Spain's booming hybrid electric vehicle market: A summary of supporting policy measures - International Council ...
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WORKING PAPER 2019-12 Spain’s booming hybrid electric vehicle market: A summary of supporting policy measures Authors: Sandra Wappelhorst Date: May 2019 Keywords: Hybrid electric vehicles; incentives; policy measures Introduction (PHEVs), but the electric power train is 2009. This development was mainly capable of moving the vehicle on its driven by substantial tax exemptions: Sales of hybrid electric vehicles own, unlike in mild HEVs. Compared From mid-2006 until 2010, purchasers (HEVs) in the Spanish market have to a conventional gasoline and diesel of HEVs received a one-time bonus on seen a much faster uptake than in car, HEVs can reduce fuel consump- registration, ranging between €2,500 most countries of the European Union tion and CO2 emissions by up to 35% and €6,000 depending on the year. (EU). Between 2017 and 2018, sales (German, 2015). In contrast to battery Until 2014, owners of a gasoline HEV of hybrid electric passenger cars electric vehicles (BEVs) and PHEVs, emitting less than 110 g CO2/km also increased by 36% to almost 75,800, another advantage is that HEVs do not were exempt from paying the regular one of the highest absolute sales num- rely on recharging infrastructure. motor vehicle tax. In addition, in 2008, bers recorded among the EU Member a lower rate for taxing low-emission States (European Automobile Manu- Figure 1 compares the HEV market company cars was introduced. For facturers Association [ACEA], 2019a). share in selected EU countries from This paper provides an overview of example, the rate for a gasoline HEV 2001 to 2018. The countries reflect the development of the HEV market in emitting up to 95 g CO2/km was 14% those markets where absolute HEV Spain. It quantifies the growth in HEV of the catalogue price compared to sales exceeded 20,000 in 2018. sales across Spain and its regional 25% for a conventional gasoline or Among those countries were France, markets, and describes key policies at diesel car (Tax and Customs Admin- Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the national, regional, and local levels. istration, n.d.; International Energy and the United Kingdom. As shown Agency, n.d.). HEVs represent a viable interim solu- in Figure 1, Spain plays a major role tion for the transition to a low-carbon in growing the HEV market in the EU. A combination of national, regional, and transport system, helping to achieve With almost 75,800 HEVs sold in 2018, local policies distinguishes the Spanish global greenhouse gas (GHG) and Spain accounted for 13% of the HEV market from other European markets. local air pollution reduction targets. sales in the EU, over 4 percentage These include environmental car label- At the same time, HEVs can help vehi- points more than its almost 9% share ing, incentive programs for purchasing cle manufacturers reduce the aver- of total passenger car sales. Sales of low-emission vehicles, access to low- age carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions hybrid electric passenger cars have emission zones (LEZs), and discounts of their new car fleets to ensure com- climbed steadily in Spain since 2001, on parking and road tolls. The impact pliance with regulations, such as the with the exception of a slight drop of these policies has been reinforced EU CO2 target of 95 grams (g) of CO2 between 2012 and 2014, and have sig- by the announcement and implemen- per kilometer (km) for 2021 (Interna- nificantly increased since 2014. By the tation of bans for high-emission vehi- tional Council on Clean Transportation, end of 2018, HEV sales reached 5.7%. cles in urban centers. All of these key 2019). From a technological perspec- This share was surpassed only by Swe- policies have helped to spur and shape tive, HEVs are powered by an internal den (5.8%), Lithuania (7.2%), and Fin- the HEV market in Spain. combustion engine running on gaso- land (9.8%), however fewer vehicles in line or diesel with one or more supple- terms of absolute numbers were sold The following sections describe the mentary electric motors fed by energy in these markets due to their smaller development of the Spanish HEV stored in batteries. The battery cannot market size (ACEA, 2019a). In the market, focusing on policies that be recharged from the electricity grid, Netherlands, similarly high HEV mar- may be associated with their con- unlike in plug-in hybrid electric vehicles ket shares were recorded as early as tinuous uptake. © INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION, 2019 WWW.THEICCT.ORG
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES Market Development 6% Sweden (5.8%) Spain (5.7%) HEV sales in Spain increased from 5% Netherlands (4.6%) 0.7% in 2010 to 5.7% in 2018. Fol- Italy (4.3%) lowing the diesel emissions scandal, 4% France (4.2%) Market share European Union (3.8%) Spain saw a major drop in new diesel United Kingdom (3.4%) registrations with a decrease of 21% 3% Germany (2.9%) between 2015 and 2018. This paved the way for a corresponding increase 2% in sales of gasoline vehicles and HEVs 1% by almost 18% and 3%, respectively (Mock, 2018; ACEA 2019a, 2019b). 0% 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Figure 2 and Figure 3 provide a closer examination of HEV registra- Figure 1. Market share of new hybrid electric passenger cars in selected EU countries tion and market share by regional up to the end of 2018 (Mock, 2018; ACEA, 2019a, 2019b). markets in Spain, including the 17 autonomous communities and Madrid 2018 +69% 2017 the two autonomous cities Ceuta and Melilla. Figure 2 shows that in Catalonia +6% 2018, the greatest number of HEVs Andalusia +29% were registered in the community of Madrid with almost 30,400 new Valencia +28% HEVs sold. This was followed by the communities of Catalonia (approx- +29% Galicia imately 12,400), Andalusia (more than 8,400), and Valencia (6,200). +33% Castile and León T h e g row t h ra te s f ro m 2 0 1 7 to 2018 show wide variations, ranging Basque Country +16% between -1% (Ceuta and Melilla) to +99% (Canary Islands). In fact, 12 Castilla-La Mancha +29% out of the 19 autonomous communi- Balearic Islands +16% ties saw HEV growth of more than 25% (Asociación Española de Fabri- Canary Islands +99% cantes de Automóviles y Camiones [ANFAC], 2018, 2019a). +27% Murcia In terms of market share, three Span- Aragon +8% ish communities registered the high- est HEV shares in 2018 (see Figure 3). +26% Asturias In Catalonia, La Rioja, and Ceuta and Melilla the share was more than 5%. +26% Extremadura Despite accounting for the highest relative shares of new HEV registra- Cantabria +28% tions in 2018, the autonomous com- munity La Rioja and the autonomous Navarre +31% cities Ceuta and Melilla recorded the lowest number of HEV sales in La Rioja +18% absolute numbers—about 420 and -1% 135 respectively—because of the Ceuta and Melilla relatively small size of the market. 0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 20,000 24,000 28,000 32,000 On the contrary, Catalonia had the Registrations (absolute) highest HEV share and at the same time the second highest number of Figure 2. New HEV registration in the Spanish autonomous communities/cities from total HEV registrations with 12,400 2017 to 2018, including hybrid electric quadricycles, commercial and industrial vehicles, (ANFAC, 2019a). and buses (ANFAC, 2018, 2019a). 2 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION WORKING PAPER 2019-12
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES The number of vehicles sold is also Autonomous closely linked to the availability of dif- communities Asturias Cantabria Basque of Spain Country ferent models on the market (Slowik Galicia Navarre & Lutsey, 2018). Figure 4 shows the La Rioja total number of HEV registrations in Share of hybrid Castile and León Catalonia relation to HEV models available in electric vehicles Aragon in 2018 Spain, plotted for the 2001 to 2017 time frame (Mock, 2018). The figure < 3.0% illustrates that between 2001 and 3.0 - 3.9% Madrid 2011, both the number of HEV regis- 4.0 - 4.9% trations and the availability of HEV > 5.0% Extremadura Castilla- Valencia La Mancha models continously inceased. Despite Balearic Islands an increasing number of HEV models available on the Spanish market, HEV Murcia registrations stagnated between 2011 Andalusia and 2013. Starting in 2014, HEV regis- trations went up significantly whereas model availability dropped in 2016. Canary Islands The development since 2011 indicates Ceuta 150 km Melilla that other aspects in addition to 100 mi model availability seem to influence consumers’ purchase decisions. Figure 3. Share of newly registered HEVs by Spain’s autonomous communities in 2018, includings hybrid electric quadricycles, commercial and industrial vehicles, and buses Next to the increasing offer of HEV (ANFAC, 2019a). models, the development of the HEV market in Spain as described above is 60,000 based also on a comprehensive mix 55,000 of policy measures at the national, 50,000 29 Registrations (absolute) 28 regional, and local levels. The follow- 45,000 26 24 ing sections describe in more detail 40,000 23 23 the underlying factors that may have 35,000 contributed to spurring the HEV mar- 30,000 16 25,000 ket in Spain. 20,000 12 Availability of HEV 15,000 models in Spain Policy Background 10,000 5 5 7 4 Registrations of According to the Effort Sharing 5,000 3 HEVs in Spain 1 1 1 1 Regulation, which requires each 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Member State to reduce GHG emis- sions, Spain must reduce national Figure 4. Sales of HEVs in relation to HEV models available in Spain, from 2001 to 2017 GHG emissions by 26% by 2030 com- (Mock, 2018). Due to a lack of robust data on HEV model availability in Spain, we consider pared to 2005 levels (European Com- the number of different HEV models customers bought. We assume that if a HEV is for mission [EC], 2018). However, at the sale on the market, it will likely be purchased at least a certain number of times. national level, the Spanish govern- of nitrogen oxides (NO x ) shall be measure specifically aiming at the ment has not set a binding CO2 reduc- reduced by 41% compared to 2005 uptake of HEVs in taxi fleets through tion target for the transport sector. levels in 2020, and by 62% as of 2030 incentive programs (City Council of Despite this lack, there are various (Government of Spain, 2017). Madrid, 2017). The strategy calls for programs and strategies defining local, regional, and national policies grants for the acquisition of clean Policies for the uptake of HEVs can vehicles or the renewal of munici- to reduce GHG emissions from trans- be found mostly at the regional or pal fleets including HEVs. The Plan port, such as the Climate Change and Clean Energy Strategy 2007–2012– local level, such as part of local mobil- for Energy, Climate Change and Air 2020 (Government of Spain, 2007a). ity strategies. For example, the Air Quality of Barcelona 2011-2020 also Meanwhile, the National Plan for Air Quality and Climate Change Plan encourages new technologies, specif- Quality 2017–2019 defines reduction (short Plan A) of the city of Madrid, ically the increased incorporation of targets for specific pollutant emis- approved by the City Council in HEVs in municipal fleets (City Council sions, for example that emissions September 2017, includes a policy of Barcelona, 2011). WORKING PAPER 2019-12 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION 3
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES Environmental Table 1. Classification for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Spain (Ministry of Interior, 2016). Car Labeling Classification Badge Eligible cars An important measure spurring • Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) alternative fuel vehicle adoption • Range extended electric vehicles (REEVs) and improving air quality in cities Zero-emission label • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) with and regions in the Spanish market is minimum range autonomy of 40 km environmental car labeling. In April • Fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) 2015, the Spanish traffic authorities • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) with (DGT) published a guideline for label- a range autonomy less than 40 km ing zero-emission vehicles. This was ECO label • Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) followed in April 2016 by a directive • Liquified petroleum gas vehicles (LPGs) classifying vehicles in four catego- • Compressed natural gas vehicles (CNGs) ries according to their level of pollu- tion (see Table 1) (Ministry of Interior, General Directorate of Traffic, 2015). • Gasoline Euro 4, 5 and 6 C label According to this directive, HEVs are • Diesel Euro 6 classified under the ECO label. The four different categories of the envi- ronmental car labeling are applied to determine, for example, local and • Gasoline Euro 3 B label regional subsidy amounts for the pur- • Diesel Euro 4 and 5 chase of a new vehicle or to regulate access to LEZs such as in Madrid or • Gasoline cars produced before 2000 Barcelona (see following sections). A label No badge • Diesel cars produced before 2006 The labels are stickers that gener- ally can be voluntarily displayed on the windshield. In Madrid, since April vehicle including HEVs. These ben- to individuals, freelancers, and small- 2019, the labels have been manda- efits were granted in the framework and medium-sized businesses (Gov- tory for owners of all motor vehicles of the Renove Plan (1994–1996) and ernment of Spain, 2008a, 2008b). that access, circulate, or park in the PREVER Program (1997–2007) (Gov- municipality of Madrid (City Council ernment of Spain, 1994, 1997). Between 2009 and 2010, the Plan of Madrid, 2018a). 2000 E provided grants for the pur- In November 2008, the Spanish gov- chase of new passenger cars and ernment announced a new aid pro- commercial vehicles as well as used Incentives and gram under the name VIVE Plan vehicles up to 5 years old. Purchas- Other Benefits (Innovative Vehicle-Ecological Vehi- ers of a passenger car emitting up to cle). The 2-year program aimed at 149 g CO2/km, including HEVs, could In the past, the Spanish central, replacing vehicles older than 10 or receive a minimum one-time bonus regional, and local governments have 15 years in favor of a new or second- of €1,500, the cost of which was split introduced a variety of programs to hand passenger car with a maximum between the national government promote the purchase of alternative age of 5 years. Special financing con- (€500) and the car manufacturers fuel vehicles (AFVs), including natu- ditions were offered to purchasers or importers (€1,000) (Ministry of ral gas-powered vehicles using liqui- of passenger cars rated up to 140 g Industry, Tourism and Trade, 2009). fied petroleum gas (LPG) and com- CO 2/km. This benefit included that In addition, autonomous communi- pressed natural gas (CNG), HEVs, and the first €10,000 of the amount of ties could supplement that amount electric vehicles—BEVs, PHEVs, range the vehicle’s purchase price could with additional funding. For example, extended electric vehicles (REEVs), be financed without cost, which is to Aragon, Asturias, Cantabria, and Mur- and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). say with an interest rate of 0%. For cia provided additional funding. In example, the purchaser of a vehicle contrast, Madrid and La Rioja did not INCENTIVES AND BENEFITS AT with a purchase price of €20,000 contribute to the plan, rather incen- NATIONAL/REGIONAL LEVEL would have paid a monthly fee of €63 tivizing the acquisition of low-emis- Between 1994 and 2007, the Span- instead of €125, assuming an inter- sion vehicles by providing exemp- ish government provided benefits on est rate of 7.5%. The maximum pur- tions on registration tax. In the case registration tax for the replacement chase price was capped at €30,000. of Galicia, the decision was in favor of of an older vehicle in favor of any new Eligibilty for the grants was limited its own regional funding program for 4 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION WORKING PAPER 2019-12
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES passenger cars including HEVs. Grant a national one-time subsidy of providing grants for scapping an eligibilty extended to individuals as €1,000, whereas those in the mar- old car in favor of a low-emission well as micro-, small-, and medium- ket for a vehicle equal to or heavier vehicle including HEVs. The latest sized businesses (“Plan 2000 E,” than 2,500 kg were eligible to program, TAXIFREE 2018, pro- 2009). receive €2,000. The program was vided grants for HEVs of €1,000 divided into four phases. The first for taxis or €3,000 for eurotaxis In 2012, the Spanish government set phase (PIMA Aire 1) started in Feb- adapted for people with reduced up two further national scrapping ruary 2013 with the last one (PIMA mobility that were registered schemes to promote the substitu- Aire 4) commencing in November between June 2017 and July tion of old vehicles including financial 2014 (Associació Empresarial de 2018, but only for those running assistance for the purchase of HEVs: Tallers de Reparacio i Venedors on gasoline fuel (City Council of d’Automoció [ASTAVE] 2014, 2015; Madrid, 2016, 2018b, 2018c). • One program entitled PIVE (Effi- Plan PIMA-Aire, n.d.). cient Vehicle Incentive Program) 2. At a regional level, the autono- included eight separate cam- Between 2009 and 2017, additional mous community of the offers paigns, the first one (PIVE 1) national programs provided incen- two plans that do include grants started in October 2012 and the tives in the form of one-time bonus for HEVs—the PIAM Plan (Auto- last program (PIVE 8) began in payments for the acquisition or lease taxi Incentive Plan) and the PIV- May 2015. The program aimed at of low-emission vehicles. These pro- CEM Plan (Incentive Plan for light incentivizing the scrappage of pas- grams—Plan MOVELE, Plan MOVEA, commercial, efficient, auxiliary senger cars over 12 years old and and Plan MOVALT—included a total and service vehicles). The PIAM light commercial vehicles more of 10 separate rounds of funding. Eli- Plan, first launched in November than 10 years old, then replacing gible vehicles for a grant included 2013, initially provided €2,000 them with any new vehicle, includ- A F Vs , h oweve r H E Vs we r e n o t for licensed taxi services replac- ing AFVs and conventional gaso- included in these programs (Gov- ing a vehicle with a new HEV. In line and diesel vehicles. Under this ernment of Spain, 2011; Ministry of 2018, the grant aid was €3,000 scheme, buyers of a HEV origi- the Presidency, 2015; Ministry of the for vehicles eligible for an ECO nally received a one-time bonus Presidency and for territorial admin- label, including HEVs (Commu- of at least €2,000—a €1,000 sub- istrations, 2017; Plan MOVALT Vehícu- nity of Madrid 2013, 2018). In sidy funded by the national gov- los, n.d.). A new scrapping scheme 2014, the autonomous commu- ernment plus a minimum discount (MOVES Plan) was approved in mid- nity of Madrid also launched a of €1,000 provided by the manu- February 2019, granting aid for the plan for the renewal of light com- facturer/importer at the point of purchase of electric vehicles. Like the mercial vehicles aiming at small- sale. For the seventh phase of the previously mentioned programs, pur- and medium-sized companies scheme (PIVE 7), the minimum chasers of a HEV do not benefit from and self-employed workers (PIV- total incentive was reduced to a one-time bonus payment granted CEM Plan). In 2018, purchasers €1,500, again split equally between by the national government (Govern- of a light commercial vehicle eli- government and the manufactur- ment of Spain, 2019). gible for an ECO label including ers. During the PIVE program term HEVs received a one-time pay- between October 2012 and July INCENTIVES AND BENEFITS ment of €3,000 (Community of 2016, more than 15,700 purchasers AT THE REGIONAL AND Madrid 2014, 2018). of HEVs—which is to say almost LOCAL LEVELS every fourth purchaser received 3. In the autonomous community approval for grants. (“Beneficiarios Some regional and local authori- of Catalonia, taxi services, vehi- ayudas,” n.d.). ties in Spain also provide financial assistance for the acquisition of new cles for commercial use, and • The second scrapping program, low-emission vehicles. Four specific other service vehicles that oper- called PIMA Aire (Plan for Promo- examples are: ate in the region’s special areas tion of the Environment), aimed of atmospheric protection also to replace commercial vehicles at 1. The city of Madrid grants help receive a one-time grant on car least 7 years old with new vehicles for the renewal of the local vehi- purchase. In 2018, buyers of a up to 1 year old. Buyers of commer- cle fleet in different programs. gasoline HEV with emissions of cial AFVs, including HEVs weigh- Over the years, the city has for up to 60 milligrams (mg) NO x/ ing less than 2,500 kg, received example targeted the taxi sector, km, and which fulfills the Euro 6 WORKING PAPER 2019-12 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION 5
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES emissions limit1 or higher, quali- variant, or €17,150 for the hybrid elec- 3. Castile and León was the first fied for a subsidy of €1,000 per tric variant. Only in the city of Madrid autonomous region in Spain to car. The regulatory base for sub- and the autonomous community of implement an aid program for the sidies for the promotion of the Castilla-La Mancha would the €3,000 acquisition of AFVs. In Decem- acquisition of low-emission vehi- bonus make the purchase cost of a ber 2001, it was ratified that com- cles was first approved by the hybrid electric car similar to the com- panies, self-employed persons, regional government of Catalonia parable gasoline Toyota Yaris model. individuals, associations, and in October 2014 (Government of In the Basque Country and Catalo- nonprofit organizations as well Catalonia, 2016, 2018). nia, the hybrid variant would still cost as local entities could receive €450 or €1,700 more, respectively. a grant for the acquisition of a 4. The government of the autono- HEV up to a maximum amount mous community Castilla-La In the past, other Spanish regions of €4,800 (Board of Castile and Mancha also offers funding for offered one-time bonus payments León, 2001). the acquisition of alternative fuel for the purchase of a HEV. These vehicles including HEVs, targeted included the following examples, 4. The autonomous region of at companies, individuals, and which also represent only a sample Extremadura set the regulatory local entities alike. The one-time of autonomous communities and rel- base for purchase incentives bonus amount for the purchase evant actions: including HEVs in April 2009. The of a HEV in this case is €3,000 for grant amount was 15% of the vehi- 1. In 2008, the Valencian Energy cle’s price including VAT, with a applications submitted between Agency announced a program maximum aid of €2,300 for HEVs. August 2018 and May 2019. The to incentivize the acquisition of Eligible persons included individu- regulatory base for the subsi- energy efficient vehicles. Under als or micro-, small-, and medium- dies was established in early 2016 the program CO2TXE 2008 pur- sized businesses. Between 2009 (Castilla-La Mancha, 2018; Min- chasers of a HEV received a and 2012, about 120 purchasers istry of Economy, Business and maximum bonus of €2,000. Eli- of HEVs received incentives in Employment, 2017). gible for a grant were legal enti- the autonomous community of 5. In February 2019, the Basque ties or natural persons whether Extremadura (Board of Extremad- government announced a new they were private or public. The ura, 2012; “Las ayudas para la aid plan for the renewal of the program was relaunched on a compra,” 2012). regional vehicle fleet. Scrapping yearly basis between 2009 and a car at least 10 years old in favor 2011, with HEVs receiving a maxi- In addition to national, regional, and of a HEV will be financially sup- mum bonus of €2,300 (Valencian local incentives in the form of one-time ported with a one-time grant Community, 2008, 2009). bonus payments on car purchases, amount of €2,250. The maximum some regional and local authorities 2. Andalusia incentivized the pur- in Spain provide additional incentives price for a new HEV is capped at chase of a HEV starting in August for drivers of low-emission vehicles, €25,000. Individuals, companies, 2005. Initially, 50% of the price dif- further reducing the cost of own- and municipalities are eligible for ference between a conventional ing a low-emission car compared to these grants (Basque Govern- vehicle and a hybrid car was cov- conventional gasoline or diesel cars. ment, 2019). ered by the Andalusian Energy For example, the government of the These local and regional incentive pro- Agency, with a maximum one- autonomous community of Catalonia grams, of which only a selected sam- time bonus of €3,000. Compa- offers discounts on motorway tolls for ple have been mentioned, reduce the nies, administrations, and individu- low-emission vehicles including HEVs. costs of new vehicle acquisition. As an als all benefited from the bonuses. Drivers of HEVs that meet Euro 6 or example, the Toyota Yaris, available as Between 2008 and 2010, almost higher are granted a 30% discount a gasoline as well as a hybrid electric 1,700 HEVs were subsidized by on the regular road toll, reducing the variant on the Spanish market, has a the Andalusian Energy Agency, costs for using road infrastructure sales price of €14,450 including value the majority in the city of Seville (Department of Territory and Sustain- added tax (VAT), for the gasoline (about 580) and Malaga and Cádiz ability, n.d.). (about 280 and 250, respectively). 1 Euro Emission Limits define limit values About 340 subsidies across Anda- The city of Madrid also offers dis- for exhaust emissions of new passenger lusia were requested by the taxi counts on parking that apply specifi- cars and light commercial vehicles sold in sector within these two years cally to drivers of HEVs. In mid-2014, Europe. Emission limits range from Euro 1 to Euro 6, with Euro 6 differentiating between (Bolaños, 2006; “Unos 1.700 anda- the city introduced a regulated car Euro 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d. luces,” 2019). parking scheme in certain areas of 6 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION WORKING PAPER 2019-12
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES the city aimed at making better use €4,500 of public space, easing parking con- Spanish mainland €4,000 and Balearic Islands gestion, and reducing the number of Canary Islands €3,500 high-emission vehicles entering these €3,000 zones. The parking fees are com- posed of a base rate with discounts €2,500 or surcharges dependent on a vehi- €2,000 Volkswagen Tiguan cle’s emission level. If driving a HEV, €1,500 the base parking rate is reduced by €1,000 Toyota Prius 50% (City Council of Madrid, 2018d). €500 hybrid €0 Ceuta and Melilla Tax Incentives 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 CO2 emissions (g/km) and Benefits Figure 5. One-time registration tax in the autonomous communities/cities of Spain Both buyers and owners of HEVs for 2019 based on a car with a sales price of €26,000 (average sales price of a newly in Spain also benefit from certain registered car in Spain in 2017) (ACEA, 2018). tax exemptions. 5 illustrates the registration tax appli- of Spain, 2004). The length of time TAXES ON CAR PURCHASE cable to the autonomous commu- that the reduction rate applies var- nities on the Spanish mainland, the ies widely. For example, in the city Purchasers of a new car in Spain pay Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, of Madrid, the benefit is 75% during 21% VAT on car purchases, although and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla for the first six years after registration. there is an exemption for the Canary a car purchase price of €26,000, the In the city of Seville, the same reduc- Islands. In March 2019, the Parlia- average price of a new vehicle regis- tion applies but only for the first four ment of the Canary Islands approved tered in Spain in 2017 (Mock, 2018). years, whereas cities such as Barce- the proposal of a law that eliminates For example, the purchaser of a Toy- lona grant a 75% reduction for HEVs the 7% General Indirect Canary Tax ota Prius hybrid in this price segment, (gasoline hybrid up to 120 g CO2/km) (IGIC) on goods and services (similar emitting 112 g CO2/km (according to without a time limitation. In contrast, to VAT) for alternative fuel vehicles the New European Driving Cycle, or the city of Valencia does not provide including HEVs with emissions up NEDC) would not have to pay reg- reductions on ownership tax for HEVs to 110 g CO2/km, reducing the initial istration tax across Spain. In con- (City Council of Madrid 2018e, 2018f; vehicle costs (ANFAC, 2019b). trast, the registration tax would be City Council of Sevilla, 2018; Munici- Buyers of a new car in Spain pay a about €1,000 or €1,250 for a vehicle pal Tax Institute of Barcelona, 2018; one-time registration tax to the equivalent in price but with emissions City Council of Valencia, n.d.). National Tax Agency when register- between 121 and 159 g CO2/km (e.g., Figure 6 illustrates the ownership tax ing a vehicle for the first time. The the Volkswagen Tiguan, emitting 128 to be paid in the two largest Spanish tax is based on a vehicle’s CO2 emis- g CO2/km according to NEDC). cities in terms of population, Madrid sions and is divided into four bands. (for the first six years of ownership) Each tax band defines a certain per- TAXES FOR OWNING A VEHICLE and Barcelona. In Madrid, yearly rates centage applied to the sales price. In addition to tax exemptions on for conventional gasoline and diesel Since January 2008, registration tax registration of cars emitting up to passenger cars range between €20 is based on CO2 emissions. Vehicles 120 g CO 2/km, many municipalities and €224, and between €23 and €217 emitting up to 120 g CO 2 /km are or regions in Spain offer reductions to in Barcelona, whereas yearly rates for exempt from the registration tax. owners of a HEV on the annual own- eco-friendly vehicles are only €5 to Above 120 g CO 2/km, the tax rates ership tax. The rate payable depends €56 in Madrid and €6 to €53 in Bar- range from 4.75% to 14.75% for buy- on the taxable horsepower of a car, celona. For example, in Madrid the ers on the Spanish mainland or the the vehicle age, and the municipality owner of a hybrid Toyota Yaris with a Balearic Islands, whereas rates for in which the car is registered. Gener- taxable horsepower of 11.2 pays annu- the Canary Islands are slightly lower. ally, each city in Spain sets its own ally just €15 for the first six years. The cities of Ceuta and Melilla do not rates. The reduction rate city councils The owner of the same model in the levy tax on new registrations (Gov- can apply for HEVs can be as much as gasoline version with the same tax- ernment of Spain, Tax Agency, n.d.; 75%, based on a decree by the Span- able horsepower would pay a higher Government of Spain, 2007b). Figure ish government in 2004 (Government yearly rate of €59. WORKING PAPER 2019-12 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION 7
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES TAXES FOR CONSUMING FUEL €240 Madrid Conventional €220 gasoline and diesel In general, fuel taxes in Spain are the €200 Barcelona vehicles sum of three components: 21% VAT; a €180 general state tax, which is 30.7 cents €160 per Liter (ct/L) for diesel fuel and €140 a higher rate of 40.1 ct/L for gaso- €120 Toyota line fuel (unleaded 95 gasoline); and €100 Yaris gasoline a special hydrocarbon state tax of €80 Madrid Eco-friendly, 7.2 ct/L (applied to both fuels). As €60 electric and hybrid Toyota €40 Yaris Barcelona electric vehicles a consequence of the lower general hybrid €20 tax for diesel fuel, the taxation share €0 in the consumer end price for fuel is 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 only 48% for diesel versus 55% for Taxable horsepower (hp) gasoline as of March 18, 2019 (Head Figure 6. Annual ownership taxes for car owners living in Madrid (first 6 years) and of State, 2018; State Agency, 2018; Barcelona in 2019. EC, 2019a). Because HEVs can reduce fuel con- €24,000 sumption by up to 35%, total costs Fuel price (pre-tax) €22,000 (including taxes) are lower if compar- Taxes (€) Fuel price (tax) ing a conventional diesel car with a €20,000 Ownership tax diesel HEV, or a conventional gaso- €18,000 line car with a gasoline HEV, respec- Value added tax tively. Although diesel HEVs benefit €16,000 Base price from cost advantages on fuel costs €14,000 compared to gasoline HEVs, because €12,000 of the lower fuel taxes, the effect of this difference on purchase decisions €10,000 is negligible due to a lack of diesel €8,000 HEVs on the market. €6,000 COMPARISON OF TAXATION €4,000 LEVELS ON OWNERSHIP COSTS €2,000 The effects of different taxation levels €0 on ownership costs from the perspec- Gasoline Diesel HEV tive of a private consumer are illus- Toyota Yaris Ford Fiesta Toyota Yaris 118 g CO2/km, 109 g CO2 /km, 89 g CO2/km, trated in Figure 7. For comparison, we 82 kw, 1,496 cm3 88 kw, 1,499 cm3 74 kw, 1,496 cm3 chose a Toyota Yaris, which is avail- able as a gasoline and gasoline hybrid Figure 7. Four-year consumer ownership costs for a private car registered in the city electric model on the Spanish market, of Madrid. and a diesel car, the Ford Fiesta. We have assumed a four-year ownership gasoline and diesel vehicle was multi- three vehicle models—including base period and a 6% discount rate, in line plied by adaption factors of 1.5, 1.36, price and VAT (registration tax does with similar studies (Wappelhorst, and 1.40, respectively (Riemersma & not apply because the selected vehi- Mock, & Yang, 2018). We consider Mock, 2017; Plötz, Funcke, & Jochem, cles emit less than 121 g CO2/km)—the the one-time costs on car purchase 2017). Fuel prices as of February 25, hybrid electric Toyota Yaris turns out (base price, VAT, registration tax), 2019, were used, assuming an aver- to be more than €2,700 more expen- annual cost of ownership (ownership age distance traveled per year of sive than the gasoline model, but tax), and fuel costs, differentiated by 13,000 km2 (ACEA, 2017; EC, 2019b). more than €3,100 cheaper than the pre-tax and tax price. The quoted CO 2 emission levels of the cars are diesel Ford Fiesta. After the first four Considering these assumptions and according to NEDC. To reflect vehicle years of ownership, the Toyota Yaris comparing acquisition costs of the real-world consumption for fuel cost hybrid is the second-costliest option, calculation, the NEDC fuel consump- 2 Official statistical data for Spain was not at €20,900, resulting in a four-year tion for the HEV and conventional available, so the European average was used. cost advantage of almost €2,800 8 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION WORKING PAPER 2019-12
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES toward the diesel and a cost disad- Table 2. Reduction rates for low-emission vehicles when taxing the benefit in kind vantage of approximately €1,900 (Government of Spain, 2015). toward the gasoline car. Hence, this Price limit particular case provides an indica- Type of vehicle before taxes Reduction tion that vehicle taxation for private Euro 6 < 120 g CO2/km €25,000 15% households alone does not offer enough benefits for consumers to opt Hybrid electric vehicles, or powered by an internal combustion engine (ICE) that can €35,000 20% for a HEV. use alternative fossil fuels (LPG, CNG) BEV, PHEV with a minimum electric drive TAXES FOR THE PRIVATE USE €40,000 30% range of 15 km, REEV OF A COMPANY CAR In addition to tax benefits for HEVs uniting and extending these zones, expanded until restrictions become in private ownership, there are also was introduced in November 2018 permanent in 2020 (City Council of advantages for company car users. with the aim of reducing both air pol- Barcelona, 2018). For example, employees in Spain pri- lutant emissions and traffic noise, as vately using a company car usually well as increasing availability of pub- RAISING AWARENESS must declare the “benefit in kind” as lic space in the central Madrid area. Another important aspect of stimu- income on their tax calculations. In Full access to the Central Madrid lating low-emission vehicle sales and such cases, employees benefit from LEZ is granted to residents, people general uptake is informing people reduced income tax rates on hybrid with reduced mobility, safety and and raising public awareness about cars compared to a conventional emergency services, and owners of the benefits of electrified power gasoline or diesel car. Generally, vehicles with zero-emission or ECO trains. A wide range of information the yearly taxable benefit in kind is labels, including HEVs. In contrast to and awareness raising campaigns 20% of the vehicle’s purchase price zero-emission vehicles, parking for and channels have been deployed including taxes. However, since July vehicles with an ECO label is limited at national, regional, and local levels 2015 tax reductions can be applied to two hours. Owners of a vehicle to promote HEVs including internet to low-emission vehicles. In the case with a B or C label (gasoline and die- sel cars) may enter the zone, but are platforms, brochures, advertisements, of HEVs, the reduction is 20% of the only permitted to park in car parks personal or direct mail information. benefit in kind capped at a purchase price of €35,000 (see Table 2) (Gov- and not on-street. Owners of a gaso- The following paragraphs provide a ernment of Spain, 2015). An example line vehicle registered before 2000 selection of these measures. of the benefit-in-kind calculation is as or a diesel vehicle registered before To support the national funding follows: Assuming a purchase price of 2006 with no label are completely allocations described earlier in this €20,000 (base price plus VAT) and banned from entering the LEZ (City paper, the Spanish government has the vehicle being used 220 days per Council of Madrid, 2018g; 2018h). set up an accompanying homepage year for business and 145 days per Access for passenger cars to Barce- that provides motorists with infor- year for private purposes, the yearly lona’s LEZ, which includes most of mation about alternative drive tech- benefit in kind amounts to €20,000 * the city of Barcelona and parts of nologies and helps publicize the 20% * (145 days / 365 days) = €1,589. the adjacent municipalities, is also purchase-incentive programs them- In the case of a HEV, this amount can restricted with the aim of combating selves. Because the current program be reduced by 20% to €1,271 for an the negative health effects of traffic excludes HEVs from national fund- annual tax reduction of €318. pollution. Starting in December 2017, ing, the homepage does not include restrictions apply during episodes of information about HEVs specifically Urban Access elevated atmospheric pollution, in (Government of Spain, 2018b). In Regulations other words when suspended particu- the past, when HEVs could receive late matter (PM10) or nitrogen dioxide grants, information was provided Some Spanish cities have introduced (NO 2) emissions rise above defined likewise. At the regional level, the urban access regulations to improve maximum levels. During these inci- city of Barcelona, its metropolitan congestion, pollution, noise, and/or dents, vehicles with no environmen- area, and the government of Cata- accessibility. tal car label are not allowed to enter lonia have set up an internet plat- In the case of Madrid, restricted the LEZ. For labeled cars, access is form called LIVE platform (Logis- access regulations to defined inner- progressively restricted in descend- tics for the Implementation of the city centers, so called Residential Pri- ing order (B, C, ECO, zero-emission) Electric Vehicle) that does include ority Zones, were first established in according to the severity of the pol- information about HEVs. Launched 2005. A LEZ, termed Central Madrid, lution episode. This regulation will be in 2011, the homepage explains the WORKING PAPER 2019-12 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION 9
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES various financial assistance schemes vehicle technologies available, includ- campaigns when they introduced new and other incentive programs— ing HEVs (Live, 2018). access regulations or anti-pollution national, regional, and local—for the measures, also affecting drivers of a purchase and operation of alternative The city of Madrid as well the the City HEV (City Council of Madrid, 2018i; fuel vehicles in Spain. It also offers a Council of Barcelona and its Metro- Open Metropolis Barcelona, 2017). A cost comparison tool for the different politan Area, carried out information range of further actions were taken Registrations (yearly) National scrapping program: Aid of €1,000 or 80,000 €2,000 (PIMA Aire 2) National scrapping 75,000 National/regional measure to promote HEVs National scrapping program: Aid of €1,000 or program: Aid of €1,000 or Regional/local measure to promote HEVs €2,000 (PIMA Aire 1) €2,000 (PIMA Aire 3) 70,000 National/regional scrapping 65,000 program: Reduced loans Catalonia: National scrapping (VIVE Plan 2008-2010) 30% reduction program: Aid of €2,000 60,000 on road tolls (PIVE 4) 55,000 National/regional aid plan: Minimum aid of Barcelona: 50,000 €1,500 (Plan 2000 E) Plan for Energy, National scrapping Climate Change program: Aid of €2,000 45,000 Extremadura: and Air Quality (PIVE 3) Maximum aid 2011-2020 40,000 of €2,300 National decree regulating Catalonia: 35,000 that cities can provide a Internet reduction on ownership tax platform to National scrapping 30,000 for HEVs up to 75% Valencia: Maximum aid of €2,000 (Program raise awareness program: Aid of €2,000 National (PIVE 2) (LIVE Platform) scrapping CO2TXE 2008) 25,000 program: Aid of Andalusia: 20,000 Information about €2,000 (PIVE 1) National scrapping aid program Registration tax program: Aid of exemptions for 15,000 vehicles up to €2,000 (PIVE 5) Castile and León: 120 g CO2/km See details based on Andalusia: 10,000 Maximum aid of Maximum aid quarterly registrations €4,800 from Q1/2014 to Q4/2018 of €3,000 5,000 Madrid (autonomous community): Aid of €2,000 (PIAM Plan) 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Registrations (quarterly) 22,500 Madrid (autonomous community): Madrid (city): Aid up to €3,000 (PIVCEM Plan 2018) Preferential access to 21,000 Low Emission Zone Madrid (autonomous Madrid (autonomous community): 19,500 community): Aid of €3,000 (PIAM Plan 2018) Aid of €3,000 18,000 (PIVCEM Plan) Madrid (city): Aid up to €3,000 Madrid (city): 16,500 (TAXIFREE 2017) Information campaign about Low Emission Zone 15,000 Castilla-La Mancha: National scrapping Regulatory base for Catalonia: Aid of €1,000 13,500 program: Aid of €1,000 or €2,000 financial aids Directive for environmental car Castilla-La Mancha: (PIMA Aire 4) labeling differented National Air Aid of €3,000 12,000 by four categories Quality Plan 2017-2019 Guideline for 10,500 Madrid (city): environmental car labeling (Air Plan II) 50% discounted of zero-emission vehicles Madrid (city): parking fee 9,000 Aid up to €3,000 Madrid (city): (TAXIFREE 2018) Air Quality and Climate 7,500 National scrapping Change Plan (Plan A) Catalonia: program: Aid of Regulatory 6,000 base for €1,500 (PIVE 8) financial aids Barcelona: Preferential access to Low Emission Zone 4,500 Madrid (city): Aid up to €3,000 3,000 20% tax reduction on (TAXIFREE 2016) Barcelona: Information National scrapping campaign about Low National scrapping personal income tax 1,500 program: Aid of program: Aid of €1,500 (PIVE 7) for privately using a Emission Zone €2,000 (PIVE 6) HEV as company car 0 Q1/2014 Q3/2014 Q1/2015 Q3/2015 Q1/2016 Q3/2016 Q1/2017 Q3/2017 Q1/2018 Q3/2018 Q2/2014 Q4/2014 Q2/2015 Q4/2015 Q2/2016 Q4/2016 Q2/2017 Q4/2017 Q2/2018 Q4/2018 Figure 8. HEV registrations and selected national, regional, and local measures to promote HEVs. 10 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION WORKING PAPER 2019-12
SPAIN’S BOOMING HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLE MARKET: A SUMMARY OF SUPPORTING POLICY MEASURES in the past to raise awareness. For • The transition to HEVs in Spain is in 2018, rising by 8 percentage example, in the beginning of 2006 the driven largely by a series of push- points compared to 2017—has Andalusian Energy Agency launched pull regulations and incentives. incorporated a mix of measures a campaign in dealerships, distribut- The Spanish national government such as tax benefits, financial ing brochures to inform specifically as well as devolved regional and incentives on car purchase tar- about the advantages of HEVs and local authorities implemented geting specific user-groups, and the regional aid program including a range of measures—including reduced road tolls and parking purchase incentives for HEVs (Bola- financial incentives, discounts, fees, all reducing a vehicle’s cost ños, 2006). preferential access to LEZs, and of acquisition and ownership. In awareness-raising campaigns—to addition, HEVs eligible for an ECO spur the uptake of alternative fuel Concluding Thoughts vehicles including HEVs across all label have prioritized access to the LEZ introduced in November Spain is one of the strongest HEV market sectors. At the same time, 2018, while access for high emis- markets in Europe in terms of total gasoline and diesel vehicles with sion vehicles is becoming more sales volumes and relative European high emissions have been subject and more restricted in this area. market shares. In the past, a variety to a gradual tightening of their of measures have been adopted at regulatory framework with mecha- For the future, there are several the national, regional, and local lev- nisms including higher tax levels, upcoming policies scheduled for els to stimulate the growth of alter- or total bans from inner-city LEZs. 2019 and subsequent years. These native fuel vehicles including HEVs. In addition, the HEV market ben- include the official implementation Figure 8 plots a selection of key efited from the decreasing sales of of Madrid’s LEZ in the beginning of national, regional, and local measures diesel cars in the aftermath of the 2019, and the progressive restriction launched from 2001 to 2018 in rela- diesel scandal in 2015. of high-emission gasoline and die- tion to HEV sales. The measures are • Over the past three years, sel cars in Barcelona and its metro- marked by the date on which they regional and local authorities politan area. Following the previous were coming into effect. The duration have been the main agents of trends, these measures should help of incentive programs or preceding growth in the Spanish HEV mar- to further expand the Spanish mar- announcements on new programs or ket. Previous national efforts ket for alternative-fuel and low-emis- changes in policy—for example, the have focused mainly on finan- sion vehicles, including HEVs. introduction of Madrid’s new LEZ in cial incentive programs, however November 2018—which might have they proved to be complex and From a European and global perspec- affected consumer’s purchase deci- inconsistent due to multiple pro- tive, Spain is an interesting case study sions in favor of a HEV prior to the grams covering short time peri- for the uptake of HEVs. The Spanish implementation date, are not illus- ods with gaps between transi- HEV market development shows that trated. However, Figure 8 shows that tional periods and consecutive despite the lack of high tax advan- particularly since the beginning of phases, as well as inadequate tages for HEVs, national and particu- 2015, sales of HEVs have increased funding to meet the resultant larly regional and local incentive pro- steadily despite the termination of demand generated by certain grams reducing the acquisition and the national scrapping programs. schemes. Thus, the current transi- ownership costs as well as prefencial Accompanying regional and local tion toward HEVs is led mostly by access to restricted urban areas can measures of the past have helped to regional and local policies. This have a strong influence on consum- spur the HEV market in Spain, driven is supported by the continued ers’ purchase decisions in favor of a by Madrid and Barcelona. increase in hybrid sales after the HEV. As such, Spain can provide a end of the last national incentive best-practice example for how par- Based on the findings in this report, program. The autonomous com- ticularly regional and local measures the following key aspects should be munity Madrid—which made up can help to spur HEV sales also in highlighted: for 40% of all HEV sales in Spain other markets. WORKING PAPER 2019-12 INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON CLEAN TRANSPORTATION 11
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