Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur

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Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur

       How to examine a weld,
       review of weld defects, and
       why they occur

SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

Non-destructive testing of welds – Visual testing of
fusionwelded joints

• Replaces SS-EN ISO 17637:2011 and SS-EN 970.

• The illuminance at the surface shall be a minimum of
  350 lx. However, 500 lx is recommended.

• Remote inspection using mirrors, boroscopes, fibre optic
  cables or cameras shall be considered when the access
  for testing is not possible or when specified by an
  application standard.
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

• Visual testing of welds and the evaluation of results for
  final acceptance shall be performed by qualified and
  capable personnel. It is recommended that the
  personnel performing indirect visual testing is qualified
  according to ISO 9712 or at an appropriate level in the
  relevant industry sector.

• The examiner shall have access to the necessary
  inspection and production documentation required.

• Undergo an annual test of visual acuity according to EN
  ISO 9712.

SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

For direct inspection, the access shall be sufficient to place the eye within 600 mm of
the surface to be examined and at an angle not less than 30°.

                      Source: Figure 1, ISO 17637:2017
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

Visual testing:

• Prior to welding

• During welding

• After completion of the weld

• Final testing shall be done after eventual heat treatment

Examples of test equipment:

Multi-purpose weld gauge, caliper, mirror, flashlight, Tape Measure,
magnifying glass, flashlight, camera.

SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

Visual testing prior to welding:

• Verify the shape and dimensions of the weld preparation.

• Check the cleanliness of the fusion faces and adjacent surfaces.

• Check the surface treatment so that it has been carried out in accordance
  with the requirements.

• Verify that the parts to be welded are correctly fixed in relation to each
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

Visual testing during welding:

• Check that each run or layer of weld metal is cleaned before it is covered
  by a further run.

• Verify that here are no visible imperfections, e.g. cracks or cavities.

• Check the transition between the runs, between the weld and the parent
  metal before welding the next run.

• Verify that the depth and shape of gouging is in accordance with the WPS.

• Verify that any necessary repairs/remedial action conforms to the original
  requirements of the WPS.

SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

Visual testing after completion of the weld:

Check that the weld meet the requirements according to the application or product
standard e.g. ISO 5817.

Cleaning and dressing

• Check that all slag has been removed to avoid imperfections being obscured.

• Verify that there are no tool impressions or blow marks.

• When weld dressing is required, ensure that overheating of the joint due to
  grinding, grinding marks, and an uneven finish are avoided.

• Verify that fillet welds and butt welds to be dressed flush, the transition of joint
  merges smoothly with the parent metal without under flushing.
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

Profile and dimensions

• Check the profile of the weld face and the height of any excess weld metal so that
  it meets the requirements.

• Ensure the surface of the weld is regular and also that the weld shows an even
  and satisfactory visual appearance.

• Ensure that the weld width is consistent over the whole of the joint and that it
  meets the requirements.

SS-EN ISO 17637:2017

Weld root and surfaces

• Verify for single-sided butt welds, the penetration, root concavity and any burn-
  through or shrinkage grooves are within the requirements.

• Verify that any undercut is within the requirements.

• Check after imperfections such as cracks or porosity, in the weld surface or heat
  affected zones comply with the requirements.

• Verify any attachments temporarily welded to the object to facilitate production or
  assembly and which are prejudicial to the function of the object or the ability to
  examine it are removed so that the object is not damaged; the area where the
  attachment was fixed shall be checked to ensure freedom of cracks.

• Check that any arc strikes are within the requirements.
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 5817:2014

Welding – Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their
alloys (beam welding excluded) – Quality levels for imperfections

• It is covering all types of steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys. It
  applies to material thickness ≥ 0,5 mm.

• It contains fusion weld imperfections based on the designations
  given in ISO 6520-1. ISO 6520-1 gives the classification of
  geometric imperfections in metallic materials.

SS-EN ISO 5817:2014

The version EN ISO 5817:2014 superseeds EN ISO 5817:2007 and
previous releases.

The biggest change from version 2007 to 2014 is that Annex C has
been added giving additional requirements on quality levels in order to
meet the fatigue class (FAT) requirement.
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 5817:2014

The standard is divided into 4 different parts.

• Part 1 - Surface imperfections

• Part 2 - Internal imperfections

• Part 3 - Imperfections in joint geometry

• Part 4 - Multiple imperfections

Part 1 and Part 3 shall be used during visual testing.

SS-EN ISO 5817:2014

The standard is divided into 3 different quality levels, B, C and D.
B has the highest requirements.

It applies to material thickness ≥ 0,5 mm.

The quality levels are divided into two different dimensions:

• t = 0,5 - 3 mm

• t = >3 mm
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 5817:2014

What is an imperfection? - Discontinuity in the weld or a deviation from the
intended geometry. Lack of continuity.

Short imperfections

• Weld length is more than 100 mm: Imperfections whose total length is not
  greater than 25 mm in the 100 mm of the weld which contains the greatest
  number of imperfections.

• Weld length is less than 100 mm: imperfections whose total length is not
  greater than 25 % of the length of the weld

Systematic imperfections

• Imperfections that are repeatedly distributed in the weld over the weld
  length to be examined, the size of a single imperfection being within the
  specified limits

SS-EN ISO 5817:2014

Smooth weld transition

• Even surface with no irregularities or sharpness at the transition between
  the weld bead and the parent material
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur
SS-EN ISO 10042:2005

Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys – Quality levels for

• It is covering arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys. It applies to
  material thickness ≥ 0,5 mm.

• It contains fusion weld imperfections based on the designations given in
  ISO 6520-1.

• The standard is divided into 4 different parts. Part 1 and Part 3 shall be
  used during visual testing

• The standard is divided into 3 different quality levels, B, C and D. B has
  the highest requirements.

SS-ISO 6520-1

Classification of geometric imperfections in
metallic materials
• The standard serves as the basis for a precise
  classification and description of weld
• The types of imperfections are defined with
  explanations and illustrations.
Svetskommissionen How to examine a weld, review of weld defects, and why they occur

What is a crack?

Imperfection produced by a local rupture in the solid state which can
arise from the effect of cooling or stresses.

Crack (100) - Solidification crack
Crack (100) - Solidification crack

Cause:                                              Prevention:

• Generated under high temperatures about 1200      • Widht / Depth ratio ≥ 1-1,5
  °C…under influence of shrinkage stresses.
                                                    • Manganese / Sulfur ≥ 20
• Solidification cracking is associated with
                                                    • Reduce parent material in weld.
  impurities, particularly sulfur and phosphorus.
                                                    • UCS: Units of Crack Susceptibility.
• Solidification cracks can be deep and can
                                                      UCS: 230C+190S+75P+45Nb-12,3Si-5,4Mn-1
  seriously reduce the efficiency of a joint.
                                                    • UCS less than = 10 high resistance.
                                                      UCS above = 30 low resistance.

Crack (100) - Hydrogen crack
Crack (100) - Hydrogen crack

Cause:                                                     Prevention:

• Three conditions for hydrogen cracks to occur:           • Use preheat temperature.
  1. Stress
                                                           • Carbon equivalent (CE) important factor.
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Hardened zone                                         • Use filler metal with low hydrogen content.

• Generated under temperatures below 200°C                 • Use welding plan

                                                           • Wait with NDT (Non Destructive Testing).
                                                               They can occur after 16-72 hours.

Crack (100)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
         D                     C                    B

                           > 0,5 mm

   Not permitted         Not permitted         Not permitted

What is a pore?

Gas cavity of essentially spherical form.


Cause of pores:                                        Prevention of pores:

• Moisture in the filler metal or on joint surfaces.   • Avoid moisture and impurities in the filler
• Inadequate shielding gas flow.                         metal and joint surfaces.

• Excessive shielding gas flow. This can cause         • Check the gas supply at regular intervals.
  aspiration of air into the gas stream.
                                                       • Avoid turbulence of gas flow, check
• Severely clogged gas nozzle or damaged gas
                                                         welding electric parameters.
  supply system (leaking hoses, fittings, etc.)
                                                       • Reduce thickness of primer.
• An excessive wind in the welding area. This
  can blow away the gas shield. Eg open ports.
• Primer.
Surface pore (2017)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
Only short imperfections are allowed.
Smooth transition is required.
        D                     C                       B

                Short imperfections 0,5-3 mm
                 Short imperfections > 3 mm

BW: d ≤ 0,3 s        Not permitted            Not permitted
FW: d ≤ 0,3 a

BW: d ≤ 0,3 s        BW: d ≤ 0,2 s            Not permitted
(but max 3 mm)       (but max 2 mm)
FW: d ≤ 0,3 a        FW: d ≤ 0,2 a
(but max 3 mm)       (but max 2 mm)

End crater pipe / crater crack

What is end crater pipe?

Open crater with a hole reducing the cross-section of the weld.

What is crater crack?

Crack in the crater at the end of a weld.
End crater pipe / crater crack

Cause:                                                         Prevention:

• Lack of welder skill due too high current.                   • Use correct crater filling technique
• Depth can be up to half of the weld hight.                   • Use slope downs.

End crater pipe (2025)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
             D                 C                       B

                 Short imperfections 0,5-3 mm
                  Short imperfections > 3 mm

 h ≤ 0,2 t            Not permitted            Not permitted

 h ≤ 0,2 t,           h ≤ 0,1 t,               Not permitted
 but max. 2 mm        but max. 1 mm
Crater crack (104)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
        D                     C                    B

                          > 0,5 mm

  Not permitted         Not permitted         Not permitted

Sagging / Incompletely filled groove

What is sagging?

Weld metal collapse due to gravity.

What is incompletely filled groove?

Longitudinal continuous or intermittent channel in the surface of a weld
due to insufficient deposition of weld filler material.
Sagging (509), Incompletely filled groove (511)

Cause:                                                     Prevention:

• Insufficient filler metal                                • Adjust parameters.

• Current or wire feed too low                             • Teach welder.

• Too high travel speed.

Sagging (509), Incompletely filled groove (511)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
 Only short imperfections are allowed.
 Smooth transition is required.
          D                        C                   B

                 Short imperfections 0,5-3 mm
                  Short imperfections > 3 mm

 h ≤ 0,25 t            h ≤ 0,1 t               Not permitted

 h ≤ 0,25 t            h ≤ 0,1 t               h ≤ 0,05 t
 but max. 2 mm         but max.1 mm            but max. 0,5 mm
Excess penetration

What is excess penetration?

Reinforcement of the butt weld on the root side is too large.

Excess penetration

Cause:                                            Prevention:

• Joint gap is too large.                         • Verify that joint-fit-up is according to WPS.

• Root face too small.                            • Train welder.

• Heat input is too high.
Excess penetration (504)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
        D                     C                       B

                          0,5-3 mm
                           > 3 mm

h ≤ 1 mm + 0,6 b     h ≤ 1 mm + 0,3 b         h ≤ 1 mm + 0,1 b

h ≤ 1 mm + 1,0 b,    h ≤ 1 mm + 0,6 b,        h ≤ 1 mm + 0,2 b,
but max. 5 mm        but max. 4 mm            but max. 3 mm

Lack of fusion

What is lack of fusion?

Lack of union between the weld metal and the parent material or
between the successive layers of weld metal.
Lack of fusion

Cause:                                                     Prevention:

• Too narrow joint preparation.                            • Use a sufficiently wide joint preparation.

• Incorrect welding parameters.                            • Adjust welding parameters (increase current
                                                               or travel speed).
• Molten metal flowing ahead of arc.
                                                           • Improve electrode angle and work position.
• Arc length too long.

• Sharp edges between weld strings.

• Insufficient cleaning.

Lack of fusion (401)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
 Also referred to as “cold laps”.
         D                      C                   B

                            > 0,5 mm

   Not permitted           Not permitted       Not permitted

What is undercut?

Irregular groove at a toe of a run in the parent material or in previously
deposited weld metal.


Cause:                                             Prevention:

• Travel speed is too high.                        • Decrease the travel speed.

• Too high voltage.                                • Decrease the arc voltage and/or current.

• Welding arc is too long.                         • Maintain the correct arc length.

• High welding current.                            • Deposit an additional weld bead.

                                                   • Grind a radius in the load direction.
Continuous undercut (5011), Intermittent undercut (5012)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
Only short imperfections are allowed for 0,5-3 mm.
Smooth transition is required.
This is not regarded as a systematic imperfection.
            D                    C                    B

                          0,5-3 mm
                           > 3 mm

h ≤ 0,2 t            h ≤ 0,1 t                Not permitted

h ≤ 0,2 t,           h ≤ 0,1 t,               h ≤ 0,05 t,
but max. 1 mm        but max. 0,5 mm          but max. 0,5 mm


What is overlap?

Excessive weld metal covering the parent material surface but not
fused to it.

Cause:                                                     Prevention:

• Poor manipulation of the electrode or welding            • Teach welder.
                                                           • Reduce current or increase welding speed.
• Weld pool is large.
                                                           • Cleaning of the parent material before
• Oxides on the metal surface prevent the weld                 welding.
  metal fusing with the parent metal.

Overlap (506)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
         D                     C                    B

                           > 0,5 mm

     h ≤ 0,2 b           Not permitted         Not permitted
Root concavity

What is root concavity?

Shallow groove due to shrinkage of a butt weld at the root.

Root concavity

Cause:                                               Prevention:

• Root gap either too small or, in some cases, too   • Verify that joint-fit-up is according to WPS.
                                                     • Verify the parameters and that they are being
• Excessively high welding speeds.                     followed.

• Melting of the root pass by the second pass.
Root concavity (515)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
Only short imperfections are allowed.
Smooth transition is required.
          D                    C                      B

                Short imperfections 0,5-3 mm
                 Short imperfections > 3 mm

h ≤ 0,2 mm + 0,1 t     h ≤ 0,1 t              Not permitted
(short Imperfections
doesn’t apply)

h ≤ 0,2 t,             h ≤ 0,1 t,             h ≤ 0,05 t,
but max. 2 mm          but max.1 mm           but max. 0,5 mm

Incorrect weld toe

What is incorrect weld toe?

Too small an angle between the plane of the parent material surface
and a plane tangential to the weld-run surface at the toe of the weld.
Incorrect weld toe

Cause:                                                    Prevention:

• See excess penetration, excess weld metal and           • See excess penetration, excess weld metal
  excessive convexity.                                         and excessive convexity..

Incorrect weld toe (505)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
          D                        C                       B

                              > 0,5 mm

Butt welds α ≥ 90°       Butt welds α ≥ 110°     Butt welds α ≥ 150°

Fillet welds α ≥ 90°     Fillet welds α ≥ 100°   Fillet welds α ≥ 110°
Linear misalignment

What is linear misalignment?

Misalignment between two welded pieces such that they are not in the
same required parallel plane, even though their surface planes are

Linear misalignment

Cause:                                         Prevention:

• Poor component fit-up before welding.        • Be careful about the fitting, especially when
                                                 there is variations in the shape and thickness.
• Tacks that break during welding.
                                               • Add more tack welds.
Linear misalignment (507)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels

         Plates and longitudinal welds 0,5-3 mm och ≥ 3 mm

           D                        C                    B

 h ≤ 0,2 mm + 0,25 t      h ≤ 0,2 mm + 0,15 t   h ≤ 0,2 mm + 0,1 t

 h ≤ 0,25 t               h ≤ 0,15 t,           h ≤ 0,1 t,
 but max. 5 mm            but max. 4 mm         but max. 3 mm

                    Circumferential welds ≥ 0,5 mm

           D                        C                    B

 h ≤ 0,5 t,               h ≤ 0,5 t,            h ≤ 0,5 t,
 but max. 4 mm            but max. 3 mm         but max. 2 mm

Incomplete root penetration

What is incomplete root penetration?

One or both fusion faces of the root are not melted.
Incomplete root penetration

Cause:                                                         Prevention:

• Excessive thick root face.                                   • Increase arc power or decrease travel speed.

• Insufficient root gap.                                       • Be careful with tack welding.

• Low heat input.                                              • Add fixation plates.

• Electrode to large (low current density).                    • Suitable welding sequence due to creep.

• Vertical down welding.

• Failure with grinding or gouging operation
  before welding from the other side.

Incomplete root penetration (4021)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
 Only short imperfections are allowed.
         D                     C                       B

                           > 0,5 mm

 h ≤ 0,2 t            Not permitted            Not permitted
 but max. 2 mm
Excess weld metal / Excessive convexity

What is excess weld metal?

Reinforcement of the butt weld on the face is too large.

What is excessive convexity?

Reinforcement of the fillet is too large.

Excess weld metal / Excessive convexity

Cause:                                            Prevention:

• Poor technique.                                 • Teach welder.

• Deposition of large volumes of 'cold' weld      • Adjust parameters on WPS.
Excess weld metal, butt weld (502)
Excessive convexity, fillet weld (503)
 Limits for imperfections for quality levels

                            Butt weld ≥ 0,5
 Smooth transition is required.

           D                        C                     B

 h ≤ 1 mm + 0,25 b,       h ≤ 1 mm + 0,15 b,     h ≤ 1 mm + 0,1 b,
 but max. 10 mm           but max. 7 mm          but max. 5 mm

                             Fillet weld ≥ 0,5

           D                        C                     B

 h ≤ 1 mm + 0,25 b,       h ≤ 1 mm + 0,15 b,     h ≤ 1 mm + 0,1 b, but
 but max. 5 mm            but max. 4 mm          max. 3 mm

Excessive asymmetry of fillet weld

What is excessive asymmetry of fillet weld?

Unequal leg length.


Excessive asymmetry of fillet weld

Cause:                                                      Prevention:

• Incorrect electrode position or gravity pulling           • Adjust electrode position.
  the molten pool towards one face of the joint.

Excessive asymmetry of fillet weld (512)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
 In cases where an asymmetric fillet weld has not
 been prescribed.
          D                      C                      B

                              > 0,5 mm

 h ≤ 2 mm + 0,2 a      h ≤ 2 mm + 0,15 a       h ≤ 1,5 mm + 0,15 a
Incorrect root gap for fillet welds

What is incorrect root gap for fillet welds?

Excessive or insufficient gap between the parts to be joined.

Incorrect root gap for fillet welds

Cause:                                           Prevention:

• Poor workshop practice                         • Verify the gap before welding

• Poor dimensioning and tolerance dimensions
  on drawings

• May increase the risk of cracking.
Incorrect root gap for fillet welds (617)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
Gaps exceeding the appropriate limit may, in certain cases, be
compensated for by a corresponding increase in the throat
         D                       C                     B

                  Short imperfections 0,5-3 mm
                   Short imperfections > 3 mm

h ≤ 0,5 mm + 0,1 a     h ≤ 0,3 mm + 0,1 a     h ≤ 0,2 mm + 0,1 a

h ≤ 1 mm + 0,3 a,      h ≤ 0,5 mm + 0,2 a,    h ≤ 0,5 mm + 0,1 a,
but max. 4 mm          but max. 3 mm          but max. 2 mm

Stray arc

What is stray arc?

Local damage to the surface of the parent material adjacent to the
weld, resulting from arcing or striking the arc outside the joint
Stray arc

Cause:                                                Prevention:

• Poor access to work.                                • Improve access.

• Accidental contact of electrode or welding          • Check current return clamp.
                                                      • Check insulation on electrode holder and
• Loose current return clamp or missing                 torch.
  insulation on electrode holder or torch.

• Most common for Manual metal arc welding

• Fast cooling creating small hard spots which
  may contain cracks.

Stray arc (601)

 Limits for imperfections for quality levels
            D                          C                   B

                                  > 0,5 mm

 Permitted, if the         Not permitted         Not permitted
 properties of the
 parent metal are not

What is spatter?

Globules of weld metal or filler metal expelled during welding and
adhering to the surface of parent material or solidified weld metal.


Cause:                                            Prevention:

• Short or long welding arc                       • Modify electrical settings

• Cleanliness of the base material surface        • Ensure

• Selection of gas (CO2 welding yields more)      • Reduce arc length

• Welding at a wrong angle

• Imbalance between voltage and amperage

• Incorrect wire feed speed

• Magnetic arc blow.
Spatter (602)

Limits for imperfections for quality levels
           D                          C                    B

                                 > 0,5 mm

Acceptance depends        Acceptance depends     Acceptance depends
on application, e.g.      on application, e.g.   on application, e.g.
material, corrosion       material, corrosion    material, corrosion
protection                protection             protection
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