Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.

Page created by Wesley Howell
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
Sustainability Report

Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY       APPENDIX                                                                       2

                                                                          Introduction                                Planet-Conscious37
                                                                          CEO Letter                             3   Our Footprint                         40

                                                                          Business Context                       4   Energy Use                            41

                                                                          2020 Highlights                        6   Meeting Our Zero Waste Target         44

                                                                          Our Strategy                           7   Waste - Packaging                     46

                                                                          Sustainability Governance              8   

                                                                          Our Initiatives                        9   Product Authenticity                  47
                                                                          Our COVID-19 Response                 11   Ensuring Product Safety               49

                                                                          Engaging with Stakeholders            13   Transparency in the Supply Chain      50

                                                                                                                      Advancing Supply Chain Transparency   51
                                                                          People-Centric15                           Sourcing Sustainably                  52
                                                                          Respectful and Inclusive Workplaces   18

                                                                          Health, Safety and Well-being         22   Appendix57
                                                                          Our Global COVID-19 Response          23   Global Reporting Initiative
                                                                                                                      (GRI) Index
                                                                          Freedom of Association                25

                                                                          Learning and Development              26

                                                                          Diversity & Inclusion                 29

                                                                          Fair Compensation                     33

                                                                          Threads of Change                     35
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                          3

                                A Letter From Our CEO
                                Last year, we launched Fruitful Futures,      Our sustainability plan and initiatives       Greenhouse Gas Emissions – We made
                                our sustainability plan, along with our       align with the United Nations Sustainable     a commitment to the Science Based
                                first sustainability report. I am pleased     Development Goals (SDGs). Throughout          Targets initiative and our target was
                                to share our 2020 report that documents       2020, we continued to implement our           approved in this reporting cycle. 60%
                                our commitments across three key pillars      initial approach and alignment with five      of our electricity was from renewable
                                – People-Centric, Planet-Conscious and        key SDGs that make a positive difference      sources in 2020 which puts us well on
                                Product Authenticity. Fruitful Futures has    in our Company globally. Notable              our way to reaching our goal of 100%
                                made our sustainability priorities clear      accomplishments in 2020 include:              renewable electricity and halving our
                                across our global organization.                                                             Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030.
                                                                              Threads of Change – We launched
                                As we reflect on our journey and              our global program for community              These are just a few examples of how
                                unprecedented challenges last year, we        giving, volunteering and in-kind product      we apply our Fruitful Futures principles
                                were reminded how connected we are            donations throughout the communities          to the way we operate through our core
                                to each other, our communities and our        where we operate. We reacted quickly to       values of integrity, respect for people
                                universe, along with the importance of        natural disasters and community needs         and conducting business in an ethical
                                building a better future for generations      with over $1.1M in product and monetary       and transparent manner. As you read
                                to come. We are excited to pursue             donations.                                    the report, you will understand how
                                the opportunities ahead across our                                                          proud and thankful I am for our global
                                environmental, social and governance          Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) – We made         teams who worked together in 2020
                                platform to create long-term value to our     a commitment to develop transparent           to make progress toward our goals
                                employees, customers, consumers and           global D&I goals where our progress           and commitments.
                                business partners.                            will be reported annually. We created a
                                                                              global, holistic D&I strategy that included
                                                                              benchmarking our workforce and
                                                                              identifying areas for improvement.

                                                                                                                            Melissa Burgess Taylor
                                                                                                                            Chairman and CEO,
                                                                                                                            Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC    PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY   APPENDIX                                                                  4

                                                                                                  ABOUT THIS REPORT
Fruit of the Loom, Inc. is a leading
                                                                                                  The 2020 Sustainability Report is an annual publication
global company specializing in the
design, manufacturing and marketing                                                               benchmarking the progress of our Corporate sustainability
of products that bring comfort,                                                                   plan, Fruitful Futures. The report is prepared in accordance with
performance and fun to everyday                                                                   the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Core Option
moments. Our family of brands has built                                                           and covers our fiscal year 2020, from January 1 to December 31,
trust, memories and lasting connections
                                                                                                  2020. The GRI standards are the most widely used sustainability
across generations.
                                                                                                  reporting standards.
We are headquartered in Bowling Green,
Kentucky, and we have a global team                                                               For any questions on the report, please contact Mercedes Lopez,
of about 29,000 employees across 11                                                               VP of Corporate Social Responsibility, Fruit of the Loom, Inc., at
countries. Our products are sold in more                                                
than 89 countries. We make a majority of
our products in our own facilities, from
managing textile production to sewing
and distribution.

This means we have more operational
and financial control to improve our
environmental and social impact. The
majority of our production for North
America is made in our facilities in
Honduras and El Salvador. We also have
production facilities in Australia, Haiti,
Mexico, Morocco, Vietnam and the
United States.

We also produce products using third-
party manufacturers, and we license our
brands for production and distribution by
licensees. More information is available

Fruit of the Loom, Inc. is a subsidiary of
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION       PEOPLE-CENTRIC     PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY   APPENDIX                                                                        5

OUR VALUES                                      OUR PURPOSE                                  OUR INTEGRATED SUPPLY CHAIN

                                                To make great products
         Respect for People
                                                accessible to enrich our
                                                consumers every day.
                                                                                                  About 29,000        16 Sewing and            2 Sporting Goods
                                                                                              Employees Worldwide       Packaging            Manufacturing Sites
  Passion to Exceed Expectations
                                                                                               Across 11 Countries
                                                OUR MISSION                                                                Facilities

 The Will to Win, But Not at all Cost
                                                To create great quality
                                                products inspired by our
                                                consumers that enriches
          Good Citizenship
                                                their every day. We will do                                  11 Distribution            2 Textile Mills
                                                this around the world by
            Make it Fun                         operating with integrity,
                                                respect for people and                                                              Tier 1: Sewing
                                                good citizenship in the                      We make the majority of                90% Own Operations

                                                communities we serve.                        the products we sell in our            Tier 2: Textiles
                                                                                             own facilities or through              89% Own Operations
                                                                                             strategic, long-term
                                                                                                                                    Tier 3: Yarn
                                                                                             relationships with third-party
                                                                                                                                    90% Strategic Long-Term
                                                                                             manufacturers. Here are the
                                                                                             percentages of our products
                                                                                             made in in this fashion.               Tier 4: Raw Materials
                                                                                                                                    Strategic Relationship on
                                                                                                                                    Top Commodities
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY     APPENDIX                                                 6

                                                    2020 Highlights

                         94% 35.3M                                                                                  67%
                                                                                                                   of our employees and
                                                        face coverings produced.
                        of our cotton is sourced

                         sustainably in the U.S.

                                                                                                                      of managers are

                                                                                            energy efficiency
                                                                                             projects across

                                                             of the products we sell
                                                              are manufactured in
                                                                our own facilities.
                                                                                            of our facilities.

   Zero waste in our
  own facilities for the

     3     rd
        in a row.
                                      82%                                                                        60%
                                                                                                                 renewable electricity
                                         online employee
                                                                                                                      in 2020.
                                      training engagement.
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC    PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY            APPENDIX                                                                                    7

Our Strategy
We launched Fruitful Futures, our                                              UN SDGs                    Our Initiatives                          Our Approach
sustainability plan, in 2020, sharing our
                                                                                                                                     We built a global diversity and inclusion strategy
initiatives, goals and commitments with
                                                                                                                                     to foster a culture of belonging for all employees.
global employees, our external partners,                                 Achieve gender equality
                                                                                                     Inclusive Culture               Our differences make us stronger, and we
our customers and consumers. Our                                         and empower all
                                                                                                                                     are committed to creating a workplace where
                                                                         women and girls
strategy was based on a materiality                                                                                                  everyone is treated with respect and empowered to
study completed in 2019 (See our                                                                                                     contribute on an equal basis.
2019 Sustainability Report to view our
materiality matrix).
                                                                         Ensure availability and
In 2020, we began communicating the                                      sustainable management      Saving Water                    We work to use less water in our processes and
                                                                         of water and sanitation                                     return water to better quality than we withdrew.
detailed plan and commitments with
                                                                         for all
more teams across the Company to help
build awareness and understanding.
We commenced the work by hosting
a series of workshops with four of our
key brands: Fruit of the Loom®, Russell                                  Ensure access to
                                                                                                                                     We are increasing the use of renewable energy
                                                                         affordable, reliable,
Athletic®, Spalding® and Vanity Fair®.                                                               Renewable Energy                in our own supply chain and encouraging our
                                                                         sustainable and modern
Team members from marketing, design,                                                                                                 suppliers to do the same.
                                                                         energy for all
product innovation and communications
came together to explore what the
following initiatives and goals mean
for each brand and their business. We                                    Promote sustained,
                                                                                                                                     We are committed to providing respectful
continue to evaluate and work through                                    inclusive and sustainable   Respectful Workplaces
                                                                                                                                     workplaces and upholding human and labor rights.
the ideas, some of which will become                                     economic growth, full and   Fair Compensation
                                                                                                                                     Our Threads of Change program helps give back to
future projects and programs.                                            productive employment       Threads of Change               the communities in which we live and work.
                                                                         and decent work for all

GLOBAL GOALS                                                                                         Reduce Greenhouse Gases
                                                                                                     Zero Waste
                                                                         Ensure sustainable                                         We are constantly improving how we produce our
                                                                         consumption and             Green Teams
Our approach to sustainability aligns                                                                                                products, from how we source our raw materials to
with the United Nations Sustainable                                      production patterns         Ensuring Product Safety         how we deliver finished goods to the consumer.
Development Goals (“SDGs”). In 2020,                                                                 Transparency in Supply Chains
we continued implementing our plan                                                                   Sustainable Sourcing
with five key SDGs.
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY       APPENDIX                                                                    8

                                Managing our sustainability plan and          SVP of Manufacturing and Sourcing
                                staying true to our goals takes teamwork.     Operations leads our work on many
                                We have implemented the following             of our most critical goals through the       MANAGING
                                governance groups:                            management of a working group that           SUSTAINABILITY RISKS
                                                                              meets every six weeks. The meetings
                                Sustainability Steering Committee:            are used to track progress toward            Our Sustainability Steering
                                Led by our CEO, the Sustainability            our science-based target greenhouse          Committee considers sustainability
                                Steering Committee oversees all of            gas emissions goals and to discuss           risks and opportunities and
                                our goals. Additionally, the Committee        operational challenges and opportunities.    leads their incorporation into our
                                considers sustainability risks and            The group is comprised of two senior         long-range and annual planning
                                opportunities, and leads their                employees who report one level below         processes. Our business also
                                incorporation into our long-range             the Sustainability Steering Committee:       identifies sustainability risk
                                and annual planning processes. This           our VP of Corporate Social Responsibility,   through our annual Enterprise Risk
                                Committee meets quarterly, with other         who reports to our General Counsel;          Assessments. Our Enterprise Risk
                                meetings held as necessary to discuss         and our Senior Director of Sustainability    Assessment is run by our Internal
                                further project updates or plans. It is       and Risk Management, who reports to          Audit Team and is based on a
                                comprised of our General Counsel, our         our SVP of Manufacturing and Sourcing        framework that identifies the top
                                Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)          Operations.                                  10-12 risks across six areas: Business
                                and our SVP of Manufacturing and                                                           Performance, Corporate Reputation,
                                Sourcing Operations and is led by our VP      Key Performance Indicators are set           Profitability, Brand Strength, Global
                                of Corporate Social Responsibility. Each      annually by Corporate and key business       Supply Chain, Customer Relationship
                                project is managed through a scorecard        areas to include both financial- and         and Employee Relationship Risks.
                                which tracks progress toward goals on an      sustainability-related goals. These
                                annual basis.                                 Corporate goals are also translated to key
                                                                              business unit (Fruit of the Loom, Russell
                                Sustainability Working Group:                 Athletic, Spalding and Vanity Fair) goals/
                                The majority (89%) of our greenhouse          performance indicators.
                                gas footprint is in our supply chain. Our
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC            PLANET-CONSCIOUS     PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY         APPENDIX                                                                       9

                                                                     Our Initiatives
                    People-Centric                                                     Planet-Conscious                                       Product Authenticity
                    Enriching lives for people and                                     Reducing the environmental impact                      Sourcing sustainably from transparent
                    communities                                                        of our operations                                      supply chains

Respectful Workplaces                                              Reduce Greenhouse Gases                                 Ensuring Product Safety
    Human and Labor Rights —                                          Commitment to a science-                                 100% Oeko-Tex® certification for
    uphold human and labor rights                                     based target by 2030 based                               all global production made in our
    through our Code of Conduct.                                      on a 2018 baseline.                                      own facilities by 2025.

    No Child or Forced Labor —                                     Saving Water
                                                                                                                           Transparency in Supply Chains
    develop proactive interventions to                                 10% reduction in water intensity by
                                                                                                                               100% of our global supply
    prevent violations.                                                2030 based on 2018 baseline.
                                                                                                                               chain mapped to raw materials
                                                                                                                               by 2025.
    Health, Safety and Well-being —                                Zero Waste
    provide safe working environments                                  Maintain zero waste in our own
    and health care.                                                   production facilities.                              Increase Sustainable Sourcing Across
                                                                                                                           Our Key Materials
    Freedom of Association —                                            Reduce packaging.                                      100% sustainable cotton by 2025.
    support workers’ rights to
    collectively bargain.                                               Advance the circular economy                           30% recycled polyester by 2030.
                                                                        through textile fiber recycling in
    Learning and Development —                                          own facilities.                                        30% recycled nylon by 2030.
    training and initiatives to help our
    employees thrive.                                              Green Teams                                                 100% recyclable paper packaging
                                                                       Engage employees at all of                              by 2022.
Inclusive Culture                                                      our facilities to support our
    Develop a global Diversity and                                     environmental goals.                                    Increase recycled content in
    Inclusion strategy to ensure all feel                                                                                      packaging by 2025.
    they belong.
                                                                                                                               Increase recycled plastic in
Fair Compensation                                                                                                              basketball backboards.
     Benchmark our global operations by
     the end of 2021.

Threads of Change
    Serving and investing in our
Sustainability Report - Fruit of the Loom, Inc.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS           PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY       APPENDIX                                                                          10

                                A Letter from Mercedes Lopez
                                VP of Corporate Social Responsibility

                                                                                   Last year, we were excited to launch          We have embedded our plan into the
                                                                                   Fruitful Futures, our sustainability plan     Company by breaking down our long-
                                                                                   and our first annual, global sustainability   term goals into annual targets by project.
                                                                                   report, outlining the Company’s               These targets are tracked quarterly
                                                                                   achievements and commitments for              and reviewed periodically with the
                                                                                   the future. This moved us from a focus        Sustainability Steering Committee.
                                                                                   on responsibility to sustainability for
                                                                                   our organization. We want to ensure           I am excited to continue to see the
                                                                                   the impact on our employees and               passionate collaboration within our
                                                                                   consumers, the environment and our            teams and across multiple functional
                                                                                   products is sustainable and right for the     areas and I look forward to sharing our
                                                                                   long-term interest of our business and        achievements and newest goals.

                                                                                   We put a major emphasis on cross-
                                                                                   departmental collaboration, working
                                                                                   together to build on our shared mission.
                                Mercedes Lopez                                     We brought together leaders from our
                                VP of Corporate Social Responsibility,             brands and manufacturing to participate
                                Fruit of the Loom, Inc.                            in roundtables, workshops and consumer
                                                                                   research to turn our strategy into action.
                                Mercedes leads our integration of sustainability
                                plans and goals into global workstreams and
                                creates a movement within the organization for
                                employee engagement to drive change.
INTRODUCTION       PEOPLE-CENTRIC     PLANET-CONSCIOUS     PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY         APPENDIX                                                                       11

Our COVID-19                                                                              The apparel and sporting goods businesses
                                                                                          were not immune to the pandemic in
                                                                                          2020. Retail and supply chains were
                                                                                                                                       closed for up to two months — and we
                                                                                                                                       experienced a decline in production
                                                                                                                                       which had a significant business

Response                                                                                  severely affected. We temporarily paused
                                                                                          production at our own manufacturing
                                                                                          sites around the world — with some sites
                                                                                                                                       impact. The results of this impact
                                                                                                                                       reverberate throughout this report.

Our immediate focus was to ensure the                Training was an essential component to keeping our employees safe                The Performance Management Process
health and safety of our global employees            and preventing the spread of the virus in our facilities. In addition to         is one of our core HR programs and
and employees throughout our supply                  our Corporate Work Healthy | Stay Healthy task force, each facility              provides employees and managers the
chain, through our Corporate Work                    created its own task force to facilitate COVID-19 training at the local          opportunity to have a dialogue about
Healthy | Stay Healthy program.                      level. The groups worked together to develop internal best practice              progress made towards goals and
                                                     solutions to educate our workforce and implement the Work                        developmental opportunities.
   We developed and launched safety                  Healthy | Stay Healthy programs across the globe:
   protocols that met the ever-changing                                                                                                    In 2020, we canceled the midyear
   national, state and local COVID-19                          Training was required for employees at various                              review cycle and modified the
   guidelines in each region.                                  stages of the pandemic to raise awareness                                   year-end review cycle. This
                                                               about the protocols and educate employees                                   flexibility ensured that employee
   We established programs and                                 on safety guidelines to minimize positive cases                             performance would not be
   monitored the health of the workforce                       in facilities.                                                              negatively evaluated as business
   to support employees and protect                                                                                                        priorities significantly shifted and
   workplace health.                                           Counseling and other resources were made                                    employees made personal and
                                                               available to support employees.                                             professional adjustments to deal
   We shared our COVID-19 safety                                                                                                           with the implications of the global
   protocols with our suppliers and                            Remote work programs were established to                                    pandemic.
   continued to uphold our standards of                        support continued work and flexible schedules.
   human and labor rights in outsourced
   facilities through virtual assessments
   with suppliers.
INTRODUCTION       PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS      PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                      12

Our COVID-19                                                                           We are proud of what our teams
                                                                                       accomplished to achieve the results in
                                                                                       this report, despite being faced with
                                                                                                                                   over this reporting year, we look
                                                                                                                                   ahead through a new lens of optimism
                                                                                                                                   and opportunity to build on these

Response                                                                               extremely challenging conditions. With
                                                                                       the fresh perspective of lessons learned

Our approach was to prioritize our        Upon returning to work, our first focus      Our commitments to our suppliers           Our production pauses had both positive
efforts on business continuity plans      was the production of personal protective    were undeterred.                           and negative environmental impacts.
that would support our return to full     equipment (PPE).
capacity and keep as many of our                                                          We supported our suppliers                 We reduced our absolute greenhouse
employees employed as possible.              We produced 35.3 million face                throughout the pandemic and worked         gas emissions in 2020, surpassing
                                             coverings for PPE worldwide. We              with them to adapt to changes in           our goal largely due to production
   We implemented temporary                  also donated more than 15,000 face           production and delivery schedules.         breaks, yet still implemented energy
   furloughs and offered flexible work       coverings to community groups.                                                          efficiency and renewable electricity
   options to support all employees,                                                      We continued monitoring compliance         projects.
   especially parents who were                                                            by our suppliers through virtual
   affected by school closures and the                                                    assessments.                               We reduced our water use in
   loss of childcare.                                                                                                                absolute terms, but our target on
                                                                                                                                     water is based on intensity — as our
                                                                                                                                     production decreased in 2020, we
                                                                                                                                     saw an increase in water per pound
                                                                                                                                     of production.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY       APPENDIX                                                                      13

Achieving the fruitful future we want to
                                           Engaging with Stakeholders
see in the apparel and sporting goods
manufacturing industries requires          SUPPLIERS                                     CUSTOMERS                                   NGOS
addressing systemic issues that no one
company can tackle alone. This is why      Our supply chain includes more than           We work with a range of customers,          We value interactions with NGOs that
we work across our supply and value        450 suppliers, sourcing everything from       from large multinational retail partners    share our vision for a more equitable and
chain, engaging with key stakeholders      finished garments to yarn, zippers and        to wholesale apparel providers, to          sustainable industry. We collaborate with
such as our suppliers, customers, non-     buttons to create the products that meet      e-commerce sites. Our goal is to operate    a wide range of NGOs, such as Fundemas
governmental organizations (NGOs),         consumer demand. Our Code of Conduct,         with integrity, providing best-in-class     (El Salvador), FUNDAHRSE (Honduras)
industry associations and consumers.       Benchmarks and Supplier Guidelines            service across all channels.                and the Worker Rights Consortium.
                                           outline our expectations, and are
                                           translated into 37 languages and shared       We participate in customer-led              We are an annual participant in the
                                           with our own facilities and our suppliers.    sustainability initiatives, such as         CDP climate change questionnaire. In
                                           We uphold our Code of Conduct through         Walmart’s Project Gigaton, to reduce        2020, we were recognized as a Supplier
                                           regular assessments and in-depth              greenhouse gas emissions. We submit         Engagement Leader, in the top 7% of
                                           capacity building and training. Suppliers     information on our products to the          companies for our supplier engagement
                                           are also measured through performance         Sustainability Index, maintaining a score   on climate change, based on our CDP
                                           scorecards that balance cost, quality,        of over 80%, and we are a founding and      disclosure.
                                           delivery and social compliance.               active member of Walmart’s Merchandise
                                                                                         Collaboration Board for Sustainability.
                                           We have also identified the potential         We work with both Target and Walmart
                                           to work with strategic suppliers              to provide facility-level information on
                                           implementing a process improvement            the environmental performance of all our
                                           approach to quality and efficiency that       facilities and selected suppliers through
                                           will in turn benefit workers and their        the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s HIGG
                                           operations.                                   Facility Environmental Module (FEM).
INTRODUCTION       PEOPLE-CENTRIC      PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY    APPENDIX                                                    14

CONSUMERS                                                                      OUR MEMBERSHIPS

Regular consumer research is critical to our product and brand
development teams. In 2019 and 2020, we conducted consumer research
to help us understand interest in sustainable product propositions across
our brands.                                                                                                                   The Americas
                                                                                    Member since 2016   Member since 2013      Member since 2019
We are members of several industry associations, such as the Fair
Labor Association and the American Apparel & Footwear Association.
Participation in these groups provides opportunities to effect
transformational change on systemic issues while increasing our
knowledge and capacity through shared learning.

                                                                                    Member since 2015   Member since 2009      Member since 2004

                                                                                                                               Committed to the pledge
                                                                                                                             against the use of Uzbekistan
                                                                                                                                cotton since 2013 and
                                                                                   Members since 2004   Member since 2019   Turkmenistan cotton since 2019.

Centric                                                                              Enriching lives
                                                                                     for people and
                                                                                     We strive to enrich the lives of people and
                                                                                     communities, as people are at the heart of
                                                                                     what we do. We are dedicated to providing
                                                                                     respectful and inclusive workplaces where
                                                                                     everyone can thrive.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                        16

                                                                          Enriching Lives
                                                                          We are committed to respecting the          We work hard to ensure a respectful and
                                                                          human and labor rights of people across     inclusive workplace where everyone feels
                                                                          our value chain, from our own employees     they belong and can thrive. We provide
                                                                          to our suppliers and their employees.       fair and safe employment opportunities
                                                                          We continuously improve our approach,       that empower employees and support
                                                                          working together with suppliers to          career development through a focus on
                                                                          enhance our programs and better             the following areas, which are detailed in
                                                                          address the needs of employees and          this section of the report.
                                                                          their communities.

                                                                          OUR INITIATIVES
                                                                           Respectful and Inclusive Workplaces —       Diversity and Inclusion — increasing
                                                                           upholding human and labor rights as         representation and supporting inclusion
                                                                           outlined in our Code of Conduct through     through education and training.
                                                                           due diligence and in-depth supplier
                                                                           capacity building and training.             Fair Compensation — ensuring fair
                                                                                                                       compensation and benefits for employees.
                                                                           Health, Safety and Well-being —
                                                                           providing safe working environments         Threads of Change — supporting and
                                                                           and access to health care for our           investing in the local community through
                                                                           own employees.                              our Threads of Change program.

                                                                           Freedom of Association — supporting
                                                                           workers’ rights to collectively bargain.

                                                                           Learning & Development — offering
                                                                           training and programs to help our
                                                                           employees thrive.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS    PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY   APPENDIX                                                   17

                                             2020 PEOPLE-CENTRIC HIGHLIGHTS

       100%                                           82%                                   471,730                              12
of facilities implemented new                        online employee                       products donated through   owned facilities representing
 “return to work” protocols to                    training engagement.                        Threads of Change.      85% of our global production,
 ensure the health and safety                                                                                            collected and analyzed
 of our employees during the                                                                                           wages using the Fair Labor
COVID-19 pandemic — our top                                                                                              Association’s (FLA) Fair
priority in this reporting year.                                                                                       Compensation Dashboard.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS        PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY   APPENDIX                                                                     18

Respectful and
                                                                                                 Our Code of Conduct - Fundamental Workplace Standards

Inclusive Workplaces                                                                       Employment Relationship
                                                                                           Terms and conditions
                                                                                                                      Health and Safety
                                                                                                                      Workplace environment
                                                                                                                                                   Working Hours
                                                                                                                                                   Regular and overtime hours
                                                                                           of employment that         enables employees to be      are within legal limits.
                                                                                           respect people.            trained and equipped to
OUR CODE OF CONDUCT                         Business Social Compliance Initiative                                     perform their jobs safely.
                                            (BSCI). These organizations have the
                                            technical knowledge, familiarity with
Our standards for business ethics,
                                            local language and culture, and legal
respect for human and labor rights
                                            expertise to help us more adequately
and environmental sustainability are
                                            assess local working conditions. The
documented in our Code of Conduct
                                            assessments generally include a physical       No Forced Labor            No Harassment or Abuse       Non-Discrimination
(the “Code”). Our Code is translated
                                            visit to the facility to review the working    All work is voluntary,     Employees are treated        Employees are treated
into over 37 languages, and is displayed
                                            environment, a review of documentation,        without restrictions on    with respect and dignity.    equally at every stage
prominently within all locations and                                                       movement or personal                                    of employment.
                                            such as internal policies, procedures,
available on our website.                                                                  belongings.
                                            payroll records, training records, and
                                            private interviews with employees.
We typically assess facilities annually
to ensure compliance with the
                                            Opportunities for improvement are
Code using independent third-party
                                            shared with facility staff and a corrective
monitoring companies such as the
                                            action plan is devised to address issues       No Child Labor             Compensation                 Freedom of Association
Worldwide Responsible Accredited
                                            within a specified time frame.                 Employment of              Employees are entitled to    and Collective Bargaining
Production (WRAP), Workplace
                                                                                           individuals in violation   the legal minimum wage       Employees have the right to
Conditions Assessment (WCA) and                                                                                                                    freely associate and bargain
                                                                                           of the local mandatory     for all hours worked, and
                                                                                           school age or under        all benefits required by     for employment terms and
                                                                                           the applicable legal       law or agreed upon in        conditions.
                                                                                           employment age             a contract.
                                                                                           is prohibited.
INTRODUCTION     PEOPLE-CENTRIC    PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY       APPENDIX                                                                           19

                                                                                 COVID-19 IMPACT ON                              Virtual visits facilitated by our staff
                                                                                                                                 included live video tours that enabled us
                                                                                                                                 to witness firsthand the implementation
                                                                                                                                 of COVID-19 safety protocols via
                                                                                 The pandemic impacted our own
                                                                                                                                 handheld cameras. Through these
                                                                                 production facilities and those of our
                                                                                                                                 desktop assessments, we were able
                                                                                 suppliers around the globe, initially
                                                                                                                                 to observe staff arriving and leaving
                                                                                 halting production in many locations.
                                                                                                                                 facilities and confirm that other safety
                                                                                 Many on-site assessments and facility
                                                                                                                                 protocols were in place.
                                                                                 visits were canceled in the first part of the
                                                                                 year, and with our established processes
                                                                                                                                 We expect to reengage with in-person,
                                                                                 in place, we were able to quickly adjust
                                                                                                                                 on-site facility assessments during
                                                                                 the timing of assessments for facilities
                                                                                                                                 2021 as circumstances allow, but virtual
                                                                                 with restrictions.
                                                                                                                                 assessments have provided a means
                                                                                                                                 for us to stay connected with suppliers
                                                                                 By July, we began virtual assessments.
                                                                                                                                 during this time.
                                                                                 We focused initially on those facilities
                                                                                 that were past their annual due date
                                                                                 and selected locations on a case-by-case
                                                                                 basis. We conducted desktop virtual
                                                                                 assessments when a scheduled on-site
                                                                                 assessment could not take place due to
                                                                                 the pandemic. On-site assessments were
                                                                                 scheduled three months later.

                                                          BY THE NUMBERS
                                        These numbers represent our own facilities and our partners and suppliers.

   314                             50%                                88%                                      8%                                3    months
  Code of Conduct                 of licensing partners            of facilities assessed                    of assessments                   average assessment
   assessments             transitioned to our new Licensee-        annually (up from                        delayed due to                     delay during the
 completed in 2020.            owned Social Compliance                 84% in 2019).                            COVID-19.                          pandemic.
                              Program - for independent
                                  supplier monitoring.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                            20

                                                                          STREAMLINED ASSESSMENT                         LICENSEE CAPACITY
                                                                          APPROACH                                       BUILDING AND TRAINING
                                                                          Our goal in recent years has been to           This year, we also focused on
                                                                          redirect our own internal resources from       streamlining assessments with our
                                                                          assessment to priority issues such as          licensees’ facilities. In 2019, 75% of our
                                                                          in-depth capacity building and training        own assessments were in licensees’
                                                                          and supply chain mapping. We seek to           facilities. To help maximize that process,
                                                                          achieve this in two ways: introducing a        in 2020, we created and launched a
                                                                          risk-based approach to the timing and          Licensee-owned Social Compliance
                                                                          types of assessments and transitioning         Program to allow qualified licensees
                                                                          from managing our own assessment               greater accountability for their own
                                                                          process with third parties to accepting        compliance assessments, shifting
                                                                          more industry assessments such as              ownership of monitoring the supply
                                                                          WRAP, WCA and BSCI.                            chain to them.

                                                                          This year, we identified low-risk              Many of our licensees are large
                                                                          subcontractors who provide embroidery          companies with their own social
                                                                          and screen printing in the U.S., Japan,        compliance teams. This shift recognizes
                                                                          Australia and Hong Kong. These facilities      their great work while reducing
                                                                          were previously assessed as low-risk           duplication in efforts and reporting. We
                                                                          and are locations that can be visited          found that these licensees are already
                                                                          using local resources. Instead of a            meeting our criteria and benchmarks,
                                                                          full assessment, we are now allowing           and they are capable of independently
                                                                          these low-risk facilities to complete a        managing supply chain social compliance
                                                                          compliance tool created internally.            to successfully meet our requirements.

                                                                          For all other facilities, we will transition   We continue to offer support through
                                                                          to 100% use of third-party assessments         in-depth capacity building and training
                                                                          in 2021. We also added a new third-party       to help develop more robust compliance
                                                                          industry assessment program, Sedex             structures with smaller licensees.
                                                                          Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA), for
                                                                          the first time in 2020 due to pandemic
                                                                          restrictions. As a multi-stakeholder
                                                                          initiative, SMETA was designed to
                                                                          minimize duplication of effort and
                                                                          provide members and suppliers with
                                                                          an assessment format they could easily
                                                                          share. We will continue to accept this
                                                                          standard in the future.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY   APPENDIX                                                                              21

SUPPLY CHAIN CAPACITY                      LOOKING AHEAD TO 2021-                               Taiwan Supplier Recruitment Fees
In 2020, we held a virtual workshop
with U.S.-based licensing partners         We provide a grievance channel to report
to cover social compliance program         any Code of Conduct violations through
enhancements, virtual health and           a dedicated email and phone line. We
safety facility visits, forced labor       strictly prohibit any retaliation against
due diligence, Customs-Trade               persons who report violations of our
Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT)     Code of Conduct or participate in any
compliance, supply chain mapping and       investigations of possible violations.
sustainability goals. We also surveyed     Functioning grievance mechanisms
workshop attendees and identified          are key to resolving worker concerns
areas for future collaboration and         and complaints, ideally at the facility
engagement with recommendations            level, escalating to internal confidential
for future discussion topics.              reporting channels and lastly to third
                                           parties, as necessary. Our goal in 2021
To support our licensees outside of        is to focus our grievance approach on                    Individuals moving across borders in search of work are often charged
training, we provide the following:        expanding workers’ voices.                               high recruitment fees to cover their travel, visas, and any accommodation
                                                                                                    costs. These fees can saddle workers with debt. Over the last few years,
   A licensee compliance manual            Our grievance approach                                   we have updated our policies and procedures to outline our alignment
   available on our Corporate website.     enhancements planned for 2021 are:                       with the Employer Pays Principle that no worker should pay for a job.

   A supplier portal including all            Develop a plan to evaluate grievance                  Taiwan has been identified as a region that relies heavily on foreign
   translations of the Code of Conduct.       mechanisms at the facility level.                     migrant labor. In 2019, one of our suppliers in Taiwan was audited and
                                                                                                    determined to be employing migrant laborers who paid recruitment fees
   Detailed Code of Conduct                   Document a clear process for our                      associated with their hire. Our Sustainability Team traveled to the facility
   benchmarks.                                supply chain grievance mechanism                      to follow up on the remediation work by identifying the sums that needed
                                              apart from the internal grievance                     to be reimbursed to employees. With support and collaboration between
   Supplier guidelines.                       mechanism for employees.                              our team and the facility, remediation was completed in February 2020.
                                                                                                    An additional independent verification assessment was also conducted
   Facility safety policy and human           Enhance the accessibility of our                      in October 2020 where we confirmed all reimbursement payments to
   trafficking posters.                       supply chain grievance mechanism.                     employees had been made.

   Access to a SharePoint site that                                                                 We will continue investing in capacity building and training in Taiwan
   includes resources we developed that                                                             and other countries that utilize migrant labor, and educate suppliers on
   licensees may use to implement or                                                                how to responsibly implement recruitment practices that do not include
   improve their CSR practices.                                                                     workers paying recruitment fees.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                   22

                                                                          Health, Safety
                                                                          and Well-being
                                                                          We are committed to providing a safe working
                                                                          environment for our employees and those of our
                                                                          suppliers around the world by implementing safety
                                                                          protocols and enacting equipment and operational

                                                                          GLOBAL COVID-19 RESPONSE:
                                                                          WORK HEALTHY | STAY HEALTHY

                                                                          Health and safety are always significant priorities, but it
                                                                          became critical in 2020 amid the COVID-19 pandemic. At
                                                                          various points over the past year, most of our facilities
                                                                          were closed for some period of time as part of our
                                                                          COVID-19 mitigation efforts. To ensure that we could
                                                                          reopen and operate safely and effectively, we formed a
                                                                          cross-functional team to lead our “Work Healthy | Stay
                                                                          Healthy” program and coordinate our global response in
                                                                          alignment with the requirements in different countries
                                                                          and locations.

                                                                          Our program was created to ensure standardized
                                                                          training on all applicable COVID-19 protocols, including
                                                                          face covering usage, social distancing requirements,
                                                                          handwashing, enhanced cleaning and more. Regular
                                                                          training refreshers and communications were
                                                                          disseminated to the workforce to keep pace with the
                                                                          rapid evolution of the global pandemic.
INTRODUCTION       PEOPLE-CENTRIC       PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY        APPENDIX                                                                       23

                               Our Global COVID-19 Response
NORTH AMERICA                                                                                           EUROPE
We had closures and disruptions to all of our U.S. distribution centers                                 In Europe, we integrated local and global pandemic
due to COVID-19, but reopened with new health and safety protocols                                      guidelines, including working remotely when possible.
based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),                                          In our warehouse, we had two separate shifts and
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and local                                          enacted new protocols to minimize overlap and
guidelines to include the use of face coverings, face shields, hourly                                   reduce infection risk. These important changes are
disinfecting procedures and remote Corporate office work support.                                       currently still in place in 2021.
We invested in new technology such as electrostatic sprayers for all U.S.
and Canadian facilities and implemented four cleanings each day for
high-traffic areas.

LATIN AMERICA                                                               MOROCCO
We closed Honduran production
facilities for approximately 10
                                                                            Our textile and apparel facility in                               ASIA
                                                                            Morocco adopted all government
weeks. Our team worked with                                                                                                                   In Asia, programs such as flexible
                                                                            preventative measures, implemented
the local government to create                                                                                                                hours, virtual meetings and options to
                                                                            new standard operating procedures
comprehensive safety protocols,                                                                                                               work from home were implemented
                                                                            (SOP) and conducted comprehensive
which included contact tracing for                                                                                                            during different phases of the
                                                                            training to create a secure and
all employees and on-site doctors                                                                                                             pandemic, varying per office locale
                                                                            safe environment for employees.
and nurses to provide training.                                                                                                               to increase social distancing of the
                                                                            For Ramadan, our facility created
We then implemented a gradual                                                                                                                 workforce and ensure the health and
                                                                            designated space for breaking fast,
return-to-work plan monitored                                                                                                                 safety of employees.
                                                                            new procedures and best practices
by the government, which went
                                                                            for caterers, cleaning and disinfection
above and beyond requirements.                                                                                                    “
                                                                            protocols and physical distancing
These protocols were shared with
                                                                            for employees. This approach was
El Salvadorian and Mexican facilities
                                                                            audited and approved by Moroccan
to align with local government
                                                                            government officials.
guidelines; manufacturing was down
10-14 weeks before a gradual return
to work.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC    PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                                   24

SUPPLIER HEALTH & SAFETY                    HEALTH & SAFETY                                                      2018                           2019                         2020
                                            PERFORMANCE IN 2020
We maintained close contact with                                                  ENTIRE                Fruit of
                                                                                                                      U.S. Bureau
                                                                                                                                       Fruit of
                                                                                                                                                        U.S. Bureau
                                                                                                                                                                             Fruit of
                                                                                  COMPANY                              of Labor                          of Labor
our suppliers throughout 2020. In                                                                    the Loom, Inc.                 the Loom, Inc.                        the Loom, Inc.
                                            We record and report all                                                   Statistics                        Statistics
addition to the extra efforts the           incidents to help us identify areas
                                                                                  Total Recordable
Company utilized to stay connected          for continuous improvement.                                   0.10           0.80            0.10               0.70                0.20
                                                                                  Incidence Rate
with suppliers operationally during         Our recordable incident rate is
pandemic disruptions, we also instituted    below the industry standard set       Days Away From
                                                                                  Work (DAFW)             0.04           0.20            0.04               0.02                0.01
new protocols to ensure compliance          by the U.S. Bureau of Labor           Incident Rate
with our Code of Conduct in how our         Statistics. The table to the right
                                                                                  Job Transfer/
suppliers managed the disruptions           shows our performance from                                    0.01           0.20            0.03               0.10                0.0
and COVID-19 health and safety risks,       2018-2020.                            Incidence Rate
such as conducting virtual assessments
                                                                                  Other Case
using newly created standard operating                                                                    0.05           0.40            0.03               0.40                0.10
                                                                                  Incident Rate
protocols. We also shared the Accord on
Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh                                                                                                  2020 USBOL data has not been published at this time.

and International Labor Organization
(ILO) protocols on COVID-19 safety
with our suppliers and provided virtual
compliance training.

Virtual assessments revealed that
some countries were ahead of others
in best practices. For example, some
governments mandated the use of
disinfectant misting sprays that would
be harmful to employee health. With
the support of the ILO guidelines, we
intervened to stop this practice. We also
maintained frequent communications
with facility compliance teams to hear
challenges, provide support and identify
safety hazards for remediation. Virtual
assessments will continue in the future,
especially in manufacturing countries
where we have no physical presence or
travel is difficult.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC     PLANET-CONSCIOUS      PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                        25

Freedom of
Freedom of association means that            We are proud of the cooperative
employees have the right to freely           achievements we have realized with our
associate with a union or workers’           union partners and acknowledge that
council, and bargain for employment          there is always room for improvement.
terms and conditions once the legal          We intend to continue investing in labor
requirements for union recognition have      relations across all of our operations.
been satisfied.
                                             A key differentiator in our program is
Respecting workers’ freedom of               providing training for our managers and
association and right to collective          workers to improve their labor relations
bargaining is a core principle of our        skills, organizational awareness and
Code of Conduct. Today, 50% of our           market knowledge. We build capabilities      NEW COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS (CBAs)
owned facilities around the world have       in teams to more effectively realize
unions or workers’ councils with the         shared goals and manage a healthy labor      Despite the challenges with social            union, which is managed by an executive
active participation of more than half the   relations climate in our facilities.         distancing and meeting capacity               committee of 11 people and a collective
employee base.                                                                            restrictions, we finalized two collective     bargaining agreement is negotiated.
                                                                                          bargaining agreements in this report
                                                                                          timeframe in our Honduras facilities          In our Iowa facility in the U.S., an
                                                                                          using a virtual meeting setting.              existing collective bargaining agreement
                                                                                                                                        with the International Union, United
         We track suppliers to ensure our                                                     “Our successful labor model and           Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural
                                                                                              positive dialogue with the unions         Implement Workers of America was set
         commitment to freedom of association                                                 gave us the ability to bounce             to expire near the time of the onset of
         is upheld throughout our global supply                                               back faster in 2020 and respond           the pandemic. With the future of the
                                                                                              to customer demand in a positive          pandemic uncertain, we asked for an
         chain. In 2020, 160 out of 400 suppliers                                             way,” said Edward Bardales,               extension to negotiate, and the union
         reported the existence of unions or                                                  VP of Human Resources for                 agreed. A new agreement was finalized
                                                                                              Latin America.                            with the union later in 2020, which gave
         workers’ councils onsite. Freedom of                                                                                           employees a better understanding
         association is a core part of our ongoing                                        Our facility in Vietnam has a positive        of what protections to expect, and
                                                                                          relationship with a trade union               allowed the Company to better manage
         supplier training and capacity building.                                         organization, established in 2016, that all   expectations, budgeting, pay and other
                                                                                          employees are free to join. In 2020, 100%     areas of concern.
                                                                                          of employees in Vietnam were part of the
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                          26

                                                                          Learning and
                                                                          LEARNING AND                                    LEAN manufacturing, Lean Six
                                                                                                                          Sigma Black Belt Certification and
                                                                          DEVELOPMENT GOALS
                                                                                                                          Ergonomics Certifications.

                                                                          We started 2020 with ambitious
                                                                                                                          Operational, business and
                                                                          goals to promote global professional
                                                                                                                          management training programs.
                                                                          development and continue to grow our
                                                                          Leadership Education and Development
                                                                          Program (LEAD) around the world.
                                                                          We encouraged global employees
                                                                                                                       DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
                                                                          to complete at least one in-depth
                                                                                                                       Our LEAD program is focused on
                                                                          professional development opportunity via
                                                                                                                       developing leaders at all levels and
                                                                          our online learning platform, Fruit of the
                                                                                                                       is based on the Fruit of the Loom,
                                                                          Loom University (FruitU). The platform
                                                                                                                       Inc. competency model. In 2020, we
                                                                          provides over 17,000 on-demand
                                                                                                                       welcomed 36 new LEAD l Elevate
                                                                          courses with a range of topics to support
                                                                                                                       graduates, through a five-month
                                                                          employee growth and development. We
                                                                                                                       curriculum focused on leading others.
                                                                          achieved an 82% response rate, a great
                                                                                                                       Graduates experienced a hybrid of
                                                                          accomplishment given the challenges
                                                                                                                       classroom-based and virtual learning,
                                                                          that COVID-19 presented.
                                                                                                                       participating in engaging and applicable
                                                                                                                       content focused on building credibility,
                                                                          In addition to our Corporate learning
                                                                                                                       presenting in a virtual environment and
                                                                          and development goals, each region had
                                                                                                                       leading high-performing teams.
                                                                          a unique set of goals to support local
                                                                                                                       We were not able to broaden our global
                                                                          business needs, including:
                                                                                                                       reach with the LEAD Program due to
                                                                                                                       shifting priorities caused by COVID-19,
                                                                             Compliance training for workplace
                                                                                                                       but we are continuing the global
                                                                             harassment prevention, safety, global
                                                                                                                       expansion in 2021.
                                                                             anti-bribery/anti-corruption, customs
                                                                             trade partnership against terrorism
                                                                             and data privacy.

                                                                             Mental health wellness training series
                                                                             and an empowerment program for
                                                                             women in Latin America.
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS          PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY       APPENDIX                                                                        27

LEAD Leadership Graduate Spotlight
Christina Apple, Senior Manager of Social Compliance, is a graduate of the 2020 LEAD l Elevate program.

                                    Q: Why did you want to get involved in           the shoes of a facility worker, facility    bring to our teams and the leadership
                                    the program?                                     manager, sourcing manager, licensing        qualities that we want others to experience
                                                                                     partner, salesperson, customer,             through day-to-day interactions. The small
                                    A: I was eager to participate in the             consumer and the countless other            group activities fostered the opportunity to
                                    program and looked forward to the                people who are comprehending and/or         learn about the ways my peers approach
                                    opportunity to build my leadership skills        experiencing our sustainability practices   certain issues.
                                    further. At the start of the program, I was      from very different perspectives.
                                    quite nervous because I knew it would                                                        The coaching sessions with my manager,
                                    challenge me in the areas that I needed          As a new manager, delegation was            an experienced leader, complemented
                                    to develop.                                      another subject I appreciated. Practicing   the progression of the course and helped
                                                                                     different levels of delegation was both     me identify my blind spots. I feel that the
                                    Q: What was your biggest takeaway                practical and applicable for learning how   program gave me more self-awareness and
                                    from the program?                                to effectively communicate and empower      motivated me to speak up more often on
                                                                                     others with tasks and projects.             subjects of which I am knowledgeable.
                                    A: Two topics that stood out to me were
                                    empathy and delegation. Our discussion           Q: How do you feel the program has
                                    about empathy resonated with me and              helped your career?
                                    made me realize how important it is
                                    to cultivate empathy within ourselves.           A: The program created the space to
                                    I think it’s especially critical in a social     reflect on our personal strengths and
                                    responsibility role to put myself in             developmental opportunities that we
INTRODUCTION       PEOPLE-CENTRIC     PLANET-CONSCIOUS      PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY   APPENDIX                                                                         28

FLEXIBILITY AND                             DEDICATION TO                                In Latin America, where most of our          Across Latin America, we provided
                                                                                         owned facilities are located, our Fruit      English scholarships for family
COMMITMENT                                  EDUCATION                                                                                 members of our employees.
                                                                                         of the Loom Technical Education
                                                                                         Center (FOLTEC) delivers technical,
In 2020, we focused on providing a          Promoting education is something we
                                                                                         leadership and professional training
healthy and safe work environment           take very seriously, so we offer several
                                                                                         to employees and their families.
for all employees and promoting a           programs that enable our employees and                                                 LOOKING AHEAD
productive virtual work environment for     their families to further their education
                                                                                         Our strategic alliance with the
the global workforce. Our learning and      through scholarships and Company-                                                      We take with us the valuable learning
                                                                                         University of El Salvador enabled
development resources had to be agile as    sponsored opportunities in conjunction                                                 and development lessons we
                                                                                         financial support for employees
rapidly changing federal, state and local   with local universities and learning                                                   experienced during the pandemic.
                                                                                         studying industrial engineering,
COVID-19 guidelines required frequent       centers.                                                                               Agility, flexibility and innovation were
                                                                                         international marketing and
up-to-date training and communication.                                                                                             required in 2020 and these skills
                                                                                         computer systems engineering.
                                               We have a partnership program with                                                  will serve us well as we continue to
The talent development teams curated           Western Kentucky University, located                                                implement our global training strategy
                                                                                         Together with the Francisco Morazán
e-learning content that supported              near our Corporate headquarters in                                                  and leadership development programs
                                                                                         National Pedagogical University
employees through the pandemic and             Bowling Green, Kentucky, through                                                    in 2021 and beyond.
                                                                                         (UPNFM) in Honduras, employees
was delivered via our FruitU platform.         which we offer multiple academic
                                                                                         completed training to become
Content areas included tips for working        grants. The program provides financial
                                                                                         proficient in electromechanics. We
remotely, time management at home,             support to full-time employees, as
                                                                                         are the first private company to
supporting mental health while working         well as scholarships to the dependent
                                                                                         partner with UPNFM on this kind
from home and managing a remote                children of employees attending
                                                                                         of program.
team. We saw strong adoption of these          Western Kentucky University.
online courses from our workforce.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC      PLANET-CONSCIOUS       PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY        APPENDIX                                                                   29

Diversity & Inclusion
We are committed to creating a workplace where everyone is treated with respect and empowered to contribute equally. We want to
foster a culture of belonging for all employees, and we are focused on attracting, retaining and developing diverse talent. We believe
our differences make us stronger, and for this reason, we are committed to diversity and inclusion practices in our organization.

                                              Our goal in 2020 was to develop a              We shared our analysis with regional
                 Diversity                    diversity and inclusion program aligned        HR and business leads to support
                                              with the Company’s business goals and          the development of regional-level
      Understanding and valuing a             values, beginning with a comprehensive         goal setting. We aim to complete the
     collective mixture of differences        understanding of our global workforce.         development of these goals in 2021,
              between people.                 We conducted extensive research on             with these strategic priorities:
                                              best practices and determined external
                                              benchmarks from global advisory                   Raise awareness and understanding
                 Inclusion                    leaders. We collected internal baseline           about the importance of diversity and
                                              data, which was analyzed and measured             inclusion in the workplace.
      A collaborative, supportive, and        against our research and benchmarks
   respectful environment ensuring that       to identify gaps in representation and to         Increase global female representation
   people feel a sense of belonging and       establish goals in each region. Every year        across salaried positions, targeting
      support from the organization.          we will research best practices and assess        region-specific goals.
                                              goals to build on our progress toward a
                                              more inclusive culture.                           Establish programs and practices
                                                                                                to improve the retention of female         “ Our workforce is more diverse
                                              Through our analysis process, gender              employees, targeting region-specific        and globally connected
                                              representation was identified as the first        goals.                                      than ever before. We are
                                              demographic group issue to address                                                            committed to promoting
                                              in our program design. We reviewed             We will deliver on these priorities through    inclusive practices and diversity
                                              existing policies and practices to support     a joint focus on talent management
                                                                                                                                            throughout the employee
                                              gender representation goals, including         and talent acquisition, and by creating
                                                                                                                                            experience to foster equity,
                                              our recruiting programs, interview             strategies to maximize our ability to
                                              process and retention efforts, as well as      attract and retain diverse talent.             trust, belonging and growth.”
                                              career and development planning.                                                              – Terri Wiethorn
                                                                                                                                            Chief Human Resources Officer
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC    PLANET-CONSCIOUS        PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                          30

REDEFINING OUR CRITERIA                      EDUCATION AND                                 We also identified training modules for
                                                                                           all global managers and employees.
The definitions associated with our                                                        Covering similar topics as those for our
work population numbers are different                                                      leadership team, this training is now
                                             Training is a critical part of our journey
from our 2019 report. The changes in                                                       one of our compulsory training courses
                                             to deliver on our diversity and inclusion
percentages reflect this redefining of                                                     delivered through our FruitU platform.
                                             goals. In 2020, we introduced our
our criteria, and it is not a change in                                                    We continue to monitor progress and
                                             leadership team to our formal Diversity
performance in 2020. We implemented                                                        look for additional ways to enhance
                                             and Inclusion program, with 88 members
a new approach to employee tracking                                                        learning for our employees.
                                             of our Corporate leadership team
during this report timeframe, expanding      completing Diversity, Inclusion and
the range of groups to include Executive     Unconscious Bias training led by an
and Senior Management, Management,           external advisor. The training focused on
Non-Manager and Hourly employees.            educating attendees on the unconscious
Because of the nature of our business,       motivators of behaviors and encouraged
these are critical distinctions for us to    conscious decision-making.
track internally.

                                               2020 WORK POPULATION NUMBERS

              Total Population

   Male:                                    Female:
   9,420                                    19,489
                                                                      76%        24%             56%        44%              52%      48%   30%    70%
                                                                       Executive /                Management                   Salaried       Hourly
                                                                    Sr. Management                                           Non-Manager

                                                                                                                                            Male       Female
INTRODUCTION   PEOPLE-CENTRIC   PLANET-CONSCIOUS   PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY      APPENDIX                                                                     31

                                                                          EMPLOYEE RESOURCE
                                                                          GROUPS — VETERANS                          DONATIONS FOR
                                                                          ‘PROUD TO SERVE’                           VETERANS IN NEED
                                                                          In 2019, an employee resource group        In 2020, donations were made on behalf
                                                                          called Proud to Serve was formed at our    of our Proud to Serve Resource Group
                                                                          Corporate headquarters to support not      to support active military and veterans
                                                                          only veteran employees, but also those     in need. In August, face coverings
                                                                          with family members serving in active      were donated to support the soldiers
                                                                          duty. The mission of the group is to       and families of the U.S. Army 2nd
                                                                          create a community to support, engage      Brigade, 104th Division Reserve unit,
                                                                          and promote military veterans, guard       headquartered in Lexington, Kentucky.
                                                                          members and reservists throughout
                                                                          the Company, as well as allow              In December, a product donation
                                                                          opportunities to network with fellow       was made to the Southern Kentucky
                                                                          military employees. Even though working    Veterans Council by our Proud to Serve
                                                                          remotely, the group developed a dynamic    Resource Group. The donation served
                                                                          program, which included activities for     the Homeless Veterans Program and
                                                                          Memorial Day, celebrations for Veterans    provided local homeless veterans
                                                                          Day and mailing care packages to active-   with warm clothes during the cold
                                                                          duty family members of our employees.      winter months.
INTRODUCTION        PEOPLE-CENTRIC    PLANET-CONSCIOUS     PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY   APPENDIX                                                                             32

                                                                                                   Women at Work
BRANDS ON A MISSION                         In June 2020, Vanity Fair made a                       AN INTERVIEW WITH MARIBEL VADILLO
                                            commitment to effect meaningful,
Our brands also have shown their            long-term changes for a more diverse                   Maribel Vadillo is the Country Process
commitment to diversity and                 and inclusive future. In keeping with                  Engineering Manager for El Salvador and
inclusion. Russell Athletic, our iconic     that promise, Vanity Fair conducted a                  Mexico. She recently shared her journey
athletic lifestyle brand, made a public     comprehensive internal assessment of all               and experiences over the last 24 years as
commitment to level the playing field       consumer-facing, brand-owned channels                  a woman in the apparel industry.
and support the Black community. The        and assets to evaluate the brand’s
brand has four key goals:                   diversity and inclusion representation.                My first job out of college was with
                                            Additionally, Vanity Fair partnered                    Fruit of the Loom. Part of my success
   Growing their network of                 with an esteemed group of Black                        and longevity with the Company is the
   collaborators to listen and learn        female marketing experts for a candid                  continued opportunity for development,
   from a diverse community.                roundtable conversation to learn how                   both personally and professionally.
                                            the brand could better support women                   In my first role, as the head of
   Redirecting investments to enable        within the Black community. The brand is               warehouse and parts, I was the first
   more opportunities in education          currently conducting planning sessions                 woman in the Company to hold this
   and sport.                               with key partners and interdepartmental                position. The warehouse was not
                                            teams to finalize its diversity and                    typically a place where you would find
   Enabling social channels to provide a    inclusion strategic plan.                              a woman.
   platform for voices seeking change.
                                                                                                   Working for all five locations in El Salvador and Mexico, I have been
   Creating a diverse and inclusive                                                                in my current role for almost 18 years. Throughout my career, I have
   team that reflects communities                                                                  relied on my capabilities and skills to build success, but I’ve also
   and societies at large.                                                                         worked with many talented people and great leaders that helped to
                                                                                                   shape my knowledge.
Russell Athletic showed its support for
a diverse list of collaborators in 2020,                                                           I have always felt that great opportunities exist at Fruit of the Loom.
from Carlton Yaio, GangCorp Collective                                                             for anyone who is prepared, regardless of gender. Our focus is having
and Made in Tokyo. The partnership with                                                            the right person in the right position.
GangCorp, a skateboard and lifestyle
brand, included the creation of a Support                                                          I have been blessed to work with many people and learn from
Black Business T-shirt, with all proceeds                                                          each one of them. Currently, I have four direct reports who are all
going to The National Association for the                                                          women and managers in engineering and quality control for specific
Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).                                                             departments.
The brand also donated product to Black-
owned small businesses to help them                                                                There are not many companies that can provide the same environment
manage business disruption caused by                                                               and culture as Fruit of the Loom. This includes opportunities for
the pandemic.                                                                                      growth, continuous improvement and the possibility to reach your full
                                                                                                   potential. You can always be better, both personally and professionally
                                                                                                   — it’s an ongoing journey.
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