Sycamore Academy Sport Premium Action Plan 2022-2023

Page created by Joseph Garza
Sycamore Academy

Sport Premium Action Plan

Action Plan: Effective use of the Primary PE and Sport Premium 2022-23

School: Sycamore Academy

The allocation of Sport Premium this year is: £19510

From Sport Premium funding it is expected that schools will make progress against the following key 5 indicators:

  1.   The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
  2.   The profile of PE and sport being raised across the whole school as a tool for whole school improvement
  3.   Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  4.   Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  5.   Increased participation in competitive sport

Created by:                               Supported by:
Academic Year: 2022-2023                Total fund allocated: £ 19510

    Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children
                                             undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school
                                                           -Kick starting a healthy active lifestyle
School focus with clarity on     Actions to achieve:                         Funding           Evidence and impact:          Sustainability and suggested
intended impact on pupils:                                                   allocated:                                      next steps:
To support children on the KS1        Sport boxes containing a variety of                           Children will be able to play the      Sport monitors from this academic
playground to collaborate and develop equipment and laminated games cards.              £300        games with or without adult            year to help train the next group of
teamwork.                                                                                           support. Children will show            children- supported by the PE
                                      Sport monitors appointed (lanyards                            improved collaboration.                Coordinator.
                                      provided/photo of their role included                         Children will interact with a range
                                      with Investors in Pupils project)                             of equipment.

Break and lunchtime sport coaches to EPIC lunchtime coaches to engage               £1200 for the Increase in the number of children Children able to help new pupils to
engage pupils in active play         children in sporting activities during         year (£40 per participating in organized games. interact with the games and learn
                                     lunchtime                                         week)      Benchmark figure compared to       the rules.
                                                                                                  summer term

To engage pupils in a form of physical Active Climber /Active Trail                    N/A as       Staff actively engaging children       School Council members to look at
activity during break and lunchtime    Lunchtime supervisor training to develop      installation                                          next steps in the summer term and
                                       a range of games that the children can         complete      Playtimes and lunchtimes to be         develop their ideas through class
                                       play. Y6/Y5 lunchtime games leaders                          observed to ensure children are        feedback.
                                       (lanyards provided/photo of their role                       active and encouraged to take part
                                       included with Investors in Pupils project)                   Children are enthusiastic about
                                                                                                    sport during playtime (pupil survey)

To support regular use of the KS2 table Replenish sets of equipment per class           £100
tennis tables during break and          (year 5 and year 6)                                         Regular use of the equipment with Sport monitors from this academic
lunchtime.                                                                                          children proactively using the    year to help train the next group of
                                        Staff to model how to play and develop                      tables.                           children- supported by the PE
                                        table tennis leaders.                                                                         Coordinator.
Created by:                                                 Supported by:
To further develop techniques to       Strategies shared by the Sport team and     N/A     Staff are actively engaging all
support all learners during Physical   links made to SEN PE sessions                       children and feel more confident
Education                                                                                  about strategies that can be used.
                                       Differentiated lesson objectives,                   Staff survey used to gage.
                                       Powerpoint presentations to support
                                       modelling and sport cards.

To increase the sporting opportunities Intervention sessions for F2-4              £300    Children are engaged and             Ongoing access to range of
of children who have social and                                                            interacting with equipment-          equipment that supports sensory
emotional barriers.                    30 minutes each Tuesday. Resources                  photographs of participation.        development.
                                       purchased to support SEN intervention
                                                                                           Children more engaged during
                                                                                           whole class sessions

To ensure PE resources are available, Ongoing audit of resources to ensure they    £1000   Range of resources evident        Ongoing access to range of
appropriate and fit for purpose       are of suitable quality. Purchase of items           throughout lessons                equipment.
                                      to support each area of learning (sets of            Children’s use of equipment shows
                                      30)                                                  increased confidence

To replenish equipment to enhance      Purchase 6 additional mats (estimated at    £423
gymnastics and dance.                  £70.50 each)

Active Wall clubs used regularly to    Small group intervention club KS1/KS2        £52    Children actively participate.
develop hand eye coordination and                                                          Enthusiasm from clubs evident in
team work                              Use of Active Wall is integrated into PE            whole class sessions
                                       lessons where suitable for example as a
                                       station as part of circuit fitness.

                                       Purchase of 4 additional sets of boxing
Created by:                                                Supported by:
To embed the use of the school cross- Site mapped and marked out                            N/A        Children able to navigate site with
curricular Outdoor Learning Cards.    Compasses, maps and equipment                                    increased confidence
                                      organized. Training provided to support                          Improvement in map reading
                                      upper KS2 staff.                                                 evident in subjects such as

                                         Sport leader to continue to run Raising           £300
Raising Aspirations Club                 Aspirations to support physical and                           Pupils will be able to talk about the
                                         mental well being                                             improvements that they feel
                                                                                                       they’ve made

To further embed the implementation SDM to further develop staff skill set                  N/A
of new teaching and learning plans to                                                                  Planning will be well structured and
further upskill teaching staff.       Follow up CPD through learning                                   sports provided will be varied.
                                      walks/lesson observation                                         Staff questionnaire to evaluate skill
                                                                                                       and confidence levels

To further embed the assessment of       SDM training and moderation in line with           N/A
pupil learning, progress and             school cycle                                                  Progression evident through
attainment in PE                                                                                       SeeSaw and DC Pro.

Additional PE kits available for each    3 kits per class to be purchased             £15 per class x14
class to avoid any children not                                                          £210 total     Active pupil participation in
participating                                                                                           sessions. Evidence recorded
                                                                                                        through SeeSaw and Showbie.

Additional swimming kits available for   Range of kits purchased in sizes that             £ 120       All children will have access to
each year group attending lessons to     would be suitable for Year 2, Year 3, Year                    suitable sport kit.
avoid any child being unable to          5 and Year 6 who all attend swimming
participate                              lessons across the academic year.

Created by:                                                  Supported by:
Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

School focus with clarity on           Actions to achieve:                        Funding      Evidence and impact:                 Sustainability and suggested
intended impact on pupils:                                                        allocated:                                        next steps:
PE boards in both halls to develop    Boards designed by the PE Coordinator                    Profile will be raised, as the       Children will continue to develop
understanding of skills, language and and commissioned.                                £500    children will be able to talk more   their understanding and interact
development.                          Staff development work around how to                     confidently about sport their        with the resources as they move
                                      interact with the boards and support                     participation.                       through school.
                                      children’s understanding.

Further develop sport noticeboards to Achievements celebrated in assembly              £55     Noticeboards are full of             Children continue to be
inform parents of sporting            (match results, notable achievements,                    information about                    enthusiastic about sporting
achievements                          talents)                                                 matches/clubs/results and pupils     opportunities
                                                                                               are keen to get involved.
To celebrate achievements through     Newsletter shared with parents every half        N/A
the school website and half termly    term.
newsletters                           Sporting success shared through Class
                                      Dojo and the school website.

Medals and sport trophies to celebrate Achievements high profiled through              £250    Trophies and achievements           Future players striving to achieve
achievements such as ‘player of the    celebration and whole school assemblies                 displayed in the school entrance in the awards due to high profiling in
year’                                                                                          our trophy cabinet                  assemblies

Replenish new Sycamore school sports Kit to be ordered.                                £200    Pupil pride in wearing the school    Review each year to ensure that
kits for pupils to wear when they                                                              sport kit to competitions            equipment is fit for purpose
represent the school                 Children wearing school kit when they
                                     represent the school.

Created by:                                               Supported by:
Inspire and enthuse the children by   Develop links such as Premier League    Free   Expand this to other local clubs   Develop links that can be built on
linking to local sports clubs         Primary Stars and local team                   with players visiting school to    in the next academic year.
                                      opportunities.                                 inspire and support the pupils

                                      Develop links to Trent Bridge Cricket
                                      Ground, Nottingham Forest, Sherwood
                                      Hoods, Notts County etc.

Created by:                                              Supported by:
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

School focus with clarity on intended Actions to achieve:                        Funding           Evidence and impact:                      Sustainability and suggested
impact on pupils:                                                                allocated:                                                  next steps:
Specialist coaches                         Offer a wide range of after school    £3000             % of pupils’ participation will
                                           sporting opportunities                                  increase. Giving children aspirational Development areas identified and
                                                                                                   opportunities e.g.                     supported
                                           Coaches from a range of sports to                       Pupils to take part in a dance
                                           work at Sycamore                                        competition in spring 2022.

                                           ‘Taster’ opportunities to broaden                       Pupil interviews to see if children are
                                           children’s knowledge of sports they                     pursuing the sports out of school.
                                           can participate in.

Sport team to model and team-teach to Modeled sessions                           Staff salaries paid Observations of sessions
support the delivery of high quality PE. Curriculum assessments in line with     for separately to Staff evaluation forms linked to
                                         school system                           sport premium confidence, knowledge and skills
                                         Observations of

                                    Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

School focus with clarity on intended Actions to achieve:                        Funding           Evidence and impact:                      Sustainability and suggested
impact on pupils:                                                                allocated:                                                  next steps:

To provide a range of outdoor and          Contribute to the provision of        £1200             Children can identify the skills used     Further develop the use of the
adventurous opportunities.                 outdoor and adventurous activities at                   and discuss what they have                school site through activities such
(paying particular attention to children   the Y2, 4 and 6 residentials such as                    enjoyed/improved at                       as
who do not usually fully engage in sport   archery at the year 2 residential.
to ensure they are involved)                                                                                                                 Invite specialist sport people to
                                                                                                                                             further inspire pupils

Created by:                                                 Supported by:
To further develop self-rescue knowledge Increase in pupils water confidence    £2000 plus        Children will be able to demonstrate Continue and extend partnerships
and water confidence in Year 6.          and self-rescue knowledge              additional school skills and will exhibit increased water with EPIC
                                                                                funding           safety and confidence.

To develop the upper KS2 playground to Purchase outdoor gym equipment       £6000                 Wider range of physical activity
include an outdoor gym/additional game                                                            opportunities: observed during break
stations                               Design discussed with school council                       and lunchtime.
                                       to establish children’s ideas about
                                       what they think will work best on                          Pupil feedback about what they’ve
                                       their playground.                                          enjoyed and participated in.
                                                    Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

School focus with clarity on intended Actions to achieve:                       Funding           Evidence and impact:                   Sustainability and suggested
impact on pupils:                                                               allocated:                                               next steps:
To maximize upon our Sainsbury’s Gold    Active participation in competitive    £2300 inclusive of Increased enthusiasm for sport with Pupils to work as journalists and
Award and identify opportunities for     events.                                All Competitions pupils enjoying the events and        report back on sporting successes
participation in competitive events                                             fee and transport experiencing success: pupil feedback
                                                                                costs              and pupil interviews
                                         Children are enthused by competitive
                                                                                                                                        To achieve the Sainsbury’s
                                                                                                  Photographs of pupil participation. Platinum Award
                                         Wide number of children have an                          Sporting successes shared through
                                         opportunity to take part                                 our newsletter, Class Dojo and school

Created by:                                                Supported by:
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