Sustainability Report 2019 - - SOS International
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1 Statement from the CEO Sustainable and responsible business practice has In 2020, I expect a continued focus on our agile digital been a part of our business conduct for several years. transformation that enables our employees to do In 2017, SOS International joined the UN Global Com- more of what they do good – helping people on behalf pact, hereby committing to report our progress on of our customers. The foundation of our position as a implementing the 10 principles in our strategy and trusted assistance partner is built upon safeguarding operations. the knowledge and competencies of our employees and evolving the relationships with our suppliers all SOS International have further selected six SDGs around the world. We believe the agile transformation where we believe we can have the greatest impact, will contribute to further strengthen our position as and which will direct our continual strive to conduct the most trusted assistance partner. responsible and sustainable business practice. We believe that acting as a responsible organisation is This is our Sustainability Report where we account for the right thing to do and a coherent effort will ensure a our continual improvement of our three sustainability sustainable development in line with our business. focus areas; 1) People & Health 2) Climate & Environ- ment and 3) Ethics & Security. I hope you will enjoy our Sustainability Report. The report includes our communication on progress Niels Krag Printz to the UN Global Compact as well as our mandatory CEO, SOS International reporting in accordance with article 99a and 99b of the Danish Financial Statements Act. The report complements our Annual Report which covers our financial performance. 2 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 3 / 24
2 3 SOS International How SOS International Company Overview works with Sustainability SOS International has participated in the UN Global SOS International has identified and decided to start Compact since 2017 and the 10 principles are inte- working with the UN SDGs to support and focus our grated in our three areas of focus: People & Health, sustainable business conduct. Based on an assess- Climate & Environment and Ethics & Security. In 2019, ment of our sustainability related risks, six SDGs were the vision for SOS International stays the same – identified with consideration for where the company “SOS International wants to be perceived as the most can have an impact and where our business can trusted assistance partner”. contribute to mitigate negative effects and where our business model already have a positive impact. To ensure this perception, SOS International is com- mitted beyond national legislation. Consequently, in SDG number 3: ‘Good Health and well-being’ the daily business conduct SOS International wants encompasses the business model of the three to contribute to mitigate climate change, ensure divisions in SOS International: Mobility, Healthcare gender equality, decent work and labor rights for all and Travelcare and our mission to help people on workers as well as substantially reduce corruption behalf of our customers. and bribery in all forms. The five other SDGs are related to our three defined areas of focus and will contribute to our continual development. SOS International wants to focus on doing more of the things we do good as well as strengthen performance in the areas where improve- ment is wished for. SOS International was established in 1961 and is now owned by 13 of the largest insurance companies in the Nordic. SOS International is one of the leading assistance the customers as a trusted partner and aims to provide organisations in the Nordic region. From alarm the optimal end-user experience while taking the centres in Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, total cost for the customers into account. As a trusted SOS International provides acute assistance all over partner quality and compliance are also key parame- the world, night and day, all year round. ters. SOS International has a comprehensive network of qualified suppliers and partners all over the world, SOS International offers a wide range of solutions in and six strategic partner offices in high volume areas. the form of worldwide medical and travel assistance as Counting more than 1200 employees, SOS Interna- well as roadside assistance and healthcare solutions. tional represents 30 nationalities and combined the SOS International supports the SOS International secures the value chain on behalf of employees speak more than 37 different languages. Sustainable Development Goals 4 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 5 / 24
4 5 Sustainability Governance overview People & Health Foundation CSR Signature Area CSR Committee In accordance with our existing initiatives, SOS Employees working at SOS International is the International has identified two SDGs and related core of our business of providing assistance and targets that mirror our continual effort to mitigate SOS International naturally sees a safe and healthy the risk of limited employee diversity and the risk of working environment as a fundament for the People & sickness and injuries within our sustainability focus success of our business. Health area People & Health: Corporate CSR committee SOS International welcomes diversity. SOS Inter- national cares for, respects, understands and com- 5.5: Ensure women’s full and municates with end-users in more than 30 different UN Global Compact effective participation and equal languages all over the world everyday 24/7 and is · Human Rights Climate & opportunities for leadership at proud of the more than 1200 people choosing to · Labour Environment work at SOS International. all levels of decision-making in · Environment political, economic and public life · Anti-corruption As part of our respect for diversity and caring for the wellbeing of our employees, SOS International is fully Corporate 8.5: By 2030, achieve full and committed to uphold human rights and labor rights in Ethics & CSR activities productive employment and compliance with the UN Global Compact principles 1 Security decent work for all women and to 6. These efforts are manifested in our: men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and • Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct equal pay for work of equal value • Gender Equality Policy • Personal Data Policy 8.8: Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working • Strive for equal opportunities for everyone Our corporate strategy outlines our common strive SOS International has a corporate CSR committee with environments for all workers, • Proactive approach in creating a healthy and safe to remain the most trusted assistance partner and representatives from each of the Nordic locations, including migrant workers, in work environment includes an underlying attention on sustainability as who work to implement and continuously improve our particular women migrants, and • Proactive approach to preventing incidents a foundation for our future performance. Our cor- sustainability performance. A central element for the those in precarious employment in our services. porate Policies and our Code of Conduct, Supplier committee is to communicate and ensure employee Code of Conduct and Information Security Code of engagement regarding our sustainability initiatives. Conduct are the cornerstones and platform of our A stakeholder analysis and stakeholder engagement corporate commitment to conducting business with provide the basis for our approach. respect for human rights, labor rights, the environ- Mitigating risk of limited diversity ment and anti-corruption. At SOS International the In the following chapters it will be elaborated how the Compliance Board is responsible for overseeing the overall governance structure applies to our selected In SOS International the Gender Equality Policy • Has defined objectives for equal distribution of governance structure that ensures policy compliance areas of focus, by demonstrating the identified risks directs our effort to create equal opportunities in both genders at management level. and that polices and principles leading the business and the policies that entail mitigating actions and how leadership as well as in operational business conduct. • Ensures that the objectives are considered in the conduct are relevant and ambitious. this aligns with our identification of six selected SDGs. To mitigate the risk of limited employee diversity and SOS Corporate Recruitment Policy to secure a long line of different competencies and • Makes career opportunities visible for all employees The UN Global Compact 10 principles are embedded position SOS International as a company with high in our way of doing business, caring for our employ- diversity and equal opportunities for everyone, ees and the climate as well as in the cooperation with SOS International: suppliers and in consideration of the development of our future service palette. 6 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 7 / 24
SOS International is in balance In 2019, SOS International have re-identified the Gender compostion of new hires 2019 Our targets and latest results related to our Gender Equality Policy targets for gender composition throughout the organisation. We want to work with a balanced gender composition approach to enhance the importance of the right set of competencies and diversity. This 46% Level 0: Board level men 100% approach will direct the need for continual work with maintaining a diverse working environment and equal 54% 75% opportunities for everyone. Men women Women The target for gender composition on Board Level 50% Upper target for is seen as in balance when between 25-40%. SOS underrepresented 25% gender by 2023: 40% International continually work to meet this target by 2023. The owners choose their own representative Lower target for 15% 25% 25% 25% 25% underrepresented at the General Meeting election, while four of the 0% gender by 2023: 25% members are chosen by the SOS International In order to achieve our policy goals and ensure the 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 employees. The four SOS representatives are not employment of the best-qualified people, a number to be included in the estimation according to §99b of actions are carried out: in FSA. The gender composition is hence relying on the representatives of the owners and SOS Inter- • Internal targets for the share of the underrepre- national is therefore not fully able to influence the sented gender is set. Level 1: Group Management 100% gender composition of the members. • Make an effort to make SOS International attrac- tive to managers of all genders, encourag- The target for gender composition in Group Manage- ing equal opportunities for career development. 75% Men ment is in balance when between 33-40%. We meet • Establish requirements for gender representation Women this target with 33% in 2019, as we have done in the in recruitment procedures; we go for the best 50% Upper target for four consecutive years. A new hire of a CIO in 2019 candidate regardless of gender. balanced gender 25% composition 40% has been done with consideration of both genders, • Ensure equal pay for all genders who undertake but the final decision has been based on the right set the same job/have the same responsibilities. Lower target for 40% 33% 33% 33% 33% balanced gender of competencies. • Ensure that recruitment agencies present candi- 0% composition 33% dates of all genders. 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 On the level 2-4 of other managers, SOS Interna- tional remains within the balanced target between 45-60% in 2019, as we did in 2018. SOS International sees a continual balanced Level 2-4: Other managers 100% employee composition in new hires in 2019 as dis- played below. The gender composition for all new 75% hires is calculated with no regard for employee/ Men management level in the organisation. Women 50% Upper target for balanced gender 25% composition 60% Lower target for 45% 43% 60% 53% 51% balanced gender 0% composition 45% 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 8 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 9 / 24
Healthy and safe work environment Mitigating risk of sickness and injuries These initiatives are adding to strengthen our TCO – The lifecycle perspective Painting for the future Prevention of sickness and injuries for SOS Inter- working environment which is measured during our Along with the continual initiatives to minimise MI-free painting has been used on every surface in national’s employees is pivotal for the sustainable annual Employee Engagement Survey (EES). In 2019, sickness and injuries for the people working at SOS the office in Aarhus as well as in Oslo. This serves to development of our business. To reduce sickness and SOS International has come closer to our 2020 goal International, a new workspace concept was rolled reduce the toxic steams from regular painting, which injuries, SOS International has a catalogue of various of a satisfaction score of 71. The survey shows a 90% out in 2019 with focus on the Total Cost of Ownership will reduce the risk of developing allergies. By using initiatives and offers available to the employees. In response rate and an overall satisfaction score on 70, (TCO). SOS International hereby refers to the cost of MI-free painting SOS International invests in our 2019, “Health day/week” was introduced as part of hereby seeing a valid picture and a further improved procurement, maintenance, and disposal of a given employee’s wellbeing. our strategic goal to be a healthy organisation. Across work environment compared to 2018. Based on our product as well as the environmental impact from our Nordic offices, SOS International encouraged EES, each department creates a list of actions in production to disposal. Public transportation employees to engage in physical activity during the order to ensure continual focus on employee satis- A key criterion for the selection of the new locations work day and made room for joint experiences that faction. In 2020, SOS International will keep up the In 2019, the workspace concept where implemented has been easy access to public transportation as SOS bring mental energy. The initiatives during the week work to focus on reaching our 2020 ambition. in two relocations of local offices (Aarhus and Oslo). International wish to support sustainable transporta- have led to more work day movement and a focus on Among other goals a contributory cause of the tion in line with our Travel Policy and make it easy for the possibility of choosing Walk and Talk instead of relocations was to improve the work environment of employees to choose sustainable transportation. traditional meetings. This focus will continue in 2020. employees at SOS. Employee Engagement Workspace design Survey Results Procurement A part of the new workspace design is to ensure scal- 72% In the moving process at the Aarhus office, SOS ability as the number of employees varies during the Examples of actions initiated to prevent 70% International has balanced between reusing exist- year due to peak seasons, why effective utilisation of sickness and injury: 68% ing office tables and thereby reducing our climate space is crucial. This means that SOS International 66% impact or choosing new tables that will reduce our has considered multifunctionality when designing the • “Duty of Care” initiatives with a broad range of power consumption in the long run. SOS selected work space. E.g. that meeting rooms close to the alarm 64% security measures for employees and relevant 65% 68% 68% 70% new furniture for the office, not only upgrading the centre can easily be converted to work stations or that 62% consultants travelling abroad. working areas by reducing noise but also selected our classroom for high-season training also functions 2016 2017 2018 2019 • Employee councils with local representatives. with attention to future disposal and future reduc- as regular work stations during the high season. • Workplace risk assessments. tion in power consumption. • SOSialise – Nordic employee organisation arranging social and sport events. • First aid training offered to employees • Safety measures such as available defibrillators both inside and outside our office buildings. • Numerous employee offers including flu vaccines and smoking cessation training • Health checks for employees working night shifts. 10 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 11 / 24
6 Climate & Environment SOS International has conducted an environmental Travelcare and Healthcare Division. At SOS Interna- impact assessment and found that our continual focus tional the Environmental Strategy guides the daily to mitigate risk of negative impact on the climate and business conduct with regards to responsible and environment has the greatest impact in our Mobility sustainable practice throughout the organisation. Division. In compliance with UN Global Compact prin- Here, SOS International states how our effort to ciple 7 to 9, SOS International sets targets, develops mitigate negative influence on the climate and envi- our services and technologies to encourage greater ronment is employed in how SOS International: environmental responsibility. SOS International has identified two SDGs, 12: Responsible consumption • Measures and monitors our carbon footprint and and production, and SDG 13: Climate Action, that continually works to make data measurable in will respectively contribute to our continual efforts order to improve our green accounts further to mitigate negative impact on the environment and • On an ongoing basis, improves our waste disposal climate as stated in our Environmental Strategy, arrangements and ensures the safe handling of Travel Policy and in our Environmental Policy in our chemicals Mobility Division. • Develops services and products according to our environmental impact assessment 12.5: By 2030, substantially In the following it is described how SOS International reduce waste generation has seen progress on the above-mentioned parameters through prevention, reduction, in 2019. SOS International is working on establishing recycling and reuse grounds for performing even better in the future, while 12.6: Encourage companies, still meeting the demands of our customers. especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into Energy consumption their reporting cycle Employee engagement The corporate Green Accounts at SOS International 13.3: Improve education, has been a focus area in 2019. Due to the relocation of Christmas gift 2019 awareness-raising and human two offices, SOS International has had the opportunity The backbone of SOS International is helping people, hereby helping marginalised women in Africa. This new and institutional capacity on to estimate the total cost of ownership for establishing and in 2019 a new model for the annual Christmas gift model is a pilot and part of our sustainable develop- climate change mitigation, separate reporting devices and negotiate on how SOS adaptation, impact reduction has reflected this overall purpose. ment, therefore not set in stone. International measures CO2 emissions from electricity and early warning and heat. As there is no comparable data for two con- The employees have been engaged in actively In 2020, SOS International will continue to develop initi- secutive years, the reporting on these numbers will be choosing between a charitable gift from the NGUVU atives that engage our employees in active sustainable postponed for the Sustainability report for 2020. SOS initiative or to donate the amount of their present to decisions, to create awareness as well as encourage In 2019, SOS International was recertified in the ISO International have seen a insignificant increase in total Save the Children with SOS International adding up adoption of environmentally conscious behavior. 14001 standard for Environmental Management in the ton of CO2 emissions from heat and electricity in the the donation with 100%. Mobility Division, which serves as a platform for our Copenhagen office in 2019. environmental performance and continual progress in 15% of the employees at SOS International chose to reducing the company’s carbon footprint. In 2019, SOS International is further able to report donate their present and 85% of the employees chose on data from the Stockholm office, where we see a to support the NGUVU initiative “The African Basket”, Whereas the certification applies only to our Mobility significant decrease in total C2 ton from electricity Division, SOS International’s efforts also include our consumption. 12 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 13 / 24
Business travel CPH: Total CO2 ton from STO: CO2 ton from SOS International continues to work in compliance Total CO2 ton from energy consumption electricity consumption with our Travel Policy, with focus on using video business travel conferencing when possible. The evidence is trace- 250 400 47 able in the decrease in total ton of CO2 emissions 200 from business travel from 2018 to 2019. This effort 300 46 150 will continue in 2020. In 2019, SOS International has 200 100 45 also rolled out a cost handling App, Acubiz One, to 100 form a better control environment on how travel 50 44 371 227 256 307 213 expenses for business travel is spent. This will fur- 0 229 208 198 214 224 46 45 0 43 ther contribute to create awareness on corporate 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2018 2019 travel conduct and grounds for future initiatives to reduce the company carbon footprint. Waste management SOS International aims at reduceing pollution and the Stockholm office. This show an 5% increase in CO2 emissions from waste production through waste recycled waste. In 2020 the focus on expanding the sorting. The waste disposal arrangements at the waste management system will continue. Copenhagen office include several types of waste categories, including bio waste. In 2019, SOS Inter- This focus on waste affects the procurement choices national has strengthened the waste management of regard to biodegradable and certified products system in Copenhagen by increasing the number as well as a rise in attention to how our procurement of waste bins for creating an easy and responsible conduct in furniture, office equipment as well as IT practice for our employees to engage in. software and hardware is influencing our environ- mental performance. In 2019, at the Copenhagen office there has been an 16% increase of recycled waste. We are further able to report on data for two consecutive years in Waste management Copenhagen and Stockholm 2018 38% 54% 36% 41% 2019 CPH STO recycling recycling 14 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 15 / 24
Development of service palette Preventive and proactive services Distance treatment (index) In corporation with our customers SOS International is continually working with increasing the total amount 2016 2017 2018 of cases where the end-user is advised and guided over the phone for fixing the problem, instead of send- 100 123 148 ing out a roadside assistance vehicle. By increasing the practice of Phone Fix, this business conduct is also contributing to reducing the CO2 emissions. In 2019 the internal target for amount of phone fix in Denmark Efficient use of resources were heighted but were still met, which show a pos- During the winter high season, SOS International itive development and a reduction in CO2 emissions experiences a rise in cases where end-users need from our Mobility Division. stretcher transportation. By compiling stretcher transportations, we can send out one medical escort SOS International has continued the focus of educa- instead of one for each case and in most cases also tion of our employees on how to assist the end-users reduce CO2 emissions. This is an example of how over the phone. reducing negative impact on the climate and reduc- tion in claims cost go hand in hand. In addition to this, several new initiatives were launched during 2019 to respond to market changes. Guides for the community In terms of electrification, there has been a focus In our communication SOS International is to be an on ensuring the right competencies to meet the expert within our three business areas. We use our increasing demand for assistance on electric vehicles. competencies, experience and our accumulated data In the Oslo office SOS International has trained the to actively guide customers and end-users to foresee employees at the alarm centre to support end-users and prevent incidents when travelling aboard, for with electric vehicles when experiencing troubles with instance; charging stations. • What to consider when traveling pregnant or with Distance treatment small children In 2019, SOS International has focused on distance • How the travel patterns of Scandinavian seniors treatment as part of the psychology and physiothera- affect case costs peutic counselling services in our Healthcare Division. • Good advice for electric cars and self-drive holiday This technological opportunity meets a strengthened • How to avoid stress during your holiday demand for flexible healthcare solutions and also • How to take steps to avoid hazardous situations reduce the CO2 emission otherwise imposed by during major demonstrations abroad transportation for counseling. In 2019, SOS Inter- national has seen a positive trend in the demand for distance treatment, primary driven from Sweden, which can partially be concluded as a symptom of the great distances in the country as well as a readiness to rethink how we do and have always carried out traditional treatment. In 2020, we will proceed to improve our services within distance treatment and investigate the end- user and employee adaption for new treatment meth- ods. SOS International will plan, train and organise to meet these challenges in 2020. 16 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 17 / 24
7 Ethics & Security When it comes to business ethics, security and prin- on traffic safety for children. SOS International ciples on anti-corruption SOS International has iden- supports the preventive video about right turn tified UN SDG number 16: Peace, Justice and Strong accidents in traffic. Institutions, which will give direction for the continual effort to substantially reduce fraud within our value The Gift & Representation Policy describes how chain. Among other things, the Supplier Code of to avoid receiving or giving gifts or representation Conduct is in place to mitigate the risk of for exam- arrangements that are or could be perceived as being ple financial fraud in the supply chain and to ensure a reward in exchange for a certain service. In 2019, that SOS International continues to comply with the SOS International has continued to register gifts policy on no corruption or bribery. This reflect our and representations throughout the organisation commitment to UN Global Compact principle 10 on to secure a transparent and compliant behavior anti-corruption. throughout the company. Preventing fraud is daily business conduct 16.5: Substantially reduce To mitigate the risk of fraud SOS International has corruption and bribery in all trained its employees in detecting fraud in the case of their forms claims relating to car accidents in 2019. By flagging the specific cases where assistance coordinators pick up clues that a fraud is being committed, our assistance coordinators prepare the roadside assistance partner in our network before arriving on the site. The road- side assistance network documents the damage with photos and check that the sequence leading up Risk of fraud to the damage correlate to the evidence. This service has shown good results. SOS International will not tolerate any form of corruption or bribery. To mitigate the risk of fraud, SOS International continually works with preventive actions and governance structure to ensure com- Protection of personal data is a human right At SOS International, personal data right is a fun- pliance with principle 10 on anti-corruption, which is SOS International handles personal data on a daily damental human right and SOS International is implemented in our: basis in multiple forms and with different purposes respecting the end-user’s data security as well as across the three divisions. This entails a risk of data their ownership of their own personal data. This will • Sponsorship & Donations Policy breaches which SOS International wishes to mitigate. continue to be a central part of how SOS Interna- • Conflicts of Interest Policy In order to mitigate this risk, SOS International was tional do business in the future. • Gift & Representation Policy recertified in ISO 27001 on Information Security • Supplier Code of Conduct Management in May 2019 and continually strengthen As our service palette grow, SOS International faces our Information Security Management system to: continual demand on securing compliance with our The Sponsorship & Donations Policy underlines the Security Code of Conduct, Information Security- and importance of evaluating sponsorships and dona- • Ensure data protection by continually Personal Data Policy along with general principles and tions according to the contents of the sponsorship. improving security specific requirements according to the categories For instance, in 2019, SOS International worked with • Ensure 24/7 operation setup through resilient of information and personal data in question. Our Børneulykkesfonden in compliance with our Spon- business continuity management appointed Data Protection Officer (DPO) is responsible sorship and Donations Policy to create awareness • Mitigate information security risks for providing legal advice on GDPR and supervision on how SOS International complies with the data protec- tion regulations. 20 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 21 / 24
Training and education The onboarding program in SOS International is a key to secure compliant behavior across the whole organisation. In 2019, SOS International has focused on our performance and where improvement is possible. All new employees are currently completing mandatory compliance e-learning on topics such as: • Code of Conduct and Policies • Confidentiality • Information security • Management system • Sustainability Every year, all employees are further completing a brush-up course that insures continual awareness on the above topics and knowledge of how to act according to compliant demands every day at SOS International. In 2019, SOS International has worked on a strengthened corporate e-learning structure, hereby rising awareness on how the corporate policies are part of the everyday management of SOS Interna- tional and is embedded in how SOS International secures a structured transition of new employees joining the organisation. In 2020, SOS International will persist to evolve and strengthen the continual imple- mentation of existing corporate policies and manage- ment system in the everyday business conduct. 22 / 24 Sustainability Report 2019 / SOS International 23 / 24
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