Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap

Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
Sustainability Driven:
Accelerating Impact with the
Tire Sector SDG Roadmap

                               Tire Industry
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap

Foreword | 3

1   Executive summary | 6

2   The SDGs and the tire sector | 9

3   Impact pathways | 21

4   The road to 2030 | 43

                        Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   2
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap

           Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   3
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
   The Sustainable Development                 industry transformation on the                 that our industry continues to
   Goals (SDGs) lay out a                      road to 2030 and beyond.                       grow. We want to demonstrate
   global agenda to tackle the                                                                leadership, apply our creativity,
   world’s most pressing social,               Formed in 2005, the World                      share our knowledge and provide
   environmental and economic                  Business Council for Sustainable               innovative solutions to achieve
   challenges by 2030.                         Development’s (WBCSD) Tire                     a sustainable, resilient and
                                               Industry Project (TIP) is the                  inclusive future.
   It is well-accepted that business           primary global forum for the tire
   leadership and action are key               industry on sustainability issues.             With this Roadmap, TIP offers
   to realizing this ambitious                 TIP’s mission is to proactively                a framework for action that
   agenda. Companies that take                 identify and study the potential               outlines impactful pathways for
   an active role in leading this              human health and environmental                 the entire sector to contribute to
   transformation and position the             impacts associated with the                    the ambitions of the SDGs. The
   SDGs at the heart of operational            life cycle impacts of tires to                 Roadmap aims to guide, inform
   decisions will ultimately be better         contribute to a more sustainable               and support decision-making
   equipped to harness market                  future. With a membership                      along the value chain, encourage
   opportunities and manage risks.             of leading tire manufacturers                  stakeholder dialogue and inspire
   The Business and Sustainable                that represent more than 60%                   action-oriented initiatives among
   Development Commission’s                    of global tire manufacturing                   industry peers and beyond.
   Better Business, Better World1              capacity, TIP is well-positioned
   report makes a compelling case              to develop this Roadmap as a
   for companies to align with the             resource that the sector-at-large
   SDGs. The report outlines that              can use.                                               Tire Industry
   sustainable business models
   could unlock more than USD $12              As business leaders, we want
   trillion in new market value and            to work together with sector
   create up to 380 million jobs by            peers and other stakeholders
   2030. Furthermore, the report               to help the tire sector navigate
   emphasizes the critical role of             the sustainability challenges
   sectoral partnerships to drive              that lie ahead, and ensure

         Shu Ishibashi                    Christian Kötz                      Brad Hughes                     Richard Kramer
  Global CEO and Representative       Member of the Executive                President & CEO               Chairman, CEO & President
         Executive Officer             Board Continental AG            Cooper Tire & Rubber Company   The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
     Bridgestone Corporation          Head of Continental Tires

            Lee, So Il                     Il-Taik Jung                    Florent Menegaux              Marco Tronchetti Provera
        President & CEO                   CEO, Kumho Tire                     CEO, Michelin                     Pirelli Executive
Hankook Tire & Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                          Vice Chairman & CEO

       Satoru Yamamoto                   Takashi Shimizu                   Masataka Yamaishi
       President and CEO,                President & CEO               Yokohama President, Chairman
    Representative Director            Toyo Tire Corporation                  of the Board
 Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd.

                                                      Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   4
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
The Roadmap translates the industry’s vision for sustainable mobility into
action, leveraging TIP’s 15 years of success to identify key opportunities
to positively impact people and society as a whole. The tire industry and its
stakeholders have high expectations for the Roadmap and the future that –
together – it will help us create.
Shu Ishibashi
Global CEO and Representative Executive Officer, Bridgestone Corporation

TIP members value the opinions of stakeholders. The Roadmap reflects this,
with actions shaped through consultation with industry, non-governmental
organizations, international organizations and other groups that have roles to
play in improving the sustainability of the tire value chain.
Richard Kramer
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President, Goodyear

The Roadmap aims to become a key reference for any tire-value-chain
stakeholder that aspires to sustainable business. For people and planet, the
Roadmap offers inspirational actions and case studies toward a future of
sustainable mobility.
Florent Menegaux
Chief Executive Officer, Michelin

                                       Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   5
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
1   Executive summary

            Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   6
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
1        Executive summary
Since their launch in 2015, the             the transition to a low-carbon,              production) mapping against the
17 Sustainable Development                  resilient and resource-efficient             Roadmap actions most frequently
Goals (SDGs) and the 169 time-              economy, in line                             (Figure 1).
bound targets underpinning                  with the SDGs.
them have provided all                                                                   IMPACT PATHWAYS
stakeholders – the private sector           APPROACH                                     We identified seven opportunities
included – with a lens through              TIP followed the three-step                  to maximize positive impact and
which to translate global needs             process outlined in WBCSD’s                  minimize negative impact across
and ambitions into business                 SDG Sector Roadmap Guidelines                three main themes: supply chain,
solutions. Companies and                    to explore, articulate and realize           operations, and products and
sectors that apply their creativity         a shared vision for the sector               services (Table 1). We developed
and innovation to develop these             to contribute to the SDGs.                   impact pathways for each
solutions will be in a position to          This process brought member                  opportunity with a series
better manage risks, anticipate             companies together to identify               of actions.
consumer demand, capture                    how the tire sector interacts
growth markets and strengthen                                                            ROAD TO 2030
                                            with the SDGs across the value               Achieving the SDGs is beyond
supply chains in line with the              chain; areas where the sector
sustainability needs outlined by                                                         the reach of any one company
                                            can have the most significant                and TIP members recognize
the SDGs.                                   impact; and key actions to scale             the integral role they have in
                                            and accelerate contributions                 driving forward the actions in
                                            to the SDGs. We consulted a                  this Roadmap. TIP’s own work
In an effort to drive the
                                            range of global stakeholders                 program will have the Roadmap at
transformation needed to
                                            from industry associations,                  its core, including a commitment
achieve the SDGs, the 11
                                            non-profits and subject                      to develop additional indicators
member companies of the Tire
                                            matter experts throughout the                to measure progress by 2023 and
Industry Project (TIP), which
                                            development process.                         to produce a progress report by
operates under the umbrella
of World Business Council for               PRIORITY SDGs                                2026 to reflect advancements
the Sustainable Development                 The tire sector interacts with all           and optimize delivery. We
(WBCSD), came together to                   17 SDGs; however, this Roadmap               encourage all members of the
develop Sustainability Driven:              focuses on areas where the                   sector (including those who
Accelerating Impact with a Tire             sector has the greatest potential            are not members of TIP), along
Sector SDG Roadmap. The                     to lead, influence and accelerate            with customers, consumers,
Roadmap presents a series of                action to make progress on                   suppliers, governments, academia
ambitious impact pathways                   the 2030 Agenda. As such,                    and NGOs, to engage with
outlining how the sector can                we identified eight SDGs as                  the Roadmap. In addition, we
contribute to the 2030 Agenda.              priorities and where the sector              encourage interested parties to
The Roadmap is intended to                  can have the highest impact                  contact TIP with questions and
be an inspirational tool that               through multi-stakeholder                    ideas on how to initiate projects
the sector can use to build a               action - with SDG 8 (decent work             or strengthen partnerships to
unified response to sustainability          and economic growth) and 12                  accelerate SDG impact.
challenges, while navigating                (responsible consumption and

Figure 1: SDG impact - We identified eight SDGs as priorities and where the sector can have the highest impacts; we identified
SDG 8 and 12 the most frequently.

                                                  Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap    7
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
Table 1: Impact opportunities - Identifying pathways for action

      THEME                                                       IMPACT OPPORTUNITY

                        1. Accelerate and scale activities to achieve a fair, equitable and environmentally sound natural rubber
                           value chain – including ensuring decent work and upholding human rights.

  Supply chain
                        2. Implement sustainable procurement practices and establish environmental, social and governance
                           (ESG) responsibilities throughout the supply chain, including the promotion of transparency and

                        3. Develop pathways to decarbonize operations, reduce emissions and ensure the sustainable use of
                           natural resources.

                        4. Ensure safe and inclusive working environments and equal opportunities for all employees.

                        5. Further leverage multi-stakeholder efforts to achieve evidence-based solutions that address tire and
                           road wear particles (TRWP).

  Products and          6. Accelerate the sustainable mobility transition by raising awareness of the impact of user behavior,
  services                 designing connected and intelligent tires, and providing innovative digital solutions.

                        7. Advance innovation in product, service and business model design to enhance low-carbon and
                           circular solutions while ensuring sustainable management of end-of-life tires (ELT) around the world.

                                                   Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap     8
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
2   The SDGs and the tire sector

             Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   9
Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap
2      The SDGs and the tire sector
2.1 INTRODUCTION                   critical role to play in realizing         optimize impact by 2030.
                                   SDG-related opportunities                  The Roadmap aims to guide
Adopted unanimously by the         that overcome obstacles and                focused action and provides a
United Nations (UN) in 2015, the   scale solutions.                           means to communicate relevant
17 SDGs provide a blueprint to                                                sustainability activities and
                                   Against this background, it is             initiatives to key stakeholders.
ensure peace and prosperity for    crucial that companies identify
people and the planet, now and     ways in which they can innovate
into the future.                                                                  The 2020 UN Sustainable
                                   and drive meaningful action in
                                                                                  Development Goals
In recognition of the need for     their own operations and value
                                                                                  Report2 highlights the
an extraordinary leap forward      chains. In its Better Business,
                                                                                  progress made in a
to realize the ambitious SDG       Better World1 report, the Business
                                                                                  number of areas since
targets, the UN called for a       and Sustainable Development
                                                                                  the launch of the SDGs
“Decade of Action” in 2020.        Commission recommends that
                                                                                  in 2015. In particular,
Achieving the 169 targets by       players in all industries produce
                                                                                  it highlights progress
2030 will require stakeholders     detailed roadmaps – to further
                                                                                  such as expanding
to work together to transform      guide sectors and companies
                                                                                  access to electricity
economic and social systems        toward sustainability in line with
                                                                                  (SDG 7) and increasing
that can respond to the            the SDGs.
                                                                                  women’s representation
ever-changing landscape            The 11 TIP member companies                    in government (SDG 5).
of megatrends and global           have joined efforts to develop this            However, overall progress
challenges, including those like   Roadmap, to explore, articulate                has not advanced at the
the COVID-19 pandemic.             and ultimately realize the potential           speed or scale required to
                                   of the sector to drive innovation              achieve the SDGs by
The SDGs provide a ready-
                                   that will significantly contribute to          2030 – and in some areas
made, universal framework
                                   the SDG agenda.                                there has been regression.
that all stakeholders – the
                                                                                  For instance, global
private sector included – can      The Roadmap identifies areas                   economic growth has
use to renew and focus their       where the sector can have                      slowed (SDG 8), income
efforts to achieve social and      the most impact on the SDGs                    equality is falling in some
environmental progress. As an      by maximizing those that                       countries (SDG 10) and the
engine of economic growth and      are positive and minimizing                    global material footprint has
employment, a source of finance    negative impacts and explores                  increased (SDG 12).
and a driver of technology and     key ways to accelerate and
innovation, business has a

                                        Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   10
2.2 THE TIRE SECTOR                           Mobility innovations such                      For the purposes of this
VALUE CHAIN                                   as clean, connected and                        Roadmap, “the tire sector” refers
                                              autonomous vehicles have                       to all companies worldwide
Tires keep the world moving.                  transformed transport systems;                 that are engaged directly in
The tire sector and its value                 and the rise of fleets, shared                 manufacturing tires or related
chain have a vital role in creating           mobility and mass transit will                 products and services, including
a future with environmentally                 lead to further business model                 tire installation, maintenance
friendly, safe, efficient and                 transformation across                          and repair, retreading and
accessible mobility for all. The              the value chain.                               fleet monitoring.
sector continues to research and                                                             These companies operate in
                                              These mobility trends present
develop products and services                                                                different ways across the full
                                              new opportunities for the tire
that contribute to improved safety                                                           range of the value chain, from
                                              sector to develop products and
and environmental performance,                                                               raw material production and
                                              services that minimize negative
including increased wet grip,                                                                sourcing, through design and
                                              impacts, protect the environment,
improved tread wear, and reduced                                                             manufacturing, to customer use
                                              promote social progress, and
rolling resistance.                                                                          and end-of-life options (Figure 2).
                                              support economic growth.

Figure 2: The tire sector value chain and its stages

                                                       Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   11
Figure 3 provides an overview of key industry statistics, and Figures 4 and 5 reveal the composition and
internal structure of tires typically used for passenger vehicles or light trucks.

Figure 3: The global tire industry at-a-glance (approximate figures, 2019)

                         USD $167                                                                                               740,000
                          ANNUAL GLOBAL TIRE SALES
                                                                                                                             PRODUCTION WORKERS IN TIRE
                                                                                                                           MANUFACTURING PLANTS GLOBALLY

                                                                                             $4 billion
   1.7 billion                                                                              YEARLY INVESTMENT IN
                                                                                          RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT

                                                     1.5 billion
                                                                    +   198 million
                                                                        truck and
                                                     and light          bus tires
                                                     trucks tires

               25% supplied to original          75% supplied to the
               equipment manufacturers           replacement market

    A total global
    workforce of more than         950,000

         22%                              5%                              25%                              37%                         11%

    North America             Latin America          Europe             Asia          rest of the world
Source: Tire sales in USD, number of employees, R&D investment - Tire Business, 2020; Tires produced, regional sales - LMC, 2020

Figure 4: Tire composition - A representation of the material composition of a typical passenger vehicle or light truck tire.
The composition of tires differs according to tire type and tire application.

                                                                                          26% Fillers

                                                                                         14% Antioxidants, antiozonants,
                                                                                             curing systems

                                                                                          19% Natural rubber

                                                                                          24% Synthetic polymers

                                                                                          12% Steel

                                                                                          4% Textile

Adapted from U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA)

                                                       Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap            12
Figure 5: Tire structure - A representation of the structural composition of a typical passenger vehicle or light truck tire.
The structural composition of tires differs according to tire type and tire application.



      Body ply

  Inner liner

                                                                                                                       Bead filler


          Tread                                        Belts                                     Body ply
   Tread rubber compound and tread              Belts with steel cords laid at opposing    Body plies are typically comprised of
   pattern provide grip for traction and        angles provide stability to the tread      polyester, rayon or nylon cords within
   abrasion resistance against treadwear.       area of the tire and contributes to        a rubber layer. Body plies contribute to
                                                managing wear, handling and traction       giving structure to the tire and provide
                                                performance.                               strength to contain inflation pressure.

          Inner liner                                  Bead                                      Sidewall

   A rubber compound used to retain the         Tire bead bundles are usually strands      A rubber compound used to cover the
   inflation pressure inside the tire.          of wire and work to secure the tire to     body plies on the sides of the tire that
                                                the wheel.                                 provides abrasion, scuff and weather-
                                                                                           ing resistance.

          Bead filler

   A rubber compound wrapped around
   the bead to tune ride and handling

Adapted from U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA)

                                                       Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap         13
2.3 SUSTAINABILITY                        sustainable development                   to sustainability. Here are some
MILESTONES AND                            progress within the industry. TIP’s       TIP examples that indicate
MEGATRENDS                                work to improve understanding             how members of the sector
                                          of potential human health and             have worked to understand
TIP has been operating for more           environmental impacts of tires            and address potential life cycle
than 15 years. Prior to the SDGs,         throughout their life cycle is an         impacts of tires (Figure 6).
several key milestones influenced         example of the sector’s approach

Figure 6: TIP sustainability milestones


                                                                                           The creation of TIP and work
                                                                                           streams dedicated to building and
                                                                                           sharing scientific knowledge on the
                                                                                           potential impacts of tires
                                                                                           throughout their life cycle.

 Publication of TIP’s first report on
 global end-of-life tire (ELT)
 management, offering a global
 state of knowledge on regulation,
 management systems and
 impacts of recovery and                                                                       2010
 technologies. TIP continues to
                                                                                            Publication of the first of a growing
 report on global ELT
                                                                                            body of TIP-sponsored peer-
 management, issuing updated
                                                                                            reviewed scientific studies
 reports in 2010, 2018 and 2019.
                                                                                            focused on tire and road wear
                                                                                            particles (TRWP). Between 2010
                                                                                            and 2020, 11 TIP-sponsored
    2014                                                                                    studies have been published in
 Supported the publication of the                                                           scientific journals.
 Organisation for Economic
 Co-operation and Development
 (OECD) Nanotechnology and
 Tyres: Greening Industry and
 Transport report and committed to
 continued cooperation with the                                                             Publication of the first annual
 OECD on this topic.                                                                        environmental key performance
                                                                                            indicators (KPIs) by TIP, providing a
                                                                                            common set of measurements
                                                                                            that can be used to assist
                                                                                            individual company efforts to
    2017                                                                                    improve tire manufacturing
                                                                                            environmental performance.
 Publication of Product Category                                                            Regularly updated with new annual
 Rules (PCR) for preparing an                                                               statistics, 2020 saw publication of
 Environmental Product                                                                      the fourth edition of the report.
 Declaration (EPD) for tires. A first
 of its kind, the PCR is technically
 comprehensive, global in scope,
 and enables consistency in                                                                    2018
 evaluation of the potential                                                                Initiation and launch of the Global
 environmental impacts of tires.                                                            Platform for Sustainable Natural
                                                                                            Rubber (GPSNR) – a
                                                                                            stakeholder-driven platform that
                                                                                            aims to drive sustainability in the
    2020                                                                                    natural rubber value chain.

  TIP coordinates expert tire-sector
  contribution to an OECD report
  on approaches for more
  sustainable nanomaterials and
  nano-enabled products.

                                                                                           TIP launches Sustainability Driven:
                                                                                           Accelerating Impact with the Tire
                                                                                           Sector SDG Roadmap, outlining how
                                                                                           the sector- at-large can contribute to
                                                                                           the sustainability agenda.

                                              Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap           14
Despite continued sustainability                    business community, four are                       This Roadmap is a tool that the
progress, megatrends (trends                        particularly relevant to the tire                  sector can use to build a unified
that have an effect on a global                     sector within the wider context of                 response to these megatrends
scale) encompassing significant                     sustainable development. These                     while navigating the transition
environmental, social, economic                     megatrends are drawn from                          to a low-carbon, resilient and
or technological changes have                       expert stakeholder interviews,                     resource-efficient economy
the potential to disrupt business                   research and workshops that                        in line with the SDGs. Table 2
and society as a whole and                          took place during the Roadmap’s                    summarizes the megatrends
will likely continue to do so                       development and were used to                       most integral to the sustainability
for decades to come. Of the                         inform the development of the                      context for the sector.
key megatrends presenting                           Roadmap’s impact pathways.
significant challenges for the

Table 2: Sustainability megatrends and their potential impact on the tire sector

                    MEGATREND                                                            IMPACT ON THE SECTOR

                                                            Burgeoning populations in emerging markets and increased urbanization globally
               Circular innovation to tackle                are encouraging a rise in mobility. The resource challenges that can result from
               resource scarcity                            growing demand present the opportunity for the emergence of new business
                                                            models such as those based on the circular economy.

                                                            Progress to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, adapting to the physical
               Climate and nature crises to
                                                            impacts of climate change and halting biodiversity loss remains slow and
               accelerate the low-carbon energy
                                                            insufficient. However, new regulations, investor pressure and citizen power have
                                                            created momentum to which the business community must respond.

                                                            Rapid digitalization and automation across industries is driving improved
                                                            productivity, efficiency and safety – but could lead to widespread and disruptive
                                                            implications for employment and workforce skills if not appropriately managed.
                                                            Technologies, including artificial intelligence, internet of things and 5G, alongside
               Industry 4.0 to allow systems
                                                            autonomous, connected and electric vehicles, offer significant opportunities to
                                                            organizations ready to embrace them. The adoption of such technologies must
                                                            come with efforts to address rising cybersecurity and data privacy concerns
                                                            and to manage the potential environmental impacts from material and energy

                                                            Rising inequality is driving continued dissatisfaction with current political and
               Human rights, safety, well-being             economic models and global civil protests on issues relating to diversity and
               and equal opportunities – across             inclusion. Companies are increasingly expected to take strong positions on
               the value chain – are essential to           human rights and other social issues – including protecting employee well-
               building resilience                          being, promoting workplace safety and improving supply chain due diligence and
                                                            transparency – to ensure long-term business resilience.

                                                       Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap                  15
2.4 THE ROADMAP                         Acknowledging that all SDGs are            articulate and realize a shared
DEVELOPMENT PROCESS                     important and interconnected,              vision for their industry to
                                        this Roadmap aims to focus on              contribute to the SDGs.
The tire sector, as a sustainable       where it can maximize impact by            The 12-month development
mobility actor, has a unique role       identifying the areas where the            process for this Roadmap
in enabling sustainable transport       sector has the greatest ability            brought together industry
solutions that are essential to         to lead, influence and                     experts and diverse stakeholders
achieving the 17 SDGs. TIP              accelerate actions.                        to develop impact pathways
members have developed this                                                        through the three main steps
                                        TIP applied the WBCSD’s SDG                outlined in Figure 7.
Roadmap for the tire sector and         Sector Roadmap Guidelines,3 a
its stakeholders in view of the         framework that leads companies
challenges and opportunities            from the same sector through a
presented by sustainable                systematic process to explore,

Figure 7: Roadmap development process

                                        Identify key opportunities
  Establish current position     1                                        2           Call to action            3
                                        for impact

  Understanding the sector’s            Where and how the sector can have          Inspiring and engaging sector peers,
  interactions with the wider SDG       the most significant impact in             value chain partners and others who
  agenda and which SDGs it can          realizing the SDGs                         can help deliver success
  impact the most

  Step 1. Establish current position    Step 2. Identify key                       Step 3. Call to action
  Through TIP member and external       opportunities for impact                   TIP consulted key tire sector
  stakeholder interviews, literature    A series of virtual workshops and          stakeholders throughout the
  review, corporate disclosure review   deep-dive calls with subject matter        Roadmap development process
  and SDGs value chain mapping, TIP     experts identified where and how the       to ensure the capturing of diverse
  explored the sector’s interactions    sector can make the most significant       perspectives to appropriately
  with the wider SDGs agenda and        contribution to the SDGs. The result       reflect the sector. Section 4, Road
  which SDGs the tire industry can      of this is a series of impact pathways     to 2030, outlines how sector
  impact the most.                      presenting opportunities where             peers and partners can engage
                                        the sector can minimize negative           with the Roadmap and how TIP
                                        impact and maximize positive impact        plans to catalyze impact through
                                        alongside actions to help achieve          implementation of the Roadmap.
                                        each opportunity.

                                             Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   16
Based on this three-step                      impact through collective                 consumption and production)
process, TIP identified 8 SDGs                multi-stakeholder action. SDG             map against the Roadmap
as those where the sector has                 8 (decent work and economic               actions most frequently
the potential to have the highest             growth) and 12 (responsible               (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Priority SDGs for the tire sector

The impact pathways also                      All impact opportunities                  The SDG targets with the most
support the achievement of                    and actions need inclusive                direct links are highlighted
other SDGs, most notably                      partnerships and collaborations           to help further focus SDG
SDG 11 (sustainable cities and                to succeed; and the importance            prioritization but this does not
communities) and SDG 15 (life                 of scaling action in developing           indicate that this SDG target has
on land). In addition, while SDG              countries is also recognized.             the most opportunity for impact.
17 (partnerships for the goals)                                                         Figure 9 presents a summary
was not specifically identified as            The impact pathways described             of the targets against the eight
a priority goal for the sector, it is a       in Section 3 map each action              priority SDGs.
recurring theme throughout                    against the SDG targets where
this Roadmap.                                 there is the greatest potential
                                              to contribute.

                                                  Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   17
Figure 9: Identified priority SDGs and targets with the greatest potential for tire sector contributions


                         By 2030, halve the number of global deaths and
                         injuries from road traffic accidents.


                         By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education
                         and ensure equal access to all levels of education
                         and vocational training for the vulnerable,
                         including persons with disabilities, indigenous
                         peoples, and children in vulnerable situations.


                         Ensure women’s full and effective participation
                         and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels
                         of decision-making in political, economic and
                         public life.


                         By 2030, substantially increase water-use
                         efficiency across all sectors and ensure
                         sustainable withdrawals and supply of freshwater
                         to address water scarcity, and substantially
                         reduce the number of people suffering from
                         water scarcity.

                                                     Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   18

Improve progressively through 2030 global
resource efficiency in consumption and
production, and endeavor to decouple
economic growth from environmental
degradation in accordance with the
10-year framework of programs on
sustainable consumption and production
with developed countries taking the lead.

 9.4     9.5

By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit
industries to make them sustainable, with
increased resource use efficiency and greater
adoption of clean and environmentally sound
technologies and industrial processes, all
countries taking action in accordance with their
respective capabilities.

Enhance scientific research, upgrade the
technological capabilities of industrial sectors in
all countries, in particular developing countries,
including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and
substantially increasing the number of research
and development workers per 1 million people
and public and private research and
development spending.

10.3    10.4

Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities
of outcome, including through eliminating
discriminatory laws, policies and practices and
promoting appropriate legislation, policies and
actions in this regard.

Adopt policies especially fiscal, wage, and social
protection policies and progressively achieve
greater equality.

                       Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   19
12.2   12.4   12.5   12.6   12.8

By 2030, achieve the sustainable management
and efficient use of natural resources.
By 2030, achieve the environmentally sound
management of chemicals and all wastes
throughout their life cycle, in accordance
with agreed international frameworks, and
significantly reduce their release to air, water
and soil in order to minimize their adverse
impacts on human health and the environment.
By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation
through prevention, reduction, recycling
and reuse.
Encourage companies, especially large and
transnational companies, to adopt sustainable
practices and to integrate sustainability
information into their reporting cycle.
By 2030, ensure that people everywhere
have the relevant information and awareness
for sustainable development and lifestyles in
harmony with nature.

                      Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   20
3   Impact pathways

            Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   21
3         Impact pathways
TIP identified seven                             impact and contribute to the                            products and services (Figure 10).
opportunities where the tire                     SDGs across three main themes:
sector can have transformative                   supply chain, operations, and

Figure 10: Impact opportunities for the tire sector

   Impact opportunity

                               1   Accelerate and scale activities to achieve a               2   Implement sustainable procurement practices
                                   fair, equitable and environmentally sound                      and establish environmental, social and
                                   natural rubber value chain - including ensuring                governance (ESG) responsibilities throughout
                                   decent work and upholding human rights.                        the supply chain, including the promotion of
                                                                                                  transparency and traceability.
       Supply chain

                                   Develop pathways to decarbonize operations,                4   Ensure safe and inclusive working environments
                                   reduce emissions and ensure the sustainable                    and equal opportunities for all employees.
                                   use of natural resources.


                               5 Further leverage                         6    Accelerate the sustainable           7    Advance innovation in product,
                                   multi-stakeholder efforts to                mobility transition by raising            service and business model
                                   achieve evidence-based                      awareness of the impact of                design to enhance low-carbon
                                   solutions that address tire and             user behavior, designing                  and circular solutions while
                                   road wear particles (TRWP).                 connected and intelligent                 ensuring sustainable
     Products & services                                                       tires, and providing innovative           management of end-of-life
                                                                               digital solutions.                        tires (ELTs) around the world.

                                                        Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap                   22
To realize these opportunities, TIP developed impact pathways comprising a series of tangible actions
mapped against several variables (Table 3).

Table 3: Impact pathways and their actions

  Level of potential            Time frame               Level of contribution           SDG target              Stakeholders
  impact                                                 and control

  Level of potential            Time frame by which      Level of contribution and       Links with              Stakeholders
  impact that each action       the action will begin    control the tire sector has     SDG targets
  can have on the SDGs          to show expected         to progress the action

    L   Low                     S Short-term             Lead                            Each action is          The
        The action will             1 to 3 years         The sector has a high           mapped against          partners and
        have a small, but                                degree of control and           the SDG targets         stakeholders
        necessary, role in                               can make a significant          where there is          who must be
                                M Medium-term                                            greatest potential      involved to
        contributing to the                              contribution
        identified SDGs             4 to 6 years                                         for contribution        achieve high
                                 L Long-term                                             The SDG targets
   M    Medium                                           The sector has medium
        The action will have        7 or more years      control and can directly        with the most direct
        a significant role in                            contribute and/or               links are highlighted
        contributing to the                              accelerate current actions      to help further focus
        identified SDGs                                                                  SDG prioritization
                                                                                         but this does not
                                                         Influence                       indicate that this
   H    High                                             The sector has little control   SDG target has the
        The action will have                             and can mainly contribute       most opportunity
        a pivotal role in                                by influencing the action       for impact
        contributing to
        the SDGs

The seven impact pathways are laid out in tables across the following pages alongside illustrative
examples from TIP members that provide insights on concrete actions that are already underway to
deliver on the ambitions at the heart of the SDGs.

                                                    Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   23
IMPACT PATHWAY 1: Supply Chain - Accelerate and scale activities to achieve a fair, equitable
and environmentally sound natural rubber value chain – including ensuring decent work and
upholding human rights.

Natural rubber, primarily sourced    Natural Rubber (GPSNR).                  In addition to supporting and
from the rubber tree (Hevea          GPSNR works to achieve its               leveraging GPSNR activities, the
brasiliensis), is an important raw   vision of a fair, equitable and          tire sector has an opportunity
material for the manufacturing       environmentally sound natural            to further scale and accelerate
of tires. Over 70% of natural        rubber value chain and in doing          efforts to tackle complex
rubber is used by the tire           so actively contributes to the           environmental and socio-
sector4 globally and 85% of          fulfillment of the SDGs. The first       economic issues in the natural
the global natural rubber is         18 months of GPSNR operations            rubber value chain, such as
produced by more than 6 million      saw the platform welcome over            access to education and
smallholders.5 With increasing       90 members, including natural            sustainable livelihoods for the
global demand for natural            rubber producers (including              millions of smallholder producers
rubber, this is a commodity          smallholders from Brazil, Côte           on which it depends (Table 4).
where without proper controls        d’Ivoire, Ghana, Indonesia,
and standards, there can             Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam),
be negative impacts in the           processors and traders, tire
supply chain both socially and       makers, other rubber makers
environmentally.                     and buyers, car makers, other
                                     downstream users, and financial
In 2017, TIP CEOs committed to       institutions and civil society
improving the sustainability of      organizations.
the natural rubber value chain. In
2018, TIP members initiated the
Global Platform for Sustainable

                                         Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   24
Table 4: An overview of the actions identified under impact pathway 1

 SDG impact

  Actions                                                    Level of        Time frame       Tire sector       SDG target
                                                             impact                           contribution      contribution
                                                             on SDGs

  1.1 Enhance efforts to ensure sustained, inclusive           H             S                Accelerate        8.4
      and sustainable economic growth of the natural                                                            8.8
      rubber value chain through alignment and                                                                  10.1
      commitment to the Global Platform for                                                                     12.2
      Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR) policy                                                                 13.3
      framework (refer to the business example that                                                             15.1
      follows for more detail on components of the                                                              15.2
      policy framework).                                                                                        15.5

  1.2 Take a risk-based approach to continually                H             M                Accelerate        8.4
      improve the sustainability of natural rubber and                                                          12.2
      align to the GPSNR Implementation Guidance                                                                13.3
      (under development), which will outline policy                                                            15.1
      implementation actions for players at different                                                           15.2
      supply chain stages.                                                                                      15.3

  1.3 Improve access to and quality of all levels              H             M                Accelerate        4.5
      of education and vocational training for                                                                  8.6
      women, youth and vulnerable groups across
      the natural rubber value chain. Supporting
      the equitable inclusion of women across
      natural rubber operations.

  1.4 Enable smallholders to access advanced farming           H              L               Accelerate        2.3
      techniques and knowledge on best practices                                                                2.4
      to increase rubber yields, halt biodiversity loss,                                                        4.7
      preserve future soil health and secure income.                                                            8.2

Low     L   Medium M     High   H   Short S     Medium M      Long   L


      The following stakeholders will         natural rubber; suppliers; industry         manufacturers; smallholder
      need to be involved to ensure           associations; governments of                farmers; plantation owners
      the success of the actions              key producing countries; Chinese            and operators; and related
      outlined in this pathway: GPSNR;        stakeholders; global and local NGOs;        associations.
      companies worldwide that use            customers and original equipment

                                                    Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   25

 The initiation of a global platform to achieve a sustainable natural rubber value chain
 GPSNR is committed to promoting     6. Systems and processes to             in Asia, Latin America and
 the uptake of sustainable natural      drive effective implementation       West Africa, culminated in the
 rubber globally by addressing          of policy components;                creation of a GPSNR membership
 forest and other ecosystem con-     7. Supply chain assessment,             category for smallholder
 version, biodiversity loss, human      traceability, and management         producers, with over 40 members
 and labor rights violations and     8. Monitoring and reporting on          and three representatives at
 inequality in the natural rubber       progress on, and                     executive committee-level,
 supply chain.                          conformance with policy              providing smallholders with
                                        components.                          equal representation and a role
 In September 2020, GPSNR
                                                                             in platform decision-making.
 published a policy framework        As part of membership
                                                                             Smallholders and small natural
 that outlines a series of policy    requirements, members are
                                                                             rubber growers (i.e., natural rubber
 components that company             required to adopt a policy or
                                                                             plantations of no more than
 members are required - as part      other documents that include
                                                                             50 hectares) and small trader
 of their commitments as             the GPSNR policy components
                                                                             members are not required to
 members - to include in their       adapted to the particular context
                                                                             develop and implement a formal
 sustainable production and          and supply chain position in 2021.
                                                                             policy, although they are
 purchasing policies and             The components are aligned with
                                                                             required to adhere to buyers’
 other documents.                    the principles and guidelines laid
                                                                             policies, and if they are members,
                                     out in the UN Global Compact,
 The policy components are                                                   they are required to sign the
                                     the UN Guiding Principles for
 spread across eight themes with                                             GPSNR Founding Members
                                     Business and Human Rights,
 commitments to:                                                             statement that includes the 12
                                     the International Bill on Human
                                                                             GPSNR principles.
 1. Legal compliance;                Rights, and the International
 2. Healthy, functioning             Labour Organization Fundamental         More information on GPSNR, the
    ecosystems;                      Conventions.                            policy components and implemen-
 3. Respecting all human rights;                                             tation guidance can be found at
                                     Securing smallholder
 4. Community livelihoods;                                         
                                     representation was a platform
 5. Increased production
                                     priority. A series of outreach
                                     activities, including workshops

 Traceability and sustainability in the rubber supply chain: A Continental and GIZ project in
 West Kalimantan

 Since 2018, Continental             The supply chain is documented          the expected and actual volumes
 has worked with the German          with a digital traceability system      of natural rubber and engage in
 development agency, Deutsche        where the production areas are          dialogue with farmers.
 Gesellschaft für Internationale     mapped by GPS. The app-based
                                                                             This approach facilitates
 Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), to provide    system documents raw rubber
                                                                             sustainable rubber cultivation and
 tailored training programs for      deliveries and sale prices upon
                                                                             directly supports improvements in
 local natural rubber farmers in     delivery, which helps to prevent
                                                                             small-scale producer productivity
 the Indonesian province of West     rubber from entering the supply
                                                                             and incomes, resource efficiency,
 Kalimantan, Borneo. The project     chain from non-registered areas,
                                                                             and protection of biodiversity and
 delivers training on sustainable    such as illegally deforested
                                                                             natural habitats.
 cultivation practices and has       areas, by indicating if the quantity
 helped improve the quality of the   received exceeds the expected 
 natural rubber produced, allowing   production volume.            
 local producers to increase their
                                     In cases of significant oversupply,
 revenue on average by 10-15%.
                                     the app notifies field agents who
                                     proceed to clarify the gap between

                                         Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   26
IMPACT PATHWAY 2: Supply Chain - Implement sustainable procurement practices and
establish environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities throughout the supply
chain, including the promotion of transparency and traceability.
Tires can contain more than 100                performance characteristics.6                issues. Sustainable supply chain
different materials, including natural         The tire sector has a significant            programs should be developed
and synthetic rubbers, carbon                  opportunity to scale impact far              inclusively with suppliers and
black and silica, metal cables                 beyond the boundaries of its                 relevant stakeholders and build on
and textile reinforcements, and                own operations by implementing               existing initiatives to maximize reach
specific chemical ingredients – all            sustainable procurement practices            and impact (Table 5).
of which give tires their necessary            that identify and tackle material

Table 5: An overview of the actions identified under impact pathway 2

 SDG impact

  Actions                                                     Level of       Time frame        Tire sector        SDG target
                                                              impact                           contribution       contribution
                                                              on SDGs

  2.1 Develop and drive effective implementation               M              S                Lead               8.7
      of corporate sustainable sourcing policies and                                                              8.8
      practices, including: environmental and                                                                     12.6
      social/human rights due diligence, effective
      governance, transparency and
      disclosure standards.

  2.2 Improve transparency, traceability and                    H             M                Accelerate         8.4
      sustainable production of materials in the                                                                  8.7
      sector’s supply chain through identification,                                                               8.8
      prioritization and management of risks                                                                      12.2
      and opportunities.

  2.3 Advance supplier performance through                      H             M                Lead               7.2
      engagement and participation in multi-                                                                      7.3
      stakeholder efforts to sustainably manage the                                                               8.4
      use of natural resources and reduce operational                                                             12.2
      impacts on the environment, including suppliers’                                                            12.4
      own GHG emissions.                                                                                          12.5


   The following stakeholders will            trade associations; regional                  and peer companies from other
   need to be involved to ensure the          institutions and governments;                 sectors that have similar supply
   success of the actions outlined in         suppliers; research institutions and          chain materials or issues.
   this pathway: responsible supply           academia; NGOs, customers and
   chain and materials associations;          original equipment manufacturers,

                                                      Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   27

 Reducing supply chain GHG emissions
 Recognizing the opportunity          Pirelli has SBTi-approved GHG              to engage their leading raw
 that the supply chain presents       reduction targets that have been           materials suppliers, pinpoint
 to reduce GHG emissions, TIP         set in line with maintaining climate       risks and identify emissions
 members engage suppliers to          warming well below 2°C.                    reductions opportunities. This
 drive climate action.                                                           process has played an important
                                      This includes cutting the absolute
                                                                                 role in driving effective action
 Michelin has GHG reduction           CO2 emissions linked to the
                                                                                 across the supply chain by
 targets approved by the Science      acquisition of raw materials
                                                                                 encouraging the deployment
 Based Targets initiative (SBTi)      by 2025 by 9% compared to
                                                                                 of best practices to reduce
 and has also encouraged its          2018. Pirelli is working with its
                                                                                 GHG emissions. Additionally,
 main raw material suppliers to set   suppliers to reduce their carbon
                                                                                 the CDP Supplier Engagement
 science-based targets for GHG        footprints using mechanisms that
                                                                                 Rating Leaderboard highlights
 emissions reductions, with the       consider potential impacts and
                                                                                 Bridgestone, Continental and
 objective that, by 2024, suppliers   opportunities, including material
                                                                                 Michelin as they play a crucial
 responsible for 70% scope 3          life cycle assessments and direct
                                                                                 role in the transition to the net-
 emissions related to purchased       engagement.
                                                                                 zero sustainable economy by
 goods and services will have
                                      Michelin, Pirelli and Yokohama             engaging their suppliers on
 set targets.
                                      Rubber use the Carbon Disclosure           climate change.
                                      Project (CDP) Supply Chain Program

 Improved assessment of the potential environmental impacts of tires: Raw materials

 A Product Category Rule (PCR) is        The standardized approach taken             to the manufacturing of
 an agreed-to, industry-specific         by a PCR can give consumers                 the raw materials used in
 guideline used to determine             confidence in the information               tire production. These new
 the environmental impacts of a          disclosed by the tire industry on           guidelines will strengthen the
 product. It allows manufacturers        the environmental impacts of its            PCR by providing increased
 to develop Environmental                tire products.                              consistency and contribute
 Product Declarations (EPDs),                                                        to dialogues between
                                         By improving awareness of
 which are an internationally                                                        supply-chain actors on the
                                         potential environmental impacts,
 recognized way to verify the                                                        sustainable sourcing and use
                                         the PCR for tires contributes to
 potential environmental impacts                                                     of raw materials.
                                         industry efforts to improve the
 of a product, including the
                                         sustainable performance
 establishment of product life
                                         of tire products.
 cycle assessments (LCAs).
                                         In 2020, TIP initiated an
 TIP developed a PCR for tires
                                         update of the PCR with
 in an important proactive step
                                         the intent to incorporate
 in developing internationally
                                         guidelines to calculate the
 useful guidelines to measure the
                                         environmental impacts linked
 environmental impacts of tires.

                                           Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   28
IMPACT PATHWAY 3: Operations - Develop pathways to decarbonize operations, reduce
emissions and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources.

The World Economic Forum                           and 8 US states8 having                        efficiency and protect nature
Global Risk Report highlights                      made net-zero pledges, more                    present an opportunity for all
environmental concerns as                          urgent action and ambition                     industrial sectors, including
the top issues for the first                       is needed to keep global                       the tire sector, to demonstrate
time in history, including risks                   warming below 1.5°C and to                     leadership through
such as extreme weather,                           ensure a stable, inhabitable                   continuous improvement
climate action failure, natural                    planet for everyone. Increasing                and implementing practices
disasters, biodiversity loss, and                  demands from investors,                        to scale innovations that
human-made environmental                           consumers and civil society                    will improve environmental
disasters. Despite at least                        to use science-based                           performance (Table 6).
177 companies,7 67 countries                       approaches, optimize energy

Table 6: An overview of the actions identified under impact pathway 3

 SDG impact

  Actions                                                            Level of       Time frame       Tire sector         SDG target
                                                                     impact                          contribution        contribution
                                                                     on SDGs

  3.1 Expand the use of low-carbon energy sources                     M              L               Lead                7.2
      and optimization practices to mitigate emissions                                                                   7.3
      and move towards net-zero emissions for scope                                                                      9.4
      1 and 2 by 2050.
      Note: The scope 3 categories that are most                                                                         13.3
      material to the sector are addressed in the supply
      chain (IP2.3) and product (IP7.5) impact pathways.

  3.2 Accelerate and scale best practices to optimize                 M             M                Accelerate          12.2
      distribution and logistics operations by using                                                                     13.3
      alternative fuels and implementing technologies that
      improve fuel efficiency, load optimization and routes
      (and cascade these best practices to suppliers if
      they manage logistics).

  3.3 Upgrade and retrofit infrastructure to increase                 M              L               Lead                8.4
      resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of                                                                    9.4
      sustainable technologies and industrial processes,                                                                 13.3
      including building capability and incentivizing the
      sharing of best practices.

  3.4 Apply risk management concepts to drive water                   L             M                Lead                6.4
      stewardship efficiency and address physical,                                                                       12.2
      regulatory and operational risks.

  3.5 Reduce operational waste and emissions to air,                  H              L               Lead                9.4
      water and soil, with a particular focus on volatile                                                                11.6
      organic compounds (VOCs) and chemicals of                                                                          12.4
      potential concern.

                                                            Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   29

To ensure the success of              and other sectors operating in the         For Action 3.5: governments; trade
each action outlined in this          same locations. For Action 3.3,            associations; NGOs; Global New
pathway, the following groups         communities; governments and               Car Assessment Programs; original
of stakeholders will need to be       municipalities; other sectors with         equipment manufacturers; vendors;
involved. For Action 3.1, suppliers   the same challenges. For Action            customers; suppliers.
and electric utilities. For Action    3.4, companies, organizations
3.2, suppliers; distribution and      and sectors linked to a specific
logistics providers; customers;       watershed.


 Decarbonizing operations
 As described in the 2020             heat loss. Similarly, Goodyear             and the use of absorption
 TIP’s Environmental Key              commissioned third-party audits at         chilling. For example, the
 Performance Indicators for           18 manufacturing plants, resulting         Hankook plant in Daejeon,
 Tire Manufacturing 2009-2019         in the identification of more than         South Korea, made the
 report, the weighted average         500 projects with potential savings        switch to low-carbon steam,
 CO2 intensity (CO2 per ton of        of approximately USD $15 million,          reducing GHG emissions by
 production) for TIP members          including the installation of energy-      approximately 25,000 tCO 2 -eq
 decreased by 6% between 2015         saving solutions such as efficient         per year. Several TIP members
 and 2019. The implementation         air compressors, heat pumps and            have joined international
 of decarbonization measures          LED lightings.                             global initiatives to reinforce
 and the adoption of an energy                                                   their efforts to decarbonize.
                                      TIP members such as Kumho Tire,
 mix with a greater share of                                                     For example, Pirelli has
                                      Yokohama Rubber and Hankook
 renewable sources drove                                                         committed to achieving group
                                      are targeting a switch to renewable
 this reduction.                                                                 carbon neutrality by 2030, a
                                      energy and have installed
                                                                                 commitment underpinned
 To limit energy loss and             photovoltaic solar panels at plant
                                                                                 by the company’s goal to use
 optimize the efficiency of           facilities. TIP members are also
                                                                                 100% renewable electrical
 their plant facilities, Kumho        transitioning from the use of heavy
                                                                                 energy by 2025.
 Tire and Toyo Tires have             fuel for heat generation to natural
 conducted regular audits to          gas, low-carbon steam, including
 detect and prevent air and           thermal energy from biomass,

 Complementing decarbonization with offsetting
 Carbon offsetting has been           Kumho Tire initiated the Carbon            Yokohama Rubber planted
 employed to complement               Offset Forestation Project in 2015         more than 900,000 trees
 industry efforts to achieve          in collaboration with the Seoul            through its Forever Forest
 the decarbonization of               Municipal Government. The project          project. In addition to carbon
 operations. Contributions to         saw the planting of 20,000 trees           offsetting, the trees are
 the development of carbon            in the northern part of Seoul,             expected to contribute to
 sinks and the financing of           which are expected to absorb               disaster prevention and the
 sequestration projects remain        approximately 1,380 tons of carbon         promotion of biodiversity
 practical means to drive action      dioxide over the next 30 years.            through the provision of new
 to achieve net-zero.                                                            habitats. Yokohama Rubber
                                                                                 aims to plant 1.3 million trees in
                                                                                 17 countries by 2030.

                                           Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   30
Mitigating risk in water-stressed areas

Water optimization projects led     The company contributes to                 to replicate this success at its
by TIP members help reduce          relieving local water stress at            factory in Changshu, China. By
water consumption and mitigate      its facility in El Salto, Mexico, by       2019, Sumitomo had achieved
risk in water-stressed areas. All   treating industrial and sanitary           a year-on-year 2.5% reduction
TIP members have set targets        wastewater that is then used               in global water usage. The
for their manufacturing sites       for irrigation.                            Sumitomo group makes use
to reduce water withdrawal                                                     of the WBCSD Global Water
                                    Sumitomo Rubber aims to achieve
and use and to increase water                                                  Tool and the WRI Aqueduct
                                    a wastewater recycling rate of
recycling volumes. Leak                                                        Risk Assessment tool, and will
                                    100% at all of its 26 factories
prevention and water reuse                                                     continue to implement recycling
                                    by 2050. In 2018, Sumitomo
and recycling are common                                                       technologies across its
                                    implemented water recycling
features of strategies to                                                      manufacturing sites to achieve
                                    measures at its manufacturing
reduce abstraction.                                                            its long-term wastewater
                                    plant in Cankiri, Turkey, which
                                                                               recycling rate objective.
Cooper Tire completes               is located in a region of high
water stress studies globally       water stress. By the end of 2019,
at manufacturing locations          the factory was able to recycle
on a regular basis using            100% of its wastewater for use in
Aquastat, the World Resources       applications including the watering
Institute (WRI) Aqueduct Risk       of trees located on factory grounds.
Assessment tool and the             By 2021, Sumitomo Rubber aims
Growing Blue Tool.

                                         Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   31
IMPACT PATHWAY 4: Operations - Ensure safe and inclusive working environments and
equal opportunities for all employees.

Significant growth,                               responding to customers. TIP                 consider local cultural
productivity and performance                      members acknowledge that                     context, the tire sector has the
improvements are available                        companies have a responsibility              opportunity to contribute to
to companies that commit                          to ensure decent work and to                 increased diversity in technical
to improving all aspects of                       respect and remedy human                     schools and functions, recruit
diversity and inclusion in                        rights – including ensuring safe             and retain top talent, and
policies and practices9 - and                     working conditions, acceptable               establish a pipeline of future
evidence suggests that                            job quality11 and that employee              candidates with diverse
diverse organizations are                         health and well-being is                     skills, opinions and
more attractive to prospective                    paramount. By establishing                   backgrounds (Table 7).
employees10 and better at                         progressive practices that

Table 7: An overview of the actions identified under impact pathway 4

 SDG impact

  Actions                                                        Level of       Time frame        Tire sector         SDG target
                                                                 impact                           contribution        contribution
                                                                 on SDGs

  4.1 Adopt policies, especially employee well-being,             H              S                Lead                8.5
     occupational health, fiscal, wage and social                                                                     8.8
     protection policies, and progressively achieve                                                                   10.3
     greater diversity, inclusion and equality.

  4.2 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and         H              M                Accelerate          4.5
     equal opportunities for leadership at all levels.                                                                5.5

  4.3 Build capabilities to increase diversity and inclusion      M              M                Accelerate          4.4
     of all into the talent pool for the sector, including                                                            4.5
     driving access to higher education institutions.                                                                 10.2


  To ensure the success of each                   to be involved: other sectors and            governments and research
  action outlined in this pathway, the            peers with similar challenges, trade         institutes, and academia for the
  following stakeholders will need                associations, local communities,             Action 4.3.

                                                         Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   32

 Closing the gender gap
 The tire industry has significant   doubled the number of women in             was expanded to a “Diversity
 opportunities to increase the       management positions between               Promotion Taskforce” to
 representation of women within      2014 and 2020. Yokohama                    promote diverse workstyles
 the workforce and corporate         Rubber established a taskforce             that will enable not only women,
 leadership. Recognizing this,       to support the advancement of              but also foreign employees,
 TIP members have set targets        women’s careers, through training,         employees with disabilities
 to increase the number of           flexible working arrangements,             or LGBTQ employees to have
 women leaders within their          and job-return and rehire policies.        equal opportunities within
 companies. Sumitomo Rubber          In 2019, the taskforce’s scope             the company.

 Social inclusion
 Through participation in the        operators that is designed to              were hired, with diversity fully
 French Government’s urban           assess the agility and potential           respected in the recruitment
 renewal initiative – Pacte Avec     of candidates rather than their            process. In April 2019, the
 les Quartiers pour Toutes les       experience. Michelin also supports         company was honored with the
 Entreprises (PAQTE) – Michelin      inclusive procurement and                  Prime Minister’s Citation at the
 France demonstrated its             spent EUR €1.5 million in 2020             2019 Inclusive Employment
 commitment to social inclusion      on the products and services               Awards in recognition of its
 through a series of actions         of companies that the French               efforts to promote stable
 delivered through purchasing,       Government recognizes as active            and desirable employment
 recruitment and training            and specialized recruiters of people       opportunities for people with
 practices. Actions included the     with disabilities. Learn more:             disabilities. It will continue to
 hosting of groups of students          expand the program.
 and young school-leavers for
                                     Hankook established Hankook
 a week of immersion in the
                                     Donggeurami Partners in 2015
 company. The program also
                                     to provide opportunities to the
 saw 14 refugees complete
                                     underprivileged and contribute to
 16 months of training to
                                     the growth and development of
 become factory-maintenance
                                     local communities. The company is
 agents and the hiring of 20
                                     a service provider for Hankook Tire
 young people from deprived
                                     & Technology’s welfare business
 neighborhoods. Additionally,
                                     operations and administrative
 Michelin uses a simulation-
                                     support areas. In 2019, a total
 based process to recruit
                                     of 159 people with disabilities

                                          Sustainability Driven: Accelerating Impact with the Tire Sector SDG Roadmap   33
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