ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35

Page created by Megan Beck
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
Arizona School Board Association Insurance Trust

       ASBAIT 2021–2022
       Open Enrollment Information

       Santa CruzValley USD #35
1 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                      ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35

                           Provider access in and out of Arizona

                           Wellness programs and services

                           Your medical plan options

2 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust              ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
Year-Round Plan Resources

                                                        Meritain Health® Customer Service
                                                         1.866.300.8449 or 1.602.789.1170

3 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                       ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
Meritain Health Member Portal
                                                        Our goal is to help you find the benefits information you need, quickly and easily

          Stay on top of your
          Your member portal is your all-in-one tool
          for managing your plan. When you visit the                    An overall tool for:                 Time-saving features            Registration Instructions
          portal, you’ll find:

                                                                       o Claims history.                   Thanks to our Quick Links, the    You can access your member
                                                                       o Explanations of Benefits          pages you need are often one      portal in two easy ways:
                                                                         (EOBs).                           click away. Plus, you can
                                                                                                           access the member portal by       Register for access from
                                                                       o Plan documents.                   computer, tablet or smart
                                                                       o Eligibility details.              phone.
                                                                                                                                             View your portal using our
                                                                       o Wellness resources.               Your member portal is
                                                                                                                                             Meritain Health mobile app for
                                                                       o ID cards (view, print or          when—and where—you need           Apple and Android.
                                                                         request new cards).               it.

4 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                              ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
What’s New

                                                                 ASBAIT 2021–2022

                                 What’s NEW with                     What’s NEW with                  New ways to
                                 your benefit plan?                  ASBAIT?                          communicate
                                 No plan changes this year for       Urgent care copays flat dollar   We’ve expanded our social reach
                                                                                                      through a YouTube channel and
                                 the medical plans.                  amount for non-HDHP plans.
                                                                                                      Instagram page.
                                                                     High-Deductible Health Plan
                                                                     deductibles are changing due
                                                                     to IRS regulations.

5 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                   ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
Early Detection is Life-Saving: SkinIO

     o Early detection of skin cancer means the difference between an easy
         fix and a catastrophic diagnosis.

     o ASBAIT members now have access to SkinIO for early detection
         and expert care:

     o Easy, intuitive self-screening technology by phone or mobile device

         ― Guided photo-taking
         ― Mole-mapping
         ― Remote dermatologist review
         ― Longitudinal change tracking
         ― Secure results
         ― Connection to care
     o Proactively address skin cancers among members
     o Help mitigate potential health care costs
     o Provide peace of mind

6 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                        ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
Hinge Health for Chronic
                                                        Pain Management

                                                        o App for sensor-guided exercise therapy for chronic pain – access on the go from anywhere!
                                                           o Back and knee (hip, shoulder and neck coming soon!)

                                                           o Screening to determine if members are candidates

                                                        o Interactive 1-on-1 member coaching

                                                        o Member outcomes include 60% fewer surgeries and 50% reduction in pain and depression

                                                        o Amazon Fire tablet preloaded with Hinge Health app and Bluetooth-enabled sensors

                                                           o Exercise guidance to all enrolled members

                                                        Learn more!

                                                        Visit or email to sign up for waitlist!

7 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                 ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
Follow us on
                 social media!
                 Find plan information, educational content and fun topics!



            Click arrow below to access our YouTube videos:

8 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                   ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
Doctors and Hospitals

                        Visit Aetna’s DocFind at:

                        After entering your search and location information, you’ll
                        be asked to select your plan. Under Broad Medical Networks,
                        choose: Aetna Choice POS II (Open Access)

                        Then, follow the prompts to find a doctor or facility in the
                        Banner | Aetna network.

9 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                  ASBAIT Confidential
ASBAIT 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Information - Santa Cruz Valley USD #35
National In-Network
                                                                           Aetna Choice® Point of Service (POS) II Network

                                                                               within and outside of Arizona includes:

                                                         664,000+                                                             5,700+

                                                         participating                                                       hospitals

                                                         physicians and
                                                         ancillary providers

                                                                                        No referrals needed,

                                                                                  you choose your care providers!

10 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                          ASBAIT Confidential
            Benefits Manager
                                                                             Contact information:
               Important Plan Information
                                                                             CVS Caremark: 1.866.475.7589
               o 90-day medications filled at any retail pharmacy            or visit

               o Diabetic supplies now available through retail pharmacies   CVS Specialty: 1.800.237.2767 or
               o Your specialty pharmacy vendor is CVS Specialty

11 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                          ASBAIT Confidential
ID Cards
                                                                                                        Remember to show your
                                                                                                       ID card to your pharmacy
                                                                                                       to be sure they have your
               New ID cards were sent in March 2020.                                                      pharmacy coverage

               You will NOT get new ID cards after open
               enrollment unless you make changes for

               If you need new ID cards, please call customer
                                                                Please refer to your ID cards for:
               service or visit                plan, provider network and billing information,
                                                                medical and prescription benefits customer service
                                                                numbers and more…

12 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                 ASBAIT Confidential
Your Wellness Journey

                                                                                                 If you are admitted into the hospital, accept Case Management.
                            Get your preventive annual physical and participate in onsite
                                                                                                 These nurses are there to help you find your way back to
                            biometric testing when offered at your school.

                           Join or start a wellness program at your school. Wellness             Save money on prescriptions and manage your condition. Ask for
                           campaigns are fun! Make new friends, start your journey to improved   generics. Accept lower cost medication therapy if offered to you. Rx
                           well being.                                                           Smart Savings, we do the work for you!

                            Have a chronic condition?                                            More access to care…
                           ‒    Accept help and join Nurse Health Coaching & Earn Incentives!    Teladoc®, SkinIO, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), on-
                           ‒    Expecting? Join Maternity Management & Earn Incentives!          site mammogram / flu shot clinics
                           ‒    Chronic pain? Try the Hinge Health program!

13 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                              ASBAIT Confidential
Working~Well Wellness Program

             Impact, improve and maintain your own good health with:

                         Well~Connected quarterly                    Healthy                               Wellness
                               newsletters.                          recipes.                             campaigns.

              Working~Well focuses on stress reduction, physical fitness, workplace and home safety, weight management, personal
              health and community involvement.

14 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                             ASBAIT Confidential
Nurse Health                                                                         To reach a Nurse Health Coach, please call

            Coaching Program
                                                                                                 1.855.527.2248, select option 1, followed by option
                                                                                                 2, and then option 5.

            A personal Nurse Health Coach can help you manage:

            o Asthma.                                    o Coronary Artery Disease (CAD).
            o Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary              o Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).
                Disease (COPD).                          o Diabetes.
            o Chronic pain (caused by arthritis o Hyperlipidemia.
                or lower back pain).                     o Hypertension.
            o Congestive Heart Failure (CHF).


            We can help you control your chronic condition while setting                    Earn money for joining!
            achievable steps and goals to assist you with living a healthy lifestyle.
                                                                                            If you join the Nurse Health Coaching program for help managing your
                                                                                            health, you will receive a $25 (per quarter) incentive for participating!

15 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                            ASBAIT Confidential
We’re Here for You
                                                         as Life Happens

                                                         Your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps people like yourself cope
                                                         with life’s challenges. Employees are eligible, as well as their families. This
                                                         service is available 24/7.
                                                         You can register your customized EAP account at
                                                         o Click login at top right
                                                         o Enter login email ASBAITmember and password AWP4me (case

                                                          Five FREE counseling sessions per incident, per year.
                                                          Call: 1.800.343.3822 to speak with an intake counselor

                                                         Teen Line 1.800.334.TEEN (8336)
                                                         Safe Ride Program 1.800.343.3822
16 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                             ASBAIT Confidential
Medical Management

                 Before you get care, check precertification (Medical Management)
                 requirements for things such as:

                 All Inpatient Admissions: Acute                      High-Cost Drugs:
                 Outpatient and Physician: Surgery                    o Injectables that cost $2,000 or
                 Outpatient and Physician Diagnostic Services:          more per drug per month

                 o CT/MRI for non-orthopedic                          o Infusion therapy that costs $2,000
                                                                        or more per drug per month
                 o PET scans

                 o Genetic testing, including BRCA

                 o Sleep study

                 Outpatient and Physician Continuing Care Services:

                                                                                                              Questions about ASBAIT medical
                 o Chemotherapy (including oral)
                                                                        Jake Allison                            management? You can contact a
                 o Radiation therapy
                                                                                                                medical management nurse at
                 o Oncology and transplant-related injections
                                                                                                             1.855.5ASBAIT or 1.855.527.2248
                 o Dialysis

17 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                            ASBAIT Confidential
The                    Teladoc®                               Solution and Benefits
              A Teladoc doctor is just a call or click away!
                                                                                                           Contact Information:
              o Teladoc gives you access to care 24 hours, 7 days a week

              o U.S. board-certified doctors                                                     
              o Your dependents are eligible for Teladoc too (even if they are not                         1.800.TELADOC (835.2362)
                  enrolled in your ASBAIT health plan!)

                             1                            2                    3                       4                     5                    6

                         Talk to a doctor                Receive quality     Prompt treatment     A network of doctors   Prescriptions sent      Teladoc is less
                        anytime, anywhere                care via phone,    median call back in   that can treat every    to pharmacy of       expensive than the
                        you happen to be.                video or mobile       ten minutes.          member of the       choice if medically   ER or urgent care.
                                                              app.                                       family.            necessary.

18 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                              ASBAIT Confidential
Get Ready
                                 to Enroll

19 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust   ASBAIT Confidential
Benefits Terminology
                                                         Before you get started, it’s important to understand these key phrases:

                                     Your DEDUCTIBLE           After you meet your               Your            The amount you pay         PARTICIPATING
                                      is the amount you        deductible, your plan     OUT-OF-POCKET                 at the time of         PROVIDERS
                                     pay before your plan      will share the cost of     MAXIMUM is the               service—like       include those in the
                                      shares the cost of       services—up to your       total amount you’ll         doctor’s visits or   Aetna Choice® POS
                                        services. Note:             out-of-pocket       pay before the plan      filling prescriptions—      II network. Any
                                      preventive care is             maximum.           begins covering the        is called a COPAY.      doctors or facilities
                                      not subject to your           This is called      full cost of services.                                outside of this
                                          deductible.           COINSURANCE.                                                               network are NON-

20 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                             ASBAIT Confidential
Picking Your Medical Plan—Option 1
            Classic Gold ~ At-a-Glance
            Does not include Health Savings Account (HSA)
                                                                                                                                                                  Your prescription drug benefits are
                      CLASSIC GOLD                            CLASSIC GOLD                      Prescription drug copays                                          administered by Meritain Health
                   Participating Providers               Non-Participating Providers
                                                                                                                             30-day         90-day mail           Pharmacy Solutions and your
                   Calendar-year deductible                 Calendar-year deductible                                          retail          order**             Pharmacy Benefit Manager is
                                                                                                       Mandatory generic       $15              $30               CVS Caremark. ***
                 Individual             $300             Individual            $1,200
                                                                                                               Preferred      20%               20%
                    Family              $900                Family             $3,600            brand-name* (no generic    ($25min;          ($50 min;
                                                                Coinsurance after                              available)   $80 max)         $175 max)
                        Coinsurance after
                       deductible or copays                    deductible or copays
                                                                                                          Non-preferred        40%              40%
                                                                         50%                     brand-name* (no generic     ($40 min;        ($80 min;
                                 15%                                                                           available)   $110 max)        $225 max)
                        Calendar- year                           Calendar- year
                                                                out-of-pocket max                          Specialty drug      20%
                       out-of-pocket max                                                                  (CVS Specialty    ($100 min;          N/A
                                                         Individual           No Limit                       Pharmacy)      $150 max)
                 Individual           $4,000
                    Family            $8,000                Family            No Limit          *Please note: If you purchase a brand-name drug while a generic is available, you will be charged the brand-
                                                                      Office visits             name copay PLUS the cost difference between the generic and the brand-name drug.
                              Office visits

                                                          Primary                50%            90-Day Supply – Maintenance Medications
                  Primary           $25 copay;               care
                     care            no deductible                          after deductible
                                                                                                This Plan will allow maintenance medications to be filled at any retail pharmacy and mail order in 90 day
                                                                                                quantities, Covered Persons benefit from paying only 2 Copays for a 3 month (90-day) supply.
                                    $35 copay;           Specialist              50%
                Specialist                                                  after deductible
                                     no deductible

                                      Copays in             Other        50% after deductible   ***Specialty drugs are administered through CVS Specialty Pharmacy.
                    Other           26 categories:         copays         with some copays
                   copays        deductible waived for
                                     24 of those

21 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                                                           ASBAIT Confidential
Picking Your Medical Plan—Option 2
            Classic Silver ~ At-a-Glance
            Does not include Health Savings Account (HSA)
                                                                                                                                                                  Your prescription drug benefits are
                     CLASSIC SILVER                          CLASSIC SILVER                     Prescription drug copays                                          administered by Meritain Health
                   Participating Providers               Non-Participating Providers
                                                                                                                             30-day         90-day mail           Pharmacy Solutions and your
                   Calendar-year deductible                 Calendar-year deductible                                          retail          order**             Pharmacy Benefit Manager is
                                                                                                       Mandatory generic       $15              $30               CVS Caremark. ***
                 Individual             $500             Individual            $1,400
                                                                                                               Preferred      20%               20%
                    Family             $1,100               Family             $4,200            brand-name* (no generic    ($25min;          ($50 min;
                                                                Coinsurance after                              available)   $80 max)         $175 max)
                        Coinsurance after
                       deductible or copays                    deductible or copays
                                                                                                          Non-preferred        40%              40%
                                                                         50%                     brand-name* (no generic     ($40 min;        ($80 min;
                                 20%                                                                           available)   $110 max)        $225 max)
                        Calendar- year                           Calendar- year
                                                                out-of-pocket max                          Specialty drug      20%
                       out-of-pocket max                                                                  (CVS Specialty    ($100 min;          N/A
                                                         Individual           No Limit                       Pharmacy)      $150 max)
                 Individual           $4,500
                    Family            $9,000                Family            No Limit          *Please note: If you purchase a brand-name drug while a generic is available, you will be charged the brand-
                                                                      Office visits             name copay PLUS the cost difference between the generic and the brand-name drug.
                              Office visits

                                                          Primary                50%            90-Day Supply – Maintenance Medications
                  Primary           $30 copay;               care
                     care            no deductible                          after deductible
                                                                                                This Plan will allow maintenance medications to be filled at any retail pharmacy and mail order in 90 day
                                                                                                quantities, Covered Persons benefit from paying only 2 Copays for a 3 month (90-day) supply.
                                    $40 copay;           Specialist              50%
                Specialist                                                  after deductible
                                     no deductible

                                      Copays in             Other        50% after deductible   ***Specialty drugs are administered through CVS Specialty Pharmacy.
                    Other           26 categories:         copays         with some copays
                   copays        deductible waived for
                                     24 of those

22 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                                                           ASBAIT Confidential
Picking Your Medical Plan—Option 3
            HDHP A ~ At-a-Glance
            Includes Health Savings Account (HSA)
                                                                                                                                                                  Your prescription drug benefits are
                            HDHP A                                 HDHP A                                                                                         administered by Meritain Health
                                                                                               Prescription drug copays
                    Participating Providers               Non-Participating Providers
                                                                                                                                                                  Pharmacy Solutions and your
                    Calendar-year deductible                Calendar-year deductible                                            30-day           90-day mail      Pharmacy Benefit Manager is
                                                                                                                                 retail            order**        CVS Caremark. ****
                 Individual            $1,500            Individual             $2,000
                                                                                                              HDHP plans        20%                20%
                    Family            $3,000***             Family            $5,000***                                     after deductible   after deductible

                         Coinsurance after                      Coinsurance after
                        deductible or copays                   deductible or copays            *Please note: If you purchase a brand-name drug while a generic is available, you will be charged the brand-
                                                                                               name copay PLUS the cost difference between the generic and the brand-name drug.
                                 20%                                     20%
                                                                 Calendar- year                This Plan will allow maintenance medications to be filled at any retail pharmacy and mail order in 90 day
                         Calendar- year
                                                                out-of-pocket max              quantities. Covered Persons are responsible for 20% after the deductible has been met.
                        out-of-pocket max

                 Individual            $5,500            Individual           $18,000          ***If you have Family coverage, The Family Deductible must be satisfied before the Plan will pay any benefits.

                    Family            $11,000               Family            $28,000          ****Specialty drugs are administered through CVS Specialty Pharmacy.

                              Office visits                           Office visits

                   Primary               80%              Primary                50%
                      care          after deductible         care           after deductible

                                         80%             Specialist              50%
                                    after deductible                        after deductible

23 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                                                          ASBAIT Confidential
Why Choose an HDHP
                  with HSA Plan?
             HSAs are an easy way to win in today’s complex
             health care system

             Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) empower health savings
                                                                             Visit to
             As an HSA user, you save in several ways:                       learn more about the HSA option.
             o Lower monthly health insurance premiums                       Video: Health savings account
                                                                             (HSA) | HealthEquity
             o HSA contributions are not taxed

             o You earn tax-free interest on HSA balances
                                                                             You own the account and all contributions—
             o HSA funds used for qualified medical expenses are not taxed
                                                                             the entire balance rolls over each year and
                                                                             remains yours even if you change health plans,
                                                                             retire or leave the ASBAIT program.

24 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                        ASBAIT Confidential
Maximum Annual
              Contribution Limits
              on HSAs

                                                           HSA 55+

               Single              $3,600                 $1,000

               Family              $7,200                 $1,000

          The entire balance for your HSA rolls over each year.
          Remember, you own the account and all
          contributions forever.

25 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                  ASBAIT Confidential
Using Your HSA
         HSA funds can be used for qualified medical expenses:
                                                                                              How it works…
          o   Acupuncture                                o   Medical supplies
          o   Birth control                              o   Physical exams
          o   Chiropractor                               o   Prescriptions
                                                                                      At the doctor’s office
          o   Contact lenses                             o   Orthodontia
          o   Dental treatment                           o   Radiology                1. Receive services
          o   Prescription eyeglasses                    o   Stop-smoking programs    2. Provider bills Meritain Health
          o   Fertility enhancement                      o   Surgery (non-cosmetic)   3. Meritain Health sends EOB
          o   Hearing aids                               o   Therapy                  4. Provider sends invoice
          o   Lab work                                   o   And more!
                                                                                      5. Pay invoice with HSA
         For a complete list, visit:
                                                                                      At the pharmacy
                                                                                      1. Obtain prescription
                                                                                      2. Pharmacy verifies coverage
                Easily access                                                         3. Pay for your prescription
                your HSA funds                                                        Over-the-Counter (OTC) medication

                with a debit card                                                     The IRS does not allow HSA funds to be
                                                                                      used for OTC medicines without a

26 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                    ASBAIT Confidential
Participating Provider Medical Plan Comparison
            Aetna Choice POS II─ Tier 1 Benefits Listed below

                       CLASSIC GOLD                               CLASSIC SILVER                                HDHP A
                    Participating Providers                     Participating Providers                 Participating Providers

                   Calendar-year deductible                     Calendar-year deductible               Calendar-year deductible

                 Individual             $300                Individual              $500             Individual            $1,500
                    Family              $900                     Family            $1,100               Family            $3,000***
                        Coinsurance after                           Coinsurance after                       Coinsurance after
                       deductible or copays                        deductible or copays                    deductible or copays

                                 15%                                         20%                                     20%
                         Calendar- year                              Calendar- year                          Calendar- year
                        out-of-pocket max                           out-of-pocket max                       out-of-pocket max

                 Individual           $4,000                Individual            $4,500             Individual            $5,500
                    Family            $8,000                     Family           $9,000                Family            $11,000
                              Office visits                               Office visits                           Office visits

                   Primary          $25 copay;                  Primary         $30 copay;             Primary               80%
                      care           no deductible                 care          no deductible            care          after deductible

                 Specialist         $35 copay;              Specialist          $40 copay;           Specialist
                                     no deductible                               no deductible                          after deductible

                                      Copays in                                   Copays in
                    Other           26 categories:               Other          26 categories:
                   copays        deductible waived for          copays       deductible waived for
                                     24 of those                                 24 of those

27 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                     ASBAIT Confidential
Covering Your

          Your eligible dependents may include:

          o Your spouse or domestic partner (varies by plan).
          o Your children, natural or adopted.
          o Your stepchildren.

          Dependent coverage is available for any child (regardless of marital
          status, residency, student status, etc.) of an employee who is deemed to
          be the employee’s biological, step, foster or adopted child (including a
          child placed for adoption) until such child reaches age 26.

28 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                               ASBAIT Confidential
Open Enrollment and
                  Qualifying Events

             If you enroll or decline coverage now, you may be able to add, delete or

             change your benefit choices within 30 days of the qualifying event:

                   During your employer’s next open enrollment period

                   If you have a qualifying event:
                    o Involuntary loss of                o Birth      o Placement of
                      benefits                           o Adoption     a child in your home
                                                                        for adoption
                    o Marriage

29 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                         ASBAIT Confidential
When You’re
             Ready to Enroll                                                                               6
                                                                                                                        Is there a change in your life insurance beneficiary?

                                                                                                        Double check every paper form.

                                                                                          Make sure you choose the benefits that fit your needs.

                                                                            Estimate annual health care expenses for you and your dependents.

                                                              Consider your personal health and that of your family members.

                                                Gather all information for you and any dependents you wish to enroll.

30 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                                          ASBAIT Confidential
Important Plan Contacts
                                                         Important plan contacts

   What do you need help with?                           Who to contact                     How to contact

                                                                                            Call: 1.866.300.8449 or
   My ASBAIT benefits                                    Meritain Health Customer Service   1.602.789.1170

                                                                                            Call: 1.866.475.7589
   My prescription drug benefits                         CVS Caremark

                                                                                            Call: 1.855.5ASBAIT or
   Precertification                                      ASBAIT Medical Management

   Employee Assistance Program (EAP)                                                        Call: 1.800.343.3822
                                                         Alliance Work Partners (AWP)

   Working–Well Wellness Program                         Edwards Risk Management            Call: 1.800.575.2657

   Nurse Health Coaching                                 Meritain Health                    Call: 1.855.527.2248

                                                                                            Call: 1.877.694.3948
   Health Savings Account (HSA) Information              Health Equity

                                                                                            Call: 1.800.237.2767
   Specialty Pharmacy                                    CVS Specialty Pharmacy

   Skin health questions                                 SkinIO
                                                                                            Call: 1.847.331.2238

   Therapy for chronic pain                              HINGE Health                       Email:
                                                                                            Call: 1.855.902.2777

31 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                          ASBAIT Confidential
Thank You!

                                                         PROPRIETARY NOTICE
                                                         IMPORTANT CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - PLEASE READ! This Confidential Information, provided by Meritain Health, is
                                                         intended only for the use of the addressee and only for the purpose that it is being provided. The Confidential information
                                                         shall not be distributed, disclosed or conveyed to any consultant, subcontractor, vendor or other third party. The addressee
                                                         is required to use appropriate safeguards to protect the Confidential information from unauthorized disclosure. If you are
                                                         not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on
                                                         the contents of these documents is strictly prohibited. If you have received these documents in error, please notify the
                                                         Meritain Health Privacy Officer immediately to arrange for their return at 800.831.1166.

32 | Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust                                                                                                              ASBAIT Confidential
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