Page created by Esther Maldonado
Taking stock:
                                   BHP’S poor ESG
                                 TAKING STOCK: BHP’S
                                              A VIRTUAL HANDBILL FOR INVESTORS
                                 POOR ESG PRACTICES
                                              As civil society organizations and trade unions working directly
                                              with workers and local communities affected by BHP’s operations
                                              globally, we would like to call attention to the suffering of these
                                              populations in relation to the company’s handling of Covid-19,
                                              as well as its poor environmental, social and governance (ESG)
                                              practices dating from before the pandemic. BHP is certainly not the
                                              only major multinational being called out for its inadequate handling
                                              of the pandemic, but as the largest mining company in the world by
                                              market capitalization, and a company that claims to operate with
                                              integrity and responsibility, it should be held to a high standard.
                                              This brief outlines what is happening on the ground at several BHP
                                              assets, highlighting social and environmental risks that the company,
                                              and therefore its investors, face. We are putting specific questions to
                                              the company ahead of its AGMs, and we are asking BHP investors to
                                              take these issues up in their engagement of the company.

IndustriALL calls on BHP to undertake           the company acts in a financially           Workers at BHP’s Spence mine in
meaningful dialogue with unions and to          responsible manner by providing for         Chile had to implement a 24-hour
take a less hostile stance toward labour;       the cost of its activities right through    work stoppage in March to force the
BHP is the only major mining company            to the cessation of those activities;       company to take adequate protection
that has yet to establish a global dialogue     and that costs of rehabilitation are        measures against Covid-19. As of late
with IndustriALL. The company must also         fully recognized in mining companies’       August, affiliates in Peru, Chile and
uphold its commitments to respect human         provisions in their balance sheets          Colombia all reported rising numbers
rights, including ensuring worker safety                                                    of infections at BHP’s operated and
and health, at all of its assets, and take    Mishandling of Covid-19                       non-operated mines, with IndustriALL
responsibility at the global level for how                                                  affiliate Sintracarbón reporting over 300
its workers are treated locally.              IndustriALL has learned from unions in        cases of Covid-19 among workers at the
                                              Latin America, Australia and Canada           Carbones de Cerrejón mine in Colombia
London Mining Network (LMN) calls on          that BHP maintains what can only be           alone, and four suspected Covid-19
BHP to ensure that:                           called a double standard between its          deaths there (three direct employees, the
  communities affected by BHP                 response to the pandemic in the global        other a contractor from CHM Minería).
  operations are able to exercise their       north versus the global south. In Australia   As of July, in Chile BHP had the second
  right to Free, Prior, Informed Consent      and Canada, the company seems to be           highest number of cases in the mining
                                              implementing adequate occupational            industry after Codelco, the state-owned
  reporting to communities of social,
                                              health and safety measures in relation to     copper mining company. BHP appears
  environmental and other relevant
                                              Covid-19. For example, there have been        to have ramped up production in South
  information occurs in a timely
                                              no reported cases of the disease among        America even while cases rise, raising
  manner and meets the communities’
                                              the company’s workers in Queensland           questions about whether it puts profits
  information needs
                                              (with credit due to government protocols      above worker safety. In addition, in
  the company honours its Code                resulting from trade union engagement         Chile the company is shedding workers
  of Business Conduct with regard             and lobbying).                                with any pre-existing disorder, including
  to communities within or near its                                                         those contracted at work.
  operating sites                             In contrast, in Peru, BHP claims there
                                              have been no deaths at its assets, while
  the company uses its influence to           affiliates report three Covid-19 deaths at
  insist that its joint ventures fully        Antamina mine, one-third owned by BHP.
  comply with legal decisions

 1                                               www.londonminingnetwork.org
In July, the Cerrejón
                                                                                                 mine in Colombia, jointly
                                                                                                 owned by BHP, Anglo
                                                                                                 American and Glencore,
                                                                                                 unilaterally and without
                                                                                                 any explanation demanded
                                                                                                 a change in work shift.

 Striking workers at Cerrejón, Colombia

Human rights are universal, and the            Death shift                                     Cerrejón claims it needs to make tough
current public health crisis demands                                                           decisions in order to ensure the survival of
an equal and equivalent response from          In July, the Cerrejón mine in Colombia,         the business. If that is the case, surely now
multinationals in all of their operations.     jointly owned by BHP, Anglo American            more than ever the company should abide
Regardless of whether states uphold            and Glencore, unilaterally and without          by good industrial relations and engage
their duty to protect human rights,            any explanation demanded a change in            in meaningful dialogue and negotiation.
widely accepted international standards        work shift from the 2x1-2x3 system that
of business and human rights establish         had been in place for nearly thirty years to
that companies are responsible for             7x3-7x4. This schedule requires workers
respecting those rights wherever they          to labour an additional 72 days a year for
operate. In addition, this apparent            no extra pay, it will increase worker fatigue     Cerrejón sends a negative message
double standard could pose an                  and imperil worker health and safety, as          to the country and the region with its
operational risk to the company, as            well as seriously complicating workers’           absence from this meeting. We had
sound governance calls for maintaining         family lives by extending the period they         hoped you would be here, because we
the same health and safety standards at        are away from home and are unable to              must face problems and look for possible
all of its assets. Affiliates have pointed     carry out family responsibilities. The            solutions. We hope that the company will
out that if BHP seems to have dealt            new shift, which workers call the “shift
                                                                                                 participate in the next public hearing or
properly with Covid-19 in industrialized       of death”, will also allow the company
                                                                                                 at the technical table. I think we need
countries, it should be carrying out           to shed 2,500 direct and indirect jobs in
                                                                                                 everyone’s effort to advance in this
the same practices in lower-income             times of extreme precariousness due to
countries. How does the company                Covid-19. It is against national law for
explain taking a different approach in         companies to unilaterally impose such             Deputy of the House of Representatives
different countries?                           changes in matters that have been the             (Colombia), María Cristina Soto de Gómez
                                               subject of mutual agreement.
                                               The company made this unexpected
                                               and unwelcome announcement on the                 Why is BHP imposing an inhumane
                                               second day of what were clearly going             new shift without consulting those
  With Covid-19, the company did not           to be difficult collective bargaining             whom it affects most? How does it
  respect the national emergency, which        negotiations, given that the company              respond to the allegation that this
  resulted in widespread contagion.            was trying to renege on acquired rights.          move brings risk to the company itself
  Management has often violated the            This move set the tone for the rest of the        by imperiling the welfare of its own
  collective agreement in the past, and we     negotiations; by the end of August the two
  see the same with the pandemic. The                                                            workforce, and that it is attempting
                                               sides had failed to reach agreement and
  consequences are also serious for the        the workers went on strike. IndustriALL
                                                                                                 to undermine the union at a time
  communities bordering the company,           has called on BHP, Anglo American and             when genuine social dialogue is
  since they do not take care of people.       Glencore to intervene and help resolve            vital to tackling the crisis? BHP has
                                               the strike. Cerrejón has rejected the             announced its decision to divest from
  Representative from FNTMMSP Mining
                                               Ministry of Labour’s roadmap for face-to-         thermal coal. Is it now trying to push
  Federation, Peru, speaking about Antamina,
  a BHP joint venture in Peru                  face negotiations to break the deadlock.          down labour costs at Cerrejón just to
                                                                                                 secure a better exit deal?
                                               It appears that Cerrejón is seeking
                                               concessions on the collective agreement
                                               in order to finance the compensation costs
                                               associated with shedding jobs, and in the
                                               process is withholding the information
 2                                             needed for meaningful negotiations.
Residents of Tabaco stand in the ruins of their house after their forced eviction by Cerrejón Coal, August 2001

                                                              Pollution from the Samarco tailings dam collapse      The Bruno Stream above the point where
 The Cerrejón Coal mine                                       flows into the Atlantic Ocean                         Cerrejón Coal has diverted it

Cerrejón Coal, Colombia                                     Samarco, Brazil:                                       Escondida and
(BHP: 33.3%): continued non-                                inefficient implementation                             Cerro Colorado, Chile:
compliance with court orders                                and lack of transparency                               water mismanagement
19 years on and the village of Tabaco,                      Close to five years after the November                 Communities in Chile continue to raise the
forcibly evicted in August 2001, has still                  2015 Fundão Dam collapse, only 43                      alarm about poor water management, lack
not been reconstructed despite a court                      of the 355 planned new dwellings are                   of environmental assessment information
order in 2002 and an agreement signed                       under construction in the settlements                  provided by BHP and irreversible damage
between the company and the community                       that were destroyed, and none has                      to local ecosystems forcing families
in 2008. The Constitutional Court ordered                   been completed. The inefficiency of the                to move to urban areas. BHP is being
Cerrejón to adopt measures to protect the                   Renova Foundation (set up as the entity                sanctioned by the Chilean government for
rights to health and a healthy environment                  responsible for arranging the reparation               extracting ten times as much water from
of the Wayuu Indigenous Reservation of                      of damages caused by the collapse                      the Monturaqui-Negrillar Tilopozo aquifer
Provincial through sentence T 614 of                        of the dam) has also meant that the                    as was permitted over a 15-year period.
2019. The company and the defendant                         process of compensating communities
Government Institutions have still not                      is slow, leading to increased vulnerability
                                                                                                                     How will BHP make good the long-term
complied with the court order to provide                    of households.
                                                                                                                     damage that it has done to local aquifers
accurate information and undertake a
                                                            Mining waste released by the breach of                   on which Indigenous communities rely
full and proper consultation with the
                                                            the Fundão dam continues to be a cause                   and which are the foundation of healthy
communities impacted by the mine.
                                                            for concern. BHP claims that results                     ecosystems?
Concern with the diversion of the Arroyo
                                                            from water and sediment quality, aquatic
Bruno continues. The Delegate Auditor
                                                            habitat and fish surveys demonstrate
for Environmental Affairs of Colombia
                                                            that the river ecology downstream of the
recognizes that Cerrejón is not giving
                                                            Candonga reservoir and along the coast
“strict compliance with what is required
                                                            has recovered from any tailings-related
in Sentence SU 698/17.”
                                                            impacts. It is unclear what the evidence
                                                            is for this assertion. Scientific studies of
  BHP has announced its intention to                        long-term impacts of the flow of mining
  sell its share in Cerrejón. It cannot be                  waste sediment down the Rio Doce to
  allowed to ‘cut and run’ from the mine                    the estuary and the coast are still in
  - it must fulfil its responsibility to repair             progress.
  and compensate for the social and
  environmental devastation caused and                         As a major funder of the Renova
  accept the responsibility of managing                        foundation BHP must be called to
  the clean-up over the coming decades.                        account for the lack of outcomes and
                                                               poor impact the Renova foundation
                                                               has had. Furthermore BHP must be
                                                               compelled to provide scientifically
                                                               robust evidence to support its claims
                                                               that the river ecology has recovered
                                                                                                                    The Bruno Stream below the point where
                                                               from any tailings-related impacts.
                                                                                                                    Cerrejón Coal has diverted it
Antamina, Peru:                                          Resolution Copper, USA:                           County of Apuela, Intag,
need for independent                                     planned violation of Indigenous                   Ecuador: failure to respect local
verification of water use                                sacred site                                       communities’ objections
Unlike BHP’s operations in Brazil, Chile                 In the United States, in the face of              In September 2019, a regional assembly
and Colombia, Antamina is considered                     decades of Indigenous opposition, BHP             of 1,500 people in the county of Apuela,
an example of good water management                      owns 45% of Resolution Copper, which              Intag, Ecuador unanimously rejected
by the water authorities in Peru. However,               is proposing a large copper mine near             mining in the area. In December 2019
Ruth Preciado, an engineer specialising                  Superior, Arizona. The proposed mine              BHP attempted to hold a closed-door
in water management at the Catholic                      would destroy Oak Flat, an area sacred            meeting in the community of Cazarpamba.
Pontifical University of Peru, notes the                 to Indigenous Peoples and including a             Some concerned residents of nearby
calculations of water usage from mining                  public campground and thousands of                communities found out about it and
will always remain low and undervalued                   additional acres of public land. Besides          attended. On seeing the visitors, the BHP
because the water that is lost in open-                  the destruction of public land, the mine          representatives promptly packed up and
pit pumping is not included, nor is the                  would dump nearly 1.4 billion tons                left. Communities raised concerns about
drainage that companies carry out to dry                 of toxic mining waste into an unlined             lack of consultation and transparency
the area and avoid infiltration into their               tailings dump. This project would use             during the meeting. At a regional assembly
projects. The state has no equipment to                  significant amounts of water, enough to           on 18 January 2020, representatives from
measure the volumes of water used by                     supply a city of 180,000 people, for 40           the six communities in BHP’s Santa Teresa
mining companies. It is the companies                    years. Local farmers in particular would          2 concession drafted a formal document
themselves that send an affidavit report                 be affected by its water extraction.              of resolutions. This declares the Intag zone
on the amount of water consumed in a                     The mine’s proponents say that their              free of mining, demands the immediate
year.                                                    proposed mining methods are the                   exit of mining companies and their
                                                         only feasible methods for this deposit,           representatives, and requests support for
                                                         without being willing to demonstrate              development of local economies such as
  With limited independent monitoring
                                                         why this is so.                                   ecotourism and sustainable agriculture in
  of water use it is difficult to understand
                                                                                                           place of mining.
  the impact of the mine on the local
  hydrological cycle more generally,                        In the light of Rio Tinto’s recent Juukan
  including the amount of water that is                     Gorge incident, BHP should abandon               BHP must be transparent about the
  no longer available to replenish streams                  this project.                                    tactics used to enter and conduct
  in the dry season or to recharge the                                                                       activities in areas which are strongly
  aquifers. How can BHP assure investors                                                                     resistant to mining and act in accordance
  that the information provided is reliable                                                                  with its code of conduct, which states
  if there is no independent verification of                                                                 that it is respectful of both people and
  the data?                                                                                                  the law. When local communities declare
                                                                                                             their opposition to a mining project, BHP
                                                                                                             should not pursue it.

                                                                                                            Villagers of Tabaco resist forced eviction
 The new course of the Bruno Stream, diverted by Cerrejón Coal                                              by Cerrejón Coal, 9 August 2001

Demonstrating financial responsibility
Financially responsible companies provide for the cost of their
activities right through to the cessation of those activities. The                     In the interests of transparency and accountability BHP should
costs of rehabilitation need to be fully recognised in mining                          each year publish site reclamation plans, reclamation cost
companies’ provisions in their balance sheets. Good practice                           estimates, and related security, for each of its mines and in
would be for mining companies to post full security with                               aggregate. It should also make publicly available on an annual
governments to cover the eventual cost of reclamation at the                           basis proof of security provided for unexpected environmental
start of projects, to hold sufficient financial assurance against                      harm events for each of its mines.
likely environmental damage and third-party losses, and to
publish reclamation plans and estimates in a manner accessible
to all stakeholders.

 4                                                           www.londonminingnetwork.org
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