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DEAR READERS, Since releasing “12 Insights into Sustainable of the problems that the transport sector Transport” in 2017, Agora Verkehrswende poses for the climate while pointing to real has published more than twenty studies solutions that can help fight global warming. detailing the essential building blocks of In realizing this ambitious project, we enlisted climate-friendly mobility. the help of Ellery Studio, a group of young designers, researchers, illustrators, and This publication marks a significant go-getters dedicated to making climate departure from our previous work on sus- change understandable and illuminating tainable transport. For one, it’s filled prudent paths forward. We spent many with cartoons and colorful illustrations. gratifying hours with the Ellery team last For another, it does not contain any year hatching ideas and storylines for new findings. Why did we decide to take this novel form of science communication. a different approach? It was new territory for everyone. The term "Verkehrswende" ("transport "Future Ahoy!" is the result of our collabo transformation") and the broad range of ration. We hope that it entertains, enlight- topics it encompasses have gained enor- ens, and ultimately inspires. Its overriding mous polarity over the past three years message is that sustainable transport is in Germany. But there has been little a collective endeavor. If it is to succeed, progress in plementing policies that will each and every one of us must embrace a make sustainable transport a reality. common purpose. in Germany or other parts of the world, although it is becoming increasingly clear Christian Hochfeld and Marena Pützschler that the transport sector is one of the Agora Verkehrswende biggest challenges in climate protection. So instead of another expert report, we have sought to reach a wider audience with an innovative genre: the “infographic novel.” Part infographic, part graphic novel, it draws on our previous insights but re packages them in a fun and accessible for- mat. Its purpose is to raise public awareness
N WHAT IS A C NOVEL? HI INFOGRAP b le transport H AS B EEN A Su staina . R U S RE C EN T LY Y? HERE I AM H U G E TO PI C F O W H AT T H E H A WI TH MY IS T H IS A N IN F O G R A P H IC TO B E H ON EST , ER Novel?! I' m Sk eptica l! FA MI LY . N EW EST M EM B or A G raphic L DAD O F T H E FA M ILY (I t 's A N AT U RA IN ST IN C T F OR G RA M PS S. ) G ER M A N B RE ED D A U G H T ER IN F O - G raphic G ra PH IC N o v el IN F O G RA PH IC N o v el RudY IM portant facts AT F IR ST . an d infographics S EX T RE M E LY D O UB T F UL M E. appear in I W A EF ER T hings to stay T H E SA I D EF IN IT ELY PR b right pin k . 2. 3. H O W IT C A N A LL 'S W ELL T H E conte x t . S u staina b l e 1. SU C C EeD T H AT EN Ds ex pl ains the rest P. 2 0 W ELL T ransport W H Y IT IS P. 6 4 N EC ESSA RY P. 6 - W E C A N ma k e trans le . port su staina b IC T H IS IN F O G RA PH S HOW N O V EL EX PL A IN E. A CUTE IT C A N B E D O N N 'T COUPLE, DO Y O U T H IN K ? 4 5
REASON #1 FOR SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT: TO PROTECT THE PLANET 2 05 0 It was hard to imagine thirty years ago! But now we have a healthy PLANET AND a prosperous, emissions-free economy. T H I S C O ULD BE THE WOR OF THE FUT LD O N LY I F W E U R E , BU T manage to g lo b a l warming stop ! 8 9
In 2021, climate change 32 In 2015 the nations of the world signed the Paris Agreement, which calls for global warming to BE kept below 2°C,, and, if continues to gain steam. BILLION TONS OF CO₂ ARE RELEASED EACH possible, below 1.5°C.. The world needs to act now! YEAR GLOBALLY I've always dreamt of being an astronaut! ... BUT OUR PLANET SEEMS SO FRAGILE FROM way up here. WORLDWIDE CARBON EMISSIONS BY SECTOR iN 2016 7 %R OTHE Germany has adopted ambituous targets, 4% 42 %AT and is seeking to reduce emissions in 19 % 2 TR NSPORT A POWER & HE all areas of the economy. IndustrY TODAY 8% BUILDINGS THE EARTH HAS ALREADY WARMED BY 1 ° C.. IF THIS Which areas of S THE FOCU 343 TREND CONTINUES, WE ARE HEADED FOR BIG TROUBLE!" the economy are responsible for OF THIS emissions? And how much b oo k ! carbon can be released in 2030? 2016 (Figures in 188 million tons of 2030 goal 166 CO² equivalents*) < 183 130 < 143 72 < 98 coo l < 61 < 72 We have to take action now to avoid causing catastrophic it ! Agriculture Buildings Transport Industry Energy economy damage to the climate,To nature, *DEFINITIONS CAN BE and to ourselves. FOUND ON PAGE 76. 10 11
Germany's goal is to reduce emissions in transport bY 40-42% relative to 1990. it wants to reach this target BY 2030. WOULD YOU LIKE NO THANKS, A RIDE TO SCHOOL DAD SWEeTHEART? DaMN! I'm late for my meeting! I'd Rather RIDE MY I'll take the car today. BIKE — IT's MUCH Otherwise I won't arrive on time. HEALTHIER! ANY WAY, SCH OOL A STRIKE! IS CLO SED FOR A more climate CLIM ATE STR IKE! hysteria! HMMM Grandpa, did you know that almost 20% of all emissions in Germany come from transport? I just heard it on the news! last night i dreamt again i was An GOOD OLD Astronaut... KIDS ON STRIKE! DAYS? THAT NEVER HAPPENED IN THE OK BOOMER... GOOD OLD DAYS! in the good old days the situation wasn't as serious. 12 13
Cars and trucks cause more emissions than all ...and the amount of C02 1990 TOTAL other modes of transport combined... emitted since 1990 has risen emissionS* rather than fallen! Carbon emissions from all modes of transport in Germany for 2017 (in million tons of C02 equivalents) 163MT CO₂ EQUIVALENTS 5 minutes later... TO TA L Other 1 Mt E M ISSIO N S = 1.4 M Off to Work and TrucKS stuck in traffic! Rail 1 Mt Damn. so much for a transport Mt CO2 faster commute... Costal and inland ships 2 Mt 30.7 M Cars Domestic air travel 2 Mt 82 HP AvERAGE Road Back in the 1990s HORSEPOWER 162 Mt traffic there was less traffic. It was much easier to According to established standards for calculating get around. BUT THEse aren't emissions, international air and maritime the only SOURCES of traffic orignating from Germany does not count 2017 global warming. toward national emissions. TOTAL One thing is clear: emissionS* Making road 168Mt CO₂ transportation climate neutral EQUIVALENTS by 2050 will Huh, WHAT 2.9 M require radical TRUCKS change. COULD BE *TOTAL ROAD TRANSPORT EMISSIONS IN GERMANY in HERE? International air transport International 29 maritime transport 7 45.8 M Bigger and CARS 121 HP faster is not better for (2017 figures AVERAGE planet earth. in Mt CO² HORSEPOWER equivalents) 14 15
REASON #2 FOR SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT: TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE Less than 25% of land in Germany is unspoiled by a road or railway within WhAT THE...? CAN't get me now! a 5 km radius. Road and rail infrastructure disturbs ecosystems and eliminates THE TRAFFIC IS SO LOUD IN I'll TRY AND PRET END IT's areas for enjoying nature. YOUR APARTMENT! HOW DO the soun d of the ocean . YOU DEAL WITH IT? THAT 's much MORE ROMA NTIC . Nearly 5 million Germans regularly lose sleep because of traffic noise. The external costs of road traffic to the environment and human health are estimated at 52 billion. THE NEXT MORNING… THESE COSTS ARE NOT BORNE BY THE INDIVIDUALS WHO CAUSE THEM BUT BY SOCIETY AS A WHOLE. Tailpipes release nitrous dioxide, a harmful compound that causes respiratory problems. 61% of dangerous emissions in German cities are caused by road traffic. no than ks Traffic injuries in 2018: ... 399,293 (including 3,275 fatalities) MOPOLI P O S N TIC Y N OLEDITIO That game is so last R WE cent ury. PO Conventional vehicles are almost totally dependent on petroleum, which has to be imported from abroad. 16 17
CHAPTER 2 sustainable mobility sustainable transport Creating sustainable mobility encompasses a range of measures – including efforts to reshape attitudes and beliefs – that will encourage people to use more public Carbon-neutral transport by 2050 transport, rely less on privately owned vehicles, and make more trips by foot or bike. It also involves shifting some freight from roads to rail and waterways. YOU MEAN BUILD WINDMILLS RATHER THAN just TILT in the transport sector Sustainable mobility AT THEM? sustainable energy Electric vehicles require less energy than their gasoline- and dieseL- fuelled counterparts. in the transport sector Sustainable energy To be sustainable, the transport sector must rely primarily on electricity for power Through collective efforts that seek to improve and phase out combustion engine vehicles. Furthermore, the electricity for e-vehicle efficiency, we can make transport sustainable. fleets has to come from renewable sources. Creating a sustainable transport system requires moving at full speed towards a clean-energy-based power sector. 18 19
sustainable transport in the TRANSPORT sector sustainable mobility Sustainable energy Sustainable transport rests on two pillars. This section is about the first. 20 21
THE TRANSITION TO AND NEW WAYS OF THINKING ARE A CRUCIAL FIRST STEP. SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY WILL BEGIN IN CITIES. According to a study by the German Federal Environment Agency, over 90% of PEOPLE believe that quality of life would improve if regional and urban planning sought to dimish dependency on cars. Oh no, I'M RUNNING lATE! In which city would you rather live? 22 23
In the Many cities are postwar era, reaching the everyone breaking point... loved the G R E AT BUT idea of the car-centric T hat ' s IDEA! SHO ULDn 'T cities. FUTURE! THE FOC US BE ON PEO PLE ? HOW I MISS ...because cars foul the air and ruin the climate... THOSE POST- war BOOM THE VISION OF a CAR-centric CITY THE TOXIC EXHAUST AND THE YEARS... AND HORRIBLE AW F UL SMELL ARE JUST INTOLERABLE! R AC K E T ! The decisions of urban planners in the 1950s and 60s are why cars continue AND THE to dominate cities today. ARROGANce! THESE NOT TO E C A R A S R O O M M AT CARS ACT AS IF MENTION THE TH E Imagine urban TRANSPORT the WORLD WERE BUILT JUST FOR THEM! MINDLESS HONKING! is A shared flat. Would you live with someone 12% who takes up as much space as cars do in cities? ...they take up more space than any other mode of transport... OF journeys ARE TRAVELLED WITH 50% 14% PUBLIC TRANSPORT WITH A CAR with a bicycle 30 m² Bus AND BY FOOT 77 m²² 24% Car 18 m² 15 PeOPLE Modal share* of Bicycle journeys made in *TERMS ARE Germany with over DEFINED ON 100,000 inhabitants PAGE 76 Street space required for the transportation of 15 people using various means of transport (based on the shared apartment analogy). 24 25
Price inflation: Public transport take up a lot of space even when they are not being used... ...the car pays significantly less versus parking meters than other users of urban space... 80% Month pass MY FAVORITE 24 hrs in the life of a pRIVATE CAR 2 am 3 am THING TO DO IS 60% CHILL OUT. Single ride Midnight 1 am 40% I PAY 40 TIMES AS MUCH per square meter for AN APARTMENT As 20% A CAR PAYS FOR A PARKing spot. Meter fee per hour 4 am 5 am 6 am 7 am 0% 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 WHY am I BEING TREATED SO 8 am 9 am 10 am 11 am UNFAIRLY? Improving th e quality of u ...and... life is easy. W rban e simply hav new prioritie e to set Noon 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm s. Ta k e HIKE, BUDDa Y. 4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm I HEARD HE EVEN KILLED AN OLD LADY CROSSING THE STREET. CHILLING CAN 8 pm 9 pm 10 pm 11 pm GET PRETTY BORING, HOWEVER. BU T I U S E D TO B E A VIP ! On average, private vehicles are used just 1 hour a day. 26 27
LETTING THE WIND ALTERNATIVES LIKE THIS Just take Alternatives already exist ... OWNIN G YOUR WHIP AROUND YOUR MULTIMODAL MIX. public OWN CAR - EARs -- NOW THAT's transport , FREEDOM! NOW THAT's A add some bicycles SENSE OF with a dash of FREEDO M! foot traffic , and then mix in sharing and pooling services . MY CAR SHARING APP SAYS THERE BUT I WANT TO DRIVE DOE S ANY ONE ARE 32 CARS AVAILABLE. MY OWN CAR. Sorry, IN WA NT to TRY ? M ULT IM O D A L A HURRY! MI X No ! NKS THA NOPE! ALWAYS MINE, WHAT THERE ARE SO M ULT IM O D A L MINE, MINE! ABOUT MANY ALTER- SHARING NATIVES TO INSTEAD? OWNING YOUR MI X OWN CAR! KIDS THESE DAYS! Many people have difficulty changing their daily routines. This is where policy makers can help. 28 29
Policymakers need to create incentives to make sustainable mobility a reality. Multimo dal mix ? "Push measures" Oh man , NO T CA R Hmm... should be AG AI N. .. TASTY enacted that make car "Pull measures" are designed ownership less to make other forms of appealing. transport more attractive. REDUCE THE NUMBER OF PARKING SPOTS EXPAND B P AT H S A IK E IC ND MAKE HIGHER IM P R O V E P UBL THEM SA F ER FEES TRANSPORT STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF VIOLATIONS EN CO UR AGE SH A RI N G A N D PO OL IN G SO LU T IO N S create more u ltra low RE A LLOC AT E RO A D z ones SP ACE TO OT HER emissions INTERLINK PUBL IC US ES DIFFERENT C R E AT E MODES OF P E D E ST R IA TRANSPORT N F R I E N DLY TA X T H AT H T R A N S P O R T A R E AS ARMS T HE CLIM PRO MOT E ECO MOB ILIT Y REDUCE SPEED LIMITS AT E WE can't do everything THE FEDERAL that is GOVERNMENT IF WE ONLY HAD necessary AT needs to HELP. ACCESS TO THE THE LOCAL LEVEL! RIGHT TOOLS! 30
GOODS TRANSPORT Despite the problems, we rely on deliveries more than ever before, as the following figures show: IN CITIES A lot of traffic ANOTHER IMPORTANT BUILDING BLOCK DAD, out there today! CAN I HAVE OF SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY THIS? Our roads are becoming ever more congested with people and goods. The delivery of goods is essential for daily life, supplying us with food and other necessary items. FORGET That's because However, delivery vehicles compete with cars, buses, and cyclists for scare road space. IT! no one combines Cities will face numerous challenges in this sector in the coming decades. shipments. Retailer Coffee shop Pharmacy Number of daily deliveries (trips) and shipments (dispatched goods) per business (in Wuppertal, Germany) On main thoroughfares 7.5 15.5 6.5 in Berlin, light and heavy Deliveries Shipments 25.5 12.5 ds commercial vehicles are G oo responsible for 31% 46.5 transport of nitrogen oxide EMISSIONS and 1/3 OF harmful Households are also ordering more online than ever before. particulate emissions! 29 Waste I make 42 stops a l ection Average number of packages 23 l co l day. That means I received per person each year.* P arce ery have to find *Courier, express, and parcel serviceS i v del legal parking SPOTS 42 times. There are hardly any delivery 15 *FORECAST zones - and I only u ction have 6 minutes - C onstr of C on per stop! ROA all in tractors 2 D F UR d e 0 1 7 ATA B A N I HOPE SOME OF THOSE liv IN L ery V O LV I T I E S VE ED HIC a LE. PACKAGES CONTAIN SAUSAGES... 3 RETURNS 32 2008 2018 2023*
Unregulated growth is more Parcel shipping volumes are on the rise. The use harmful to the industry than beneficial. AUTOMATED SUSTAINABILE MOBILITY? of heavy trucks is also CITIes should take increasing. The carbon Self-driving cars could revolutionize transportation. I've seen a few an active role in emissions of the entire managing urban things in my Day... branch are thus expected freight traffic. to grow rapidly. THANK GOD IT's a C H E ER S ! I just ordered But they can't convertible. it by APP. do it all by themselves. l e d era F ernment Automation+ v CITIES Go IT drives all Digitalization by itself! THESE SELF-DRIVING We nee d TO ESTABL ISH CARS CAN greater Incenti ves M S ALREADY DRIVE for cargo bik es an d el ectric vehic les in FIR BETTER THAN ME! UR BA N Freight WE SH OULD CR EATE transport . MO RE DE LIV ER Y ZO NE S Nico Rosberg, ForMULA 1 RACER EU WH ILE RE DU CIN G PA RK ING SP OT S. That's well and We sho ul d DE VE LO P good for Nico freight hu bs Rosberg ... But are close to city cent ER s self-driving cars to al low bu nd le d also good for the last -mi le de liv ery . States environment? 34 CITIE 35 S
WE're ALMOST Self-driving cars could create F IN A LLY AT THE TRAIN I CAN heaven on earth ... STATION!. D R IV E TO O! ven ...if they are integrated into public transport, particularly for the first and last mile... Hea ...and if they are shared for the transportation of numerous passengers... ...then we could reduce the size of the vehicle fleet by 97% without limiting personal mobility. This would free up the massive amounts of space currently used to park vehicles while also slashing energy consumption and emissions. BU T W H A T ABOUT P EO WHO DON PLE ' T L IV E IN C IT IE S ? WOULD YOU ...or they could unleash infernal forces... PREFER TO GO TO HEAVEN OR ...if everyone wants to own their own car... HELL? SOUNDS GREAT! I WANT ONE TOO! HeLL WITHOUT ME. ...if long-distance trips become more frequent because DRIVE AROUND people can read or sleep while travelling... WHY SHOULD I JUST LET THE CAR m INE! mIN E! m INE! SHARE WITH PROBLEM! I'll ANYONE ELSE? spot? No ...and if we let self-driving vehicles drive on their own, No PARKing in order to avoid paying for expensive parking spots... …then there will be more vehicles on the road and less public space for non-vehicle related uses. Furthermore, distances travelled, energy consumption, and emissions will continue to rise. 36 37
IN RURAL AREAS People living in rural areas are much more dependent on cars than city dwellers... ...because public trans- port is often SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY LOOKS DIFFERENT FIXED FIXED inconvenient ROUTES TIMES or unavailable. 34.2 M in German suburbs and towns population Nearly one 29.3 M (2015): in rural areas ...frequent trips mean very quarter of 18.7 M few passengers per vehicle Germans in cities live in rural WHAT? areas. LOW THE NEXT BUS ...but infrequent trips OCCUPANCY DOESn't COME FOR mean low availability Oh NO ... AN HOUR! I'm GOING TO BE LATE THE TRAIN AGAIN. IS PACKED AGAIN... DAILY COMMUTERS IN STUTTGART 250,000 As a result, the share of trips taken with a car is twenty percentage points higher in rural areas. Bike Public transport Car Oh GREAT, NOW WE're stuck in a 7% 5% 70% traffic jam. Maybe we should THAT's ... AND THEN have taken the train? horrible! WALK 10 MIn FROM THE BUS Just to get to the train station, STOP... you HAVE TO TAKE A bus to BUT COMMUTING the next village. Walking INTO THE CITY EVERY DAY IS A DRAG! 17% THE BEST OPTION IS TO GO BY CAR. THE COUNTRYSIDE IS SO IDYLLIC! THAT's the cost of dating a country bumpkin! Modal share in villages and small towns in Germany (2017) 39
Encouraging a shift to different modes of transport is b i k ing that possible in rural areas as well as in the city. d istance BUT how should people in rural areas get from point A to point B in the future? is easy , an d it ' s hea lthier Private cars will remain important for the foreseeable future. 29% of commuters travel less than 5 km to work. b oot . , to What matters is that they are electric. YOUR NEW SOLAR CHECK IT OUT! I HOW AWE SOME ! MY OWN CHA RGIN G STAT ION, PANELS ARE GREAT! THINK THE PEDELEC IS USIN G ELEC TRIC ITY I GENERATE D AT HOME ! FULLY CHARGED. No one in the city CAN say that! I CAN't WAIT THA NKS TO THE SUN , 20% of commuters travel 5-10 km to work. TO TAKE and my INIT IATI VE! THIS GUY OUT FOR A SPIN TOMORROW! N T S TO BU T W H O WA ? O R K S W E AT Y E V EN D IST A R R IV E AT W ANC O F U P TO 1 E S ARE NO PR 5 kM W hat is nee de d With ambitious investment and new mobility services, N O T W IT O BL E M ! public transport in rural areas can be made more convenient. HA to ma ke cyc ling P e d e l ec ! more appea ling : SELF -DR IVIN G SMA LL & - GOO D BIK E PAT HS POLI TICI ANS BOO KABL E FLEX IBLE CAR S - 'Expressways ' for BY APP cyc lists - PARKING INFRASTRUCTURE E - motor win d L E T IT R A IN BABY! NO FIXE D ROUT ES PASSENGERS CAN BE PICKED UP on-the-fly and Eff ICIEN T en route OCC UPA NCY 40 41
FROM ROAD TO RAIL Rail transport is climate friendly... RAIL IS ALSO MUCH MORE EFFICIENT FOR FREIGHT TRAnsport. trains emit much less I DID TOO! SOME THINGS carbon than cars. I LOVED MODEL TRAINS NEVER GET OLD! WHEN I WAS LITTLE. PASSENGER 103 Truck TRANSPORT 139 19 Car 36 Rail Rail FREIGHT TRANSPORT Comparison of greenhouse gas emissions between road and rail (in gram C02 equivalents per passenger or ton kilometer, 2017) RAIL REQUIR ES ...IN PART because of lower SIGNIF ICANT LY LESS wheel friction and improved ENERG Y... aerodynamics in relation to cars ...WHY DON'T we and trucks. TRAVEL MORE OFTEN 1.9 PASSENGER EVERYONE USED TO Car FREIGHT BY TRAIN? TRAIN ? TAKE the TRAIN. BUT TRANSPORT 1.4 TRANSPORT *see definitions on page 76 THEN THE World Truck WENT CAR CRAZY. 0.5 Rail 0.3 Rail Comparison of energy consumption between road and rail (in megajoules* per passenger or ton kilometer*, 2017) IT WOULD BE TODAY, most trains RUN ON MUCH BETTER FOR ELECTRICITY instead of diesel. As THE CLIMATE! RENEWABLES generation RISES, RAIL BECOMES INCREASINGLY CLIMATE FRIENDLY. 87% of rail traffic is electric 13% is diesel Energy sources in rail transport (2017) 42 43
Life should Since rail travel is very climate friendly, the government aims to be as full as Trains , not double the number of train passengers in Germany by 2030. possib le! so much. TODAY 2030 An appeal to government REFORM THE RAILWAY TOLL SYSTEM Rail tolls are ultimately paid by passengers in the form of higher ticket prices. Rail travel You make me would be more competitive if public subsidies expensive! were available for rail network operators. How do I get to where I need to go BUT HOW? when and how much does it cost? The app tells me everything . An innovative timetable Optimize the RAIL NETWORK system and better Policymakers must coordination between enshrine rail network regional trains can New mobile optimization into law with dramatically improve solutions make guaranteed funding.. the efficiency of the it easy to find OPTIMIZE rail network. connections and RAIL BY Travellers will departure times 2030 be able to when planning S E R VI C L L E D T H E U O G E TER get anywhere multi-leg they want with iS CA Journeys with ES T SE O T F M greater ease. This will require different modes CREATE A LEVEL Fm R the expansion t of transport. PLAYING FIELD ul OM iple M 'IN of the rail O network and the OD POINT BILIT Y If each form of transport AL A was required to bear construction T R A TO P O I N T B of new stations. NSPORT its own environmental '. and climate costs, rail would be much more price competitive than becau se Rail is the greenest way to other options. move freight , companies should transport THe RAILMap 2030 most Goods by train, with truck s used FROM Agora Verkehrswende only when necessary at the very SHOWS HOW THIS CAN BE DONE. beginning and end of a journey . 44
sustainable transport in the TRANSPORT sector sustainable mobility Sustainable energy Sustainable transport rests on two pillars. This section is about the second. 46 47
WE NEED ALTERNATIVES TO BI0FUELS ou r Why don 't we simp ly keep ol d cars an d power them ARE NOT be GASOLINE AND DIESEL with biof ue ls , which can su staina bl y pro du ce d? Even if we change the way we travel and use more bicycles and trains, we won't be able to do THE GR EAT ID EA ! away with cars and trucks entirely. To ensure that the transport sector is environmentally sustainable, we need to power it with renewable energy and create more efficient vehicles. ANSWER if we continue to power our cars with GASOLINE and diesel,we won't be able to stop global warming! BioFUELS SOUND THERE SIMPLY PROMISING. ISN't enough land !! BUT IN HELP! REALITY THEY AVailable to grow food for CREATE NEW the world's PROBLEMS. population... ...AND TO cultivate protect crops for conversion flora and fauna in into biofuels. Transport energy by source natural in Germany, 2017 habitats... sLU R P 94.5% fossil fuels 5.5% electricity and renewables H H !! ! AA A I HEARD you can even producE biofuels from garbage, like IN Yes, that would be back to the future 2! great. .. But THat would there simply be awesome! isn't enough biowaste . 48 49
SYNFUELS DIRECT POWER The literary masterpiece "Don Nimbyxote" tells the story of a knight-errant and his squire INEFFICIENT AND TOO EXPENSIVE CONSUMPTION Sancho SUV-Panza and their desperate fight against the ferocious giants known as wind turbines. IS THE MOST EFFICIENT I read about I heard you can produce THAT THE other come on! gasol ine and diesel using day. THE PROBLEM What a bunch WITCHES AND or are renewa ble electricity . IS THAT it's of hocus-pocus! KNIGHTS - MY you still way too chicken? KIND OF STORY! expensive. Nimby= Not in my Backyard How much energy do various types of vehicles require to travel a distance of 100 km? We're electric vehicles How to produce vehicle fuels from renewable electricity, water, and carbon dioxide: Conventional vehicle Conventional vehicle Battery-electric vehicle Fuel-cell vehicle (with power-to-gas) (with power-to-liquid) 15 kWh 31 kWh 93 kWh 103 kWh AY CARAMBA! Synthetic FUELS REQUIRE A LOT OF WIND POWER! Renewa ble Renewa ble INDEED! DIRECT energy energy CONSUMPTION OF ehic l es IT M AY LO O ELECTRICITY IS FAR E l ectric v K MORE EFFICIENT! C O M P L IC AT E D, b u t IT ' s T He k ey to cl ean -energy ALREADY T ransport an d the . D O A BL E ! b est strategy for cars P ower - P ower - 50 TO - gas to - Liq u i 51 d
WHERE Global raw material deposits (2018) BUT are there BATTERIES GET versus demand in 2030 Resources: Total deposits, including those that cannot be extracted economically. Cobalt WORLDWIDE COBALT 400,000 t annual demand in RESOURCES ARE ALSO 2030 enough raw materials for THEIR JUICE Reserves: Deposits that can be extracted economically using current technology. ENORMOUS RELATIVE TO ANNUAL DEMAND. everyone to 7,000,000 t drive electric BUT HALF OF ALL Reserves vehicles ? COBALT MINING WORLDWIDE LITHIUM 240,000 t Lithium RESERVES ARE annual demand TAKES PLACE IN CRISIS-ridden ENORMOUS, enough COUNTRIES SUCH AS in 2030 TO meet growing THE CONGO. LITHIUM IS DEMAND AVAILABLE IN 25,000,000 t SUFFICIENT QUANTITY Resources in the ground FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLES. GO LOOK FOR COBALT SHOrt-term supply 14,000,000 t SOMEW HERE ELSE! Reserves bottlenecks could occur, however. 62,000,000 t Resources 120,000,000 t LITHIUM MINING IS Resources under the sea floor OFTEN ASSOCIATED WITH POOR LABOR CONDITIONS AND That's why its ENVIRONMENTAL EXTRACTION has a this looks FAMILIAR... TO PROTECT PEOPLE AND THE ENVIRONMENt WE SHOULD TRY DAMAGE. BAD REPUTATION. WHERE MINING TAKES PLACE, WE NEED: TO RECYCLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, despite •M andatory due diligence for cobalt (via cobalt's inclusion in the EU regulation for conflict minerals) the LARGE quantitites oil • Partnerships that support sustainable mining available. (In the • Collection and recycling targets for cobalt and lithium FUTURE, I WILL WORK in the EU's battery directive WITH LESS COBALT.)
BUT WITH AGE, however, E-carS haVE an ADVANTAGE. aren't electric cars much worse for the environment than conventional cars I've travelled 150,000 km during manufacturing? SINCE I WAS BORN! In Germany, electric cars are already more climate friendly than their conventional counterparts. FACTORY It's a It' s an PETROLEUM E-B AB Y! BABY! After , 0 0 0 khm 15 0 ric vehicle as ect tive INCLUDING the el c umula ver. low e r EMISSIONS FROM we i s s i o ns, ho PRODUCTION! em The carbon footprint of an electric vehicle is Dies CO₂ higher "at birth". el Footprint CO₂ FOOTPRINT 13.2 t 7.5 t more emis sio than an e-c ns ar I was batter Y PRODUC TION FOR Gasoline dropped years AGO. ELECTR IC VEHICL ES consu mes a lot of electricity , howev er. THIS IS PARTIC ULARLY TROUBL ESOME when THE ELECTR ICITY IS GENERATED USING FOSSIL FUELS. more emissions than an e-car 54 Calculations are for a standard compact class car. 55
JU ST A BI T The greater the share of renewables in the power s ystem, P O W ER mi x Policymakers FU RT HER! the more climate friendly electric vehicles become. in 2 0 1 8 & must create incentives that 2030 GOAL accelerate I've been fee ling the switch to great on this NEW electric cars. CLIM ATE -FR IENDLY DIET ! 35% M ost E l ectric 38% more 62% 65% cars to d ay are e x pensi v e than dels. mMm, com b u stion mo 2018 2030 Tasty ! Renewables Others (coal, natural gas) We need TO MAKE it more expensive to S purchase high-polluting vehicles... YIPEY! To meet the growing deman d for clean L AW M A K ER Electric Ity IN THE TRANS PORT SECTOR WITHO UT M U ST AC T ! MONEY IS NO The adventures OBJECT WHEN of Don Nimbyxote creating shortfa lls ELSEW HERE, WE NEED TO IT COMES TO continue... RAPIDLY EXPAN D wind and solar ENERGY . HOW I ROLL! DID YOU HEAR? ! At the same time, the GOVERN MENT must SUBSID IZE PURCHASEs oF low-emission , high-efficiency vehicl es. POLICY MAKER S Technological advances in clean energy and IMMEDIATE MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO MUST CREATE battery production will continue to reduce the EXPAND THE NETWORK OF CHARGING STATIONS A regulatory carbon footprint of electric vehicles. AND ENSURE NATIONWIDE COVERAGE. framewor k THAT ENCOUR AGES F IC IEN C Y MY HORSE NEEDS BU T T H E S E E F S THESE CHANG ES! E LO ST IF C A R A DRINK! G A IN S W ILL B G E T L A R G ER C O N T IN U E TO . A N D H E AVIER I W H ER E C A N ? WAT er my horse 56 57
Widespread deployment of electric vehicles in BUT Germany will require the expansion of the power grid. To keep investment costs down, we We need flexible charging that accommodates WHAT DOES THAT how do we get need flexible charging for electric vehicles in current grid capacity EVEN MEAN? electricity into cars? combination with sustainable mobility. and generation levels. Inflexible charging without sustainable mobility: €€€ It's SIMPLE: charge me WHENever there is an abundance of renewable ENERGY, but don't charge me so much as to overload the power grid. does THAT MAKE SENSE? Charging based on Charging based on Charging based on grid capacity and GRID capacity generation levels All CARS ARE CHARGED SIMULTANEOUSLY AT THE MAXIMUM RATE GENERATION levels 6 PM ON A WEEKDAY Flexible charging with sustainable mobility: OK, I WILL € LET THE OTHER CARS I CHARGE CHARGE UP When OUTPUT of WHEN POWER HELP, FIRST. I charge AS renewables IS HIGH, IS CHEAP, I'm OVER- LONG AS I am not the price of POWER falls, REGARD- LOADING! overloading the and i can Charge ahead LESS OF tHE GRID. This HELPs of time. But Those in a OK, I WILL PROBLEMS IT I NEED YOU STABILIZE GRID hurry receive priority Charge AT CREATES. AGAIN TOMOR- POWER FLOWS. in order to PREVENT THE I NEED YOU AGAIN THE MAXIMUM GRID FROM OVERLOADING. RATE! ROW MORNING I'll CHARGE SOON! AT 9 PM AT 7 am TO TO 100% I NEED TO DRIVE DRIVE 22 KM. ANYWAY!!! 100 KM. i CHARGE 100% I CHARGE I'VE BEEN BOOKED FOR A TRIP ONLY 20% NO, I WILL!!! STARTING IN A FEW MNUTES. I NEED A FAST CHARGE. THIS keeps GRID Electricity storage is ONE AT A TIME please. 6 pm on a WEEKDAY EXPANSION to OTHERWISE THE GRID WILL difficult. THE less POWER that 58 a minimum! needs STORing, THE better. OVERLOAD! 59
German air freight The adventure meme is (Annual freight not without drawbacks. !! +100% volume in billions of tons) !! +86% ion , WHY DON't we vacation more often in nat ers 4.8 !! s +32% esi seng GERMANY? YOU always SAID YOU wanted 2.4 to go hiking in bavaria... s est of pa 2000 2017 M ic d dom ber .9 17 M ns m at , tin ers io .7 Nu 00 es ng 23 WEll... 20 German l d se 17 na s per capita io pa 20 at of CO² emissions rn r te be are 11 tons annually, M in um .5 and must fall to 1 ton N 52 OR WE COULD to fulfill emission targets. 00 20 GO CAMPING! M DO I LOOK LIKE .8 AHA! MOST FLIGHTS FROM 97 One ton? Just one What is the CO² footprint of my trip? AN OUTDOOR 17 (CO² equivalent kilograms) DOG? I AM A GERMANY REMAIN IN 20 round-Trip Flight to Turkey So much for refined CITY DOG! would exhaust my emissions Train Car Plane EUROPE. WE CAN TAKE THE flight-shaming. budget. TRAIN INSTEAD! people are 22 83 103 flying more than 11t 1t 73.9 % ever! CO² CO² PLUS I DON'T GET 600 km THROWN INTO THE Maximum annual CARGO HOLD IN A per capita emissions EuropE compatible with Berlin MUNICH SMALL CAGE! Per capita carbon reduction targets Destinations of emissions today flights originating in 36 139 196 Germany (2017) Carbon-neutral planes remain a distant dream. For now, the only solution is to fly less. NFUELS G R E EN S Y P aris 1,000 km 10. ARE NOT E IN 9 % AV A IL A BL T USA S U F F IC IEN % 10.A8siA IE S . 375 360 Q U A N T IT I am too 97 heav y to r u n on 2,700 km 4.1 % b atteries . AfriCa 0.4 % 62 Istanbul A U ST R A L IA 63 & O C E A N IA
CHAPTER 3 Looking to the future 65
CARBON PRICING IS ESSENTIAL A horror scenario woman with :A low - income FOR SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT w H O L IV E S IN poor l y ins u a l ate d ho u se in a remote Oh No! i think R E Q U IR IN G long location , i see MYSELF! COMMUTES. Carbon Pricing?! To d ay ' s prices d on ' t ref l ect T H EN VIR O N M EN E T R U E CO₂ TA L IM P AC T ! PRICing to ensure that carbon pricing is fair, the Polluters should pay for the damage they cause to the environment. By taxing activities revenues it generates should flow back to that emit carbon, we can discourage pollution while encouraging cleaner alternatives. In this citizens through (1) uniform per capita way, carbon pricing can help create climate-friendly transport powered by clean energy. redistribution, (2) a reduction in the electricity tax, and (3) a hardship fund. MIX M u lti M o d a l WHO WOULD LIKE TO TRY? I HAVE LOTS OF i DO! mi x NEW FLAVORS! TASTY! That's called energy poverty. 66 67
CHANGE IS INEVITABLE However, only 30,000 jobs will be lost because of e-vehicles. The other 57,000 jobs will disappear If car and bike sharing enjoys success as a business model in BUT OFFERS TREMENDOUS regardless of the types of vehicles we produce, Germany, some 200,000 new jobs due to productivity improvements and further could be created. However, this automation. It is also important to consider that would likely reallocate demand for OPPORTUNITY the industry currently employs 840,000 people. jobs and skills across regions. The auto industry is facing the greatest upheaval in its history. Manufacturers who resist change will end up losing out. The future belongs to companies that embrace Lan d the development of environmentally friendly vehicles and services. AHOY! now? what do we do NO, I'm STEALING YOUR Land AHOY! ld i JOBS! MUHAHA! sho u t why a b o u care t u re ? u the f German companies sell more cars abroad than they do at home. Demand for electric RE E T his d ecision T Electric drivetrains are less complex than their conventional counterparts, vehicles in foreign markets, especially in China, is growing rapidly. If Germany cannot cater to this demand, massive job losses in the German car industry are likely to result. has far - reaching and hence require less manpower to build. If 40% of new cars are conseq u ences ! electric in 2030 and 20% are hybrid, the German automotive sector will rse lf . have 84,000 fewer employees. GR EAT, wE 'll T est it F OR yo u HERE A RE TA KE 2. 4 M 15 .8 M CA Rs ! JOB DESTROYER! Foreign CA Rs ! production START 10.1 M TH AN KS , we 'll ta ke Domestic 13 .4 M Should we YES production 5.7 M CA RS ... manufacture Share of global automobile electric NO production by German companies vehicles BU T PL EASE SEND for climate In the "business as usual" scenario (continued manufacturing of conven US EL EC TR IC VE HI CL protection? tional vehicles), some 57,000 jobs will disappear by 2030 due to greater ES 2016 automobile production and sales figures of Germany car makers IN TH E FU TU RE ! mechanization and productivity increases. 68 69
IN PArticular, we HOW MUCH WILL sustaina ble transport COST? 25 0 BI LL ION BUT HOW are we TO NO. WE should eliminate tax SIMPLY NEED TO breaks that ENCOURAGE Betwee now and EU RO S? ! PAY FOR ALL THAT! STOP WASTING HARMFUL EMISSIONS. 2030, INVESTMENT MONEY in other Money areas! costs could total doesn't 250 billion euros. grow on trees! investment in sus- tainable transport will also allow us to reduce energy expenditures. WE CAN AFFORD The German government awards environmentally harmful tax breaks in the transport sector amounting to 28.6 billion euros SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT annually. In purely mathematical terms, the abolition of these tax breaks would be more than sufficient to fund the investment necessary to transform the sector. IS HOW MANY BONES T H AT wo u l d b e Value of environmentally harmful tax breaks, E T FUEL . IT's not J 1 7 B ILL IO N a Y E (2017), in euro billions FREE CAN YOU BUY FOR much when TA X 250 BILLION? AR you consider for s u staina b Miscellaneous what we spend le on other transport ! 1.2 billion BIG AND uel Jet f llion things. E X P EN S I CARS G VE bi ET TH H I G H E ST E 11.8 I read today that germany SPENDs TA X B R EAK. 43 BILLION A YEAR ON defense alone. Tax breaks for company cars Diese l IS TA XE D AT A LO W ER RAT YES, buT 3.1 Diesel privilege E T H A N G ASO LI N E. AND THe money we spend on the billion transFORMation will help protect us IT WON'T 7.4 billion from the disastrous effects of protect RUNAWAY CLIMATE CHANGE. you FROM a Commuter proud dad! deductibles AND CHAN GE C L IM AT E T he cost FIRE! d ri ving of to W or Ta x De k d u cti b is le. 5.1 billion 70 71
SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT IS GOOD NOT JUST FOR CLIMATE PROTECTION WHO SAYS YOU CAN't I THINK THEY're TEACH CATCHING ON! HUMANS a few NEW TRICKS! NOW THEY JUST NEED TO LEARN HOW TO DRIVE. .. EVEN without CLIMATE ... a sustaina ble transport sector CHANGE ... would make many things better AIR QUALITY will D improve... .. .S O wi ll RO A SA F ET Y ! BOTH IN CITIES... there'll be MORE SPACE for bike ...AND IN THE paths and other nice things. COUNTRY. Then it'll be ta d a ! goodbye, big oil! Once we are no longer DEPENDENT ON OIL, GERMANY can achieve energy self-sufficiency. 72 73
my dream has finally come true! 74 75
BIBLIOGRAPHY GLOSSARY WHY WE NEED SUSTAINABLE Reason #2 for Sustainable 24 Bundesministerium für Verkehr TRANSPORT Transport: to Improve und digitale Infrastruktur (2019): Quality of Life Mobilität in Deutschland. Agora MJ/t km Power-to-liquid Reason #1 for Sustainable Ergebnisbericht, p. 47 Greek for "gathering place" or Refers to the amount of energy Refers to a process for producing Transport: to Protect the 16 Umweltbundesamt (2019): "marketplace"; the central public required to transport one ton of liquid fuel from electricity. Planet Umweltbelastung durch Verkehr 25 Umweltbundesamt (2019): space in ancient Greek city-states goods one kilometer in megajoules. Hydrogen is first split from Stickstoffdioxid. Gesundheitliche where ideas were exchanged and water via electrolysis, and then 10 International Energy Agency (2018): Bedeutung von Grenzwerten debated. Modal share (AKA modal split) converted into synthetic fuel CO2 emissions from fuel combustion 16 Umweltbundesamt (2019): Stickstoff- The percentage of travelers using a via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. belastung geht 2018 insgesamt leicht CO2 equivalents particular type of transportation. 10 NASA (2019): Global Climate Change: zurück, Pressemitteilung 04/2019 25 uthors' calculations: Area required A A unit of measurement for GHG 2018 fourth warmest year in for bus based on EvoBus Citaro O530 standardizing the climate impact of Multimodal mix Greenhouse gases are all gases that continued warming trend, 6.2.2019 with 70 seats; that of a car based different greenhouse gases. It refers When different means of transport raise the temperature of the earth’s 16 Statistisches Bundesamt (2019): on VW Golf. A bicycle is assumed to the magnitude of the greenhouse (car, bus, bicycle) are combined in a atmosphere. They include carbon Unfälle und Verunglückte im to require 1.80 m x 0.65 m. Further gas effect as expressed in CO2. single journey. dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), 11 Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft Straßenverkehr, 2018 assumptions: Average bus occupancy and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). und Energie (2019): Abkommen von rate: 21%, car: 1.4 persons, as per Electric vehicles NIMBY Paris, Artikel: Klimaschutz Umweltbundesamt (2018): Vergleich This includes both battery-electric NIMBY (short for “not in my back Verkehrswende 17 Umweltbundesamt (2019): Indikator: der durchschnittlichen Emissionen im and fuel-cell vehicles. yard”) describes the opposition of A German neologism inspired by the Landschaftszerschneidung Personenverkehr – Bezugsjahr 2017 residents to a planned development term "Energiewende" (literally, 11 | 12 Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Electric mobility – such as an airport, a low-incoming "energy transition"), it is a compound Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit Discussion of electric vehicles in housing project, or, as in our case, of the German terms "Verkehr" (2018): Klimaschutz in Zahlen 17 Umweltbundesamt (2016): 26 Agora Verkehrswende (2019): German and French usually falls a wind turbine – that they would (transport, traffic) and "Wende" Schwerpunkte 2016, Jahrespublikation Parkraummanagement lohnt sich! under what is known as “electric otherwise support were it not being (transition, turnaround). It refers to 14 European Environment Agency (2019): des Umweltbundesamtes, S. 36 Leitfaden für Kommunikation und mobility” (German: Elektromobilität; built so close to their homes. the transformation of the transport EEA greenhouse gas – data viewer Verwaltungspraxis, S. 12 French: mobilité électrique). The sector toward greater sustainability 17 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Energiebilanzen term has been slow to catch on in Passenger transport (pronunciation: Fair-cares-venn-duh). e.V. (2018): Auswertungstabellen zur 27 Authors' calculations: Cost per day English-speaking countries, most While the term “passenger” is 15 BMU (2018): Klimaschutz in Zahlen Energiebilanz Deutschland 1990 bis 2017 for a street parking permit (approx. likely because “mobility” is already normally used in English to refer to 10 m²): approx. 0.08 €. Rent without frequently used to refer to “mobile an individual transported in a vehicle 15 Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (2019): 18 | 19 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): utilities for an apartment in Berlin computing” and “social mobility.” that he or she does not operate, the Bestand in den Jahren 1960 bis 2019 Transforming Transport to Ensure constructed in 2003-2017): 10 euros OECD defines “passenger transport” nach Fahrzeugklassen Tomorrow’s Mobility: 12 Insights into per m² per month, according to Berlin Intermodal transport as any form of transport of the Verkehrswende rent index. This means that the rental When different means of transport people by road, rail, water, or air. 15 Bundesministerium für Verkehr prices for 10 m² are 40 times as (car, bus, bicycle) are combined in a und digitale Infrastruktur (2018): SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY high as the cost of a parking permit. single journey. Power-to-gas Verkehr in Zahlen 2018/2019 Also abbreviated PtG, this refers to The Transition to Sustainable 27 Agora Verkehrswende (2018): MJ/P km a process for producing gas from 15 Bundesministerium für Verkehr Mobility will Begin in Cities. Supporting a U-Turn in Parking Policy, p. 4. Refers to the amount of energy electricity, which can be stored and und digitale Infrastruktur (2000): required to transport one person used to power vehicles. Verkehr in Zahlen 2000 23 Umweltbundesamt (2017): 29 Agora Verkehrswende (2019): one kilometer in megajoules. Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland Neue Wege in die Verkehrswende. 2016, Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Impulse für Kommunikationskam Bevölkerungsumfrage pagnen zum Behaviour Change, p. 9–11 76 77
30 | 31 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): 40 | 41 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): Biofuels Are Not the Answer 56 Agora Verkehrswende (2019): 62 | 63 Authors' calculations based on We Can Afford Sustainable Transforming Transport to Ensure Transforming Transport to Lifecycle Analysis of Electric Vehicles: the Atmosfair emissions calculator Transport Tomorrow’s Mobility: 12 Insights into Ensure Tomorrow’s Mobility 49 Umweltbundesamt (2019): Bioenergie Determining Factors and Improvement (2019): Average emissions produced the Verkehrswende, p. 26–39 Potential by a one-way economy class flight 70 Boston Consulting Group (2019): From Road to Rail with an average occupancy rate Analyse Klimapfade Verkehr (2030) Goods Transport in Cities Synfuels: A Viable Option, 57 Agora Energiewende & Agora of 74.1%, 43 Umweltbundesamt (2018): But Expensive Verkehrswende (2019): 15 Eckpunkte 70 Bundesministerium der Verteidigung 32 Statistisches Bundesamt (2018): Vergleich der durchschnittlichen für das Klimaschutzgesetz 63 European Environment Agency (2019): (2019): Verteidigungshaushalt 2019 Verkehrsunfälle 2017. Fachserie 8, Reihe 7 Emissionen einzelner Verkehrsmittel 50 Agora Verkehrswende, Agora Energie- EEA greenhouse gas data viewer im Personenverkehr – Bezugsjahr 2017 wende and Frontier Economics (2018): 58 | 59 Navigant, Kompetenzzentrum 32 | 33 Agora Verkehrswende (2019): The future cost of electricity-based Elektromobilität and RE-xpertise (2019): 71 Umweltbundesamt (2019): Ausgeliefert – wie die Waren zu synthetic fuels. Distribution grid planning for a 63 PIK (2019): Reallabor „Klimaneutral Umweltschädliche Subventionen den Menschen kommen. Zahlen und 43 Umweltbundesamt (2018): successful energy transition – focus leben in Berlin“ zieht Bilanz Fakten zum städtischen Güterverkehr Vergleich der durchschnittlichen Direct Power Consumption is on electromobility. Study on behalf Emissionen einzelner Verkehrsmittel the Most Efficient of Agora Verkehrswende, Agora Sustainable Transport is 34 Bundesregierung (2019): Projektions- im Güterverkehr – Bezugsjahr 2017 Energiewende and the Regulatory SHERING IN THE AGE OF U Good Not Just for Climate bericht 2019 für Deutschland, p. 104 51 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): Assistance Project (RAP) SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT Protection Transforming Transport to Automated sustainabile 43 Umweltbundesamt (2019): Ensure Tomorrow’s Mobility. Heavy Trucks: Experts Are Still Carbon Pricing is Essential 72 | 73 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): Mobility? Entwicklung des spezifischen Debating How Best to Power Them for Sustainable Transport Transforming Transport to Ensure Energieverbrauchs im Personen 52 Der Tagesspiegel (2007): Reserven und Tomorrow’s Mobility. 35 Twitter (2018): Anne Will, Nico verkehr, Bezugsjahr 2017 Ressourcen – Rechnen mit Rohstoffen 60 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): 66 | 67 Agora Energiewende & Agora Rosberg zum automatisierten Fahren (05.12.2007), Transforming Transport to Verkehrswende (2019): 15 Eckpunkte (04.03.2018) Ensure Tomorrow’s Mobility. für das Klimaschutzgesetz 43 mweltbundesamt (2019): Entwicklung U 52 | 53 Öko-Institut (2019): Gigafactories für 36 | 37 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): des spezifischen Energieverbrauchs Lithium-Ionen-Zellen – Rohstoffbedarfe Large Ships and Aircraft Change is Inevitable Transforming Transport to im Güterverkehr, Bezugsjahr 2017 für die globale Elektromobilität bis 2050 But Offers Tremendous Ensure Tomorrow’s Mobility. 61 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): Opportunity Transforming Transport to 36 | 37 OECD/ITF (2016): Shared Mobility: 43 Umweltbundesamt (2019): 52 | 53 U.S. Geological Survey (2019): Ensure Tomorrow’s Mobility. 68 | 69 Authors' calculations based on Innovation for Livable Cities, p. 8 Endenergieverbrauch und Mineral Commodity Summaries 2019 Fraunhofer IAO (2018): ELAB 2.0 Energieeffizienz des Verkehrs. The Adventure Meme is not Wirkungen der Fahrzeug- In Rural Areas Sustainable Bezugsjahr 2017 52 | 53 Agora Verkehrswende (2017): Strategies without Drawbacks elektrifizierung auf Beschäftigung Mobility Looks Different for Ensuring the Availability of Raw am Standort Deutschland, Abschluss- Materials to the Electric Vehicle Industry 62 | 63 BMVI (2018): Verkehr in Zahlen bericht 15. November 2018 38 Statistisches Bundesamt (2019): 44 | 45 KCW GmbH (2019): Railmap 2030 – 2018/2019, p. 178, 216, and 240. Bevölkerung nach dem Grad der Bahnpolitische Weichenstellungen 54 | 55 Agora Verkehrswende (2019): 68 | 69 Schäfer S., Schade W., Berthold D., Verstädterung und Staatsangehörigkeit für die Verkehrswende. Studie im Lifecycle Analysis of Electric Vehicles: 62 | 63 Authors' calculations based on Mader S., Scherf C., Wagner U. (2019): Auftrag von Agora Verkehrswende Determining Factors and Improvement Umweltbundesamt (2018): Vergleich Transformation der Mobilität aus Potential der durchschnittlichen Emissionen regionaler Sicht: Fortschreibung des 38 Bundesagentur für Arbeit (2018): SUSTAINABLE ENERGY IN einzelner Verkehrsmittel im Status quo von Wertschöpfung und Pendleratlas (Datenstand Juni 2018) THE TRANSPORT SECTOR 56 Die Bundesregierung (2018): Koalitions- Personenverkehr – Bezugsjahr 2017 Beschäftigung in der Mobilität auf vertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und SPD Kreisebene. Arbeitspapier im Auftrag We Need Alternatives to Average CO2 emissions per capita: der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung 39 Bundesministerium für Verkehr und Gasoline and Diesel Car: 0.139 g CO2 equivalents/km digitale Infrastruktur (2019): Mobilität 56 Umweltbundesamt (2019): (average occupancy rate: 1.5 people); 68 | 69 Bormann R., Fink P., Holzapfel H., in Deutschland. Ergebnisbericht. 48 Umweltbundesamt (2019): Erneuerbare Energien in Zahlen, train: 0.036 g CO2 equivalents/km Rammler S., Sauter-Servaes T., Bonn 2019, p. 47 Energieverbrauch nach Energieträgern, (average occupancy rate: 56%, Tiemann H., Waschke T., Weirauch Sektoren und Anwendungen 2017 German electricity mix) B. (2018): Die Zukunft der deutschen Automobilindustrie: Transformation by Design or by Desaster? WISO Diskurs 03/2018 78 79
PUBLICATION DETAILS PUBLISHER CONCEPTION & DESIGN AGORA Verkehrswende Ellery Studio Anna-Luisa-Karsch-Straße 2 Glogauer Straße 19 10178 Berlin 10999 Berlin Germany Germany Executive Director Concept Christian Hochfeld Bernd Riedel Project Manager & Editorial Director Creative Directors Marena Pützschler Eugen Litwinow, Bernd Riedel, Dodo Vögler Director, Strategic Communication Art & Infographic Director Dr. Fritz Vorholz David Ramirez Fernandez Editors Story Director Sheree Domingo, Lisa Gradl, Sheree Domingo Christian Hochfeld, Marena Pützschler, David Ramirez Fernandez, Bernd Riedel, Editorial Design Dr. Fritz Vorholz, Johannes Wirz Lisa Gradl Scientific Content Illustrators Wolfgang Aichinger, Dr. Carl-Friedrich Elmer, Qixuan Chen, Lucia Cordero, Christian Hochfeld, Dr. Günter Hörmandinger, Sheree Domingo, David Ramirez Fernandez Alexander Jung, Anne Klein-Hitpaß, Dr. Urs Maier, Kerstin Meyer, Infographics Marena Pützschler, Fritz Richard Viertel, Lisa Gradl, David Ramirez Fernandez, Dr. Fritz Vorholz Bernd Riedel Operations Director Design & Layout Steffi Niemzok Lisa Gradl, Nazare Picos, Simon Schabel, Hannah Schrage, Shriya Shankar Seetharam, Translation from the German Gaja Vičič Lucais Sewell, Dominic Bonfiglio WordSolid, Berlin Cover Illustration Brady Kuehl, Gaja Vičič 80
Fonts Lulamb (Ellery Studio), Windsor, Colby Paper 140 g / m2 Circleoffset Premium White FSC® Recycled and Blue Angel certified Colors Pantone 803, Pantone 806, Pantone 2728, Pantone 7617 Publication date First English edition, May 2021 Printing Druckhaus Sportflieger Please cite as Agora Verkehrswende and Ellery Studio (2021): Future Ahoy! An Infographic Novel about Sustainable Transport
GOLD MALOFIEJ 28 INTERNATIONAL INFOGRAPHIC AWARDS Agora Verkehrswende is a Berlin-based think tank that conducts in-depth research on mitigating climate change in the transport sector. The arguments in favor of a Verkehrswende – a sweeping transformation of the transport sector toward sustainability – are numerous and compelling. Yet so far action has failed to materialize, persuading us to ask: What can we do to increase public awareness for this important issue? You’re holding the answer in your hands. This infographic novel shares our insights in a new format designed to reach a wider audience and engender broader public support for sustainable transport. The storyline follows a family of three generations, from the young and idealistic to the old and cantankerous, as they grapple with issues related to the climate and the future of mobility. They discover that sustainable transport is not just good for the climate, but also an opportunity to positively reshape how we live and work together. Agora Verkehrswendeis a joint initiative of Ellery Studio drives transformation at the Stiftung Mercator and the European Climate Foundation. intersection of innovation, knowledge and design.
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