things you don’t              Mr Lyras replied, perhaps the first step is
if one person runs into difficulties, another can   hear about,” he said.                              careful consideration, because VR training is
provide assistance.                                     Previous efforts to build knowledge            not something which can be introduced “with
   “The co-ordination isn’t quite there because     management systems, carried out over the past      the snap of a finger,” and vendors are unlikely
technology isn’t there. It’s not because people     2 decades, failed largely because companies        to do all the work of creating effective
didn’t try, it’s because technology didn’t exist.   were unable to connect the knowledge to the        products themselves.
Soon enough it will.”                               current situation of the practitioner.                 “We want to enable mariners to do good
   Some software companies are promoting               Knowledge not linked to the current             work - not let machines do good work. It
tools to help co-ordinate work, but not the         situation “is just a file store”, he said. “Just   is a thinking process It is a domain experts
sort of work co-ordination which is useful          because you can put information in there           process.”
for shipping people. For example, one ERP           doesn’t mean it is knowledge.”                         Companies can often go too far in thinking
vendor was advertising that its products               “Today, because of power of handheld            advanced technology solves all problems.
enabled staff to approve a purchase order           computing, you can actually solve some of          Mr Lyras cited one example he knows of
while at the gym. This is because it’s easy         these problems.”                                   a shipping company person who ran into
to show a purchase order. Less easy to show             If people don’t have the best possible         financial problems and was arranged a
what is going on at any one time on a ship.         information, they might start doing work           meeting with the bank. Rather than talk
    What would be better is if the smart device     on machinery which would be better left            about the company finances, the bank’s
knew what the ship and its crew are doing. For      untouched. “They adjust things that don’t need     representative suggested that a data lake might
example some of the crew are undertaking a          adjusting, because they don’t have information     be the answer.
piping repair, there are people entering closed     at the time of need.”                                 “Do you think a data lake is something
space, or cleaning tanks, pressing up a pipe            “Information at the time of need is            we’re ever going to hear about again? It was a
or a tank for a test. Attention is dispersed in a   possible. We have a computer very close to us      fad at some point,” he said.
certain way. It tells you what everybody else       these days.
is doing.”                                             That computer can be told what’s going on.
    We all know how useful handheld devices         Nobody is doing it because Silicon Valley
can be, from our experience with smart              doesn’t make any money figuring out what
phones. “But remember handheld devices              you are doing.”                                                                                TO

                                                                                             January / February 2020            l   TANKEROperator
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