Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse

Page created by Sidney Paul
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Digital Health in the
Post-COVID-19 New
From Telehealth to a
Comprehensive Digital
Care Strategy
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Delivery, operations, and competitive dynamics are
                poised to undergo rapid, fundamental transformation in

                response to the pandemic
What        Industry Observations:

Happened?   • Initial duration expected 2-3 mos.                                  COVID-19 expenses and lost
                                                                                  revenues on the year, AHA
            • However, ‘flattening the curve’ has not                             reports

                                                                                      48 day
              indicated stoppage of the curve, and science
              suggests there will be a second wave, surges,
              and no end yet in sight
                                                                            Decrease in average hospital
            • Unemployment accelerating to unprecedented                    days cash on hand (pre vs post-
              highs and further degrading case-mix                          COVID projection ~190 vs. 140)

            • Despite federal funding and relief sources (e.g.,
              CARES, FEMA, etc.), organizations are likely to
              experience substantial operating gap
                                                                                  Decrease in physician
            • With a boom in demand for telehealth visits,                        practice visits (55% decline in
              organizations that can pivot and scale a                            physician revenue), with
              product focused on consumer / provider                              systems cross-subsidizing
              engagements stand to win                                            integrated practices further
                          Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                           1
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Overnight, it’s now assumed virtual care is
a growing part of the care delivery model
• The adoption of telemedicine shifted into ”hyper-drive” since March, with
  virtual health-care interactions on pace to top 1 billion by year’s end.
  (Forrester Research)
• Consumer adoption has skyrocketed, from 11 percent of US consumers
  using telehealth in 2019 to 46 percent of consumers now using telehealth to
  replace cancelled healthcare visits.
• Providers have rapidly scaled offerings and are seeing 50 to 175 times the
  number of patients via telehealth than they did before.
• Analysts now expect general medical care visits to top 200 million this year,
  up sharply from their original expectation of 36 million visits for all of 2020.
• Researchers note that $250B of Healthcare Could Be Virtualized
• Investment in a robust Digital strategy is paramount
                    • COVID-19 has resulted in a dramatic telehealth adoption rate                 • Payers and providers must
 Takeaway             acceleration that is likely to increase patient comfort with the               quickly develop a strategy
                      technology and permanently alter digital health volumes                        to realize value

                                                 Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                  2
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
We believe the future is more nuanced…
Here’s our viewpoint
• Although volumes may dip immediately post recovery, telehealth is a permanent, material feature of a health
  system… but to what extent is unknown.
• Regulations will be reviewed, and rather than returning, they will change to facilitate telehealth
• Reimbursement will go down, but not to where it was
• A material number of patients prefer having a consumer experience similar to banking
• More caregivers will appreciate working virtually
• Many risk based and chronic diseases management programs value ‘touches’ – not office visits – as the best
  way to curb preventable morbidity
• Payers will support reimbursement for telehealth as a value substitute and will embrace it as a lower cost
  platform for value-based care and Population Health management. But many payers will provide this directly
  or thru partnerships and may not look to health systems to provide digital services.

           Consumer preference paired with regulatory and reimbursement support
     will expand the business model for Health Systems and introduce new competitors

                                             Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                    3
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Our Integrated Health Network

                                                                        Our Team:
                                                                         • 12,000 employees
                                                                         • 2,000 physician
                                                                         • 1,200 volunteers
                                                                        Our Facilities:
                                                                         • 6 hospitals, with a
                                                                           7th managed
                                                                           through MSA
                                                                         • More than 150
                                                                           outpatient locations
                                                                         • More than 140 MD

                      Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                         4
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Cone Health Quality of Care

                      Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality   5
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Informing Broader Digital Strategy from
Current Baseline
As the business model changes, a comprehensive digital strategy will be required for organizations
to grow and thrive.

Integrated Digital Strategy                                                                       Telehealth
   Incorporate digital (D2C, Urgent                                                               Suring up platforms and
Care, Telehealth, Population Health,                                                              implement / augment missing
     etc.) into overall organizational                                                            components to harden
                             strategy                                                             platform to support scalability

                                                                                                       Provider Engagement
           Reimbursement                                                                               Ensure platforms and tools are
                 Strategy                                                                              designed to optimize functionality
 Develop a comprehensive payer                                                                         (e.g., MyChart), incorporate
   and reimbursement strategy to                                                                       communication / feedback, and
 support the new business model                                                                        leverage clinical needs (e.g., care
                                                                                                       mgmt., med adherence, patient
                                                  Personalized Care                                    safety alerts, etc.)
                                           Engaged comprehensive access, digital
                                         front door and direct-to-consumer approach

                                                Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                              6
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Cone has tracked volume and patient experience to
bring new info to the discussion
   I think the genie's out of the bottle on this one. I think it's fair to say that the advent of telehealth has been just
 completely accelerated, that it’s taken this crisis to push us to a new frontier, but there's absolutely no going back.”
                                                                                                                                                 - Seema Verma, CMS administrator

                                                                                                                               CONE BACKGROUND:
                                                                                                                               • Pre-COVID, 99.9% of outpatient care was face-to-
                                                                                                                               • Overall patient satisfaction scores were high at 90+
                                                                                                                               • Patient opinion of “access” was low at 83

                                                                                                                               • COVID-19 has resulted in a dramatic telehealth

                                                                                   Source: CareCloud COVID-19 Practice Pulse
                                                                                                                                 adoption rate likely to permanently alter physical
                                                                                                                                 appointment volumes… and unlike most
                                                                                                                                 organizations, Cone has seen a corresponding
                                                                                                                                 improvement in telehealth billing/revenue and
                                                                                                                                 patient satisfaction

                                                                                                                               • The alignment of those 3 elements IS CRITICAL…
                                                                                                                                 so, what does it take?

                                                Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                                                                         7
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
The Complexities of the Patient and Provider Experience
Technology certification vs physician autonomy
                         The tension…                                                                                            Media

                        unplanned, yet
                          experienced                                                                                  Urgent
                                                                                                                                                                       Cone App
                                                                                                                                           Patient &

   Patients and Providers                                                                                             Telepho

      must interact with a                                                                                             (PEC/
       myriad of tools and
 technology to effectively                                                                                                       Nurse
            navigate care                                                                                                                 MyChart

 Confidential information for the sole benefit and use of Cone Health.

                                                                         Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                                          8
Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality - From Telehealth to a Comprehensive Digital Care Strategy - Guidehouse
Acceleration of Purpose-Built Disruptors threatening
your business
Reimbursement changes and suspension of regulations are also accelerants to startup digital providers

                                                                                                                                     Evolving payer models threaten
 Care    Care delivery models focus on ambulatory                                                                        Payer    traditional, incumbent payers and seek
Delivery care and a patient-centric care continuum                                                                     Innovation out innovative provider relationships

• CVS Health is expanding their                                                                                                    • Bright Health entered NC in 2020,
  HealthHUB stores to increase care                                                                                                  partnering through a narrow network with
  access                                                                                                                             Novant Health
• Iora and Oak Street Health have                                                                                                  • Lumeris has an operations center in
  opened primary care centers in                                                                                                     RDU and is strategizing to grow in NC’s
  GSO and across the state, and                                                                                                      population health and health plan spaces
  BCBSNC has partnered with                                                                                                        • Health Alliance (Carle) acquired
  CareMore and Aledade in additional                                Employers and payers pressure for pricing
                                         State Dynamics &                                                                            majority of FirstCarolinaCare
  primary care efforts                                              negotiations and cost decreases, and favorable
                                         Pricing Pressures          legislation invites innovation
                                                                                                                                     (FirstHealth) in Pinehurst to expand
• Novant has expanded its                                                                                                            differentiating capabilities in a saturated
  ambulatory presence in GSO via a       • CLT and RDU are growing in population and economic power, with a large                    MA market
  new primary care center and has          uninsured population necessitating creative solutions                                   • Haven Healthcare, a new venture
  partnered with GoHealth to expand                                                                                                  supported by JP Morgan, Berkshire
  their urgent-care network across the   • The state is innovating, as evidenced by its Managed Medicaid efforts and launch of
                                           NCCARE360, the state’s first coordinated care network                                     Hathaway, and Amazon, has begun
  state                                                                                                                              offering plans for 20K JPMorgan
• Atrium and WFB have                    • Accelerating prevalence of alternative payment models signals a population ready to       employees via Aetna and Cigna across
  communicated intentions to form a        be managed                                                                                four states, including NC.
  “strategic combination” for shared     • Walmart has expanded its healthcare innovation into NC (e.g., partnership with Grand    • United is one of seven national payers to
  AMC and size / scale benefits            Rounds, a healthcare navigation resource for employees, and health service bundles        report significant growth attributed to MA;
                                           for customers)                                                                            it plans to add 700K MA lives in 2020
                                                                     Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                                               9
Expected shift in business model for providers requires
reimagining business from a strategy and operations
Leverage Short Term Consumer Engagement to Mitigate Market Share Losses Post-Emergency
           Guard revenue in the short term                                                            To grow in the long term

Identify opportunities for short-term access and market
                                                                             Captive patient base to restore elective procedures and
growth for digital health services including ensuring, as
                                                                             outpatient revenue streams
possible, that all covered services are being offered

Deploy consumer marketing and education for digital                          Consumers continue to engage with digital platforms,
health service offerings                                                     encouraging use of lower cost sites of care

Intake remotely and continuing managing volume of Tele-                      Grow market share as the incumbent building on brand and
visits and Phone interactions                                                expertise instead of as the new entrant

Shift resources and provide training to cover volume
                                                                             Develop new revenue streams like provider-provider
shifts to different types of digital health services during
                                                                             partnerships for telehealth and enter new markets
covid-19 and after

                                                    Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                     10
• Will their current digital strategy be relevant in the new normal?

What is the   • What will drive value in the new reality as they build a framework
                for understanding the return on investment and total impact on
implication     their customers?
for Payers?   • Do they have the capacity and infrastructure for digital care
                delivery to become the standard of care?
              • How will they adjust their provider contracts to effectively support
              • What measures will they put in place to measure and report on
                quality using telehealth?
              • How is the transition in volumes impacting PMPMs? And what
                does that mean to providers?

                       Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                 11
Question: Do you generally provide e-health benefits? Or do you
direct patients to narrow network / owned e-health panel?
                              Integrated Digital Solutions                                                        Member Impact/ROI
                                                                                                   •   Reduced ER & acute care
                      Single platform with diagnosis (EMR) & claims data with
     Wellness                                                                                      •   Chronic disease avoidance
                        predictive analytics generating real-time prompts for
     Services                                                                                      •   Member satisfaction
                         members to seek preventative & wellness services
                                                                                                   •   More time at work

                      Real-time provider directory presented through various                       • Reduce unnecessary utilization
     Accessing /
                     channels (text, app, website, IVR) with symptom checking                      • PMPM improvement based on appropriate site of care
     Finding Care                     embedded in the solution                                     • Rate of engagement

                     Centralized data sharing throughout healthcare systems to                     • Member satisfaction
                      ensure seamless transition of care and comprehensive                         • Greater outreach and care for vulnerable populations
                        digital care records with optimized feedback loops                         • Administrative costs for payer and provider

                                                                                                   •   Improved documentation of burden of illness
                     Telemedicine solution that is embedded within the existing
     Delivering                                                                                    •   Member satisfaction
                    payer/provider experience and ensures seamless, real-time
     Care                                                                                          •   Access to care
                            documentation, referrals and prescriptions
                                                                                                   •   Reduced ER care

                      Real-time provider payment before the patient leaves the                     • Member satisfaction
                    provider with single bill given to member between both payer                   • Billing accuracy
     for Care
                                               and provider                                        • Provider satisfaction

                                                 Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                                            12
It is a “Battlefield” Out There!
If the Digital Strategy “playing field” is currently flat…time is of the essence to beat your competition
to the next phase of Digital Health

While the duration of the public health crisis                                                                                               Play to Shape:
                                                                                           Play to Grow:
is uncertain, most believe the longer term                                      Focus on driving down total cost of care; create
                                                                                                                                    Leverage strong market position and sizable
                                                                                                                                       balance sheet to acquire growth while
                                                                                   new value proposition that supports the
outlook will be shaped by downturn in                                                    expansion into new markets
                                                                                                                                      redesigning operating model in multiple
economic performance

                                                               Market Growth
                                                                (Population )
Leading payers and providers will have
the opportunity to leverage their strong
balance sheets to shape their local
markets as smaller players struggle to invest                                            Play to Survive:                                    Play to Defend:
                                                                                 Make minimum investments with no strategic        Focus on new operating models, cost of service
given challenged cash flow through the public                                                   direction                               and defending existing market share

health crisis

                                                                                                                     Competitive Position
                                                                                                                       (Market Share)
                                                 Digital Health in the Post-COVID-19 New Reality                                                                                  13

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