TAIWAN eNews - ROC Embassies and Missions ...

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TAIWAN eNews - ROC Embassies and Missions ...
Taipei Liaison Office in the RSA

              PUBLISHER: ANTHONY C.Y. HO                                                                    ISSUE 5

President Tsai praises Taiwan’s military for its commitment to fighting COVID-19
President Tsai Ing-wen said May 20
that the government is leaving no                                              Despite the ongoing pandemic,
stone unturned in striving to contain                                          fighter jets and naval vessels from
the spread of COVID-19 in Taiwan                                               China have continued to encroach
with the dedicated help of the coun-                                           into the country’s airspace and terri-
try’s armed forces, according to the                                           torial waters, the president said,
Presidential Office.                                                           adding that the armed forces have
                                                                               been instructed to stay vigilant in
The president praised Taiwan’s mili-                                           monitoring incursions of any kind.
tary officers and soldiers for their Since the pandemic alert has been
contributions to the country’s en-   raised to level 3 countrywide, mili-      As commander in chief, Tsai offered
hanced epidemic prevention meas-     tary personnel are assisting with         her gratitude to service personnel
ures rolled out in response to a     relevant disease prevention meas-         for their tireless efforts in ensuring
surge in local case numbers. Their   ures, with the ROC (Taiwan) army’s        national security.
support has been a great source of   Chemical Corps Division conducting
reassurance to the people, she said. disinfection missions, Taipei-based       Latest CECC statistics reveal 3,139
                                     Tri-Service General Hospital dis-         confirmed cases of COVID-19, in-
Tsai made the remarks during a visit patching personnel to help with           cluding 1,980 domestic cases and
to the National Armed Forces Epi-    expanded testing and the Arma-            1,106 imported cases, and 15
demic Command Center in Taipei       ments Bureau under the Ministry of        deaths.
City.                                National Defense helping set up
                                     quarantine centers, Tsai said.

Taiwan, US, EU seek ways of expanding Taiwan’s international participation
Officials from Taiwan, the U.S. and     health crises, Hsu said, the World
EU discussed ways of expanding          Health Organization failed to invite
Taiwan’s participation in interna-      the country to participate in the
tional organizations during a virtual   74th World Health Assembly on
staged May 26 by Washington-            political grounds.
based The German Marshall Fund of
the United States.                     It is important for Taiwan’s health
                                       experts to take part in WHA techni-
The hourlong conversation featured cal sessions so as to contribute to         sion, she added.
Lily L. W. Hsu, secretary-general of   formulating the best approach for
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Jen- fighting the pandemic while ex-          Grzegorzewski, who described Tai-
nifer Hendrixson White, senior pol- changing related ideas with other          wan as a like-minded partner of the
icy advisor at the U.S. Mission to the countries, Hsu added.                   EU, said the two sides share the
U.N.; Filip Grzegorzewski, head of                                             values of freedom, democracy, rule
the European Economic and Trade        According to Hsu, the recent com-       of law and respect for human rights.
Office in Taiwan; and moderator        munique issued by the Group of          The EU supports Taiwan’s meaning-
Bonnie Glaser, director of the Asia    Seven foreign ministers backing Tai-    ful participation in international
Program at GMFUS.                      wan’s meaningful WHO and WHA            organizations, and will continue to
                                       participation is highly appreciated.    deepen joint cooperation in public
Hsu said current challenges faced by The unprecedented gesture sends a         health, he added.
Taiwan demonstrate that every          powerful message to the rest of the
country regardless off its success in world, she said.                         In a tweet on its official Twitter ac-
managing the pandemic remains                                                  count, the Ministry of Foreign Af-
engaged in the fight against COVID- Echoing Hsu’s remarks, White said          fairs said: “What are the best ways
19. This further shows that Taiwan is the U.S. has long supported Tai-         forward for #Taiwan’s participation
an integral part of the global health wan’s presence in the WHO and            in international organizations?
system, she added.                     WHA as this would benefit the           Watch our Secretary General Lily L.
                                       world and the WHO itself. It is en-     W. Hsu, @JenniferHWhite,
Despite Taiwan’s coronavirus-          couraging to see the increased will-    @grzegorzewskif & @BonnieGlaser
combating credentials and reliability ingness of G-7 countries to publicly     thrash out the question during an
as a global partner in responding to express support for Taiwan’s inclu-       enlightening @gmfus conversation.”
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                                 SA-TAIWAN ENEWS                                                        Headline News Page 2

Taiwan, US, Japan, UK, Australia stage GCTF virtual forum
A virtual forum on COVID-19 vaccine        nity for like-
rollout was held under the Global Co-      minded part-
operation and Training Framework           ners to share
May 18 in Taipei City as part of govern-   disease man-
ment efforts to strengthen multilateral    agement ex-
health security partnerships.              periences and
The daylong event was staged by the        strategies. He
Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Centers for   also took the
Disease Control under the Ministry of      opportunity to thank the U.K. and Aus-      national community.
Health and Welfare; the American In-       tralia for jointly hosting the forum, de-
stitute in Taiwan; Japan-Taiwan Ex-        scribing the participation of the Com-   In a tweet on its official Twitter ac-
change Association; British Office         monwealth countries as testament to      count, the MOFA said: “The #Taiwan,
Taipei; and Australian Office in Taipei.   the GCTF’s value in tackling issues of   #US, #Japan, #UK, #Australia #GCTF on
                                           global concern.                          #COVID19 vaccine rollout was a boon
According to the MOFA, high-profile                                                 for the 135 participating officials &
participants included Foreign Minister     According to Wu, despite Taiwan’s ex- experts from 36 countries. Experiences
Jaushieh Joseph Wu, MOHW Deputy            clusion from the World Health Organi- were exchanged, advanced strategies
Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan, AIT Director      zation, the country continues weather- shared. Global health cooperation is
Brent Christensen, and Izumi Hiroyasu,     ing health crises like the severe acute key to combating #Coronavirus!”
John Dennis and Jenny Bloomfield—          respiratory syndrome, or SARS, out-
respective heads of JTEA, BOT and          break of 2003. This was partially due to Since the GCTF’s launch in June 2015,
AOT. More than 130 officials and ex-       the support of the U.S. and other de-    more than 1,000 officials and experts
perts from 36 countries and territories    mocracies, he added.                     from around 70 countries and territo-
such as Austria, Canada, the EU, Israel,                                            ries have participated in over 30 work-
Singapore and ROC (Taiwan) ally the        The government appreciates and un-       shops spanning disaster relief, energy
Holy See also took part.                   derstands the need for global coopera- security, law enforcement, media liter-
                                           tion in managing cross-border chal-      acy, public health and women’s em-
Wu said during his opening address         lenges such as COVID-19, Wu said,        powerment. The virtual is the sixth
that given the surge in coronavirus        adding that Taiwan will keep working coronavirus-related event held under
case numbers at home and abroad, the       to enhance global health and security the platform since the onset of the
workshop represents a timely opportu-      as a responsible member of the inter- pandemic, the MOFA said.

MOFA thanks diplomatic allies for supporting Taiwan at WHA
Backing for Taiwan’s participation in                                                  mechanisms and meetings in order to
the World Health Assembly from the         According to the ministry, the allies       effectively to bring the spread of the
Kingdom of Eswatini, Marshall Islands,     called Taiwan’s inclusion in the World      virus under control, the MOFA added.
Nauru and St. Vincent and Grenadines       Health Organization essential to elimi-
is deeply appreciated by the govern-       nating gaps in the public health net-
ment and people, according to the          work and ensuring global health secu-  Strong backing from the international
Ministry of Foreign Affairs May 25.        rity.                                  community underscores the legitimacy
                                                                                  and urgency of Taiwan’s WHO inclu-
Representatives of the four diplomatic As the COVID-19 pandemic continues sion, the ministry said, adding that the
allies spoke up for Taiwan during the  to escalate, Health For All is only possi- government will continue to seek
two-on-two debates during the Gen-     ble if the WHO is truly committed to its meaningful engagement in the U.N.
eral Committee and plenary session     promise to Leave No One Behind, the agency while ensuring the right of its
held on day one of the 74th WHA,       MOFA said. The U.N. body is urged to 23 million people to take part in global
which is taking place virtually May 24 restore Taiwan’s observer status and       health-related activities.
to June 1, the MOFA said.              include the country in its activities,
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                               SA-TAIWAN ENEWS                                               Minister Wu Interview Page 3

Foreign Minister Wu discusses Taiwan-US relations in PBS interview
                           Taiwan is    coordinating with other like-minded     wan’s democratic way of life while
                           committed    partners to stress the need for peace   seeking to fracture its rock-solid part-
                           to           and stability in the region, Wu said.   nership with the U.S., he added.
                           strength-    Such strong support is sincerely ap-
                           ening co-    preciated by the government and        Taiwan understands that it must take
                           operation    people, he added.                      responsibility for its own defense,
and exchanges with the U.S. across                                             Wu said, adding that the government
the board to ensure continued devel-   Wu made the remarks during an ex- is committed to continuously en-
opment of the already robust bilat-    clusive interview with Nick Schifrin of hancing its indigenous capabilities in
eral relationship, Foreign Minister    U.S.-headquartered Public Broad-        this regard.
Jaushieh Joseph Wu said May 26.        casting Service’s “NewsHour” pro-
                                       gram.                                   In a tweet on its official Twitter ac-
The level of engagement between                                                count, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Taiwan and the U.S. on defense and Taiwan is on the front line of Beijing’s said: “Minister Wu’s interview with
other key issues has increased in re- authoritarian expansionism, as evi-      @nickschifrin of @NewsHour is in-
cent years, Wu said, citing U.S. navy denced by repeated incursions into       depth & informative to say the least.
patrols in the Taiwan Strait beginning Taiwan’s air defense identification     Learn about the big developments
last year and various goodwill ges-    zone and attempts to cut off the        like expanding #Taiwan-#US ex-
tures made by the Biden administra- country’s global participation, includ- changes, & the country's rock-solid
tion.                                  ing in the World Health Organization, resilience in the face of #China’s au-
                                       Wu said.                                thoritarianism & campaign of coer-
Specific examples include issuing                                              cion.”
new guidelines on meetings between China has been using cyberattacks
officials from both sides as well as   and disinformation to disrupt Tai-

Foreign Minister Wu talks WHO, Taiwan-Canada ties in CBC interview
The government is committed to          Wu made the remarks during an ex-       try’s par-
strengthening the global response to    clusive interview with David Com-       liament.
COVID-19 while partnering with          mon of Toronto-headquartered Ca-
countries such as Canada in promot-     nadian Broadcasting Corp. aired May  Such
ing freedom, democracy and human        24 on “Power & Politics.”            backing
rights, according to Foreign Minister                                        is critical
Jaushieh Joseph Wu.                   According to Wu, Taiwan is on the      for Tai-
                                      front line of Beijing’s ongoing cam-   wan’s bid to take part in the World
Taiwan voiced caution to the rest of paign of coercion, which threatens      Health Assembly as an observer, and
the world from the onset of coro-     democracies worldwide and interna- is sincerely appreciated by the gov-
navirus, Wu said. The country also    tional rules-based order. Like-minded ernment and people of Taiwan, Wu
repeatedly demonstrated to the        partners, including Australia, Canada, added.
World Health Organization it is will- the EU, Japan, New Zealand and the
ing and able to share related experi- U.S., must enhance multilateral co-    In a tweet on its official Twitter ac-
ences and resources in managing the operation with Taiwan so as to stop count, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
pandemic, he added.                   China’s authoritarian expansion, he said “Watch Minister Wu’s @PnPCBC
                                      said.                                  interview in which he thanks the gov-
But Taiwan never received a re-                                              ernment of #Canada, @CanadianPM,
sponse nor assistance from the        Wu also took the opportunity to        ministers & diplomats for coura-
WHO, Wu said, adding that the coun- thank Canada for backing Taiwan’s        geously speaking out in support of
try must not be excluded from the     global participation, citing public    #Taiwan, as well as urging the coun-
U.N. specialized agency on political  shows of support on several occa-      try’s participation in @WHO activi-
grounds.                              sions by Prime Minister Justin Tru-    ties, mechanisms & meetings like the
                                      deau and the North American coun- #WHA.”
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                               SA-TAIWAN ENEWS                                              Taipei Liaison Office Page 4

Representative Anthony Ho donated lative Yuan, there are about 42% of
feminine care products to female       the legislators are female.
students in Limpopo’s rural area.
                                       Taiwan Government sponsors this
Many female students in rural area in donation in response to President
South Africa often cannot afford       Cyril Ramaphosa’s efforts in pro-
sanitary towels. For that reason,      moting women empowerment and
many of them are forced to miss        eliminating gender-based violence. It    One of the students representing the
classes during their menstrual pe-     is hoped that this can call for more     schools to give a response remarks
riod.                                  efforts to help women in this country    cannot help but began to cry on the
                                       to gain equal access to education,       site because with these donated
On May 13, 2021, Representative        health, and economic opportunities.      items, she will be able to regularly go
Anthony Ho went to Morutwa High                                                 to school again.
School in Limpopo to attend a dona- According to Ms. Manyuha, the prin-
tion ceremony organized by South       cipal of Morutwa High School, many       Mr. Malatsi also expressed his grati-
African Parliament Member Mr. Solly female students who cannot afford           tude towards the Taiwan Govern-
Malatsi and donated feminine care      sanitary towels use scrap fabric, toi-   ment.
products to three local high school    let paper or newspapers as replace-      Although Taiwan is more than 10,000
students on behalf of the Taiwan       ment, which often leads to infection     kilometers away from South Africa
Government.                            and embarrassment from leaking. As       love from Taiwan, the love from Tai-
                                       a result, those students still have to   wan reached more than 800 female
Mr. Ho said Taiwan and South Africa stay home and miss classes during           students in Limpopo today. The sup-
share the values of democracy, free- their period.                              ply of sanitary towels can last them
dom and human rights. Taiwan is        "Black Female Children Matter,” she      for at least one year of use, which
also very advanced in terms of gen- said, adding that the society has to        means their study will no longer be
der equality. Taiwan’s current Presi- pay more attention to black female        interrupted in the next one year. The
dent Tsai Ing-wen is the first female students and provide assistance           donation itself is also the best testi-
leaders among the Mandarin-            when needed.                             mony of the heartfelt friendship be-
speaking countries. In Taiwan’s Legis-                                          tween Taiwan and South Africa.

                                                                          experience and strong will, Taiwan
                                      Taiwan’s achievements in this area can be the Valuable and Indispensa-
                                      include Taiwan’s first elected fe-  ble Partner (VIP) in the area of
                                      male leader, President Tsai Ing-    women empowerment for many
                                      wen being re-elected in 2020 with countries in the world.
                                      the highest vote counts in Taiwan’s
                                      history and women taking up         At the candle lighting ceremony at
                                      about 42% of seats in the Legisla- the end of the event, Representative
                                      ture.                               Ho was invited with other honorable
Representative Anthony Ho was in-                                         guests to light the candles and pray
vited to share Taiwan’s achievement According to a self-assessment based together on the podium for the well-
of gender equality and women em-    on the UNDP’s Gender Inequality       being of all the women in the world.
powerment at the World Women        Index, Taiwan is ranked first in Asia
Leading Change (WWLC) Annual &      and sixth worldwide in terms of gen- WWLC is a non-government associa-
Africa Month Celebration on 22 May, der equality. Representative Ho also tion founded in 2018 by Dr. Ayla Ald-
2021.                               pointed out giving equal access to    jufire aiming to empower business
                                    education, technology and economic women to lead and mobilize women
Representative Ho shared with the   opportunities as the three goals to   to expand their economic and busi-
audience Taiwan’s experience and    further the good work of promoting ness opportunities. WWLC currently
development in promoting gender     women empowerment. With Tai-          has members in 45 countries.
equality and women empowerment. wan’s incessant efforts, successful
TAIWAN eNews - ROC Embassies and Missions ...

                                SA-TAIWAN ENEWS                                                 Medical & health care Page 5

             VP Lai reiterates commitment to safeguarding citizens’
                        health amid local COVID-19 cases
Vice President Lai Ching-te reiterated                                                Primary Care Association.
the government’s commitment to safe-
guarding citizens’ health May 12 after                                                According to Lai, solidarity and public
the Cabinet-level Central Epidemic                                                    cooperation with the government’s
Command Center confirmed commu-                                                       disease management protocols are the
nity transmission of COVID-19 in Tai-                                                 keys to tackling community transmis-
wan.                                      Lai made the remarks while attending        sion. Target priority groups for COVID-
                                          a COVID-19 response meeting hosted          19 vaccination should also book an
The country’s health care workers are at the Taiwan Medical Association in            appointment as soon as possible, he
steadfast in their dedication to ensur- Taipei City.                                  added.
ing the health and well-being of the
people, Lai said. Specialist staffers are Other high-profile attendees at the         Latest CECC statistics reveal 1,256 con-
on hand to provide any patients with      event included Chiu Tai-Yuan, presi-        firmed cases of COVID-19 in Taiwan
rapid diagnosis and the best treatment dent of the Taiwan Medical Associa-            and 12 deaths, with 142 patients still
available in order to contain the spread tion; Kao Ching-chiu, president of the       receiving treatment at hospitals coun-
of coronavirus, he added.                 Taiwan Union of Nurses Association;         trywide.
                                          and Lin Yung-zen, president of the ROC

The food parcels handed out by Tai-       ment, on 22 April, 2021, were
wan’s Representative in South Africa      distributed to the residents in
Anthony Ho to the Hon. Thembisile         Lekwa, Mpumalanga on 14 May,
Angel Khanyile, Member of Parlia-         2021.

                                          The receiving residents expressed
                                          their thankfulness to the Taiwan
                                          Government by prayers and ap-
                                          plause. The Taipei Liaison Office       Taiwan can Help, and Taiwan is Help-
                                          will continue to spread love and caring ing!
                                          from Taiwan to those in need.           Thanks to Let Taiwan Help!

          Taiwan ICDF to co-host the Webinar on Strengthening the
             Public Health System during the COVID-19 Pandemic
 The World Health Organization has        Inc. The objective of this webinar is to    of the TaiwanICDF, will share how the
designated 2021 the International Year    emphasize the importance of support-        TaiwanICDF and our partner countries
of Health and Care Workers, and           ing health and care workers to main-        work together to protect health and
launched a year-long campaign under       tain essential health services during       care workers and continue to provide
the theme "Protect. Invest. Together."    the pandemic.                               health services during the pandemic.
In order to echo this theme and con-                                                  Dr. Neal Lesh, Chief Strategy Officer of
tinue expanding Taiwan's visibility in    The event will feature a panel of public    Dimagi Inc., will analyze how investing
the global public health sector, the      health experts. Dr. Philip Y. C. Lo, Dep-   in modern technology improves the
TaiwanICDF will host the Webinar on       uty Director-General of Taiwan Centers      efficiency of health services and vac-
Strengthening the Public Health Sys-      for Disease Control, will detail Taiwan’s   cine delivery. Finally, Dr. Hazel Laws,
tem for Maintaining Essential Health      prevention and control strategies in        Chief Medical Officer of St. Kitts and
Services during the COVID-19 Pan-         fighting against COVID-19. Dr. Hoon         Nevis, will share how leaders of St.
demic on May 25, 2021 at 19:00 Taipei     Sang Lee, visiting professor of public      Kitts and Nevis mobilize health and
Time/13:00 Geneva Time. The webinar       policy at Kyung Hee University, will        care workers and the civil society to
will be co-hosted in collaboration with   discuss the global challenges that          fight against the COVID-19 pandemic
Korea-based INGO Good Neighbors           health and care workers are facing. Dr.     together.
and US-based social enterprise Dimagi     Pai-Po Lee, Deputy Secretary General
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                                                       SA-TAIWAN ENEWS
                                                                                      Business and Economics Page 6

Taiwan, US, Japan, Australia stage GCTF virtual workshop on anti-money laundering

                                      According to the MOFA, high-profile     Tseng also took the opportunity to
                                      participants included Deputy MOFA       welcome Asia/Pacific Group on
                                      Minister Harry Ho-jen Tseng, MOJ        Money Laundering Executive Secre-
                                      Minister Tsai Ching-hsiang, MJIB Di-    tary Gordon Hook to serve as event
                                      rector-General Leu Weng-jong, AIT       chair and thank Australia, Japan and
                                      Director Brent Christensen, AOT Rep-    the U.S. for co-hosting.
                                      resentative Jenny Bloomfield and
                                      JTEA Chief Rep. Izumi Hiroyasu. Am-     In a tweet on its official Twitter ac-
                                      bassadors to the ROC (Taiwan) from      count, the MOFA said: “Deputy Min-
A virtual workshop on anti-money      Nauru and Tuvalu as well as 280 ex-     ister Tseng opened the #Taiwan, #US,
laundering was held under the Global perts and government officials from      #Japan, #Australia #GCTF on anti-
Cooperation and Training Framework 31 countries, including France, South      money laundering involving some
May 26 in Taipei City, spotlighting   Africa, South Korea and the Philip-     280 law enforcement officials & ex-
the government’s commitment to        pines, took part via video link, the    perts from 31 countries. Many
combating financial crimes and pro- ministry added.                           thanks to our partners the Ministry
moting dialogue with like-minded                                              of Justice, #AIT, #JTEA &
partners around the world.            During his address, Tseng said the      @AUSOfficeTPE for the great event.”
                                      workshop presented an excellent
Jointly organized by the Ministry of  opportunity for practitioners and       Since its launch in June 2015, the
Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice  experts from like-minded countries      GCTF has seen more than 1,900 ex-
Investigation Bureau, American Insti- to share best practices on combating    perts, officials and representatives
tute in Taiwan, Australian Office     money laundering activities. Such       from around 77 countries and terri-
Taipei and Japan-Taiwan Exchange      collaboration will help build a safer   tories participating in 31 workshops
Association, the one-day workshop     and more open global community          covering topics such as disaster re-
also marked the fourth time a law     while fostering greater respect for     lief, energy security, law enforce-
enforcement-themed event has been the rules-based international order,        ment, media literacy, public health
hosted under the GCTF.                he added.                               and women’s empowerment.

Ts a i r e c e i v e s G i r l s i n C y b e r s e c u r i t y A w a r d w i n n e r s
President Tsai Ing-wen received win-      expand Taiwan’s skill pool.        to es-
ners of the inaugural Girls in Cyberse-                                      tablish
curity Award at the Presidential Of-   Tsai also commended the Ministry of a digi-
fice May 4 in Taipei City, spotlightingScience and Technology for organiz- tal de-
the government’s dedication to fos-    ing the award. The milestone compe-
tering young talent as part of efforts tition will inspire more female stu-
to build Taiwan into a digital country.dents to pursue related careers in
                                       science and technology, especially    velopment ministry to coordinate
The government is fully committed      cybersecurity, she said.              related policymaking and spearhead
to developing dependable informa-                                            public-private collaboration.
tion security systems and related      According to the president, cyberse-
supply chains while enhancing the      curity has been a top priority since  Praising the winners as invaluable
country’s digital competitiveness, the she first took office in 2016. As the future leaders, Tsai encouraged them
president said.                        world enters the Internet of Things   to think outside the box and engage
                                       and 5G telecommunication era, it has in interdisciplinary study going for-
Such a tremendous task will not be     become a matter of national security ward. The government will work
accomplished without top-notch pro- Tsai added.                              hand in hand with the country’s most
fessionals, Tsai said, adding that the                                       brilliant minds to help them fulfill
government plans to offer even more To strengthen defenses, the presi-       their potential, she said.
resources and support in order to      dent said the government is planning
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                               SA-TAIWAN ENEWS                                                Taiwan Can Help Page 7

Health for all, leave no one behind-- Taiwan can help
Every second, three people around merable family tragedies. In order           tem to help all nations promote
the globe fall into financial difficul- for all people to receive the health   health equity and realize the third
ties due to illness, resulting in innu- services they need without suffer-     U.N. Sustainable Development Goal
                                        ing financial hardship, the World      of ensuring healthy lives and pro-
                                        Health Organization has made uni-      moting well-being for all at all ages.
                                        versal health coverage part of its
                                        core mission.                          For more information, please refer
                                                                               to the following website:
                                       Taiwan was the first nation in Asia     https://leavenoonebehind.com.tw/
                                       to marshal its resources and            en/
                                       founded a single-payer national
                                       health insurance system, which          Also, please find the following pub-
                                       provides equal coverage of health       lication informative:
                                       care to all citizens and foreigners     HEALTH FOR ALL-- TAIWAN CAN
                                       who legally work or reside in Tai-      HELP
                                       wan. Taiwan is willing to share its     Thank you for the support!
                                       experience on setting up this sys-

MOFA releases short film highlighting how Taiwan Can Help realize Health For All
A short film spotlighting the ways     old Ng Zi-heng from New                 MOFA’s Trending Taiwan YouTube
Taiwan Can Help realize the World      Southbound Policy target country        channel, as well as affiliated social
Health Organization’s goal of          Malaysia, who traveled 3,000 km to      media platforms, with subtitles in
Health For All amid the COVID-19       Taiwan with his parents in search of    Chinese, English, French, German,
pandemic and saluting front-line       treatment for acute leukemia in         Indonesian, Japanese, Russian,
health care workers for Interna-       November 2019. It also demon-           Spanish, Thai and Vietnamese.
tional Year of Health and Care         strates Taiwan’s capacity to offer
Workers was released May 6 by the      critical life-saving medical care to   A key plank in the government’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.           individuals while other health care    national development strategy, the
                                       systems around the world struggled     NSP seeks to enhance Taiwan’s ag-
According to the MOFA, over 300        under the strain of COVID-19.          ricultural, business, cultural, educa-
foreign nationals have traveled to                                            tion, tourism and trade ties with
Taiwan for medical treatment dur-      In a tweet on its official Twitter ac- the 10 Association of Southeast
ing the pandemic. The film shows       count, the MOFA said: “In the Inter- Asian Nations member states, six
why the WHO should facilitate Tai-     national Year of Health & Care         South Asian countries, Australia
wan’s full participation in all the    Workers, we salute those on the        and New Zealand.
U.N. special agency’s activities,      medical front lines with ‘The Gift of
mechanisms and meetings and in-        a Great Adventure.’ Watch our
vite the country to take part in the   short video & see #Taichung Veter-
upcoming 74th World Health As-         ans General Hospital staffers defy
sembly to be held virtually May 24     the odds in saving a child with
to June 1, the ministry said.          acute leukemia. Yes!
“The Gift of a Great Adventure”
documents the story of 21-month-       The short is available on the
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                               SA-TAIWAN ENEWS                                                          Taiwan News Page 8

Taiwan tightens border controls amid spike in COVID-19 cases
Taiwan is set to strengthen border       sion of a valid visitor visa or resident    entry permit from the Taiwan office
controls amid the recent spike in        visa will also be suspended in the          in their home country.
coronavirus cases, according to the      meantime, the ministry said, adding
Ministry of Foreign Affairs May 17.      that exceptions will be considered on       Further policy changes will be de-
                                         a case-by-case basis for emergencies        cided in conjunction with the CECC
The country will bar the entry of for-   and on humanitarian grounds.                based on the situation at home and
eign nationals without a valid alien                                                 abroad, the MOFA added.
resident certificate from midnight on    According to the MOFA, foreign na-
May 19 to June 18, while visa appli-     tionals requiring entry to Taiwan for       Latest CECC statistics reveal 2,017
cation processing for foreign nation-    reasons such as attending a funeral         confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Tai-
als will temporarily be halted, the      or visiting a critically ill family mem-    wan and 12 deaths, with 1,123 pa-
MOFA said.                               ber must obtain special permission          tients still receiving treatment at hos-
                                         from the Central Epidemic Command           pitals countrywide.
Entry of foreign nationals in posses-    Center before applying for a special        https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/

Ta i w a n n a m e d t o p d e s t i n a t i o n f o r e x p a t s b y I n t e r N a t i o n s
Taiwan is ranked the best destination    across five indices: cost of living, ease   security. Overall, 83 percent and 85
in the world for expatriates for the     of settling in, personal finance, qual-     percent of expats in Taiwan are satis-
third time in a row, according to the    ity of life and working abroad. Tai-        fied with their job security and the
Expat Insider 2021 Survey released       wan scored first in quality of life for     state of the local economy, respec-
May 18 by Munich-based InterNa-          the fourth year on the back of strong       tively.
tions, the largest global network for    showings in the subcategories of
people living abroad.                    health and well-being, where it      While the country did not make it to
                                         topped the list, and travel and trans-
                                                                              the top 10 when it comes to ease of
Over 12,000 respondents represent-       port, where it claimed eighth place. settling in, it was rated as the friend-
ing 174 nationalities living in 186                                           liest country, the report said, adding
countries and territories took part in In particular, 94 percent and 96 per- that not a single respondent feels
the survey. Among the 59 destina-       cent of expats in the country respec- personally unsafe in Taiwan, com-
tions evaluated, Mexico and Costa       tively appreciate the affordability   pared to 8 percent globally.
Rica came in second and third, while and quality of Taiwan’s healthcare,
Kuwait, Italy and South Africa placed while 90 percent give the local trans- In terms of other indices, Taiwan
at the bottom of the list.              portation infrastructure a positive   ranks sixth in cost of living and 11th
                                        rating.                               in personal finance.
                              dents’    Taiwan also led the world in the in-  The country was first included in the
                              level of  dex of working abroad due to its high survey in 2016 with a number one
                              satisfac- rankings in the subcategories of ca-  ranking, dropping to fourth in 2017
                              tion was reer prospects and satisfaction; work before moving up to number two the
                              gauged    and leisure; and economy and job      following year.

Two more mobile numbers for gen-         bile numbers for inquiries as fol-          consular information only, and it’s
eral consular inquiries during SA's
COVID-19 pandemic national lock-
                                         lows :                                      available from 9H-12H, 14H-17H
                                                                                     from Monday to Friday.
                                       English service 072-296-5101
                                                                                     The consular service continues to be

To enhance the consular service dur- Mandarin service       :
                                                                                     made by appointment only. The of-
                                                                                     fice is closed to public on Wednes-
ing COVID-19 pandemic national                                                       days.
lockdown, in addition to the office  Notes      :
landline, TLO provides two more mo- The mobile consular provides general
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