Sustainability Report - Colart

Page created by Randall Deleon
Sustainability Report - Colart
Sustainability Report
Sustainability Report - Colart

                     Sustainability Officer         04

                     Words from the CEO             05
                     KPI’s                          06
                     Strategy Recap                 08
                     Sustainability Trend           10
                     Lindéngruppen                  11

                     Brand Updates                  13
                     Shopper Marketing & Insights   16
                     Governance                     18
                     Supply Chain                   19

                     Digital                        20
                     NPD                            22
                     Elephant West                  23


                     Our People                     25
                     Partnership and Charity        31


                     Footprint                      33
                     SVHC                           34
                     Social Impact                  35
                     Site Stories                   36

                     Sustainability 2.0
                     Sustainability 2.0             44
Sustainability Report - Colart

                                                              our future

Sustainability Report - Colart


                     Whilst good progress has been        2020 has brought unprecedented
                     made with our sustainability         challenges for Colart due to the
                     agenda over the last few years, it   global spread of Covid 19. From

                     is now time to take further steps.   the beginning the safety of our
                                                          people has been our biggest
                     Sustainability in order to be
                                                          priority. In China initially, then the
                     successful needs to be integrated
                                                          EU, UK and US we were able to
                     as part of the business, through
                                                          learn, adapt and act quickly to
                     our new and existing product
                                                          the situation by sharing ideas &
                     development, across our entire
                                                          best practice as well as equipment
                     supply chain and all of Colart’s
                                                          such as face masks and other

                     sites. In doing so we ensure we
                                                          protective equipment. We continue
                     are a socially and environmentally
                                                          to evolve with the situation and
                     responsible company that does
                                                          as our sites restart after closures
                     business in ways that are good
                                                          we will look at these learnings
                     for people and the planet
                                                          to see what sustainable benefits
                     We kick off Sustainability 2.0       could come out of the crisis such
                     this year with a clear 5-year        as changing ways of working with

                     plan including KPI’s and clear       new technology which could result
                     targets. These can be found          in reduced travel and energy
                     in this report. Our sustainability   consumption and improve the
                     ambassadors will continue to         health and wellbeing of our staff.
                     drive change across their sites.
                                                          In my role as sustainability officer
                                                          and in my role as a Group
                                                          Leadership Team member I will

                                                          ensure transparency and will follow
                                                          through on ideas where feasible.

                                                          Richard Llewellyn

                                                          Sustainability Officer

                                                                                                     5 year                KPI’s
                                                                                                   Sustainability 2.0      and clear
                                                                                                     plan begins        targets in place
Sustainability Report - Colart
Words from
    5                                            Our purpose-driven vision of ‘Inspiring
                                                 every artist in the world’ has a truly deep
                                                 meaning for society and everything we
                                                 do at Colart lives up to that aspiration. Our

                     the CEO
                                                 catalogue of over 17,000 products are being

                                                 sold in more than 120 countries, enabling
                                                 millions of creatives to express themselves
                                                 in colourful and meaningful ways.

                                                 When it comes to sustainability, we don’t
                                                 treat this topic as a simple fad that will go

                                                 away one day. We don’t do greenwashing
                                                 pretending to be on the good side of the
                                                 debate. We take sustainability very seriously
                                                 as our mission ‘To provide sustainable
                                                 creative tools and services’ clearly states.

                                                 For us, reducing our environmental impact and

                                                 increasing our social responsibility while making
                                                 a profit is more than a moral commitment. We
                                                 are convinced that it adds long-term value
                                                 to our company. Whilst there is still a lot to do,
                                                 we have taken steps such as reducing plastic
                                                 in our packaging, introducing Cadmium free
                                                 paints, increasing the hours of community work

                                                 and returning to profit are clear examples that
                                                 we ‘are walking the sustainability talk’ for real.

                                                 Now in 2020, after three years of structural
                                                 transformation, we have entered a phase of
                                                 stability which gives Colart the confidence

                                                 to be more committed than ever to our
                                                 sustainability agenda. Ambitious targets are
                                                 set up to 2025, as mentioned in this report and
                                                 with a ‘can do’ mindset fuelled by our true

                                  Inspiring      beliefs, we know we will make sustainable

                                                 improvements in the years to come.

                                  every artist   Dennis van Schie
                                                 Colart CEO
                                  in the world
Sustainability Report - Colart


                                                                & DIVERSITY
                       Our objective is to continuously
                      reduce our energy consumption          We currently measure
                     and use renewables where feasible.   gender according to our new
                                                            management levels 3-5


                               per KWh used
                              +2.9% since 2018
                                                                 Male     75%
                         energy increase
                                  since 2018                    Female    25%

                          As part of our targets that
                         have been set, we hope to
                           achieve our objectives.
                                                                 Target   50%

                            4% increase
                        in share of renewable energy

                          In 2020, we will look at
                          strategising our energy
                         buying in order to change
                           to renewable energy.
Sustainability Report - Colart

                           SOCIAL IMPACT                           WASTE                                                    SVHCs UPDATE

                                                                 -35.3%                                                  Substances of Very High
                                                                                                                          Concern (SVHCs) are
                            3886 hours                         YoY Total Waste
                                                                                                                       chemicals that will eventually
                       hours spent in the community              -15.5%                                                  be banned due to their
                                                           YoY of Hazardous Waste                                          environmental and
                             3342 PPM                                                                                        health impacts.

                           vs target of 5000 ppm
                                                            of all waste recycled                                       Figures based on 2015 data vs
                              (parts per million)
                                                                 (Target of 50%)                                         reformulations implemented
                                                                                                                           in manufacture to date.
                     of all suppliers evaluated against
                       our supplier code of conduct                                                                      67% reduction
                                                                                                                       in the number of raw materials

                                  67%                                                                                       which contain SVHCs.
                           of all new suppliers
                          evaluated against our                  SICKNESS                     ACCIDENTS
                        supplier code of conduct          Our objective is to monitor    Colart’s target is to have      83% reduction
                                                           sickness levels and have      zero industrial                     in the number of
                                                                                                                            pastes with SVHCs.
                                                           awareness of any issues         accidents

                                                               that may occur.

                                                                                                   17                    57% reduction
                                                                                                                         in the number of products
                                                                                        industrial accidents in 2019
                                                                     2%                                                      that contain SVHCs.

                                                                sickness level
                                                                                           5132.5 hours
                                                                                            of lost time in 2019
                                                               Against a target
                                                                 of less than
Sustainability Report - Colart
Strategy Recap

                                                                             TRANSPARENT SUPPL
                                                                 BLE &                        YC
                                                         IN A                                                   HA

                                                  TA                                                                 IN
                                             SU S

                                         Wellbeing                                                       Energy & Water

                                                                              ING      REDUC
                                                                      L   LBE               I   NG
                                                                 WE                                      EN

                                                             &                                             VI
                                                         E                          COMMER


                                                                        AN                   AL




                                                                                                                          L IMPA
                                                                            Enhancing the
                                                                             wellbeing of
                                                                            people and the                                                       shared worldwide

                         Artists’                                           planet through                                           Packaging

                        Wellbeing                                              creativity                                             & Waste

                                                                  BR                                 L
                                                                          AN                    IA
                                                                               D&           C
                                                                                  C O M MER

                                          Creative                                                         Product
                                          Thinking                                                       Ingredients

                                                                            INABILITY COMMITTEE
Sustainability Report - Colart
Strategy Recap

                     PEOPLE                                                                      RESPONSIBLE                              PRODUCTS
                     We will drive cultural change

                     throughout all levels and aspects                                           We are committed to sourcing

                     of the business through relentless                                          products materials and services to
                     communication of information and                                            the highest standards whilst driving     Product development:
                     learning. We will drive the sharing
                     of ideas internally and externally
                                                              is at the heart of                 through continuous improvements
                                                                                                 in quality and cost. We will establish
                                                                                                                                          We will ensure sustainability is

                     with colleagues, suppliers,              everything we do                   a transparent and ethical supply
                                                                                                                                          at the core of our innovation
                                                                                                                                          and design process when
                     customers and consumers.                                                    chain with high environmental legal      developing new and existing
                                                                                                 compliance and human rights              products in our portfolios.

                                                                                                 measured via internal and external
                                                                                                 audit programs. Reducing our
                                                                                                 environmental impact is going to
                     Health Safety & wellbeing:                                                  be a key focus for our 2025 strategy.
                     We want to provide a safe,                                                  This will include a packaging            Packaging:
                     sustainable working environment                                             strategy to help us identify the
                                                                                                 most sustainable materials for           We will ensure we never use
                     for our global community. By driving                                                                                 more packaging than is needed
                                                                                                 our products, reducing our GHG

                     a positive safety culture we can                                                                                     and what we do use is from
                     reduce the number of accidents                                              emissions, which will in turn reduce
                                                                                                 our energy and waste consumption.        sustainable sources and goes
                     and in doing so protect our most                                                                                     on to be reused or recycled.
                     important asset, our people. Our
                     commitment to wellbeing is at
                     the heart of everything we do.

                                                            UN SUSTAINABLE                                                                ENVIRONMENT
                     Social Impact:
                                                            GOALS (SDG’S)
                     We continue to engage with

                     local communities, promoting           Colart adapted a new way of
                     and providing employees with           understanding SDG’S and what                                                  Waste:
                     volunteer opportunities will help      they mean to the individual by           Working towards                      We will measure and set targets
                     to attract top talent, engage
                     develop and retain employees.
                                                            sending out an SDG a week on a
                                                            global comms. This will enable us           2025                              to remove, reduce, reuse
                                                                                                                                          and recycle throughout our

                                                            to further embed the goals and                                                production and supply chains.
                                                            report against them in the future.                                            We will track our progress and
                                                                                                                                          recalibrate targets as part of
                                                                                                                                          our continuous improvement.
Sustainability Report - Colart
Sustainability Trend

                     Sustainability continues to be a global concern,
                     it is the job of businesses to play their part.

                     CLIMATE                             PLASTICS                               SUPPLY CHAIN
                                                         The concern over plastics has been     We have identified materiality
                     Is more important than ever.        growing over recent years, not         for our business by listening to
                     We have only 10 years to halve      only with the end consumer, but in     our stakeholders, and identifying

                     global greenhouse gases (GHG)       industry and also in governments       key trends that are relevant to
                     emissions and keep global           with legislation dictating the         Colart in order to set targets for
                     warming to 1.5 degrees.             way businesses are going to            our business through to 2025.
                                                         have to comply in future.

                     CIRCULAR                            SUSTAINABLE
                     SOLUTIONS                           CONSUMPTION
                     From food and fashion to            With the global population
                     electronics and the built           expected to rise to 8.5 billion

                     environment, circular thinking      by 2030 and an ever-growing
                     (keeping resources in use for as    middle class increasing by 3 billion
                     long as possible to extract the     people over the next 20 years,
                     maximum value) will continue        ensuring that global consumption
                     to gain momentum in 2020,           remains in line with planetary

                     driving innovation and disrupting   boundaries will be critical.
                     linear business models.                                                                                           10 years to
                                                                                                                                     reduce GHG by


                     OUR OWNER’S PURPOSE
                     Lindéngruppen’s purpose is to       Lindéngruppen lead by
                     own and develop successful          example and provide a
                     businesses to lead the transition   business model that is geared
                     towards a sustainable world.        to generate long-term value.
                     Their aim is to create shared

                     and sustained societal              They also provide clear purpose,
                     value through their owned           values, a Code of Conduct,
                     companies. This involves            guidelines and priorities that all
                     creating meaningfulness for         of their companies follow. They
                     their people and value for their    also expect all their companies
                     businesses, customers, suppliers,   to report according to their

                     children, local communities         Sustainability Framework. This
                     and society at large.               includes identifying material
                                                         issues, setting clear strategic
                     They work actively to               targets and continuously
                     support their companies to          tracking progress.
                     minimise negative impacts
                     and optimise benefits in

                     terms of environmental
                     and societal impact.

                         Shared                                    Clear
                         and sustained                         purpose and
                            values                           Code of Conduct

                                                              artists everywhere

Brand Updates

                                                                                                                                                Removing all

                                                           For Snazaroo, we are taking              The event was also open to the
                     Lefranc Bourgeois relaunched their
                     Artists Oil range in 2017, and were   sustainability and embedding it          public and Snazaroo had a face
                                                                                                                                             from our packaging
                     the first to introduce Cadmium Free   into our core values. Here are some      painting booth that was one of

                     oil colours. We are now preparing     of the projects illustrating this:       the most popular at the venue.
                     to launch 5 more cadmium free                                                  The space was transformed into
                                                           •   We are currently working on
                     colours for the relaunch of Linel                                              a haunted Halloween themed
                                                               removing all black plastic
                     Artists Gouache range in 2020.                                                 event featuring face painting, arts
                                                               from our packaging and
                                                                                                    & crafts, music, food and spooky
                     •   Ongoing new branded sets              are including sustainability
                                                                                                    activities. It was fulfilling to share
                         are in FSC cardboard and              in our product roadmap
                                                                                                    in the fun first hand. Snazaroo
                         new plastic vacforms come

                                                           •   All our cardboard packaging          was among many formidable
                         from recycled plastic.
                                                               is currently recyclable and          sponsors including LEGO, Scholastic       Launching 5 new
                     •   Lefranc Bourgeois Enfants
                         colour ranges have been all
                                                               we are looking at expend the
                                                               use of FSC/PEFC/Recycled
                                                                                                    Education and Whole Foods Market.
                                                                                                    Repurposing good quality
                                                                                                                                             free colours
                         adapted to new biocides               paper and cardboard for our
                                                                                                    overstocked inventory from
                         regulation. The brand is also         whole range of products
                                                                                                    the warehouse served as a
                         able now to propose its offer
                                                           •   The plastic we use for our primary   philanthropic, sustainable and good

                         with compliant finger paints,
                                                               packaging is recycled PET            will gesture. The product was marked
                         baby crayons, ultra washable
                                                                                                    out of stock and qualified as a tax
                         paint colours for younger
                         children from 18 months old       SNAZAROO AND NYC                         deduction since it was a non-profit
                                                           GRACE MANSION                            event. Snazaroo made a positive
                     •   The repackaging of the brushes    HALLOWEEN EVENT                          impression on thousands of children.
                         offer will be labelled FSC                                                 This event created an outlet to
                                                           In collaboration with Blick and

                                                                                                    manage overstock product,
                     •   Over 150,000 sets for LB          the New York City Mayor’s office,
                                                                                                    extending the product life cycle and
                         enfants were relaunched           Snazaroo donated over 3600
                                                                                                    reducing expenses from close out
                         using cardboard packaging         assorted Mini Kits to support the
                                                                                                    offerings and maintaining excessive
                         replacing plastic.                annual Halloween event. Gracie
                                                                                                    warehouse stock.

                                                           Mansion, The NYC Mayor’s
                                                                                                    This event introduced a channel
                                                           residence and the grounds were
                                                                                                    to serve the community while
                                                           opened to the public to host a
                                                                                                    managing the brands many
                                                           Halloween celebration to benefits
                                                                                                    assets to foster engagement
                                                           thousands of NYC homeless
                                                                                                    and brand awareness.
                                                           shelter and foster care children.
Brand Updates

                                                                                                                                                          LIQUITEX ACRYLIC

                                                                                                                                                          MEDIUMS PACKAGING:
                                                                                                                                                          LABEL UPDATES
                                                                                                                                                          In 2019, we initiated a new print
                     ART FOR ALL
                                                                                                                                                          production process for Liquitex
                                                                                                             Sing for Hope London piano, titled           Acrylic Mediums labels to an ‘on the
                                                                  and togetherness, the varied designs

                     Supporting the arts has always been
                                                                                                             ‘Express Yourself’, was designed and         manufacturing line’ method. This
                     at the heart of the Liquitex philosophy.     were painted in a huge communal
                                                                                                             painted by renowned artist Stuart            enabled us to reduce the number
                     Founder Henry Levison understood             studio stocked with a full range of
                                                                                                             Semple, who generously donated               of label components from 116 to
                     that the role of a good tool-maker           Liquitex paints, tools and mediums.
                                                                                                             his time and talent for this project.        24 master formats. Previously, the
                     was to support the tool users - the          The Liquitex team ran technical
                                                                                                             The piano remained at Elephant               Liquitex Acrylic Mediums packaging
                     artists - and their communities. Liquitex    workshop to equip the piano artists
                                                                                                             West for people to play and enjoy,           labels were printed individually
                     continues to follow suit by supporting       with the skills to achieve their designs
                                                                                                                                                          for each specific product.

                     art events, charities, and community                                                    before being donated to Hospital
                                                                  Liquitex was put to the test on the
                     building initiatives around the globe.                                                  Rooms to be permanently placed               This has led to increased
                                                                  unconventional 3D canvases, and
                                                                                                             in an adolescent mental health NHS           management efficiencies, a 75%
                     In 2019, Liquitex launched a global          the artists used them for sketch
                                                                                                             ward, where it will be used as part          reduction in storage space, a
                     partnership with Sing for Hope, a            portraits applied with direct transfer
                                                                                                             of their music therapy programme.            reduction of potential waste and
                     non-profit arts organisation whose           mediums, layering, experimental
                                                                                                             In celebration of this partnership,          financial write-offs, and improved
                     mission is to transform lives by using the   graphic effects and varnishing for
                                                                                                             the Liquitex team invited Colart             agility to address any required label
                     power of the arts to create a better         the great outdoors After a few weeks

                                                                                                             colleagues around the world to               changes, all while still reflecting
                     world. As the official paint sponsor,        in the open air, each piano found
                                                                                                             contribute to an internal art installation   the quality of the brand.
                     Liquitex supported the Sing for Hope         a permanent home in a school,
                     NYC piano program, where 50 artist-          hospital, veteran centre or community      ‘Painted Keys,’ encompassing hand-
                     designed pianos appeared over
                     the summer in parks and community
                                                                  hub, to be enjoyed for years to come.      painted piano keys, which now
                                                                                                             lives in the North America office.
                                                                                                                                                             75% reduction
                                                                  In November 2019, Liquitex launched
                     spaces throughout the five boroughs,                                                                                                      in storage space
                                                                  the London edition of its partnership at

                     each created using Liquitex acrylics.
                     With themes of joy, hope, inspiration
                                                                  Elephant West, Elephant Magazine’s
                                                                  new art and community space. The                                                               Reduction
                                                                                                                                                              in potential waste

                                                                                                                                                          Improved agility

                                                                                                                                                             to address changes
Brand Updates

                                                                                                      W&N PAPER RELAUNCH                       WATERCOLOUR SETS
                                                                                                      Consumer research has shown that         From 2020, we’re removing the
                                                                                                      sustainability is rarely questioned by   single-use plastic wrapping on
                                                                                                      our consumers. They assume paper         Winsor & Newton’s Cotman
                                                                                                      is ‘always’ environmentally friendly.    Watercolour brush pen set

                     INTRODUCING NEW                        In addition, Artists‘ Oil Colours are     Retailers are growing                    We’re also investigating the
                     OIL COLOURS AND                        adding 15 of its most popular 37mL        increasingly concerned about             possibility of removing plastic
                     EXTENDING THE RANGE                    colours to the 200mL range. This allows   sustainability, especially in            packaging on the brand’s
                                                            artists to buy larger tubes of these      regard to shrink-wrapping.               watercolour half pans.
                     Winsor & Newton has continued          paints and use less packaging by
                                                                                                      We’ve decided that:
                     to develop more sustainable            avoiding buying more, smaller tubes.
                     alternatives without compromising on                                             •   All products in the relaunch         COMMUNICATION

                     performance. Following the launch                                                    will be sourced in Europe,           CAMPAIGN ‘EXPERT
                     of eight cadmium-free watercolours     W&N GRAPHIC ART                               from sustainable sources             COLOUR. ENDLESS
                     in 2019, nine cadmium-free Artists‘                                                  (FSC / PEFC certifications)          POSSIBILITIES’
                     Oil Colours will be launched in        In 2019, we relaunched our chunky,            and with full transparency
                     2020. These paints have the same       plastic-heavy clamshell box to sleek,         throughout our supply process.       We are expanding our ‘Expert
                     performance as genuine cadmium         slim boxes that are more space                                                     Colour. Endless Possibilities’
                                                            efficient and save 60% plastic mass.      •   All products will be                 campaign, from watercolour
                     colours, such as colour strength,

                                                                                                          shrink-wrapped at MOQ,               in 2019 to oil in 2020/2021.
                     vibrancy, and opacity, without         They can fit into a space in                  and Le Mans is working
                     containing cadmium. The cadmium-       store that’s 40% smaller, making                                                   Aside from focusing on our
                                                                                                          to find an alternative to
                     free paints have been granted          space for our NPD launches.                                                        innovative offering of cadmium-
                                                                                                          recyclable plastic.
                     Approved Product seals, which                                                                                             free oils, we’ll be including
                                                            In 2020 we’re extending our promarker     •   If consumers feel they can’t
                     means they’ve been certified as not                                                                                       our existing , Artisan range,
                                                            range, and introducing six new sets,          feel the paper when shrink-
                     being toxic or injurious to humans.                                                                                       featuring water-soluble oils
                                                            including Manga and Tattoo.                   wrapped, retailers will be

                     Winsor & Newton are also launching                                                                                        that are more sustainable.
                                                            In addition, Promarker minimum                given the option to open
                     eight new Winton Oil Colours in                                                                                           We’ll also be including our medium
                                                            order quantity increased to three,            and sacrifice one pad/block
                     2020 that have also been granted                                                                                          ‘Sansodor,’ which is better from a
                                                            resulting in fewer plastic bags               to accommodate this.
                     Approved Product seals. To support                                                                                        health and safety perspective, and
                                                            needed for loose pens packaging.          •   W&N has improved the
                     the launch of these Winton and

                                                                                                                                               is recommended by selected art
                     cadmium-free colours, samples are      We’re exploring replacing the                 way of communicating                 schools banning turpentine and
                     being offered to consumers in tubes    plastic backing on our Fineliners             about FSC and Hydro Power            white spirits from their class and
                     so they can be used over a longer      to a cardboard backing.                       giving a better explanation          recommending low-odour thinners.
                     period of time, rather than packaged                                                 on the paper package
                     in a single use, disposal format.
Shopper Marketing

                     & Insights

                     CONSUMER INSIGHTS                   These initiatives (among several      TAKING OUR
                     AT THE HEART OF OUR                 others) - gave us valuable insights   CONSUMER

                     DECISION MAKING                     to make brand and commercial          COMMUNICATION
                                                         decisions with a high degree of
                                                         confidence, whilst also bringing
                                                                                               EXPERTISE TO OUR
                     2019 marked a step change in
                                                         us closer to our consumers.
                                                                                               RETAIL PARTNERS (AEC)
                     our approach to using consumer
                     insights to drive our initiatives                                         A bespoke AEC (Attract, Engage,
                     and strategy – from redesigning                                           Convert) training workshop
                     our best selling W&N Cotman
                                                         CREATING NEW
                                                                                               was designed and delivered

                     Watercolour sets to increase the                                          to commercial teams so that
                     brand’s quality perception and      TOUCHPOINTS                           everyone is approached the
                     purchase intent, or speaking to     We launched our very first branded    Shopper Experience in the same
                     over 4500 artists among 3 of our    pop up store in our home market       way to drive Attraction to the
                     largest markets North America, UK   (UK), in the heart of the city’s      category, Engagement with our
                     and France to better understand     thriving creative hub (Coal Drop’s    products and ultimately Conversion
                     what drives brand preference for    Yard – Kings Cross, London), which    in store as continue to evolve the

                     our various consumer segments,      saw us open our doors to our          Red Hot Stores programme.
                     to testing our brand content        consumers - allowing them to visit
                     and its engagement among our                                              This approach has cemented
                                                         our physical store installed for 4
                     consumer base, to name a few.                                             our relationship with our largest
                                                         days over Dec 2019. We were able
                                                                                               customer of Michaels and is starting
                     Listening to our consumers          to introduce some of our latest
                                                                                               conversations in key customers
                     sustainability requirements also    products to them - from our newly
                                                                                               across multiple geographies.
                     helped us create some unique        launched reduced packaging

                     products to celebrate our oldest    Marker Sets, to our new Watercolour
                     brand Lefranc Bourgeois’ 300th      Jewel colours for W&N. The event
                     anniversary, launching a reusable   was a runaway success, attracting
                     and collectable tin, as well as     over 2000 consumers through the
                     a unique and replenishable          doors, helping bring W&N face

                     colour range, along with a better   to face with its consumers.
                     understanding of what innovation
                     means to them in the context of
                     our products, to form the basis
                     of our innovation strategy.
Shopper Marketing

                     & Insights

                     HARNESSING THE                                        WHAT’S COMING                              The AEC programme will be
                     POWER OF DATA TO                                      FOR 2020?                                  expanded to include Digital and

                     CREATE A ROUNDED                                                                                 provide 360 comms guidance
                                                                           There are plans to scale our               as we look to integrate our on
                     ‘STATE OF THE                                         initiatives further in 2020, building on   and off line experience more.
                     NATION’ OVERVIEW                                      the foundations of the successes
                     FOR OUR TEAMS                                         from 2019, while also introducing          The key outcome from all of
                                                                           new capabilities in the team to            this will be to bring us closer to
                     Colart identified as the key partner                  help us work even more closely             our consumers and customers
                     to work with on developing the                        and collaboratively with our largest       alike, and help extend our

                     widely recognised industry ‘State                     retail partners, through a dedicated       lead as industry champions
                     of Art Materials’ report by EuACA.                    Category management partner.               even further than before.

                     Utilising multiple data sources                       There are more research initiatives
                     including Industry reports from                       planned in line with the Brand
                     NAMTA and EuACA, Sell Out data,                       and Commercial strategy to
                     and the research projects run over                    maintain consumer insights as
                     the year – we were able to deliver                    the epicentre of our decisions,

                     detailed insights into our industry                   while extending our consumer
                     for our brand, commercial and                         touchpoints through events such
                     digital teams, influencing their                      as the Chelsea Flower Show in
                     strategies to better address our                      the summer of 2020 as we aim to
                     consumers needs for our products.                     deepen our understanding and
                     This also formed the basis of a                       offering in shopper experience to
                                                                           keep us ahead of our competition.

                     much more in-depth analysis of our
                     industry presented to the Board,
                     which will form part of the long
                     range plan aimed at delivering
                     growth to our owners’ expectations.

                     EuACA - European Artists Colours Association
                     NAMTA - The International Art Materials Association

                      2019 saw the strengthening        Underpinning this acceptance
                      of Colart’s commitment to         and to promote understanding
                      governance through the            of our compliance structure,
                      update of our Code of Conduct     Colart continued to develop
                      together with the introduction    the learning agenda by rolling
                      of both a whistle-blowing         out an online programme

                      policy and a register of gifts,   for whistle-blowing and anti-
                      hospitality and facilitation      bribery. This training fosters
                      payments – with the latter to     complete awareness of how to
                      supplement the prohibition        report any concerns regarding
                      on bribery, or acceptance by      serious misbehaviour including
                      staff of gifts that are beyond    theft, fraud, bribery, breach of
                      general commercial practice       policies, dishonesty, harassment,

                      or common courtesy under          bullying, unlawful discrimination,
                      the Code of Conduct.              unethical or negligent
                                                        behaviour and workplace
                      To ensure commitment to           safety hazards through
                      the updated expectations          EthicsPoint, our independent,
                      for ethical and responsible       online reporting portal.
                      behaviours, each employee

                      was asked to confirm
                      their formal acceptance
                      of the updated code
                      and related policies.

                     Refresher training was also
                     delivered to Colart’s Group         Global litigation and legal
                     Leadership Team (GLT) on their      entity governance is now
                     director duties under the UK        tracked centrally through
                     Companies Act 2006. A register      respective portals / register to
                     to capture any interactions         ensure legal and compliance
                     of the GLT with competitors         risk is effectively managed.
                     has also been created.
Supply Chain

                     Colart continues to improve
                     transparency within it’s supply chain

                     INCREASED FOCUS                       SUPPLIER COC TO                          FINISHED
                     ON SEDEX                              ALL KEY SUPPLIERS                        GOODS

                     Sedex is a social and ethical         All new suppliers to Colart have         We are also reviewing our
                     supply chain tool, which enables      signed our own code of conduct,          trading activity & localising
                     us to be transparent with our         this will continue with all new          the sourcing closer to the
                     customers and in turn help us with    suppliers and we will initiate the       point of consumption. This
                     transparency with our suppliers.      same for our current suppliers.          will help reduce lead times,
                     Our own operations are audited        We can use this exercise to              while reducing our carbon

                     once a year this gives transparency   understand our suppliers better          impact. This will bring us
                     to our wider supply chain             and support where necessary.             closer to a sustainable end
                                                                                                    to end supply chain on this
                                                           The company worked to reduce
                                                                                                    category of products.
                     INITIATE                              its portfolio over 2018 in order to
                                                           capitalise with suppliers. At the
                     SUPPLIER AUDITS                       same time, part of our supply chain
                                                           strategy is to have alternative
                     A key part of our supply chain

                                                           suppliers for critical components
                     is to increase supplier audits,
                                                           and raw materials to ensure
                     A supplier audit is an effective
                                                           supply. This year we will strategise
                     way to examine the quality of
                                                           our raw materials because
                     a particular supplier and the risk
                                                           regulatory and resource-scarcity
                     it presents to the organisation
                                                           will impact us in the near future.
                     before it becomes a problem.
                     With an effective supplier quality    Colart continues working with

                     management solution, a supplier       Sedex and alternative supply chain
                     audit can be painless and can         tools such as BSCI or Ecovadis, to
                     identify serious problems early       ensure that the company continues
                     in the production cycle.              to drive transparency in our supply
                                                           chains. Our internal RFI also provides

                                                           a tool to assess our suppliers.

                                                                                                    End to end
                                                                                                    sustainable supply
                                                                                                    chain on products

                                                                                                                                                Intranet made it
                                                                                                                                                easier to

                     Colart continues its digital transformation journey, building up
                     in house capabilities, reducing dependency on expensive external
                     parties – and driving efficiency and simplicity in how we work.
                     Last year we focussed on relaunching the Liquitex and Snazaroo
                     websites onto our internal platform using Wordpress and we have                                                              with people
                     seen improved results across the board in terms of visits as well as sales.

                     We also migrated the Intranet to Wordpress which has made the
                     Intranet much easier to engage with for our employees. Since the
                     launch at the end of May 2019 – end Feb 2020 we have had almost
                     6000 views of the news articles and more than 464 comments on our wall.

                     DIGITAL                                    DIGITAL                                PIM AND B2B PORTAL
                     TRANSFORMATION                             COMMUNICATIONS

                                                                                                       Having one source of truth for

                     In January 2020 we launched the            Digital activations with the           all our product data, including
                     Lefranc Bourgeois website in English       consumer at the heart delivering       product descriptions, colours, sizes,
                     – now artists around the world can         added-value content and services       prices, regulatory data etc. This is
                     experience this wonderful brand            to our consumers globally is a key     the ambition of the PIM (Product           consumer
                     and it’s rich 300 years history. With      focus for us. Through the activation   Information Management) Project.
                     digital communications available in        of marketing automations both          With over 246k data points already         questions
                                                                                                                                                  every year

                     English we make Lefranc Bourgeois          on our Liquitex website through        in the PIM, we are accelerating
                     more accessible globally.                  personalisation and through eCRM       this project this year as the PIM will
                                                                (electronic consumer relationship      improve efficiency across many
                     During second half of 2020 we will                                                departments and teams. PIM is also
                                                                management) programs running
                     relaunch our Winsor & Newton                                                      closely connected with the build
                                                                on email, we are reducing wastage
                     website for UK, US and ROW. This                                                  of the B2B Portal – a functional
                                                                and being able to serve relevant
                     is a big, complex project and                                                     ecommerce website – dedicated
                                                                content to different audiences
                     will save a substantial amount of

                                                                driving more meaningful brand          to small customers and retailers
                     money for us moving away from                                                     removing manual, paper-based
                                                                experiences and building long-
                     the old platform used today.                                                      orders which we will release
                                                                lasting consumer relationships.
                     The website will be easier to use                                                 during the second half of 2020.
                     and navigate, providing rich
                     content on our products and

                     services enabling artists easy
                     access to information that can
                     help enhance their practise.
                                                                                                                                                of questions are

                     CONSUMER CARE
                     We are proud of our consumer care            Brand       Sustainability
                     operations, where we respond to                                             Queries
                                                                                                per Brand
                     over 12,000 consumer questions                                                                                                        26%
                     every year. 1,3% of these questions         Lefranc
                                                                                    9              0.9%
                     are around Sustainability or Social        Bourgeois

                     responsibility. UK consumers seem most      Liquitex          55              1.2%
                     interested in these topics and in terms
                     of brand, Snazaroo consumers are            Reeves            11              1.5%

                     the ones who engage with us most.          Snazaroo           14              1.6%

                     In terms of Ethical and                      W&N              118             1.4%
                     Sustainability matters:

                     • LB consumers are more
                        concerned about product
                        safety in terms of composition
                        and ingredients                                          Total         Sustainability
                                                                                Queries           queries
                     • Liquitex and Reeves consumers             Area
                                                                                by area          by area                                            7%
                        are the ones more concerned
                        about using vegan products               Oceania           2%               8%

                     • Winsor and Newton consumers               North
                                                                                   34%             18%
                        ask the most questions                   America
                        about the environment                     Europe           17%              13%
                     • Snazaroo consumers are equally             UK              14%             26%
                        concerned about environment                                                                        North
                        and respect for animals                   ROW              7%               5%          Oceania              Europe   UK    ROW   Unknown
                                                                 Unknown           26%              30%

                                                                                               Data from 2019

                            UK                                       Snazaroo
                            has the most                             consumers are the
                            sustainability                           most concerned
                            enquiries                                about animal welfare

                     We continue to further embed Sustainability within the NPD process
                     as we drive cultural change through the business. We are ensuring
                     that each project team challenges waste and non-recyclability,
                     as well as questioning and seeking more environmentally
                     friendly alternatives at each stage of the NPD process.

                     •   Cadmium free paint – we have      W&N                                     SNAZAROO
                         extended our Cadmium free
                         paints across all our Fine Art    •   Paper – as we develop our           •   We are phasing out using
                         Brand ranges so that we now           range we will source the bulk           black plastic vac forms which
                         offer cadmium free alternatives       of the range from European              are difficult to recycle as
                         within Liquitex, Winsor &             suppliers with all products using       they cannot be detected in
                         Newton & LB paint ranges.             FSC/PEFC certified paper.               many waste sorting systems

                     •   In line printing of labels – we                                               replacing them with grey
                                                           •   Canvas – as part of range
                         are developing this capability                                                Recycled PET plastic that can
                                                               redevelopment we will ensure
                         which will reduce waste and                                                   be further reprocessed.
                                                               we use FSC timber on all the
                         disposal as designs change.           frames and revert to wooden         •   New set designs - cartons
                                                               not plastic stretching wedges.          will be single material card
                                                                                                       FSC fully recyclable.
                                                           •   ProMarker sets – in 2018 we

                                                               made large reductions in the        •   Bio Glitters - new range of
                                                               amount of plastic used on               fully biodegradable glitters
                                                               our 6 & 12 piece sets. Going            made from ethically and
                                                               forward we will phase out               sustainably sourced raw
                                                               completely all the plastic              materials. The range will include
                                                               packaging in our 6 and 12               chunky and fine glitters. Both
                                                               piece sets and will investigate         glitter sizes will be available

                                                               using recycled plastic in our           in 10 vibrant colours.
                                                               moulded pen bodies.
                                                           •   Professional Synthetic brushes -
                                                               we are developing
                                                               alternatives to our natural hair

                                                               & bristle brush ranges.


                     Our energy provider uses 100%         The bar and kitchen use:
                     renewable, clean electricity,
                                                           •   Biodegradable straws
                     generated by wind and hydro

                     assets. It’s certified by Renewable   •   Biodegradable coffee cups
                     Energy Guarantees of Origin           •   Biodegradable food bowls
                     (REGOs) and independently verified        (cardboard and bamboo)
                     by EcoAct, a Carbon Disclosure        •   Wooden cutlery
                     Project (CDP) accredited provider.    •   Biodegradable napkins
                                                           All waste is sorted using recycling

                                                           bins and there is a newly appointed
                                                           onsite sustainability ambassador.
                                                           The local community is supported
                                                           through the development of
                                                           an onsite community garden
                                                           in collaboration with a local
                                                           environmental charity.


                     supported through
                      development of
                                                                clean electricity
                     community garden

                                                                      It’s the


Our people

                     We know Colart’s people make the difference, and we value
                     everyone’s input whether as a leader, part of a team or an individual
                     contributor. With this knowledge, Colart continues its commitment
                     to developing our people as well as building their understanding of
                     and engagement in sustainability, both inside and outside of Colart.

                     LEADERSHIP                              LEADERS PLUS                            MENTORING
                                                             In 2019, Colart continued its           Colart continues to actively drive
                     We believe that sustainable business
                                                             membership and support of               mentoring across the group. We
                     performance starts with effective
                                                             Leaders Plus, a social enterprise       believe mentoring accelerates
                     leadership. We see the starting
                                                             enabling talented people in the         and enriches both business
                     point as knowledge of what good
                                                             UK with young children to develop       development and individual
                     leadership looks like (as described

                                                             their leadership careers. Through       learning for both the Mentor and
                     in the Colart Way) and clarity over
                                                             this enterprise we were able to offer   Mentee. But, above all it builds
                     who has leadership responsibility
                                                             experienced high-quality training,      effective internal networks as
                     (as redefined in the new leadership
                     levels structure). Of course, we
                                                             mentoring, peer support and             well as developing collaborative        Our people
                                                                                                                                           make the
                                                             access to role models so that we        relationships – something core to
                     recognise the changing landscape
                                                             could reinforce our commitment          the way Colart wants to work.
                     in which our leaders need to
                                                             to building a positive environment

                     operate whether with respect                                                    During 2019 we actively replenished
                                                             for new parents in leadership roles.

                     to our people, the business as a                                                our pool of mentors with training
                     whole or the wider environment          We will continue to support             provided new and existing mentors
                     in which we operate. In effect,         Leaders Plus during 2020.               and we upgraded our mentoring
                     trying to make a difference as an                                               portal making application
                     individual leader can only go so far.   “Leaders Plus left me motivated        easier for new mentees.
                                                               and inspired to make the most
                     For this reason, we believe the only      of both my children and career
                     way is for our leadership team to         and the fact that I could do both”

                     act as a high performing team – in
                     other words as one team so we           Bhavna Savani
                     succeed together. Our leadership        Corporate Finance Manager
                     development programme during            (London)
                     2019 therefore put collaboration as

                     the focus core. Underpinning this
                     programme was self-awareness
                     and reflection to enable our
                                                                                                                                             We value
                     leaders to become mindful of
                     self, team and the collective.                                                                                        everyone’s
Our people

                     DAY IN THE LIFE OF                                                 SPLASH
                     2019 saw the launch of our day in the life programme.              Following the successful launch        During 2020, we will continue our
                     This program was launched in France during 2018 and this           and roll out of Splash (our            plan to extend the functionality of
                     year we saw more than 50 people register in France for the         global People System) in               Splash as we look to incorporate
                     programme. We are confident that this great success will be        2018, we successfully added            an automated performance
                     seen elsewhere in the Group due to the opportunities offered:

                                                                                        to the functionality of the            review process removing the
                     •   Ability to discover a new job     •   Improve internal         system by incorporating                need for our existing stand-alone
                                                               communication            an automated recruitment               system. Whilst we are very proud
                     •   Understand the challenges                                      platform – Splash Recruit.             of our commitment to the review
                         and needs of colleagues           •   Get a better vision of                                          process, having the process
                                                               the organisation         With this enhancement we have
                     •   Share information and                                                                                 on Splash will enable better
                                                                                        made direct recruitment more
                         learn from others                 •   Create collaboration                                            analytics and follow through.
                                                                                        efficient by creating a multi-

                                                               and break silos          channel candidate journey putting      Splash has also been used as
                     •   Create social and
                         professional bonds                                             candidates at the heart and we         a tool to gain from our people
                                                                                        have removed the majority of the       confirmed understanding of and
                                                                                        manual processes. Furthermore,         commitment to our regulations.
                                                                                        we now have full transparency to       During 2019, alignment to the
                                                                                        activate and monitor all recruitment   revised Code of Conduct,
                                                                                        activity across the Group.             presented in all languages,

                                                                                                                               was completed in this way.

                                                 Our direct sourcing of

                                                 new recruits has increased

                                                 from 70% in 2018
                                                 to 79% in 2019
Our people

                     DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION
                     During 2019, Colart conducted its
                     first global gender pay analysis.
                     The results showed that whilst
                     our mean pay (average) was
                     aligned to most companies, our

                     median pay (mid-point) was
                     better than the norm. With these
                     results, we recognise that we
                     need to do more to encourage
                     women into leadership positions.
                     We will continue to continue
                     to encourage and support,

                     flexible working and skill
                     development to promote diversity
                     and inclusion at Colart.

                     Women make up nearly                International face with

                     40% of our                           40% more
                     leadership                          nationalities
Our people

                     Our commitment to the wellbeing of our people is at the heart of
                     everything that we do. We recognise the need to adopt a holistic
                     approach and to show we think about the wellbeing of the whole
                     person. We believe this is the best way to foster the family feel that we
                     strive for at Colart so preparing our people to withstand any challenge

                     that could impact our ability to deliver on our strategic goals.

                     Inspiration            Passion             Planet            Excellence

                     2019 was another great year for           At the end of the year, we asked
                     grassroots wellbeing initiatives          all of our people to complete
                     at Colart. Our global network of          our Wellbeing Survey in order to

                     over 20 ambassadors organised             understand what was valued
                     impactful activities at local level and   about the current calendar.
                     communicated globally to inform the       With this insight we can build
                     rest of the company. For example,         an even better programme to
                     in France alone over 500 people           support our strategy for 2020
                     participated in Wellbeing activities,
                     whether social, physical or mental.

                     Colart not only looks inside but also                                        Our Wellbeing Coordinator,
                     believes that connecting to our own                                          Carole Briquet, spent 2 weeks
                     community is core to the wellbeing                                           in Madagascar for a ‘solidarity
                     of people. During 2019 we therefore                                          leave’, helping the local

                     continued to support everyone                                                population to organise their library
                     spending at least one day with a                                             and bring it to life. This is following
                     charitable cause of their choice.                                            a previous solidarity leave from            Wellness is a
                                                                                                  another employee in Peru. More
                                                                                                  such trips are planned for 2020.          top priority
Our people

                     HEALTH AND SAFETY                                                          INCIDENT REPORT 2018-2019
                     Health and Safety is of vital        •   H&S has been decentralised
                     importance to the physical               to the sites, keeping structure
                     wellbeing of people in Colart.           and key initiatives implemented
                     The health and safety committee          via the H&S Committee.                       0                Fatality
                     meets virtually, quarterly and                                                      SEVERE

                                                          •   Key focus for 2020 is to
                     when serious incidents take
                     place, so we can investigate and
                                                              drive near miss reporting                    1                Injury or illness resulting in
                                                              for trend analysis. Aiming                 MAJOR              permanent impairment
                     use others knowledge to best
                                                              to capture key issues and
                     understand how we can make
                                                              areas of focus for each site.               13                Injury or illness resulting
                     Colart a safe place to work.
                                                                                                        MODERATE            in hospital admission
                                                          •   Le Mans improving fire
                     We completed a zoning exercise
                                                              extinguisher visibility.
                     to improve safety across our

                                                                                                                            Injury or illness resulting in
                     manufacturing and distribution       •   Le Mans operators began to                                    treatment. Temporary impairment
                     sites to segregate them depending        use new manual handling
                     on their risks. Staff are trained        equipment for drums,
                     accordingly and issued a                 purchased at the end of 2019.                7                Minor injuries or discomfort.
                                                                                                                            No medical treatment or measurable
                     permit to work in these areas.                                                     MINIMAL             physical effect. Zero lost time.
                                                          •   We continue to drive a health
                     We aim to provide training on the        and safety culture through
                     risks associated with the whole          our sites, we have a target of

                     area in which they work, not             zero accidents on our sites.
                     just limited to their daily tasks.
                                                          •   Our accidents have increased
                                                              this year as expected due
                                                              to more vigorous reporting.
                                                              We encourage all incident
                                                              reporting however minor.

                                                                                                                      targeted for our sites
Our people

                     HEALTH AND SAFETY
                     E-learning is implemented as part of   Following the zoning exercise,           LE MANS APPROVED
                     every employee’s induction, which      the H&S team at Le Mans have             IMPROVEMENTS
                     includes Health and Safety training.   made improvements to walk ways.          FOR 2020
                     Our sites follow up any incidents      Improvements in the segregation
                     with ‘toolbox’ talks to ensure all     of pedestrians a vehicles have

                                                                                                     1   Effluent Treatment update.
                     employees have awareness.              been achieved with the following:
                                                                                                     2  New safety racks in
                     •   Committee meetings                 •   Pedestrian fencing                       logistics area.
                         continuing to facilitate           •   Gates
                         information sharing and drive
                                                            •   Safety instructions                  3  Finalisation of fire
                         H&S culture and accountability.                                                 water bunding.
                                                            •   Safety mirrors
                     •   Budget has been                                                             4   New cap feeder for ink line.
                                                            •   Walk ways are clearly defined

                         allocated inline with site
                         plans to improve H&S.                  with substantial barriers in         5  Replacement shrink
                                                                place to prevent contact                 wrapper due to fire risk.
                     •   Risk assessments and PPE are
                                                                with moving vehicles.                6  New system of powder
                         being reviewed across all sites
                         to ensure risk assessments are     •   New guarding has been                    transport on mixing area.       Health & Safety
                         of a high standard and PPE             installed on low volume mixers.
                                                                                                     7  Support to improve risk        part of everyone’s
                         is appropriate to the risk.        •   Safety instructions, cultural            assessment and continuous
                                                                training, best practice

                                                                                                         improvement of the
                                                                document for all fork lift drivers       accident prevention plan.
                                                            •   Mirrors and collision sensors.
                                                                                                     8  Replace the stackers by
                                                            •   External rack inspection                 alternative machinery
                                                            •   Risk assessment on all processes         to reduce risk of manual
                                                                and machinery on site,                   handling injury.
                                                                manufacturing, laboratory, DC.
                                                                                                     9  Improvement of ventilation

                                                                                                         in laboratory to meet
                                                                                                         safety standards.

                     and Charity

                     We continue to donate our                LISA MILROY’S                          marvellous collaborative painting,
                     discontinued products to various         INSTANT NETWORK                        ‘Group Portrait’; and in another

                     schools and charities, we have an        SCHOOLS ‘HANDS                         workshop, a wonderful set of
                     ongoing relationship with MIND – a                                              hand-painted rings. The workshops
                     mental health charity. They use
                                                              ON’ ART WORKSHOP                       provided an opportunity for
                     our materials for art workshops to
                                                              PROGRAMME                              many of the students to engage
                     help people with mental health.                                                 with painting for the first time,
                                                              In 2015 Lisa initiated ‘Hands          offering an opportunity to gain
                     The arts valuable role in mental         On’ with the support of the            confidence and some curiosity.
                     health is being recognised               Vodafone Foundation, Vodafone’s

                                                              charitable arm. ‘Hands On’ is
                     It can help to boost confidence
                                                              part of the UNHCR and Vodafone         HANDS ON AT
                     and make us feel more engaged
                                                              Foundation’s Instant Network
                     and resilient. Besides these benefits,                                          ELEPHANT WEST
                                                              Schools programme, providing
                     art engagement also alleviates
                                                              quality digital learning. ‘Hands       At the beginning of February
                     anxiety, depression and stress.
                                                              On’ engages students in Kakuma         the Hands On Art Workshops
                     Since 2018 we have donated               Refugee Camp, Kenya in practical       came to life in London through

                     to over 300 different                    art workshops delivered by Lisa in     an exhibition held at Elephant
                     charities and schools.                   London through interactive video       West. Its primary purpose was to
                                                              conferencing sessions facilitated      draw the attention of a wider
                     One of the projects we
                                                              by the Vodafone Foundation.            public and salute all partners of
                     have supported, included a
                     collaboration with artist Lisa Milroy,   Lisa travels annually to Kakuma        the Hands On art workshops.,
                     who worked with Vodafone                 Refugee Camp to conduct ‘Hands
                     Foundation and UNHCR to create           On’ workshops on the ground,           This exhibition provided a visual

                     the Instant Network Schools ‘Hands       working with UNHCR Education.          timeline of the Hands On Art
                     On’ art workshop programme.              This year, Lisa led a three-day        Workshop from inception through
                                                              workshop event for 35 students         to the present day and beyond
                                                              from Angelina Jolie Primary School,    as well as a beautiful display of
                                                              Morneau Shepell Girls High School      original paintings and drawings

                                                              and Our Lady’s Girls Secondary         made by the school students in the
                                                              School. Lisa used Colart products to   Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya,
                                                              support the ‘Hands On’ workshops.      using materials donated by Colart.
                                                              The fabulous range of art materials
                                                              allowed the students to create a




                                                                                        reduced by

                     We are continually working towards reducing our CO2 impact.

                                   Scope 1&2: 4085 tCO2e


                                                                                          Le Mans
                                   Scope 1&2: 4081 tCO2e
                                                                                        reduced by
                                                CO 2                                      18.9%

                              Reduction of 1.4%
                                          year on year

                                       Overall reduction                           We continue to get better
                                                                                   quality data which improves

                                           -21.3%                                  our reporting accuracy. We
                                                                                   expected an improvement
                                       Including Scope 3                           in Tianjin as production has

                                                                                   moved to Le Mans.
                                                                                   Reduction in Le Mans is
                       We measure scope 3, however we have to be reliant on        significant as although increased
                                                                                   production they have been
                      third party data which we hope to improve year on year.
                                                                                   able to ensure that their CO2
                                                                                   emissions have decreased due
                                                                                   to better operating efficiency.


                     UPDATE ON SVHC
                     Since tracking began in 2015             in the number of
                     we have significantly reduced
                     the number of SVHCs in Colart’s
                                                               raw materials
                     manufactured products.                   containing SVHCs

                     Figures based on 2015 data vs
                     reformulations implemented
                     in manufacture to date.
                     •   67% reduction in the number
                         of RM which contain SVHCs.
                     •   83% reduction in the number
                         of pastes with SVHCs.

                     •   57% reduction in the number of
                         products that contain SVHCs.

                     During 2019 our R&D chemists
                     achieved a significant mile
                     stone in this project; formulating
                     away from our most significant        in the number of pastes

                     raw material which was present            containing SVHCs
                     in around 100 formulations.
                     These new formulations are
                     being implemented on a rolling
                     basis through the end of 2019
                     and into 2020. Laboratory work
                     continues to reformulate the

                     remaining 2% of formulations
                     (based on 2015 figures).


                                                          in the number of products
                                                               containing SVHCs
Social Impact

                                                 China        CTAM       Italy

                                                 5014 PPM     3229 PPM   7024 PPM

                                                Le Mans      Lowestoft   Spain
                           Our target is         5050 PPM     2594 PPM   5214 PPM

                        5000 ppm

                                                Minehead      France
                                                 11350 PPM    3000 PPM
                      In 2019 the overall was

                        3342 ppm
Site Stories


                     LONDON                              KIDDERMINSTER
                     WELLBEING                           OVERHAUL OF THE                           PACKAGING                                 of food in the
                     2019 ACTIVATION                     RANGE PICKING/                            INITIATIVES                              annual foodbank
                                                         PACKING PROCESS
                     At Head office, having the                                                    We are continually looking at the           collection
                     Wellbeing 2019 activation at                                                  way our products are shipped out

                                                         We’ve overhauled how we pick
                     heart we ensure to organise         and pack the hundreds of orders           of the warehouse, and are assessing
                     activities that promote healthy     leaving our site every week for           the introduction of handheld
                     lives and wellbeing to all          the UK’s biggest customer, The            banding to replace the use of
                     employees. We raised awareness      Range. By consolidating the lines         pallet shrinkwrap. This would involve
                     on important topics to care         taken by The Range into three             using waste cardboard to produce        CHARITABLE
                     for our people such as mental       adjacent aisles and packing orders        concertina packaging to replace         KIDDERMINSTER
                     wellbeing, stress management        to oversized, palletised cardboard        bought-in plastic alternatives.

                     and healthy eating habits           cartons rather than several               Our airbags are now made from           Kidderminster is passionate
                                                         smaller cartons, we’ve simplified         an eco-friendlier plastic, and the      about supporting local charities
                     We’ve organised:
                                                         the process, and reduced the              boxes and pallet boxes we buy in        and inspiring every artist with
                     •   Wellness week (smoothie bike)   amount of cardboard, time and             are made from approximately 70%         product donations. In 2019,
                     •   Yoga sessions                   energy used to pick each order.           recycled product, with recycled         we donated just under £300
                                                         The new layout is ergonomically           inners and fluting. This is something   (raised through staff sales of
                     •   Walk to work day                                                          we actively seek from our suppliers.
                                                         designed, ensuring the most                                                       old or damaged goods) to a
                     •   Cycle to work scheme                                                                                              local homeless charity, MAGGS,

                                                         efficient picking profile, and is
                                                                                                   In November 2019 we opted into
                                                         being assessed with a view to                                                     who used the donation to pay
                                                                                                   paperless payslips, and our new
                     We held numerous social and         rolling out and streamlining the                                                  for hot breakfasts throughout
                                                                                                   time and attendance system has
                     community events to recognise       next 80 most picked lines in DC7.                                                 the entire month of December
                                                                                                   reduced the need for the old card
                     and celebrate successes, such                                                                                         for people experiencing
                                                                                                   clocking-in system, making us as
                     as a cake and staff sale to raise                                                                                     homelessness in the city of
                                                                                                   paperless as possible. Furthermore,
                     money for charities, an Easter      KIDDERMINSTER                             staff sliced over five percent off
                                                                                                                                           Worcester. Staff also donated
                                                         ANNOUNCES                                                                         dog food for Street Paws.

                     egg hunt, Halloween Snazaroo                                                  the total miles they travelled to
                     Party, International Culture day,   SWITCH TO 100%                            work by car, by finding sustainable     In 2019 we smashed the 2018
                     and summer and Christmas            RENEWABLE ENERGY                          alternatives through car share,         annual foodbank collection
                     parties at Elephant West.                                                     walking and cycling, and this year      by 10%, donating a massive
                                                         From February 2020, 100% of               we’re continuing to promote and         125kgs of food by the staff in

                                                         the electricity used on the               raise awareness within the site, so     Colart’s Kidderminster site to a
                                                         Kidderminster site will be renewable.     staff choose not to use their cars      local foodbank to help families.
                                                         The positive benefits of switching        with a view to a further reduction.
                                                         to renewable energy over harmful
                                                         fossil fuels outweighs the very small
                                                         premium incurred to switch and
                                                         fractional increase in our annual bill.
Site Stories


                     LE MANS                                       MAINTAL
                     CONTINUOUS                                    OFFICE GERMANY 2020                         hydro powered
                     IMPROVEMENT                                                                              electric from 2020
                                                                   From 1st January 2020, we have
                     In the Le Mans plant, 2019 was a              swapped our electricity supply from
                     year of consolidation for our new             mixed sources to 100% hydro power.

                     production layout, which allows us            This will reduce our CO2 footprint by
                     to better understand the situation            more than 72 kg, and our nuclear
                     in real time, via software tool STAM.         waste by 1,55 gr. every year.
                     We’ve became better at using
                                                                   By reducing corporate cars by
                     this to improve all parameters
                                                                   12%, mileage will decline by
                     and keep control of our processes
                                                                   48,000 km, counting for a CO2
                     that can impact sustainability.
                                                                   reduction of 8.800 kg every year.

                     We’ve been continuing to invest in new
                                                                   Remaining corporate cars will be
                     tools to improve ergonomics for and lay
                                                                   replaced by Ad-Blue diesel this year,

                     the foundation of further improvements
                                                                   reducing 85% of the NOx emission.
                     in energy management, including real
                     time power measurement and green
                     electricity, as well as using less plastic.   NORTH AMERICA                                reduction in
                     We’ve also committed to achieving
                                                                                                               corporate cars

                     our target for community hours, and           North America has reduced their
                     have organised an arts workshop at Le         air travel by 23% in 2019. There has
                     Mans Hospital, blood donations, and           been an increased use of video
                     offered support to unemployed people.         and phone conferencing, as well
                                                                   as having more meetings at the
                     •   Le Mans site has continued its long-      site to reduce overall travel.
                         term partnership with ‘Le Mans
                         Hospital’ and ‘La Ligue Contre le         The new distribution centre and offices

                         Cancer’ creating monthly Fine Art         are much more efficient than the
                         workshops for people with cancer.         old site from a utilities point of view.
                                                                   There were some dual running costs
                     •   In 2019 and 2020 Colart has               across both sites, as one closed and
                         been involved in several local            the other opened, the utility bills for

                         initiatives like, ‘Plein Champ’,          the new site were 25% lower than
                         ‘Plumes et Pinceaux’, ‘Puls’Art’ or
                         ‘Journée Mans’Art’ in partnership
                                                                   the old site. This has been achieved       Mileage reduced by
                                                                   through many ways including high
                         with Le Mans City Town Hall. As
                         well, Colart will be partnering
                         with the new Contemporary
                                                                   efficiency LED lighting with motion
                                                                   sensors, more natural lighting, high
                                                                   efficiency heating ventilation and air
                         Art Center (FIAA), which will be          conditioning systems, with sensors and
                         opening in 2020 in Le Mans.               low flow water saving plumbing.
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