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Archives of the Balkan Medical Union                                                        vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 591-595
Copyright © 2019 Balkan Medical Union                                                                  September 2019

                                                                                             CASE REPORT

Daniel I. MIHALACHE1, Bogdan SOCEA2,3 , Alexandru C. SMARANDA2,3, Anca A. NICA2,3,
Alexandru C. CARAP2,3, Ovidiu G. BRATU3,4, Ana Maria A. STANESCU3, Florin GROSEANU3,5,
  Surgical Department, County Emergency Hospital, Ploiesti, Romania
  Emergency Clinical Hospital „Sf. Pantelimon“, General Surgery Clinic, Bucharest, Romania
  „Carol Davila“ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
  Emergency University Central Military Hospital, Department of Urology, Bucharest, Romania
  Emergency Clinical Hospital „Sf. Pantelimon“, Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinic, Bucharest, Romania
  Emergency Clinical Hospital „Sf. Pantelimon“, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Bucharest, Romania
                                                                   Received 29 June 2019, Accepted 02 August 2019

ABSTRACT                                                   RÉSUMÉ

Introduction. Mesh reinforcement is generally              Approche chirurgicale de l’infection à prothèses –
considered the standard of care in hernia repair.          présentation de cas
Infection is a common complication following hernia
repair. Infection of the mesh is a complex problem.        Introduction. Le renforcement des prothèses est gé-
Knowledge of new treatment strategies is necessary for     néralement considéré comme la norme de soins dans
surgeons performing abdominal wall reconstruction.         la réparation des hernies. L’infection est une compli-
Case presentation. We present the case of a                cation fréquente après la réparation d’une hernie.
68-year-old woman, who presented with a non-trau-          L’infection de la prothèse est un problème complexe.
matic entero-atmospheric fistula at the site of the        La connaissance de nouvelles stratégies de traitement
hernia repair, which had been done 2 years previously      est nécessaire pour les chirurgiens pratiquant la recons-
through the implantation of a dual mesh. The fistula       truction de la paroi abdominale.
has appeared one year previously. The treatment con-       Rapport du cas. Nous présentons le cas d’une femme
sisted in a complete removal of the infected mesh and      de 68 ans avec une fistule entéro-atmosphérique non
segmentary enterectomy. The abdominal wall was re-         traumatique sur le site de la réparation de la her-
paired through a tissular procedure and the skin was       nie qui avait été pratiquée deux ans auparavant par

      Address for correspondence:       Bogdan SOCEA
                                        Emergency Clinical Hospital „Sf. Pantelimon“ General Surgery Clinic,
                                        Bucharest, Romania
                                        Address: Soseaua Pantelimon no. 340-342, 1st floor, General Surgery
                                        Department, Bucharest, Romania
                                        Email; Phone: +40788491091;
                                        Fax: +40212550064
Surgical approach of infected mesh with entero-atmospheric fistula – A case presentation… – MIHALACHE et al

left to close per secundam. The postoperative outcome     l’implantation d’une prothèse à double faces. La fistule
was favorable.                                            était apparue depuis un an. Le traitement consistait
Conclusions. Following excision of infected mesh,         en l’élimination complète de la prothèse infectée et
multi-staged abdominal wall reconstruction can be         l’entérectomie segmentaire. La paroi abdominale a été
considered. Biologic or biosynthetic mesh is recom-       réparée par une procédure tissulaire et la peau a été
mended when repairing incisional hernias following        laissée se refermer par seconde. Le résultat postopéra-
excision of infected mesh and likely represent the        toire était favorable.
patient’s best chance for a definitive hernia repair.     Conclusions. Après l’excision d’une prothèse infec-
Negative pressure wound therapy closure should be         tée, une reconstruction de la paroi abdominale en
considered in higher-risk patients. Mesh infection is a   plusieurs étapes peut être envisagée. Une prothèse bio-
complex complication that is commonly encountered         logique ou biosynthétique est recommandée lors de la
by surgeons performing hernia repair. Prevention          réparation d’une hernie incisionnelle après l’excision
through patient optimization should be performed          d’une prothèse infectée et représente probablement la
whenever appropriate. However, when patients develop      meilleure chance du patient pour une réparation dé-
a mesh infection, most of them will require a complete    finitive de la hernie. La fermeture du traitement des
mesh excision and recurrent hernia repair.                plaies par pression négative doit être envisagée chez
                                                          les patients à risque élevé. L’infection par les prothèses
Keywords: mesh, infection, abdominal, hernia, re-         est une complication complexe fréquemment rencon-
pair.                                                     trée par les chirurgiens pratiquant la réparation d’une
                                                          hernie. La prévention par l’optimisation du patient
                                                          doit être effectuée chaque fois que cela est appropriée.
                                                          Cependant, lorsque les patients développent une infec-
                                                          tion à prothèses, la plupart nécessiteront une excision
                                                          complète et une réparation récurrente de la hernie.

                                                          Mots-clés: prothèses, infection, abdominale, hernie,

INTRODUCTION                                              CASE   PRESENTATION

     Anterior abdominal repair is one of the most              We present the case of a 68-year-old woman,
common surgeries performed worldwide with an              known with arterial hypertension, obesity and a
                                                          ventral hernia repair. She presented to our clinic for
increasing number of 1%-2% yearly1,2. Meshes have         chronic abdominal pain, a non-traumatic entero-tegu-
clearly demonstrated beneficial option of repairing       mentary fistula with necrotic and serous-intestinal se-
hernias better than tissue repair alone due to the re-    cretion, located at the site of the hernia repair, which
inforcement of native tissue and the lateralization of    has been done 2 years previously through the implan-
force across the abdominal wall3. Meshes have also        tation of a dual mesh. The patient accused that the
                                                          fistula has appeared one year before, but she did not
been successfully used in unusual locations of pari-      seek medical consultation.
etal defects like Spieghelian hernia4. Mesh reinforce-         The patient’s clinical examination revealed only
ment is considered the standard method of hernial         abdominal pain at the site of the fistula, when mo-
repair. Unfortunately, the implantation of foreign        bilized, with the excretion of a serous-necrotic sub-
bodies can be associated with postoperative compli-       stance on palpation. We could palpate solid tissue
                                                          underneath the skin and a small cellulitic perilesional
cations including seroma, mesh migration, mesh in-        area could be observed. The patient also accused pro-
fection, or mesh fistula 5,6. Mesh infection can occur    longed and intermittent fever. The chest radiography
between 1% and 8% of anterior hernia repair and           was normal. White cell blood count showed leukocy-
remains a challenging postoperative complication7-9.      tosis, which was the only abnormal blood test.
Mesh infections are the third leading cause of rein-           After the clinical and paraclinical examination,
                                                          we decided to perform surgery for the excision of
tervention following hernial repair and can result in     the mesh and the repair of the abdominal wall. The
significant patient morbidity, prolonged hospital stay,   area of infection was represented by the infection of
and increased costs8,10,11.                               the scar tissue itself, formed around the mesh. This

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      Fig.1. Incision made to extract the mesh.           Fig. 2. Removal of the necrotic tissue along with the mesh.
        Perilesional hematoma is observed.

                                                          continued to suppurate for a year and create fistula
                                                          trajectory to the skin, eliminating necrotic tissue,
                                                          serous-intestinal liquid.
                                                                A small incision was made, to excise the mesh
                                                          and the trajectory of the fistula (Fig.1, 2). At the en-
                                                          teric fistula ending, we performed a segmented enter-
                                                          ectomy, followed by a latero-lateral anastomosis. The
                                                          whole mesh had to be removed (Fig. 3). The area was
                                                          cleaned through necrotomy and chemical lavage. The
                                                          abdominal wall was repaired through a suture and
                                                          the skin was left to close per secundam.
                                                                The patient had an uneventful postoperative
                                                          stay, with the daily cleaning of the open incision. At
                                                          the 2 weeks visit, we proposed the secondary closure
                                                          of the skin, but the patient refused, so we decided to
                                                          let it close by itself. The postoperative outcome was
                                                          favorable, with no relapse of enteric fistula.

                                                          Suture versus mesh repair
                                                                Most authors agree that the basic operative goals
                                                          in patients with mesh infection include infection con-
                                                          trol, restoration of gastrointestinal continuity if nec-
                                                          essary, and stable hernia repair. Multi-staged hernia
                                                          repair is an option, with excision of the infected mesh
                                                          and suture repair of the fascial defect performed dur-
Fig. 3. The excision of the whole alloplastic material.   ing the first operation, followed by a definitive repair

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Surgical approach of infected mesh with entero-atmospheric fistula – A case presentation… – MIHALACHE et al

with a mesh at a planned reintervention, once the in-      delayed primary wound closure, as we have done in
fection has cleared and healing has been completed.        our case. The particularity of this case consists in de-
The excision of infected mesh with suture repair of        veloping a late entero-atmospheric fistula after a ven-
the fascia is considered a multi-stage repair, due to      tral hernia repair procedure using a dual mesh pros-
the almost universal hernial recurrence after the first    thesis. Management of patients with mesh infection
operation. Even in clean cases, with small defects,        is complex and must benefit from a multidisciplinary
suture repair results in a very high rate of hernial       consult. Long-term follow-up of patients will eluci-
recurrence3. Single-staged repairs with synthetic mesh     date the value of these interventions and facilitate
are generally considered inappropriate due to the very     future development of guidelines for management1.
high risk of re-infection, regardless of mesh type12.
The Ventral Hernia Working Group does not recom-
mend the use of permanent mesh in infected fields7,13.     Compliance with Ethics Requirements:
     Polypropylene mesh is a better solution for her-            „The authors declare no conflict of interest regarding
nia repair than polyester. Heavy weight large pores        this article“
structure seems to be best integrated in human tis-              „The authors declare that all the procedures and ex-
sues. Polypropylene mesh provides better repair (low-      periments of this study respect the ethical standards in the
er recurrence rate and lower mesh shrinkage rate in        Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2008(5), as
time). All recurrences appeared in the first two years     well as the national law. Informed consent was obtained
after primary repair14-16.                                 from the patient included in the study“
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