Albania Conserve through sustainable use for current and future generations - FAO
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THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Albania Conserve through sustainable use for current and future generations NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Give greater attention to development of programmes and projects for identification, characterization, management and sustainable use of AnGR. • Develop activities for conservation (in situ, in vitro and ex situ in vivo) of native and local breeds and establish a national database for AnGR. • Strengthen capacities for implementing cross-border and regional projects for transboundary breeds. • Promote technology transfer for the management the AnGR and support the market for traditional products. • Develop the legal framework for AnGR in accordance with EU legislation. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS Characterization studies of native breeds are being implemented along with genetic distancing studies at country and regional levels. Since the Interlaken Conference (2007) we have identified 3 local cattle breeds, 3 native pig breeds, 2 types of local dog, 1 local turkey breed, several local duck populations and 4 types of Albanian donkeys. We are updating the © A.ÇILI Catalogue of Albanian Farm Animal Genetic Resources. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT Capacity-building to support traditional processing and marketing of local animal products is being strengthened by promoting collaboration among farmers and setting up the “Local Network of Farmers”. © K. KUME CONSERVATION Capacity for in situ conservation is being strengthened. The national ex situ in vivo programme and the Somatic Cells Gene Bank are being built up. Since the Interlaken Conference (2007), in situ conservation programmes have been implemented for local pig breeds, Ilyrian Dwarf cattle breeds – © K. KUME Busha type, Shkodra sheep and Dukati goats. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING In 2008, the government approved a legal framework for subsidies for local sheep and goat breeds at risk of extinction. The National Action Plan © F. TAHIRI for Conservation and Development of AnGR is being updated within the framework of the Sectoral Strategy for Rural Sustainable Development. Promotional booklets on local AnGR have been published and distributed and national symposiums have been held on aspects of AnGR management.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Austria We create and safeguard the basis for high quality of life in Austria NATIONAL PRIORITIES Austria’s agricultural policy aims to achieve a comprehensive ecological orientation. Our commitment focuses on: • treating the environment carefully; • preserving the diversity of life and of cultivated landscapes; • sustainable use of natural resources; • avoiding waste; and • minimizing dangerous climatic disturbances. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS • Comprehensive inventories of national AnGR are maintained in EFABIS and in national data bases; individual animals are registered according to © ANGELIKA EDELSBACHER European Union legislation. • Monitoring of populations is enabled by integrating population genetics formulas into the central databases for cattle, small ruminants and pigs. • For endangered populations, a census is taken and trends are monitored annually. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT • The main objective is to maintain regional character, biodiversity and traditional food trades. • The aim is to offer a wide variety of traditional and new local products, © THOMAS SENDLHOFER ensuring sustainable use of endangered breeds. • Foodstuffs that have regional labeling are becoming increasingly popular. This calls for the development of endangered breeds by moderate selection, as appropriate. CONSERVATION The main objectives are: • to maintain endangered AnGR in situ – on farm and in traditional use; © FRANZ FISCHERLEITNER • to preserve traditional knowledge of AnGR and their use and products; • to complete the collection in the Austrian Gene Bank for AnGR; and • to strengthen the Austrian Association for Rare Endangered Breeds (ÖNGENE) as National Focal Point for AnGR. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • The Action Program for Organic Farming of the Ministry of Life is a concrete political declaration of intent to promote organic farming and its products. © FRANZ FISCHERLEITNER • Awareness-raising activities convey to society the importance of sustainable agricultural policy and precautionary environmental policy. • Well-targeted promotion of research and education supports innovative farm-based agriculture.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Azerbaijan Preservation and rational use of AnGR is a guarantee for the next generation’s food security NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Develop a national strategy and legislation on AnGR. • Inventory AnGR developed by livestock keepers. • Create a database of indigenous AnGR. • Establish a genebank for indigenous AnGR at the Republic Artificial Insemination Centre. • Strengthen educational facilities and training on AnGR. • Develop projects on zebu cattle, buffalo and sheep husbandry and identify donors for implementing these projects. • Improve productivity traits of local AnGR. • Develop national policies and legal frameworks for utilization of local AnGR. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS Surveys and research on AnGR are carried out by the Genetic Resources Institute of the National Academy of Science (ANAS) and the Ministry of © MAMMADOV A.M. Agriculture’s Livestock Research Institute. The Zoology Institute of ANAS has also been involved. Between 2005 and 2010, most local breeds have been registered. Some of their characteristic features have been studied and reports on their population status have been prepared. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT Projects on improving the utilization of animal products and management of pastures for AnGR are being implemented. Next steps in this work should be to collect information on local knowledge and AnGR management practices, traditional systems of animal agriculture and AnGR development. © EMINOV F.O. All actions aim to improve livestock production and sustainable utilization of indigenous genetic resources. CONSERVATION Characterization and conservation of AnGR is coordinated among research institutes. There is capacity for cryoconservation of semen at the Republic Artificial Insemination Centre, which needs to be used for conservation of indigenous AnGR. Some farms are conserving and using indigenous AnGR: © EMINOV F.O. for example, Bayram Lala, Haji Jamalkhan, Yavar Bini Oglu and Dashuz. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING The National Strategy and Action Plan on Preservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (2006); and laws on Horse Breeding (2007); Pedigree Breeding (2008); Apiculture (2008), etc. have made AnGR management © MAMMADOV A.T. one of the main priorities of the country. National legislation on AnGR still needs to be developed along with strengthening staff training and creating a database of indigenous AnGR.
PLAN D’ ACTION MONDIAL POUR LES RESSOURCES ZOOGÉNÉTIQUES Belgique Préserver la diversité génétique, base d’une sélection animale durable LES PRIORITÉS NATIONALES • Améliorer la connaissance des effectifs de toutes les races et mettre à disposition cette information via les bases de données internationales. • Promouvoir la conservation des races autochtones par leur valorisation au travers du contrôle des performances et d’une stratégie d’amélioration. • Poursuivre la mise en place d’une cryobanque en visant à élargir son champ d’application, tout en soutenant les programmes de conservation in situ. • Intégrer le maintien de la diversité génétique et la sauvegarde des races menacées dans la réglementation agricole régionale. CARACTÉRISATION, INVENTAIRE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TENDANCES ET © BELEIDSDOMEIN LANDBOUW EN VISSERIJ, DES RISQUES ASSOCIÉS La connaissance des effectifs des races animales présentes sur le territoire doit être améliorée, quant à sa précision et à la régularité de sa mise à jour. Outre les interactions avec les associations d’éleveurs, une méthode VLAAMSE OVERHEID originale d’investigation sera appliquée, qui a été développée et mise en œuvre pour étudier plusieurs races ovines, avec des résultats inédits en Ardennais tacheté termes d’inventaire notamment. UTILISATION DURABLE ET MISE EN VALEUR La valorisation économique reste un élément souvent déterminant dans le choix d’une race par un éleveur. L’utilisation durable d’une de nos races indigènes passera dès lors par la démonstration de sa valeur, non seulement © FRÉDÉRIC COLINET culturelle et patrimoniale, mais également économique, en s’appuyant sur le contrôle des performances et le développement d’un schéma de sélection Blanc-Bleu Mixte adapté. CONSERVATION Conservations in situ et ex situ doivent être développées de façon complémentaire. La mise en place d’une cryobanque régionale, initiée en © JEAN-FRANÇOIS DUMASY 2010, sera poursuivie et étendue en élargissant son champ d’application à d’autres espèces et aux populations non inscrites dans les livres généalogiques. Les programmes de conservation in situ ne seront pas pour Cryobanque autant délaissés, ils seront maintenus ou même étendus. POLITIQUES, INSTITUTIONS ET RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITÉS Le maintien de la diversité génétique et la sauvegarde des races menacées doivent être des éléments de notre politique d’élevage. Cet objectif sera pris © JEAN-FRANÇOIS DUMASY en compte dans le cadre de l’élaboration de notre législation zootechnique. Sur le plan institutionnel, le développement de la cryobanque prévoit la mise en place d’un Conseil scientifique et technique, chargé de l’orientation de Mouton Laitier Belge ses activités.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Bhutan Sustainable management of domestic animal diversity for food and agriculture NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Establish an animal gene bank for preservation of germplasm from livestock breeds for sustainable use. • Document all livestock breeds with respect to their distribution, utility, characteristics and population status. • Coordinate and promote in situ conservation. • Disseminate information and promote education on the importance of animal genetic resources. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS • There is a decline in the population sizes of indigenous breeds across all species: particularly in sheep, Nublang and Golang cattle, pigs and horses. © SONAM TAMANG Indigenous breeds have been diluted by cross-breeding with exotic breeds for economic production and higher rural income. • Priorities include review and collation of existing information on animal genetic resources and building a national database of these resources. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT • Promoting coordinated involvement of stakeholder in situ conservation. • Improving knowledge of breeds and their production environments. • Developing enabling policies that support farmers’ conservation initiatives © SONAM TAMANG for native breeds. CONSERVATION • Establishment of an animal gene bank. • Identification and prioritization of threatened breeds for targeted interventions. • Strengthening in situ conservation through technical and technological © SONAM TAMANG support and educating farmers on the importance of conservation. • Initiating farmer groups, a nucleus-herd farm at government level and multiplier farms at field level. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • An agrobiodiversity policy is currently being developed. • National capacity is being strengthened in line with the Tenth Five Year Plan. © SONAM TAMANG • Consultations and biodiversity fairs and exhibitions are held to increase awareness of agrobiodiversity conservation activities.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Brazil Conservation of animal genetic resources: preserving the past, anticipating the future NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Maintain conservation nuclei of naturalized breeds and form new ones when necessary. • Increase the stock of genetic material of breeds at risk stored in the Brazilian Animal Gene Bank. • Genetic characterization. • Re-introduce naturalized breeds in sustainable production systems. • Identify economic niches for naturalized breeds, showing breeders that when well used these breeds can provide economic returns. • Stimulate the creation of additional breeders’ associations. • Increase the awareness of society about the importance of AnGR. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS The study of molecular markers in locally adapted Brazilian livestock started after the creation of a DNA bank in 1998. Today, this bank has more than 14 000 DNA and tissue samples from livestock breeds and native © ARTHUR MARIANTE species with economic potential. Goals for the future are to improve the management of the herds being conserved and the selection of germplasm Moxotó goats donors for the Brazilian Animal Gene Bank. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT One of the most effective ways of increasing interest in threatened naturalized breeds has been the creation of breeders’ associations. Many associations have been successfully established, but further work is needed. © EDISON MARTINS Traits of economic value need to be identified in specific breeds in order to convince breeders to continue raisng them. Criollo Lageano cow CONSERVATION The establishment of a network for the conservation of livestock breeds at risk was essential to prevent their impending disappearance. Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation ) led these efforts and now maintains in situ and ex situ conservation programmes for breeds © RUI FAQUINI considered at risk. The Brazilian Animal Gene Bank stores around 60 000 semen doses and 500 embryos from various livestock species. Criollo Lanado ewe POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING The University of Brasilia and Embrapa have cooperated closely in a capacity-building effort that involves two main lines of research at MSc and PhD levels: one with emphasis on characterization and conservation of © VILSON DE JESUSE AnGR and the other on animal reproduction strategies. This collaboration has been fundamental to the education of students specializing in AnGR management. Pantaneiro bull
PLAN D’ ACTION MONDIAL POUR LES RESSOURCES ZOOGÉNÉTIQUES Burundi Augmentons le potentiel génétique des bovins tout en conservant la race Ankolé PRIORITÉ NATIONALE La priorité nationale est d’augmenter les productions animales en passant par le repeuplement du cheptel national qui a été décimé par la guerre qui a éclaté au Burundi en 1993. Chaque ménage devrait avoir un élevage qui a un double rôle de restaurer la fertilité des sols et de rendre disponible les protéines d’origine animale afin d’assurer la sécurité alimentaire des populations et d’augmenter les revenus de la population et dans le but global de lutter contrer la pauvreté. CARACTÉRISATION, INVENTAIRE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TENDANCES ET DES RISQUES ASSOCIÉS Un projet de recensement général de l’agriculture a été élaboré par le Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’élevage pour disposer des statistiques fiables. Dans le domaine de l’Elevage, un recensement du bétail financé par © M. BLEICH le Fonds International pour le Développement de l’Agriculture « FIDA » est en cours dans 7 provinces sur 16 que compte le pays. UTILISATION DURABLE ET MISE EN VALEUR Le pays ayant perdu par le passé des animaux d’élevage, une politique de repeuplement du cheptel est en cours. Les bovins de race frisonne, les chèvres de race boer ou alpine sont achetés dans les pays de la Communauté Est Africaine. © M. BLEICH CONSERVATION Dans le rapport national sur l’état des ressources génétiques, il a été noté que la race Ankolé est considérée comme une race en danger du fait des © FAO/GIULIO NAPOLITANO programmes de croisement incontrôlés. Les décideurs sont déjà sensibilisés sur le problème et l’idée d’un projet de conservation de la race a été acceptée. POLITIQUES, INSTITUTIONS ET RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITÉS Le Burundi s’est doté d’une stratégie nationale en matière des productions animales et celle-ci devrait servir de base pour l’orientation en matière de © FAO/GIULIO NAPOLITANO gestion des ressources génétiques. Mais dans l’entretemps un système d’enregistrement des géniteurs performants est en cours d’installation au niveau de la Direction Générale de l’Elevage.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Canada Promoting genetic diversity in livestock, environmentally friendly animal production and food security NATIONAL PRIORITIES Priorities of the Canadian Animal Genetic Resources Program (CAGR) are to: • acquire, maintain and distribute animal genetic resources; • characterize, evaluate and analyse livestock genetic diversity; • develop indicators of change in livestock genetic diversity; and • conduct research on biology of gametes and embryos and develop new techniques for conservation of animal genetic resources. CAGR is a joint initiative of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the University of Saskatchewan. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS A CAGR Genetic Resources Information Network database is being developed for phenotypic and genotypic data linked to the collection of characterized germplasm. Descriptions of production environments will be included. It will assist in monitoring population trends and will be connected © C. LESSARD to an international AnGR database including links to breed registries, industry representatives, producer groups and conservation initiatives. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT CAGR promotes animal genetic resource conservation within Canada and © CANADIAN ANGUS ASSOCIATION integrates Canadian conservation activities with those at the global level. Research efforts focus on developing capacity and strategy for conservation of animal genetic resources. CAGR also works to improve commercial methods and develop new techniques for the conservation of all livestock species. CONSERVATION Canada cryoconserves semen, ova, embryos to: • enhance our ability to respond to biosecurity, environmental and food safety risks; and • promote economic opportunities and the competitiveness of our livestock industry through characterizing livestock genetic diversity. © C. LESSARD Donations come from the livestock industry, veterinarians, animal breeders and producers, universities and conservation agencies. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING Education and training of young Canadian scientists are central to the CAGR Program, and students and visiting scientists are welcome. CAGR seeks successful collaborations at national and international levels. These © JACKI PRYSTUPA will target the collection of germplasm for the Canadian gene bank and research initiatives in the areas of population genetics, the biology of reproduction and cryobiology.
PLAN D’ ACTION MONDIAL POUR LES RESSOURCES ZOOGÉNÉTIQUES Tchad Utilisation de ressources zoogénéntique pour le développement durable LES PRIORITÉS NATIONALES • Recensement des effectifs au plan national. • Etablissement d’une stratégie nationale et d’un plan d’action spécifique pour la gestion durable des ressources zoogénétiques. • Création d’un centre national des biotechnologies animales. • Déterminer les besoins à moyen et long terme du pays en produits d’origine animale. • Mieux connaître les filières dans la perspective de leur développement ultérieur. • Mettre en place un système de crédit pastoral pour la valorisation des produits animaux. • Favoriser et contrôler le commerce des animaux sur pieds et de la viande dans la sous région. • Améliorer et intensifier les aménagements pastoraux pour l’élevage transhumant. CARACTÉRISATION, INVENTAIRE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TENDANCES ET DES RISQUES ASSOCIÉS Depuis la fin des années quatre vingt le Tchad a mis en place un programme d’inventaire des animaux domestiques: Bourzat et al. (1993), Lauvergne et al. (1993), Zeuh et al. (1997) pour les petits ruminants; Souvenir Zafindrajaona et Zeuh (1998), Zafindrajaona et al. (1999) pour le bovin; Kouri et Zeuh (2000) pour les ruminants domestiques du Tchad. Le dernier recensement exhaustif date de © V. ZEUH 1976 et depuis 2008 un recensement général des ressources zoogénétiques est en cours. Aucune banque de gènes (sperme, ovocytes, embryons, etc.) n’est disponible sur place. UTILISATION DURABLE ET MISE EN VALEUR Elaboration et adoption du Plan National de Développement de l’Elevage en 2008 et cinq projets à savoir: • appui au développement de l’industrie des cuirs et peaux; • appui au développement de l’industrie laitière; • appui à la filière bovine; © IUSTA • appui au développement de l’industrie avicole (fermes de poules et pondeuses); • création d’un Laboratoire de Contrôle de Qualité des Aliments; sont en projets ou en cours d’exécution. CONSERVATION Le Gouvernement du Tchad a mis en place depuis 2003 avec l’appui du Laboratoire de Recherches vétérinaires et Zootechniques de Farcha un centre de sauvegarde de la race bovine Kouri au Lac Tchad. Il s’agissait en fait de la création d’un centre de conservation avec les objectifs suivants: • la sélection amélioratrice de la race Kouri et la diffusion progressive de taureaux de race pure © V. ZEUH après sélection; • la création de groupements d’intérêt pastoraux et de groupements féminins autour de la race; • la mise en œuvre d’un programme de santé animale adapté au développement de la race; • la mise en place de matériels et d’infrastructures d’appui au centre et au secteur élevage. POLITIQUES, INSTITUTIONS ET RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITÉS Le cadre de la formation dans le domaine de ressources zoogénétiques est régi par un décret en date du 05 novembre 2009. La formation initiale des techniciens d’élevage est assurée par une école (ENATE). La formation supérieure est les instituts publics et privés (IUSTA, ESTAF, ACFA, CFAP) mais aussi par des instituions régionales (EISMV, ESVM, etc.). La formation continue des éleveurs se © I. USTA fait par les centres spécialisés (CFPR, CFPA, CFPM et ONGs).
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Croatia Animal Genetic Resources – national and global heritage for the future NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Completing inventory and characterization of animal genetic resources and continuously monitoring trends and risks. • Developing a programme for economic utilization of animal genetic resources. • Protecting traditional knowledge, processing methods and traditional products. • Improving in situ models for the conservation of animal genetic resources. • Preparing action plans for breeds at risk. • Improving human and technical capacity for the ex situ in vitro programme (gene bank). • Fully implementing the National Animal Genetic Resources Programme. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS • Harmonizing operational and strategic guidelines for characterization and monitoring of animal genetic resources. • Continuous monitoring of trends and risks. © ANTE IVANKOVIC • Characterizing exterior, production and genetic characteristics, adaptability and specific characteristics relevant to traditional and organic production. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT • Developing a programme for economic utilization of animal genetic resources. • Supporting programmes for sustainable use of autochthonous breeds through development of traditional processing methods, standardization © ANTE IVANKOVIC of traditional products, and improvements to marketing and sales of characteristic food products (“Pag sheep cheese”, “Beef of Istrian cattle” and “Kulin”). CONSERVATION • Developing or improving models for in situ conservation of animal genetic resources and action plans for the conservation of breeds at risk. • Initiating ex situ in vitro programmes (gene bank). © ANTE IVANKOVIC • Providing support to breeders’ associations, and relevant experts and institutions (subsidies, capacity-building, infrastructure development). POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING In March 2010 the government accepted the “National Programme for Preservation of Autochthonous and Protected Breeds of Domestic Animals in Croatia”. In July 2010, the National Coordinating System for Animal © ANTE IVANKOVIC Genetic Resources monitoring was established. Legislative frameworks related to the protection of autochthonous breeds were harmonized.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Finland Action plan for self-sustaining native breeds and collaborating with breeding industry NATIONAL PRIORITIES • pedigree registers for on-farm conservation maintained by breeding organizations • cryoconservation in collaboration with artificial insemination industry • supporting gene bank herds at college and prison farms • research on biometric and genomic tools to understand, utilize and maintain genetic variation • promotion of breed-specific features and products • collaboration with Nordic and Baltic countries • active participation in European Regional Focal Point work and EU-funded research and development projects CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS Native breeds include 3 cattle, 3 sheep, 1 goat, 1 horse and a dozen chicken breeds. Assessment of genetic variation with pedigree data are performed for Finnsheep (Ne = 119) and native cattle breeds (Ne = 30–90). Genomic variation is analysed in sheep and cattle breeds jointly with neighbouring countries. Inventories have not been established for dog and bee breeds. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT There are national breeding programmes for dairy and beef cattle, pigs, sheep, horses and fur animals. A multi-trait approach (including © MTT / ULLA JAUHIAINEN random regression, animal model and genomic breeding values) is used in genetic ranking and much attention is given to non-production traits. Dairy cattle and pig breeding rely on Nordic collaboration. CONSERVATION There is an in situ scheme for Eastern and Northern Finncattle and landrace chickens. The mating recommendations for cattle are based © MTT / ASKO MAKI-TANILA on minimizing coancestry. Work on semen cryoconservation is ongoing in cattle and sheep breeds. On-farm conservation is included in the subsidy policies of the agri-environmental programme. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING Finland’s national action plan was launched in 2004 and is coordinated by MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Work is planned and monitored © MTT / ASKO MAKI-TANILA jointly with the Advisory Board on Genetic Resources (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry). Activities are publicised via media interviews, seminars and leaflets. University and college education includes courses on genetic resources.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Germany Animal Genetic Resources in Germany NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Promote long-term in situ and ex situ conservation in scientifically sound and cost- effective breeding programmes. • Enhance attractiveness of animal genetic resources for sustainable animal production systems. • Support the utilization of animal genetic resources in nature and landscape protection areas. • Support the conservation of animal genetic resources. • Promote cooperation at national, European and international levels and exploit the resulting synergies. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS © BLE In 1997, the Central Documentation for Animal Genetic Resources in Germany (TGRDEU) was established. Since then, all breeders’ organizations, their breeds and the numbers of breeding horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, geese and ducks listed in herd books are documented. TGRDEU functions as the national inventory and provides the basis for categorizing breeds according to their risk status. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT Support measures for endangered indigenous farm animal breeds are implemented under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EU Council Regulation 1698/2005). Responsibility for their formulation and © BLE, FRANK GÄRTNER implementation within this framework lies with the “Laender”. Currently 10 “Laender” offer 90 measures for 54 different horse, cattle, pig, sheep, Weiße Gehörnte Heidschnucke goat and poulty breeds. CONSERVATION Ex situ conservation of animal genetic resources through cryoconservation, in particular of semen, embryos and cell cultures, is implemented to © BLE, DOMINIK MENZLER complement in situ conservation measures. Currently, preparations are being made to establish the German Genebank for Domestic Animals. Artificial Insemination POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING 6c^bVa
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Hungary The base of our future is the protection of our heritage NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Maintaining the basis of animal production for a healthy and sustainable world. • Protecting indigenous breeds as national heritage. • Research and raising awareness of animal genetic resources. • Building up an in vitro gene bank. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS • The animal breeding authority maintains and runs the central animal breeding database. • The breeding authority and breeding organizations collect data continuously. © ZSUZSA BOROVKA • The permanent link between the breeding authority and the breeding organizations allows trends to be followed, threats to be recognized and timely interventions. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT Marketing the products of indigenous breeds is seen is one of the most important means in maintaining these breeds. Hungarian Grey cattle and © TAMÁS SZOBOLEVSZKI Mangalica pig products are becoming ever more popular in Hungary and abroad. CONSERVATION • The breeding programmes for indigenous breeds meet the requirements © RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR ANIMAL of conservation. • The Indigenous Farm Animal Genetic Resource Committee was BREEDING AND NUTRITION established in 2007. • A new financial subsidy for in situ conservation of genetic resources was introduced in 2010. It is cofinanced by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development. • Indigenous breeds are continuously being researched. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • Revising and renewing of the Animal Breeding Act is in progress. The new act will deal in more detail with the protection of animal genetic resources. © PÉTER SZABÓ • Hungary actively takes part in the work of the European Regional Focal Point for Animal Genetic Resources. • The head office of Danubian Countries Alliance for Conservation of Genes in Animal Species has been in Hungary since its establishment in 1989.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Malaysia Safeguarding the future with today’s animal genetic resources NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Human-resource development to enhance the competency of AnGR professionals in all aspects of AnGR conservation and sustainable development. • Implementation of sustainable programmes to utilize selected AnGR. • Effective in situ and ex situ conservation programmes for AnGR identified as being at risk. • Development of the National Focal Point (National Institute of Veterinary Biodiversity – NIVB) as a reference centre for AnGR conservation and utilization. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS High priority is given to inventory and characterization of AnGR, monitoring © AZIZOL MD. SHARUN trends and risks, and establishing country-based early warning and response mechanisms. Work focuses on obtaining breed morphological and performance information in current production environments. Information is obtained by direct research and through collaboration with private farms. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT The major priority is establishing national species and breed development strategies and programmes. A committee has been set up to oversee the © ADRIEN KUMAR RAYMOND formulation of a comprehensive Livestock Breeding Policy for Malaysia. The agro-ecosystems approach is being integrated into all livestock policies. Indigenous production systems and sustainable use and management of AnGR are being promoted. CONSERVATION The major priority is to establish or strengthen in situ conservation programmes for several breeds of livestock. National Strategies and Action Plans for Agricultural Biodiversity are being drafted. Ex situ conservation programmes are being established and strengthened – a semen bank at © ZULKIFLI ISHAK the National Institute of Veterinary Biodiversity and an embryo bank at the National Embryo Centre. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING The major priority is to strengthen national institutions for AnGR © ADRIEN KUMAR RAYMOND management and development (NIVB and Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute). Institutional links with the Natural Resource and Environment Ministry (biodiversity focal point), regional organizations and FAO are being strengthened. Efforts are made to mobilize resources for conservation, sustainable use and development of AnGR.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Mongolia Livestock is Mongolia’s national wealth and subject to state protection (Article 6 of the Constitution of Mongolia) NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Improve the performance of hardy livestock through creating pedigree farms for specific types and breeds that will be the focus of scientifically based genetic improvement activities. • Protect the gene pool of livestock, while introducing advanced biotechnologies as a means to increase animal productivity. • Strengthen capacity-building to improve the results of breeding activities and accessibility to services. • Set up a national database and network for a livestock pedigree, performance and traceability recording system. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS © MACHTELD VAN DIERENDONCK Since 1961, Mongolia has conducted a livestock census every December. At the end of 2009, a total of 44 million head of livestock were counted. At the end of the first half of 2010, 54 %, or 10.2 million head, of female breeding stock had given birth; 71 % of total births, or 7.2 million head of young animals, survived; 9.7 million adult animals had been lost because of the harsh winter disaster (Zud). SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT The National Animal Breeding Strategic Plan for 2009–2021 has been developed, approved and publicized. A well-functioning dairy cattle pedigree and performance scheme has been established within the framework of a TCP implemented by the Government of Mongolia and FAO (2008–2010). Data © H. URANGOO entry and data analysis are undertaken regularly. There is consensus that genetic improvement is a must for dairy development. CONSERVATION Seventeen pedigree farms for specific types and breeds of livestock have been established: 13 based on state property and other 4 on local properties. © H. URANGOO POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING Within the framework of the national programme “Mongol Livestock”, which was approved by resolution of the State Great Hural of Mongolia on 20 May 2010, 329 veterinary and animal breeding units will be established by the end of 2010 under the responsibility of provincial government © H. URANGOO offices. The Government of Mongolia is going to spend 9.5 billion MNT to strengthen the capacity of these units.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Montenegro Conservation and sustainable use of animal genetic resources NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Establishing in situ and ex situ conservation schemes for all autochthonous breeds of livestock with emphasis on the most endangered breeds. • Integrating the concept of sustainable use and development of animal genetic resources within the sustainable development of national agriculture. • Promoting means of valorizing autochthonous breeds as parts of cultural and historical heritage and as elements in the sustainable management of pastoral areas and the environment. • Capacity-building and raising public awareness about the importance of animal genetic resources. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS Identification and inventory work has been conducted on the Busha autochthonous brachyceros cattle breed and some sheep breeds (Zetska © BOZIDARKA MARKOVIC zuja, Pivska pramenka, Sora). These activities have included morphological characterization, identification of geographical distribution, population size (according to number of pure-bred male and female animals) and some genetic characterization. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT There are good opportunities for promoting sustainable use of some breeds, such as Pivska pramenka and Sora sheep and Balkan goats, due to © BOZIDARKA MARKOVIC the high prices that can be obtained for their various dairy products, lamb and kid meat, which are becoming increasingly popular with consumers. Other breeds, such as Zetska zuja sheep and Busha cattle, are currently not economically attractive – primarily because of their low productivity. CONSERVATION An in situ conservation programme for animal genetic resources has been operating for three years. The programme includes the following breeds: © BOZIDARKA MARKOVIC • Busha cattle (40 animals); • Zetska zuja sheep: typical zuja (35 animals); so-called Piperska zuja (63 animals); • two flocks of Sora sheep (230 animals); and • three flocks of Pivska pramenka sheep (285 animals). POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • The government adopted the Action Plan for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Animal Genetic Resources in 2008. • National Coordinator for the Management of AnGR was appointed in 2008. © BOZIDARKA MARKOVIC • A law on livestock breeding that provides a legal framework for animal genetic resources management was adopted in 2010. • Good cooperation with the European Regional Focal Point, FAO and NGOs has been established. • The national breed database in EFABIS/DAD-IS has been established.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES The Netherlands Securing heritage breeds and allelic diversity both in situ and ex situ NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Extending the national gene bank: additional species, breeds and donor animals; new types of genetic material; and targeted cryopreservation research. • Supporting breeds in situ: keeping populations healthy (low inbreeding levels and strengthened breeding efforts); and promoting and marketing local breeds. • Development of knowledge of conservation genetics, breeding, reproduction and cryobiology. • Creating a national platform for breeding and conservation. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS • PhD studies are being undertaken on: - characterization of local breeds for their milk quality; and - use of high-density marker information for conservation decisions. • European projects are being implemented on: - local cattle breeds in Europe (EURECA); - heritage sheep breeds; and - breed and cryobank databases (EFABISnet and CRYOweb). SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT • Technical advice is provided to breed associations on how to implement programmes that strengthen breeding efforts and minimize rates of inbreeding. • A national day for living heritage (nationale dag van het levend erfgoed) is organized by the Dutch Rare Breed Society (SZH). On this day, many © SZH Dutch heritage breeds are shown to the general public. CONSERVATION Semen of several species and breeds is stored in the gene bank of the Centre for Genetic Resources, the Netherlands (as of Sept. 2010): - cattle (9 breeds) - dogs (2 breeds) - goats (2 breeds) - horses (5 breeds) - pigs (16 breeds) - poultry (20 breeds) © SZH/CGN - sheep (7 breeds) POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • National thematic workshops for breed societies have been organized as platforms for learning and networking. • International training courses have been organized on gene banking and cryopreservation. • A national platform for breeding and conservation (Ministry of Agriculture, © CGN Product Board, Rare Breed Society, Centre for Genetic Resources, breeding companies and breed associations, etc.) is being established.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Norway Conservation of animal production diversity and sustainable breeding NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Sustainable breeding for all native breeds. • Animal production based on Norwegian AnGR. • Increased population sizes in endangered breeds. • Develop indicators on status and trends for native AnGR. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND © NORWEGIAN GENETIC RESOURCES ASSOCIATED RISKS • Pedigree recording systems should be available for all native breeds. • All breeding plans for native breeds should document sustainability by describing genetic change for functional traits and/or effective population size. CENTRE • Gene banks for all native breeds should be maintained and further developed. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT © NORWEGIAN GENETIC RESOURCES • Ensure that all native breeds have plans for sustainable breeding. • Promote policies and means to achieve sustainable use of a diverse range of native breeds. • Increase the population size of all native and endangered breeds. CENTRE CONSERVATION © NORWEGIAN GENETIC RESOURCES • Strengthen the framework for farming systems based on endangered native breeds. • Establish pedigree recording systems for all native and endangered breeds. • Secure native and endangered breeds by in situ conservation. CENTRE POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING © NORWEGIAN GENETIC RESOURCES CENTRE • Implement the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources. • Maintain and develop national, Nordic and international AnGR networks. • Promote information about the value of AnGR. • Strengthen research on native AnGR. • Develop national networks and competence on the principals for patenting, protection and access to AnGR.
PLAN DE ACCIÓN MUNDIAL SOBRE LOS RECURSOS ZOOGENÉTICOS Perú ¡Conservando los recursos zoogenéticos por la seguridad alimentaria del Perú! PRIORIDAD O META NACIONAL DE LA INSTITUCIÓN: Establecimiento de un Plan Nacional de Conservación y Uso Sostenible de los Recursos Genéticos Animales dirigido a desarrollar estrategias para la valorización de los recursos zoogenéticos, armonizando su uso racional, así como para la generación de beneficios y su distribución justa y equitativa. Las principales actividades involucradas se traducen en ejecutar estudios de monitoreo y caracterización, sistematizar la información productiva, genealógica y genética; y crear o fortalecer centros biotecnológicos especializados con investigadores altamente capacitados que ejecuten actividades de investigación para el desarrollo del sector agropecuario y por ende la mejora de la calidad de vida de las poblaciones dedicadas a la producción pecuaria. CARACTERIZACIÓN, INVENTARIO Y SEGUIMIENTO DE LOS RIESGOS ASOCIADOS Y LAS TENDENCIAS Identificar acciones para la investigación, caracterización e inventarios de los recursos zoogenéticos destinados al desarrollo del sector pecuario realizando a su vez actividades de monitoreo genético y productivo que © EUDOSIO VELI permitan reconocer el potencial biológico e índices de valoración económica específicamente de razas de animales domésticos criollos como camélidos, Caracterización morfométrica del bovino criollo - Puno. bovinos, ovinos, caprinos y cuyes. UTILIZACIÓN SOSTENIBLE Y DESARROLLO Definir estrategias para el fortalecimiento de sistemas de producción coherentes con el uso racional de los recursos zoogenéticos, optimizando el manejo del Banco de Germoplasma in vivo de Camélidos Sudamericanos y el desarrollo del Bancos Criobiológicos de camélidos y bovinos criollos, © EUDOSIO VELI propiciando la formación de asociaciones de criadores, asistiéndolos en el Uso de llamas para transporte de alimento en las zonas altas mejoramiento genético de sus hatos/rebaños de forma sustentable. del Perú. CONSERVACIÓN Establecimiento de Bancos de Germoplasma in situ y ex situ de razas domésticas criollas y nativas de Camélidos Sudamericanos, patos, cuyes, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos y porcinos, manteniendo material genético © ROCÍO SILVESTRE promisorio para actividades de mejoramiento genético y desarrollo de las cadenas productivas, e implementación de sistemas de monitoreo y alarma Rebaño de alpacas de color del Banco de Germoplasma de temprana para evitar el riesgo de extinción de razas y especies. Camélidos “Quimsachata” - INIA – Puno. POLÍTICAS, INSTITUCIONES Y CREACIÓN DE CAPACIDAD Desarrollo y ejecución del Plan Nacional de Conservación y Uso Sostenible de Recursos Genéticos y Biotecnología del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria-INIA. Se iniciará la implementación de centros especializados en biotecnología aplicada a los recursos zoogenéticos (incluídas técnicas de genómica y proteómica) que promuevan la competitividad del sector © INIA Sede central – INIA. pecuario.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Poland Conservation of animal genetic resources: through breeders and for breeders NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Establishment of a national ex situ genebank for animal genetic resources in the National Research Institute of Animal Production; development of genebank facilities in Balice and preparation of protocols for germplasm collection. • Preparation of the National Strategy and Action Plan for Animal Genetic Resources. Establishment of national priorities based on Poland’s Country Report (2002) and the 23 global priorities of the Global Plan of Action. • Enhancement of cooperation with breeders participating in conservation programmes, breeders’ societies and non-governmental organizations. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS • All livestock populations under conservation programmes are monitored and their current status reported on an annual basis. • In 2008, on-farm selection of individuals was introduced into the restoration © JACEK SIKORA programme of the old type of Polish Merino and Podhale Zackel sheep. • Polish EFABIS database has been updated for cattle and poultry breeds. • Molecular characterization of two horse breeds has been initiated. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT • Results of performance evaluation have been analysed and published: first for pig, sheep and poultry breeds and then for cattle breeds and Hucul horses. • Continuous efforts are made to develop products from native breeds – © GRAZYNA POLAK e.g. the conference “Native breeds – how to promote regional products?” • New initiatives, in collaboration with NGOs, aim to develop and popularize innovative approaches for utilizing cold blooded horses. CONSERVATION • Significant enhancement of in situ activities: increased number of conserved populations and increased number of females within conserved breeds • 98 AnGR populations are conserved: cattle (4), horse (7), pig (3), © ELZBIETA MARTYNIUK sheep (13), goat (1), chicken (19) goose, (14), duck (10), rabbit (1), fox (2), polecat (1), nutria (8), chinchilla (1), bee (4), trout (2), carp (8). • Conservation programmes have been revised for a number of breeds. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • The Global Plan of Action and State of the World’s AnGR – in brief have been translated into Polish. • The Institute cooperates with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in implementing the agri-environmental programme. © GRAZYNA POLAK • Development of a multi-year programme of work for the Institute, which includes preparation of the National Strategy and Action Plan. • Cooperation with breeders is enhanced through breed-specific workshops. • Native breeds are exhibited at the National Animal Show.
PLAN D’ ACTION MONDIAL POUR LES RESSOURCES ZOOGÉNÉTIQUES Rwanda Intensification de l’élevage pour une productivité durable LES PRIORITÉS NATIONALES • Croisement en grand nombre des races animales locales pour augmenter la productivité. • Conservation d’une lignée de race Ankole (la vache Inyambo). CARACTÉRISATION, INVENTAIRE ET SURVEILLANCE DES TENDANCES ET DES RISQUES ASSOCIÉS • Des études de caractérisation physique ont été entreprises à l’Institut des © MUHINDA OTTO VIANNEY Sciences Agronomiques du Rwanda (ISAR). • Le «Rwanda Animal Resources Development Authority» (RARDA) a créé deux fermes pour conserver la race et continuer la caractérisation. UTILISATION DURABLE ET MISE EN VALEUR • Le pays pense consulter des études faites aux USA sur la qualité de la viande (faible taux de cholestérol) et mettre à profit ce caractère. © MUHINDA OTTO VIANNEY • Exportation de la semence et des embryons. CONSERVATION In vivo: Des fermes de conservation de la race sont en place. In vitro: Mise en place d’une banque de semences/embryons. © G. DIANA POLITIQUES, INSTITUTIONS ET RENFORCEMENT DES CAPACITÉS • Mise en place d’une Direction Générale des ressources animales au sein du Ministère de l’Agriculture et des ressources animales. • Mise en place d’une Direction des ressources animales au sein du «Rwanda Agriculture Board» pour le suivi de l’état de ces ressources. © G. DIANA • Politique nationale de conservation des ressources naturelles. • Politique nationale de transformation de l’Agriculture.
THE GLOBAL PLAN OF ACTION FOR ANIMAL GENETIC RESOURCES Serbia Sustainable use of animal genetic resources NATIONAL PRIORITIES • Preserve AnGR and cultural heritage through increasing the number of breeding animals of autochthonous breeds. • Support autochthonous breeds that are well adapted to harsh conditions and have potential to play significant roles in maintaining traditional grazing systems in mountainous and hilly regions. • Build institutional capacities and acquire practical experience in implementing support schemes for autochthonous breeds according to European Union standards. CHARACTERIZATION, INVENTORY AND MONITORING OF TRENDS AND ASSOCIATED RISKS • Complete inventory of the location, population status and characteristics of AnGR. • Establish institutional responsibilities for monitoring of AnGR. © SRDJAN STOJANOVIC • Share information with EFABIS/DAD-IS. • Improve cooperation with neighbouring countries and sharing of information about transboundary breeds. • Characterize breeds at genetic level. SUSTAINABLE USE AND DEVELOPMENT • Support consolidation of the national database of autochthonous breeds. • Support farmers in establishing new herds of autochthonous breeds in marginal areas. © SRDJAN STOJANOVIC • Support farmers in reconstructing and adapting their farms. • Support the promotion of autochthonous breeds at fairs. • Support stakeholders in developing agritourism based on local breeds. • Support research of carcass traits and meat and milk products. CONSERVATION • Define conservation priorities and goals. • Improve breeding programmes for endangered breeds. • Use both in situ and ex situ measures for breed conservation. © SRDJAN STOJANOVIC • Support production systems in areas of importance to breeds at risk. • Support the conservation efforts of breeding and non-governmental organizations. • Support stakeholders who keep endangered breeds with subsidies. • Strengthen facilities for ex situ conservation. POLICIES, INSTITUTIONS AND CAPACITY BUILDING • Develop national programmes and action plans for conservation and sustainable use of AnGR. • Develop a measure supporting biodiversity and the environment within © SRDJAN STOJANOVIC the National Rural Development Programme. • Develop the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. • Translate the Global Plan of Action for Animal Genetic Resources into Serbian. • Develop agri-environment policy and programmes for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
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